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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #886)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


CALIFORNIA DIVORCE is designed to educate men on their rights and the
procedures they should know about and follow -- in California -- in case
of a divorce.

This program presents a series of graphic screens along with text
concerning the legal matters of divorce, and is written in a humorous
manner, entertaining and educational.  Since it was written by a man for
other men, it does have a slight bias against women and marriage in
general.  Once viewed, the educated user can then choose a course of
action on a self-help basis or with the assistance of legal counsel.


Disk No  886
PC-SIG version 1
    CALIFORNIA DIVORCE is intended to educate men on their rights and
procedures that should be taken (in California) in case of a divorce. This
program contains a series of graphic screens along with text concerning the
legal matters of divorce. The program runs automatically and can be stopped
at any time by the user. Once viewed, the educated user can then choose a
course of action on a self-help basis or with the assistance of legal
Usage: Educational
System Requirements: 360K memory, one disk drive and color graphics.
How to Start: Type: SHOW DIVORCE (press enter).
File Descriptions:
README   BAT  Introduction.
SHOW     EXE  Main program.
DIVORCE  SPS  Secondary program.
???????  GX1  Graphics files (58 files).
1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG Inc.


║              <<<<  Disk No 866  CALIFORNIA DIVORCE  >>>>                ║
║ To read the introduction, Type: README (press enter)                    ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the program, Type: SHOW DIVORCE (press enter)                  ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0886

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT       540  12-03-87  11:20a
FILES886 TXT       950  12-07-87   8:44a
README   BAT      1045   9-27-87  10:35p
SHOW     EXE     16740   9-17-86   6:08a
DIVORCE  SPS      2604   9-25-87  11:14p
TITLE1   GX1      2048   1-01-80   9:18p
TITLE2   GX1      2048   9-17-87   3:41p
TITLE3   GX1      2944   9-17-87   4:02p
4WAYS1   GX1      2688   1-01-80  10:25p
4WAYS2   GX1      2304   1-01-80   9:45p
4WAYS3   GX1      4736   9-25-87   8:09a
4WAYS4   GX1      3968   1-01-80  11:08p
50%      GX1      4480   9-25-87   8:17a
50%A     GX1      5248   9-25-87   8:15a
MANY     GX1      5376   9-19-87   8:51p
PROBLEM1 GX1      5632   9-17-87   2:03p
PROBLEM2 GX1      4608   9-25-87   2:34p
GROUNDSA GX1      1920   9-25-87  10:28a
GROUNDSB GX1      1664   9-25-87  10:30a
GROUNDSC GX1      1920   9-25-87  10:44a
HEART1   GX1      1664   1-01-80   9:34p
HEART2   GX1      1152   1-01-80   9:44p
HEART3   GX1      1280   1-01-80   9:43p
HEART4   GX1      1152   1-01-80   9:39p
HEART5   GX1      1024   9-25-87  11:25a
HEART6   GX1      1664   9-25-87  11:25a
INSANITY GX1      1664   1-01-80   8:52p
ATTORNEY GX1      6400   9-25-87   8:22a
TALK1    GX1      5120   9-25-87   2:35p
TALK2    GX1      4736   9-22-87   9:52a
TALK3    GX1      5376   9-25-87   2:36p
TALK4    GX1      5120   9-25-87   1:07p
TALK5    GX1      5376   9-24-87  11:02p
TALK6    GX1      5632   9-24-87  11:04p
TALK7    GX1      5504   9-24-87  11:08p
TALK8    GX1      5504   9-24-87  11:09p
TALK9    GX1      5376   9-24-87  11:11p
TALK10   GX1      4992   9-21-87  12:37p
CP1      GX1      5888   9-24-87  10:53p
CP2      GX1      3328   9-25-87   2:41p
CP4      GX1      5248   9-25-87  10:09a
CP5      GX1      4864   9-21-87  12:42p
CP6      GX1      5120   9-25-87   3:25p
CVS1     GX1      5120   9-24-87  11:14p
CVS2     GX1      5248   9-24-87  11:16p
CVS3     GX1      5120   9-21-87  10:15p
CVS4     GX1      5120   9-22-87  10:04a
CVS5     GX1      5120   9-25-87   3:26p
CVS6     GX1      4992   9-24-87  11:21p
CVS7     GX1      5120   9-24-87  11:23p
CVS10    GX1      4224   9-24-87  11:25p
NULL1    GX1      4992   9-25-87   2:46p
NULL2    GX1      5120   9-25-87   1:08p
DIV1     GX1      5248   9-24-87  11:29p
DIV2     GX1      5248   9-24-87  11:31p
DIV3     GX1      5376   9-24-87  11:32p
DIV4     GX1      5248   9-25-87   1:24p
DIV5     GX1      5504   9-24-87   7:34p
DIV6     GX1      4992   9-25-87   1:11p
DIV7     GX1      5248   9-25-87  11:17p
PRO1     GX1      5376   9-25-87   7:15p
PRO2     GX1      4992   9-25-87   9:03p
PRO3     GX1      4352   9-25-87   9:39p
       64 file(s)     268445 bytes
                       24576 bytes free