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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1140)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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PC PONTOON is a memory-resident blackjack type game with a few twists
on the old classic.

The game is based on the original classic pontoon or blackjack,
whichever you want to call it.  From Ireland, it diverges from American
casino blackjack in several significant ways.  Like conventional casino
blackjack, the object of the game is to get 21 or less, but PC PONTOON
is for one player only.  Some other rules of the game: if you and the
computer get the same value, then the computer wins that game; Pontoon
(blackjack, a natural) beats any other hands; a five-card trick beats
all other hands except for Pontoon; and if both players go over 21
(bust) then both bets are returned.

PRINCE lets you rule your very own kingdom.  Make decisions on how to
rule it and face the consequences.

You have just inherited a small domain somewhere in the boundless tracks
of central Asia.  Each year you meet with your royal council and decide
how many acres of land to cultivate, how much grain to reserve in the
storehouses, and how much additional grain to buy or sell.  Gold
acquired from trade is needed to maintain your loyal troops, which can
be used to defend your territory or to conquer new territory to
accomodate an expanding populace.  You can also send scouting parties to
get information about the strength and potential threat of your
surrounding neighbors.  Above all, the main objective during your term
is to build an irrigation system to guard against drought and make your
crops more productive.

When making your decisions you must be careful not to tax your citizens
too highly, since they might starve or grow rebellious.  On the other
hand, if you tax them too low, there may not be enough grain for
planting crops next year.  At the end of the year, your officers report
to you a summary of the year's important events, such as harvest yields,
balance in the treasury, population count, effects of drought or plague,
territory captured, and information on the developments of any invasions
from surrounding territories.  The kingdom is in your hands.  If you do
well you will be honored, but if you do poorly you can always abdicate.

BALL CATCHER is a game where the object is to catch balls with a basket.
A basket is moved below columns using the number keys one to eight.
Balls move down columns called tubes slowly at first, but increasingly
more rapidly.  Every ball caught by the basket scores a point, and
missing a ball registers a fault.  A round ends when eight faults are
accumulated, or the time allowed in seconds has elapsed.  Points are
determined by completed rounds versus the number of faults.

You have just inherited a small domain somewhere in the boundless tracks
of central Asia.  Each year you meet with your royal council and decide
how many acres of land to cultivate, how much grain to reserve in the
storehouses, and how much additional grain to buy or sell.  Gold
acquired from trade is needed to maintain your loyal troops, which can
be used to defend your territory or to conquer new territory to
accomodate an expanding populace.  You can also send scouting parties to
get information about the strength and potential threat of your
surrounding neighbors.  Above all, the main objective during your term
is to build an irrigation system to guard against drought and make your
crops more productive.

When making your decisions you must be careful not to tax your citizens
too highly, since they might starve or grow rebellious.  On the other
hand, if you tax them too low, there may not be enough grain for
planting crops next year.  At the end of the year, your officers report
to you a summary of the year's important events, such as harvest yields,
balance in the treasury, population count, effects of drought or plague,
territory captured, and information on the developments of any invasions
from surrounding territories.  The kingdom is in your hands.  If you do
well you will be honored, but if you do poorly you can always abdicate.


Disk No: 1140                                                           
Disk Title: International Game Collection                               
PC-SIG Version: S1.3                                                    
Program Title: International Game Collection                            
Author Version: V2.10                                                   
Author Registration: $10.00 to $15.00.                                  
Special Requirements: None.                                             
PC PONTOON is a memory-resident blackjack type game with a few twists   
on the old classic.                                                     
The game is based on the original classic pontoon or blackjack,         
whichever you want to call it.  From Ireland, it diverges from American 
casino blackjack in several significant ways.  Like conventional casino 
blackjack, the object of the game is to get 21 or less, but PC PONTOON  
is for one player only.  Some other rules of the game: if you and the   
computer get the same value, then the computer wins that game; Pontoon  
(blackjack, a natural) beats any other hands; a five-card trick beats   
all other hands except for Pontoon; and if both players go over 21      
(bust) then both bets are returned.                                     
PRINCE lets you rule your very own kingdom.  Make decisions on how to   
rule it and face the consequences.                                      
You have just inherited a small domain somewhere in the boundless tracks
of central Asia.  Each year you meet with your royal council and decide 
how many acres of land to cultivate, how much grain to reserve in the   
storehouses, and how much additional grain to buy or sell.  Gold        
acquired from trade is needed to maintain your loyal troops, which can  
be used to defend your territory or to conquer new territory to         
accomodate an expanding populace.  You can also send scouting parties to
get information about the strength and potential threat of your         
surrounding neighbors.  Above all, the main objective during your term  
is to build an irrigation system to guard against drought and make your 
crops more productive.                                                  
When making your decisions you must be careful not to tax your citizens 
too high, since they might starve or grow rebellious.  On the other     
hand, if you tax them too low, there may not be enough grain for        
planting crops next year.  At the end of the year, your officers report 
to you a summary of the year's important events, such as harvest yields,
balance in the treasury, population count, effects of drought or plague,
territory captured, and information on the developments of any invasions
from surrounding territories.  The kingdom is in your hands.  If you do 
well you will be honored, but if you do poorly you can always abdicate. 
BALL CATCHER is a game where the object is to catch balls with a basket.
A basket is moved below columns using the number keys one to eight.     
Balls move down columns called tubes slowly at first, but increasingly  
more rapidly.  Every ball caught by the basket scores a point, and      
missing a ball registers a fault.  A round ends when eight faults are   
accumulated, or the time allowed in seconds has elapsed.  Points are    
determined by completed rounds versus the number of faults.             
Program Title: Prince                                                   
Author Version: 2.22                                                    
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
You have just inherited a small domain somewhere in the boundless tracks
of central Asia.  Each year you meet with your royal council and decide 
how many acres of land to cultivate, how much grain to reserve in the   
storehouses, and how much additional grain to buy or sell.  Gold        
acquired from trade is needed to maintain your loyal troops, which can  
be used to defend your territory or to conquer new territory to         
accomodate an expanding populace.  You can also send scouting parties to
get information about the strength and potential threat of your         
surrounding neighbors.  Above all, the main objective during your term  
is to build an irrigation system to guard against drought and make your 
crops more productive.                                                  
When making your decisions you must be careful not to tax your citizens 
too high, since they might starve or grow rebellious.  On the other     
hand, if you tax them too low, there may not be enough grain for        
planting crops next year.  At the end of the year, your officers report 
to you a summary of the year's important events, such as harvest yields,
balance in the treasury, population count, effects of drought or plague,
territory captured, and information on the developments of any invasions
from surrounding territories.  The kingdom is in your hands.  If you do 
well you will be honored, but if you do poorly you can always abdicate. 
PRINCE   DOC  Documentation.                                            
PRINCE   HLP  Help file.                                                
PRINCE   COM  Main program.                                             
README   TXT  File descriptions.                                        
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║          <<<<  Disk No 1140 International Game Collection  >>>>         ║
║ To start PRINCE, type PRINCE (press enter)                              ║
║                                                                         ║
║ For documentation on PRINCE, type COPY PRINCE.DOC PRN (press enter)     ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start PC PONTOON, type PONTOON (press enter)                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start BALL CATCHER, type BALL (press enter)                          ║


                         MEDIA METHODS SOFTWARE
                              Now Available


    Registered version ($15.00) contains;

         "Prince," without commercials. 

