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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1062)

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Information about “CUT OPTIMIZER 2”

CUT OPTIMIZER 2 is a must for any manufacturer or hobbyist who needs
materials cut from any bulk source. Whether you're a steel fabricator,
machinist, carpenter, or work in store front construction, you'll
maximize your material by reducing waste. Now you can easily generate
piece layouts, manage inventory, and calculate the costs of materials.
CUT OPTIMIZER 2 even has piece layout forms for frames with mitered or
butt joints.

With the included database, you can print an inventory summary, and a
variety of nesting reports based on custom information. And, the
pull-down menus, automatic inventory updating, and context-sensitive


Disk No: 1062
Disk Title: Linear Optimizer 2
PC-SIG Version: 1.2

Program Title: Linear Optimizer 2
Author Version: 2.00
Author Registration: $15.00 for individual, $100.00 for business use.
Special Requirements: None.

LINEAR OPTIMIZER 2 is a must for any manufacturer or hobbyist who needs
materials cut from any bulk source.  Whether you're a carpenter,
machinist, or a seamstress, you'll maximize your material by reducing
waste.  Now you can easily generate part layouts, manage inventory,
and calculate the costs of materials.  LINEAR OPTIMIZER 2 even has part
layout forms for frames with mitered or butt joints.

With the included database, you can print an inventory summary, and a
variety of nesting reports based on custom information.  And, the pull-
down menus, automatic inventory updating, and context-sensitive help
make the program easy to use.
File Descriptions:

???????  PCS  Program files (14 files).
???????  PIC  Program files (19 files).
???????  DAT  Data files (7 files).
INSTALL  COM  Installation program.
MAIN     ???  Overlay file (6 files).
MAIN     COM  Main program.
README   DOC  Info file.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.


║               <<<<  Disk No 1062 LINEAR OPTIMIZER 2  >>>>               ║
║ To copy the documentation to your printer, type: MANUAL (press enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To run the program, type: INSTALL (press enter)                         ║


     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |             ****  LINEAR OPTIMIZER 2  ****               |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |                     User Supported                       |   |
     |   |                Productivity Software by                  |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |                  Donald P. Michelotti                    |   |
     |   |                   707 Sunlight Drive                     |   |
     |   |               Rochester Hills, Mi. 48309                 |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |    Copyright (C) 1987, 1989 by Donald P. Michelotti      |   |
     |   |                  All rights reserved                     |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |
     |   |                                                          |   |

           Welcome to the "User Supported Software" revolution!


       You  may  copy  and  distribute  the  LINEAR OPTIMIZER 2 and share it
       FREELY  with  others. You have the benefit of trying out the complete
       program  to  determine if it meets your needs prior to purchasing it.
       This is NOT a crippled or demo copy!

       If this program performs to your satisfaction and you continue to use
       it,  you  are  trusted  to  purchase  the Linear Optimizer 2 from the

       Registered users will receive:
       * A CURRENT copy of the program with 8087 support
       * A printed manual
       * Notification of updates and fixes if required
       * The opportunity to further develop the product by your input
       * Self satisfaction in knowing YOU contributed to the
       User Supported Software Revolution.

       The  value of this program and any other program is justified on time
       savings,  and  in  this  case,  material  savings  as well. Since the
       occasional  home  user  would  never  recoup a high program cost, and
       alternatively, the commercial user could recoup a low program cost in
       one  application,  two  registration schedules have been established.
       The  individual  user  can determine what category best describes his
       use.  Having  a  dual  schedule will not penalize the hobbyist or the
       commercial user and should encourage user registration.

                    The registration schedule is as follows:
|  Hobbyist or Noncommercial Users   |   Commercial/Industrial Users    |
|                                    |                                  |
|          $15 Dollars               |         $100 Dollars             |
 You determine the Cost, and the future, of User Supported Software

       Enjoy  the  benefits  of  legally sharing good software, however, you
       should  also  be  aware  of  the  following  restrictions designed to
       protect  the  community  of  User  Supported Software developers from
       being taken unfair advantage of.

