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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #796)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “HOME INSURANCE”

HOME INSURANCE lets you keep track of what you own, where items are
located, and how much it would cost to replace any items if lost or
stolen.  Unfortunately, most of us do not find out how much property
insurance we need until after we suffer a major loss.  All too often it
isn't until such a loss that we discover that our insurance coverage,
although based on replacement value, was not sufficient to cover the
complete loss. Or, worse yet, we discover we are unable to document the
true value of our possessions, resulting in a reduced and sometimes
insufficient claim return.

HOME INSURANCE gives protection against these tragedies in several ways.
First, it helps you determine whether or not you have adequate property
insurance by comparing the actual replacement values for your
possessions against the given limits in your policy.  For example, many
policies limit the coverage for special items such as jewelry,
collectibles (coins, stamps, plates, dolls, etc.), guns and furs.  You
categorize items by type, including the total replacement value of each,
and HOME INSURANCE lets you easily compare these amounts with the limits
specified in your policy.

HOME INSURANCE holds 10,000,000 entries, provides over 250 possible
cross references, and is completely menu-operational.  It is easy to
learn and simple to use.  Three user-selectable levels of operation and
user-customized field names let you modify HOME INSURANCE to meet
individual requirements.


	 A P P E N D I X   A


	     Home Insurance is software that allows you to keep track 
	 of what you own, where items are located and how much it 
	 would cost to replace something that is lost.	Unfortunately, 
	 most of us do not find out how much property insurance we 
	 need until after we suffer a major loss.	We then may 
	 learn that our insurance coverage, although based on 
	 replacement value, is not sufficient to cover the complete 
	 loss.	Or, worse yet, we are unable to document the true 
	 value of our possessions and thus the insurance will only pay 
	 to replace our lost possessions with lower quality items.

	     Home Insurance provides protection in several ways.  
	 First, it provides a way for you to determine whether or not 
	 you have adequate property insurance.	For example, insurance 
	 policies generally limit the coverage for some special items 
	 such as jewelry, collectibles (coins, stamps, plates, dolls, 
	 ect.), guns and furs.	By categorizing items by type, Home 
	 Insurance can give you the total replacement value for each 
	 type of item you own.	This allows you to compare what you 
	 actually have versus the limits given in your insurance 

	     For those special items that need to be covered for more 
	 than a minimal amount, you generally will need to "schedule" 
	 them.	What this means is that you give your insurance agent 
	 a list (or schedule) of the special items to be insured so 
	 that those items are specifically identified and the 
	 appropriate insurance supplied.  Some of them may 
	 already be covered by your existing insurance.  For others 
	 you may need to consider additional insurance.  Your 
	 insurance agent will know the details of your policy, so once 
	 your inventory is complete, discuss it with your agent to 
	 determine if you need to schedule any items.  Policies vary 
	 and it will take someone familiar with your policy, such as 
	 your agent, to provide you with specific recommendations.  Of 
	 course, Home Insurance can provide the list your agent will 
	     If you should suffer a loss, from theft, fire, vandalism 
	 - any type of loss, Home Insurance is your record of what you 
	 had.  It will allow you to put together a list of what was 
	 lost, providing you with model numbers, serial numbers and 
	 descriptions.	If the loss was due to theft, this provides 
	 the police with the information they'll need to identify and 
	 hopefully recover your things.  It also provides the 
	 insurance company with the documentation they need to replace 
	 the lost items with items of the same or similar quality.

	     Insurance companies generally try to protect themselves 
	 from people out to take advantage of them.	Thus, if you 
	 have not documented the description, model number and 
	 serial number of the items you lost, you may not be able to 
	 recover the full replacement value.  You should keep the 
	 receipts for every major purchase you make.  This is the best 
	 documentation. But, what if your shoe boxes of receipts also 
	 go up in a fire?	With your complete inventory on one 
	 floppy disk you can easily keep a copy at home and another at 
	 work or in a safe deposit box, so your records will be safe.

	 Using Home Insurance

	     Depending on the size of your home and how much you've 
	 packed into each closet, you can expect to spend several 
	 hours entering the list of everything you own into your 
	 inventory for the first time.	I suggest setting aside one 
	 day to do a complete inventory.  Start in one room and list 
	 the complete contents of that room (a clip board with a pad 
	 of paper will be helpful for this).  Go from room to room 
	 until everything is listed.  If you take a break, or have 
	 other people in your house (i.e. your kids), be careful not 
	 to move items from room to room as this can cause some 
	     If you haven't had an appraisal done recently, you might 
	 use your Sears, Penney's or other catalog to determine the 
	 current replacement value for some items.  For others you may 
	 need to do a little window shopping to get a good idea of 
	 what it would cost to replace them.  If you want to be 
	 accurate, don't guess.  If you guess high, you will be paying 
	 for more insurance than you need.  A low guess will result in 
	 inadequate coverage.  Valuable items should be appraised by a 
	 professional appraiser to get a realistic estimate of their 
	 value.  Talk with your insurance agent to get his 
	 recommendation concerning what items you should get 

	     Home Insurance provides level levels of detail.  This 
	 three level feature allows you to determine the amount of 
	 information you want to store for each item.  If you have 
	 valuable things, or need more complete descriptions for 
	 insurance use, you can keep information to a level of very 
	 fine detail.  On the other hand, if you just need a quick way 
	 to find specific stuff (a technical word meaning anything you 
	 own) you may use the first, less detailed, level of Home 
	 Insurance.  Since you can set up as many separate catalog 
	 files as you wish, you can divide your inventory and 
	 categorize each part of it in as much or little detail as you 

	     Home Insurance is completely menu driven and easy to 
	 operate.  Since the computer does all the hard work for you, 
	 this manual is short.	We'll describe how to enter 
	 information; what to do to edit existing entries; and how to 
	 find the item(s) you need.