         "Automata" - Explore cellular automata; Lotus-style interface.

         "Life" - A very fast version of John Horton Conway's famous 
              game, in both text and CGA graphics versions.

         "NewMusic" - Use a rational notation to write a melody, then 
              hear it played by the program.

    PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT (For Turbo Pascal)

    Shareware version contains:
         Make program
         Librarian program
         Source code for the Basic Library
         Demos for
              Formatted data-entry screens

    Registered version ($20.00) contains:
         Make program
         Source code for Librarian
         Source code for Complete Library, including
              Windows module 
              Formatted data-entry screen module

    THe Toolkit consists of a versatile library of general-purpose 
    subprograms, plus facilities for handling these conveniently in 
    your program-development cycle. 

    Other Turbo libraries are available (expensively!), but it seems 
    that they want to give you all sorts of flash and be everything 
    for every possible situation, with little regard for program 
    size. The Toolkit follows the renowned 80-20 principle: deliver 
    80 percent of the functionality with 20 percent of the code. 

    The Basic Library contains routines to do most of the low-level, 
    repetitive stuff that you'd rather not re-invent each time (disk 
    I/O, screen-writes, type-checked input, etc.). They're all pretty 
    straightforward, well-tested, and most of them could be readily 
    duplicated by anyone with a DOS Technical Reference Manual, IF 
    they wanted to take the trouble. 

    The Complete Library contains modules for handling windows 
    (with the same compact, no-frills approach), and modules for 
    creating formatted data-entry screens, just like the one in Media 
    Methods' simulation game "Prince." The screen itself can be built 
    in a very intuitive way with any text editor -- the source text 
    looks very much like the end product -- and can be compiled into 
    the program, or kept as a separate file read at run-time. 

    For those using Turbo Pascal V 3.0 or earlier, there is a system 
    for managing these source-code routines. The MAKE program reads 
    your source code, consults a dependency list, and emits a list of 
    library-routine references in the correct order. 

    LIBRARIAN then extracts from the library file the routines refer-
    enced in the make-list, then puts the routines together in a 
    single source-file that you can include in your program. You are 
    free to add routines to the library, and add to or modify the 
    dependency list.


I have just decided to try out this American idea to give away this game for
FREE,only to accept donations from satisfied users. Well I hope this pays off
because I have a lot more ideas that I would like to give to you only if this
"Guinea Pig " game gathers some donations from the public.

Programmers Note : The turbo pascal souce code is avaiable for £14.95.

PC Pontoon is a memory resident game of pontoon for the IBM PC and compatibles.
The game is based on the original clasic PONTOON or BLACK JACK which ever you
want to call it.

PC Pontoon can run in the background with all the applications that I have
tried so far. This means that if your in a word processor, Spreadsheet, or
database then when the boss leaves you can pop up the game and have a good
time and when he or she returns you can return to the application that you
called PC Pontoon from.

To activate PC Pontoon press ALT-F1.
When playing PC Pontoon and you decide to  exit press F1.
To return to  PC Pontoon  press ALT-F1. To continue old game press 'Y'
and to start a new game press 'N'.

The object of the game is to get 21 or less . PC Pontoon is for one player

Some rules about the game.

1. If the user and the computer get the same value then the computer wins
   that game.

2. Pontoon beats any other hands.

3. A five card trick beats all other hands except for pontoon.

4. If both players go over 21 ( bust ) then they get there money back
   which they bet.

5. You must send me a donation.

PC Pontoon can be set up with your regular bet, and the range in which you are
allowed to bet from. The ammount of money that will be allocated can be set at
the start of each game. The display can be set up for your particular monitor
and the sound can be set in case your having a sneaky game of PC Pontoon.

Well have fun folks .

Signed  Geoff.

P.S. Please Don't forget to donate because we are all in poverty over in
     IRELAND. ( The next famine is on its way and my thatched roof needs
     replaced. )

****  Note ****

Their is a cheat mode in PC Pontoon, but can you find it?

* Goodluck *



    You have just inherited the reign of a small domain somewhere in the 
    boundless tracts of Central Asia. This immense landmass rolls on end-
    lessly from horizon to horizon, shaped, though not bound, by the scat-
    tered ramparts of its treacherous mountain ranges. The steppes are a 
    vast sea of tough grass and gravel. It's an arid, windswept part of the 
    world, a fit setting for some of the most desolate deserts on the planet 
    -- they range from the Dasht-E-Kavir and the Kara-Kum in eastern Persia, 
    to the Gobi Desert on the northern flank of the Chin Empire. In between 
    those, the dreaded Takla Makan: its hellish dunes, shrouded in perpetual 
    yellow dust, was the final vision of many a luckless caravan-driver 
    along the old Silk Road; the very name Takla Makan means "you go in, you 
    don't come out." 

    For centuries now, Central Asian peoples have wandered back and forth 
    over these enormous distances, sometimes on foot, sometimes on hardy 
    Mongol ponies. They drive their herds before them, and often drive their 
    neighbors out of homelands that were themselves stolen from even earlier 
    settlers. Now and then, some of the more fortunate among these bands 
    find a spot that they can keep for a few generations, and perhaps get a 
    taste of prosperity from farming or, if they settle near enough to the 
    great Silk Road, take part in some of the trade that flows back and 
    forth between that decaying empire to the West and the mysterious one 
    behind the Great Wall. 

    And flow it does, a river of wealth and goods: there is fine leather 
    from Samarkand, beryl and rock-wool from Balkh, jade from Khotan, Hami 
    melons and Kashgar blades; there are horses from Ferghana and the 
    Vokhan valley, much prized by the Tang emperors -- the "heavenly horses" 
    that sweat blood and are said to be descended from Alexander's steed 
    Bucephalus; there are spices from Delhi and Kashmir; furs and Muscovy 
    glass from the frozen lands of the Samoyeds; and, of course, there is
    silk, and more silk, in every weave, texture and color. 

    Away from the trade routes, though, the concerns are much more basic. 
    For a band on the move, the unvaried diet of mutton and mare's milk can 
    only be supplemented by charity or warfare. Even for a group that 
    chooses to follow the sedentary ways of their farming neighbors, there 
    remains the challenge of building and running the irrigation systems 
    that are so vital in this thirsty land. These are the economic realities 
    that face your people. 