       * No price other than a distribution cost may be charged for the cost
       of this program. The distribution cost may not exceed $10 total.

       *  The  files and programs on the disks may not be modified, deleted,
       nor added to.

       *  The  programs  cannot be sold as part of some other more inclusive

       * The programs cannot be rented or leased to others.

       *  The  printed  manuals,  in  whole  or  part,  cannot  be copied or


       Welcome  to  the  Linear  Optimizer 2. Your selection of this program
       will  undoubtedly  save  you time and money, as well as increase your
       productivity.  The  Linear Optimizer 2 is a state of the art computer
       program  designed  to  relieve  the  user from tedious manual nesting
       procedures.  Efficiently  solve material nesting layout problems. Put
       an  end  to  "trial  and  error" and begin time and material savings.
       Welcome to a new era of productivity and performance.

       The  Linear  Optimizer  has  found  use  in  a wide range of material
       fabrication  industries  and  of course home use. All of the users of
       the  Linear  Optimizer have a common need, that being to reduce costs
       and increased productivity.


       The  many features integrated within the Linear Optimizer provide the
       user  a  indispensable  tool  for  simplifying the task at hand. Time
       savings,  optimal  material  utilization,  part  layout and automatic
       inventory  management  are only some of the benefits quickly realized
       by  using  the  Lineal Optimizer. What once took hours now only takes
       the Linear Optimizer and minutes.

       The  power  and  user  friendly  features  of  the program is readily
       apparent. Consider these features:

       * Generate your part layouts quicker then you can imagine.

       * Chose one of several data entry screens to best suit your immediate
       needs, several selections are just a keystroke away.

       *  You have the option of selecting direct data input, automatic data
       base reference, frame assemblies, and simple part layouts.

       *  Context  sensitive help for 95% of the program is only a keystroke
       away.  Although  the help screens can't clearly describe every detail
       of the program, they do provide clear and concise user information.

       *  User  transparent  inventory management automatically relieves the
       user  from  tedious data entry. Automatic inventory updating, and low
       inventory reports are an integral feature of the Linear Optimizer.

       *  Accurate  job  estimating  is  an important part of many jobs. The
       Linear  Optimizer  will tell you if you have enough material in stock
       for the job, and if not, how much extra you'll need. Of course you'll
       also be advised of the total cost of the required materials.

       *  Layered  windows  clearly  illustrate your progression through the
       program. Move through the various screens by a single key stroke. The
       pull  down  and  pop  up  menu systems eliminate the need to remember
       complex  keystroke  sequences.

       * Batch Mode capability: If the time savings already mentioned aren't
       enough,  how  about  saving  up  to 60 layout jobs to run in a single
       batch  mode  session.  Push a button and go to lunch. When you return
       you part layout solutions will await you.


       Follow  the four simple steps listed below to get the program running
       on your computer.

       Step  1. The program will perform faster if installed on a hard disk.
       If  you  have  a  hard  disk  and  wish to install it simply create a
       subdirectory  named  "LO".  To  do this type md/lo at the DOS prompt.
       Then  type  cd/lo  to activated the new subdirectory. Next, at the A>
       prompt,  type  Copy *.* to transfer all files to your disk. (See your
       DOS manual if required)

       Step  2. Start the Linear Optimizer program by typing "LO" at the DOS
       prompt  (  A>  for  example). After a brief period a copyright notice
       will  appear.  Read it and push any key to display the "Main Menu" as
       shown  below.  (Non registered users will have an intermediate screen
       displaying  general  information  about  the  User Supported Software

                           ** Main Menu **
Part Layout Mode   Material   Batch Mode   Configuration    General Help

       Step  3 . Using the left and right arrow keys that are located on the
       numeric  portion  of your keyboard will move the highlited cursor bar
       through the various main menu headings. Push "Return" to activate the
       pull  down  menus, then cursor left and right again. You can also use
       the up down arrow keys to cursor within the submenus. Always remember
       that  you  can  obtain  help at any time by pushing the "F1" function
       key. Try it.

