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Information about “PSEUDOSAM CROSS ASSEMBLER 80Z AND 85”

PSEUDOSAM 80z and 85 are machine language cross-assembler programs for
microprocessors.  These programs let you construct 80z and 8085
code on your IBM PC, to be transferred to an 80z or 8085-based system
for use.

The PSEUDOSAM (Pseudo-brand Symbolic AsseMbler) assemblers conform to
common syntax, based on the UNIX System V assembler syntax.  The opcode
and addressing syntax is compatible with the manufacturer's, but label,
directive, and expression operator syntax will differ.

The author of PSEUDOSAM chose this syntax because of UNIX's popularity,
and to avoid the problem of maintaining compatibility with the many OEM
assemblers.  The documentation is well organized and easy to
understand, although no attempt is made to teach 80z or 8085
programming.  You should have a good understanding of machine
language programming and also be familiar with basic DOS functions.


; To become familiar with the segment feature you
; should assemble this file with and without the
; single object module swicth enabled.
;   a80z  -o example         ;three object module files
                            ;     code.seg
                            ;     memory.seg
                            ;     rom2.seg
;   a80z  example            ;one object module file example.obj

         jp loop
         .org  h'20         ;start assembly at location 20 hex.
         .segment .memory   ;declare a new segmemt for ram memory
         .memory            ;select segment .memory as active(locaton counter)
                            ;for the .code segment(created by the assembler) is
                            ;saved for when we switch back.
         .org  h'8000       ;assume ram space starts at address h'8000
v1:      .rs 2               ;reserve storage for a program variable
array:   .rs 100*2           ;reserve storage for an array of 100 words
         .eject             ;lets start on a fresh page of paper.
         .code              ;switch back to code segment
                            ; origin is where we left off.
loop:    ld a,h'22
         ld sp,h'2000
         ex (sp),hl
         .equ cr,13         ;equated identifiers are constant.
         .equ tab,9
         .set temp,23       ;set identifiers may be re-set.
         .set temp,24
         .set temp,25
         .db  1,2,3,4,5,'p'
         .db  6,7,"this is a test\r\n\0"
         .dw  1,h'1234
         .drw 1,h'1234
         ld b,loop2 >> 8   ;isolate high byte of address
         ld b,loop2 & h'ff ;isolate low half of address
         .page              ;start on a new 256 byte boundary.
loop2:   jp loop
         .segment .rom2
         .org h'4000
         .db  "this is possibly a second rom programmed seperately."
         .end loop          ;end of assembly, specifying start address.


; Some useful macros to help get you started.
; Please note that all of the examples use 6800 instructions and thus
; will generate error messages when assembled on other assemblers. Just
; ignore those messages (or substitute the equivalent opcode for your
; processor)--the macro ideas depicted are still valid.

; Unique generated labels.
; Some macros will require "local" labels unique to a given expansion.
; The following macros are one way of creating them.

; nlabel creates a new unique identifier (of the form l1nnnn, where n varies)
; each invocation.
; nlabel returns the current value of glabel, and then redefines glabel to
; the value one greater than glabel.
         define( glabel,10000)
         define( nlabel,``l'glabel`'define(`glabel',iner(glabel))')
; Now we have a unique label generator, but each time we call it the label
; will be different, and thus of little use for branches and jumps.
; We must assign this unique label string to an identifier for multiple
; uses.
local1:  nop
         jmp local1
         jsr local1
local1:  nop
; Above we define local1 to be the string generated by nlabel, use that
; string in several places, and then undefine it. Note that local1 after
; the undefine is "local1" and not a generated string. If defined locals
; are not undefined when we are done with them, we would quickly run out
; of memory space (in the macro table).


        define(loop, ` define(local1,nlabel)
local1:  nop
         jmp local1


; Above the macro loop is genrated three times, each time with unique local
; labels as looping targets.


         .org 0               ;z80 mnemonics test
         adc a,h'00
         adc a,h'ff
         adc a,a
         adc a,b
         adc a,c
         adc a,d
         adc a,e
         adc a,h
         adc a,l
         adc a,(hl)
         adc a,(ix+-128)
         adc a,(ix-128)
         adc a,(iy-128)
         adc a,(iy+127)
         adc hl,bc
         adc hl,de
         adc hl,hl
         adc hl,sp
         add a,h'00
         add a,h'ff
         add a,a
         add a,l
         add a,(hl)
         add a,(ix+-128)
         add a,(iy+127)
         add hl,bc
         add hl,de
         add hl,hl
         add hl,sp
         add ix,bc
         add ix,de
         add ix,sp
         add iy,bc
         add iy,de
         add iy,sp
         add ix,ix
         add iy,iy
         and h'00
         and h'ff
         and a
         and l
         and (hl)
         and (ix+-128)
         and (iy+127)
         bit 0,a
         bit 0,l
         bit 0,(hl)
         bit 0,(ix+-128)
         bit 0,(iy+127)
         bit 7,a
         bit 7,l
         bit 7,(hl)
         bit 7,(ix+-128)
         bit 7,(iy+127)
         call h'00
         call h'ff
         call longtest
         call nz,h'00
         call z,h'ff
         call nc,longtest
         call c,longtest
         call po,h'00
         call pe,1000
         call p,128
         call m,0
         cp h'00
         cp h'ff
         cp a
         cp l
         cp (hl)
         cp (ix+-128)
         cp (iy+127)
         dec a
         dec l
         dec (hl)
         dec (ix+-128)
         dec (iy+127)
         dec bc
         dec de
         dec hl
         dec sp
         dec ix
         dec iy
         djnz rtest
         ex af,af'
         ex de,hl
         ex (sp),hl
         ex (sp),ix
         ex (sp),iy
         im 0
         im 1
         im 2
         in a,(h'00)
         in a,(h'ff)
         inc a
         inc l
         inc (hl)
         inc (ix+-128)
         inc (iy+127)
         inc bc
         inc de
         inc hl
         inc sp
         inc ix
         inc iy
         in a,(c)
         in c,(c)
         in l,(c)
         jp h'00
         jp h'ff
         jp longtest
         jp nz,h'00
         jp z,h'ff
         jp nc,longtest
         jp c,longtest
         jp po,h'00
         jp pe,1000
         jp p,128
         jp m,0
         jp (hl)
         jp (ix)
         jp (iy)
         jr c,rtest
rtest:   jr rtest
         djnz rtest
         jr nc,rtest
         jr nz,rtest
         jr z,rtest
         ld a,i
         ld a,r
         ld a,(longtest)
         ld a,(h'00)
         ld a,(h'ff)
         ld a,(hl)
         ld a,(bc)
         ld a,(de)
         ld a,l
         ld l,a
         ld l,h
         ld hl,(h'00)
         ld hl,(longtest)
         ld bc,(h'00)
         ld de,(longtest)
         ld sp,(h'ff)
         ld ix,(h'00)
         ld iy,(h'ff)
         ld ix,(longtest)
         ld i,a
         ld r,a
         ld a,h'00
         ld l,h'ff
         ld bc,h'00
         ld de,h'ff
         ld sp,h'ff
         ld hl,longtest
         ld hl,1000
         ld ix,1000
         ld iy,longtest
         ld a,(hl)
         ld l,(hl)
         ld a,(ix+127)
         ld a,(iy+127)
         ld a,(iy-128)
         ld l,(iy+-128)
         ld l,(iy-128)
         ld sp,hl
         ld sp,ix
         ld sp,iy
         ld (1000),a
         ld (longtest),a
         ld (1000),hl
         ld (longtest),hl
         ld (1000),bc
         ld (longtest),bc
         ld (1000),de
         ld (longtest),de
         ld (1000),sp
         ld (longtest),sp
         ld (1000),ix
         ld (longtest),iy
         ld (hl),h'00
         ld (hl),h'ff
         ld (ix+127),h'00
         ld (ix+-128),h'ff
         ld (iy-128),h'ff
         ld (iy-128),-128
         ld (iy-128),127
         ld (iy+127),0
         ld (hl),a
         ld (hl),l
         ld (ix+127),a
         ld (iy+-128),l
         ld (iy-128),l
         ld (bc),a
         ld (de),a
         ld (hl),a
         or h'00
         or h'ff
         or a
         or l
         or (hl)
         or (ix+-128)
         or (iy+127)
         out (c),a
         out (c),l
         out (h'00),a
         out (h'ff),a
         pop bc
         pop de
         pop hl
         pop af
         pop ix
         pop iy
         push bc
         push de
         push hl
         push af
         push ix
         push iy
         res 0,a
         res 0,l
         res 0,(hl)
         res 0,(ix+-128)
         res 0,(iy+127)
         res 7,a
         res 7,l
         res 7,(hl)
         res 7,(ix+-128)
         res 7,(iy+127)
         ret nz
         ret z
         ret nc
         ret c
         ret po
         ret pe
         ret p
         ret m
         rl a
         rl l
         rl (hl)
         rl (ix+-128)
         rl (iy+127)
         rlc a
         rlc l
         rlc (hl)
         rlc (ix+-128)
         rlc (iy+127)
         rr a
         rr l
         rr (hl)
         rr (ix+-128)
         rr (iy+127)
         rrc a
         rrc l
         rrc (hl)
         rrc (ix+-128)
         rrc (iy+127)
         rst h'00
         rst h'20
         rst h'38
         sbc a,h'00
         sbc a,h'ff
         sbc a,a
         sbc a,l
         sbc a,(hl)
         sbc a,(ix+-128)
         sbc a,(iy+127)
         sbc hl,bc
         sbc hl,de
         sbc hl,hl
         sbc hl,sp
         set 0,a
         set 0,l
         set 0,(hl)
         set 0,(ix+-128)
         set 0,(iy+127)
         set 7,a
         set 7,l
         set 7,(hl)
         set 7,(ix+-128)
         set 7,(iy+127)
         sla a
         sla l
         sla (hl)
         sla (ix+-128)
         sla (iy+127)
         sra a
         sra l
         sra (hl)
         sra (ix+-128)
         sra (iy+127)
         srl a
         srl l
         srl (hl)
         srl (ix+-128)
         srl (iy+127)
         sub h'00
         sub h'ff
         sub a
         sub l
         sub (hl)
         sub (ix+-128)
         sub (iy+127)
         xor h'00
         xor h'ff
         xor a
         xor l
         xor (hl)
         xor (ix+-128)
         xor (iy+127)