    All the while, there are the wars, the migrations, the displacements and 
    conquests, the shifting alliances and the constant movement -- a massive 
    human tide washing to and fro across a vast continent. At the moment, it 
    is a noisy background above which no single voice is strong enough to be 
    heard. Where Alexander with his armies once prevailed, there are only 
    songs and stories; and here the Mongol juggernaut has yet to roll, for 
    those who will be known as Genghis Khan's ancestors are as yet but 
    upstart Kitai clansmen raiding each other's herds in the forests of Man-

    For you, the young new ruler of your people, the vision of a better 
    future consists of mustering the strength and wisdom to balance a hard 


    struggle winning the blessings of civilization, against a hard fight 
    keeping rapacious neighbors at bay. 

    That future is yours to build, but foundations have been laid by your 
    father and his father before him. Your grandfather was a tough and canny 
    Turk who rose to rank in a minor clan of the Kirghiz tribe. He came 
    first into this region years ago with a troop of war-weary cavalry and 
    their camp-followers, hoping to find some respite from the rampaging 
    Hsiung-Nu. In this they were successful, and in time your grandfather 
    established a settled community whose people began to learn the ways of 
    farming. He formed strong alliances with several of the neighboring 
    khagans, who themselves were relative newcomers: in the time of their 
    fathers, their people had been forced to migrate from Sogdiana, a civil-
    ized provice near the Aral Sea, lately come under Persian rule. 

    Always the instinctive politician, your grandfather soon cemented the 
    alliance: he took the daughter of the strongest local leader as his head 
    wife. As the years and his abilities unfolded, he eventually united the 
    surrounding khaganates under his own rule. He consolidated a small but 
    disciplined standing army, established a council of ministers to help 
    govern smoothly. He also made plans to build a permanent irrigation 
    system to make farming more reliable, so that it could continue as the 
    source of prosperity that it was proving to be. 

    However, he was never to bring this about. One summer morning, with 
    a brigade of eager horsemen behind him and a twinkle in his eye, he rode 
    away, bound for Kashgar. He'd often spoken of it: the City of the Stone 
    Tower, junction of the two Silk Roads and sentinel of the Paimir Mount-
    ains. Your people mourned him for seven years before your father accept-
    ed the yak-tail banner -- even now, when the rumbles of autumn thunder 
    gallop across the steppe and make even the steeliest warrior tense with 
    dread, the old folks whisper that it's the Ghost Cavalry, finally re-
    turning from Kashgar.

    Where your grandfather brought your people the stability of farming, 
    your father understood the power of gold. While he was a boy, his 
    Persian mother entranced him with stories of her homeland, like that 
    other princess, Scheherezade. These were tales replete with the riches 
    of Samarkand and Tashkent, the splendors of Bukhara, the dangers of the 
    deserts and chill beauty of the mountains; there were the wily traders, 
    the noisy bazaars, the caravans of shaggy Bactrian camels that brought 
    merchants their riches and customers their exotic goods and news of 
    exotic places. And at the heart of these tales your father saw the pecu-
    liar magic wrought by that peculiar breed, the trader: simply buy low 
    here and sell high there, and a certain amount of that magical yellow 
    metal is yours to spend or keep. With enough of it, a man needs neither 
    land, nor herd, nor prayers against drought and storm. 

    Though he was bred to be a warrior and not a trader, still your father 
    brought some of that merchant magic to your people during his rule, and 
    in time there was many a shrewd trader among them; they grew adept at 
    buying and selling, and finding people with whom to buy and sell. In 
    this harsh locale, demand is low for luxuries, compared to that for 
    grain; grain and gold are what changes hands, and this provides a way to 
    allay the uncertainties of drought and famine. A more lasting way, of 


    course, is to build permanent irrigation works, and such a plan your 
    father often spoke of grandly; but when he died, he had never put down 
    bow and sword for long enough to make the idea real.

    It falls to you, then, as you assume your rule, to realize all these 
    ways of making your domain grow strong and prosper; effort and resources 
    must be diligently applied, and in the proper balance. Each year you 
    will meet with your Royal Council and decide how many acres of land must 
    be cultivated, and how much grain to reserve in your storehouses. If 
    your taxation is too high, your people may go hungry, some even starve 
    or grow rebellious; if it's too low, there may not be enough next year 
    for sufficient planting, or to feed the people while the crops are 

    As a wise and just ruler, you must make sure that there is enough grain 
    left to provide each person with ten bushels; more, if possible, for a 
    better-fed populace grows more quickly and becomes healthier, too, 
    better able to survive the unpredictable ravages of disease. Above all, 
    you must build up the irrigation system, for not only is it the surest 
    guard against drought, it enhances the gifts of the earth and makes the 
    crops bigger. 

    In council, you will also decide whether you must buy additional grain 
    through your traders in order to meet your people's needs, or whether 
    there is enough surplus to sell, for the wealth of gold is just as vital 
    as the wealth of the land. And it is gold that allows you to maintain 
    your loyal troops, who have been so effective at turning away would-be 
    conquerers, and when the occasion demands, at conquering new territory 
    to accommodate an expanding populace. 

    It is also in council that you must decide whether to send expeditions 
    of conquest against your neighbors, or whether to send scouting parties 
    to gather intelligence about their strength and potential threat. All of 
    the information brought back is carefully kept by your scribes, so that 
    you may refer to it while making your decisions. During the year, your 
    country may be invaded at any time, so you must be careful to keep a 
    portion of your troops at home for an adequate defense. Any time there 
    is an invasion, your officers will keep you informed of developments. 

    At the end of the year, your ministers will report to you with a summary 
    of the year's important events, such as harvest yields, balance in the 
    treasury, population count, effects of drought or plague, territory 
    captured, and so forth. The future of your people is in your hands, and 
    you have all that you need to rule wisely -- may you do so and prosper! 


    II. PLAY 

    Note: most of the information detailed in this documentation is sum-
    marized in the Help facility, which is available online during the 
    game. See section on using Help below.


    From DOS, type PRINCE to start the game. The program will ask if you 
    want to start a new game; if not, it will ask the file name of the 
    previously-saved game that you wish to resume.  Then it asks you to 
    select a skill level ranging from 1 to 5. 

    This value sets the difficulty of play, from easiest to hardest. It 
    affects the armed strength and aggressiveness of your hostile neighbors; 
    no other aspect of play (farming, trading, etc.) is affected. There are 
    optional command-line parameters, however, that make other aspects of 
    play easier:

    'H' - Current Health factor included in Year-End summary. Appears as a 
         percentage. This factor largely determines the fertility and mort-
         ality rates of your population. It also affects susceptibility to 
         plague, as well as emigration and immigration. 

    'S' - Scouting parties return with exact information. 

    'N' - Printout of state of all neighbors at every turn.

