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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1129)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


               VERSIONS 1.0 AND 1.1  "DAT" FILES TO VERSIONS 1.2 AND UP.
                    YOU WILL LOSE THE FILE IF YOU DO!


     NOTE: If you want to access EPSON.EXE from within PFAS, keep EPSON.EXE
           on the same disk or drive as PFAS.
     The file EPSON.EXE was put together by PC SOFT-E for the convenience
     of those Epson printer users. It's a handy little program to quickly
     configure your Epson printer. However, it does not substitute for any
     word processor functions where you need to turn off and on special
     print types at will. But if you want to print all emphasized, italic
     print, as an example, then EPSON.EXE will facilitate that need. The
     skip over perforation feature is very useful as another example..
     Be advised that EPSON.EXE encompasses features that your Epson may or
     may not have. If in doubt, please consult your printer manual.
     To get an interesting print type that all Epson printer will produce,
     choose option #5 to expand the print and then choose option #2 to
     compress the expanded print. This print type allows for about 60 column
     width instead of the standard 80 column. Its another option that you
     may have not been aware of....HAVE FUN!


  ---------       ------------------------------------------------------------
  PFAS.EXE        Main program file for personal financial accounting system.
  PFAS.DOC        Documentation for main program program operation.
  EPSON.EXE       Epson printer configuration utility program.
  EPSON.DOC       Documentation for printer configuration program.
  CONVERT.EXE     Conversion program to update data files from version's
                   1.0 and 1.1 to version's 1.2 and up.
  CONVERT.DOC     Documentation for conversion program file.
  CATEGORY.CFG    ASCII text config file containing category information for
                   main program file.
  CUSTOMIZ.CFG    ASCII text config file containing category information for
                   main program file.
  MONO.SCR        Opening credit and copyright screens for monographics.
  COLOR.SCR       Opening credit and copyright screens for color graphics.
  UPDATE.FIX      Text file that keeps you updated as to the differences
                   from earlier versions to the latest.
  REGISTER.FRM    Registration form for those who would like to register
                   with author.
  86-TMP.DAT      Sample data file as a tutorial to run main program file.
  PRINTDOC.BAT    Type "PRINTDOC" at Dos prompt to print file PFAS.DOC.
  PRINTFRM.BAT    Type "PRINTFRM" at Dos prompt to print file REGISTER.FRM.
       PC SOFT-E/PFAS17 is a small business/personal checkbook manager
       designed to make bank reconciliation much faster and easier. PC
       SOFT-E/PFAS17 provides the necessary information to get through
       any bank reconciliation statement. It can handle up to 1000
       transactions in one file for the full year. An outstanding feature
       lets you configure customized files to properly categorize all your
       transactions to your needs. This is very much like a chart of
       accounts in a ledger program. Each transaction can then be included
       in a neatly detailed expenditure report according to the nature of
       the expenditure for any date specified fiscal period within the
       year. This is a strong plus at tax time and for budget purposes.
       You also have the full ability to edit, insert new or delete
       current transactions. The current balance is posted at the top of
       the screen to let you know how any transaction has affected your
       bottom line.
       The program can search out transactions by date, check number, or
       by the nature of the expenditure by its "issued to" contents. If
       you search out by "issued to", it will list on the screen and/or
       printer all like transactions and sum the amounts at the bottom of
       screen again within any specified fiscal period within the year.
       This is useful if you would like an "on the spot" glance of a
       category expenditure without printing the expenditure report.
       Transactions can be listed to screen and/or printer by transaction
       to transaction number, date to date or total transactions in file.
       Operation of the program is easy to use with clear cut instructions
       and menu selections.
     PFAS can issue date specified report to printer:
                  - expediture report by user defined categories for budget
                     and tax purposes.
     PFAS can search and list transactions to screen only or printer too:
                  - by any whole or partial "issued to" name and add
                     dollar amounts at bottom of screen of those items
                     searched. Search may also be contained in a fiscal
                     period within the calendar year in the file.
                  - by date
                  - by check number
     PFAS can list transactions to screen only or printer too:
                  - transaction to transaction number
                  - date to date
                  - total transactions


Disk No: 1129
Program Title:  PC-SOFT-E version 1.7
PC-SIG version:  1.3

PC-SOFT-E is a small business check book manager designed to make bank
reconciling much faster and easier.