         adc a,forward2
         adc a,forward1
         adc a,(ix+forward3)
         adc a,(iy+forward4)
         add a,forward2
         add a,forward1
         add a,(ix+forward3)
         add a,(iy+forward4)
         and forward2
         and forward1
         and (ix+forward3)
         and (iy+forward4)
         bit bit0,a
         bit bit0,l
         bit bit0,(hl)
         bit bit0,(ix+forward3)
         bit bit0,(iy+forward4)
         bit bit7,a
         bit bit7,l
         bit bit7,(hl)
         bit bit7,(ix+forward3)
         bit bit7,(iy+forward4)
         call forward2
         call forward1
         call longtest
         call nz,forward2
         call z,forward1
         call nc,longtest
         call c,longtest
         call po,forward2
         call pe,1000
         call p,128
         call m,0
         cp forward2
         cp forward1
         cp (ix+forward3)
         cp (iy+forward4)
         dec (ix+forward3)
         dec (iy+forward4)
         in a,(forward2)
         in a,(forward1)
         inc (ix+forward3)
         inc (iy+forward4)
         jp forward2
         jp forward1
         jp longtest
         jp nz,forward2
         jp z,forward1
         jp nc,longtest
         jp c,longtest
         jp po,forward2
         jp pe,1000
         jp p,128
         jp m,0
         ld a,(longtest)
         ld a,(forward2)
         ld a,(forward1)
         ld ix,(forward2)
         ld iy,(forward1)
         ld ix,(longtest)
         ld a,forward2
         ld bc,forward2
         ld sp,forward1
         ld hl,longtest
         ld hl,1000
         ld ix,1000
         ld iy,longtest
         ld a,(ix+forward4)
         ld l,(iy+forward3)
         ld (1000),a
         ld (longtest),a
         ld (1000),hl
         ld (longtest),hl
         ld (1000),bc
         ld (longtest),bc
         ld (1000),ix
         ld (longtest),iy
         ld (hl),forward2
         ld (hl),forward1
         ld (ix+forward4),forward2
         ld (ix+forward3),forward1
         ld (ix+forward4),a
         ld (iy+forward3),l
         or forward2
         or forward1
         or (ix+forward3)
         or (iy+forward4)
         out (forward2),a
         out (forward1),a
         res bit0,a
         res bit0,l
         res bit0,(hl)
         res bit0,(ix+forward3)
         res bit0,(iy+forward4)
         res bit7,a
         res bit7,l
         res bit7,(hl)
         res bit7,(ix+forward3)
         res bit7,(iy+forward4)
         rl (ix+forward3)
         rl (iy+forward4)
         rlc (ix+forward3)
         rlc (iy+forward4)
         rr (ix+forward3)
         rr (iy+forward4)
         rrc (ix+forward3)
         rrc (iy+forward4)
         sbc a,forward2
         sbc a,forward1
         sbc a,(ix+forward3)
         sbc a,(iy+forward4)
         set bit0,a
         set bit0,l
         set bit0,(hl)
         set bit0,(ix+forward3)
         set bit0,(iy+forward4)
         set bit7,a
         set bit7,l
         set bit7,(hl)
         set bit7,(ix+forward3)
         set bit7,(iy+forward4)
         sla (ix+forward3)
         sla (iy+forward4)
         sra (ix+forward3)
         sra (iy+forward4)
         srl (ix+forward3)
         srl (iy+forward4)
         sub forward2
         sub forward1
         sub (ix+forward3)
         sub (iy+forward4)
         xor forward2
         xor forward1
         xor (ix+forward3)
         xor (iy+forward4)

longtest:.equ forward1,h'ff
         .equ forward2,h'00
         .equ forward3,-128
         .equ forward4,127
         .equ bit0,0
         .equ bit7,7


         .command  +m2        ;64180 level selection
         .org 0               ;z80 mnemonics test
         tst (hl)
         tst 0
         tst 255
         tst a
         tst b
         tstio 0
         tstio 255
         mlt bc
         mlt de
         mlt hl
         mlt sp
         in0 a,(0)
         in0 b,(255)
         out0 (0),a
         out0 (255),b
         adc a,h'00
         adc a,h'ff
         adc a,a
         adc a,b
         adc a,c
         adc a,d
         adc a,e
         adc a,h
         adc a,l
         adc a,(hl)
         adc a,(ix+-128)
         adc a,(ix-128)
         adc a,(iy-128)
         adc a,(iy+127)
         adc hl,bc
         adc hl,de
         adc hl,hl
         adc hl,sp
         add a,h'00
         add a,h'ff
         add a,a
         add a,l
         add a,(hl)
         add a,(ix+-128)
         add a,(iy+127)
         add hl,bc
         add hl,de
         add hl,hl
         add hl,sp
         add ix,bc
         add ix,de
         add ix,sp
         add iy,bc
         add iy,de
         add iy,sp
         add ix,ix
         add iy,iy
         and h'00
         and h'ff
         and a
         and l
         and (hl)
         and (ix+-128)
         and (iy+127)
         bit 0,a
         bit 0,l
         bit 0,(hl)
         bit 0,(ix+-128)
         bit 0,(iy+127)
         bit 7,a
         bit 7,l
         bit 7,(hl)
         bit 7,(ix+-128)
         bit 7,(iy+127)
         call h'00
         call h'ff
         call longtest
         call nz,h'00
         call z,h'ff
         call nc,longtest
         call c,longtest
         call po,h'00
         call pe,1000
         call p,128
         call m,0
         cp h'00
         cp h'ff
         cp a
         cp l
         cp (hl)
         cp (ix+-128)
         cp (iy+127)
         dec a
         dec l
         dec (hl)
         dec (ix+-128)
         dec (iy+127)
         dec bc
         dec de
         dec hl
         dec sp
         dec ix
         dec iy
         djnz rtest
         ex af,af'
         ex de,hl
         ex (sp),hl
         ex (sp),ix
         ex (sp),iy
         im 0
         im 1
         im 2
         in a,(h'00)
         in a,(h'ff)
         inc a
         inc l
         inc (hl)
         inc (ix+-128)
         inc (iy+127)
         inc bc
         inc de
         inc hl
         inc sp
         inc ix
         inc iy
         in a,(c)
         in c,(c)
         in l,(c)
         jp h'00
         jp h'ff
         jp longtest
         jp nz,h'00
         jp z,h'ff
         jp nc,longtest
         jp c,longtest
         jp po,h'00
         jp pe,1000
         jp p,128
         jp m,0
         jp (hl)
         jp (ix)
         jp (iy)
         jr c,rtest
rtest:   jr rtest
         djnz rtest
         jr nc,rtest
         jr nz,rtest
         jr z,rtest
         ld a,i
         ld a,r
         ld a,(longtest)
         ld a,(h'00)
         ld a,(h'ff)
         ld a,(hl)
         ld a,(bc)
         ld a,(de)
         ld a,l
         ld l,a
         ld l,h
         ld hl,(h'00)
         ld hl,(longtest)
         ld bc,(h'00)
         ld de,(longtest)
         ld sp,(h'ff)
         ld ix,(h'00)
         ld iy,(h'ff)
         ld ix,(longtest)
         ld i,a
         ld r,a
         ld a,h'00
         ld l,h'ff
         ld bc,h'00
         ld de,h'ff
         ld sp,h'ff
         ld hl,longtest
         ld hl,1000
         ld ix,1000
         ld iy,longtest
         ld a,(hl)
         ld l,(hl)
         ld a,(ix+127)
         ld a,(iy+127)
         ld a,(iy-128)
         ld l,(iy+-128)
         ld l,(iy-128)
         ld sp,hl
         ld sp,ix
         ld sp,iy
         ld (1000),a
         ld (longtest),a
         ld (1000),hl
         ld (longtest),hl
         ld (1000),bc
         ld (longtest),bc
         ld (1000),de
         ld (longtest),de
         ld (1000),sp
         ld (longtest),sp
         ld (1000),ix
         ld (longtest),iy
         ld (hl),h'00
         ld (hl),h'ff
         ld (ix+127),h'00
         ld (ix+-128),h'ff
         ld (iy-128),h'ff
         ld (iy-128),-128
         ld (iy-128),127
         ld (iy+127),0
         ld (hl),a
         ld (hl),l
         ld (ix+127),a
         ld (iy+-128),l
         ld (iy-128),l
         ld (bc),a
         ld (de),a
         ld (hl),a
         or h'00
         or h'ff
         or a
         or l
         or (hl)
         or (ix+-128)
         or (iy+127)
         out (c),a
         out (c),l
         out (h'00),a
         out (h'ff),a
         pop bc
         pop de
         pop hl
         pop af
         pop ix
         pop iy
         push bc
         push de
         push hl
         push af
         push ix
         push iy
         res 0,a
         res 0,l
         res 0,(hl)
         res 0,(ix+-128)
         res 0,(iy+127)
         res 7,a
         res 7,l
         res 7,(hl)
         res 7,(ix+-128)
         res 7,(iy+127)
         ret nz
         ret z
         ret nc
         ret c
         ret po
         ret pe
         ret p
         ret m
         rl a
         rl l
         rl (hl)
         rl (ix+-128)
         rl (iy+127)
         rlc a
         rlc l
         rlc (hl)
         rlc (ix+-128)
         rlc (iy+127)
         rr a
         rr l
         rr (hl)
         rr (ix+-128)
         rr (iy+127)
         rrc a
         rrc l
         rrc (hl)
         rrc (ix+-128)
         rrc (iy+127)
         rst h'00
         rst h'20
         rst h'38
         sbc a,h'00
         sbc a,h'ff
         sbc a,a
         sbc a,l
         sbc a,(hl)
         sbc a,(ix+-128)
         sbc a,(iy+127)
         sbc hl,bc
         sbc hl,de
         sbc hl,hl
         sbc hl,sp
         set 0,a
         set 0,l
         set 0,(hl)
         set 0,(ix+-128)
         set 0,(iy+127)
         set 7,a
         set 7,l
         set 7,(hl)
         set 7,(ix+-128)
         set 7,(iy+127)
         sla a
         sla l
         sla (hl)
         sla (ix+-128)
         sla (iy+127)
         sra a
         sra l
         sra (hl)
         sra (ix+-128)
         sra (iy+127)
         srl a
         srl l
         srl (hl)
         srl (ix+-128)
         srl (iy+127)
         sub h'00
         sub h'ff
         sub a
         sub l
         sub (hl)
         sub (ix+-128)
         sub (iy+127)
         xor h'00
         xor h'ff
         xor a
         xor l
         xor (hl)
         xor (ix+-128)
         xor (iy+127)