       Step  4.  If  while  using  the  cursor  keys  the  screen exhibits a
       flickering  you  will have to install the program for your particular
       hardware. Follow these simple steps;

   *  Exit the Linear Optimizer by pushing the
      "ESC" key one or more times.
   *  Type "Install"
   *  Follow the prompts to correctly install
      the program for your hardware.
   *  Exit the Install program by pushing "ESC"
      and type "LO" to restart the Linear Optimizer.
      The Screen flicker should now be eliminated.

                            PROGRAM OVERVIEW

       Understandably many users don't like to look through reams of manuals
       to  use  a  computer  program. Therefore this program is specifically
       designed   to   free   the  user  from  leafing  through  manuals  by
       incorporating  context  sensitive  help  screens  and  using  clearly
       formatted data input screens.

       The  Linear Optimizer program can be divided into 5 major categories.
       These  categories  correspond  with the selections available from the
       main menu. Each major category can in turn be subdivided into several
       groups  which  are  the  submenu  items  seen  via the pull down menu
       format.  As  a quick introduction, the 5 major categories are briefly
       described below.

       Part  Layout  Mode  - This category is the work horse of the program.
       Select  one  of  the three layout forms from the submenu items, input
       the  pieces  required  for  your  job, and the optimal nesting layout
       solution will be quickly generated.

       Material  -  The submenu items associated with this category are used
       to  enter  and  maintain  inventory  data  about  the  materials your
       business  uses.  For  example, the standard lengths and costs of your
       materials will be entered in this category.

       Batch Mode - For heavy users of the program, this time saving feature
       allows  you  to predefine many nesting layout jobs. The solutions for
       the jobs can then be computed at a later time.

       Configuration  -  This  category allows you to specify how to use the
       Bulk  Material inventory and to activate the Batch Mode. You can also
       specify  the  information  to  be  displayed  on  your nesting layout

       General  Help  -  These submenu items display basic information about
       this  program  to help the first time user to quickly become familiar
       with function and terminology of the program.

       In  addition  to  this  brief  discussion of the main menu selections
       there are several other bits of information you will find useful. For
       instance, the program uses five "HOT" keys, they are:

       1)  Push  the  "F1"  function  key at any time to display one of over
       fifty help screens.

       2)  Pushing  the  "Esc"  key  will  return  you to the main menu from
       anywhere  within  the  program.  The  number  of  keystrokes that are
       required depends on your current position within the program.

       3)  The  "Page  Up"  key  is  used to signal the program to begin the
       nesting  layout  generation.  This will print out the solution to the
       CRT and/or your printer.

       4)  The  "Page  Down"  key  will  be used to retrieve either the Bulk
       Material  data  entry  form or to retrieve the Bulk Material data for
       use in a nesting layout solution.

       5)  Pushing the "F3" key when in the Part Layout Mode submenu screens
       will display a menu with several options for you to select from.

       It  would  also  be  helpful to familiarize yourself with some of the
       basic  terminology  used within this manual and program. This is best
       accomplished  by  moving  the cursor to the "General Help" heading of
       the  main  menu  and  select sequentially the following three submenu

                ** General Help, submenu items **

                      General Information
                      Main Menu Summary

       Now that you have the program up and running and you know some of the
       terminology,  the  following example will better familiarize you with
       the operation of the software.

       Before  proceeding  with  the  introductory  example it would also be
       helpful  to know that the screen displays are referred to as "Forms".
       Most  forms  are  used  for  data  entry and contain "Fields". When a
       particular  field  is highlited it will accept and display data input
       from  the  keyboard.  Some  forms such as the submenu items under the
       main  menu category "General Help" are not input forms and contain no
       fields.  These  forms  simply  display  text  for your review and are
       similar to a help screen.