	 The three levels of Home Insurance are: Insurance, Detail and 
	 Complete.  Each level provides progressively a greater detail 
	 of information that can be stored for each item.

	 The following is a list of the information that can be 
	 entered at each level.  As the higher levels are used, 
	 however, the data files use more disk space.  Using the 
	 Insurance level allows you to have twice as many entries on a 
	 floppy disk as you can get at the Detail level.

	 Insurance	  Detail		    Complete

	 Description	  Description		    Description
	 Model #	  Model #		    Model #
	 ID Marks	  ID Marks		    ID Marks
	 Serial Number	  Serial Number 	    Serial Number
	 Note		  Note			    Note
	 Value		  Value 		    Value

			  Owner(s)		    Owner(s)
			  Location		    Location
			  Other 		    Other
			  Type			    Type
			  Purchase Date 	    Purchase Date
			  Updated		    Updated
			  Note -1		    Note -1
			  Note -2		    Note -2
			  Note -3		    Note -3

						    Purchased From
						    Original Cost
	     Home Insurance allows you to keep inventories for several 
	 insurance policies on one one disk or you can keep each on a 
	 separate disk.  Since you can specify virtually an unlimited 
	 number of locations and owners, each item can be pinpointed 
	 as to who owns it and where it is located.  Thus you can 
	 include items that are in your office or at a summer home.  
	 Home Insurance can sort them out and provide a print-out for 
	 each location and owner.

	     Let's look at the type of information that can be entered 
	 on each line:

	 Description - You this line is used to enter and 
	 descriptive phrase that applies to this object.  Depending on 
	 what the item is you could include information such as the 
	 brand name, color, the material it is made from, the style, 
	 or shape.  NOTE: You can also use the "NOTE" line at the 
	 Detail level for additional descriptive information.  Be 
	 consistent in the type of information you enter, however.  If 
	 you use the NOTE -1 line to describe the color of an item, 
	 always usethe NOTE -1 line for colors and nothing else.

	     When making entries you should be consistent when using 
	 upper and lower case letters.	During searches the software 
	 will differentiate between upper and lower case letters.  
	 Thus entering the work "Computer" is not the same as 
	 "COMPUTER."  I usually enter the description using all upper 
	 case letters.

	 Model # - Enter the model number, if there is one.

	 ID Mark - This line is for any identifing marks on the 
	 item.	This could be a social security number engraved on the 
	 back of it; a specific pattern of scratches, dents, or other 
	 damage; or anything else that would uniquely identify this 

	 Serial Number - Enter the serial number, if there is one.
	 Note - This line is provided for miscellaneous information.  
	 You can enter an abbreviation for the type of item; or 
	 describe the condition of the item; or any other information 
	 you feel is valuable.

	 Value - Enter the current value of the item. This should be 
	 a realistic replacement vaule, which may be less than what 
	 you think the item is worth.	If you over estimate the 
	 replacement value of an item, you could end up paying for 
	 more insurance than you are getting since your insurance will 
	 only pay the minimum amount need to replace an item.

	 (The Detail Level)

	 Owner(s) - Enter the name(s) of the people who own this 
	 item.	Some of the Home Insurance functions use just the 
	 first three letters of the owner line to identify the owner.  
	 Be sure that the first three letters are different for each 
	 owner.  For example, if two different owners have the same 
	 first name, start the owner line with their initials.	For 
	 example, for Steven C. Hudgik and Stephen F. Zabilanski make 
	 the entries on the owner(s) line as follows:

	 SCH - Steve Hudgik

	 SFZ - Steve Zabilanski

	     NOTE: In the case of joint ownership, more than one name 
	 can be entered on this line.

	 Location - Enter a description of the location of this 
	 item.	The description can be a single word such as "Bedroom" 
	 or a complete address.  Home Insurance also uses the first 
	 three letters on this ine to classify items by their 
	 location, so be sure that you don't duplicate the first three 
	 letters for two different locations.

	 Other - Like the NOTE line you can enter whatever 
	 information you feel is useful.  You may enter more 
	 information about the owner(s) or location, or use this line 
	 to expand on the description of the type of item.
	 Type - Use this line to classify items by type.  The 
	 classifications you use will depend on your requirements.  
	 You can classify items by style, use or function, or any 
	 other way.  Some examples of types would be: furniture, 
	 clothes, books, computer, stereo, auto parts, collectable, 
	 art, coins, furs, guns, and dishes.  Entering a type 
	 classification is very important in that some items (guns, 
	 furs, collectibles, etc.) may require separate insurance.  
	 This is called scheduling and you should talk to your 
	 insurance agent about this once your inventory is complete.

	     Like Owner(s) and Location the first three letters of the 
	 Type designation are used to sort your inventory.  You should 
	 avoid entering types that start with the same first three 
	 letters.	By the way, you do nt need to enter three 
	 letters on this line.	You can identify item types (and 
	 owners and locations) using a single letter or two letters.