         adc a,forward2
         adc a,forward1
         adc a,(ix+forward3)
         adc a,(iy+forward4)
         add a,forward2
         add a,forward1
         add a,(ix+forward3)
         add a,(iy+forward4)
         and forward2
         and forward1
         and (ix+forward3)
         and (iy+forward4)
         bit bit0,a
         bit bit0,l
         bit bit0,(hl)
         bit bit0,(ix+forward3)
         bit bit0,(iy+forward4)
         bit bit7,a
         bit bit7,l
         bit bit7,(hl)
         bit bit7,(ix+forward3)
         bit bit7,(iy+forward4)
         call forward2
         call forward1
         call longtest
         call nz,forward2
         call z,forward1
         call nc,longtest
         call c,longtest
         call po,forward2
         call pe,1000
         call p,128
         call m,0
         cp forward2
         cp forward1
         cp (ix+forward3)
         cp (iy+forward4)
         dec (ix+forward3)
         dec (iy+forward4)
         in a,(forward2)
         in a,(forward1)
         inc (ix+forward3)
         inc (iy+forward4)
         jp forward2
         jp forward1
         jp longtest
         jp nz,forward2
         jp z,forward1
         jp nc,longtest
         jp c,longtest
         jp po,forward2
         jp pe,1000
         jp p,128
         jp m,0
         ld a,(longtest)
         ld a,(forward2)
         ld a,(forward1)
         ld ix,(forward2)
         ld iy,(forward1)
         ld ix,(longtest)
         ld a,forward2
         ld bc,forward2
         ld sp,forward1
         ld hl,longtest
         ld hl,1000
         ld ix,1000
         ld iy,longtest
         ld a,(ix+forward4)
         ld l,(iy+forward3)
         ld (1000),a
         ld (longtest),a
         ld (1000),hl
         ld (longtest),hl
         ld (1000),bc
         ld (longtest),bc
         ld (1000),ix
         ld (longtest),iy
         ld (hl),forward2
         ld (hl),forward1
         ld (ix+forward4),forward2
         ld (ix+forward3),forward1
         ld (ix+forward4),a
         ld (iy+forward3),l
         or forward2
         or forward1
         or (ix+forward3)
         or (iy+forward4)
         out (forward2),a
         out (forward1),a
         res bit0,a
         res bit0,l
         res bit0,(hl)
         res bit0,(ix+forward3)
         res bit0,(iy+forward4)
         res bit7,a
         res bit7,l
         res bit7,(hl)
         res bit7,(ix+forward3)
         res bit7,(iy+forward4)
         rl (ix+forward3)
         rl (iy+forward4)
         rlc (ix+forward3)
         rlc (iy+forward4)
         rr (ix+forward3)
         rr (iy+forward4)
         rrc (ix+forward3)
         rrc (iy+forward4)
         sbc a,forward2
         sbc a,forward1
         sbc a,(ix+forward3)
         sbc a,(iy+forward4)
         set bit0,a
         set bit0,l
         set bit0,(hl)
         set bit0,(ix+forward3)
         set bit0,(iy+forward4)
         set bit7,a
         set bit7,l
         set bit7,(hl)
         set bit7,(ix+forward3)
         set bit7,(iy+forward4)
         sla (ix+forward3)
         sla (iy+forward4)
         sra (ix+forward3)
         sra (iy+forward4)
         srl (ix+forward3)
         srl (iy+forward4)
         sub forward2
         sub forward1
         sub (ix+forward3)
         sub (iy+forward4)
         xor forward2
         xor forward1
         xor (ix+forward3)
         xor (iy+forward4)

longtest:.equ forward1,h'ff
         .equ forward2,h'00
         .equ forward3,-128
         .equ forward4,127
         .equ bit0,0
         .equ bit7,7


         .opdef defb,.db        ;define byte
         .opdef defm,.db        ;define string
         .opdef defs,.rs        ;reserve storage
         .opdef defw,.drw       ;define 16 bit data word(reversed for z80)
         .opdef org,.org        ;origin
         .opdef title,.null     ;ignore - not implemented


       ld (iy+h'ffc1),h'0
       ld (ix+h'c1),h'0

         ifelse( a,b,c,a,a,d,e)
         ifelse( a,a,b,c)
         define( foo, $1 )
         foo( z)
         define( `denotefirstchar',
         `ifelse(  errprint(substr($1 ,0,1)),a,the first letter is a,
                   errprint($1 ),b,the first letter is b,
                   $1 ,c,the first letter is c,
                   the first letter is not in ``a..c'')')
          denotefirstchar( a)
          denotefirstchar( bc)
          denotefirstchar( de)
         define( `denotefirstchar',
         `ifelse( substr( $1,0,1),a,the first letter is a,
                  substr( $1,0,1),b,the first letter is b)');,
 ;                 substr( $1,0,1),c,the first letter is c,
  ;                the first letter is not in ``a..c'')')
          denotefirstchar( above)
          denotefirstchar( cow)
          denotefirstchar( donut)


         ld a,(ix+h'c1)
         add a,(ix+h'c1)
         ld (ix+h'c1),a
         inc (ix+h'c1)
         dec (ix+h'c1)
         cp (ix+h'c1)
         sub (ix+h'c1)
         ld a,(iy+h'c1)
         add a,(iy+h'c1)
         ld (iy+h'c1),a
         inc (iy+h'c1)
         dec (iy+h'c1)
         cp (iy+h'c1)
         sub (iy+h'c1)


; To become familiar with the segment feature you
; should assemble this file with and without the
; single object module swicth enabled.
;   a85  -o example         ;three object module files
                            ;     code.seg
                            ;     memory.seg
                            ;     rom2.seg
;   a85  example            ;one object module file example.obj

         jmp loop
         .org  h'20         ;start assembly at location 20 hex.
         .segment .memory   ;declare a new segmemt for ram memory
         .memory            ;select segment .memory as active(locaton counter)
                            ;for the .code segment(created by the assembler) is
                            ;saved for when we switch back.
         .org  h'8000       ;assume ram space starts at address h'8000
v1:      .rs 2               ;reserve storage for a program variable
array:   .rs 100*2           ;reserve storage for an array of 100 words
         .eject             ;lets start on a fresh page of paper.
         .code              ;switch back to code segment
                            ; origin is where we left off.
loop:    mvi a,h'22
         lxi sp,h'2000
         .equ cr,13         ;equated identifiers are constant.
         .equ tab,9
         .set temp,23       ;set identifiers may be re-set.
         .set temp,24
         .set temp,25
         .db  1,2,3,4,5,'p'
         .db  6,7,"this is a test\r\n\0"
         .dw  1,h'1234
         .drw 1,h'1234
         mvi b,loop2 >> 8   ;isolate high byte of address
         mvi b,loop2 & h'ff ;isolate low half of address
         .page              ;start on a new 256 byte boundary.
loop2:   jmp loop
         .segment .rom2
         .org h'4000
         .db  "this is possibly a second rom programmed seperately."
         .end loop          ;end of assembly, specifying start address.


; Some useful macros to help get you started.
; Please note that all of the examples use 6800 instructions and thus
; will generate error messages when assembled on other assemblers. Just
; ignore those messages (or substitute the equivalent opcode for your
; processor)--the macro ideas depicted are still valid.

; Unique generated labels.
; Some macros will require "local" labels unique to a given expansion.
; The following macros are one way of creating them.

; nlabel creates a new unique identifier (of the form l1nnnn, where n varies)
; each invocation.
; nlabel returns the current value of glabel, and then redefines glabel to
; the value one greater than glabel.
         define( glabel,10000)
         define( nlabel,``l'glabel`'define(`glabel',iner(glabel))')
; Now we have a unique label generator, but each time we call it the label
; will be different, and thus of little use for branches and jumps.
; We must assign this unique label string to an identifier for multiple
; uses.
local1:  nop
         jmp local1
         jsr local1
local1:  nop
; Above we define local1 to be the string generated by nlabel, use that
; string in several places, and then undefine it. Note that local1 after
; the undefine is "local1" and not a generated string. If defined locals
; are not undefined when we are done with them, we would quickly run out
; of memory space (in the macro table).


        define(loop, ` define(local1,nlabel)
local1:  nop
         jmp local1


; Above the macro loop is genrated three times, each time with unique local
; labels as looping targets.


