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Information about “GALAXY 1 OF 2 (2210 ALSO)”

Updated with Microlytics' award-winning 100,000 word spell-checker and
220,000 word thesaurus, GALAXY's wealth of features make it powerful
and easy to learn and use.

Logically structured keyboard commands are color-highlighted to help you
learn shortcuts.  Full mouse support gives you the option of working
without keyboard commands at all, if you prefer.  An Undo feature lets
you change your mind after changing your text.  Context-sensitive help
is always on-line, ready to explain a highlighted command to you.


~ Work in up to ten windows on-screen at once.

~ Size, overlap, zoom any window to full screen in a single keystroke.

~ Format your text with pre-determined style sheets -- or create your
own formats.

~ Edit files as large as eight megabytes using EMS expanded memory or
hard disk.

~ Proportional spacing and microjustification.


Disk No:  765
Disk Title: Galaxy Word Processor (2210 also)
PC-SIG Version: S3.01

Program Title: Galaxy
Author Version: 3.01
Author Registration: $99.95
Special Requirements: 512K RAM.

Updated with a fast spelling checker, GALAXY's wealth of features make
it powerful, and easy to learn and use.  You get the best of both worlds
-- a choice of menu or quick keyboard commands for most functions.
One's great for beginners, the other for vets who want to go quickly.
Or mix and match commands.  The pull-down commands work so well you can
use the 55-page user guide as a paperweight after half an hour with the

Logical GALAXY boasts a notably short learning curve.  Its commands are
the result of research into how people use wordprocessors.  WordStar
users love GALAXY because it understands WordStar commands and handles
WordStar files.  It lets you print and edit at the same time -- a
feature that can save hours of time, especially for full-time word
crunchers.  Macros are easy to develop, and easier still to use.  Its
window system lets you cut and paste between two files.  A zoom feature
lets you blow either window up to full-screen size.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.



                          The Word Processor (tm)

                               User's Manual

                                Created by

                               Steve Schauer
                                Bob Foster
                               Gordon Wanner

             Copyright (c) 1990, Omniverse Software Corp.(tm)

                            All Rights Reserved

                          ____|__     |               (tm)
                       --|       |    |-------------------
                         |   ____|__  |  Association of
                         |  |       |_|  Shareware
                         |__|   o   |    Professionals
                       -----|   |   |---------------------
                            |___|___|    MEMBER


                          Omniverse Software Corp.
                                P.O. Box 1570
                           Port Townsend, Wa 98368

                    Orders Toll Free      (800) 365-7627
                    Questions             (206) 385-1133
                    Fax                   (206) 385-5960
                    Compuserve               74000,552

   PROD   QTY    Description                          Price Ea.    Total
   001    ___    U.S. Version Galaxy 3.0               $ 99.95    _________
                    Includes U.S. Dictionary & Thesaurus

   002    ___    U.K. Version Galaxy 3.0               $ 99.95    _________
                    Includes U.K. Dictionary & Thesaurus

   004    ___    U.S. Dictionary & Thesaurus           $ 49.95    _________
   005    ___    U.K. Dictionary & Thesaurus           $ 49.95    _________
   006    ___    Spanish Dictionary & Thesaurus        $ 49.95    _________
   007    ___    Dutch Dictionary & Thesaurus          $ 49.95    _________
   008    ___    German Dictionary & Thesaurus         $ 49.95    _________
   009    ___    Italian Dictionary & Thesaurus        $ 49.95    _________
   010    ___    French Dictionary & Thesaurus         $ 49.95    _________
   011    ___    Stedmans Medical Dictionary           $ 69.95    _________
   012    ___    Blacks Law Dictionary                 $ 69.95    _________
   013    ___    Norwegian Dictionary only             $ 29.95    _________
   014    ___    Swedish Thesaurus only                $ 29.95    _________

                                                   Sub Total  _____________

                                    Tax Wa. State Res. 7.8%   _____________
                      Shipping U.S. & Canada $5.00 per Item   _____________
                 Shipping Foreign Prods. 001/002 $ 15.00 ea   _____________
                      Shipping Foreign all other item $5.00   _____________

