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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #962)

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Information about “PDVIM, INDENT, AND SXU”

INDENT is a C program formatter that reformats any C program in the
input file according to the switches or command options.  Make your
source code more readable and appear in an acceptable format.  The C
source code for the main program is included so you can modify it to fit
your exact needs.

Programmers -- A utility for you called THE SELECT XTRAC UTILITY (SXU).
SXU extracts selected sections of data files according to your
specifications.  It accepts any standard ASCII sequential files composed
of character or numerical data.

The input file to SXU cannot have embedded control characters, except
for normal print-control characters.  SXU reads the input data file and
creates an output extract file with the data between your specified
start and end strings in the input data file.

SXU can extract data and append it to an already-existing extract file,
and allows up to 32 different extracts from a single file at one time.
On-line help and directions are included.
File Descriptions:

SXU      DAT  Test data.
SXU      HLP  Help file.
SXU      COM  Main program.

PDVIM, is the shareware version of VIM (VIrtual Machine), an
interpreter/debugger that can simulate and/or allow access to the
hardware of an XT or AT in an addressing space independent of the normal

This debugger can stop execution at any point, examine or alter memory
or registers, examine the program, determine where the program has been,
and much more.  Unlike DOS DEBUG and other debuggers, these functions
are accomplished by a program outside the addressing space of the
program or system under test, so VIM can never be altered or destroyed
by the errant program.

VIM also can trace DOS itself, or the ROMs, and set breakpoints within
ROM or on data.  When a faulty interrupt code is reached, the breakpoint
stops VIM, so the code can be traced and variables examined.  VIM's
virtual approach allows it to debug programs that others can't,
including terminate-and-stay-resident programs and device drivers.


Disk No  962
PC-SIG version 1
    INDENT comes from the University of Illinois via some distribution
tapes from the PDP-11 Unix. It is a C program formatter that reformats any
C program in the input file according to the switches (or command options).
INDENT helps your C source code to be more readable and in a format you
want it to appear. The source code for the main program is included and is
written in C.
    SELECT XTRAC UTILITY (SXU) extracts selected sections of data files.
SXU accepts any standard ASCII sequential file, composed of character or
numerical data. The input file to SXU cannot contain imbedded control
characters, except for normal print-control characters. SXU reads the input
data file and creates an output extract file containing the data between
user-specified start and end strings in the input data file. SXU can of
extract data and append it to an already-existing extract file. On-line
help and directions are contained within the program.
    PDVIM is the public domain version of VIM (VIrtual Machine), an
interpreter that can simulate and/or allow access to the hardware of an XT
or AT in an addressing space independent of the normal hardware. This
debugger can stop execution at any point, examine or alter memory or
registers, examine the program, determine where the program has been, and
much more. Unlike DOS DEBUG and other debuggers, these functions are
accomplished by a program outside the addressing space of the program or
system under test, so VIM can never be altered or destroyed by the errant
program. VIM also can trace DOS itself, or the ROMs, and set breakpoints
within ROM or on data. In fact, any location or I/O port may be used as a
breakpoint. When a faulty interrupt code is reached, the breakpoint stops
VIM, so the code can be traced and variables examined. VIM's virtual
approach allows it to debug programs that others can't, including terminate
and stay-resident programs and device drivers.
Usage: C Program Formatter, Data Retrieval, Debugger
System Requirements: 320K memory and one disk drive. (640K memory is
How to start: Type: COPY INDENT.MAN LPT1: (press enter) to print INDENT
manual, SXU (press enter) to start SELECT XTRAC, and PDVIM (press enter) to
start PDVIM.
Suggested Registration: $15.00 for SELECT XTRAC, and $49.00 for PDVIM.
File Descriptions:
ARGS     C    Argument scanning and profile reading code.
DOINDENT C    Set up the indentation depending on the user codes.
DOPREESC C    A C function.
INDENT   C    The C source code of the main program.
INDENT   EXE  The executable form of the main program.
INDENT   MAN  Documentation for the INDENT main program.
INDENT   PRO  A profile file for INDENT.
INDENT_C H    Header file to be used by INDENT.
INDENT_G H    Header file to be used by INDENT.
IO       C    Contains routines to handle i/o related stuff for INDENT.
LEXI     C    This is the token scanner for indent.
MAKEFILE      This makefile runs using the utility `ndmake' by Don Kneller.
PARSE    C    Contains the routines which keep track of the parse stack.
PR_COMME C    This routine takes care of scanning and printing comments.
README        History of the Indent program.
SXU      COM  Main program.
SXU      HLP  Help file.
INVOICE  DAT  An invoice format.
SXU      DAT  Test data.
README   DOC  Introductory note.
PDVIM    EXE  Main program.
1030D E. Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) copyright 1987 PC-SIG, Inc.


║    <<<<  Disk No 962 Indent, Select Xtrac Utility (SXU), PDVIM  >>>>    ║
║ To print the documentation for INDENT, Type:                            ║
║             COPY INDENT.MAN LPT1: (press enter)                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To run the program INDENT, Type:                                        ║
║             INDENT (press enter)                                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation for SELECT XTRAC UTILITY (SXU), Type:        ║
║             COPY README.DOC LPT1: (press enter)                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To run the program SELECT XTRAC UTILITY (SXU), Type:                    ║
║             SXU (press enter)                                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To run the program PDVIM, Type:                                         ║
║             PDVIM (press enter)                                         ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0962

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ARGS     C        9829  11-02-86  12:48a
DOINDENT C       16651  11-02-86  12:51a
DOPREESC C        3452  11-02-86  12:12a
FILES962 TXT      3617  12-17-87   3:58p
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT      1387   1-04-80   1:46a
INDENT   C       24809  11-02-86  12:12a
INDENT   EXE     37634  11-02-86   1:06a
INDENT   MAN     13413  11-01-86   6:51a
INDENT   PRO        47  11-02-86  12:17a
INDENT_C H        1762  11-01-86   4:11a
INDENT_G H       11395  11-02-86  12:08a
INVOICE  DAT      1002   8-28-87   1:46p
IO       C       13069  11-02-86  12:12a
LEXI     C       13561  11-02-86  12:12a
MAKEFILE          2117  11-02-86  12:53a
PARSE    C        9257  11-02-86  12:12a
PDVIM    EXE     81408   9-08-87   8:02a
PR_COMME C       11689  11-02-86  12:12a
READ     ME        475  11-01-86  10:01a
README            4278   8-28-87   2:13p
SXU      COM     19786  11-30-86   7:29p
SXU      DAT      2462  11-23-86   4:09p
SXU      HLP     13972   8-28-87   1:50p
       24 file(s)     297110 bytes
                       10240 bytes free