PC-SOFT-E provides the necessary information to get through any bank
reconciliation statement.  It can handle 1000 transactions in one file
for the full year.  An outstanding feature lets you configure a
customized file to properly categorize all your transactions to your
needs.  This is a strong plus at tax time.  It has full edit, insert,
and delete features and the current balance is posted at the top of the

PC-SOFT-E can issue date-specified reports to a printer, expenditure
reports by category, and total income/expenses reports.  The program can
search and list transactions to screen only, or printer by any whole or
partial "issued to" name, by date, or by check number.  Transactions can
be listed to screen only, or printer transaction to a transaction
number, date to date, or total transactions.  Operation of the program
is easy with clear cut instructions and menu selections.

Usage:  Personal Financial Management.

Special Requirements:  None.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $25.00

File Descriptions:

86-TMP   DAT  Sample data file as a tutorial to run main program file.
CATEGORY CFG  ASCII text config file.
COLOR    SCR  Data file.
CONVERT  DOC  Documentation for conversion program file.
CONVERT  EXE  Conversion program to update data files.
CUSTOMIZ CFG  Configuration file.
EPSON    DOC  Documentation for printer configuration program.
EPSON    EXE  Epson printer configuration utility program.
FILE     TXT  Description of files used by program.
MONO     SCR  Data file.
PFAS     DOC  Documentation for main program program operation.
PFAS     EXE  Main program.
PRINTDOC BAT  Type "PRINTDOC" at Dos prompt to print file PFAS.DOC.
PRINTFRM BAT  Type "PRINTFRM" at Dos prompt to print file REGISTER.FRM
READ     ME   A thank you from the author.
REGISTER FRM  Registration form for those who would like to register
              with the author.
REVIEW   TXT  Program description.
UPDATE   FIX  Text file that keeps you updated as to the differences
              from earlier versions to the latest.

1030D E. Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.


║                   <<<<  Disk No 1129 PC-SOFT-E  >>>>                    ║
║ To copy the documentation to your printer, type: PRINTDOC (press enter) ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the program, type: PFAS (press enter)                          ║



       Most software writers would not like to admit that as the saying
       goes, "there may be something already out there". Well, there is
       also another saying, "there will always be something more and
       something less". In this latter 20th century era, one is hard
       pressed to find the obvious need as was in the day of Edison with
       the light bulb or Ford and the automobile. (At least it appears
       that they had more obvious frontiers). So if the wheel has been
       already invented, why "re-invent" it again? I think anyone would
       agree that "re-inventing" the wheel is not necessary. But are we
       characterizing accurately and fairly those who maybe rubbing the
       edges of that "accusation"? Isn't it interesting that we haven't
       accused the Japanese of "re-inventing"? Somehow we don't want to
       admit that the Japanese have prospered by imitating and innovating
       techniques and designs from our very own technology. They just took
       our mouse trap and made it a better mouse trap, hence "innovation".
       So, if there is a checkbook program already "out there", how come
       here's another one? I believe that for every like program there is
       a unique feature or quality in it that will appeal to a "friendly"
       user at the other end of the keyboard. If this piece of software
       has satisfied some basic need in a meaningful, effective way, then
       even if I'm accused of "re-inventing" please give me the same
       courtesy as if I just had this imported from Japan. I don't pretend
       this to be the best or with the most features of home checkbook
       managing. It is however modest, simple to use, straight forward as
       any software I know.