(Special  Handling)  C.O.D  orders add $ 4.00, Rush orders add $ 3.00. Blue
Label UPS Second day Air $5.00, Overnight Federal Express add $ 22.50

                                    Special Handling charge   _____________

                                          Total Due.          _____________

Name ____________________________________  Company ________________________

Address __________________________________ City  __________________________

State/Province  __________________________ Country ________________________

Zip/Postal ______________________ Phone ___________________________________

Card Number _____________________________________ Exp Date ________________

Signature   _______________________________________________________________
05-20-90  Thank you for supporting the shareware concept! Prices subject to
change without notice.

     This  manual   is  Copyright   (c)   1990,   Omniverse   Software

     Information in  this manual  is subject  to change without notice
     and does  not represent  a commitment  on the  part of  Omniverse
     Software Corporation.   The  software described in this manual is
     covered by a license agreement.  The software may be used only in
     accordance with the terms of that agreement.

     License Agreement and Limited Warranty

     The  GALAXY Word Processing Program is protected by United States
     Copyright Law and International Treaty  provisions.   All  rights
     are reserved. Non-registered users of GALAXY are licensed only to
     use  the  program  on  a  trial  basis  for  the  sole purpose of
     determining whether or not  it  meets  their  requirements.   All
     other use requires registration.

     You may  not make  any changes  or modifications to the software,
     and you  may not  decompile, disassemble,  or  otherwise  reverse
     engineer the software.

     Any  other  use of non-registered copies of GALAXY by any person,
     business, corporation,  government  organization,  or  any  other
     entity  is  strictly forbidden and is a violation of this license

     Registration permits a user a license to use GALAXY on  a  single

     All  users  are  granted a limited license to copy GALAXY Version
     3.0 for the trial use of others, with  the  following  additional

          GALAXY  must  be  distributed  in  unmodified, complete
          form,  including  this  User's   Manual   and   License

          GALAXY  may  not be distributed in conjunction with any
          other  product,   without   written   permission   from

          No  fee   may  be  charged  for  distributing copies of
          GALAXY, with the exception  of  companies  approved  by
          Omniverse.    Read   the   file   VENDOR.DOC  for  more
          information regarding shareware distribution of GALAXY.

     This software and  documentation  are  provided  with  restricted
     rights.   Use,  duplication,  or  disclosure by the government is
     subject to restrictions as set forth in  subparagraph  (c)(1)(ii)
     of  The  Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
     252.227-7013.   Contractor/manufacturer  is  Omniverse   Software
     Corp., PO Box 1570, Port Townsend, WA 98368.

     Limited Warranty

     OMNIVERSE  makes  no  warranty  of  any kind, express or implied,
     including without limitation, any warranties  of  merchantability
     and/or  fitness  for a particular purpose. OMNIVERSE shall not be
     liable for any damages,  whether  direct,  indirect,  special  or
     consequential  arising  from a failure of this program to operate
     in the manner desired by the user. OMNIVERSE shall not be  liable
     for  any  damage to data or property which may be caused directly
     or indirectly by use of the program.


     The   License   Agreement   and   Warranty  shall  be  construed,
     interpreted and governed by the laws of the state of Washington.

     ASP Ombudsman

     Omniverse  Software  Corp.  is  a  member  of  the Association of
     Shareware Professionals (ASP).   ASP  wants  to  make  sure  that
     the  shareware  principle  works  for  you.  If you are unable to
     resolve  a  shareware-related  problem  with  an  ASP  member  by
     contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help.  The ASP
     Ombudsman  can  help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP
     member, but does  not  provide  technical  support  for  members'
     products.   Please  write  to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786,
     Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve message via  easyplex  to
     ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.


