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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #987)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “APOLLO MISSION”

The APOLLO MISSION SIMULATOR is an in-depth simulation of a manned lunar
exploration in the year 2010. This is NOT a game, it is a simulation.
There are no points to score; either you survive your mission or you and
your crew are space dust!

In a typical mission, you begin in the Orbiting Laboratory, circling
150km above the lunar equator. Enter the landing vehicle, undock and
perform several orbital maneuvers, then land on the moon. Explore the
surface using a long-range mobile base and a short-range roving vehicle.
A permanent fixed base is also included. Names and locations of over
300 lunar features are listed in one of the documents, each of which is
actually in the simulation, so you can become familiar with real lunar

The APOLLO MISSION SIMULATOR is not "just another Lunar Lander." You
participate in practically every aspect of a manned lunar exploration
program. Set program goals, plan specific missions, and carry out those
missions. Enough detail is provided so you can learn a great deal about
lunar geography, orbital mechanics and physics in general.


Disk No:  987
Program Title: APOLLO MISSION SIMULATOR version 2.1
PC-SIG version: 1.1

The APOLLO MISSION SIMULATOR is an in-depth simulation of manned lunar
exploration in the year 2010.  In a typical mission, you begin in the
Orbiting Laboratory, circling 150km above the lunar equator.  You enter
the Landing Vehicle, undock, and, after performing several orbital
maneuvers, land on the Moon.  After landing, you may explore the surface
using a long-range Mobile Base and a short-range Roving Vehicle.  A
permanent fixed Base is also included in the lunar exploration
infrastructure.  Extensive documentation (109 pages) and tutorial
lessons (over 5 hours) are provided to help you learn how to fly the
Landing Vehicle and operate the Mobile Base and Roving Vehicle.

Version 2.1 (compared with version 1.1) greatly expands the simulated
lunar exploration infrastructure and increases the mission options
available to the player.  Names and locations of over 300 lunar features
are listed in one of the documents, each of which is actually present in
the simulation, so the player can become familiar with real lunar
geography.  The program has also been rewritten so it no longer requires
a math coprocessor.

The APOLLO MISSION SIMULATOR is "not just another Lunar Lander."  It
allows a player to participate in practically every aspect of a manned
lunar exploration program.  He can set program goals, plan specific
missions, and carry out those missions in as much detail as he likes.
Enough detail is provided so the player can learn a great deal about
lunar geography, orbital mechanics, and physics in general.

Usage:  Mathematical/Entertainment.

Special Requirements:  None.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $20.00

File Descriptions:

??       CMT  Tutorial lesson comments (12 files).
??       KEY  Tutorial lesson commands (12 files).
??       SAV  Tutorial lesson parameters (12 files).
AMS      DOC  Synopsis of programs, documents, and other files
AMS      EXE  APOLLO MISSION SIMULATOR program with tutorial
COMMANDS DOC  List of commands
DISPLAYS DOC  Description of screen display
FILES         List of files
LUNAR    REF  Reference for generating Lunar maps
LUNARMAP DOC  Map of Lunar near side and manmade objects
MAP      EXE  Program to generate maps of the Lunar surface
MISSIONS DOC  Instructions for Lunar exploration and training missions
MODELS   DOC  Details of physical models
NEW      EXE  Program to start a new game
PHYSICS  DOC  Brief tutorial on orbital mechanics and related physics
READ     EXE  Program to read documents (extension ".DOC")
README   BAT  Startup batch file for first-time user

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987,88,89 PC-SIG Inc.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0987

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

11       CMT      7401   3-19-89   4:01p
11       KEY      2277   2-06-88   3:11p
11       SAV      1432   3-18-89   7:48p
12       CMT      4600   3-24-89   6:29p
12       KEY      1733   2-07-88   3:23p
12       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:30p
13       CMT      3621   3-24-89   7:01p
13       KEY      3934   2-09-88   8:04p
13       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:30p
14       CMT      3598   3-23-89  11:30p
14       KEY      1118   3-23-89  11:33p
14       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:30p
21       CMT      2915   3-21-89   8:40p
21       KEY      3001   2-16-88  10:01p
21       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:30p
22       CMT      2873   3-21-89   9:33p
22       KEY      3372   3-23-89   8:36p
22       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:31p
23       CMT      2221   3-21-89  10:06p
23       KEY      3811   2-20-88   3:07p
23       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:31p
31       CMT      1832   3-22-89   6:29p
31       KEY       621   2-20-88   9:19p
31       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:31p
32       CMT      1804   3-24-89   8:39p
32       KEY      1031   2-21-88   2:08p
32       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:31p
33       CMT      3965   3-24-89   8:58p
33       KEY      2652   3-22-89   9:43p
33       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:31p
34       CMT       976   3-23-89   7:14p
34       KEY      1201   2-23-88   7:38p
34       SAV      1432   3-18-89   8:25p
41       CMT      3009   3-23-89   7:46p
41       KEY      1991   2-24-88   7:13p
41       SAV      1432   3-19-89   3:32p
AMS      DOC     11788   3-21-89   8:41p
AMS      EXE     54784   3-22-89   6:04p
COMMANDS DOC     16547   3-24-89   8:33p
DISPLAYS DOC     18748   3-24-89   7:45p
FILES             2755   3-01-89   7:20p
FILES987 TXT      2834   4-17-89   3:26p
GO       BAT        10   5-07-86   6:54p
LUNAR    REF     10530  12-18-87   7:26p
LUNARMAP DOC     14825   2-27-88  10:07p
MAP      EXE      9728   3-19-89   7:11p
MISSIONS DOC     14853   3-24-89   7:24p
MODELS   DOC     22426   3-19-89   3:35p
NEW      EXE     13824   3-19-89   7:12p
PHYSICS  DOC      8626   3-24-89   6:48p
READ     EXE      6656   3-19-89   7:10p
README   BAT        10   5-07-86   6:54p
       52 file(s)     291685 bytes
                        4096 bytes free