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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1075)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


You begin this text adventure in the Stanford University lecture hall in
the year 2285.  First, you must find the fabled Darnoc Time Machine.
Then hurry back to the past to find the allaw allaw plant needed to save
all civilization.  Remember, you must be both smart and alert.  Travel
to the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.  Visit revolutionary Philadelphia,
the wild west, Sherwood Forest, the Egyptian pyramids, and an a
prehistoric jungle. If you overcome the brontosaurus and other threats,
you might save mankind.  Remember that you alone have the burden of
saving the world, one mistake and life on Earth as we know it will cease
to exist.

If you like strategic war gaming, then FACING THE EMPIRE might be right
up your intergalactic alley!  Not an arcade game designed around speed,
flashy graphics and high-speed joystick jockeying, FACING THE EMPIRE is
more like a strategic board game -- oriented toward reasoning, planning
and logistics.

As a member of the Lyran Stellar Federation, you must prepare your
fleets and probes for deployment and battle.  Then you must seek out the
seven randomly-placed Morte stars hidden in the sixty-four stars of the
Lyran periphery.  You can accumulate points through destruction of Morte
ship groups, bases, and their invasion headquarters.  All this must be
accomplished while they're trying to get you first!


Disk No: 1075                                                           
Disk Title: Time Traveler & Facing the Empire                           
PC-SIG Version: S2.4                                                    
Program Title: Time Traveler                                            
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $12.00.                                            
Special Requirements: None.                                             
You begin this text adventure in the Stanford University lecture hall in
the year 2285.  First, you must find the fabled Darnoc Time Machine.    
Then hurry back to the past to find the Allaw Allaw Plant needed to save
all civilization.  Remember, you must be both smart and alert.  Travel  
to the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.  Visit revolutionary Philadelphia, 
the wild west, Sherwood Forest, the Egyptian pyramids, and an a         
prehistoric jungle. If you overcome the brontosaurus and other threats, 
you might save mankind.  Remember that you alone have the burden of     
saving the world, one mistake and life on Earth as we know it will cease
to exist.                                                               

Program Title: Facing the Empire                                        
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $15.00                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
If you like strategic war gaming, then FACING THE EMPIRE might be right 
up your intergalactic alley!  Not an arcade game designed around speed, 
flashy graphics and high-speed joystick jockeying, FACING THE EMPIRE is 
more like a strategic board game - oriented toward reasoning, planning  
and logistics.                                                          
As a member of the Lyran Stellar Federation, you must prepare your      
fleets and probes for deployment and battle.  Then you must seek out the
seven randomly-placed Morte stars hidden in the sixty-four stars of the 
Lyran periphery.  You can accumulate points through destruction of Morte
ship groups, bases, and their invasion headquarters.  All this must be  
accomplished while they're trying to get you first!                     
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989, 1990 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


                   |                                      |
                   |                                      |
                   |                                      |
                   |          Facing The Empire           |
                   |            version 2.00              |
                   |                                      |
                   |                                      |
                   |            User's Manual             |
                   |                                      |

                     (C) Copyright 1986,1989 MVP SOFTWARE

                                1035 Dallas SE
                            Grand Rapids, MI  49507

         All rights reserved.  No portion of this manual may be repro-
         duced, in whole or in part, in any media, including electron-
         ic data transmission, facsimile, xerography or any other form 
         of reproduction or transmittal without the written permission 
         of MVP SOFTWARE.


         MVP SOFTWARE makes no warranties with respect to its pro-
         grams, with the exception that the customer shall be entitled 
         to one (1) updated or modified version of the purchased soft-
         ware package for a fee of 50% of the price of the updated 
         version and upon return of all copies of the original pur-
         chased program.

         The foregoing warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, 
         expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the im-
         plied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and mer-
         chantability.  In no event will MVP SOFTWARE be liable for 
         consequential damages even if MVP SOFTWARE has been advised 
         of such damages.

         The customer shall not make available or provide any copies 
         of materials or portions thereof copyrighted by MVP SOFTWARE, 
         including but not limited to, program listings, source code 
         and object code, and program documentation, in any form, to 
         any person other than customer or MVP SOFTWARE employees, 
         without prior written consent from MVP SOFTWARE.  The custo-
         mer may, however, make backup copies of programs for custo-
         mer's own personal use only.

         If any of the provisions, or portions thereof, of this Dis-
         claimer are invalid under any applicable statute or rule of 
         law, they are to that extent deemed to be omitted.


                          SPECIAL SHAREWARE NOTICE

         This version of Facing the Empire is distributed under the
         "user supported" concept.  It is a full working version of
         the program.  However, MVP Software receives no royalties
         from the distribution of this software and cannot support
         users who do not register their copies.  To register your
         copy of the program with MVP Software, please send the reg-
         istration price of $15.00.  If you register, you will re-
         ceive the following:

         (1) The latest version of Facing The Empire.  The program 
             comes in a vinyl binding with a full 36 page printed doc-
             umentation manual.

         (2) Full telephone support and bug fixes.

         (3) The right to purchase new versions of the program for 50%     
             off list price.

         (4) The knowledge that you have supported the development of 
             reasonably priced game software.  The author of Facing 
             The Empire is a moonlighting US defense department sub-
             contractor who has devoted many hours to the development 
             of the product.  He receives royalties from the sale of 
             the program.  Your registration fee helps to support him 
             in his programming efforts.

         (5) As a special incentive, if you register you will receive 
             a free game software package.  This package, called 
             "Trekkie Fever," contains three graphics Star Trek games 
             guaranteed to keep you coming back for more.  It is a 
             $9.95 value, free with your registered copy of Facing 
             The Empire.  However, you must request it at the time of 
             your order.

         To register your copy of the program, send $15.00 (purchase 
         price) to:

                         MVP Software
                         1035 Dallas SE
                         Grand Rapids, MI  49507

         Or order by phone with MasterCard or Visa:

                         (616) 245-8376


                               Facing The Empire

              Facing the Empire is a one-player interstellar conflict 
         simulation.  The object of the game is to drive the Morte 
         Star Empire out of the stellar periphery of the Lyran Federa-
         tion.  At the same time the 8 Lyran Star Bases must be pro-
         tected from attack by Morte ship groups.  Internally the game 
         is scored with points given for the destruction of enemy tar-
         gets, and the first side to reach 30 points will be victori-
         ous.  The following 2 tables show the scoring for each side.

         Lyran Stellar Federation (the player) gets points for:

         Destroying a Morte ship group . . . . .  3  points
         Destroying a Morte base . . . . . . . .  10 points
         Destroying the Morte invasion HQ  . . .  27 points

         Morte Star Empire (the computer) gets points for:

         Destroying a Lyran ship group . . . . .  3  points
         Destroying a Lyran colony base  . . . .  7  points
         Destroying a Lyran fleet HQ base  . . .  10 points
         Destroying the Lyran Home System Base .  30 points

              Initially the player's fleets are too weak to attack a 
         Morte base.  Also the 7 Morte active stars are hidden in the 
         64 stars of the Lyran stellar periphery.  The player must 
         build up the Lyran fleets, gather intelligence on the Morte, 
         and search the stars for the Morte bases.  At the same time 
         the Morte are searching the stars for the Lyran bases.  The 
         Commander's Handbook describes in detail the assets and capa-
         bilities of the Lyran fleets.  It also tells the player how 
         the game is played and explains every option in the game.  It 
         ends by giving the player some tips for defeating the Morte 
         Star Empire.

                              SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS

              Facing the Empire requires an MS-DOS (or PC-DOS) compu-
         ter, with 128K RAM memory, at least one disk drive, a mono-
         chrome or color monitor, and DOS 1.00 or higher.  The follow-
         ing files are supplied on the distribution diskette.

         FTE.COM -- This is the main game file.

         FTEINT.COM -- This initializes a new game, creating a new 
                       FTEGAME.DAT file.

         FTERANK.COM -- Program file to keep track of player's rank.         

         FTENEW.BAT -- Initializes a new game by executing FTEINT.COM 
                       and then  FTE.COM

         FTEGAME.DAT -- Data file that contains all information on a 
                        game stopped in progress.


         FTEDEMO.DAT -- Sample FTEGAME.DAT file; rename to FTEGAME.DAT 
                        to play a game begun at MVP Software.