         .org 0
         aci h'00
         aci h'ff
         adc a
         adc b
         adc c
         adc d
         adc e
         adc h
         adc l
         adc m
         add a
         add b
         add c
         add d
         add e
         add h
         add l
         add m
         adi h'00
         adi h'ff
         ana a
         ana b
         ana c
         ana d
         ana e
         ana h
         ana l
         ana m
         ani h'00
         ani h'ff
         call h'1000
         call ltest
         cc ltest
         cm ltest
         cmp a
         cmp b
         cmp c
         cmp d
         cmp e
         cmp h
         cmp l
         cmp m
         cnc ltest
         cnz ltest
         cp ltest
         cpe ltest
         cpi h'00
         cpi h'ff
         cpo ltest
         cz ltest
         dad b
         dad bc
         dad d
         dad de
         dad h
         dad hl
         dad sp
         dcr a
         dcr b
         dcr c
         dcr d
         dcr e
         dcr h
         dcr l
         dcr m
         dcx b
         dcx bc
         dcx d
         dcx de
         dcx h
         dcx hl
         dcx sp
         in h'00
         in h'ff
         inr a
         inr b
         inr c
         inr d
         inr e
         inr h
         inr l
         inr m
         inx b
         inx bc
         inx d
         inx de
         inx h
         inx hl
         inx sp
         jc ltest
         jm ltest
         jmp ltest
         jnc ltest
         jnz ltest
         jp  ltest
         jpe ltest
         jpo ltest
         jz ltest
         lda h'1000
         ldax b
         ldax d
         ldax bc
         ldax de
         lhld h'1000
         lxi b,h'1000
         lxi d,h'1001
         lxi h,h'2002
         lxi sp,h'f000
         mov a,a
         mov a,b
         mov a,c
         mov a,d
         mov a,e
         mov a,h
         mov a,l
         mov a,m
         mov b,a
         mov b,b
         mov b,c
         mov b,d
         mov b,e
         mov b,h
         mov b,l
         mov b,m
         mov c,a
         mov c,b
         mov c,c
         mov c,d
         mov c,e
         mov c,h
         mov c,l
         mov c,m
         mov d,a
         mov d,b
         mov d,c
         mov d,d
         mov d,e
         mov d,h
         mov d,l
         mov d,m
         mov e,a
         mov e,b
         mov e,c
         mov e,d
         mov e,e
         mov e,h
         mov e,l
         mov e,m
         mov h,a
         mov h,b
         mov h,c
         mov h,d
         mov h,e
         mov h,h
         mov h,l
         mov h,m
         mov l,a
         mov l,b
         mov l,c
         mov l,d
         mov l,e
         mov l,h
         mov l,l
         mov l,m
         mov m,a
         mov m,b
         mov m,c
         mov m,d
         mov m,e
         mov m,h
         mov m,l
         mvi a,h'00
         mvi b,h'00
         mvi c,h'00
         mvi d,h'00
         mvi e,h'00
         mvi h,h'00
         mvi l,h'00
         mvi m,h'00
         mvi a,h'ff
         mvi b,h'ff
         mvi c,h'ff
         mvi d,h'ff
         mvi e,h'ff
         mvi h,h'ff
         mvi l,h'ff
         mvi m,h'ff
         ora a
         ora b
         ora c
         ora d
         ora e
         ora h
         ora l
         ora m
         ori h'00
         ori h'ff
         out h'00
         out h'ff
         pop b
         pop bc
         pop d
         pop de
         pop h
         pop hl
         pop psw
         push b
         push bc
         push d
         push de
         push h
         push hl
         push psw
         rim                      ;8085 only
         rst 0
         rst 1
         rst 2
         rst 3
         rst 4
         rst 5
         rst 6
         rst 7
         sbb a
         sbb b
         sbb c
         sbb d
         sbb e
         sbb h
         sbb l
         sbb m
         sbi h'00
         sbi h'ff
         shld h'1000
         sim            ;8085 only
         sta h'1000
         stax b
         stax bc
         stax d
         stax de
         sub a
         sub b
         sub c
         sub d
         sub e
         sub h
         sub l
         sub m
         sui h'00
         sui h'ff
         xra a
         xra b
         xra c
         xra d
         xra e
         xra h
         xra l
         xra m
         xri h'00
         xri h'ff
         aci forward2
         aci forward1
         adc a
         adc b
         adc c
         adc d
         adc e
         adc h
         adc l
         adc m
         add a
         add b
         add c
         add d
         add e
         add h
         add l
         add m
         adi forward2
         adi forward1
         ana a
         ana b
         ana c
         ana d
         ana e
         ana h
         ana l
         ana m
         ani forward2
         ani forward1
         call h'1000
         call ltest
         cc ltest
         cm ltest
         cmp a
         cmp b
         cmp c
         cmp d
         cmp e
         cmp h
         cmp l
         cmp m
         cnc ltest
         cnz ltest
         cp ltest
         cpe ltest
         cpi forward2
         cpi forward1
         cpo ltest
         cz ltest
         dad b
         dad bc
         dad d
         dad de
         dad h
         dad hl
         dad sp
         dcr a
         dcr b
         dcr c
         dcr d
         dcr e
         dcr h
         dcr l
         dcr m
         dcx b
         dcx bc
         dcx d
         dcx de
         dcx h
         dcx hl
         dcx sp
         in forward2
         in forward1
         inr a
         inr b
         inr c
         inr d
         inr e
         inr h
         inr l
         inr m
         inx b
         inx bc
         inx d
         inx de
         inx h
         inx hl
         inx sp
         jc ltest
         jm ltest
         jmp ltest
         jnc ltest
         jnz ltest
         jp  ltest
         jpe ltest
         jpo ltest
         jz ltest
         lda h'1000
         ldax b
         ldax d
         ldax bc
         ldax de
         lhld h'1000
         lxi b,h'1000
         lxi d,h'1001
         lxi h,h'2002
         lxi sp,h'f000
         mov a,a
         mov a,b
         mov a,c
         mov a,d
         mov a,e
         mov a,h
         mov a,l
         mov a,m
         mov b,a
         mov b,b
         mov b,c
         mov b,d
         mov b,e
         mov b,h
         mov b,l
         mov b,m
         mov c,a
         mov c,b
         mov c,c
         mov c,d
         mov c,e
         mov c,h
         mov c,l
         mov c,m
         mov d,a
         mov d,b
         mov d,c
         mov d,d
         mov d,e
         mov d,h
         mov d,l
         mov d,m
         mov e,a
         mov e,b
         mov e,c
         mov e,d
         mov e,e
         mov e,h
         mov e,l
         mov e,m
         mov h,a
         mov h,b
         mov h,c
         mov h,d
         mov h,e
         mov h,h
         mov h,l
         mov h,m
         mov l,a
         mov l,b
         mov l,c
         mov l,d
         mov l,e
         mov l,h
         mov l,l
         mov l,m
         mov m,a
         mov m,b
         mov m,c
         mov m,d
         mov m,e
         mov m,h
         mov m,l
         mvi a,forward2
         mvi b,forward2
         mvi c,forward2
         mvi d,forward2
         mvi e,forward2
         mvi h,forward2
         mvi l,forward2
         mvi m,forward2
         mvi a,forward1
         mvi b,forward1
         mvi c,forward1
         mvi d,forward1
         mvi e,forward1
         mvi h,forward1
         mvi l,forward1
         mvi m,forward1
         ora a
         ora b
         ora c
         ora d
         ora e
         ora h
         ora l
         ora m
         ori forward2
         ori forward1
         out forward2
         out forward1
         pop b
         pop bc
         pop d
         pop de
         pop h
         pop hl
         pop psw
         push b
         push bc
         push d
         push de
         push h
         push hl
         push psw
         rim                      ;8085 only
         rst 0
         rst 1
         rst 2
         rst 3
         rst 4
         rst 5
         rst 6
         rst 7
         sbb a
         sbb b
         sbb c
         sbb d
         sbb e
         sbb h
         sbb l
         sbb m
         sbi forward2
         sbi forward1
         shld h'1000
         sim            ;8085 only
         sta h'1000
         stax b
         stax bc
         stax d
         stax de
         sub a
         sub b
         sub c
         sub d
         sub e
         sub h
         sub l
         sub m
         sui forward2
         sui forward1
         xra a
         xra b
         xra c
         xra d
         xra e
         xra h
         xra l
         xra m
         xri forward2
         xri forward1
ltest:   .equ forward1,h'ff
         .equ forward2,h'00


         .opdef db,.db       ;define byte
         .opdef ds,.rs       ;reserve storage
         .opdef dw,.dw       ;define 16 bit data word
         .opdef org,.org     ;origin
         .opdef title,.null  ;ignore - not implemented


; To become familiar with the segment feature you
; should assemble this file with and without the
; single object module swicth enabled.
;   a85  -o example         ;three object module files
                            ;     code.seg
                            ;     memory.seg
                            ;     rom2.seg
;   a85  example            ;one object module file example.obj

         jmp loop
         .org  h'20         ;start assembly at location 20 hex.
         .segment .memory   ;declare a new segmemt for ram memory
         .memory            ;select segment .memory as active(locaton counter)
                            ;for the .code segment(created by the assembler) is
                            ;saved for when we switch back.
         .org  h'8000       ;assume ram space starts at address h'8000
v1:      .rs 2               ;reserve storage for a program variable
array:   .rs 100*2           ;reserve storage for an array of 100 words
         .eject             ;lets start on a fresh page of paper.
         .code              ;switch back to code segment
                            ; origin is where we left off.
loop:    mvi a,h'22
         lxi sp,h'2000
         .equ cr,13         ;equated identifiers are constant.
         .equ tab,9
         .set temp,23       ;set identifiers may be re-set.
         .set temp,24
         .set temp,25
         .db  1,2,3,4,5,'p'
         .db  6,7,"this is a test\r\n\0"
         .dw  1,h'1234
         .drw 1,h'1234
         mvi b,loop2 >> 8   ;isolate high byte of address
         mvi b,loop2 & h'ff ;isolate low half of address
         .page              ;start on a new 256 byte boundary.
loop2:   jmp loop
         .segment .rom2
         .org h'4000
         .db  "this is possibly a second rom programmed seperately."
         .end loop          ;end of assembly, specifying start address.