       (Comment: "Re-inventing" is really incorrect and non-sensical.
                 Once an invention has occured, it can no longer be
                 invented. It's like saying you will "rebake" a loaf of
                 bread. I do understand the message that others
                 who use this term are trying to say. Even though it
                 makes sense not to repeat another's research if the
                 research is made available, the term "re-invent" is
                 belittling when used to suggest that someone is either
                 foolish or stupid for attempting to come up with
                 something better. It's also a little errogant when
                 the word, "re-invent" is suggesting that there is "none
                 better and no need to try". The competition is stiffer
                 these days and the word "innovation" is certainly
                 legitimate when competing. After all when our nation
                 was young, we Americans borrowed "our" technology from
                 Europe. And so now it is with Japan and us.)


                              PC SOFT-E  COPYRIGHT (C) 1987,1988,1989

       FILES -------------- : PFAS.EXE
                              REGISTER.FRM (for registration)

       DATE OF RELEASE ---- : 4/12/89    VERSION 1.7

       AUTHOR ------------- : Phillip C. Esch

                              PC SOFT-E
                              224 W. Hatcher Rd.
                              Phoenix, Az 85021

       HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: 256K of memory
                              one floppy drive
                              monochrome/color graphics
                              Prefer Dos 3.1 or later

                              (Note: Cannot guarantee best
                               results with older Dos..)

                              THANK YOU IN ADVANCE

       I want to thank everyone who has helped me with this software,
       especially my brother Roger, who was instrumental in helping me
       find some real problems by being my true blue "friendly user". Also
       I want to thank those who have supported me in this humble project
       with their donations. I would appreciate a donation of $25. This
       donation will make you a full registered user and all updates will
       be passed along. Full telephone support will be made available.



                              LICENSE AGEEMENT

       This software is sole property of PC SOFT-E and may not be bundled
       with other hardware and/or software without first arranging a
       licensing agreement with PC SOFT-E. PFAS may be included on a
       diskette to be sold at a nominal price per disk as a shareware item
       only and that the disk include only the PFAS files and that no
       other software be promoted on the same disk. Also PFAS may not be
       sold across any counter or through the mails as a "store front"
       product without obtaining written permission from PC SOFT-E.
       material. You may not make any changes or modifications to the
       files PFAS.EXE, PFAS.DOC, COLOR.SCR or MONO.SCR; you may not
       decompile or disassemble the file, PFAS.EXE. You may not rent or
       lease it to others. Operators of electronic bulletin board systems
       may post (PFAS) ARC or ZIP files for downloading by their users
       without written permission only as long as the above conditions are
       met. End users may make copies of the PFAS files contained in the
       ARC or ZIP file as long as no fee is charged. A fee may be charged for
       access to the BBS as long as no specific fee is charged for access
       to the PFAS files.

                            GENERAL  INFORMATION

       This documentation is a short version and does not go into detail
       of every feature of the program. This documentation covers areas
       where there might be questions. I have tried to keep things simple
       and as "user friendly" as possible. Effective software is software
       that is simple and powerful at the same time. But that doesn't mean
       to say that there won't be questions. Hence, you will find my phone
       number and address on the opening & ending logo of PFAS.EXE.

       I have made all menus and prompts self-explanatory and simple. One
       of the beginning prompts asks you if you want to see the main menu
       first or go ahead and create a new file. The reason I offer this
       option at the beginning of the program is to ease the anxiety
       level. This I call "the software comfort factor". This way if the
       software is not what I expected, I can conveniently get out of it
       before it takes me through its maze of events. However, If you are
       excited by the prospect of this software solving checkbook or home
       budget problems, then you will eagerly choose option #6 to load in
       sample file "86-TMP" to discover its potential!

       Once the main menu is on the screen, you will see some interesting
       options that I'm sure you'll want to discover. I will not detail
       every option of the menu but let me highlight certain aspects of
       those options. First, every prompt that asks for dates with (MMDD)
       should be entered month and day as in "1231" as December 31 or
       "0123" as January 23. Most prompts will show options to escape out
       of any situation, such as "M" as menu or "RETURN" key to menu or
       "Y/N". If you find no immediate escape out of a situation, try the
       "ESC" key. I have implemented the "ESC" key in many prompts. In
       some cases you may have to to answer the question anyway and
       eventually you will run into a "Y/N" yes or no question, at which
       time, you will be able to start over. Secondly, if the program
       finds an error such as forgetting to turn on the printer, a window
       at the bottom of the screen will appear. The window will list the
       program line number and error message. You have the option then to
       (R)etry or (M)enu. If the problem has been corrected, then choose
       "R" to retry.




