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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #897)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


PRO MAN is a menuing program to manage access to the files and
directories of your hard disk.

Software applications can be executed from any of four pages of menu
screens, and each file may have a password to restrict access.  You may
require that a password be used for entering DOS or other functions of
PRO MAN from the program.  Single files, multiple files, or entire
directories may be automatically encrypted to secure certain programs
when users are in DOS.

Track who is using the computer system, and what they are using it for.
Generate reports on computer access and work in a variety of parameters.
PRO MAN also has a time clock and a video saver.  It will even park your
hard drive's head before power down.
File Descriptions:

BEGIN    COM  Starting file.
SYSMAN   COM  System manager file.
README   DOC  Documentation.
PROMAN   HLP  On-line help file.
OVERLAY  EXE  Overlay file.
ORDER    DOC  Order form.
INSTALL  BAT  Batch file for installation.
FILES    COM  Creates files used by the program.
ENCRYPT  COM  Encryption file.


Disk No  897
Program Title:  PRO MAN (Program Manager) version 1.11
PC-SIG version 1
    PRO MAN is designed to manage access to the files and directories of
your hard disk. Software applications can be executed from four pages of
menu screens, and each file may have a password to restrict usage. You may
also require that a password be used for entering DOS from the program.
Single files, multiple files, or entire directories may be encrypted to
secure certain programs when users are in DOS. Usage tracking of operators
and files may be installed, and later the program can generate reports of
computer access and work in a variety of parameters. The program also has a
time clock and a video saver. Access to hard disk parking software is
allowed when the system is shut down.
Usage: System Security/Program Management
System Requirements: 256K memory, one disk drive and a hard drive.
How to Start: Copy all programs to your hard disk and type: INSTALL
(press enter).
Suggested Registration: $30.00
File Descriptions:
BEGIN    COM  Starting file.
ENCRYPT  COM  Encryption file.
FILES    COM  Creates files used by the program.
INSTALL  BAT  Batch file for installation.
ORDER    DOC  Order form.
OVERLAY  EXE  Overlay file.
PROMAN   HLP  On-line help file.
README   DOC  Documentation.
SYSMAN   COM  System manager file.
1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG Inc.


║           <<<<  Disk No 897  PRO MAN (Program Manager)  >>>>            ║
║ To print the documentation for PROGRAM MANAGER, Type:                   ║
║             COPY README.DOC LPT1: (press enter)                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To run the program PROGRAM MANAGER,                                     ║
║ Copy all programs to your hard disk and Type: INSTALL (press enter)     ║



   PROMANtm is not in any way free software.   If you have tried PROMANtm  and
   have  decided it suits your purposes and wish to continue using it,  please

   Registered users of PROMANtm  will  receive  mailers  and  notices  of  new
   versions  of  PROMANtm    as  well as any new products published by Candour
   Publishing Inc.

   The registration cost of PROMANtm is $30.00.   This gives you the option of
   becoming an agent under the "Profit/Share/Ware"tm marketing structure.   As
   well,  upon registration  you  will  receive,  PROMANtm  program  diskette,
   PROMANtm manual,  associated support literature,  discounts on new versions
   of PROMANtm and other associated benefits.

   Note:     When filling out your PROMANtm order  form,  please  be  sure  to
             record the SERIAL # of the trial version of PROMANtm that you are
             using.   This SERIAL # is located in the upper left corner of the
             PROMANtm opening screen,  and is critical to the continuation  of
             the  marketing structure.   Candour Publishing Inc.  reserves the
             right to not be held responsible for incorrectly filled out ORDER


                               PROMANtm ORDER FORM

   TRIAL VERSION SERIAL # (see note previous): _____________________________
                                               (must be filled in)

   NAME   : ________________________________________________________________
   COMPANY: ________________________________________________________________
   ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________
          : ________________________________________________________________
          : ________________________________________________________________
   CITY   : ____________________________  STATE OR PROVINCE : ______________
                                          ZIP OR POSTAL CODE: ______________
   PHONE #: ____________________________
   Please check the appropriate response, below, (please check only one):

   __ Please register me as a PROMANtm user,
      I enclose $30.00 to cover registration,
      shipping and handling.

   __ Please register me as a PROMANtm user
      and start me as a "series 0" user under
      the "Profit/Share/Ware"tm marketing
      system, I enclose $30.00 to cover
      registration, shipping and handling.