; To become familiar with the segment feature you
; should assemble this file with and without the
; single object module swicth enabled.
;   a80z  -o example         ;three object module files
                            ;     code.seg
                            ;     memory.seg
                            ;     rom2.seg
;   a80z  example            ;one object module file example.obj

         jp loop
         .org  h'20         ;start assembly at location 20 hex.
         .segment .memory   ;declare a new segmemt for ram memory
         .memory            ;select segment .memory as active(locaton counter)
                            ;for the .code segment(created by the assembler) is
                            ;saved for when we switch back.
         .org  h'8000       ;assume ram space starts at address h'8000
v1:      .rs 2               ;reserve storage for a program variable
array:   .rs 100*2           ;reserve storage for an array of 100 words
         .eject             ;lets start on a fresh page of paper.
         .code              ;switch back to code segment
                            ; origin is where we left off.
loop:    ld a,h'22
         ld sp,h'2000
         ex (sp),hl
         .equ cr,13         ;equated identifiers are constant.
         .equ tab,9
         .set temp,23       ;set identifiers may be re-set.
         .set temp,24
         .set temp,25
         .db  1,2,3,4,5,'p'
         .db  6,7,"this is a test\r\n\0"
         .dw  1,h'1234
         .drw 1,h'1234
         ld b,loop2 >> 8   ;isolate high byte of address
         ld b,loop2 & h'ff ;isolate low half of address
         .page              ;start on a new 256 byte boundary.
loop2:   jp loop
         .segment .rom2
         .org h'4000
         .db  "this is possibly a second rom programmed seperately."
         .end loop          ;end of assembly, specifying start address.


Disk No:  778
Disk Title: PseudoSam Cross Assembler 80z and 85
PC-SIG Version: 1.2

Program Title: PseudoSam 80z and 85
Author Version: 1.4.x
Author Registration: $30.00 personal; $100.00 commercial.
Special Requirements: None.

PSEUDOSAM 80z and 85 are machine language cross-assembler programs for
microprocessors.  These programs let you construct 80z and 8085
code on your IBM PC, to be transferred to an 80z or 8085-based system
for use.

The PSEUDOSAM (Pseudo-brand Symbolic AsseMbler) assemblers conform to
common syntax, based on the UNIX System V assembler syntax.  The opcode
and addressing syntax is compatible with the manufacturer's, but label,
directive, and expression operator syntax will differ.

The author of PSEUDOSAM chose this syntax because of UNIX's popularity,
and to avoid the problem of maintaining compatibility with the many
OEM assemblers.  The documentation is well organized and easy to
understand, although no attempt is made to teach 80z or 8085
programming.  You should have a good understanding of machine
language programming and also be familiar with basic DOS functions.
File Descriptions:

A80Z     <DIR>Subdirectory containing the following files:
A80Z     EXE  PSEUDOSAM 80z assembler.
EXAMPLE  ASM  Example file for PSEUDOSAM 80z.
LABGEN   ASM  Assembly source code.
MNEMLEV1 ASM  Mnemonics test program.
MNEMLEV2 ASM  Mnemonics test program.
READ     ME   Program information.
READ     ME2  More program information.
SYN      ASM  Synonym file to rename assembler directives.
T        ASM  Mnemonics test program.
TEST     ASM  Mnemonics test program.

A85      <DIR>Subdirectory containing the following files:
A85      EXE  PSEUDOSAM 85 assembler.
EXAMPLE  ASM  Example file for PSEUDOSAM 85.
LKABGEN  ASM  Assembly source code.
MNEMTEST ASM  Mnemonics test program.
READ     ME   Program information.
READ     ME2  More program information.
SYN      ASM  Synonym file to rename assembler directives.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.


║        <<<<  Disk #778 PSEUDOSAM 80Z AND 85 CROSS ASSEMBLER  >>>>       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation for the 80Z Cross Assembler you must first   ║
║ change to the A80Z subdirectory by typing:     CD\A80Z                  ║
║                                                                         ║
║ You will then print the documentation by typing:                        ║
║ COPY READ.ME PRN                                                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the documentation for the 85 Cross Assembler you must first    ║
║ change to the A85 subdirectory by typing:     CD\A85                    ║
║                                                                         ║
║ You will then print the documentation by typing:                        ║
║ COPY READ.ME PRN                                                        ║


; Some useful macros to help get you started.
; Please note that all of the examples use 6800 instructions and thus
; will generate error messages when assembled on other assemblers. Just
; ignore those messages (or substitute the equivalent opcode for your
; processor)--the macro ideas depicted are still valid.

; Unique generated labels.
; Some macros will require "local" labels unique to a given expansion.
; The following macros are one way of creating them.

; nlabel creates a new unique identifier (of the form l1nnnn, where n varies)
; each invocation.
; nlabel returns the current value of glabel, and then redefines glabel to
; the value one greater than glabel.
         define( glabel,10000)
         define( nlabel,``l'glabel`'define(`glabel',iner(glabel))')
; Now we have a unique label generator, but each time we call it the label
; will be different, and thus of little use for branches and jumps.
; We must assign this unique label string to an identifier for multiple
; uses.
local1:  nop
         jmp local1
         jsr local1
local1:  nop
; Above we define local1 to be the string generated by nlabel, use that
; string in several places, and then undefine it. Note that local1 after
; the undefine is "local1" and not a generated string. If defined locals
; are not undefined when we are done with them, we would quickly run out
; of memory space (in the macro table).


        define(loop, ` define(local1,nlabel)
local1:  nop
         jmp local1


; Above the macro loop is genrated three times, each time with unique local
; labels as looping targets.


; Some useful macros to help get you started.
; Please note that all of the examples use 6800 instructions and thus
; will generate error messages when assembled on other assemblers. Just
; ignore those messages (or substitute the equivalent opcode for your
; processor)--the macro ideas depicted are still valid.

; Unique generated labels.
; Some macros will require "local" labels unique to a given expansion.
; The following macros are one way of creating them.

; nlabel creates a new unique identifier (of the form l1nnnn, where n varies)
; each invocation.
; nlabel returns the current value of glabel, and then redefines glabel to
; the value one greater than glabel.
         define( glabel,10000)
         define( nlabel,``l'glabel`'define(`glabel',iner(glabel))')
; Now we have a unique label generator, but each time we call it the label
; will be different, and thus of little use for branches and jumps.
; We must assign this unique label string to an identifier for multiple
; uses.
local1:  nop
         jmp local1
         jsr local1
local1:  nop
; Above we define local1 to be the string generated by nlabel, use that
; string in several places, and then undefine it. Note that local1 after
; the undefine is "local1" and not a generated string. If defined locals
; are not undefined when we are done with them, we would quickly run out
; of memory space (in the macro table).


        define(loop, ` define(local1,nlabel)
local1:  nop
         jmp local1


; Above the macro loop is genrated three times, each time with unique local
; labels as looping targets.