       Just for practice, load in the filename "86-TMP". The first
       question it asks is if you want to create a new file, answer with
       the "N" key. The next screen will prompt you with "Enter Drive A,
       B, C or (Esc) to Menu". If the ".DAT" file is on C: drive press the
       "C" key, etc. The list of ".DAT" files will appear on the screen.
       Use the up/down arrow keys to move the strip to the desired file
       name and press "RETURN" or "ENTER" key. If the file you want to
       load is already high lighted, which means that the file is already
       loaded, then you can press the "Esc" key to get back to the main

       If you want to create a new file, answer with the "Y" key. Also
       enter the beginning balance and date when it asks you for that
       information. The next question asks if you want to load file or see
       menu. Answer this with "F" to load file. The next thing you see is
       a header at the top of the screen with "CREATE NEW FILE". In the
       window below the header, it asks for a drive designation where the
       file will be created. If the file will be on "A" drive then press
       the "A" key etc. The next question asks for name of file. Type in
       "86-NEW". Then finally, "IS THE ABOVE CORRECT? (Y/N)"; answer this
       with the "Y" key. Another screen will appear showing the
       transactions loading into memory.

       The file "86-TMP" has a total of 88 transactions that will be
       loaded. PFAS.EXE uses memory for speedier searchs but when an edit
       or new transaction occurs, the file on disk will be immediately
       updated to reflect the change. You might say that memory has an
       exact image of the file on disk. Remember that a file can have up
       to 1000 entries. (As a side note, if you feel it needs more
       possible entries, I would appreciate your response.) After the
       transactions have been loaded, the last nine transactions will be
       listed on the screen, with a <RETURN> TO CONTINUE prompt. This
       means to press your "ENTER" or "RETURN" key depending on the kind
       of keyboard you have.

       Version 1.7 has improved the process of creating files. For
       example, if you create a file on A, B, or C drive, it will check
       first for a duplicate name. If a duplicate has been found, an error
       message window will appear showing that you cannot create with that
       name. Option #6 will list all ".DAT" files that may exist on the
       disk. If you have already loaded a file in memory, the listing will
       also highlight that file name as a reminder that in fact it has
       been loaded.

       Once you get comfortable with the operation of the software and
       want to begin with your own database of entries, be sure that when
       you get to the prompt that asks for a file name, that the first two
       characters of the filename be the year as in "86". You may follow
       with "JAN" or "-JAN" if the file reflects the month only. However,
       keep in mind that you can enter up to 1000 entries which should be
       more than enough for most household transactions for the entire
       year. So the first name would simply be "86". The filename's
       extension will automatically be named as "DAT" as in "86.DAT". If
       you don't give the year as the first two characters of the file
       name, the program will not be able to refer to the year for reports
       or any other function in the program requiring a year reference.
       Please load in the sample file first and get familiar with each
       operation before creating your database.