   *** B.C. residents add 6% provincial sales tax.

                                              Amount remitted $______________
   Please check the payment method being used:


   My credit card information is as follows:

        CARD #     : ________________________________________________________
        EXPIRY DATE: ________________________________________________________

   Please sign below if credit card is being used:

        SIGNATURE  : ________________________________________________________
   Please remit to:    Candour Publishing Inc.
                       1820 Blanshard St.
                       Victoria, B.C.  V8T 4J1
   or phone       :    (604)381-4240




        (c) Copyright 1987


   PROgram MANager or PROMAN

        (c) Copyright 1987

        PROMANtm is a registered trademark of Candour Publishing


        Is a registered trademark of Candour Publishing Inc.


                             90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY

   Candour Publishing Inc.,  warrants to the registered user of  this  Candour
   Publishing  Inc.  product  that  the  medium  will  be free from defects in
   material or  workmanship  for  a  period  of  90  days  from  the  date  of
   registration.  If defective, return the product, postage prepaid to Candour
   Publishing Inc., for replacement.  This warranty shall not be applicable if
   the defect in the medium has arisen through accident, misuse or abuse.


   Candour  Publishing  Inc.  shall have no liability or responsibility to the
   registered user  or  any  other  person  or  entity  with  respect  to  any
   liability,  loss  or  damage  caused  or  alleged  to be caused directly or
   indirectly by this software, including, but not limited to any interruption
   of service,  loss of business  or  anticipatory  profits  or  consequential
   damages resulting from the use or operation of this product.


   You are urged to distribute this product as often as you see fit,  provided
   it is distributed  in  it's  entirety,  the  distribution  meets  with  all
   conditions  contained  herein  and  meets  with  all  "Profit/Share/Ware"tm
   conditions  of  distribution.    The  more  distribution  that  you,  as  a
   registered  user,  encourage,  the  more benefit you will receive under the
   "Profit/Share/Ware"tm marketing system.


   Registering a copy of PROMANtm  allows a user to make  as  many  copies  of
   PROMANtm as he/she wishes, and use it on various machines, but the software
   must be treated like a book.  This means that the same copy of PROMANtm may
   not be in use on more than one machine at a time.

   All users,  registered or not,  are granted a license to copy PROMANtm  for
   the trial use of others subject to the conditions contained herein and:

        PROMANtm must be copied in absolutely unmodified  form,  including
        all program files and complete documentation (see Appendix A for a
        list  of  these  files).    These  files  may be distributed in an
        archived form.

        PROMANtm may not be included with any other product for any reason

        No licensee or other party may accept or request a charge or other
        payment for PROMANtm.   All registration is done  through  Candour
        Publishing    Inc.    and    all    commissions   based   on   the
        "Profit/Share/Ware"tm marketing system will be paid directly  from
        Candour Publishing Inc. to the registered user and agent.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

   "PROFIT/SHARE/WARE"tm .................................................  4

        INTRODUCTION .....................................................  4
        MARKET STRATEGY ..................................................  4
        REGISTER USERS ...................................................  5
        EXAMPLE ..........................................................  6
        SOFTWARE AUTHORS .................................................  7
        "PROFIT/SHARE/WARE"tm USERS ......................................  7