	     NOTE: The searches are not limited to the first three 
	 letters.  You can search for any or all words (or individual 
	 characters) on the Owner(s), Location and Type lines.

	 Purchase Date - The purchase can be important for 
	 establishing the vaule of an item.	In most cases the 
	 specific day is not critical, so you can enter just the month 
	 and year.  For things you've owned for awhile you may only be 
	 able to remember the year they were purchased - that's OK, 
	 enter just the year.  However, for some items, such as stock 
	 certificates, you need to enter the exact date.

	 Updated - You can not enter anything on this line - the 
	 cursor will skip over it.  Each time you save a new entry or 
	 edit an existing entry Home Insurance will get the date and 
	 time from your computer's clock and enter them here.  (Be 
	 sure the date and time are set, if you don't have a built in 
	 clock).  This tells you how recent the information for this 
	 entry is.

	 Notes-1/2/3 - The next three lines provide space for you to 
	 enter additional information about each item.	You can enter 
	 anything on these lines and Home Insurance can search to find 
	 any specific information you enter.  I do urge you to be 
	 consistent in what is entered on each line.  For example, if 
	 Note-1 is used to describe the color of an item, always use 
	 Note-1 for color and nothing else.

	 (The Complete Level)

	     All of the information at this level is intended to 
	 identify where you purchased (obtained) the item from. This 
	 could be a dealer, wholesaler, radio station contest, gift 
	 from a neighbor, etc.	This information allows you to go back 
	 to the original dealer, if you need to replace the item.	
	 It may also help substantiate the value and quality of the 
	 item for an insurance claim.
	 Purchased From - Enter the name of the dealer or person you 
	 got this item from.

	 Address - Enter the street address for the above.

	 City/State - Enter the city and state the above address is 

	 Original Cost - Enter the amount you paid for this item.  
	 If it was a gift you can enter the value of the item at the 
	 time you received it.	This is particularly important for 
	 items such as stocks or collectables as you will need to be 
	 able to determine your gain or loss on the item should you 
	 sell it in the future.

	 Note - This line provides additional space for information 
	 about the place your purchased the item from or it's orginal 
	 cost.	I've made this line long enough so you can enter the 
	 dealer's phone number, if you wish to have an easy reference 
	 for that.

	 Misc. - Use this line to show any other additional 
	 information - for example you could enter an abbreviation for 
	 the type of dealer.

e to show any other additional 
	 information - for example you 


Disk No:  796                                                           
Disk Title: Home Insurance                                              
PC-SIG Version: S1.4                                                    
Program Title: Home Insurance                                           
Author Version: 4.00                                                    
Author Registration: $59.95                                             
Special Requirements: None.                                             
HOME INSURANCE lets you keep track of what you own, where items are     
located, and how much it would cost to replace any items if lost or     
stolen.  Unfortunately, most of us do not find out how much property    
insurance we need until after we suffer a major loss.  All too often it 
isn't until then we discover that our insurance coverage, although based
on replacement value, was not sufficient to cover the complete loss.    
Or, worse yet, we discover we are unable to document the true value of  
our possessions, resulting in a reduced and sometimes insufficient claim
HOME INSURANCE gives protection against these tragedies in several ways.
First, it helps you determine whether or not you have adequate property 
insurance by comparing the actual replacement values for your           
possessions against the given limits in your policy.  For example, many 
policies limit the coverage for special items such as jewelry,          
collectibles (coins, stamps, plates, dolls, etc.), guns and furs.  You  
categorize items by type, including the total replacement value of each,
and HOME INSURANCE lets you easily compare these amounts with the limits
specified in your policy.                                               
HOME INSURANCE holds 10,000,000 entries, provides over 250 possible     
cross references, and is completely menu-operational.  It is easy to    
learn and simple to use.  Three user-selectable levels of operation and 
user-customized field names let you modify HOME INSURANCE to meet       
individual requirements.                                                
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║           <<<<  Disk No 796 HOME INSURANCE     >>>>                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To print the documentation, type:                                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║             PRINT (press enter)                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program, type:                                             ║
║                                                                         ║
║             HI (press enter)                                            ║
║                                                                         ║


			 H O M E    I N S U R A N C E
				VERSION  4.00

			   HomeCraft Computer Products
				 P.O. Box 974
			      Tualatin,  OR  97062

     This disk contains the following files:

	HI.EXE - Introduction and copyright notice
     INVEN.EXE - Main Menu and inventory program
     INSUR.EXE - Insurance planning program
   UTILITY.EXE - Utility functions
	 *.DOC - Documentation
      MENU.OVL - File required for program operation
     PRINT.EXE - File to print documentation
     OTHER.DOC - ASCII file describing other software
		  published by HomeCraft
    BRUN30.EXE - File required for program execution
   HI-HELP.DAT - File created by Home Insurance (not required)
    HI-MEN.DAT - File created by Home Insurance (not required)
     INTRO.DOC - This file

	Home Insurance is a home inventory and insurance planning 
    tool.  It provides a method to keep track of what you own, 
    where it is located, who owns it, what it originally cost and 
    the cost to replace it.