         .org 0               ;z80 mnemonics test
         adc a,h'00
         adc a,h'ff
         adc a,a
         adc a,b
         adc a,c
         adc a,d
         adc a,e
         adc a,h
         adc a,l
         adc a,(hl)
         adc a,(ix+-128)
         adc a,(ix-128)
         adc a,(iy-128)
         adc a,(iy+127)
         adc hl,bc
         adc hl,de
         adc hl,hl
         adc hl,sp
         add a,h'00
         add a,h'ff
         add a,a
         add a,l
         add a,(hl)
         add a,(ix+-128)
         add a,(iy+127)
         add hl,bc
         add hl,de
         add hl,hl
         add hl,sp
         add ix,bc
         add ix,de
         add ix,sp
         add iy,bc
         add iy,de
         add iy,sp
         add ix,ix
         add iy,iy
         and h'00
         and h'ff
         and a
         and l
         and (hl)
         and (ix+-128)
         and (iy+127)
         bit 0,a
         bit 0,l
         bit 0,(hl)
         bit 0,(ix+-128)
         bit 0,(iy+127)
         bit 7,a
         bit 7,l
         bit 7,(hl)
         bit 7,(ix+-128)
         bit 7,(iy+127)
         call h'00
         call h'ff
         call longtest
         call nz,h'00
         call z,h'ff
         call nc,longtest
         call c,longtest
         call po,h'00
         call pe,1000
         call p,128
         call m,0
         cp h'00
         cp h'ff
         cp a
         cp l
         cp (hl)
         cp (ix+-128)
         cp (iy+127)
         dec a
         dec l
         dec (hl)
         dec (ix+-128)
         dec (iy+127)
         dec bc
         dec de
         dec hl
         dec sp
         dec ix
         dec iy
         djnz rtest
         ex af,af'
         ex de,hl
         ex (sp),hl
         ex (sp),ix
         ex (sp),iy
         im 0
         im 1
         im 2
         in a,(h'00)
         in a,(h'ff)
         inc a
         inc l
         inc (hl)
         inc (ix+-128)
         inc (iy+127)
         inc bc
         inc de
         inc hl
         inc sp
         inc ix
         inc iy
         in a,(c)
         in c,(c)
         in l,(c)
         jp h'00
         jp h'ff
         jp longtest
         jp nz,h'00
         jp z,h'ff
         jp nc,longtest
         jp c,longtest
         jp po,h'00
         jp pe,1000
         jp p,128
         jp m,0
         jp (hl)
         jp (ix)
         jp (iy)
         jr c,rtest
rtest:   jr rtest
         djnz rtest
         jr nc,rtest
         jr nz,rtest
         jr z,rtest
         ld a,i
         ld a,r
         ld a,(longtest)
         ld a,(h'00)
         ld a,(h'ff)
         ld a,(hl)
         ld a,(bc)
         ld a,(de)
         ld a,l
         ld l,a
         ld l,h
         ld hl,(h'00)
         ld hl,(longtest)
         ld bc,(h'00)
         ld de,(longtest)
         ld sp,(h'ff)
         ld ix,(h'00)
         ld iy,(h'ff)
         ld ix,(longtest)
         ld i,a
         ld r,a
         ld a,h'00
         ld l,h'ff
         ld bc,h'00
         ld de,h'ff
         ld sp,h'ff
         ld hl,longtest
         ld hl,1000
         ld ix,1000
         ld iy,longtest
         ld a,(hl)
         ld l,(hl)
         ld a,(ix+127)
         ld a,(iy+127)
         ld a,(iy-128)
         ld l,(iy+-128)
         ld l,(iy-128)
         ld sp,hl
         ld sp,ix
         ld sp,iy
         ld (1000),a
         ld (longtest),a
         ld (1000),hl
         ld (longtest),hl
         ld (1000),bc
         ld (longtest),bc
         ld (1000),de
         ld (longtest),de
         ld (1000),sp
         ld (longtest),sp
         ld (1000),ix
         ld (longtest),iy
         ld (hl),h'00
         ld (hl),h'ff
         ld (ix+127),h'00
         ld (ix+-128),h'ff
         ld (iy-128),h'ff
         ld (iy-128),-128
         ld (iy-128),127
         ld (iy+127),0
         ld (hl),a
         ld (hl),l
         ld (ix+127),a
         ld (iy+-128),l
         ld (iy-128),l
         ld (bc),a
         ld (de),a
         ld (hl),a
         or h'00
         or h'ff
         or a
         or l
         or (hl)
         or (ix+-128)
         or (iy+127)
         out (c),a
         out (c),l
         out (h'00),a
         out (h'ff),a
         pop bc
         pop de
         pop hl
         pop af
         pop ix
         pop iy
         push bc
         push de
         push hl
         push af
         push ix
         push iy
         res 0,a
         res 0,l
         res 0,(hl)
         res 0,(ix+-128)
         res 0,(iy+127)
         res 7,a
         res 7,l
         res 7,(hl)
         res 7,(ix+-128)
         res 7,(iy+127)
         ret nz
         ret z
         ret nc
         ret c
         ret po
         ret pe
         ret p
         ret m
         rl a
         rl l
         rl (hl)
         rl (ix+-128)
         rl (iy+127)
         rlc a
         rlc l
         rlc (hl)
         rlc (ix+-128)
         rlc (iy+127)
         rr a
         rr l
         rr (hl)
         rr (ix+-128)
         rr (iy+127)
         rrc a
         rrc l
         rrc (hl)
         rrc (ix+-128)
         rrc (iy+127)
         rst h'00
         rst h'20
         rst h'38
         sbc a,h'00
         sbc a,h'ff
         sbc a,a
         sbc a,l
         sbc a,(hl)
         sbc a,(ix+-128)
         sbc a,(iy+127)
         sbc hl,bc
         sbc hl,de
         sbc hl,hl
         sbc hl,sp
         set 0,a
         set 0,l
         set 0,(hl)
         set 0,(ix+-128)
         set 0,(iy+127)
         set 7,a
         set 7,l
         set 7,(hl)
         set 7,(ix+-128)
         set 7,(iy+127)
         sla a
         sla l
         sla (hl)
         sla (ix+-128)
         sla (iy+127)
         sra a
         sra l
         sra (hl)
         sra (ix+-128)
         sra (iy+127)
         srl a
         srl l
         srl (hl)
         srl (ix+-128)
         srl (iy+127)
         sub h'00
         sub h'ff
         sub a
         sub l
         sub (hl)
         sub (ix+-128)
         sub (iy+127)
         xor h'00
         xor h'ff
         xor a
         xor l
         xor (hl)
         xor (ix+-128)
         xor (iy+127)

         adc a,forward2
         adc a,forward1
         adc a,(ix+forward3)
         adc a,(iy+forward4)
         add a,forward2
         add a,forward1
         add a,(ix+forward3)
         add a,(iy+forward4)
         and forward2
         and forward1
         and (ix+forward3)
         and (iy+forward4)
         bit bit0,a
         bit bit0,l
         bit bit0,(hl)
         bit bit0,(ix+forward3)
         bit bit0,(iy+forward4)
         bit bit7,a
         bit bit7,l
         bit bit7,(hl)
         bit bit7,(ix+forward3)
         bit bit7,(iy+forward4)
         call forward2
         call forward1
         call longtest
         call nz,forward2
         call z,forward1
         call nc,longtest
         call c,longtest
         call po,forward2
         call pe,1000
         call p,128
         call m,0
         cp forward2
         cp forward1
         cp (ix+forward3)
         cp (iy+forward4)
         dec (ix+forward3)
         dec (iy+forward4)
         in a,(forward2)
         in a,(forward1)
         inc (ix+forward3)
         inc (iy+forward4)
         jp forward2
         jp forward1
         jp longtest
         jp nz,forward2
         jp z,forward1
         jp nc,longtest
         jp c,longtest
         jp po,forward2
         jp pe,1000
         jp p,128
         jp m,0
         ld a,(longtest)
         ld a,(forward2)
         ld a,(forward1)
         ld ix,(forward2)
         ld iy,(forward1)
         ld ix,(longtest)
         ld a,forward2
         ld bc,forward2
         ld sp,forward1
         ld hl,longtest
         ld hl,1000
         ld ix,1000
         ld iy,longtest
         ld a,(ix+forward4)
         ld l,(iy+forward3)
         ld (1000),a
         ld (longtest),a
         ld (1000),hl
         ld (longtest),hl
         ld (1000),bc
         ld (longtest),bc
         ld (1000),ix
         ld (longtest),iy
         ld (hl),forward2
         ld (hl),forward1
         ld (ix+forward4),forward2
         ld (ix+forward3),forward1
         ld (ix+forward4),a
         ld (iy+forward3),l
         or forward2
         or forward1
         or (ix+forward3)
         or (iy+forward4)
         out (forward2),a
         out (forward1),a
         res bit0,a
         res bit0,l
         res bit0,(hl)
         res bit0,(ix+forward3)
         res bit0,(iy+forward4)
         res bit7,a
         res bit7,l
         res bit7,(hl)
         res bit7,(ix+forward3)
         res bit7,(iy+forward4)
         rl (ix+forward3)
         rl (iy+forward4)
         rlc (ix+forward3)
         rlc (iy+forward4)
         rr (ix+forward3)
         rr (iy+forward4)
         rrc (ix+forward3)
         rrc (iy+forward4)
         sbc a,forward2
         sbc a,forward1
         sbc a,(ix+forward3)
         sbc a,(iy+forward4)
         set bit0,a
         set bit0,l
         set bit0,(hl)
         set bit0,(ix+forward3)
         set bit0,(iy+forward4)
         set bit7,a
         set bit7,l
         set bit7,(hl)
         set bit7,(ix+forward3)
         set bit7,(iy+forward4)
         sla (ix+forward3)
         sla (iy+forward4)
         sra (ix+forward3)
         sra (iy+forward4)
         srl (ix+forward3)
         srl (iy+forward4)
         sub forward2
         sub forward1
         sub (ix+forward3)
         sub (iy+forward4)
         xor forward2
         xor forward1
         xor (ix+forward3)
         xor (iy+forward4)

longtest:.equ forward1,h'ff
         .equ forward2,h'00
         .equ forward3,-128
         .equ forward4,127
         .equ bit0,0
         .equ bit7,7