         FTEGAMVA.DAT -- Another data file used internally by the 

         FTETEM.DAT -- Data file that holds some game details for game 
                       in progress.

         FTEPLAY.DAT -- Data file that stores players' names and 
                        current ranks.
         FTEFAIL.DAT -- Data file used in one end-game scenario.

         FTEDEFET.DAT -- Data file used in another end-game scenario.

         FTEVICT.DAT -- Data file used in still another end-game sce-

         FTE.DOC -- Documentation file

              Any game stopped in progress may be saved in the file 
         FTEGAME.DAT.  The player may quit the game at the end of any 
         command cycle (game turn), save the current game, and pick up 
         at that point later.  To resume an old game, or to play the 
         game for the first time, place a game diskette in the A 
         drive, and from the A prompt enter:

              FTE <RETURN>

              To create a new scenario and start a new game enter:

              FTENEW <RETURN>

              It will take between one and two minutes to create the 
         new scenario and begin the game, depending on the speed of 
         your computer.  Each scenario is created randomly, and the 
         odds of getting exactly the same one more than once are ex-
         tremely small.

         Note:  Before going any further, please make a working copy 
                of your Facing the Empire distribution disk.  To do 
                so, first place a blank formatted disk in drive B and 
                the Facing the Empire disk in drive A, which should be 
                the logged drive.  Type copy *.* b:, followed by 
                <RETURN>.  If you have a one drive system, place the 
                system disk in the drive.  Type DISKCOPY, followed by 
                <RETURN>.  Follow the directions on your screen until 
                the diskcopy is completed.  Now put the distribution 
                disk in a safe place, and use only your new working 
                disk.  Do not place a write protect tab over the notch 
                on the side of the disk.


              MVP SOFTWARE doesn't copy-protect its distribution pro-
         gram diskettes.  We hate to work with copy-protected software 
         as much as you do, it's expensive, and the schemes are broken 
         almost as fast as they are devised.  We do, however, realize 


         that some unscrupulous users likely will take advantage of 
         this and illegally copy our copyrighted programs.  But if you 
         want to continue to have low-cost quality software available, 
         don't give your software away.  We can only continue to main-
         tain our low prices as long as our customers recommend that 
         those interested in our programs purchase them.


              All program files must reside on your working disk, and 
         the disk must be in the logged drive for the program to oper-
         ate properly.  If a file is missing an error message may be 

              If any other error occurs, it probably indicates a 
         problem in the program.  Recopy the files from the distribu-
         tion diskette onto your working disk.  If that doesn't cor-
         rect the problem, please contact MVP Software with a complete 
         description of what happened and what you were doing when it 
         happened, and we'll correct the problem.  If you're not a 
         registered user, contact the people who supplied you with the 
         program.  We're sorry, but we cannot take care of problems 
         encountered by unregistered users.


                           LYRAN STELLAR FEDERATION



         1  DISTRIBUTION

         This document is meant to give our new Commander from Earth 
         an idea of the events that led up to the present conflict.


         Since the discovery of the Hyperspacial Field Controller over 
         100 years ago, the Lyran people have begun a slow, controlled 
         and peaceful expansion into the galaxy.  We have established 
         7 colonies away from our Home Star System, which have grad-
         ually grown into independent entities.  As this took place, 
         our form of government evolved from a Planetary Council into 
         a Stellar Federation.  Now each former colony is a full and 
         active member of the Federation.  From the industrial power 
         of the natural-resource-laden Telas to the incomparable beau-
         ty of the green fields and blue mountains of Janolan, each 
         contributes to the Federation in its own way.

         Since our first galactic expansion was so successful 15 years 
         ago, The Federation Council unanimously approved the begin-
         ning of a second controlled expansion.  It was during one of 
         the initial exploration missions of this second expansion 
         that we first found evidence of a hostile alien presence in 
         the stars around us.


         Upon their return from the stellar periphery, exploration 
         missions began to report strange events.  Mission commanders 
         filed reports of a Hyperspacial Dampening Field that circled 
         our local star group.  We eventually discovered, to our 
         amazement, that continual hyperspace travel could be under-
         taken in only 2 directions.  It turns out that we are en-
         closed in an extended ring 32 lites in diameter -- a space 
         tunnel, if you will.  If a ship does not travel straight 
         through the tunnel it eventually loses hyperspacial travel 
         capability.  We have also discovered that the Lyran Federa-
         tion is situated in the middle of this tunnel, what we now 
         call "The Galactic Tunnel."  Originally we did not know what 
         this tunnel would mean for the future of our Federation.


         Approximately 2 Lyran years ago, a geological survey ship 
         visiting a newly-discovered planet in our stellar periphery 


         came upon a temporary camp on the surface of the planet.  In-
         side the camp they found 4 aliens, dead.  They died from a 
         strange virus they acquired on the surface of the planet, 
         previously unknown to their species, but to which Lyrans, 
         fortunately, are immune.  Among the documents and books in 
         the camp was a classified manual listing requirements for 
         choosing a planet for a military headquarters, and a military 
         history of the Morte Star Empire.  Our survey crew turned the 
         information over to the local government of Janolan, who in 
         turn gave it to the Stellar Federation Council.  The Council 
         ordered an immediate assessment of our military capabilities, 
         and we have been building our defenses ever since.


         From the documents we were able to create a picture of the 
         Morte Star Empire's recent history.  The Morte moved out into 
         space in warships.  Over the past 75 Lyran years they have 
         conquered 5 star systems around them that contained intelli-
         gent life.  They briefly attempted to move into their entire 
         galaxy, but recently realized that galactic domination was an 
         unattainable and unworthy goal.  Turning their attention in 
         another direction, they discovered an imposing obstacle.  The 
         Morte come from an area of the galaxy just beyond the galac-
         tic tunnel.  During their brief attempt to conquer their en-
         tire galaxy, they discovered the hyperspacial dampening 
         field.  From their perspective it created a wall 100 lites 
         high and 200 lites wide.  Since their warships could not move 
         in hyperspace past the wall, they were bottled up in their 
         local star group.  However, apparently they then discovered 
         the galactic tunnel, and that has led them into our stellar 

         The Morte are large, imposing creatures, somewhat humanoid in 
         appearance.  But there are differences between them and us.  
         The Morte found in the camp averaged 7 to 7.5 of your feet in 
         height, and their weight averaged 320 pounds.  They have re-
         tained large canine teeth from their early development.  We 
         hypothesize that they eat meat only, since they appear not to 
         be omnivorous like most intelligent creatures.  This may also 
         be part of the reason that they developed into such a warrior 


         Once we realized that we would soon be facing an armed con-
         flict with a formidable enemy, we began to evaluate our situ-
         ation.  We knew we have superior science and technology to 
         build adequate defenses.  In addition, centuries of peace has 
         turned our culture into a highly prosperous one, so we have 
         sufficient resources.  Moreover, we have brave crews to man 
         the ships and star bases.  We realized, however, that we lack 
         the ability to organize for battle and to direct in tactical 
         situations.  Our long peaceful period led us to neglect, per-
         haps foolishly, to train military commanders.  Please excuse 
         us if this sounds insulting, but your people seem to spend 
         most of their time at war.  As a result we went to earth to 
         find a person who could direct our defensive effort.  We have 
         found that person in you.


                           LYRAN FEDERATION DEFENSE

                         AND COMMAND RESPONSIBILITIES

                           LYRAN SECURITY LEVEL XR3
                             COMMANDER'S EYES ONLY

         1  OVERVIEW

         Welcome to the Lyran Stellar Federation!  We are glad you 
         have come to help.  This document contains a complete des-
         cription of the bases, ships and special items that can be 
         used to defend the Lyran Stellar Federation.  It will be bro-
         ken into three (3) main sections.  The first section will 
         describe the present capabilities and assets of the Lyran 
         Federation defense, assets that have been constructed and 
         tested, and those awaiting authorization for construction.  
         This will give you a complete picture of our means of de-
         fense.  The second section will describe your duties and res-
         ponsibilities as Commander of the Lyran Federation defense 
         system.  Finally, the third section will brief you on all the 
         intelligence we've gathered so far on the Morte Star Empire 
         and their battle plan against us.  The manual will end with a 
         discussion of possible tactics, recommended by military con-
         sultants of our Federation, to use against the Morte.