	The Home Insurance format is easy to use and fully menu 
    operated.  If you should need some assistance, help is 
    available at every prompt.	Plus Home Insurance is flexible 
    enough to handle everything you own, from the original Renoir 
    on your living room wall to the pots and pans in the kitchen.

	 Unlike paper records, your Home Insurance inventory can be 
    easily updated to reflect inflation or depreciation.  Unlike 
    video tape records, additions and deletions can easily be made 
    (and without paying the cost for a new video tape recording 
    session).  Unlike any other method of keeping a home inventory 
    your Home Insurance records can be quickly copied, allowing you 
    to keep multiple copies at separate locations (in case one is 

    SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: IBM PC, XT, AT or compatible with 256K, 
    one disk drive, and DOS 2.11 or later.


	As mentioned in the documentation, this is user-supported
     software. If you end up using this program, a donation of $59.95
     (please add $3 for shipping - $5 for P.O. Boxes and Canada
     $8 US for airmail outside North America) is requested.
     This will help keep us in business so we can continue to
     make improvements and support this software.
     Registered users will recieve the latest version of 
     the software and user's manual, plus a FREE hard disk menu
     system called YOUR MENU.

	This software has been placed in circulation under the 
     user supported concept.  Non-profit groups and individuals 
     are encouraged to make copies of this disk and distribute it 
     to their members and friends as long as the software is 
     provided at no cost.  A distibution charge of up to 
     $10 may be charged to cover the cost of diskettes, handling 
     and duplicating, provided you have received written permission
     from the author.



      This disclaimer shall be governed by the laws of 
      the State of Oregon and shall inure to the benefit of Steven 
      C. Hudgik, his successors, administrators, heirs and assigns.


      For more information on Home Insurance or other HomeCraft 
      software products contact:

      Steve Hudgik
      HomeCraft Computer Products
      P.O. Box 974
      Tualatin,  OR  97062 


      Steve Hudgik
      HomeCraft Computer Prod


       This manual is copyrighted in 1990 by
       Steven C. Hudgik - All Rights Are Reserved


       This software is provided as shareware.	This means you 
       have the opportunity to try it before you buy it.
       If you find this software useful, you are requested to 
       become a registered user.  Registered users receive the most 
       recent version of the software, free updates for one year, 
       a printed manual, and free support.

       This software is copyrighted and all rights remain with the 
       author.	However, you are granted permission to make as many 
       copies as you wish, provided no fee is charged if you 
       provide a copy to someone else.	You may freely distribute this
       software, if you wish, on this basis.  If you need to 
       charge a fee to cover distribution costs, please contact 
       HomeCraft to receive written permission.

       To register as a user send $59.95 to the address below (VISA and 
       MASTER CARD are accepted), plus $3.00 for shipping and handling.
       ($5 for Canada and $8 for airmail outside North America).

       P.O. Box 974
       Tualatin,  OR  97062




       INTRODUCTION ...........................   page 2

       LEVELS OF OPERATION ....................   page 3

       THE MAIN MENU ..........................   page 4
	 File Names				       4
	 Level					       5
       MAKING ENTRIES .........................   page 6

       SAVING THE ENTRY .......................   page 7

       EDITING EXISTING ENTRIES ...............   page 8
	 Moving Through The Catalog		       9

       SEARCHES AND PRINTED REPORTS ...........   page 10
	 List All				       11
	 Searches				       12
	 Editing After A Search 		       13

       UTILITIES ..............................   page 14
	 Copy Files				       15
	 Rebuilding Indexes			       16

       APPENDIX (Specific Information About
	 The Software You Have) ..............	  page 19



      Thank you for trying one of HomeCraft's specialty databases.
      This software has been designed for storing; then organizing,
      searching, sorting and retrieving the specific information
      you need.

      Since all of our specialty databses work in the same manner
      this manual applies to them all.	Specific information about
      each program is provided at the end of this manual.

      To run this software you will need an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 
      or compatible with a minimum of 256K of memory and two floppy
      disks.  We recommend that a hard disk be used if you have more
      than 1000 items in your collection.  This software can handle
      10,000,000 entries per file - and you can have multiple files.
      The result is that you can build some very large date files
      using several megabytes.	A minimum of a 20 megabyte hard
      disk is recommended.

      No other software is required (except the DOS operating system).
      However, we do recommend you purchase a back up utility for your
      hard disk.  Your data files SHOULD BE BACKED UP any time you've
      made significant changes.  A good rule of thumb is to back up
      you data any time you've made more entries/changes than you'd
      want to type over again.

      This software is completely menu driven and easy to operate.  
      Since the computer does all the hard work for you, this manual 
      is short. We'll describe how to enter information; what to do to 
      edit existing entries; and how to find the entry(s) you need.


      This software has three levels.  The three level feature allows
      you to determine the amount of information you want to save for
      each entry.  If you have valuable information, or need complete
      descriptions for professional use, you can catalog your collection
      at a level of very fine detail.  On the other hand, if you just
      need a quick way to find specific entries (or types of entries),
      you can use the first, less detailed level.  Since you can set up
      as many separate data files as you wish, you can divide your
      collection and categorize each part in as much or little detail
      as you want.

      Information about the specific fields and levels in the
      version of the software you have is provided at the end of
      this manual.