         .command  +m2        ;64180 level selection
         .org 0               ;z80 mnemonics test
         tst (hl)
         tst 0
         tst 255
         tst a
         tst b
         tstio 0
         tstio 255
         mlt bc
         mlt de
         mlt hl
         mlt sp
         in0 a,(0)
         in0 b,(255)
         out0 (0),a
         out0 (255),b
         adc a,h'00
         adc a,h'ff
         adc a,a
         adc a,b
         adc a,c
         adc a,d
         adc a,e
         adc a,h
         adc a,l
         adc a,(hl)
         adc a,(ix+-128)
         adc a,(ix-128)
         adc a,(iy-128)
         adc a,(iy+127)
         adc hl,bc
         adc hl,de
         adc hl,hl
         adc hl,sp
         add a,h'00
         add a,h'ff
         add a,a
         add a,l
         add a,(hl)
         add a,(ix+-128)
         add a,(iy+127)
         add hl,bc
         add hl,de
         add hl,hl
         add hl,sp
         add ix,bc
         add ix,de
         add ix,sp
         add iy,bc
         add iy,de
         add iy,sp
         add ix,ix
         add iy,iy
         and h'00
         and h'ff
         and a
         and l
         and (hl)
         and (ix+-128)
         and (iy+127)
         bit 0,a
         bit 0,l
         bit 0,(hl)
         bit 0,(ix+-128)
         bit 0,(iy+127)
         bit 7,a
         bit 7,l
         bit 7,(hl)
         bit 7,(ix+-128)
         bit 7,(iy+127)
         call h'00
         call h'ff
         call longtest
         call nz,h'00
         call z,h'ff
         call nc,longtest
         call c,longtest
         call po,h'00
         call pe,1000
         call p,128
         call m,0
         cp h'00
         cp h'ff
         cp a
         cp l
         cp (hl)
         cp (ix+-128)
         cp (iy+127)
         dec a
         dec l
         dec (hl)
         dec (ix+-128)
         dec (iy+127)
         dec bc
         dec de
         dec hl
         dec sp
         dec ix
         dec iy
         djnz rtest
         ex af,af'
         ex de,hl
         ex (sp),hl
         ex (sp),ix
         ex (sp),iy
         im 0
         im 1
         im 2
         in a,(h'00)
         in a,(h'ff)
         inc a
         inc l
         inc (hl)
         inc (ix+-128)
         inc (iy+127)
         inc bc
         inc de
         inc hl
         inc sp
         inc ix
         inc iy
         in a,(c)
         in c,(c)
         in l,(c)
         jp h'00
         jp h'ff
         jp longtest
         jp nz,h'00
         jp z,h'ff
         jp nc,longtest
         jp c,longtest
         jp po,h'00
         jp pe,1000
         jp p,128
         jp m,0
         jp (hl)
         jp (ix)
         jp (iy)
         jr c,rtest
rtest:   jr rtest
         djnz rtest
         jr nc,rtest
         jr nz,rtest
         jr z,rtest
         ld a,i
         ld a,r
         ld a,(longtest)
         ld a,(h'00)
         ld a,(h'ff)
         ld a,(hl)
         ld a,(bc)
         ld a,(de)
         ld a,l
         ld l,a
         ld l,h
         ld hl,(h'00)
         ld hl,(longtest)
         ld bc,(h'00)
         ld de,(longtest)
         ld sp,(h'ff)
         ld ix,(h'00)
         ld iy,(h'ff)
         ld ix,(longtest)
         ld i,a
         ld r,a
         ld a,h'00
         ld l,h'ff
         ld bc,h'00
         ld de,h'ff
         ld sp,h'ff
         ld hl,longtest
         ld hl,1000
         ld ix,1000
         ld iy,longtest
         ld a,(hl)
         ld l,(hl)
         ld a,(ix+127)
         ld a,(iy+127)
         ld a,(iy-128)
         ld l,(iy+-128)
         ld l,(iy-128)
         ld sp,hl
         ld sp,ix
         ld sp,iy
         ld (1000),a
         ld (longtest),a
         ld (1000),hl
         ld (longtest),hl
         ld (1000),bc
         ld (longtest),bc
         ld (1000),de
         ld (longtest),de
         ld (1000),sp
         ld (longtest),sp
         ld (1000),ix
         ld (longtest),iy
         ld (hl),h'00
         ld (hl),h'ff
         ld (ix+127),h'00
         ld (ix+-128),h'ff
         ld (iy-128),h'ff
         ld (iy-128),-128
         ld (iy-128),127
         ld (iy+127),0
         ld (hl),a
         ld (hl),l
         ld (ix+127),a
         ld (iy+-128),l
         ld (iy-128),l
         ld (bc),a
         ld (de),a
         ld (hl),a
         or h'00
         or h'ff
         or a
         or l
         or (hl)
         or (ix+-128)
         or (iy+127)
         out (c),a
         out (c),l
         out (h'00),a
         out (h'ff),a
         pop bc
         pop de
         pop hl
         pop af
         pop ix
         pop iy
         push bc
         push de
         push hl
         push af
         push ix
         push iy
         res 0,a
         res 0,l
         res 0,(hl)
         res 0,(ix+-128)
         res 0,(iy+127)
         res 7,a
         res 7,l
         res 7,(hl)
         res 7,(ix+-128)
         res 7,(iy+127)
         ret nz
         ret z
         ret nc
         ret c
         ret po
         ret pe
         ret p
         ret m
         rl a
         rl l
         rl (hl)
         rl (ix+-128)
         rl (iy+127)
         rlc a
         rlc l
         rlc (hl)
         rlc (ix+-128)
         rlc (iy+127)
         rr a
         rr l
         rr (hl)
         rr (ix+-128)
         rr (iy+127)
         rrc a
         rrc l
         rrc (hl)
         rrc (ix+-128)
         rrc (iy+127)
         rst h'00
         rst h'20
         rst h'38
         sbc a,h'00
         sbc a,h'ff
         sbc a,a
         sbc a,l
         sbc a,(hl)
         sbc a,(ix+-128)
         sbc a,(iy+127)
         sbc hl,bc
         sbc hl,de
         sbc hl,hl
         sbc hl,sp
         set 0,a
         set 0,l
         set 0,(hl)
         set 0,(ix+-128)
         set 0,(iy+127)
         set 7,a
         set 7,l
         set 7,(hl)
         set 7,(ix+-128)
         set 7,(iy+127)
         sla a
         sla l
         sla (hl)
         sla (ix+-128)
         sla (iy+127)
         sra a
         sra l
         sra (hl)
         sra (ix+-128)
         sra (iy+127)
         srl a
         srl l
         srl (hl)
         srl (ix+-128)
         srl (iy+127)
         sub h'00
         sub h'ff
         sub a
         sub l
         sub (hl)
         sub (ix+-128)
         sub (iy+127)
         xor h'00
         xor h'ff
         xor a
         xor l
         xor (hl)
         xor (ix+-128)
         xor (iy+127)

         adc a,forward2
         adc a,forward1
         adc a,(ix+forward3)
         adc a,(iy+forward4)
         add a,forward2
         add a,forward1
         add a,(ix+forward3)
         add a,(iy+forward4)
         and forward2
         and forward1
         and (ix+forward3)
         and (iy+forward4)
         bit bit0,a
         bit bit0,l
         bit bit0,(hl)
         bit bit0,(ix+forward3)
         bit bit0,(iy+forward4)
         bit bit7,a
         bit bit7,l
         bit bit7,(hl)
         bit bit7,(ix+forward3)
         bit bit7,(iy+forward4)
         call forward2
         call forward1
         call longtest
         call nz,forward2
         call z,forward1
         call nc,longtest
         call c,longtest
         call po,forward2
         call pe,1000
         call p,128
         call m,0
         cp forward2
         cp forward1
         cp (ix+forward3)
         cp (iy+forward4)
         dec (ix+forward3)
         dec (iy+forward4)
         in a,(forward2)
         in a,(forward1)
         inc (ix+forward3)
         inc (iy+forward4)
         jp forward2
         jp forward1
         jp longtest
         jp nz,forward2
         jp z,forward1
         jp nc,longtest
         jp c,longtest
         jp po,forward2
         jp pe,1000
         jp p,128
         jp m,0
         ld a,(longtest)
         ld a,(forward2)
         ld a,(forward1)
         ld ix,(forward2)
         ld iy,(forward1)
         ld ix,(longtest)
         ld a,forward2
         ld bc,forward2
         ld sp,forward1
         ld hl,longtest
         ld hl,1000
         ld ix,1000
         ld iy,longtest
         ld a,(ix+forward4)
         ld l,(iy+forward3)
         ld (1000),a
         ld (longtest),a
         ld (1000),hl
         ld (longtest),hl
         ld (1000),bc
         ld (longtest),bc
         ld (1000),ix
         ld (longtest),iy
         ld (hl),forward2
         ld (hl),forward1
         ld (ix+forward4),forward2
         ld (ix+forward3),forward1
         ld (ix+forward4),a
         ld (iy+forward3),l
         or forward2
         or forward1
         or (ix+forward3)
         or (iy+forward4)
         out (forward2),a
         out (forward1),a
         res bit0,a
         res bit0,l
         res bit0,(hl)
         res bit0,(ix+forward3)
         res bit0,(iy+forward4)
         res bit7,a
         res bit7,l
         res bit7,(hl)
         res bit7,(ix+forward3)
         res bit7,(iy+forward4)
         rl (ix+forward3)
         rl (iy+forward4)
         rlc (ix+forward3)
         rlc (iy+forward4)
         rr (ix+forward3)
         rr (iy+forward4)
         rrc (ix+forward3)
         rrc (iy+forward4)
         sbc a,forward2
         sbc a,forward1
         sbc a,(ix+forward3)
         sbc a,(iy+forward4)
         set bit0,a
         set bit0,l
         set bit0,(hl)
         set bit0,(ix+forward3)
         set bit0,(iy+forward4)
         set bit7,a
         set bit7,l
         set bit7,(hl)
         set bit7,(ix+forward3)
         set bit7,(iy+forward4)
         sla (ix+forward3)
         sla (iy+forward4)
         sra (ix+forward3)
         sra (iy+forward4)
         srl (ix+forward3)
         srl (iy+forward4)
         sub forward2
         sub forward1
         sub (ix+forward3)
         sub (iy+forward4)
         xor forward2
         xor forward1
         xor (ix+forward3)
         xor (iy+forward4)

longtest:.equ forward1,h'ff
         .equ forward2,h'00
         .equ forward3,-128
         .equ forward4,127
         .equ bit0,0
         .equ bit7,7