                               BANK RECONCILIATION

       PFAS software will be very helpful when it comes time to reconcile
       your checks with the bank. When you have entered at least a month's
       worth of checks and your bank statement comes in the mail, let me
       recommend the following. First, printout all of your checks for
       that month by choosing option #3 of the main menu. On the search
       menu, choose option #4. This option will bring up another menu
       called the list menu. From this menu choose option #1. This will
       list all of your entries from the beginning of the year to date. If
       you want to list only certain checks, you may choose option #2 or
       #3 of the list menu to either list from transaction# to
       transaction# or from date to date. You will be prompted to either
       list on the (S)creen only or (P)rint too. Choose "P" to print on the
       printer as well as list to the screen. (You will notice "MORE Y/N"
       at the bottom of the screen. You may discontinue listing at any
       time by pressing the "N" key.) After all the desired checks have
       been printed, go through your normal procedure to make sure that
       all of your checks are correctly listed on the your bank statement
       against the actual checks that came through. Next, compare the
       actual checks against your printout by checking them off with a
       marker pen or pencil on the printout. Now, take your bank statement
       and compare it against the printout and again mark off the check
       numbers with another colored pen on the printout. Also check for
       wrong amounts etc. This will double track the statement against the
       actual checks against your printout. As always be sure to
       compensate for checks or deposits that have not yet gone through. If
       all is accounted for, you can be assured that your checking is
       correctly balanced. You will find that just putting your checks out
       on paper instead of dealing with the checkbook ledger is so much
       easier to track. After working with PFAS.EXE, you will find that
       you won't need to rely on the checkbook ledger as much. Of course,
       you should still keep account of your checks as you write them if
       for nothing else but to enter into the computer.


       If you use the ATM (Automated Teller Machine), you may assign any
       kind of number sequence you like to denote ATM transactions in the
       check number entry. However, searching on check number will work
       best if you do not assign ATM numbers that are less in value than
       the normal sequence of checks. The check number value can be as
       high as 99999999. Also, be aware that PFAS works best if you enter
       transactions in chronological order. This is assumed since most
       check writing is in sequencial numbered order.

                                 REPORT PRINTOUT

       I think you will find the printout report especially useful when it
       comes tax time. PFAS.EXE allows you to categorize all of your
       entries according to code letter. This way you can keep track of
       your deductable items. "CATEGORY.CFG" and "CUSTOMIZ.CFG" are config
       files for naming your categories within "Checkbook '89". Option #8
       now provides the user the ability to edit, add or blank out any
       category entry from within PFAS. Option #8 will bring up two
       windows. The first window lists out the "STANDARD CATEGORIES" and
       the second window lists the "SUB - CATEGORIES". Each has the
       capacity of 138 different budget categories or 6 pages of 23


       entries. "PgUp" and "PgDn" keys will advance to the desired page in
       the window, the "F1" key toggles the input strip from one window to
       the other and the "Esc" key will get you back where you started
       from. The "END OF FILE" line is no longer needed in neither of the
       ".CFG" files. Both ".CFG" files can be loaded into your favorite
       word processor if you need to do more organizing than what option
       #8 will allow. Please keep the files in ASCII form when you save
       them. Use the existing "CATEGORY.CFG" (STANDARD CATEGORIES) and
       "CUSTOMIZ.CFG" (SUB - CATEGORIES) files as examples to edit from to
       form your own ".CFG" files.

       Remember that the first code letter or code letters in the
       "CATEGORY.CFG" file is what PFAS looks for to match up your entries
       for the expenditure report. For example, if you have a listing in
       the "CATEGORY.CFG" file as H-HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, then all of the
       entries in the data file with the first letter H-SMITHS DRUGS or
       H-WALGREENS will be included together in the expenditure report
       under the category H-HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. Be advised that the code
       letter is case sensitive. Lower and upper case letters and numbers
       can be used for the code letter. If you need more code letters, you
       can use double character or double digit codes as well, such as
       "PH-PHOTO" or "99-MISC".

       The "CUSTOMIZ.CFG" file is meant to be an extension of the
       "CATEGORY.CFG" file. For example, if you want to know what you
       spent just at H-SMITHS DRUGS and H-WALGREENS separately, you would
       then list those two sources of expenditures in the "CUSTOMIZ.CFG"
       file. Look at the example ".CFG" files to see what I mean.
       If there are any blank entries in either ".CFG" files, PFAS will
       ignore them. If you edit from within PFAS with option #8 and want
       that edit to stay, press "RETURN" key and the edit will be saved.
       Otherwise the edit will stay only temporarily while you are in
       PFAS. You need only save after all the edits have been completed in
       the window. If you are not sure that you saved any edits, use "F1"
       key to toggle the edit strip to the desired window and press
       "RETURN" key. You will see some disk action as it saves your ".CFG"

       To see how the the report all looks on paper, load in "86-TMP" with
       option #6 if you have not already and then choose option #7 from
       the Main Menu. Enter "0101" as the start date and "0129" as the end
       date. If you are not using an Epson or Epson compatible printer,
       just answer that question as "N".