      The Main Menu will always be the first thing you see when you 
      boot up the software.  If you have a monochrome monitor, and 
      just see dark blocks on your screen, then push F1.  F1 toggles 
      the setting for color on and off.  Dark blocks on a monochrome 
      monitor indicate the software is set for color and your computer 
      does not have color emulation.

      You can make a selection from the Main Menu in one of two ways; 
      you can push the number associated with the function you want to 
      use, or you can use the up/down cursor keys to move the scroll 
      bar to the selection you want and then push ENTER.

      The first three items on the Main Menu are used to manipulate 
      the information in your catalog.	You can enter new entries,
      edit information already in the catalog, or search the catalog.  
      Items 4 through 6 are features that determine how the software 
      will run.  We will take a quick look at these set-up functions 

      File Name

      The filename is the name used for storing your catalog on the 
      disk.  You can have as many separate catalogs as you wish, using 
      a different filename for each.  Up to 10,000,000 entries can be 
      made in each catalog.

      When you push #4 the current filename will be listed and you'll 
      be prompted to enter a new filename.  You may use up to eight 
      letters for a filename.

      If you push ENTER without entering a filename, the software will 
      use a preset filename.

      You may also designate the disk drive you want the catalog 
      stored on.  To designate a drive other than the drive you are 
      currently using, type the letter for that drive and then a colon 
      before typing the filename.  For example, to use the filename 
      TEST on the "B" disk drive you would enter:


      The software will automatically add .DAT to the end of all 
      filenames.  If you should put a period in the filename or add a 
      filename extension such as .DAT the filename will not be 


      This leads you to another menu that provides several utility 
      functions.  Using these utilities you can copy entrys from one 
      file to another, rebuild a damaged index, erase deleted entries, 
      reserve space on your disk for future entries and set the access 
      code.  All of these utilities are described in detail in the 
      Utilities section of this manual.


      As we've already described you may use any of three levels of 
      data storage.  Push #6 to select the level you want to use.  A 
      menu will appear and you can then push the function key (F key) 
      associated with the level you want to use.  

      You can change levels at any time and make entries with a 
      variety of level settings.  However, the software will set the 
      file sizes for the highest level used in that file.  Thus, you 
      do not save disk space by making entries at the the lowest 
      level, if there is even one entry at any higher level for the 
      same file.


      Entering information into the catalog is very simple.  Select #1 
      on the Main Menu and an information entry screen will appear.

      The length of the bar next to each item shows the amount of 
      space available for each item.  The cursor will not go past the 
      ends of the bar.

      The cursor can be moved around on the screen by using the 
      up/down and right/left arrow keys.

      If you are using a higher level, then the PgDn and PgUp keys are 
      used to move from one page to another.  There are three possible 
      pages, as each level has its own page.  When you move to the 
      second page the first two lines from the first page will remain 
      on the screen.  On the third page the top three lines from the 
      first page will be at the top of the screen.  This information 
      is provided to allow you to see  which entry you are working on.	
      It can only be entered and edited, however, from the first 


      Once you've entered all the necessary information push the F5 
      key to save this entry.  F5 can be pushed while any of the three 
      screens are displayed.

      There is also a feature that will save you some time if you are 
      entering entrys that have basically the same information.  For 
      example, if you have a series of entries that are very similar, 
      all you need to do is enter the information for the first entry.	
      Once that entry is saved, push F3.  This will copy the 
      information from the previous entry.

      Please note, however, that this copy feature only copies the two 

      When you are finished making entries, push F10 to return to the 
      Main Menu (after pushing F5 to save the last entry you made).


      Selection two on the Main Menu allows you to change any part of 
      any existing entry.

      You will first be asked for the number of the entry you want to 

      As you make entries the software automatically numbers them 
      sequentially.  The first entry you make is number 1; the 100th 
      is number 100.  This number is displayed in the upper right of 
      the screen when you are making entries.  It is also printed on 
      all reports.

      If you don't know the number for the entry you need to change, 
      use the search function to find the entry.  When the entry is 
      found you will automatically be in the edit mode (more on that 

      Once you have entered the number for the entry you want to 
      change it will be displayed on the screen.  You can then make 
      changes in the same way you originally entered information.  So 
      that you can see what you've changed the original entry is 
      highlighted.  The highlighting will not be shown at any spot 
      where a change has been made.

      When you have made all the needed changes, push F5 to save the 
      edited entry.

      Pushing F10, before you push F5, will return you to the Main 
      Menu without saving any of the changes.

      Deleting An Entry

      The editor is also used to delete an entry from the catalog.  
      With the entry you wish to delete on the screen, push the F4 
      key.  This will not erase the entry - all the information will 
      still be there.  The entry will be marked as deleted, however, 
      and will be skipped in any search of the catalog.  You can 
      "undelete" an entry by pushing F5 to re-save the entry.
      If you wish to completely eliminate an entry from the catalog, 
      you can use the editor to type in a new entry in the same spot 
      as the deleted entry.  There is also a library utility that will 
      erase all deleted entries from the catalog (more on that 

      Moving Through The Catalog

      There is one other convenient feature in the editor.  You can 
      browse through the entries in your catalog, moving either 
      forward or backward, by pushing the F1 and F2 keys.  F1 will 
      move the display back by one entry.  F2 will show the next 


      The most useful function is the Search / Printed Report 
      function.  This is the function you use to sort and find 
      specific entrys or types of entrys.