         .org 0
         aci h'00
         aci h'ff
         adc a
         adc b
         adc c
         adc d
         adc e
         adc h
         adc l
         adc m
         add a
         add b
         add c
         add d
         add e
         add h
         add l
         add m
         adi h'00
         adi h'ff
         ana a
         ana b
         ana c
         ana d
         ana e
         ana h
         ana l
         ana m
         ani h'00
         ani h'ff
         call h'1000
         call ltest
         cc ltest
         cm ltest
         cmp a
         cmp b
         cmp c
         cmp d
         cmp e
         cmp h
         cmp l
         cmp m
         cnc ltest
         cnz ltest
         cp ltest
         cpe ltest
         cpi h'00
         cpi h'ff
         cpo ltest
         cz ltest
         dad b
         dad bc
         dad d
         dad de
         dad h
         dad hl
         dad sp
         dcr a
         dcr b
         dcr c
         dcr d
         dcr e
         dcr h
         dcr l
         dcr m
         dcx b
         dcx bc
         dcx d
         dcx de
         dcx h
         dcx hl
         dcx sp
         in h'00
         in h'ff
         inr a
         inr b
         inr c
         inr d
         inr e
         inr h
         inr l
         inr m
         inx b
         inx bc
         inx d
         inx de
         inx h
         inx hl
         inx sp
         jc ltest
         jm ltest
         jmp ltest
         jnc ltest
         jnz ltest
         jp  ltest
         jpe ltest
         jpo ltest
         jz ltest
         lda h'1000
         ldax b
         ldax d
         ldax bc
         ldax de
         lhld h'1000
         lxi b,h'1000
         lxi d,h'1001
         lxi h,h'2002
         lxi sp,h'f000
         mov a,a
         mov a,b
         mov a,c
         mov a,d
         mov a,e
         mov a,h
         mov a,l
         mov a,m
         mov b,a
         mov b,b
         mov b,c
         mov b,d
         mov b,e
         mov b,h
         mov b,l
         mov b,m
         mov c,a
         mov c,b
         mov c,c
         mov c,d
         mov c,e
         mov c,h
         mov c,l
         mov c,m
         mov d,a
         mov d,b
         mov d,c
         mov d,d
         mov d,e
         mov d,h
         mov d,l
         mov d,m
         mov e,a
         mov e,b
         mov e,c
         mov e,d
         mov e,e
         mov e,h
         mov e,l
         mov e,m
         mov h,a
         mov h,b
         mov h,c
         mov h,d
         mov h,e
         mov h,h
         mov h,l
         mov h,m
         mov l,a
         mov l,b
         mov l,c
         mov l,d
         mov l,e
         mov l,h
         mov l,l
         mov l,m
         mov m,a
         mov m,b
         mov m,c
         mov m,d
         mov m,e
         mov m,h
         mov m,l
         mvi a,h'00
         mvi b,h'00
         mvi c,h'00
         mvi d,h'00
         mvi e,h'00
         mvi h,h'00
         mvi l,h'00
         mvi m,h'00
         mvi a,h'ff
         mvi b,h'ff
         mvi c,h'ff
         mvi d,h'ff
         mvi e,h'ff
         mvi h,h'ff
         mvi l,h'ff
         mvi m,h'ff
         ora a
         ora b
         ora c
         ora d
         ora e
         ora h
         ora l
         ora m
         ori h'00
         ori h'ff
         out h'00
         out h'ff
         pop b
         pop bc
         pop d
         pop de
         pop h
         pop hl
         pop psw
         push b
         push bc
         push d
         push de
         push h
         push hl
         push psw
         rim                      ;8085 only
         rst 0
         rst 1
         rst 2
         rst 3
         rst 4
         rst 5
         rst 6
         rst 7
         sbb a
         sbb b
         sbb c
         sbb d
         sbb e
         sbb h
         sbb l
         sbb m
         sbi h'00
         sbi h'ff
         shld h'1000
         sim            ;8085 only
         sta h'1000
         stax b
         stax bc
         stax d
         stax de
         sub a
         sub b
         sub c
         sub d
         sub e
         sub h
         sub l
         sub m
         sui h'00
         sui h'ff
         xra a
         xra b
         xra c
         xra d
         xra e
         xra h
         xra l
         xra m
         xri h'00
         xri h'ff
         aci forward2
         aci forward1
         adc a
         adc b
         adc c
         adc d
         adc e
         adc h
         adc l
         adc m
         add a
         add b
         add c
         add d
         add e
         add h
         add l
         add m
         adi forward2
         adi forward1
         ana a
         ana b
         ana c
         ana d
         ana e
         ana h
         ana l
         ana m
         ani forward2
         ani forward1
         call h'1000
         call ltest
         cc ltest
         cm ltest
         cmp a
         cmp b
         cmp c
         cmp d
         cmp e
         cmp h
         cmp l
         cmp m
         cnc ltest
         cnz ltest
         cp ltest
         cpe ltest
         cpi forward2
         cpi forward1
         cpo ltest
         cz ltest
         dad b
         dad bc
         dad d
         dad de
         dad h
         dad hl
         dad sp
         dcr a
         dcr b
         dcr c
         dcr d
         dcr e
         dcr h
         dcr l
         dcr m
         dcx b
         dcx bc
         dcx d
         dcx de
         dcx h
         dcx hl
         dcx sp
         in forward2
         in forward1
         inr a
         inr b
         inr c
         inr d
         inr e
         inr h
         inr l
         inr m
         inx b
         inx bc
         inx d
         inx de
         inx h
         inx hl
         inx sp
         jc ltest
         jm ltest
         jmp ltest
         jnc ltest
         jnz ltest
         jp  ltest
         jpe ltest
         jpo ltest
         jz ltest
         lda h'1000
         ldax b
         ldax d
         ldax bc
         ldax de
         lhld h'1000
         lxi b,h'1000
         lxi d,h'1001
         lxi h,h'2002
         lxi sp,h'f000
         mov a,a
         mov a,b
         mov a,c
         mov a,d
         mov a,e
         mov a,h
         mov a,l
         mov a,m
         mov b,a
         mov b,b
         mov b,c
         mov b,d
         mov b,e
         mov b,h
         mov b,l
         mov b,m
         mov c,a
         mov c,b
         mov c,c
         mov c,d
         mov c,e
         mov c,h
         mov c,l
         mov c,m
         mov d,a
         mov d,b
         mov d,c
         mov d,d
         mov d,e
         mov d,h
         mov d,l
         mov d,m
         mov e,a
         mov e,b
         mov e,c
         mov e,d
         mov e,e
         mov e,h
         mov e,l
         mov e,m
         mov h,a
         mov h,b
         mov h,c
         mov h,d
         mov h,e
         mov h,h
         mov h,l
         mov h,m
         mov l,a
         mov l,b
         mov l,c
         mov l,d
         mov l,e
         mov l,h
         mov l,l
         mov l,m
         mov m,a
         mov m,b
         mov m,c
         mov m,d
         mov m,e
         mov m,h
         mov m,l
         mvi a,forward2
         mvi b,forward2
         mvi c,forward2
         mvi d,forward2
         mvi e,forward2
         mvi h,forward2
         mvi l,forward2
         mvi m,forward2
         mvi a,forward1
         mvi b,forward1
         mvi c,forward1
         mvi d,forward1
         mvi e,forward1
         mvi h,forward1
         mvi l,forward1
         mvi m,forward1
         ora a
         ora b
         ora c
         ora d
         ora e
         ora h
         ora l
         ora m
         ori forward2
         ori forward1
         out forward2
         out forward1
         pop b
         pop bc
         pop d
         pop de
         pop h
         pop hl
         pop psw
         push b
         push bc
         push d
         push de
         push h
         push hl
         push psw
         rim                      ;8085 only
         rst 0
         rst 1
         rst 2
         rst 3
         rst 4
         rst 5
         rst 6
         rst 7
         sbb a
         sbb b
         sbb c
         sbb d
         sbb e
         sbb h
         sbb l
         sbb m
         sbi forward2
         sbi forward1
         shld h'1000
         sim            ;8085 only
         sta h'1000
         stax b
         stax bc
         stax d
         stax de
         sub a
         sub b
         sub c
         sub d
         sub e
         sub h
         sub l
         sub m
         sui forward2
         sui forward1
         xra a
         xra b
         xra c
         xra d
         xra e
         xra h
         xra l
         xra m
         xri forward2
         xri forward1
ltest:   .equ forward1,h'ff
         .equ forward2,h'00


         .opdef defb,.db        ;define byte
         .opdef defm,.db        ;define string
         .opdef defs,.rs        ;reserve storage
         .opdef defw,.drw       ;define 16 bit data word(reversed for z80)
         .opdef org,.org        ;origin
         .opdef title,.null     ;ignore - not implemented


         .opdef db,.db       ;define byte
         .opdef ds,.rs       ;reserve storage
         .opdef dw,.dw       ;define 16 bit data word
         .opdef org,.org     ;origin
         .opdef title,.null  ;ignore - not implemented


       ld (iy+h'ffc1),h'0
       ld (ix+h'c1),h'0

         ifelse( a,b,c,a,a,d,e)
         ifelse( a,a,b,c)
         define( foo, $1 )
         foo( z)
         define( `denotefirstchar',
         `ifelse(  errprint(substr($1 ,0,1)),a,the first letter is a,
                   errprint($1 ),b,the first letter is b,
                   $1 ,c,the first letter is c,
                   the first letter is not in ``a..c'')')
          denotefirstchar( a)
          denotefirstchar( bc)
          denotefirstchar( de)
         define( `denotefirstchar',
         `ifelse( substr( $1,0,1),a,the first letter is a,
                  substr( $1,0,1),b,the first letter is b)');,
 ;                 substr( $1,0,1),c,the first letter is c,
  ;                the first letter is not in ``a..c'')')
          denotefirstchar( above)
          denotefirstchar( cow)
          denotefirstchar( donut)


         ld a,(ix+h'c1)
         add a,(ix+h'c1)
         ld (ix+h'c1),a
         inc (ix+h'c1)
         dec (ix+h'c1)
         cp (ix+h'c1)
         sub (ix+h'c1)
         ld a,(iy+h'c1)
         add a,(iy+h'c1)
         ld (iy+h'c1),a
         inc (iy+h'c1)
         dec (iy+h'c1)
         cp (iy+h'c1)
         sub (iy+h'c1)

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0778

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE0778 TXT      2173   9-13-89   9:20a
GO       BAT        38   6-16-87   2:26p
GO       TXT      1233   9-06-89   4:37p
A80Z         <DIR>    
A85          <DIR>    
        5 file(s)       3444 bytes

 Directory of A:\A80Z

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
A80Z     EXE     64784   6-14-89   7:37p
EXAMPLE  ASM      2020   1-04-87   6:55p
LABGEN   ASM      1777   5-10-89   5:32p
MNEMLEV1 ASM     10586   3-24-88   9:36p
MNEMLEV2 ASM     10993   3-24-88   9:39p
READ     ME       1680   7-19-89   7:32a
READ     ME2      4535   7-19-89   7:15a
SYN      ASM       321   1-04-87   7:09p
T        ASM       951   4-15-88   4:49p
TEST     ASM       408   5-10-88  12:41p
       12 file(s)      98055 bytes

 Directory of A:\A85

.            <DIR>    
..           <DIR>    
A85      EXE     53872   6-14-89   7:35p
EXAMPLE  ASM      2018  11-09-86   7:00p
LABGEN   ASM      1777   5-10-89   5:32p
MNEMTEST ASM     10185   4-02-88  10:22p
READ     ME       1680   7-19-89   7:32a
READ     ME2      4535   7-19-89   7:15a
SYN      ASM       240  11-02-86   6:03p
        9 file(s)      74307 bytes

Total files listed:
       26 file(s)     175806 bytes
                      135168 bytes free