                       INTRODUCTORY EXAMPLE

       You  are  required  to  cut the following number and length of pieces
       from commercially available stock lengths of picture frame moulding.

    5 Pieces       3.25 Feet in length
    7 Pieces       4.5  Feet in length
    3 Pieces       9.75 Feet in length
    4 Pieces       6.0  Feet in length

       You  must  cut these pieces from the 20 foot lengths of moulding that
       you  purchase from a distributor. Hence forth, the lengths and number
       of  pieces  you  need  will  be  referred to as "Required Length" and
       "Required Quantity" respectively. The stock lengths you purchase will
       be referred to as "Bulk Lengths".

       Step  1.  Cursor  to the main menu heading "Part Layout Mode" and the
       submenu  item Linear. Push "Return" and a data input screen like that
       shown below form will appear.

   Bulk Material Not Specified               Required Pieces

  #     Length  Quantity   Cost             #    Length Quantity
 BL1     20.00   25  $    52.55          L1     3.25    5
 BL2      0.00    0  $     0.00          L2     4.50    7
 BL3      0.00    0  $     0.00          L3     9.75    3
 BL4      0.00    0  $     0.00          L4     6.00    4
 BL5      0.00    0  $     0.00          L5     0.00    0
 BL6      0.00    0  $     0.00          L6     0.00    0
 BL7      0.00    0  $     0.00          L7     0.00    0
 BL8      0.00    0  $     0.00          L8     0.00    0
 BL9      0.00    0  $     0.00          L9     0.00    0
 BL10     0.00    0  $     0.00         L10     0.00    0
                                        L11     0.00    0
 Saw Kerf Loss ........       0.00      L12     0.00    0
 Acceptable Loss ......       0.00
 Default Length .......       0.00
 Default Cost ......... $     0.00

       Step  2.  Cursor  movements  within  a  data  entry form are a little
       different  then  that of the main menu. Hold down the "Return" key to
       move  forward  and  the  left arrow to move backward through the data
       fields.  Using  the up down arrow keys will change the material names
       as  indicated  on  the  form. Try it, and then return to the material
       name "Not Specified".

       Step  3. Now you are ready to input some data. First cursor to a Bulk
       Length  field  and  enter "20". Enter "25" in the Bulk Quantity field
       indicating  that  you have 25 pieces 20 units long ( A unit can be in
       feet,  inches,  centimeters...  ect., just be consistent). Then enter
       "52.55"  in  the Bulk Cost field (Cost per 20 foot stock length). You
       may  enter  more Bulk Material data if desired, if not then cursor to
       the  Required Pieces input section (the right most box on the screen)
       by holding down the Return key or the left arrow key.

       Step 4. Now enter some pieces (Required Lengths) that you want to cut
       from  the  20 unit Bulk Length. For example, enter (3.25 , 5), (4.5 ,
       7),  (9.75  ,  3)  ,  and  (6.0  ,  4)  for  the Required Lengths and
       Quantities  respectively.  You data input screen should now look like
       the one in this manual.

       Step  5.  Now  just push "Page Up" ( or push "F3" and select "Perform
       Layout" from the pop up menu) and the nesting solution will be output
       to  the  screen  for you. The screen will automatically change to the
       report  screen  and the nesting layout will be displayed for you (see
       display  below). The Bulk Length, in this case 20.00, is shown at the
       far  left.  To  its immediate right listed in parenthesis is a number
       and  to  its  right is one of the Required Lengths you input earlier.
       The number in parenthesis is the number of the Required lengths which
       is  to  be  cut  from  the  20  foot Bulk Length. The pattern of, (x)
       xxxx.xx  (x)  xxxx.xx  ...  and  so on, may be repeated several times
       across  an  individual  line. All of these pieces can be cut from the
       one Bulk Length listed at the far left of the line.