      Select #3 on the Main Menu and you'll see a screen that looks 
      like the information entry screen.  The information you want to 
      search for is entered on this screen (or the series of three 
      screens at the third level).

      First, however, lets look at the functions listed at the bottom 
      of the screen.	A menu with abbreviated prompts appears there.	
      To get a more detailed explanation of each prompt push the F1 
      key for HELP.

      F2 - TOGGLE OUTPUT   - Pushing F2 will change how the report 
      is printed.  The default setting is the monitor.	At this 
      setting each entry will be listed on the monitor, one at a time.

      Push F2 to change the setting to CONTINUOUS.  Now the report 
      will be printed on continuous paper on your printer (BE SURE 
      YOUR PRINTER IS ON!).  The perforations will be skipped based on 
      66 lines per page.

      Push F2 again to change the setting to SINGLE.	This setting 
      also sends the report to your printer, however, the search will 
      pause once every 66 lines to allow you to put another sheet of 
      paper in the printer.  This setting is generally used for daisy 
      wheel printers.

      One nice feature is that no other printer set up is required.  
      The software will automatically work with almost any type of 
      printer.	(Laser printers may require special settings of their 
      dip switches as they may not use 66 lines per page).
      When you're using either the CONTINUOUS or SINGLE setting each 
      entry that matches the search criteria will be displayed on the 
      screen.  If there are a lot of entries that come close together 
      in your catalog, these may only be on the screen for a short 

      Push F2 one more time to change the setting to DISK.  The report 
      will now be stored as an ASCII file on your disk.  Before the 
      search starts you will be given the chance to enter the drive 
      and filename you want to use for the report.  If no name is 
      entered, then a preset filename will be used.	Do not enter a 
      filename extension - the extension ".DOC" will be added to all 

      List All - If you want to get a complete listing of the 
      contents of your catalog, or list a block of entries (for 
      example the entries you made today so you can check them for 
      correctness), then press either F3 or F4.

      Pressing F3 will result in the entries being listed in the order 
      they were entered.  After pressing F3 you will be asked for the 
      entry number to start the listing at and the entry number to end 
      it with.	If you chose an ending entry number that is higher 
      than the total entries in the catalog, or is lower than the 
      starting number, it will not be accepted.

      The F3 function is most useful in checking entrys you've just 
      entered.	Select a range of entry numbers that includes your 
      most recent entries.  The resulting printed report is an easy 
      way to check for typos in these new entries.

      F4 is used to get a listing of all of the entries in your 
      catalog in alphabetical order.  You must be using the indexing 
      feature (Index On) for this function to work.  When F4 is 
      pressed a small menu will appear in the lower right corner of 
      the screen.  The indexing is based on the top three items on the 
      first screen.  Select the index you wish to use by pushing 
      the appropriate F key.

      To perform a search first set the F2 toggle for the type of 
      report you want to get.  Then enter the information you want to 
      search for.  You can use the cursor and PgUp/PgDn keys to move 
      through the screens just as you did when making entries.	You 
      can enter information on any one line or all of the lines.

      There are three different ways you can search your catalog.

      F6 - Normal Search:  When you push F6 an index search will be 
      conducted, if you've entered something to search for on the top 
      three lines of the first screen.	The top three lines contain
      the information most frequently searched for.  Since the indexes
      can use a significant amount of space only these three are
      indexed.	The Super Utilities (an add-on utility available
      to registered users) provides indexing and sorting for all fields.

      Indexing provides a way to locate specific information very 
      fast.  Even with tens of thousands of entries the index will be 
      able to locate any entry within a second or two.	In addition, 
      with indexing you can get an alphabetical listing of your

      The other type of search is a sequential search.	This means 
      that every entry in the catalog is looked at to see if it is a 
      match.  A sequential search starts with the first entry you made 
      and step through all subsequent entries until a match is found.

      Sequential searches are started by pushing F7 or F8.
      In a sequential search any entry that contains the information 
      you entered will be identified as a match.  For example, in this 
      case if you enter "Roses," Red Roses will be identified as a 
      match.  Entering just "os" will result in a match with Red 

      This leads us to another important point.  The both index and 
      sequential searches will only find exact matches in one 
      respect.	If you search for "Rose", the word "ROSE" will not be 
      found as a match.  The capitalization must match the way the 
      word was originally typed into the catalog.  For that reason I 
      always capitalize the first letter of every word.  Another 
      option would be to always capitalize the entire word.

      Getting back to function keys F6, F7 and F8.  As we've 
      discussed, pushing F6 will result in a search that uses the
      indexes.	F7 and F8 provide two different ways to start a 
      sequential search.

      Push F8 to start a normal sequential search.  Your catalog will 
      be searched starting with the first entry and
      continuing through the most recent entry you made.

      F7 provides a special way to search your catalog.  If, for 
      example, you are looking for entries that have the word 
      "Christmas" in them, both the indexed and sequential searches 
      will find entries in the same order every time a search is done.	
      Pushing F7 starts the search at a random location in the 
      catalog, resulting in different entries being found first.

      If you are conducting a sequential search, it may take some time 
      to complete if you have a large catalog.	To pause the search 
      you can push F9.	To stop the search and return to the menu push 

      Editing After A Search

      When a search finds a matching entry in your catalog, that entry 
      will displayed on the screen.  You can then edit that entry 
      just as you would using the "Edit An Entry" function.  Type the 
      changes you need to make, then push F5 to save those changes.