                                 PLAY PROCEDURE

    You win by:
      Accumulating 100,000 talents of gold.
      Conquering all 15 neighboring domains in the region.
    You lose by:
      Conceding with the "Q" command.
      Managing to lose all your land, or people, or wealth (grain & gold).

    Each year, in your Royal Council (Main Screen), you decide:  
      How many acres to plant -- enter value in PLANT CROPS field
      How many acres to irrigate -- BUILD CANALS field
        Irrigation improves crop yield and
        protects against drought
      How many bushels to store for next year -- STORE GRAIN field
      How many bushels to sell or buy -- TRADE GRAIN field
        Positive value means buy (at PRICE/BU. shown)
        Negative value means sell (at PRICE/BU. shown)
      How many troops to recruit for next year -- RECRUIT field
        This number will not be added to the SOLDIERS field
        until the following year
      How many troops to send out either to scout or attack -- 
        MOBILIZE field

    See MAIN SCREEN section below for Cursor Movement and Editing. Press 
    RETURN after each time you enter a value, to calculate the results of 


    these decisions (shown in the fields below the bar); make sure that your 
    grain expenditures will leave a PER CAP of ten bushels or more, as this 
    is what you are feeding your people. 

    When you're satisfied with the values, move cursor to COMMAND field and 
    press RETURN. If MOBILIZE is nonzero, you will need to give the order to 
    SCOUT or ATTACK a neighboring country. Decisions shown on the screen are 
    put into effect at this point. You may be attacked by a neighbor; if you 
    are attacking or defending, there will appear a screen telling you of 
    the results of battle.

    At year-end, results of the harvest will be reported to you, along with 
    population changes, military activity, and so forth.

       PLANT (Crops):  Acres to cultivate.
          Each acre requires three bushels of grain for seed.
          One farmer can plant two acres.
       BUILD (Canals): Acres to build irrigation facilities on.
          Construction for each acre requires four men.
       STORE (Grain):  Bushels to save for next year.
       TRADE (Grain):  Bushels to buy or sell.
          Positive number is a purchase; negative, a sale
          Every 1000 bushels requires two men to transport it.
       RECRUIT:  Number of men to train for next year's army.
          It costs three talents to train each recruit.
       MOBILIZE: Number of troops sent for war or reconnaisance.
          It costs two talents per soldier mobilized.
          These troops will not be available to fight invaders.
          (See COMMANDS section below for giving them their orders).

       SUBJECTS:  Total population for the current year.
       FARMERS:   Manpower available for planting and building.
       SOLDIERS:  Number of troops available to fight invasion.
       LAND:      Total land for the current year.
       TO PLANT:  Maximum acreage that can be cultivated.
       IRRIGATED: Acres for which irrigation canals have been built.
       GRAIN:     Bushels of grain left for feeding the populace.
       SEED:      Bushels of grain used for seed.
       PER CAP:   Size of an individual's allocation of grain to eat.
       GOLD:      Balance of gold in treasury after expenses and trade.
       EXPENSES:  Costs of military recruiting and campaigning.
       PRICE:     Trading price of grain for current year.

    This as well as other information appears in the online Help 
    facility. The text appears in file PRINCE.HLP, which you may want 
    to print out for reference.


                                  MAIN SCREEN

    The opening screen informs you of your coronation and full title. Next 
    you'll see the main screen, that of the Royal Council, with the follow-
    ing layout:


    These fields are for entering "what-if" data with which you will develop 
    decisions about how to apportion and direct your country's resources for 
    the current year. Each field is labelled, and as you move the cursor 
    from one to another, a prompt also appears at the bottom of the screen 
    elaborating a bit more on the purpose of the particular field (see below 
    for mechanics of editing and cursor movement).

    Into each field, enter the approximate amount desired; when you enter or 
    change a data-item and want to see the consequences, just press RETURN: 
    all the other items dependent on that one will recalculate, just like a 
    miniature spreadsheet program. The results are displayed in the fields 
    below the bar. Whenever an excessive amount is entered, or one that 
    causes an illegal result (such as trying to plant more grain than you 
    have on hand, for example), an error message will appear at the bottom 
    of the screen, and you may then go back and enter an appropriate 

    Many of the items are very interdependent, so it will probably take 
    several trial approximations, changing this field and that one until you 
    get a satisfactory picture. Let the recalculation facility work for you 
    -- you have more important concerns than bookkeeping!


    These fields display the results of the data entered, calculated accord-
    ing to the rules of the game. For example, it requires three bushels of 
    grain to seed an acre of land, so if you specify (in the "Plant Crops" 
    field) that a certain number of acres are to be cultivated, then three 
    times that number will appear in the "For Seed" display-field. 


    Appearing inside the bar are the current year and the 'Command' field. 
    When you are satisfied with the other fields, move the cursor to this 
    one, at which point you have several options. If you press RETURN here, 
    the decisions you have made for this year will be enacted, and the 
    subsequent screen(s) will show the consequences of those decisions. If 
    you enter a "/", a dialog box labelled "Orders: " will open up for the 
    purpose of various military activities (see section on Commands below). 
    The dialog box also opens by default if the MOBILIZE field is non-zero.

    The fields are grouped so that each row of fields deals with the same 
    units (e.g., acres of land, bushels of grain, etc.). The status-line at 
    the bottom of the screen shows not only the various prompts and error- 
    messages, but also the current field-number, current column within the 
    field, editing mode (Overwrite or Insert), CAPS lock and NUMS lock. The 


    rectangle below the bar also serves as a window for the online Help 
    facility, and for the REVIEW command (see below).


    TAB Key : Moves to next field in sequence.
    BACKTAB : (Shift-TAB) moves to previous field.
    U & D Arr: Moves to field just above or below.
    HOME Key : Moves to the upper left-hand field.

    R Arrow: Moves the cursor right one space at a time.
    At right end of field, cursor will tab to next field.
    L Arrow: Moves left one space if cursor is not in Col 1;
    Otherwise, it will tab to the previous field.
    ESC Key: Moves cursor back to Col 1.
    BACKSP : "Destructive." Deletes character to the left.
    DEL Key: Deletes character under the cursor.
    ^Y   : Deletes all to the right of cursor position.
    INS Key: Toggles between Insert and Overwrite modes.

    Arrows : "Wordstar diamond." L,R,U,D = ^S,^D,^E,^X
    TABS  : TAB,BACKTAB = ^R Arrow,^L Arrow
    INS Key: ^V
    DEL Key: ^G


    'Command: ' (Field for Single-character commands)
    RET: Closes current Royal Council and enacts its decisions.
    / : Opens dialog box for orders to MOBILIZEd troops.
    Also opens if troops are MOBILIZEd when Council closes.
    ? : Calls up the Help facility.
    Q : Quits the game. Will double-check with you, then ask whether you 
        want to save the game, and, if so, to what file.  

