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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #790)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


MINISTER'S SERMON INDEXER is a simple database designed with the
pastor in mind. Keep track of previous sermons as well as the date and
location they were given. Store the title, subject, and scriptural
references. A field is provided for a five-digit reference number, so
you can refer to the text file where the actual sermon is stored.

The MINISTER'S SERMON INDEXER does not do anything that cannot be done
with most available databases; however, it does have an excellent user
interface. Also featured are pull-down menus accessed by your cursor
control keys. The documentation is very good, although the program is
so easy to use it is hardly needed.


Disk No:  790                                                           
Disk Title: Minister's Sermon Indexer                                   
PC-SIG Version: S1.3                                                    
Program Title: Minister's Sermon Indexer                                
Author Version: 2.01                                                    
Author Registration: $49.00                                             
Special Requirements: 640K RAM and a hard drive or two floppy drives.   
MINISTER'S SERMON INDEXER is a simple database designed with the        
pastor in mind.  It keeps track of sermons delivered and the date and   
location thereof.                                                       
The program lets you store the title, subject, and scripture reference. 
Additionally, a field is provided for a five-digit reference number, so 
you can refer to the text file where the actual sermon is stored.       
The MINISTER'S SERMON INDEXER does not do anything that cannot be done  
with most respectable database programs available; however, it does have
an excellent user interface.  It also features pull-down menus with     
cursor control (arrow) keys.  The documentation is very                 
good, although the program is so easy to use it is hardly needed.       
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║             <<<<  Disk #790 MINISTER`S SERMON INDEXER  >>>>             ║
║ To print the documentation, type: COPY INDEXER.DOC PRN  (press enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To install program, type: INSTALL   (press enter)                       ║  
║                                                                         ║ 
║ To run the program, type: INDEXER   (press enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║


                    Minister's Sermon Indexer

                    Version 2.0 - Revision 01

               Copyrighted (c) 1986,90 by Ron Byxbe

                       ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

                      ____|__     |               (tm)
                   --|       |    |-------------------
                     |   ____|__  |  Association of
                     |  |       |_|  Shareware
                     |__|   o   |    Professionals
                   -----|   |   |---------------------
                        |___|___|    MEMBER

         SonShine Software Hours:  9 am to 4 pm EASTERN TIME.

                           (912) 272-1714

Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------

Software License................................................. 1.0
Sonshine Software Products....................................... 2.0
Dealers Wanted................................................... 3.0
System Requirements.............................................. 4.0
The Main Screen...................................................5.0
  Adding Sermons................................................5.1
  Editing Sermons...............................................5.2
  Find a Sermon.................................................5.3
  Select Detail from Sermon.....................................5.4
  Print Sermon Entries (Where Preached).........................5.5
F10 Menu..........................................................6.0
  Display Information...........................................6.1
  Print or View Documentation...................................6.2
  Print Registration............................................6.3
  Pack Data Files...............................................6.4
  Edit Setup Record.............................................6.5
  Change Display Order..........................................6.6
  Print All Sermon Titles.......................................6.7

1.0 Software License ------------------------------------------------

Non-registered users are licensed to use our program for a reasonable
trial period.  If you intend to continue using our program,
registration with Sonshine Software is mandatory.

This program is "shareware".  Shareware is a marketing method
by which a user can "test drive" the program before paying
for it.  The normal "test drive" period is up to 30 days.

Registration is just $45 (plus $4 shipping).  Included with
registration is the right to use the program, the latest version
of the program, and 30 days of free telephone support for

Fees paid for a copy of this program from a disk dealer or shareware
distributor do not constitute registration.  This means that when you
pay a shareware distributor $3-4 for a copy, you have paid for
an evaluation copy only.

2.0 Sonshine Software Products --------------------------------------

Church Membership System..................................$99.00

         Tracks Members demographic information.  Based on this
         information, CMS prints several reports, labels,
         Rolodex cards (3 types) and a Church Directory.  It also
         sends information to merge files for use in databases
         or word processors.

         CMS also tracks Contributions.  Set up unlimited
         giving funds (such as Building Fund, General Fund, etc.)
         It is easy to use and completely menu driven.  Included
         in the Contribution area is the ability to print reports
         and several diffenent statements for givers (such as
         a summarized statement or detailed statement).

         Other features include an Education and Attendance
         area, a Visitation area and more.

Church Accounting System..................................$99.00

         Assets, Liabilities, Income, Expenses, Bank Accounts!
         Reports include: Income Statement, Balance Sheet,
         General Ledger, Expense Statement, Checkbook Statement
         and many more.

         * Both programs require 640K.  A hard disk is
           recommended but will work with a two floppy system.

Minister's Sermon Indexer ................................$49.00

         MSI requires 640k, DOS 3.0+ and a hard disk.

         * Registration of all programs includes the latest
         version of that program and 30 days installation
         support.  For further support and updates, we offer
         our Annual Support and Update Plan.

Annual Support and Update Plan............................$59.00+

         Annual Support Fee ..................... $40.00
         Program Updates ........................ $19.00 each

         Includes ONE YEAR of TELEPHONE SUPPORT and Free Updates.