         This section will acquaint you with our means of defending 
         The Lyran Federation.  The Federation is made up of 8 star 
         systems.  Each star system is defended by a star base.  The 
         home system of Lyra has the largest star base, and it is the 
         headquarters of Lyran fleet 1.  Lyra is designated as Lyran 
         Star L1.  Fleet 1 is also responsible for defending star base 
         5 and the colony of Adiam (star L5).  Fleet 2 is headquar-
         tered at Telas (L2), and it is responsible for star base 6 
         and the colony at Tyrian (L6).  Fleet 3 HQ is at Kelvin (L3), 
         and it defends star base 7 and the colony of Uther (L7).  
         Fleet 4 is headquartered at Arvon (L4), and it defends star 
         base 8 and the colony of Janolan (L8).

         2.1  UNITS OF MEASURE

         We use three units of measure to describe our ships and 
         bases.  The first unit is weapons.  "Weapons" is a general 
         term that includes Lyran ships, ship groups, and the bases' 
         ability to defend themselves. Second, there is the lite jump.  
         Our ships travel between stars in hyperspace jumps.  The lite 
         jump value (or level) of a ship is an indication of the num-
         ber of lites a ship can move in one hyperspace jump -- its 
         speed, if you will.  This unit has a different meaning for 
         star bases, however.  To propel ships away quickly our star 
         bases have the ability to "hurl" a ship group away from the 
         base.  The distance in lites that a base can hurl a ship 
         group is its lite jump level.  This reduces the number of 


         jumps it takes a ship or ship group to get to its destina-
         tion.  But since the ship or ship group will not have the 
         same advantage on its return trip to the base, coming home 
         takes longer.  Our third unit of measurement is EWS.  This is 
         an acronym for Early Warning System.  EWS is a defensive in-
         telligence sphere that surrounds ships, ship groups and 
         bases.  The EWS level indicates the lite radius of the de-
         fensive sphere around the ship, ship group or base it covers.  
         Although the EWS performs no actual physical defense (it is 
         not a shield), it does provide advance warning of incoming 
         alien forces.

         2.2  SHIP TYPES

         We have the ability to construct 4 different types of ships.  
         The Battleship is a fleet's basic ship.  It is designed for 
         battle.  It has the second-largest weapons level (4), but its 
         lite jump is less than the faster ships (6), it does not have 
         any early warning capability, and it does not have the abili-
         ty to carry probes.  The Ewsship is built to give a fleet mo-
         bile early warning capability, but its weapons level is mini-
         mal (2).  It depends on other ships in a ship group for de-
         fense.  However, it has an early warning capability that will 
         put a 3 lites radius sphere around the ship group that it is 
         in.  The Ewsship also has the ability to carry 1 probe on a 
         mission.  Presently, each of the 4 fleets contains 5 Battle-
         ships and 1 Ewsship.

         The next 2 types of ships are newer designs.  We have not yet 
         constructed any of them.  It will be up to you to authorize 
         construction of any additional ships of any type.  The third 
         type of ship is called a Trackership.  It is an upgrade of 
         the Ewsship.  It is stronger, with a weapons level of 3.  Al-
         though its lite jump capability is 7, when it is in a group 
         with slower ships it will slow down to their level to stay 
         with the group.  It also has an improved EWS capability (lev-
         el 4), and it can carry 2 probes.  The final ship type is the 
         designer's pride and joy.  It is called a Dreadnaught.  This 
         massive ship is powerful, yet fast and strong.  Its weapons 
         level is 8, but it has a EWS and probe-carrying capacity of a
         Trackership and a lite jump of 8.  Details on construction of 
         these ship types are in the project management section of this
         manual.  On the following page is a chart illustrating the 
         four ship types and their various capacities.

                               LYRAN SHIP TYPES

                ship         weapon     lite              probe
                type         level      jump     EWS     capacity
                Battleship     4          6       0         0
                Ewsship        2          6       3         1
                Trackership    3          7       4         2
                Dreadnaught    7          8       4         2



         Each fleet can maintain up to 15 ships.  Each fleet must de-
         fend its fleet headquarters and its companion colony star 
         base, and each has its own project management and mission 
         planning.  It will be up to you to coordinate the activity of 
         all 4 fleets to shape the Lyran defense.  On the following 
         page is a layout of the initial status of the Lyran Federa-
         tion defense.

            Each fleet has:  5 Battleships and 1 Ewsship

                      Home System    Fleet HQs    Colonies
                      Star Base 1    Bases 2-4    Bases 5-8
         Weapons           4             3            2
         Lite Jump         4             3            2
         EWS               4             3            2

         Base capabilities can be upgraded through projects.  New 
         ships of any type may be constructed in the fleets (to a max-
         imum of 15 ships per fleet).  The capabilities of the ships 
         cannot be upgraded.  Should we be in a position that we need 
         a certain type of ship, and the fleet is full, an existing 
         ship may be converted to another type of ship.  The Dread-
         naught is the exception to this.  A ship cannot convert to a 
         Dreadnaught.  If a ship is damaged in battle it may be 
         brought back to full strength by converting it to its own 
         type.  A damaged ship will be indicated on your command 
         screen by a dash in front of its number.

         2.4  PROBE TECHNOLOGY

         Probe technology is a new area of defense development.  The 
         word "probe" is a purposeful misnomer requested by Lyran se-
         curity to mask the capabilities of these effective tools.  
         There are 3 different types of probes.  The first, called a 
         passive probe, is a communication interception device.  When 
         planted in a star system the probe scans for Morte signals.  
         Morte ships report to their home base between each hyperspace 
         jump.  The effectiveness of the probe is range-dependent.  
         When a Morte ship is within 1 lite of the probe the probe is 
         100% effective.  The percentage drops to 50 at a distance of 
         10 lites, and to 0 at a distance of 20 lites.  It is expected 
         to be a great asset for gathering Morte ship movement intel-

         The second type of probe, called an active probe, is a device 
         that will mask the actual battle strength of a ship or ship 
         group.  For each active probe carried by a ship or ship group 
         the total apparent weapons level of the group will rise 3 
         levels.  This will be needed most when establishing pseudo 
         bases.  (See pseudo base tactics in section 3 for details.)

         The third type of probe is an explosive probe.  These are es-


         sentially space mines.  When a Morte ship group enters a star 
         system that contains an explosive probe, the probe will ex-
         plode, causing light to fatal damage to the ship group.  They 
         are expected to be good tools for softening up large Morte 
         groups.  Passive and explosive probes must be carried and 
         planted in star systems by ships.  All ships except Battle-
         ships can carry probes.  The Trackership and Dreadnaught can 
         carry 2 probes, and the Ewsship can carry 1 probe.  Probes 
         are constructed as authorized by you.

         2.5  CONCLUSION

         This ends the general description of the Lyran Federation de-
         fense assets and capabilities.  We feel we have the capabili-
         ties needed to drive the Morte from our space.  We need your 
         leadership to accomplish the task.


         This section of the document will describe your responsibili-
         ties as Commander of the Lyran defense.  Your three main are-
         as of responsibility will include project management, mission 
         planning, and tactical direction.  Each fleet will require 
         guidance in each of these three areas.  Project management 
         and mission planning will require your input on every command 
         cycle during the conflict.  To help you with decisions, the 
         combined Lyran intelligence service will provide you with an 
         overall conflict assessment between each command cycle.


         "Project Management" is a fleet's means of growing in size 
         and strength.  Because of industrial limitations, each fleet 
         is limited to working on 1 project at a time.  That is where 
         your guidance is crucial.  The projects that can be worked on 
         vary, and so you must decide which projects the 4 fleets will 
         undertake.  The number of command cycles to complete a pro-
         ject varies with the complexity of the project.  The follow-
         ing paragraphs will contain a brief description of each pro-
         ject, and how it is initiated from your command screen.

         3.1.1  PROBE CONSTRUCTION

         Probe construction is the first option under project manage-
         ment.  As explained earlier under probe technology, there are 
         3 types of probes:  passive, active and explosive.  You may 
         construct 2 probes of 1 type at a time.  It takes 1 command 
         cycle to construct 2 probes.  The status of available probes 
         will be in the upper right of the command screen.  To con-
         struct probes enter a zero (0) at the project management 
         prompt.  Then enter the number of the type of probe that you 
         wish to construct (0-passive, 1-active, 2-explosive).  If you 
         enter the probe construction area by mistake, you may return 
         to the project management prompt by entering a 3.