    'Orders: '  (Dialog box)
    ATTACK and SCOUT must be given with a direction, i.e.,
    NORTH,SOUTH,EAST and WEST. N,S,E,W may also be used.

    Number of troops entered in MOBILIZE will fight the country lying in the 
    specified direction. Gains, losses and other info will be reported.

    SCOUT: (also RECON)
    Reconnaissance by soldiers MOBILIZEd in given direction. They will 
    report estimated troop strengths, approximate size and wealth of the 
    domain, and apparent hostility (i.e., likelihood of attack). Accuracy of 
    report goes according to the number of soldiers who are sent and live to 
    tell the tale -- up to about fifty; more than that usually brings dimin-
    ishing returns, since chances of getting caught go up with the size of 
    the scouting party. Results of reconnaisance are stored and can be 
    called up by the REVIEW command.


    REVIEW: (also REV)
    Will show a table summarizing reconnaisance done so far. Your armies out 
    on campaign (ATTACK command) will update this information the same way. 
    Enemy invasions modify some of the information: enemy troop estimate 
    is reduced by the number killed in your defense of their invasion, and 
    enemy territory estimate is increased by the number of acres they win 
    from you, if any. Also shows the year a reconnaisance item was acquired.


    The year-end report screen is shown every year, with a summary of farm
    productivity, births, deaths, plague, population, wealth, etc.

    In between, there are screens that report results of campaigns and in-
    vasions, as appropriate.



    PER CAPita grain should be 10 or more (prevents starvation and riots).

    Occurrences of starvation increase chance of riots and starvation.

    Health index below .75 increases chance of plague.

    Higher PER CAPS increase population and disease-resistance (up to 40).

    Grain price fluctuates around .05 talents per bushel, but not very far

    Neighbors are "live:" resources of their countries fluctuate, too: their 
    wealth depends on population, land and current grain-price; population 
    growth or decline depends on wealth; land depends on their military 
    successes & failures; hostility level (i.e., how likely they are to 
    invade) varies; their number of new troops depends on population and 
    hostility level.

    Size of enemy mobilizations depend on their hostility and wealth.

    An enemy's hostility-factor can change:
    Decreases when enemy is defeated severely enough (more than about 
    15% casualties).
    Increases when you are defeated severely enough.

    Accuracy of scouts' troop-counts goes up with size of patrol, unless the 
    'S' parameter was included in the command-line at the start of the game. 

    When MOBILIZing, forces left at home face possible raids the same year.


    The only way to acquire more land is by force of arms.

    The surest way to wealth is to buy low and sell high.

    Make sure that all those not farming are BUILDing or RECRUITing.

    When MOBILIZing, leave enough troops at home to defend against raids that 
    may come the same year; i.e., before campaigning forces return.

    Successful campaigns bring gold & land; also sudden jumps in population.

    Overpopulation can sometimes be a problem -- deal with it promptly:
    if you can't make a quick conquest of territory, starve the population
    for a year or two - the survivors will be better off, and you can avoid
    a downward cycle of poverty. (To rule well, as Kublai Khan once said, 
    "You must be as good as you can be, and as evil as you have to be.")
    Of course, if you do this too many times, the people will start rioting 
    and looting the granaries.


    A conquered neighbor just may be followed by a much more threatening one.

    Increase troops quickly at first, while enemy strength is still unknown.
    Increasing troops slowly but steadily thereafter is the most painless.
    Larger troop-buildups just before a campaign will cover its casualties.

    Keep reconnaisance info up to date - items are marked with year acquired.

    Stability can be gained by consistently applying a simple formula:
    try to buy at least a few thousand bushels when price is below .05
    likewise, always try to sell a few thousand when price is above .05
    BUILD at least some canals every year; the long-term benefit is great.



    When you type "?" in the Command field, the dialog box opens up with the 
    prompt "Topic: ," while displaying instructions and main topic-heading in 
    a window that opens up in the Result-Fields area of the screen. In
    response to the prompt, you may either specify one of the topic-headings 
    by number, or type in a keyword that you believe is associated with the 
    material you're looking for (distinction between upper-case and lower-
    case is ignored). In the first case, Help will display the first few 
    lines of the topic specified; in the second case, it will stop at the 
    first occurrence of the keyword that you specify. 

    If you think it has stopped near the material you want to see, you may 
    scroll through the text a single line at a time: RETURN advances the 
    scrolling forward a line, and BACKSPACE scrolls back up a line. Alterna-
    tively, you can press the TAB key to keep searching for the next occur-
    rence of the keyword; if the search reaches the end of the Help file 
    without another "hit," you'll get a beep and a message to that effect. At 
    any time during scrolling or tabbing, you can break it off by hitting 
    ESC, which will put the cursor back into the dialog box, waiting for 
    another keyword from you to search for.

    At this point, you may opt to quit Help altogether, in which case you 
    just press RETURN, and the game resumes.

    During scrolling or searching, the display shows the current line-number 
    and the most recent topic-heading read. The intent of this is to help you 
    stay oriented while peering through this diminutive window.

    The text of Help is just a text-file on the disk called PRINCE.HLP. If 
    you wish, you can add to the Help text or customize it to your taste, but 
    before doing so, you should know about a couple of relevant particulars.

    First, there is a 200-line limit on what the program reads from the .HLP 
    file; any more than that is simply ignored. As distributed, the file is 
    149 lines long, which leaves a bit of room for notes or whatever of your 
    own choosing. The first 7 lines of the file are what is displayed when 
    Help is first called; it considers the 8th line as line #1 of the Help 
    text proper.

    Topic headings are single digits in column 1, followed by a right paren 
    in column 2, for instance: "4)". When the search or scroll routine sees 
    this configuration, it will display whatever else is on that line as the 
    current topic heading. If you decide to modify the Help file, it's 
    probably a good idea to save a copy of it somewhere; make sure you name 
    the modified version PRINCE.HLP -- that portion of the program is not 
    overly smart, and won't know what to do otherwise.


    by Terry Dyke

    "Prince" is a variation on a type of game program that has a long  
    tradition among microcomputer enthusiasts. The first one I remember  
    seeing was a BASIC listing in "Dr. Dobbs Journal of Computer Calis- 
    thenics and Orthodontia" in early 1976, when that publication was a  
    skinny newsprint affair, and you had to know somebody, it seemed, to get 
    your hands on a copy. That game was called "Kingdom," and I took  the 
    listing over to a friend of mine who had built an Altair micro  with a 
    whopping 32K of memory; he'd also recently acquired a "TV Type- writer" 
    -- CRT terminal -- so he was no longer confined to tiny  machine-lang-
    uage programs entered via the front-panel switches.  