   REGISTERING AND ORDERING INFORMATION ..................................  8

   ORDER FORM ............................................................  9

   PROMANtm USERS MANUAL ................................................. 10

        SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 10
        INSTALLING PROMANtm .............................................. 10
        INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 11
             - V1.1 FEATURES ............................................. 11
             - V2.1 FEATURES ............................................. 11
        HELP SCREENS ..................................................... 12
        MAIN MENU SCREEN ................................................. 12
        A NOTE ABOUT PASSWORDS ........................................... 13
        SYSTEM MANAGER ................................................... 13
             - MENU MAINTENANCE .......................................... 14
             - LOG ON .................................................... 14
             - LOG OFF ................................................... 15
             - SHUTDOWN SYSTEM ........................................... 15
             - SET TIME/DATE ............................................. 15
             - USAGE TRACKING ............................................ 15
             - RESET USER LOG ............................................ 15
             - ENCRYPT/DECRYPT ........................................... 15
             - EXIT TO DOS ............................................... 15
             - CHANGE PASSWORD ........................................... 16
        a note on SECURITY ............................................... 16

   APPENDIX A - Files .................................................... 17

   APPENDIX B - FIle Specifications ...................................... 18




   "Profit/Share/Ware"tm, a concept developed by Candour Publishing Inc., is a
   market  strategy  designed  to  allow  good software developers a return on
   their  investment  while  rewarding  the  honest  user  of   shareware   an
   opportunity to "profit" through "share"ing of soft"ware" distribution.  The
   process  is  controlled by Candour Publishing Inc.  so little effort and no
   paper work is required,  but the profit sharing can be very  rewarding  for
   both the user and the developer.


   The  concept  is what we call a marketing tree,  similar to a decision tree
   matrix where a  "registered"  owner  of  a  "Profit/Share/Ware"tm  product,
   distributes copies of his registered copy,  which contain a serial # unique
   to him.  This person is now regarded as a "series 0" user,  and is asked to
   redistribute  the software with his unique serial # to others,  in the same
   ways that shareware is distributed.   The people he has distributed  to  on
   registering    their  copy will receive their own serial #,  and will cause
   part of the registration fee to be  returned  to  the  original  registered
   owner  (these people are identified on the next page as "series 1").   When
   the "series 1" users register their copies  two things occur:

        1.   They facilitate the continuation of the original "series
             0" user's marketing tree.

        2.   They become  "series  0"  users.    Starting  their  own
             marketing  tree  themselves,  this  allows  them  to  be
             rewarded as "series 0" users.

   These series continue through four  (4)  profit  sharing  levels  for  each
   "series 0" registered user.

   This  method  of compensation or profit sharing,  has been proven to be the
   fairest in rewarding the most active  people  throughout  the  distribution
   process  and  provides  the  original  developer  a means to publish and be
   rewarded for good product development - not available before.

   Please see the following pages for further information.



   When you register a copy  of  a  "Profit/Share/Ware"tm  product,  you  will
   receive  a  new  copy  of  the  product along with a new serial # unique to
   yourself - for further distribution,  manuals &  associated  documentation,
   bulletins on the latest from Candour Publishing Inc., and reduced rates for
   product upgrades.

   You  should  then  distribute the software with your registered serial # to
   other interested parties, as per normal shareware procedures.

   This makes  you  a  "series  0"  user  and  entitles  you  to  10%  of  the
   registration price on all further registrations with your serial # on it.

   To you,  these new registered users, with your serial # on their copy,  are
   "series 1",  and all who register under them will entitle you to a  further
   8% of their registration price.

   To you, these new registered users under "series 1" are "series 2", and all
   who register under them will entitle you to 7% of the registration price of
   these new users.

   To  you,  these additional registered users that have registered under your
   "series 2" users, are now your "series 3" users, and all who register under
   them, become your "series 4" users, entitling you to 5% of the registration

   Note:     All  registered  users  will  receive   a   new   copy   of   the
             "Profit/Share/Ware"tm  with  there own distribution serial #.
             All registered users will then become  "series  0"  user  and
             start the marketing strategy working in their favor.


