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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1050)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “MAGIC, HANDWRITING, & MENU”

If you are a single-finger hunt-and-peck typist, or even a fast touch-
typist, MAGIC FINGERS will help you run most programs for the IBM-PC and
compatible computers.

A RAM-resident macro program, it has several features that improve the
rate and accuracy of your typing by reducing the amount of repetitive
typing you do in your favorite programs -- such as wordprocessors,
database programs, accounting packages, and programming languages.
Substitute single keystrokes for long and repetitive text strings or
commands.  Get done faster with greater accuracy.
File Descriptions:

------------  MAGIC FINGERS.
MFABBR   DAT  Data file.
MFL      COM  Main Program.
MFMAIN   HLP  Help file.
MFSETUP  DAT  Data file.
README        Documentation file.

HANDWRITING ANALYST asks you several questions about a person's
signature, and then produces a summary or detailed report on that
person based on your responses.

Each report includes information on physical and material drives,
intellectual style, personality traits, social behavior, and vocational
implications.  You can display on- screen, print, or write the report
to a disk file.  Save the answers to the questions for up to 20
signatures on the disk.  The signature report of this program can be
either a direct description of the person, or it can describe how that
person wants others to see him.
File Descriptions:

AUTOEXEC BAT  Batch file to start program.
BRUN20   EXE  Program file.
COMDEF   EXE  Subprogram.
DETAIL?       Report data file (5 files).
ENTER    EXE  Main program.
HELP?         Help file (4 files).
INSTALL  BAT  Batch file to copy system files.
KEY           Program file.
MONITOR  EXE  Monitor set-up file.
QUEST         Data file.
QUICK?        Report data file (5 files).
START    EXE  Starts program.
WRITERS  WRT  Data file.

Do you have problems in properly executing a DOS command, or getting
immediate access to various programs and utilities on your computer?
Are you tired of staring at a screen with no instructions to guide you?
If this is so, you should take a look at ADVANCED MENU.

Most menu control programs use regular batch files to execute programs
and DOS commands, but ADVANCED MENU also uses special command files that
have more options.

Among these options are:

~ Password protection for any menu selection, including DOS access

~ Complete DOS commands entered

~ Uncompleted commands finished

~ Conditional command execution

A command file is created with the menu selections for the
program.  Each command file can have up to 32 menu selections with
custom titles, and a menu command can load another command file.
Command files can execute most DOS commands and work faster than
regular batch files.  ADVANCED MENU can handle an unlimited number of
command files.


Disk No: 1050
Disk Title: Magic, Handwriting & Menu
PC-SIG Version: 2.1

Program Title: Magic Fingers
Author Version: 1.35L
Author Registration: $39.95
Special Requirements: Hard disk recommended.

If you are a single-finger hunt-and-peck typist, or even a fast touch-
typist, MAGIC FINGERS will help you run most programs for the IBM-PC and
compatible computers.

A RAM-resident macro program, it has several features that improve the
rate and accuracy of your typing by reducing the amount of repetitive
typing you do in your favorite programs -- such as wordprocessors,
database programs, accounting packages, and programming languages.
Substitute single keystrokes for long and repetitive text strings or
commands.  Get done faster with greater accuracy.

File Descriptions:

------------  MAGIC FINGERS.
MFABBR   DAT  Data file.
MFL      COM  Main Program.
MFMAIN   HLP  Help file.
MFSETUP  DAT  Data file.
README        Documentation file.
Program Title: Handwriting Analyst
Author Version: 2.1
Author Registration: $49.95
Special Requirements: Hard disk recommended.

HANDWRITING ANALYST asks you several questions about a person's
signature, and then produces a summary or detailed report on that
person based on your responses.

Each report includes information on physical and material drives,
intellectual style, personality traits, social behavior, and vocational
implications.  You can display on- screen, print, or write the report
to a disk file.  Save the answers to the questions for up to 20
signatures on the disk.  The signature report of this program can be
either a direct description of the person, or it can describe how that
person wants others to see him.