       When using option #3 on the main menu to search out your checks,
       the one option that allows you to search by category can be very
       useful and interesting. You will notice that it asks you whether or
       not you would like to establish a fiscal period from which to
       search. If you answer "N" or no, it will search the whole file.
       Otherwise it will search only within that fiscal period. Let's say
       you want to search out all of your insurances. Enter the code
       letter "I" and all of your insurances will be listed. However,
       suppose you want to list out only your car insurances. Let's say
       you forgot how they were entered except that you're pretty sure
       they were listed under "STATE FARM". To find out, just enter "I-S"
       or "I-STATE" or "I-STATE FARM". The search string that will be sure
       to include all "STATE FARM" would be "I-S". Be sure to notice that
       there will be a total amount listed at the bottom of the screen in



       the amount column. This is very nice if you want to check a total
       of expenses or income at a glance and didn't want to use the

                           EPSON PRINTER CONFIGURATION

       You will notice that option #9 on the main menu allows the user to
       configure an Epson or Epson compatible printer. This option uses
       the file "EPSON.EXE" supplied on this disk. You may also use
       "EPSON" outside the PFAS enviornment if you wish. One word of
       caution. The budget category report asks if you have an Epson
       printer before the report is printed. If you answer "Y" or yes, the
       report will incorporate some Epson calls for Expanded print and
       skipping perforation. Please be careful that you do not answer "Y"
       to the Epson question in the report and use option #9 at the same
       time to skip perforation or expand print. The safest thing to do is
       not use both options at the same time.


       If your system doesn't include a hard drive and you plan to use a
       one or two floppy drive system only, please be sure to copy the
       file "COMMAND.COM" from your system disk onto the same disk as the
       PFAS file. Without the "COMMAND.COM" file you will get an "illegal
       function" error on several of the operations in PFAS. If you plan
       to use A: and B: drives, format a disk separately from the program
       disk and allocate it as your data disk only for B: drive. If you
       have just A: drive only, the files necessary for operation, will be
       MONO.SCR and of course COMMAND.COM as I mentioned. You should be
       able to get upto three full "DAT" files with the space left on A:
       disk. Again this reminder, before you do anything, please make a
       DISKCOPY of your program disk and place it with the rest of your
       backup diskettes. For hard disk systems, you will need to copy the
       files mentioned above to a subdirectory of your choice.

                                  LAST WORDS

       I cannot guarantee that you will not run into a program error or
       "bug". Even commercial programs have a bug or two. However, you can
       be assured that every pre-caution has been taken to minimize any
       catastrophic errors. I would appreciate any word on these "bugs" if
       and when they occur. That way, we all can benefit. Please include
       the situation in which the error occured and the error window
       information. I have discovered all of the real major problems.
       However, please exercise all file keeping protective practices. One
       of which I can't say enough about; maintain backup data files!

       I would advise that you practice all options on the sample file,
       "86-TMP.DAT", to get a full understanding of its operation before
       you actually create your own database. GOOD LUCK!

       I know that you will find this program useful and again Thank you
       for your support!




       PC SOFT-E made a sincere effort to ensure the accuracy of the
       material described herein; however, PC SOFT-E makes no warranty,
       expressed or implied, with respect to the quality, correctness,
       reliablity, currentness, accuracy, or freedom from error of this
       document or the products it describes. PC SOFT-E makes no
       representation or warranty with respect to the contents hereof and
       specifically disclaims any implied warranties of fitness for any
       particular purpose. PC SOFT-E disclaims any liability for any direct,
       indirect, incidental or consequential, special or exemplary damages
       resulting from the use of the information in this document or from
       the use of any products described in this document. Mention of any
       product does not constitute an endorsement by PC SOFT-E of that
       product. Data used in examples and sample files are intended to be
       fictional. Any resemblance to real persons or companies is