    I was anxious to exploit this glamorous new boon to hobby computing, as 
    well as to make use of a "high-level" computer language, even if it was 
    BASIC. I'd been reading that Tiny Basic was starting to be used on a lot 
    of home micros, and that Altair Basic was even pretty close to a full-
    blown one. So, we hurriedly entered the source code for "Kingdom," 
    cleaned up a couple of syntax errors, and we were off and ruling. Many 
    bleary-eyed hours later, we saved the program onto yet another new 
    marvel, the cassette recorder. 

    Since then, the game has turned up in various incarnations on bulletin 
    boards and in computer-club libraries. It seems that the most ubiqui-
    tous of the lot was "Hammurabi," which, unlike "Kingdom," had a spe-
    cific setting, ancient Mesopotamia. That, I thought, was a nice touch; 
    it aided the willing suspension of disbelief, just like a play or a 
    movie or a story. As a childhood fan of those Avalon-Hill board games in 
    which faithful simulation is so important, I definitely appreciated the 
    similarity between a good game and a good yarn.

    Still, "Hammurabi" was recognizably just "Kingdom" dressed up in Baby-
    lonian robes; it added little to the basic structure of the game. More 
    recently, the game has appeared on a ten-dollar games disk from an 
    outfit that distributes through a nationwide bookstore chain. This time, 
    it was called "Ruler." Even though it did have the improvement of being 
    implemented in compiled BASIC, it was put back into a generic setting, 
    and some aspects of the quality of play are uneven and frustrating. For 
    example, I found it impossible ever to profit solely by farming, but 
    since land prices varied all the way from 1 to 10, sometimes from one 
    turn to the next, it quickly became obvious that one could make out 
    quite handsomely by becoming a real-estate speculator instead. But I 
    always wondered: From whom, exactly, is this monarch buying territory 
    for his realm? Of course, in fairness, that question is a legacy that 
    goes all the way back to "Kingdom."

    Perhaps the best variant of the game was an offering from Instant 
    Software called "Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio" for the venerable Apple 
    II. The setting was two fictitious city-states in Renaissance Italy, 
    and the game even had a great little graphics sequence during each turn 
    that would paint the present picture of your domain, with palaces and 
    churches in their current stage of construction, a number of stalls in 


    the marketplace for your merchants, and little plows and furrows over 
    the area of land under cultivation. There were many additional elements 
    in the structure of the game, such as money, construction of these 
    buildings, accommodating trade, raising an army, etc. You could also 
    have several players going in parallel, each with their own country, 
    although there was hardly any controllable interaction among them; 
    basically, whoever achieved the games's goal first was the winner.  

    Another good innovation that "Santa Paravia" included was an input-
    screen that you could call up from time to time and change various 
    parameters affecting your governing policies. You could set such things 
    as how high your taxes were, whether your justice was lenient or harsh, 
    and quite a few other things of that sort. All of these would have some 
    effect on the success of your reign and the outcome of the game. The 
    input-screen was a step in the right direction, I thought, but still, in 
    the main sequence of play, "Santa Paravia" shared with its predecessors 
    a very avoidable liability: data was input via the traditional line-by-
    line, prompt-and-response dialog, and that makes it impossible to go 
    back and change your mind about a particular value once you're past that 
    point in the dialog sequence. 

    Such a state of affairs is most awkward, considering that the focus of 
    play is in creating an overall balance, an optimum among a number of 
    interrelated variables. That, and the fact that there's usually a fair 
    amount of arithmetic in the way that the variables are related, usually 
    meant a lot of bookkeeping and "what-if" calculation on the side when 
    playing one of these games. Surely, one of the most bewildering spect-
    acles imaginable is somebody who is obliged to keep a dime-store calcu-
    lator in front of his multi-kilobuck computer!

    So with an enduring enthusiasm for this type of game, I still had a 
    bagful of dissatisfactions with the slips and flaws of earlier versions 
    of it; there were none of them that I completely enjoyed playing, since 
    even the minor aggravations add up substantially after enough hours. 
    Eventually, I decided to do something about it, and "Prince" is the 
    result. The design of it, I hoped, would embody all the ideals I had 
    come to appreciate from the flaws and quirks and near-misses of other 
    versions of the game.

    First, there is the data-entry-screen orientation, with its recalcula-
    tion feature. This, along with the online Help and the REVIEW command, 
    eliminates offscreen bookkeeping and calculation. It also allows you to 
    juggle variables and play "what-if" until you are satisfied it's some-
    thing you're ready to commit to. I wanted a user interface that's easy 
    and intuitive for beginning use, as well as quick and comfortable for 
    extended use; that's one of my main interests as a programmer, anyway, 
    and a lot of tinkering and refinement went into the interface.

    Since this sort of game is basically an economic simulation, I wanted an 
    economy that is somewhat more complex and interesting that just planting 
    and allocating grain, but still manageably simple for a modest-sized 
    program. So, "Prince" includes money and trade; the opportunity for gain 
    through speculation is still there, but rather than using land as a 
    store of value, gold is used instead. The fluctuations in prevailing 
    prices are not large, so it's more of a challenge to build up profits in 


    the business of buying low and selling high.

    The crux of most good games is conflict, so this one allows you to raise 
    and army and put it to good use. This also alleviates the old problem of 
    the anonymous real-estate dealer: to get more land in "Prince," you have 
    to go out and conquer it.

    It's important, I felt, to make sure that the various things that happen 
    to you unpredictably are things that you also have some way to avoid, or 
    at least, protect against. For example, it earlier games, a drought can 
    occur at random intervals and decimate your crops; if that happens, 
    there you jolly well are -- there's not much provision you make for such 
    an eventuality, other than having the good sense to be enormously pro-
    sperous already; that more or less begs the question, since achieving 
    prosperity is largely the point of the game. In "Prince," though, you 
    can build up your irrigation system as a hedge against drought.

    The same holds true for occurrences of plague, also a traditional calam-
    ity inflicted at random in this type of game. In "Prince," there is an 
    overall health index maintained for your people; consistently allowing 
    them more than the minimum ration of grain will increase this index, and 
    so lessen the impact of disease, both the chances of its occurring and 
    the amount of damage done when it does occur. Conversely, occurrences of 
    plague or starvation will reduce this health index. Increases in the 
    health index also determine the net population growth, since abundance 
    of food correlates positively with fertility in almost every society, 
    particularly less-developed ones.

    Another traditional hazard is the loss of some portion of the year's 
    harvest to rats. This even appears in "Santa Paravia," and indeed, in 
    the earliest versions of "Prince." But no longer; it didn't really seem 
    to add any interest to the game, since the eye tends to drop to the 
    bottom line on the harvest report, anyway; and to remain consistent with 
    the "be-able-to-do-something-about-it" principle, there would have to be 
    some sort of pest-extermination facility available, so I junked the 
    whole idea of rats.

