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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1016)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “PC-CALC+ 2 OF 3 (ALSO 199, 1017)”

If value means good product for the ``right'' price, then PC-CALC+ is
outstanding value raised to the nth power.  You will find a multitude
of capabilities in this power package that makes for an unbeatable
spreadsheet combination.

Math functions like absolute value, integer, modulo, natural log,
round, sine, square root, true integer, 14 different trigonometric
functions, and more are included.  8087/80287/80387 math coprocessors
are automatically utilized if detected.  You will find all the basic
and not-so-basic statistical functions included, such as average,
weighted average, count, maximum, minimum, standard deviation, sum,
linear regression, binomial distribution, normal distribution, and
Poisson distribution.

Data can be imported and exported from files from PC-File:dB, PC-File+,
PC-Type/ASCII files, DIF, Lotus 1-2-3, and comma-delimited files.  You
can also import blocks from other PC-Calc+ spreadsheets.  Printing
options include printing entire spreadsheet or selected range, print to
disk or printer, print sideways, use escape codes, pause between pages,
and using single-, double- or triple-spacing.  You can save 25 macros
per file to eliminate repetitive keystrokes.  PC-CALC+ spreadsheets can
handle 256 columns and 8000 rows with 255 characters per cell.  After
you're done with your number crunching, create bar and pie charts, or
line and scatter diagrams.  Also, multiple variables can be graphed and

PC-CALC+ combines number-crunching power, graphing and flexible report
options for an ideal spreadsheet.  PC-CALC+'s pop-up menus and context-
sensitive help screens make it a pleasure to use.


Disk No: 1016
Program Title: PC-Calc+ version 2.0 (Disk 2 of 3)
PC-SIG version 4.5

PC-CALC+ is Buttonware's answer to the spreadsheet, and their answer is
the definitive answer.  PC-CALC+ is fully-functional and can create its
own spreadsheets, plus import Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets.  You can then
create graphics from the spreadsheets and print them to your printer for
presentations or meetings.

PC-CALC+ is a three disk set. The other two disks are #199 and #1017.

Usage:  Spreadsheet/Graphics.

Special Requirements:  280K memory and a hard drive.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $69.95 + $5.00 for S/H.

File Descriptions:

PCCU     ZIP  Archived file containing utilitly files.
READ     ME   User information.
VENDOR   DOC  Vendor information

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.


║             <<<<  Disk #1016 PC-CALC+ (Disk 2 of 3)  >>>>               ║
║ For documentation for PC-CALC+, insert disk number 1017 in drive A>     ║
║ and type GO (press enter)                                               ║



Disk vendors (those who sell Shareware disks) are granted permission to copy
the ButtonWare disks only under the following conditions. Exceptions to these
conditions must be received in writing from ButtonWare.

1. You may not charge for PC-Calc+ unless you are an ASP approved vendor.
   ASP approved vendors are vendors who have agreed to meet various standards
   involving presentation of the Shareware concept. Vendors who wish to apply
   for ASP approved vendor status may write to:

            Association of Shareware Professionals
            Vendor Membership Coordinator
            P.O. Box 5786
            Bellevue, WA  98006

2. ButtonWare Shareware disks may only be sold in the United States, Canada,
   the British Isles, and Australasia.

3. You may not charge more than $3 per diskette.

4. The files and programs on the disks may not be modified or deleted.

5. The programs cannot be sold as part of some other more inclusive package.

6. The programs cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1016

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE1016 TXT       915   7-12-89   3:32p
GO       BAT        38   2-10-88  10:20a
GO       TXT       463   2-10-88  10:23a
PCCU     ZIP    232407   6-16-89   3:21p
READ     ME      32000   6-16-89   3:19p
VENDOR   DOC      1152   6-16-89   3:19p
        6 file(s)     266975 bytes
                       52224 bytes free