PCjs Machines

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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #800)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “BAKER’S DOZEN”

This disk of utility programs, from the author of PC-File+ and
PC-Calc+, is a must for anyone who owns a PC. BAKER'S DOZEN is packed
with more than 13 handy utility programs to run alone or from the menu.

Some of BAKER'S DOZEN utilities: a powerful disk program to recover
deleted files, a calendar that can be memory-resident, a file finder
that searches strings of text, a sideways printer, a mini-spreadsheet
that supports formulas, trig, business functions and hexadecimal/decimal
conversion, and much more.
File Descriptions:

BTTNCALC EXE  One-page spreadsheet.
DOZEN    BAT  Batch file to run BAKER'S DOZEN.
SWLPT12  COM  Switch printer ports for LPT1 and LPT2.
SWCOM12  COM  Switch RS-232 ports for COM1 and COM2.
SNAPSHOT COM  Take pictures of any 80-column screen (not graphics).
SET-SCRN EXE  Used to set screen border color and default screen colors.
CALENDAR COM  Programmable date calendar.
RDIR     EXE  Remove subdirectory including all files and all children.
PRN-FILE EXE  Redirects all information normally sent to your printer.
PC-SORT  EXE  Sort files with up to four fields.
P90      EXE  Print files at ninety degrees (also prints normally).
LOCATE   EXE  Find any file(s) on disk.
GKEY     EXE  Provides all keyboard information.
FILECOMP EXE  Compare two ASCII text files.
DISKUTIL EXE  Disk utility program.
BAKERS12 EXE  Menu program to run the dozen utilities on this disk.
CAL      DAT  Data for holidays in calendar.
DOZEN    TBL  Lookup table used by menu program.
SETSCRN  COM  Sets up screen.
RESPONSE      User response form.
READ     ME   Shareware notice and introductions.
ORDER         Order form.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0800

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BAKERS12 EXE     15091   6-01-87   1:00a
BTTNCALC EXE    119463   6-01-87   1:00a
CAL      DAT      1792   6-01-87   1:00a
CALENDAR COM      4520   6-01-87   1:00a
DISKUTIL EXE    114695   6-01-87   1:00a
DOZEN    BAT       128   6-01-87   1:00a
DOZEN    TBL       896   6-01-87   1:00a
FILECOMP EXE     14573   6-01-87   1:00a
GKEY     EXE      5120   6-01-87   1:00a
LOCATE   EXE      6144   6-01-87   1:00a
ORDER             2048   6-01-87   1:00a
P90      EXE     22433   6-01-87   1:00a
PC_SORT  EXE     10752   6-01-87   1:00a
PRN_FILE EXE      3584   6-01-87   1:00a
RDIR     EXE      5120   6-01-87   1:00a
READ     ME      13056   6-01-87   1:00a
RESPONSE          1024   6-01-87   1:00a
SETSCRN  COM        70   7-02-87   2:52p
SET_SCRN EXE      6415   6-01-87   1:00a
SNAPSHOT COM      5444   6-01-87   1:00a
SWCOM12  COM       340   6-01-87   1:00a
SWLPT12  COM       349   6-01-87   1:00a
       22 file(s)     353057 bytes
                           0 bytes free