         3.1.2  SHIP CONVERSION

         Ship conversion is the second option under project manage-
         ment.  Ship conversion has 2 uses.  You may have a fleet that 
         is full, and for some reason you need a specific type of ship 
         that is not in the fleet.  You may not construct another ship 
         if the fleet is full, but you may convert an existing ship to 
         another type.  The Dreadnaught is excluded from this process.  
         Because of its revolutionary and unique design, conversion to 
         it from another hull type is impossible.  The second use for 
         ship conversion is to repair ships damaged in battle.  To re-
         pair a ship damaged in battle, just convert the ship to its 
         own type.  When the ship is repaired, it will be stationed at 
         the fleet headquarters.  The following table shows the number 
         of command cycles it will take to make the ship conversions.

                       Battleship    Ewsship    Trackership
         Battleship        1            2            3
         Ewsship           2            1            2
         Trackership       3            2            1

         To convert a ship enter a 1 at the project management prompt.  
         Next, enter the number of the ship to be converted.  The 
         ships of the fleet are listed in the upper center on your 
         command screen.  Damaged ships are marked by a minus (-) sign 
         to the left of the ship number.  Finally, enter the number of 
         the type of ship into which you wish to convert the first 
         ship.  If you enter the ship conversion area by mistake, en-
         ter a 3 to get back to the project management prompt.

         3.1.3  SHIP CONSTRUCTION

         Each fleet initially contains 6 ships (5 Battleships and 1 
         Ewsship).  Ship construction is the means of adding new ships 
         to the fleets.  Each fleet may construct ships until the 
         fleet contains 15 ships.  It is up to you to authorize con-
         struction and to choose which types of ships will be con-
         structed, and at what times.  Each ship has its own special-
         ties.  The more complex the ship the longer it takes to con-
         struct.  The following table will show you how many cycles it 
         takes to construct each type of ship.

         Ship type                      Command cycles
         Battleship                            1
         Ewsship                               2
         Trackership                           3
         Dreadnaught                           6

         To construct a ship enter a 2 at the project management 


         prompt.  Then enter the number of the type of ship to con-
         struct.  If you enter the ship construction area by mistake, 
         enter a 4 to return to the project management prompt.

         3.1.4  STAR BASE UPGRADE

         There are 8 Star Bases in the Lyran Federation defense.  They 
         are the heart of the defense organization.  Four star bases 
         (1-4) serve as fleet headquarters, and four star bases (5-8) 
         are colony bases.  Section 1 described the relationship be-
         tween the fleet headquarters, star bases and the colony star 
         bases.  The following table summarizes that relationship.

         Fleet star base         Companion colony star base
                1                              5
                2                              6
                3                              7
                4                              8

         During the project management phase for a fleet, you may 
         authorize the upgrade of a star base attribute on either the 
         fleet HQ star base or the companion star base.  As described 
         in section 1, the three star base attributes are weapons, 
         lite jump and EWS.  Lyran intelligence indicates that the 
         Morte ships have extensive lite jump capability, and the col-
         ony base EWS levels will have a slim chance of detecting 
         their approach to the bases.  The table on the following page 
         shows the number of command cycles it will take to upgrade 
         each star base attribute.

                 Star base attribute           Command cycles
                     Weapons                            1
                     Lite jump                          2
                     EWS                                3

         To upgrade a star base attribute enter a 3 at the project 
         management prompt.  Then enter the number of the star base to 
         upgrade.  The fleet HQ and companion star base numbers can be 
         found in the star base display at the lower right of the com-
         mand display.  That display also shows the present status of 
         each star base attribute.  Finally, enter the number of the 
         star base attribute that is to be upgraded.  If you enter the 
         star base upgrade area by mistake, enter a 3 to return to the 
         project management prompt.


         Many of the projects take more than one cycle to complete.  


         When a fleet is working on a project a new project cannot be 
         started until the present project is completed.  There may be 
         a situation when a fleet is working on a multi-cycle project, 
         and it becomes important to begin a different one.  The only 
         way to begin the important project is to cancel the multi-
         cycle project that is under way.  To cancel an ongoing pro-
         ject enter a 4 at the project management prompt.  When a 
         fleet has a project under way, the status of the project will 
         be displayed at the lower right of the project management 

         When a project is under way and you want it to continue sim-
         ply enter a 5 at the project management prompt.  This will 
         end the project management options for that fleet on that 
         command cycle.

         3.2  MISSION PLANNING

         Each fleet may deploy ships to its companion colony base, 
         plant probes to gather intelligence and to destroy Morte 
         groups, and seek out and destroy Morte bases.  Ships move 
         from star bases on missions.  These missions are set up by 
         you under the mission planning options.  There are 7 options 
         under mission planning.  Five of the options actually direct 
         ships on missions.  Option number one is for planning analy-
         sis, and option number 7 is your method of ending the mission 
         planning for the fleet on that command cycle.  You may con-
         duct as many missions as you like on each command cycle.

         3.2.1  LIST THE 17 CLOSEST STARS

         This option gives you an opportunity to analyze the 17 stars 
         closest to the star base.  If you select it, it will list the 
         stars in the order of their distance from the base.  Informa-
         tion given includes star number, the distance of the star 
         from the base in lites, the status of the star, and an indi-
         cation if any Lyran ship groups are headed to the star.  The 
         table on the following page shows each of the values that can 
         appear in a star's status.

                       Status value         Description
                            1      Star has been investigated
                            2      A passive probe is planted in the
                            3      An explosive probe is planted in
                                   the system
                            4      Both probe types are planted in
                                   the system
                            5      A Morte active star system
                            6      Pseudo base is in a star system

         To list the 17 closest stars, enter a 1 at the mission plan-
         ning prompt.  The 17 closest stars can be viewed from the 
         fleet HQ star base, or from the companion colony star base.  


         The next thing to enter is the number of the star base from 
         which to start the listing.  The star map at the left of the 
         command display will disappear, and the listing of the 17 
         stars will appear in its place.

         This option has a second use.  You may find out the distance 
         and status information for one particular star at a time.  To 
         do this, instead of entering the star number to the base from 
         which to leave, enter instead the negative of the base num-
         ber.  For example, to see the distance of a particular star 
         from star base 1, at the base prompt enter -1.  Then you will 
         be prompted for an end point star number.  Enter the number 
         of the particular star in which you are interested.  The in-
         formation will be displayed in the upper left part of your 
         command screen.  You will then be prompted for another end 
         point star number.  You may keep entering star numbers up to 
         a maximum of 17.  To exit this process, enter just <RETURN> 
         to the prompt for an end point star number.

         3.2.2  FORMING A SHIP GROUP

         All missions undertaken from Lyran star bases are accom-
         plished by ship groups.  A ship group may contain from 1 to 
         10 ships, and the ships will be selected by you for the re-
         quirements of the mission.  The information that you must en-
         ter to form a ship group and send it out is listed in the 
         following table.

              Information needed to form a ship group

         1. Number of the star base from which it will leave
         2. Number of ships that will be in the group
         3. Number of each ship in the group
         4. Type of probes to be carried on the mission (if any)
         5. Number of the star that is to be the destination

         After selecting a particular mission, you must enter this in-
         formation.  First, you will be prompted for the number of the 
         star base from which the ships will leave.  Next, the fleet 
         will request the number of ships in the group, then the ship 
         numbers.  Make sure you check the status of the ships, listed 
         in the upper center of your command screen.  Only ships pres-
         ently at the star base specified as the star base to leave 
         from can be used in the mission.  After the ship numbers are 
         entered, you must specify the type of probes to be taken (if 
         any).  If there is no probe-carrying group, the fleet will 
         alert you to this fact in case you did not realize it.  At 
         this point you may redo the ship group to add a probe-carry-
         ing ship.  If the mission requires a probe-carrying ship, and 
         one is not available, you can cancel the mission and return 
         to the mission planning prompt.  The final piece of informa-
         tion required to undertake the mission is the destination 
         star.  Once that is entered, the mission will begin.