   EXAMPLE  of  profit  sharing  of  a  "Profit/Share/Ware"tm  product,   with
   registration fee of $30.00:

        You   have   just   received   your   registered   copy   of   the
        "Profit/Share/Ware"tm  product,  with  it's  own  unique serial #.
        This makes you a "series 0" user.

        If you distribute the copy,  with your serial # to  5  people  who
        register their product,  via normal shareware distribution methods
        (ie. bulletin boards, user groups, schools, friends, work,  etc.),
        you will have created 5 "series 1" users under you.  This entitles
        you to the following profit sharing renumeration:

             5 x ($30.00 x 10%) or $15.00.

        If these "series 1" users distribute to 5 people each who register
        their product,  they will have created 25 "series 2" users for you
        (as well as 5 "series 1" users for themselves).  This entitles you

             5 x (5 x ($30.00 x 8%)) or $60.00.

        If these "series 2" users distribute to 5 people each who register
        their product,  they will have created 125 "series  3"  users  for
        you.  This entitles you to:

             5 x (5 x (5 x ($30.00 x 7%))) or $262.50.

        If these "series 3" users distribute to 5 people each who register
        their  product,  they  will  have created 625 "series 4" users for
        you.  This entitles you to:

             5 x (5 x (5 x (5 x ($30.00 x 5%)))) or $937.00.

   At this point you as the "series 0" user will have been  rewarded,  in  the
   form of profit sharing, $1274.50.

   As  you  can  see  the  rewards of distribution can be quite attractive and
   there are no limits set as to the number of copies a "series 0"  registered
   user  can distribute.   The more "series 1" registered users he distributes
   to, the greater the rewards.

   Caution:  If you delay to long in registering  &  distributing,  you  could
             lose potential profit sharing to someone else.



   Candour Publishing Inc., is a division of Candour Group Enterprises Inc. (a
   research   &   development   and  management  consulting  company).     All
   "Profit/Share/Ware"tm revenue will be recorded by Candour Publishing    and
   distributed  to  participating agents of the marketing tree and developers.
   Candour Publishing Inc.  reserves the  right  to  distribute  only  quality
   software.    Authors  of  software are requested to forward copies of their
   software along with  documentation (on diskette is fine) of their  software
   to Candour Publishing Inc.  for review.   Selected Authors will be notified
   and will receive an agreement  authorizing  Candour  Publishing  to  market
   their  product.   Registration fee is $50.00 to cover the costs of handling
   and review.  If selected, authors will receive 20% of all registration fees

        Please address all submissions or information requests to:

        Director of Software Reviews
        Candour Publishing Inc.
        1820 Blanshard St.
        Victoria, B.C.  V8T 4J1


        Please address all Registration or information Requests to:

        Software Registration
        Candour Publishing Inc.
        1820 Blanshard St.
        Victoria, B.C.  V8T 4J1



   PROMANtm is not in any way free software.   If you have tried PROMANtm  and
   have  decided it suits your purposes and wish to continue using it,  please

   Registered users of PROMANtm  will  receive  mailers  and  notices  of  new
   versions  of  PROMANtm    as  well as any new products published by Candour
   Publishing Inc.

   The registration cost of PROMANtm is $30.00.   This gives you the option of
   becoming an agent under the "Profit/Share/Ware"tm marketing structure.   As
   well,  upon registration  you  will  receive,  PROMANtm  program  diskette,
   PROMANtm manual,  associated support literature,  discounts on new versions
   of PROMANtm and other associated benefits.