File Descriptions:

AUTOEXEC BAT  Batch file to start program.
BRUN20   EXE  Program file.
COMDEF   EXE  Subprogram.
DETAIL?       Report data file (5 files).
ENTER    EXE  Main program.
HELP?         Help file (4 files).
INSTALL  BAT  Batch file to copy system files.
KEY           Program file.
MONITOR  EXE  Monitor set-up file.
QUEST         Data file.
QUICK?        Report data file (5 files).
START    EXE  Starts program.
WRITERS  WRT  Data file.
Program Title: Advanced Menu
Author Version: 1.35L
Author Registration: $39.95
Special Requirements: Hard disk recommended.

Do you have problems in properly executing a DOS command, or getting
immediate access to various programs and utilities on your computer?
Are you tired of staring at a screen with no instructions to guide you?
If this is so, you should take a look at ADVANCED MENU.

Most menu control programs use regular batch files to execute programs
and DOS commands, but ADVANCED MENU also uses special command files that
have more options.

Among these options are:

~ Password protection for any menu selection, including DOS access

~ Complete DOS commands entered

~ Uncompleted commands finished

~ Conditional command execution

A command file is created with the menu selections for the
program.  Each command file can have up to 32 menu selections with
custom titles, and a menu command can load another command file.
Command files can execute most DOS commands and work faster than
regular batch files.  ADVANCED MENU can handle an unlimited number of
command files.

File Descriptions:

------------  ADVANCED MENU.
MEMTEST  <DIR>Subdirectory containing memory test program.
AM       COM  Main program.
AMDOC    PRN  Instructions.
AMNOTICE      Registration notice.
DEMO     BAT  Batch file to start demo.
DEMO1    AMC  Sample command file.
DEMO2    AMC  Sample command file.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.


║     Disk No 1050 Handwriting Analyst, Advanced Menu, Magic Fingers      ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program Handwriting Analyst, type:                         ║
║             START (press enter)                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To print the documentation for Advanced Menu, type:                   ║
║             COPY AMDOC.PRN LPT1: (press enter)                          ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program Advanced Menu, type:                               ║
║             DEMO (press enter)                                          ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To print the documentation for Magic Fingers, type:                   ║
║             COPY README LPT1: (press enter)                             ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program Magic Fingers, type:                               ║
║             MFL (press enter)                                           ║
║                                                                         ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1050

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

AM       COM     22476  12-15-87   2:18p
AMDOC    PRN     22459  12-16-87   8:16a
AMNOTICE          1354  12-16-87   9:11a
AUTOEXEC BAT         7   1-14-87  12:00p
BRUN20   EXE     68396   6-13-86  10:55a
COMDEF   EXE      3360   1-19-89   3:38p
DEMO     BAT        17  12-15-87   1:38p
DETAIL1           2614   2-01-89   9:46p
DETAIL2           2481   2-01-89   9:46p
DETAIL3           3721   2-01-89   9:46p
DETAIL4           2326   2-01-89   9:46p
DETAIL5           2441   2-01-89   9:46p
ENTER    EXE     59248   7-30-89  12:07a
FILE1050 TXT      3935   9-18-89  10:21a
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT      1541   4-05-89   3:44p
HELP1             3700   2-01-89   9:46p
HELP2             1908   2-01-89   9:46p
HELP3             1713   2-01-89   9:46p
HELP4              872   2-01-89   9:46p
INSTALL  BAT       128  10-07-85   8:07a
KEY                  6   7-30-89  12:12a
MFABBR   DAT       192   5-19-88  12:53p
MFL      COM     45778   5-19-88  12:42p
MFSETUP  DAT        31   5-19-88  12:53p
MONITOR  EXE      4960   7-29-89  11:22p
QUEST             1856   2-01-89   9:46p
QUICK1            1366   2-01-89   9:46p
QUICK2            1047   2-01-89   9:46p
QUICK3            1447   2-01-89   9:46p
QUICK4            1033   2-01-89   9:46p
QUICK5            1049   2-01-89   9:46p
START    EXE      8016   7-29-89  11:17p
WRITERS  WRT      1620   2-02-89   5:31p
MEMTEST      <DIR>    
       35 file(s)     273136 bytes

 Directory of A:\MEMTEST

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
TESTMEM  COM     12351  10-01-86   8:50a
        3 file(s)      12351 bytes

Total files listed:
       38 file(s)     285487 bytes
                       16384 bytes free