       PC SOFT-E P.F.A.S. version 1.7 is a small business/personal
       checkbook manager designed to make bank reconciliation much faster
       and easier. PC SOFT-E/PFAS17 provides the necessary information to
       get through any bank reconciliation statement. It can handle up to
       1000 transactions in one file for the full year. You can have as
       many as 20 working files at once in each hard drive sub directory
       or floppy disk. One outstanding feature lets you configure
       customized files to properly categorize all your transactions to
       your needs. This is very much like a chart of accounts in a ledger
       program. Each transaction can then be included in a neatly detailed
       expenditure report according to the nature of the expenditure for
       any date specified fiscal period within the year. This is a strong
       plus at tax time and for budget purposes. You also have the full
       ability to edit, insert new or delete current transactions. The
       current balance is posted at the top of the screen to let you know
       how any transaction has affected your bottom line.

       The program can search out transactions by date, check number, or
       by the nature of the expenditure by its "issued to" contents. If
       you search out by "issued to", it will list on the screen and/or
       printer all like transactions and sum the amounts at the bottom of
       screen again within any specified fiscal period within the year.
       This is useful if you would like an "on the spot" glance of a
       category expenditure without printing the expenditure report.

       Transactions can be listed to screen and/or printer by transaction
       to transaction number, date to date or total transactions in file.

       Operation of the program is easy to use with clear cut instructions
       and menu selections.

       Comments include:

       "Easy access to data by variety of options"

       "Simple to run"

       "PC SOFT-E has the potential of managing simple or complex needs"

       "Great for business or personal checking"

       "Tidy program that leaves no assumptions about the user"

       "Good,quick screen action"

       Unique features of the program (why is your program better?):

       PC SOFT-E/PFAS17 offers just enough, clear instructions to get any
       beginner user off the ground quickly in computing. The program has
       enough structure in it to guide any newcomer in computing through
       the program without confusion or puzzlement but not "boging" down
       the experienced end user. The screens look very similiar to many
       DBASE programs in their style of screen prompting which I believe
       are the least ambiguous of any screens I have seen. The screens
       switch to color automatically when using CGA or EGA color adapters.

       The following are some important things to consider when choosing
       software for your particular need. They include: 1.the least amount
       but concise "manual time" 2.reasonable amount of user "guidance
       structure" and/or "help screen" documentation in the program itself
       3.neat, clear, and concise screens showing what cursor movement is
       required of the user and 4.that the program will do everything that
       the author says it will do. PC SOFT-E/PFAS17 lives up to the
       criteria of providing a clean, well "menued/prompt line" structured
       approach. It is modest, simple to use, straight forward as any
       software I know.

       See PFAS.DOC for any other reference that you may need.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1129

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

PRINTDOC BAT        63   4-10-89   1:58p
PRINTFRM BAT        23   4-10-89   3:32a
CATEGORY CFG      5244   1-30-89  12:32p
CUSTOMIZ CFG      5244   1-30-89  12:32p
86-TMP   DAT      4500   4-27-88  10:58p
CONVERT  DOC       679   2-11-89   2:07p
EPSON    DOC      1163   2-08-89   9:22p
PFAS     DOC     25060   4-11-89   6:13p
CONVERT  EXE     40703   4-27-88  12:35p
EPSON    EXE     43631   4-10-89  12:38p
PFAS     EXE    177707   4-10-89  12:51p
UPDATE   FIX      5363   4-10-89   1:38p
REGISTER FRM      1679   4-10-89   1:34p
READ     ME        821   4-10-89  11:13p
COLOR    SCR      8000   7-24-89  10:50a
MONO     SCR      8000   7-24-89  10:52a
FILE     TXT      4100   4-10-89  11:52a
REVIEW   TXT      3723   4-11-89   5:37p
GO       BAT        38   8-22-88   3:06p
FILE1129 TXT      2421   9-08-89   9:20a
GO       TXT       540   2-27-89   3:29p
       21 file(s)     338702 bytes
                       11264 bytes free