   Note:     When filling out your PROMANtm order  form,  please  be  sure  to
             record the SERIAL # of the trial version of PROMANtm that you are
             using.   This SERIAL # is located in the upper left corner of the
             PROMANtm opening screen,  and is critical to the continuation  of
             the  marketing structure.   Candour Publishing Inc.  reserves the
             right to not be held responsible for incorrectly filled out ORDER


                               PROMANtm ORDER FORM

   TRIAL VERSION SERIAL # (see note previous): _____________________________
                                               (must be filled in)

   NAME   : ________________________________________________________________
   COMPANY: ________________________________________________________________
   ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________
          : ________________________________________________________________
          : ________________________________________________________________
   CITY   : ____________________________  STATE OR PROVINCE : ______________
                                          ZIP OR POSTAL CODE: ______________
   PHONE #: ____________________________
   Please check the appropriate response, below, (please check only one):

   __ Please register me as a PROMANtm user,
      I enclose $30.00 to cover registration,
      shipping and handling.

   __ Please register me as a PROMANtm user
      and start me as a "series 0" user under
      the "Profit/Share/Ware"tm marketing
      system, I enclose $30.00 to cover
      registration, shipping and handling.

   *** B.C. residents add 6% provincial sales tax.

                                              Amount remitted $______________
   Please check the payment method being used:


   My credit card information is as follows:

        CARD #     : ________________________________________________________
        EXPIRY DATE: ________________________________________________________

   Please sign below if credit card is being used:

        SIGNATURE  : ________________________________________________________
   Please remit to:    Candour Publishing Inc.
                       1820 Blanshard St.
                       Victoria, B.C.  V8T 4J1
   or phone       :    (604)381-4240


                              PROMANtm users manual


        PROMANtm  will run on an IBM PC, XT, AT, or true compatible with at
        least 256k of free memory (512k with usage tracking), a Hard Disk as
        Drive 'C:', DOS 3.XX, and the file 'COMMAND.COM' present in your ROOT
        directory, 'C:\'.


        -    To install PROMANtm on your system, you must have all of the
             unarchived distribution files (see Appendix A for a list of
             the files) in a directory on your hard disk drive

        -    From the DOS prompt, type "INSTALL"

        This  will  install  PROMANtm  on  you  hard   drive,   in   directory
        'C:\PROMAN'.    It also installs a file in the ROOT directory,  'C:\',
        called 'START'.   This file allows you to start PROMANtm    by  typing
        "\START" whenever you are on drive 'C:', at the DOS prompt.

        To  have  PROMANtm automatically start when you system is reset,  have
        the last line of your 'AUTOEXEC.BAT' file as '\START'.


                              PROMANtm users manual


        PROMANtm (PROgram  MANager)  is  a  sophisticated  front  end  program
        designed  to  make  life  easier  for  the professional as well as the
        amateur PC compatible user.  Its purpose is to allow smooth but secure
        access to software and files while doing the house keeping chores.

        PROMANtm V1.1 FEATURES:

             - 4 pages of menu screens
             - 4 levels of security including, encryption
             - Usage tracking of operators and files
             - Time clock
             - Attractive video saver (stops hot spots and
             - Access to hard disk parking software
             - Report generation of computer access & work in a
               variety of parameters

        PROMANtm V2.1 FEATURES (to be released):

             - Sophisticated hard disk management
             - Color preference changes
             - Disk optimization
             - File compression
             - Disk backup
             - Many other features in addition to V1.1


                              PROMANtm users manual


        Help Screens  are  activity  sensitive  and  will  provide  sufficient
        information  in  the mode currently active.   They can be activated by
        hitting 'f1' at any time.


        PROMANtm allows up to four pages of menu driven  software  activities,
        referred  to as activities/programs,  located on your hard disk drive.
        (See Menu Maintenance for placement of activities on your screen.)

        Their are two ways of selecting an activity/program; you may press the
        alpha character beside the description of the activity/program desired
        or you may use combinations  of  the  cursor  keys  to  highlight  the
        activity/program desired, then hit 'RETURN'.

