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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1054)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

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Information about “PROCON FORTUNE”

An astrology program designed to provide a personality analysis
according to both Western and Eastern astrology and numerology. Just
enter birthdates and names, and you'll have complete personality
descriptions and compatibilities with other signs. Results are
displayed under both systems of astrology, and another report is
provided based on numerology.


PROCON FORTUNE Version 2.00  28/12/1987

Copyright (C) Peter E. King, 1987

ADDRESS:       ProCon Software
               P.O. Box 43
               Essendon, 3040


IBM-PC  or  compatible  with  DOS version  2.0  or  higher.  128K 
bytes of memory and one disk drive.

Copying and distribution:

ProCons FORTUNE  may  be copied and distributed  as  a  SHAREWARE 
program.   That  is  the  disk may be copied and  distributed  to 
others   provided  that  ALL  files  on  this  disk  are   copied 
unmodified.   It  may NOT be distributed on BBS's as NO  controls 
are  provided (This may be reviewed in future but little  returns 
have been forthcoming from BBS users!).   The program may NOT  be 
used  as  a value added product and NO fee can be charged  except 
for a disk and handling charge of up to $10 Australian or $6 U.S.

The copyright notices are to preserve my options,  and to protect 
you  from  the  untoward modifications  of  others.   It  is  NOT 
intended   to   prevent  the public distribution  of  the  IBM-PC 
FORTUNE disk, subject to the above limitations.

If  you are a subscriber (Bless your little hearts),  I'll gradly 
answer any questions that you may have.   If NOT (Oh Dear!)  then 
please  send  a stamped S.A.E.  and I'll try to get back to  you.  
Overseas letters, however, may take a bit longer.

(C) 1987, ProCon Software, P.O. Box 43, Essendon, 3040, AUSTRALIA


Disk No: 1054                                                           
Disk Title: Procon Fortune                                              
PC-SIG Version: S2.1                                                    
Program Title: Procon Fortune                                           
Author Version: 2.00B                                                   
Author Registration: $20.00 to $90.00.                                  
Special Requirements: None.                                             
An astrology program designed to provide a personality analysis         
according to both Western and Eastern astrology and numerology.  Just   
enter birthdates and names, and you'll have complete personality        
descriptions and compatibilities with other signs.  Results are         
displayed under both systems of astrology, and another report is        
provided based on numerology.                                           
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                <<<< Disk No. 1054 PROCON FORTUNE >>>>                   ║
║           To start the program, type: FORTUNE (press Enter)             ║
║                                                                         ║
║ For a copy of the instructions, type:  COPY README.DOC PRN (press Enter)║
║                                                                         ║
║ For ordering information, type:  COPY ORDER.DOC PRN (press enter)       ║



ProCon is solely owned and run by yours truly,  Peter King.  I am 
a  professional  engineer with many years experience with  micro-
computers.   New  products  are continually being  developed  and 
released, here is just a few:

MAHJONG  Version 2.24 is a games program which provides  an  easy 
means  of learning this Chinese game with complex terminology and 
scoring.  It can also improve your speed and skill in the game if 
you are an experienced player.  Cost $35 AUS ($30 U.S.), requires 
CGA, EGA or Hercules graphics card.

HERCULES USERS!  Provided on the mahjong games disk is the latest 
version  of  'hercules.com',  this is a memory  resident  program 
which allows many C.G.A. programs to run on the Hercules graphics 
card.    Yes!   Even GWBASIC runs using this program.  The latest 
version  provides  keyboard control of the screen update  rate  - 
so program execution speed is less affected.

PROCON  FORTUNE  Version  2.0  is a  program  which  provides  an 
analysis  of  personality  based on  Western  astrology,  Chinese 
astrology and numerology.   Ideal for parties and people who need 
an instant analysis based on a person's name and date  of  birth.  
Send $10 U.S. for SHAREWARE version, $20 to register.

PROCON CONTROL Version 1.00 is a remote control program utilizing 
any  printer port you can control up to eight relays for robot or 
model control,  switch a radio or tape recorder on and off and SO 
MANY  other  things.   A memory resident program  allows  you  to 
switch these eight outputs whilst running other programs.   AND a 
BASIC  program allows you to switch them at ANYTIME  - with  DATE 
and TIME programmed.  $10 for SHAREWARE version, $30 to register.

PROCON UTILITIES Version 1.10 is a collection of useful utilities 
with  instructions on how to use them.  Includes on-screen  clock 
(can  be turned on and off and works in all  CGA  modes),  screen 
blanking  program (works with MGA,  HGA,  CGA),  real-time  clock 
routines to replace TIMER, programs for dual-screen systems (also 
explains how to install two screens) and many more.  Send $10 for 
SHAREWARE version, $20 to register.

Soon to be released:

PROCON BASICaides Version 1.0 is a collection of useful assembler 
coded routines and BASIC programs to make your BASIC  programming 
easier and faster.   Cost:  TBA.


Please  note:    10% of all monies received go to help local  and  
overseas  charities.    ProCon is  also  dedicated  to  providing 
assistance  to the physically handicapped by  developing programs  
to  make  the IBM-PC more accessible.    All enquiries should  be 
directed to:  Peter E. King, Box 43, Essendon, 3040, AUSTRALIA.


PROCON  sells  WORLD-WIDE.    ProCon will  process  ANY  personal 
check   or money order from ANYWHERE in the  world (thanks to the 
ANZ bank).    A cheque or money order in your  local currency for 
the  equivalent in  U.S.   dollars  (check your  newspapers   for 
the  conversion  rate) is  accepted,   postage  and  handling  is 
included AND orders are processed same day,  NO DELAY!