Evaluation Copies of all of our programs are available for
just $4 each (applies toward purchase of registered copy).

3.0 Wanted:  Qualified Dealers --------------------------------------

We are looking for people who desire to help other churches
and pastors by sharing with them our low cost, quality products.
If you are someone local pastors come to with their computer
questions, or if you travel to conventions or seminars, we would
like to speak with you.  NO SALES EXPERIENCE NECESSARY.  For further
information, call (912) 272-1714

4.0 System Requirements ---------------------------------------------

To run the system it is recommended that you have a hard disk.
The system can be run on two floppies with limited disk space.
Dos Version 3.0 or higher is also recommended.  Ram Memory should
be 640k or more.

=========== THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!! =============

You MUST have a CONFIG.SYS file on your startup disk.  If you
have a hard disk then this file must be in your root directory
i.e. "C:\".  If you are using floppies then this file must be on
your DOS diskette.  The file must contain the following


The system will not run unless these commands are added to your
CONFIG.SYS file.  Once you have added them you must reboot your
system.  This can be accomplished by CTRL-ALT-DEL sequence or
turning off the computer and turning it back on.

5.0 The Main Screen -------------------------------------------------

The main screen will display entered sermons by Title, Theme
and Reference Number.  If no sermons have been entered,
"** Deleted Record" will appear.

Using the Arrow Up and Arrow Down key will advance you to the
the next available sermon record.

Using the Pagedown Key will advance to the next Screen and the
Pageup Key will advance to the Previous Screen.

To Exit the program press the Escape Key.

5.1 Adding Sermons --------------------------------------------------

To add a sermon to the database simply press the "A" key.  A data
entry screen will appear allowing you to create a new sermon.  Fill
in the fields and press enter.

5.2 Editing Sermons -------------------------------------------------

To change any part of the sermon simply press the "E" key.  This
will bring the sermon up on the screen and allow you to change it. 
To save the sermon simply press enter until you reach the bottom
of the screen.

5.3 Find a Sermon ---------------------------------------------------

To find a sermon press the "F" key.  Enter the Title of the sermon
and press enter.  If the sermon exists it will be displayed on the
list.  If not, the sermon right after the one you requested will be

You do not have to enter the entire sermon.  Example:  To find all
sermon titles that begin with "Living", simply enter "Liv" and
press enter.

** The procedure works differently if you have changed the order of
the list.  See "Change Display Order" under F10 Menu Functions.

5.4 Select Detail for a Sermon --------------------------------------

To select all the places that this sermon has been preached simply
place an "S" by the sermon.  This will display all the locations
for that sermon.

You can Add, Edit, or Delete entries on this screen.

5.5 Print Sermon Entries --------------------------------------------

To print all places that a particular sermon has been preached
simply place a "P" by the sermon.

6.0 F10 Menu --------------------------------------------------------

This is considered to be the Main Menu Selection List.  It is
available from the Sermon Title Screen.

Press the "F10" key and a menu will pull dwon on the right hand
side.  Make your selection by placing the light bar on the
selection and pressing enter.

6.1 Display Information ---------------------------------------------

This option displays the appropriate phone number to call if
you have questions.  For Registered Users, call our Georgia
Technical Support Office.  All others call our Minnesota
Sales Office.

6.2 View or Print Documentation -------------------------------------

You can refer to MSI's documentation "online" or send it
to your printer.

6.3 Print Registration ----------------------------------------------

Once you have evaluated our program, you will be required
to register it before continued use.  To simplify matters,
simply print the registration form and mail it to the address
listed (with the appropriate fee).

6.4 Pack Data Files -------------------------------------------------

Occasionally, you will want to use this option.  It will
erase from the files all deleted records and will streamline
your system.

6.5 Edit Setup Record -----------------------------------------------

In this area, you will enter your personal information including
name, address, and telephone number.  Also, this is where you
will decide upon a COLOR or MONO MONITOR (C or M).

6.6 Change Display Order --------------------------------------------

For the purposes of searching, you can change the display order
of MSI.  Your options are Title, Theme or Reference Number.

6.7 Print All Sermon Titles -----------------------------------------

This will print a report of all your sermon titles.  It will print
according to the order selected inder "Change Display Order".


  SonShine Software is located in Dublin, Georgia.  We have been writing
  software and helping churches since 1986.  Our main theme is "Our
  Ministry is Helping Your Ministry".  We believe this and stand by it
  everyday.  If we can help your ministry give us a call or drop us a
  note.  We look forward to hearing from you.

                      SonShine Software, Inc
                      P. O. Box 4761
                      Dublin, Georgia  31040
                      (912) 272-1714  (9-4pm EASTERN)

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0790

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

INSTALL  EXE     49632   3-04-90  11:24a
INDEXER  EXE    187376   5-12-90   8:25a
INDEXER  DOC     10475   5-12-90   8:21a
MSI-INFO DOC       527   5-12-90   8:29a
INDEXER  X01        33   3-27-90   6:58a
GO       BAT        38   7-01-87   8:40a
FILE0790 TXT      2073   6-01-90   3:55p
GO       TXT       853   6-05-90   1:52p
        8 file(s)     251007 bytes
                       66560 bytes free