    In a simulation like this, it's important that the variables behave and 
    interact in a balanced way, that their typical values tend toward the 
    middle of their ranges, rather than toward one end or the other. Other-
    wise, you will find that you're trying to maximize or minimize a factor, 
    rather than optimize it. That spoils a lot of the fun, since optimizing 
    is by nature more challenging than simple maximization or minimization. 
    For example, in "Santa Paravia," one can choose the percentage level of 
    two types of taxation; it turned out that the best advantage is always 
    gained, as far as I could tell, by setting one type to the maximum and 
    the other to zero. That simply eliminated the question of taxation from 
    the dynamics of play. Another example: in "Ruler," as I mentioned 
    earlier, it never seemed possible to optimize one's farming activities 
    in such a way as to come out ahead; once this becomes apparent, one 
    fares a lot better by virtually ignoring farming and concentrating 
    instead on buying and selling land.

    Apparently, such balancing of variables is largely an empirical process, 
    one that depends on the initial values selected, the proportions of 


    random factors, and so forth. The only reliable way I know of going 
    about this is to play the game a lot and tweak the various values, 
    increments and ranges accordingly. I'll personally vouch for the fact 
    that a great deal of this did indeed occur during the development of 
    this game! I've also persuaded several of my friends to submit the 
    program to rigorous play-testing, and their compliance has been grati-
    fyingly thorough. 

    One final comment about variables: you may notice that it's possible to 
    play for dozens of "years," presumably living to an unrealistically ripe 
    old age. Very true; however, I've found that the outcome of the game is 
    generally very apparent by year 40 -- you've either got the situation 
    quite comfortably in hand by then, or you're forestalling inevitable 
    doom by only the thinnest margin. Figuring that you began around age 
    twenty, that would make you sixty or so by then, and that seems a fair 
    enough concession to realism. Indeed, early versions of "Prince" in-
    cluded a random aging factor that increased the likelihood of death with 
    each passing year; but it didn't seem to add any interest to the game -- 
    it was just something that came out of nowhere, regardless of how wise 
    or foolish your strategy. So, about the time I was consolidating the 
    "be-able-to-do-something-about-it" criterion, I removed the aging 
    factor. Certainly, when our time comes in real life, there's not a whole 
    lot we can do about it, but much of the appeal of these alternate worlds 
    that we enter through the looking glass of the CRT is that they are in 
    some ways better, or more to our liking, or more under our control. So, 
    if you care to play past the age of 110 without a decisive win, loss, or 
    embarrassment, more power to you!

    The story aspect of this game is set in tenth-century Central Asia for 
    mostly arbitrary reasons, but not entirely. Mostly, stories in that 
    setting have the same kind of appeal to me personally that, say, pirate 
    or knights-in-armor tales might have to someone else. But there is the 
    added advantage that the cultures of those times in that part of the 
    world were economically fairly simple; the factors governing power, 
    territoriality, even basic survival, were relatively few, consistent, 
    and stark. And very suitable for a simulation of this sort. 

    It's not hard to imagine that the game could have been set equally well 
    in any number of other locales; the local flavor here is mostly verbal, 
    so if that proves sufficient, it's a credit to the player's imagination. 
    Indeed, some use of graphics such as those in "Santa Paravia" could have 
    been used to similar advantage in "Prince." The reasons for the omission 
    of graphics is, again, mostly a matter of taste. It's an area of comput-
    ing I'm generally indifferent towards; the graphics in "Santa Paravia," 
    good as they were, were nevertheless no match for what was going on in 
    my mind's eye, as well as agonizingly slow; in moments of private bias, 
    I've assumed that "Prince" could still provide a vivid experience, just 
    as many books do, even though they have no illustrations. 

    At any rate, there's the fact that this program was done in Turbo Pascal 
    Version 3.0, with its 64K limit on object code, and "Prince" is already 
    crowding that limit. Inclusion of pictures would have been at the cost 
    of much functionality that is there instead. Now that Turbo 4.0 and 5.0 
    have broken the 64K barrier, future versions of "Prince" may indeed 
    include a discreet amount of graphics. Let me know what you think.


    VERSION 2.2

    This new version of Pince is essentially the same game as version 2.1, 
    but with a couple of features added. I also reworked some of the logic 
    in several parts of the program and fixed a couple of bugs. Most notable 
    among the latter was the "five-planets" bug, wherein the population of a 
    neighboring country sometimes would jump to a size big enough to over-
    crowd at least five habitable planets.

    New Features:

       o Save-game feature. At quit, there is an option to save the game in 
         its present state. At startup, there is an option to restore a 
         previously-saved game.

       o Five levels of difficulty. This is set with a startup option. 

    Additions and Changes:

       o Year-end report screen now makes it plain whether your farming was 
         profitable or not.

       o Greater magnitude of resources. Generally larger numbers for Land, 
         Population, etc. Game now goes to 100,000 talents. 

       o Emigration added. Short food supplies causes people to leave the 
         country; starvation doesn't start until supplies are very short and 
         health is low.

       o Immigration added. People come into the country from time to time, 
         especially if conditions are favorable (PER CAP and Health okay).

       o Neighbors may now increase their hostility factors for internal 
         reasons (overcrowding, extreme poverty).

       o Neighbors don't automatically increase hostility after a victory or 
         decrease after a defeat.


    As noted above, "Prince" was written in Turbo Pascal (Ver 3.0) on a 
    vintage Compaq portable (Norton SI 1.0) whose only concessions to 
    customization are 640K of memory and a 10-Mb hard disk that must have 
    been one of the last ten-megs ever manufactured. The video on the Compaq 
    is a CGA work-alike, but I've tested "Prince" on a friend's Leading 
    Edge, which uses monochrome and Hercules graphics, so the program is all 
    right in that environment. As far as I've been able to tell, it should 
    also work on AT-style machines with conventional video, but 386 systems 
    and EGA-type video are completely unfamiliar territory, and if you have 
    access to any of this stuff, I'd be grateful to know how well (or 
    whether!) the program works on it.

    The concern for compatibility stems from the fact that "Prince" does a 
    lot of direct writing to the screen, which is of course notoriously 


    hardware-dependent. The code can discern the presence of monochrome vs. 
    CGA video hardware and adjust accordingly, but this is still behavior 
    that IBM seems to disapprove of as being rudely pre-emptive of DOS, and 
    probably antisocial as well. Nevertheless, the advantage to be gained 
    poses quite a temptation, that of blistering speed in screen-updates; 
    many programmers have yielded to it, including, as I understand it, 
    those at Lotus during the era that preceded Version 2.0 of 1-2-3. So I 
    hope I'm in good company in this regard.

    As you might expect, the program makes extensive use of random func-
    tions, and indeed, such an application could be a regular Roman Holiday 
    for statisticians. My approach, though, was largely empirical, and I 
    would take no offense to hear some of the algorithms described as "brute 
    force." I made very little use of "textbook" numerical or statistical 
    techniques, other than enough to report that the Turbo random function 
    produces rather unremarkable results in a chi-squared test, and has a 
    period somewhat shorter than ideal. 