      NOTE: The indexes are the most fragile parts of the data files.  
      If at any time you feel the indexes are not working properly, go 
      to the Utilities menu and build new indexes.	The problems 
      should then clear up.

      There are eight functions available on the Catalog Utilities 
      screen.  Some of these are also available as a part of the Main 
      Menu and are provided as a convenience here.  These functions 

      Copy Files - Used to copy all of the entries from one file to 
      another file.  This utility is intended for users upgrading from 
      floppy disks to a hard disk.  It will transfer entries from 
      floppy disks to a hard disk, combining the files from several 
      floppies into a single file on the hard disk.

      Rebuild The Indexes - The indexes are the most fragile part of a
      data base.  This function allows you to replace your indexes should
      the index files be damaged.

      Condense Data - When a entry is deleted from the catalog all 
      of the information remains in the file and it can be recovered.	
      If, however, you would like to completely erase all of your 
      deleted entries (i.e. to reduce clutter), this function will 
      permanently remove them from the file.

      File Name - Used to change the current filename being used for 
      cataloging.  (This function is also provided on the Main Menu).

      Reserve Space - This function will set aside space on your 
      disk for future entries in the catalog.

      Level - Allows you to change the level in use.  (This function 
      is also provided on the Main Menu).

      Security Code - Allows you to limit access to your catalog.
      (Not available in the shareware version).

      Customize - Allows you to change the titles on three of the 
      lines, one on each level.
      Now let's look at each of these in more detail.


      This function will take all of the entries in any data file and 
      add them to the end of any other data file.

      Select #1 on the Utilities Menu and we'll see how this works.

      A series of prompts will lead you through the copy process.

      First you will be asked for the letter of the disk drive from 
      which you'll be copying entries.  Push the letter that corresponds 
      to the drive you want to select.	When you push a letter (only 
      A-F may be selected) the selected drive designation will appear 
      at the bottom of the screen.

      Next push the letter for the drive that contains the file you 
      want to copy to.	This can be the same drive as you will be 
      copying from.

      The file you are copying to does not need to exist yet.  A new 
      file will be created, if required.

      The names of the data files on the disk you are copying from 
      will now be displayed.  You must enter the name of one of these 
      files.  If you enter the name of a file that does not exist, or 
      is not a existing data file, the copy process will be stopped.  
      When you enter the filename, DO NOT enter the .DAT filename 

      When you push ENTER the filename will be displayed at the bottom 
      of the screen and the list of data files on the disk you are 
      copying to will be displayed.  Enter up to eight letters as the 
      filename to copy to.  This filename does not need to be in the 
      list of data files.  If you select a file used by another 
      program, that file will be erased and replaced by your catalog 
      data.  That's why the filenames are displayed, so can see what 
      is already on the disk.
      The next screen shows the names of the files you are copying to 
      and from.  In addition, the number of entries already in each 
      file will be shown.  All of the entries in the top file will be 
      copied to the second file listed.  They will be added to the end 
      of the second file.

      The level setting for each file will be shown.  You may 
      continue the copy process when the levels do not match, but only 
      data for matching levels will be copied.	For example, if one 
      file is set at the second level and the other is set for the 
      third level, only the data for the first two levels will be 
      copied.  You can exit at this point and reset the level for 
      either file, if you want them to match.

      The indexes are not updated in the copy process.	If you are 
      using the indexes, you will be given the opportunity re-index. 


      The function will erase the existing index files and rebuild them
      from scratch.  Everything is automatic once you start the process.
      Since each file must looked at individually rebuilding the indexes
      for a large catalog could take some time.


      What do you do if you're running out of space on a floppy disk?  
      One option, if you've deleted quite a few entries, is to remove 
      those deleted entries from your catalog file.	Option 3 on 
      the Library Utilities menu will do that for you.

      When you select #3 you'll be asked to confirm that the correct 
      data file is being used.	Push the letter "Y" if it is the 
      correct file.  All of the entries in that file will be checked 
      and if an entry is marked as deleted, it will be removed from 
      the catalog.  The catalog will be reduced in size by the number 
      of entries that were deleted.  (Note: The file size reported by 
      DOS will not change).
      FILE NAME  Option 4 on the Library Utilities menu works in the 
      same way as the change filename function on the Main Menu.

      RESERVE SPACE  This function is used to save space on your 
      disk for future entries in your catalog.	You will be asked for 
      the number of additional entries you plan on making.  Disk space 
      will be reserved for these additional entries.   (See appendix A 
      for the maximum number entries on a floppy disk).

      Reserving space does two important things for you:  It sets 
      aside space on your disk so that if your disk should become full 
      due to other activities, you will still have "reserved" space in 
      which to make entries in your catalog.  This is particularly 
      important when using floppy disks.  Reserving space also helps 
      to keep your data files in adjacent sectors on the disk  (more 
      important for hard disk users).  As files become fragmented, and 
      spread among more widely separated sectors, the access time for 
      getting data from those files becomes greater.  In addition, 
      highly fragmented files are more likely to be damaged over time 
      than files composed of adjacent sectors.