         3.2.3  PSEUDO BASE CONTROL

         A pseudo base is a group of ships which together create the 
         illusion of a full Lyran star base.  This section will dis-
         cusses in detail the tactic of using pseudo bases.  In gen-
         eral, pseudo bases confuse the Morte's ability to gather ac-
         curate data, thus delaying their readiness to invade.  To 
         keep up the illusion, a ship group must remain on station at 
         a star system for an extended period of time.  However, the 
         ship group can only take enough supplies to remain on station 
         for 10 command cycles.

         To remain on station longer, the pseudo base must be main-
         tained.  The maintenance of a pseudo base requires you to 
         send a supply ship to the group before their supplies run 
         out.  The supply ship will carry enough supplies to allow the 
         ship group to remain at its pseudo base for another 10 com-
         mand cycles.  When you decide that the pseudo base is no 
         longer needed, you can request that it be dismantled and that 
         the ship group return home.  A pseudo base must be made up of 
         a minimum of 3 ships, one of which must have early warning 
         capability.  As a result, the ship group cannot be made up 
         entirely of Battleships.  Since the pseudo base will remain 
         stationary over many command cycles, it will have a higher 
         chance of encountering Morte groups than would a moving ship 
         group.  One way to avoid attack on a pseudo base is to make 
         it appear stronger than it is.  The ship chosen for its EWS 
         capability will also have probe-carrying capability.  A ship 
         group's apparent battle strength could be increased by 3 lev-
         els for each active probe that is taken on the mission.  The 
         three missions that involve pseudo base activity are covered 
         separately below.  To enter pseudo base control, enter a 2 at 
         the mission planning prompt.


         To start a pseudo base, enter a 1 at the pseudo base control 
         prompt.  Next, form a ship group as described above.  While 
         forming the group, the fleet will remind you that 3 ships are 
         required for a group, and that 1 of them must have EWS capa-


         To maintain a pseudo base, enter a 2 at the pseudo base con-
         trol prompt.  Next, form a ship group composed of 1 ship.  
         Any type of ship can be used to supply a pseudo base.  The 
         number of the destination star will be the star number of the 
         pseudo base.  When the supply ship reaches the pseudo base, 
         the base will be resupplied, and the supply ship will return 
         to base.


         When a pseudo base has outlived its usefulness and is to be 
         dismantled, have the ships return home by entering a 3 to the 
         pseudo base control prompt.  Next, the fleet will request the 


         number of the ship group at the pseudo base.  The ship group 
         will then return home.

         3.2.4  PLANT HYPERPROBES

         Hyperprobe is the full name for the 3 types of probes.  Of 
         the three types of probes, the passive and the explosive may 
         be planted in a star system.  As explained in section 1, pas-
         sive probes will intercept Morte messages, and explosive 
         probes are essentially space mines.  To plant hyperprobes, 
         enter a 3 at the mission planning prompt.  Then form a ship 
         group as described earlier.  Make sure a probe-carrying ship 
         is in the ship group.


         We may end up in a situation in which we do not have any 
         probe-carrying ships available, or there are no probes avail-
         able, but there is a star system that we want to check out.  
         In such a situation a group of Battleships may be sent to in-
         vestigate a star system.  Their entire mission will be to go 
         to the star system, check for possible Morte activity, and 
         return.  To investigate a star system, enter a 4 at the mis-
         sion planning prompt.  Then form a ship group in the usual 

         3.2.6  ATTACK THE MORTE

         When a Morte base is located and identified, a fleet may mass 
         to attack it.  The fleet will only attack Morte bases that 
         are officially identified and which appear under the "Morte 
         Stars" heading on your command screen.  Up to 12 ships may be 
         put into a ship group to attack a Morte base.  To attack a 
         Morte base, enter a 5 at the mission planning prompt.  Then 
         form a ship group in the usual manner.  When the group 
         reaches its destination it will go immediately to the attack.

         3.2.7  DEPLOY SHIPS

         Deploying ships is our means of moving ships between a fleet 
         headquarters and its companion colony star base.  You probab-
         ly will use it several times for each fleet to keep both star 
         bases properly defended.  To deploy ships, enter a 6 to the 
         mission planning prompt.  Then form a ship group described 
         earlier.  Do not take probes on a deployment mission.  They 
         will not help, and a ship cannot dock at a star base when it 
         is carrying probes.


         There are two situations in which we expect to need tactical 
         direction.  First, anytime our star base early warning sys-
         tems pick up Morte warships we will need your input to make 
         the next tactical move.  The question at that point will be 
         if we should intercept the group.  The normal star map at the 


         upper left of the command display will be replaced by a map 
         showing the star base and the Morte ship group.  The ship 
         group will be indicated by a number, which will be the ap-
         proximate battle strength of the Morte group in units of War-
         ships.  You will have to decide to intercept or not inter-
         cept.  To intercept and fail would not only result in the in-
         tercepting ships being destroyed, but it may also leave your 
         star base open to attack by the surviving Morte ships.  If 
         you do not intercept, and allow the Morte ships to close on 
         the base, the Morte may scout the base and disappear into 
         hyperspace without attacking.  Successfully scouting our base 
         will move their readiness to invade forward a significant 

         The second situation is when our ship group's EWS picks up a 
         Morte group either at another star system or in deep space.  
         In this case there will be three options.  You may continue 
         on with the group's original mission, you may have the group 
         abort its mission and intercept the Morte group, or you may 
         have the ship group abort its mission and reverse course to 
         avoid being intercepted by the Morte group.  These options 
         are only available when the ship group is moving away from 
         its star base.  When returning to the base the group will not 
         have enough fuel to change course.  If you decide to inter-
         cept or reverse course, the group's mission will be aborted, 
         and if the group is carrying any probes, they will be jet-
         tisoned so the ships can return to base.



         4.1.1  MORTE STRIKE BASES

         From all of our sources of intelligence, we have deduced that 
         the Morte are employing 7 star systems somewhere in the 64 
         stars that we call our stellar periphery.  Four of the sys-
         tems are being used as strike bases.  According to the mater-
         ial found on the dead Morte plague victims (see your intro-
         ductory notes on the history of the present crisis), the Mor-
         te plan to first scout the star systems with intent to pin-
         point our star bases and analyze our strength.  When they be-
         lieve they have enough data they will mass and attack our 
         star bases in waves.  The scouting will be the responsibility 
         of the four Morte strike bases.  They will send out scout 
         groups of unknown size and battle strength.  Their first pri-
         ority is to scout our bases and transmit back the informa-
         tion.  However, according to recent information obtained at 
         great cost, the Morte ship group commanders have latitude to 
         attack our star bases if they feel they can destroy them.

         4.1.2  CONVERGENCE STARS

         We have also found out that the Morte will use 2 of their 
         stars as convergence stars.  The Morte movement will be from 
         their base to one of these convergence stars, then to their 


         target star.  This pattern is intended to mask the location 
         of their star bases.  We believe that these convergence stars 
         will be excellent places to plant our probes (both passive 
         and explosive).  We also believe that the Morte traffic 
         around those stars will be high, and that a probe-planting 
         mission will run a significant risk of encountering a Morte 
         ship group somewhere near the star system.


         The final Morte-controlled star will hold what is listed in 
         the Morte material as the Morte Invasion Headquarters.  This 
         headquarters will collect all of the information from their 
         scouting reports and decide when to invade.  The leader of 
         the Morte fleets (one they call the Supreme Battle Commander) 
         controls their battle plan from this headquarters.  If we 
         could destroy this headquarters we are convinced the Morte 
         organization would come apart and they would flee our space.  
         To destroy the Morte Invasion Headquarters would take a great 
         effort.  Another piece of intelligence recently acquired in-
         dicates that the Morte are holding a full fleet in reserve at 
         the headquarters until they are ready to invade.  This fleet 
         will include the Supreme Battle Commander's Morte Imperial 
         Flagship.  The exact strength of this ship is unknown, but we 
         expect it to be at least the size of our Dreadnaught class 

         4.2  CONFLICT TACTICS

         A massed Morte invasion armada is expected to be extremely 
         difficult to defeat.  All strategic and tactical analysis in-
         dicates that we will be in much better shape if we are able 
         to drive them out of our space before they mass to invade.  
         While we are building strength we are going to need good in-
         telligence on their scout group movements, good scouting of 
         our own to find their bases, and a method of confusing their 
         search patterns.