 Bulk         Required
 Length (Quan) Length

  20.00   (2)    9.75    Waste =   0.50
  20.00   (2)    4.50  (1)    9.75    Waste =   1.25
  20.00   (3)    4.50  (1)    6.00    Waste =   0.50
  20.00   (1)    3.25  (1)    4.50  (2)    6.00    Waste =  0.25
  20.00   (4)    3.25  (1)    6.00    Waste =   1.00
  20.00   (1)    4.50    Waste =  15.50

Total Material Waste =      19.00

       The  last  line indicates the sum of all the wasted material. As with
       most  cases, the majority of the "Total Material Waste" occurs on the
       last Bulk Length used. In reality, the long "Wasted" length ( in this
       case 15.5 feet) can be used for subsequent nesting jobs.

       From  this  point  you  can experiment with various data and view the
       layout  solutions  generated  by  the program. You will note that the
       more Bulk Lengths and more Required Lengths you use the solution time
       will  probably  become  longer,  so for now just use a few pieces for
       your  experimentation.  Some  combinations  of  data  could result in
       solutions times of over 1 hour, however, these extreme cases are very
       rare in actual use.

       Solution Times:

       The  default  "Acceptable  Loss"  (AL)  value is 0.00 as shown on the
       screen  display.  If  the AL value is left at 0.00, the solution will
       use  6% of the length of the particular Bulk Length being used as the
       AL  value.  The value of 6% has been empirically found to provide the
       best  average  solution  time  and  material  utilization.  In  fact,
       specifying  a  AL value of 0.01 for example, could actually result in
       wasting   more  material  and  longer  solutions  times.  The  manual
       describes  the  solution and AL in detail, so for now, just leave the
       AL  value  at  0.00,  or  be  sure  to  use some reasonable value and
       experiment  a  bit.  Registered  uses  have  the option of using 8087
       support to speed the solution by approximately a factor of four.

       One  common  question  on the solution is "Why can't the solution cut
       two  5 foot pieces from on ten foot Bulk Length. Answer - It can, but
       the  saw  kerf  must  be left at 0.00 or else the two "5 Foot" pieces
       really wouldn't be truly 5 foot long.

                   IN ORDER TO SERVE YOU BETTER,
     please take a few minutes to respond to these questions.

                       Lineal Optimizer Critique

                                     Poor                        Best
Overall Usefulness.................... 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Ease of Use........................... 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Aesthetics............................ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Help Screens.......................... 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Form Layout and Design................ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Format of the Nesting Report.......... 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Format of the Inventory Report........ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Speed of the Nesting Solution......... 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Usefulness of the Operation Modes..... 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Which Operation Mode do you use the most frequently? _________________

What percent of your jobs do you run in the Batch Mode? ______________

What is the most useful feature(s) of the Linear Optimizer? __________


What is the least useful feature(s) of the Linear Optimizer? _________


       Based  on  you  knowledge  of software pricing, what do you feel is a
       reasonable  retail  purchase price for the; "Hobbyist" $ _______.00 ,
       the "Commercial User" $_______.00.

       The  following  enhancements  to  this  program are being considered.
       Please  number  each  feature in the order you would like to see them
       incorporated into the Linear Optimizer.

___  Larger data base ( More materials, path support ect.)

___  Multiple data base capability

___  More types of "Part Layout Screens", if so specify in detail

___  Expanded help screens

___  Solution time estimating prior to performing the nesting layout

___  Automatic inventorying and subsequent use "Cut offs" or the "waste"

___  Faster solution algorithms

___  More types of inventory reports

___  Other  -  Please specify in detail

                        CAN WE BE OF MORE HELP?

       If  a  "Custom"  Part  Layout  Screen  would  be  beneficial  to your
       business,  please provides us with a detailed description and we will
       quote  you a price, usually $100 to $1000 dollars. An example would
       be a  custom  layout  screen,  or  a  layout  screen which uses
       multiple materials in one layout screen.