When  making enquiries about any of our products please  send  an 
international  postal slip (cost 75 cents) to help us speed  your 
reply.  It gets expensive replying to all this lovely mail!


                       PROCON FORTUNE By  Peter E. King

       Should you wish to register or purchase the professional  version 
       of FORTUNE please complete the form below and include your check, 
       money  order  or  VISA card details and send it  to  the  address 
       shown.    The  prices  quoted  include  packaging   and   postage 
       WORLDWIDE!   Yes!   ProCon Software is committed to the  idea  of 
       good, cheap software being readily available and without  copying 
       restrictions.   Your money will help to develop this product  and 
       others by ProCon.

                    Send To:     Peter E. King
                                 ProCon Software
                                 P.O. Box 43
                                 Essendon, 3040

                                  ORDER FORM

       Yes!   I  like the FORTUNE program disk and would like to  obtain 
       the registered/professional version of the program together  with 
       documentation and user support.  I enclose my check/money  order* 
       VISA card no. for [            ] dollars.

       Prices: Registered version $20 U.S./ Professional version $90 U.S.

       MY NAME:       _____________________________________

       MY ADDRESS:    _____________________________________



       VISA CARD NO:  _____________________________________
       EXPIRY DATE:   _____________________________________

       SIGNATURE:     _____________________________________

       STATS:    My Computer is a  ____________________________________.

                 I run DOS version _____.  I have FORTUNE version 2.00B.

                 I obtained my copy of FORTUNE from ___________________.

       * Payable to:  PROCON SOFTWARE, Box 43, Essendon 3040, Australia.



PROCON FORTUNE Version 2.00B    4th July 1990

Copyright (C) Peter E. King, 1987

ADDRESS:       ProCon Software
               P.O. Box 43
               Victoria, 3040


IBM-PC  or  compatible  with  DOS version  2.0  or  higher.  128K 
of memory and text screen (monochrome or color).  One disk drive.

Copying and distribution:

PROCON  FORTUNE  may  be copied and distributed  as  a  SHAREWARE 
program.   That  is  the  disk may be copied and  distributed  to 
others   provided  that  ALL  files  on  this  disk  are   copied 
unmodified.  It may be distributed on BBS provided that all files 
are downloaded using a program such as XMODEM.

The copyright notices are to preserve my options,  and to protect 
you  from  the  untoward modifications  of  others.   It  is  NOT 
intended  to  prevent the public distribution of PROCON  FORTUNE, 
subject to the above limitations.


If  you  use  PROCON FORTUNE,  please support it  by  becoming  a 
registered user.   For $25 AUS ($20 U.S. from overseas), you will 
receive  the  lastest version on disk and, as a bonus,  you  will 
receive the Executive Decision Maker (EDM) program that helps you 
make  all those important decisions, like - Should I  call  Susan 
for a date?


If  you are a contributor (bless your little heart!),   I'll most 
happily  help you with any difficulties encounted.   Mail is  the 
preferred  method  of exchange.

If you decide not to contribute (Oh dear!) and would like further 
information, then please enclose an international postal slip for 
75 cents to speed your reply.  It gets expensive replying to  all 
those lovely letters!


I  am most certainly interested in any problems or bugs with  the 
programs.   And,  indeed,  if  you have any suggestions  I  would 
be   interested  in   hearing  from  you.    Please  READ   THESE 
INSTRUCTIONS  CAREFULLY before reporting any problems.

I  am  continually improving these programs.   Your  contribution 
will  aid  the development of further  enhancements.


FORTUNE.EXE         Executable program FORTUNE

STAR4.DAT           Data file

STAR1.DAT           Data file

STAR3.DAT           Data file

STAR7.DAT           Data file

STAR6.DAT           Data file

STAR0.INS           Install file

STAR.SCN            Data file

INTRO.SCN           Data file

NEW.DOC             New document file

ORDER.DOC           Order form document file

C1987.DOC           Copyright document file

README.DOC          This file


Invoke  the  program by entering the word  FORTUNE  and  pressing 
Return.   Press  the SPACE BAR to flip through  the  introductory 
screens  of  information.  You will then be asked to  enter  your 
date of birth (MONTH/DAY/YEAR) and name, finally press the Return 
key if the information entered is correct.  You can start  again, 
if you wish, by pressing the Esc key.

The  program  will  automatically  display  various  screens   of 
information - press the SPACE BAR for each new screen.

Should  you wish to terminate the display and return to the  date 
and  name entry, press the Esc key.  To exit and return  back  to 
DOS hold down the Crtl key and press C.

(C) 1987, Procon Software, P.O. Box 43, Essendon 3040, AUSTRALIA.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1054

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FORTUNE  EXE     70375   1-01-80  12:44a
STAR4    DAT     10752   1-02-88   5:01p
STAR1    DAT      4864   1-02-88   5:00p
STAR3    DAT       512   1-02-88   5:01p
STAR7    DAT      8064   1-02-88   5:09p
STAR6    DAT       512   1-02-88   5:02p
STAR0    INS      3950   1-02-88  12:02a
STAR     SCN     24576   1-02-88  12:03a
INTRO    SCN     12288   7-10-90   3:46p
NEW      DOC      4096   7-10-90   5:13p
ORDER    DOC      2432   7-10-90   5:03p
C1987    DOC      1536  12-30-87   2:03a
README   DOC      3584   7-10-90   9:00p
FILE1054 TXT      1555   8-10-90   9:00a
GO       BAT        38   5-27-88  12:25p
GO       TXT       694   1-01-80   1:15a
       16 file(s)     149828 bytes
                        8192 bytes free