         The most effective way to collect intelligence on the Morte 
         ship movements is to build a network of passive probes in 
         star systems around the 8 star bases.  A set of passive 
         probes planted in star systems close to our star bases may 
         serve as an advanced warning system.  They will give us a 
         chance of being alerted to Morte ships moving towards our 
         bases before they get there.  Probes planted in star systems 
         further out may give away a convergence star or a Morte 
         strike base.  Information from planted probes may also give 
         us a chance of detecting Morte ship groups.  A passive probe 
         is expected to intercept messages going between the Morte 
         scout group and its base.  Each time the scout comes out of 
         hyperspace it will report to its base.  The decoder sections 
         in the combined Lyran intelligence service are designed to 
         pick out the Morte group's destination, and to deduce from 
         the the message the number of command cycles it will take be-
         fore they get there.  With that information you may consider 
         intercepting a Morte ship with either a stronger group of our 
         own ships, or by getting to the star system first and 
         planting an explosive probe in their path.  The former move 
         would insure the destruction of the Morte ship group, but 
         with the risk of losing some of our ships.  The latter move 
         has little risk to our ship group, but it also has little 
         chance of totally destroying the Morte group.

         4.3.1  PSEUDO BASES

         Our intelligence service has been very effective against the 
         Morte so far.  We are afraid the Morte's intelligence service 
         has been equally effective against us.  We are getting indi-
         cations that the Morte are almost convinced that our 8 star 
         bases are somewhere in the 16 stars that we label stars 1 
         through 16.  And they are correct!  They are expected to con-
         centrate their scouting efforts in our area.  We must shake 
         their confidence in their theory.  Pseudo bases will be one 
         way of confusing them.  When a base is established it will 
         beam signals out that will indicate to the Morte that there 
         is a Lyran star base at a star numbered higher than L16.  We 
         expect the confusion will force them to search an extra 8 
         stars for every base that we keep active.  In other words, we 
         think that if we keep up 1 pseudo base the Morte will search 
         24 stars.  If we keep up 2 pseudo bases they will search 32 
         stars, and so on.

         4.4  WRAP UP

         Commander, you now know all we can tell you about the Morte 
         and our own analysis of the situation.  It is up to you now.  
         Good Luck -- the fleets and our entire defensive force stands 
         ready to follow your leadership.





         4.5  ADDENDUM

         We have received new information and have developed some new 
         capabilities since this handbook was written.  Following is a 
         description of this new data.

         4.5.1  FOUR SKILL LEVELS

         Since we recognize that new Commanders may not have the same 
         skill as seasoned veterans, once you take command for the 
         first time, you will be assigned the rank of NOVICE.  However, 
         as you successfully complete your assignments, you will rise 
         through the ranks to CAPTAIN, COMMANDMANT, and finally, 
         ADMIRAL.  Admiral is a rank of highest distinction, and will 
         be conferred only on those Commanders who distinguish them-
         selves in numerous campaigns.  As you rise through the ranks, 
         the Morte will become more and more powerful.  Thus, each rank 
         is more difficult to attain, but more rewarding.  You achieve 
         promotions not only for defeating the Morte invaders, but for 
         doing so while preserving as many Lyran bases as possible, 
         suffering the fewest defeats on ship groups, and completing 
         your mission in the fewest Command Cycles.  Losing campaigns 
         may cost you a step in rank.

         4.5.2  SOUND ON/OFF

         Because we recognize that you may wish to turn the sound off, 
         at the beginning of each command session you will be asked if 
         you wish the sound to be turned on.  During your command ses-
         sion, you can toggle sound on or off by pressing "S" when the 
         prompt "Press any key to continue" appears on your command 

         4.5.3  SHIP CAPABILITIES

         Our Dreadnaught class ship now has two new capabilities.  When 
         it is a part of any ship group, in a battle with Morte ships 
         or a Morte base, the Dreadnaught will absorb the Morte salvos 
         first, protecting the other ships in the group.  If the Dread-
         naught ship is damaged by the Morte fire, it has the ability 
         to repair itself en route back to its Star Base.  However, 
         should the Dreadnaught be destroyed, of course it cannot be 
         repaired.  We feel this ability is crucial to the Dreadnaught 
         class ships since they cannot be repaired at a Star Base.

         Sometimes ship groups encounter several Morte ship groups at 
         once, before returning to base.  If a Dreadnaught ship sur-
         vives all of these battles, it will repair itself.  However, 
         it cannot repair itself between battles, since the time inter-
         val is too short.

         Unfortunately, with these additional capabilities Dreadnaught 
         ships now require six Command Cycles for construction instead 
         of five.



         When one of our ships has been damaged, it loses weapon 
         strength.  Once its weapon level is reduced to 0, it is 
         destroyed.  An exception to this is when the ships at a pseudo 
         base run out of supplies.  When this happens their weapon 
         strength is reduced to 0, but they are not destroyed unless 
         they encounter a Morte ship group on their return to base.  
         Your Command Display Console will show a red number in paren-
         theses behind every damaged ship telling you what its weapon 
         strength is.


         When forming ship groups, you now may take ships from both the 
         main base and the companion base to form one ship group.  How-
         ever, there must be at least as many ships at the base from 
         which the group is leaving as is included in the group.  So, 
         for example, if you have 10 ships stationed at Lyra 1 and 5 
         ships at Adiam 5, you can form a group of up to 10 ships to 
         leave from Lyra 1, but you can take up to 5 of those ships 
         from Adiam 5.  All ships will return to the base designated as 
         the base from which they left, regardless of their previous 

         4.5.6  CANCELING A PROJECT

         To prevent inadvertant cancellation of a project, you will be 
         asked to confirm this selection from your command console.

         4.5.7  WRAP UP

         Well, commander, the rest is up to you.  We have done every-
         thing we can to give you the latest in Lyran technology and 
         defense capabilities.  We are counting on you to drive the 
         Morte from our interstellar periphery.



║     <<<<  Disk No. 1075  TIME TRAVELER and FACING THE EMPIRE  >>>>      ║
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(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.


                               Time Traveler (tm)

                                  Version 2.0

              You may copy and FREELY share this program with others.
           To become a registered user of Time Traveler send $12.00 to:

                                Conrad R. Button
                               13807 S.E. 282 St.
                                Kent, WA 98042

           As and added bonus for registering, you will be sent a FREE
             copy of ANY ONE of the text adventure in our series.

                      (C) Copyright 1989 by Conrad Button
                              All Rights Reserved

                               COPYRIGHT NOTICE

                       (c) Copyright 1989 Conrad Button
                            - All rights reserved -

              You are granted a limited license to use Time Traveler.
         It may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms
         of this license outlined in the section "Restricted Permission
         to Copy".

              Information on this disk is subject to change without
         notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
         Conrad Button.  Conrad Button may make improvements and/or
         changes to this disk or to the product(s) and/or the
         program(s) described in this disk at any time.

              This product could include technical inaccuracies or
         typographical errors.  Changes are periodically made to the
         information herein.  Such changes may be incorporated in new
         editions of the publication.

              Time Traveler is a trademark of Conrad Button.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

               How to Start a Game  . . . . . . . . . . .  4

               How to Play a Game . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

               Hints on Playing Games . . . . . . . . . .  5

               Restricted Permission to Copy  . . . . . .  6

               Why Pay for the Games  . . . . . . . . . .  7

               Game Series Information  . . . . . . . . .  8

                             HOW TO START THE GAME

         To start Time Traveler, use the following instructions.

              1.  Start your computer in the usual manner.
              2.  Insert the game disk into Drive A.
              3.  Type A: and press Enter.
              4.  Type TIMETRAV and press Enter.
              5.  Follow the instructions on the screen.

         If you are using a monochrome monitor or a one color graphics
         monitor you should add an M to the end of step 4
         (i.e. TIMETRAV M).  This will allow the screen to be more
         readable on these monitors.

                                  HOW TO PLAY

              A text adventure is a fictional novel in which you
         are the main character.  You will be given a quest which you
         must successfully complete.  You may also be asked to
         collect treasures during your travels.

              Your PC will become your guide.  It will tell you what
         it sees and hears, and will obey your commands, (most of the
         time).  Although it speaks fluent English, it has trouble
         understanding long sentences.  Please limit your commands to
         not more than two words, with the verb as the first word
         (e.g.  throw ball).  If the computer does not know or
         understand a word, it will tell you so.  In that case, please
         use another word of similar meaning.