    Having spent many an aggravated moment in the midst of some game hanging 
    at the mercy of a pseudo-random generator that was long on the pseudo 
    and short on the random, I became convinced that the quality of the 
    random function is surely important enough to drag out a textbook or 
    two. Apparently, the construction of a high-quality random-number gen-
    erator is something of a black art, but one that has been thoroughly and 
    extensively practiced in recent years. 

    The resulting random-generator that found its way into "Prince" is 
    actually a composite of two very different, well-tested and generally 
    acknowledged random functions, plus the one built into Turbo; the Turbo 
    function is used to select between the two others, and the result is a 
    random distribution that is much more "robust," I believe the term is, 
    than any single function by itself. The period of such a composite is 
    much longer, too, being the sum of the periods of all three component 
    functions. This considerably slims down the chances of getting stuck in 
    noticably repetitive sequences. Just as well, because a single turn in 
    "Prince" can call the random function several hundred times.

    The development environment, aside from that built into Turbo Pascal, is 
    one that I've gradually built up over the past couple of years. I'll be 
    making it available, in a good deal more refined form, as a MEDIA 
    METHODS freeware offering called The Programmer's Toolkit. So Turbo 
    hackers take note (especially if you haven't upgraded past version 3.0 

    Those C hotshots always have nice, juicy subroutine libraries available 
    to them to do their dirty work, so the centerpiece of the Toolkit is a 
    fairly versatile library of general-purpose subprograms that do most of 
    the low-level, repetitive stuff like disk I/O, various screen-writes, 
    type-checked input, and so forth. They're all pretty straightforward, 
    and most could be readily duplicated by anyone with a DOS Technical 
    Reference Manual, IF they wanted to take the trouble. There's very 
    little hocus-pocus (inline assemler, etc.) that these routines use, 
    unless you consider standard BIOS and DOS calls to be in that category. 

    I've used commercial Turbo libraries at times, but it seems that they 


    want to give you all sorts of flash and be everything for every possible 
    situation, with little regard for program size. The Toolkit shoots for 
    one of those 80-20 deals: deliver 80 percent of the functionality with 
    20 percent of the code. Besides the routines that recapitulate the Tech 
    Manual, there are routines for handling windows (again, with a compact, 
    no-frills approach) and formatted data-entry screens just like the one 
    you see in "Prince's" Royal Council. With the data-entry screens, I've 
    opted for a few frills, but the source code is set up in a very flexible 
    manner, so that the various amenities, such as the status line or the 
    additional prompts attached to each field, can be included or omitted at 
    will. The screen itself can be built in a very intuitive way with any 
    text editor, the source text looking very much the same as the end 
    product. The source for the screen can either be read from a text file 
    at run-time, or else incorporated into the program source-code at com-

    The library system is geared to get around a lot of the limitations of 
    pre-4.0 Turbo. The whole library is kept in a single text file, so you 
    don't have to litter your disk with a bunch of tiny "Include" files that 
    nevertheless take up the minimum 4K apiece. Working in conjunction with 
    the library are the "Make" program and the Librarian. "Make" reads your 
    source program while consulting a table of names of procedures, func-
    tions and modules that are currently in the library. That table, which 
    you can maintain, is structured to reflect the dependencies among the 
    various routines, so if Make comes across a call to the library routine 
    "Foo" in your program, and "Foo" happens to call "Bar," and "Bar" calls 
    "Grunt," then the output of Make will specify Grunt, Bar and Foo, in 
    that order. This output is is next picked up by the Librarian, which 
    then fishes out the specified routines from the Library file, and writes 
    out copies of them, in the order specified, to a file that you can then 
    Include in your main program. No muss, no fuss.

    Of course, if you have Turbo version 4.0 or later, a lot of the need for 
    Make and Librarian goes away. However, the library routines themselves 
    are still as useful as ever.


    Media Methods is the descendant of a communications-consulting firm that 
    has over the years assisted a number of clients in finding integrated 
    solutions to their communications and computing problems, has put 
    together a regional cable-television programming service, has produced a 
    number of industrial and educational video presentations, both linear 
    and interactive, and has developed and sold a number of computer appli-
    cations for communications vertical markets, including a program that 
    helps buyers of radio and television advertising, and one that helps 
    advertisers in placing their spots on cable television. 

    "Prince" is the firm's first entry into the freeware market, and we are 
    offering two different disks of high-quality software at affordable 
    prices. The Toolkit (described in DEVELOPMENT NOTES), "Prince" and the 
    Complete Entertainment Disk are all available now.

    (See file MMSOFTWE.DOC)


                         MEDIA METHODS SOFTWARE
                              Now Available


    Registered version ($15.00) contains;

         "Prince," without commercials. 

         "Automata" - Explore cellular automata; Lotus-style interface.

         "Life" - A very fast version of John Horton Conway's famous 
              game, in both text and CGA graphics versions.

         "NewMusic" - Use a rational notation to write a melody, then 
              hear it played by the program.

    PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT (For Turbo Pascal)

    Shareware version contains:
         Make program
         Librarian program
         Source code for the Basic Library
         Demos for
              Formatted data-entry screens

    Registered version ($20.00) contains:
         Make program
         Source code for Librarian
         Source code for Complete Library, including
              Windows module 
              Formatted data-entry screen module



The following files are distributed with the game PRINCE:

PRINCE.COM   -  The game program itself.
PRINCE.HLP   -  Text for the online Help facility for PRINCE.
PRINCE.DOC   -  Documentation for the game. Straight ASCII text with blank
                lines inserted to accommodate page-breaks. Can be printed out
                with the command TYPE PRINCE.DOC >PRN or PRINT PRINCE.DOC.
MMSOFTWE.DOC -  Other software available from Media Methods.
README.TXT   -  This file.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1140

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

AUTOEXEC BAT       583   3-18-85   3:06a
BALL     EXE     24352   4-19-88   7:04p
FILE1140 TXT      6735   1-19-90   9:49a
GO       BAT        38   9-27-88   3:13p
GO       TXT       848   9-27-88   3:24p
MMSOFTWE DOC      3145   7-30-89   1:28a
PCMENU   COM      7168   1-04-80  12:07p
PONTOON  COM     21504   1-04-80   4:03p
PONTOON  TXT      2194   3-18-85   3:15a
PRINCE   COM     65021  12-21-89   4:40p
PRINCE   DOC     53737   7-30-89   1:27a
PRINCE   HLP      6656   9-09-88   9:48a
README   TXT       490   7-30-89   1:32a
TEST     BAT        97  11-03-88  12:40p
       14 file(s)     192568 bytes
                      122880 bytes free