      This software can not put fragmented files back together.  To do 
      that you will need software such as the Mace Utilities, PC-
      Tools, or the Norton Utilities.  If you have any of these, and 
      plan on creating large files (1000 or more entries), I'd suggest 
      unfragment your hard disk first, then reserve the space for your 
      catalog files.

      LEVEL  You can change the level you are using in the same way 
      as at the Main Menu.

      SET SECURITY CODE  This function is not available in the
      shareware version in order to protect the security of
      registered users.

      This function turns the indexes on or off.  I recommend that
      if you are using floppy disks, that you turn the indexes off
      to save disk space.  Hard disk users should have the indexing
      on to increase the speed of some searches.
      to save disk space.  Hard d





All of the software in the collector's series has been specifically
designed for a certain type of collection.  Each allows you to catalog
your collection using 21 different characteristics and you can perform
searches based on any combination of the information you've entered.

This series is unique in that each of the programs has three levels
of operation providing screens for beginning collectors through professionals.
Thus you only need to catalog the information that is important to you.

The following software is a part of the collectors series:

	FOR RECORD COLLECTORS (LPs, 45s, CDs, cassettes, etc.)
	FOR RECORD COLLECTORS - Classical Music Version
	BOOK MINDER (Books and magazine articles)
	FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS (Slides, negatives and prints)
	THE FILM & VIDEO TAPES (movies, TV shows & home videos)
	FOR SPORTS CARDS (baseball cards, football, etc.)
	THE INFORMATION INDEX (Misc. information such as
	  recipes, dieting instructions, jokes, trivia,
	  exercise instructions, etc.).
	FOR GUN COLLECTORS (available 4/30/90)

Plus there's more collector's software on the way!


To add more flexibility to the software in our collector's series we have
developed the Super Utilities for collectors.  These add-on utilities
provide the following functions:

   <> User defined report formats.  You can set up your reports to
      look like you want them.	Supports wide carriage printers.

   <> Any/all lines can be indexed and alphabetized.

   <> Multiple level sorts can be done.  Thus, for example, in Book
      Minder you can get a listing of books in alphabetical order by
      author with each author's books listed in alphabetical order by

   <> The ability to create "child" databases using the results of a search/
      sort to create the new database.



Home Loan (The Financial Calculator) - Home Loan not only calculates the
$35.00			monthly payment for nearly any type loan, it
			provides tables showing the effects of various loan
			options at a glance.  Calculation of amortization
			tables, the value of an annuity, present value, and
			future value are also provided.  In addition, Home
			Loan has special sections to help plan for your
			retirement, calculate the value of your IRA, plan
			for your children's college expenses and to do
			equity calculations for your home.

Home Insurance (Home Inventory and Insurance Planning) - provides a way for
$59.95			you to keep track of what you own, where it is
			located, what it cost, and any identifying marks.
			Home Insurance uses the same user interface as the
			collectors series and thus each item in your
			inventory can be cataloged using any of 22 
			characteristics (serial #, model #, color, etc.)

			Home Insurance also provides several other features
			to help with your insurance planning.  A life
			insurance estimator will take your current financial
			status and your future plans, and calculate the
			amount of life insurance you need.  An insurance
			records file provides a convient place to store
			vital information about your insurance policies.

Home Money Manager IIa - home budgeting and checkbook software.  Includes
$29.00			 check printing, tracking of tax deductible
			 transactions, unlimited split transactions, over
			 800 expense catagories, credit card tracking, and
			 many more advanced features.



Play 'n' Learn - combines 7 education games (plus an additional 12 variations)
$10.00		 for very young children - ages 18 months to 4 years.  These
		 games include:

		 Amanda's Letter Lotto > learn the alphabet
		 Zach-A-Doodle > Etch-A-Sketch type game
		 Color Screen > a very simple game that changes screen colors
		 Color Match > learn colors and the alphabet
		 Word Whirl > learn about words and names
		 Next Number > learn numbers 1-9
		 Black Board Shapes > learn to match shapes

		 The Play 'n' Learn games are also designed to help your
		 learn about using computers.  They teach skills ranging
		 from just getting a response from pushing any key, to
		 multiple key combinations and making menu selections.


For more information on any of the above write to:

		P.O. Box 974
		Tualatin,  OR  97062

If you missed any of the information, push CTRL NUM LOCK to pause the
screen and any other key to restart it.

u missed any of the information, push CTRL NUM LOCK to pause the
screen and any other key

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0796

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

APPNDX   DOC     14464   2-16-90  11:51a
BRUN30   EXE     70680   4-07-87  10:48a
FILES796 TXT      2961   3-22-90   3:36p
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT      1002   1-01-80  12:26a
HI       EXE     10801   2-16-90  11:37a
INSUR    EXE     27377   2-02-89   6:05a
INTRO    DOC      4224   2-16-90  11:26a
INVEN    BMS        44   1-01-80  12:23a
INVEN    DAT         0   1-01-80  12:23a
INVEN    EXE    100612   2-16-90  11:40a
INVEN    INV       210   2-16-90  11:53a
MANUAL   DOC     27776   2-15-90   6:35p
MENU     OVL       150   1-01-80  12:23a
OTHER    DOC      5888   2-03-90  11:26a
PRINT    EXE      4385   2-03-90   1:24p
READ     ME       2816   2-15-90   7:06p
UTILITY  EXE     66532   2-16-90  11:37a
       18 file(s)     339960 bytes
                       12288 bytes free