              We strongly advise you to build a map during your
         travels so that you can easily return to previously explored

              The computer will give you the following information at
         the start of each round of play:

              1.  A description of your current location.
              2.  Items that you can see at this location.
              3.  Directions in which you can move (n-north, s-south,
                  e-east, w-west, u-up, d-down)
              4.  Treasures will be marked by an '*' before and after
                  the word.

         You must then respond by typing the action you wish to


                                 * * HINTS * *

         Most actions require two words such as:
              Light torch
              Get ruby
              Drop axe
              Examine door

         However, some actions need only one word:
              Help - for clues or advice
              Quit - to stop playing

         Others only need a single letter:
            U,D,N,S,E,W - which mean go up, go down, go north, etc.
            L - look to see where you are
            I - list your inventory.

         To save your current status so that you can resume play
         later, type SAVE GAME.


                         RESTRICTED PERMISSION TO COPY

              Time Traveler is not a public domain program, and never
         has been.  It is Copyright(C) 1989 by Conrad Button.  The
         conditions under which you may copy the Time Traveler program
         and documentation are clearly outlined below.

         WARNING!!!  The author intends to vigorously prosecute
         copyright violations.

              Private individuals and computer clubs are granted
         permission by the author to freely copy the Time Traveler disk
         for non business use as long as the disk is not modified
         in any way.  You may give the disk to friends, upload the files
         to electronic bulletin boards, or distribute the disk through
         computer clubs.  However, you may not sell the disk for profit.
         User groups may charge a fee to cover the actual cost of the
         disk and of administration.
         This fee may not in any case exceed $10.00 total (equivalent
         U.S. dollars).  Exceptions to these rules must be received
         in writing from Conrad Button.

              Time Traveler may not be rented or leased under any

              When multiple copies are required, Time Traveler is
         available at quantity discounts.  Write Conrad Button for
         quantity prices.


                         SO WHY PAY $12.00 TO REGISTER
                               TIME TRAVELER?

              When you pay for Time Traveler you participate in
         User-Supported software.  That means you join thousands
         of people who get good quality software at affordable prices.
         Here are more reasons to register by paying $15.00:

              - The luxury of trying out a program before you buy it
         is rare.  When you register (by sending in your money) you
         are saying, "I support buying software this way; and truly
         want to help continue this trend of keeping prices down."

              - Registering also means you will be notified about
         updates to Time Traveler as well as other adventures.

              - If you are using the product, you should pay for it.
         What it boils down to is this - it's the right thing to do.

              - As an added bonus, you may select a FREE copy of
         ANY ONE of our other adventures when you register.



              A whole new world of adventure is at your fingertips.
         Let our software and your PC take you into previously
         unexplored regions where you will experience new challenges,
         confront danger, and find untold treasures.

              Conrad Button offers a Educational Game Series and an
         Adventure Series.  The Educational Series can help you improve
         your geography skills by taking you on expeditions to Africa
         and Asia.

              THE ASIAN CHALLENGE -- As a Special Senate Investigator,
         you have been sent to Asia on a mission to gather important
         information.  You must report to the Foreign Aid Committee
         shortly on whether or not to grant additional funds to the
         needy countries of the continent.  Learn about different
         Asian countries and their location as you travel.  You must
         hurry because there is not much time before the committee
         will meet.  (Educational Series)

              AFRICAN SAFARI -- You are the senior photographer for
         the International Geographic Magazine.  You have been sent to
         Africa to photograph the people, land and animals of the
         continent.  As you trek the high plains of Africa you will
         learn many different things about the people and geography
         of this vast continent.  (Educational Series)

              NEBULA -- You are a NASA explorer sent to investigate a
         newly discovered star system.  Your mission is to collect
         specimens from the new galaxy.  Will you be able to complete
         your mission or will you be engulfed by the unknown perils of
         the universe?  (Novice)

              DARK CONTINENT -- You have traveled to darkest Africa in
         search of King Solomon's Diamond.  But after 3 days, your
         native bearers desert you and take your money and supplies.
         Will you survive and find the diamond, or will you be
         swallowed by this vast continent?  (Intermediate)


              RED PLANET -- The Federation of Earth has sent you to
         the planet Mars to secure the lost treasures of Aukbaa.  Upon
         achieving planetary orbit you find that your fuel is
         depleted.  Can you acquire the Lost Treasures of Aukbaa and
         return home?  (Advanced)

              TIME TRAVELER -- The year is 2285.  The people of the
         Earth are dying from a mysterious plague.  A now extinct
         plant could provide the much needed cure.  Time Travel is
         your only hope.  Have you ever imagined the thrill of
         traveling back in time to visit the Old West, to participate
         in the American Revolution, to explore Ancient Egypt and the
         Age of the Dinosaur?  TIME TRAVELER will transport you to
         these bygone days.  (Expert)

              SPECIAL AGENT -- The President of the United States has
         sent you on a mission to the Soviet Union.  You are to locate
         and photograph their new ballistic missile, the SS-X-27.
         Perhaps you desire to serve your country as a SPECIAL AGENT
         to the President, performing a secret mission deep within the
         Soviet Union.  (Expert)

              SANCTUARY -- A nuclear war has devastated the Earth.
         You are one of the few remaining survivors.  Gangs of mutants
         roam the land.  You must find a sanctuary to ensure your
         survival.  Have you ever wondered what civilization would be
         like following a nuclear war?  Would there be a SANCTUARY for
         protection against the mutated beings inhabiting this world?

              RAIDERS OF THE STAR TEMPLE -- As a Professor of Archeology,
         you have specialized in the ancient Mayan culture.  You recently
         read an article concerning the possible existence of a lost Mayan
         temple somewhere near Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula.
         And you have heard an Indian legend which tells of a Star Temple
         containing a fabulous treasure of diamonds.  You are resolved to
         find this temple, if it truly exists.  (Master)

              AVENGER OF RUBICON -- Your King and fellow warriors have been
         slain. You have been severely wounded.  As you stagger from the
         battlefield, you vow to avenge this carnage.  You will seek out
         and destroy the perpetrator of this foul deed - Lugor the Evil
         Presence.  You are about to face the greatest challenge of your
         life!  (Grand Master)

              ADVENTURE HINT DISK -- The hint disk is designed to
         provide clues and helpful hints.  This one disk covers ALL of
         the adventure game series (Educational series excluded).



                               Time Traveler (tm)

                                  Version 2.0

              You may copy and FREELY share this program with others.
           To become a registered user of Time Traveler send $12.00 to:

                                Conrad R. Button
                               13807 S.E. 282 St.
                                Kent, WA 98042

           As and added bonus for registering, you will be sent a FREE
             copy of ANY ONE of the text adventure in our series.

                      (C) Copyright 1989 by Conrad Button
                              All Rights Reserved

                               COPYRIGHT NOTICE

                       (c) Copyright 1989 Conrad Button
                            - All rights reserved -

              You are granted a limited license to use Time Traveler.
         It may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms
         of this license outlined in the section "Restricted Permission
         to Copy".

              Information on this disk is subject to change without
         notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
         Conrad Button.  Conrad Button may make improvements and/or
         changes to this disk or to the product(s) and/or the
         program(s) described in this disk at any time.

              This product could include technical inaccuracies or
         typographical errors.  Changes are periodically made to the
         information herein.  Such changes may be incorporated in new
         editions of the publication.

              Time Traveler is a trademark of Conrad Button.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

               How to Start a Game  . . . . . . . . . . .  4

               How to Play a Game . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

               Hints on Playing Games . . . . . . . . . .  5

               Restricted Permission to Copy  . . . . . .  6

               Why Pay for the Games  . . . . . . . . . .  7

               Game Series Information  . . . . . . . . .  8

                             HOW TO START THE GAME

         To start Time Traveler, use the following instructions.

              1.  Start your computer in the usual manner.
              2.  Insert the game disk into Drive A.
              3.  Type A: and press Enter.
              4.  Type TIMETRAV and press Enter.
              5.  Follow the instructions on the screen.

         If you are using a monochrome monitor or a one color graphics
         monitor you should add an M to the end of step 4
         (i.e. TIMETRAV M).  This will allow the screen to be more
         readable on these monitors.