             Using the cursor keys:

             'PgUp/PgDn'    : Moves the selector bar to the previous/next
                              page of activities/programs
             'Left/Right'   : Moves the selector bar to the left/right or
                              to the previous/next page, depending on its
                              current position
             'Up/Down'      : Moves the selector bar up/down or to the
                              previous/next page, depending on its current
             'End'          : Moves the selector bar to the last item on
                              page 4
             'Home'         : Moves the select bar to the first item on
                              page 1

        This  simple process will immediately take you to the activity/program
        requested.   If password protection is active for the activity/program
        selected, entry of the correct password will be required before access
        to the activity/program requested will be permitted.

        It  is  recommended  that you experiment with the cursor keys,  at the
        Main Menu, to become accustomed to their functions.


                              PROMANtm users manual

   A note about PASSWORDS:

        On the following pages and while  using  PROMANtm  you  will  come
        across  references  to  PASSWORDS.    PROMANtm  has two distinctly
        different type of PASSWORDS.   First,  PROMANtm has a system level
        PASSWORD  which  can only be changed or set in the CHANGE PASSWORD
        function of the SYSTEM MANAGER.   It is used to control access  to
        various PROMANtm features.  Secondly, PROMANtm allows for PASSWORD
        PROTECTION  of  each of the activities/programs listed on the MAIN
        MENU.   These PASSWORDS are set/changed from the MENU  MAINTENANCE
        function of the SYSTEM MANAGER.

        Note:     If a PASSWORD is entered in upper case,  it must be
                  typed in upper case when requested.  And similarly,
                  if a PASSWORD is entered in lower case,  it must be
                  typed in lower case when requested.   This adds one
                  more level of security.  And remember, DON'T FORGET
                  YOUR PASSWORDS!


        To move to the SYSTEM MANAGER hit 'f10', when in the MAIN MENU.   This
        will  allow  you  to  update  and  select various utilities built into
        PROMANtm.  (To return to the MAIN MENU,  while in the SYSTEM  MANAGER,
        hit 'Esc' or 'f10').

        It  is  through  the  SYSTEM  MANAGER  that  the user accesses most of
        PROMANs'tm  built in functions/utilities.    These  function/utilities

         - LOG ON
         - LOG OFF
         - SET TIME/DATE
         - RESET USER LOG
         - EXIT TO DOS

        To  select  one  of the SYSTEM MANAGERs' utilities,  use the 'Up/Down'
        keys to point to the function desired, then hit 'Enter'.   When in any
        of  the utilities,  the 'Esc' key exits that utility without modifying


                              PROMANtm users manual

        The following is an introduction to  each  of  the  functions  of  the
        SYSTEM MANAGER and their operations:


        This  function  is  where  all  of  the  information  is  entered  for
        activities/programs  to  be  accessed  from  the  MAIN  MENU.     MENU
        MAINTENANCE  requires  that  you  know the following about each of the
        activities/programs you wish to work with:

        -    DESCRIPTION
        -    PATH (precede with '\')
        -    FILE NAME (used to start the activity/application)
        -    COMMAND (This refers to  any  additional  information  necessary,
             such  as a toggle,  'DIR /W',  where '/W' would be entered as the

        Also,   you  may  specify  a   PASSWORD   and   ENCRYPTion/DESCRYPTion
        information, see notes on PASSWORDS and notes on SECURITY.

        When  entering  the  above  information  the  following  commands  are

        'Ctrl/D'       Erases  all  information  regarding   this   particular
        'Del'          Erases the current input line
        'Enter'        Accepts the current input line and advances to the next
                       input line
        'Esc'          Exits  from  the  current  activity/program leaving all
                       information unchanged
        'End'          Accepts all changes and extis

        LOG ON

        Used to set/change the USER and LOG, information that is used in USAGE


                              PROMANtm users manual

        LOG OFF

        Used to LOG a current user OFF and force the next user  to  perform  a
        LOG ON.


        Used  to  Shutdown  the System.   This function automatically LOGs the
        current user OFF and allows automatic  access  to  your  systems  head
        parking  utility.    (When  you  enter  the  name of your systems head
        parking utility, please include the filenames extension).