       Have  you  discovered  any "Bugs" or malfunctions in the operation of
       the  Lineal  Optimizer?  If so please detail the circumstances of the
       problem   as   specifically  as   possible    including   all    data
       and conditions. Better  yet,   describe  your problem and send us the
       data disk. It's impossible to test all of  the circumstances possible
       so your input is particularly valuable.

                             IN THE WORKS!

       Linear Optimizer 2.1 is under development.   Features will include
       better data base management and enhanced use of information on the
       screens. Let us know whats at the top of your wish list.  We would
       like to hear from you, registered or not.  Perferrably registered of


       Thanks for your support!  Enjoy and benefit from using this
       program.  Send all correspondence to Donald P. Michelotti, 707
       Sunlight Drive, Rochester Hills, Mi. 48309.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1062

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BATCFILE PCS      2192   1-01-80  12:20a
BATCFILE PIC       864   7-14-87   4:32a
BATCH    DAT      6060   6-06-88  12:08a
BFRAME   PCS      2416   1-01-80  12:20a
BFRAME   PIC      2720   1-01-80  12:10a
BPOINTER DAT         2   1-01-80  12:46a
BULK     DAT     12956   7-20-89  10:14a
BULKPARM PCS      8240   1-01-80  12:24a
BULKPARM PIC      1296   1-01-80   3:08a
DATAFILE PIC       752   6-05-87   4:01a
FILE1062 TXT      1267   9-13-89  10:13a
GENERAL  PIC      3536   1-01-80  12:25a
GLOSSARY PIC      8992   1-01-80  12:31a
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT       540   5-23-88   4:20p
INSTALL  COM     32362   1-01-80   4:07a
INVENTOR PCS      1008   1-01-80  12:13a
INVENTOR PIC      3536   1-01-80   3:37a
INVFILE  PCS      1984   1-01-80  12:19a
INVFILE  PIC       864   1-01-80  12:39a
INVREPOR PCS      4944   1-01-80  12:22a
JOB      DAT      1020   6-06-88  12:08a
JOBNAME  PIC       256   1-01-80   3:05a
LINEAL   PCS     17680   1-01-80  12:23a
LINEAL   PIC      3168   1-01-80   1:01a
LO       BAT         4   1-01-88   1:01a
MAIN     000     10240   1-01-80  12:09a
MAIN     001      3584   1-01-80  12:09a
MAIN     002     11264   1-01-80  12:10a
MAIN     003      3840   1-01-80  12:09a
MAIN     004     16640   1-01-80  12:12a
MAIN     005      2048   1-01-80  12:12a
MAIN     COM     46322   1-01-80  12:13a
MAIN     PCS     23360   1-01-80   4:26a
MAINHELP PCS     22528   1-01-80  12:30a
MANUAL   BAT       147   5-23-88   4:20p
MATERIAL DAT      1296   7-20-89  10:11a
MFRAME   PCS      2528   1-01-80  12:19a
MFRAME   PIC      2192   1-01-80  12:08a
MMENUSUM PIC      3872   1-01-80  12:32a
OPERATIO PCS      8208   1-01-80  12:14a
OPERATIO PIC      2176   1-01-80  12:08a
PARAMETE PIC       704   1-01-80   4:19a
README   DOC     25723   7-20-89   9:32a
REPORT   DAT        14   6-06-88  12:07a
REPORT   PCS      4944   1-01-80  12:06a
REPORT   PIC      1904   1-01-80   3:25a
REPORTFO PCS      4784   1-01-80  12:19a
REPORTFO PIC      1312   1-01-80  12:01a
REPORTSC PIC      3872   8-19-87   7:38a
SELECTBA PCS      2432   1-01-80  12:23a
SELECTBA PIC      3536   1-01-80  12:57a
SUPPORT  PIC      3440   1-01-80   4:40a
       53 file(s)     331607 bytes
                        4096 bytes free