                                  HOW TO PLAY

              A text adventure is a fictional novel in which you
         are the main character.  You will be given a quest which you
         must successfully complete.  You may also be asked to
         collect treasures during your travels.

              Your PC will become your guide.  It will tell you what
         it sees and hears, and will obey your commands, (most of the
         time).  Although it speaks fluent English, it has trouble
         understanding long sentences.  Please limit your commands to
         not more than two words, with the verb as the first word
         (e.g.  throw ball).  If the computer does not know or
         understand a word, it will tell you so.  In that case, please
         use another word of similar meaning.

              We strongly advise you to build a map during your
         travels so that you can easily return to previously explored

              The computer will give you the following information at
         the start of each round of play:

              1.  A description of your current location.
              2.  Items that you can see at this location.
              3.  Directions in which you can move (n-north, s-south,
                  e-east, w-west, u-up, d-down)
              4.  Treasures will be marked by an '*' before and after
                  the word.

         You must then respond by typing the action you wish to


                                 * * HINTS * *

         Most actions require two words such as:
              Light torch
              Get ruby
              Drop axe
              Examine door

         However, some actions need only one word:
              Help - for clues or advice
              Quit - to stop playing

         Others only need a single letter:
            U,D,N,S,E,W - which mean go up, go down, go north, etc.
            L - look to see where you are
            I - list your inventory.

         To save your current status so that you can resume play
         later, type SAVE GAME.


                         RESTRICTED PERMISSION TO COPY

              Time Traveler is not a public domain program, and never
         has been.  It is Copyright(C) 1989 by Conrad Button.  The
         conditions under which you may copy the Time Traveler program
         and documentation are clearly outlined below.

         WARNING!!!  The author intends to vigorously prosecute
         copyright violations.

              Private individuals and computer clubs are granted
         permission by the author to freely copy the Time Traveler disk
         for non business use as long as the disk is not modified
         in any way.  You may give the disk to friends, upload the files
         to electronic bulletin boards, or distribute the disk through
         computer clubs.  However, you may not sell the disk for profit.
         User groups may charge a fee to cover the actual cost of the
         disk and of administration.
         This fee may not in any case exceed $10.00 total (equivalent
         U.S. dollars).  Exceptions to these rules must be received
         in writing from Conrad Button.

              Time Traveler may not be rented or leased under any

              When multiple copies are required, Time Traveler is
         available at quantity discounts.  Write Conrad Button for
         quantity prices.


                         SO WHY PAY $12.00 TO REGISTER
                               TIME TRAVELER?

              When you pay for Time Traveler you participate in
         User-Supported software.  That means you join thousands
         of people who get good quality software at affordable prices.
         Here are more reasons to register by paying $15.00:

              - The luxury of trying out a program before you buy it
         is rare.  When you register (by sending in your money) you
         are saying, "I support buying software this way; and truly
         want to help continue this trend of keeping prices down."

              - Registering also means you will be notified about
         updates to Time Traveler as well as other adventures.

              - If you are using the product, you should pay for it.
         What it boils down to is this - it's the right thing to do.

              - As an added bonus, you may select a FREE copy of
         ANY ONE of our other adventures when you register.



              A whole new world of adventure is at your fingertips.
         Let our software and your PC take you into previously
         unexplored regions where you will experience new challenges,
         confront danger, and find untold treasures.

              Conrad Button offers a Educational Game Series and an
         Adventure Series.  The Educational Series can help you improve
         your geography skills by taking you on expeditions to Africa
         and Asia.

              THE ASIAN CHALLENGE -- As a Special Senate Investigator,
         you have been sent to Asia on a mission to gather important
         information.  You must report to the Foreign Aid Committee
         shortly on whether or not to grant additional funds to the
         needy countries of the continent.  Learn about different
         Asian countries and their location as you travel.  You must
         hurry because there is not much time before the committee
         will meet.  (Educational Series)

              AFRICAN SAFARI -- You are the senior photographer for
         the International Geographic Magazine.  You have been sent to
         Africa to photograph the people, land and animals of the
         continent.  As you trek the high plains of Africa you will
         learn many different things about the people and geography
         of this vast continent.  (Educational Series)

              NEBULA -- You are a NASA explorer sent to investigate a
         newly discovered star system.  Your mission is to collect
         specimens from the new galaxy.  Will you be able to complete
         your mission or will you be engulfed by the unknown perils of
         the universe?  (Novice)

              DARK CONTINENT -- You have traveled to darkest Africa in
         search of King Solomon's Diamond.  But after 3 days, your
         native bearers desert you and take your money and supplies.
         Will you survive and find the diamond, or will you be
         swallowed by this vast continent?  (Intermediate)


              RED PLANET -- The Federation of Earth has sent you to
         the planet Mars to secure the lost treasures of Aukbaa.  Upon
         achieving planetary orbit you find that your fuel is
         depleted.  Can you acquire the Lost Treasures of Aukbaa and
         return home?  (Advanced)

              TIME TRAVELER -- The year is 2285.  The people of the
         Earth are dying from a mysterious plague.  A now extinct
         plant could provide the much needed cure.  Time Travel is
         your only hope.  Have you ever imagined the thrill of
         traveling back in time to visit the Old West, to participate
         in the American Revolution, to explore Ancient Egypt and the
         Age of the Dinosaur?  TIME TRAVELER will transport you to
         these bygone days.  (Expert)

              SPECIAL AGENT -- The President of the United States has
         sent you on a mission to the Soviet Union.  You are to locate
         and photograph their new ballistic missile, the SS-X-27.
         Perhaps you desire to serve your country as a SPECIAL AGENT
         to the President, performing a secret mission deep within the
         Soviet Union.  (Expert)

              SANCTUARY -- A nuclear war has devastated the Earth.
         You are one of the few remaining survivors.  Gangs of mutants
         roam the land.  You must find a sanctuary to ensure your
         survival.  Have you ever wondered what civilization would be
         like following a nuclear war?  Would there be a SANCTUARY for
         protection against the mutated beings inhabiting this world?

              RAIDERS OF THE STAR TEMPLE -- As a Professor of Archeology,
         you have specialized in the ancient Mayan culture.  You recently
         read an article concerning the possible existence of a lost Mayan
         temple somewhere near Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula.
         And you have heard an Indian legend which tells of a Star Temple
         containing a fabulous treasure of diamonds.  You are resolved to
         find this temple, if it truly exists.  (Master)

              AVENGER OF RUBICON -- Your King and fellow warriors have been
         slain. You have been severely wounded.  As you stagger from the
         battlefield, you vow to avenge this carnage.  You will seek out
         and destroy the perpetrator of this foul deed - Lugor the Evil
         Presence.  You are about to face the greatest challenge of your
         life!  (Grand Master)

              ADVENTURE HINT DISK -- The hint disk is designed to
         provide clues and helpful hints.  This one disk covers ALL of
         the adventure game series (Educational series excluded).


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1075

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FTE      COM     64896   7-11-90   1:25a
FTEINT   COM     24704   9-14-89  12:30a
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FTEGAME  DAT      5632   9-16-89   1:28a
FTEDEFET DAT       256   9-03-86  12:37p
FTEFAIL  DAT       256   9-09-86   9:12p
FTEVICT  DAT       256   9-09-86   9:12p
FTEDEMO  DAT      5632   9-09-86   9:12p
FTEINTRO DAT      1024   9-13-89   1:58a
FTETEM   DAT       128   9-16-89   2:23a
FTEPLAY  DAT      2304   9-15-89   2:48a
FTEGAMVA DAT       128   9-16-89  12:50a
FTENEW   BAT        28   9-09-86   9:12p
FTE      DOC     64000   7-11-90   1:57a
README             512   7-11-90   2:00a
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
FILE1075 TXT      3193   8-13-90   9:13p
GO       TXT      1264   1-01-80  12:26a
TIMETRAV     <DIR>    
       19 file(s)     195627 bytes

 Directory of A:\TIMETRAV

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
LOOK     BAT       896   4-16-88   6:32a
LOOK     TXT     13312   2-07-89  12:21a
TIMETRAV EXE    100802   2-16-89   2:48a
        5 file(s)     115010 bytes

Total files listed:
       24 file(s)     310637 bytes
                       37888 bytes free