        Used to set/change your systems TIME and DATE.


        This feature is extremely handy for systems which have more  than  one
        user  or  for  users who wish to keep track of the time they spend per
        application.   USAGE TRACKING prints reports to the screen or printer,
        with various user specified sort options.


        Clears  out  the  file  used to store USAGE TRACKING information.   BE


        This function allows for ENCRYPTion/DECRYPTion of information on  your
        hard disk.    Single files,  multiple files, or entire directories may
        be specified.   DON'T FORGET YOUR KEYS.   THE  SAME  UPPER/LOWER  CASE

        EXIT TO DOS

        This  function  allows  the  user  to EXIT TO DOS.   If a system level
        PASSWORD is specified, then the appropriate PASSWORD must be entered.


                              PROMANtm users manual


        Allows changing of the system level PASSWORD.

   a note on SECURITY

        Through the use of PROMANtm, the person responsible for setting up
        PROMANtm and maintaining its usage along with the usage of all  of
        the  activities/programs  on a particular system,  can arrange for
        several different system and file security options:

        -    Access of various PROMANtm functions and entry into  DOS  can
             be  controlled  by  use of a system level PASSWORD.   This is
             controlled by the CHANGE  PASSWORD  function  of  the  SYSTEM

        -    ENCRYPTion/DECRYPTion  may  be  performed  on  single  files,
             multiple files, or entire directories.   ENCRYPT/DECRYPT is a
             function of SYSTEM MANAGER.

        -    Access  to activities/programs listed in the MAIN MENU may be
             PASSWORD protected.   This is controlled by MENU  MAINTENANCE
             of the SYSTEM MANAGER.

        -    Activities/programs  may have automatic ENCRYPTion/DECRYPTion
             set on them.   This allows for single files,  multiple files,
             or  entire  directories to be automatically DECRYPTed when an
             activity/program is executed and then automatically ENCRYPTed
             when PROMANtm is  returned.    This  is  controlled  by  MENU


                                   APPENDIX A

   APPENDIX A - Files 

   The  "Profit/Share/Ware"tm version of PROMANtm should be distributed in one
   of two ways:

        1.   On floppy diskette or on a Bulletin Board System as  an  archived
             file called 'PROMAN.ARC'.   When unarchived the files, listed
             under #2 following, should exist.

         2.  On a floppy diskette with all of the following files:

             a. BEGIN.COM
             b. ENCRYPT.COM
             c. FILES.COM
             d. INSTALL.BAT
             e. ORDER.DOC
             f. OVERLAY.EXE
             g. PROMAN.HLP
             h. README.DOC
             i. SYSMAN.COM


                                   APPENDIX A

   APPENDIX B - File Specifications

   When asked for any file specifications while within PROMANtm, the following
   syntax rules apply:

        PATH should be  preceded  with  '\'  and  the  root  directory  is
        specified  by  a  single '\'.   If a '\' is not used then PROMANtm
        assumes that you wish to use '\PROMAN' as the starting directory.

        FILENAMES  are  any  valid  DOS   filename.   Such   as   'START',
        'START.COM', 'START.BAT' or 'START.EXE'.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0897

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BEGIN    COM     11335  10-08-87   9:42a
ENCRYPT  COM     18770  10-08-87   2:17p
FILES    COM     13725  10-08-87   9:49a
FILES897 TXT      1483  12-07-87  12:02p
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT       694  12-04-87   4:05p
INSTALL  BAT       379   9-13-87   2:59p
ORDER    DOC      3776   9-09-87   1:30p
OVERLAY  EXE    136700  10-08-87   4:45p
PROMAN   HLP      4489   9-04-87   2:48p
README   DOC     31229   9-11-87  11:45a
SYSMAN   COM     47494   9-13-87   2:36p
       12 file(s)     270112 bytes
                       45056 bytes free