     Table of Contents

     Introduction                                               9
     Where to begin                                             9
     Registering Galaxy                                         9
     Product support                                           10
     1  Getting Started                                        11
         What you need to run Galaxy                           12
         Installing Galaxy                                     12
         Starting Galaxy                                       14
             Startup options                                   15
         Saving documents                                      16
     Quitting Galaxy                                           17
     2  Basic Training                                         18
         Word processing                                       19
         Scrolling                                             19
         Cursor movement                                       19
         Entering text                                         19
         The backspace key                                     20
         Insert and Overtype                                   20
         Starting a new paragraph                              20
     3  Using Galaxy                                           21
         Using a mouse with Galaxy                             22
             Moving the mouse                                  22
             Mouse terms                                       22
         The Galaxy Screen                                     22
         The Menu Bar                                          23
         Choosing commands                                     24
         The Text Window                                       25
         Icons                                                 26
         The ruler line                                        27
         Scroll bars                                           27
         The Status Line                                       28
         Dialog Boxes                                          28
             ENTER and ESC keys in dialog boxes                29
             Edit boxes                                        29
             List boxes                                        29
             Push buttons                                      30
             Check boxes                                       30
             Radio buttons                                     30
         Getting Help                                          31
             Organization                                      31
             Shortcut keys                                     31
             Help Index                                        32
     4  Editing Text                                           33
         Selecting Text                                        34
         Cut, Copy, and Paste                                  35


         The Clipboard                                         35
         Pasting Text                                          35
         Deleting text                                         36
         Joining two paragraphs                                36
         Splitting two paragraphs                              36
     5  Formatting Text                                        37
         Character Formatting                                  38
             Using character formatting                        38
             Shortcut keys                                     39
             Fonts                                             39
             Font Sizes                                        40
             Attributes                                        40
             Position                                          41
             Styles                                            41
         Paragraph Formatting                                  42
             Styles                                            43
             Alignment                                         44
             Line Spacing                                      44
             Paragraph Indents                                 45
             Hanging indents                                   45
             Extra space between paragraphs                    45
         Section Formatting                                    46
             Modifying Section Formatting                      46
             Starting a New Section                            47
             Styles                                            47
             Margins                                           48
             Gutter Widths                                     48
             Page breaks                                       48
         Document Formatting                                   49
             Paper length and width                            49
             Default Formats                                   50
             Document Information                              50
         Headers and Footers                                   50
         Page breaks                                           52
     6  Style Sheets                                           53
         Saving a Style                                        54
         Numbering Styles                                      55
         Deleting Styles                                       55
         Attaching a Style Sheet to a Document                 55
         Saving a Style Sheet                                  56
     7  Windows                                                57
         Opening a Window                                      58
         Viewing another part of the same document             58
         Switching Windows                                     59
         Shortcut Keys                                         59
         Closing a Window                                      59
         Sizing a Window                                       60
         Moving a Window                                       60
         Zooming a Window                                      60
         DOS Shell                                             61
     8  Find and Replace                                       62


         Searching for Text                                    63
         Replacing Text                                        63
         Search and Replace Options                            64
             Whole Words Only                                  64
             Matching Exact Case                               65
             Searching Backwards                               65
         Replacing All Occurrences                             65
         Confirming Replacements                               65
     9  Managing Documents                                     66
         Opening a Document                                    67
         Saving a Document                                     67
         Saving a document with a new name                     68
     10 Printing                                               69
         Printing Your Document                                70
         Multiple Copies                                       70
         Changing Printers                                     70
     11 Checking Spelling                                      71
         Correcting words                                      72
         Skipping a Word                                       73
         Adding a Word to the Dictionary                       73
     12 Thesaurus                                              74
         Replacing a Word                                      75
         Looking Up Another Synonym                            75
     13 Startup Options                                        76
         Screen rows                                           77
         Insert and Overtype mode                              77
         Backup options                                        78
         Reopening previous documents                          78
         Virtual memory                                        79
         Dictionary and Thesaurus                              79
     16 Command Reference                                      80
         File commands                                         81
         New                                                   81
             Open...                                           81
             Save                                              82
             Save as...                                        82
             Copy...                                           82
             Rename...                                         83
             Delete...                                         83
             Use another style sheet...                        83
             Save style sheet as...                            83
             Change printer...                                 84
             Print...                                          84
             Exit                                              84
             Cut                                               84
             Copy                                              85
             Paste                                             85
             Select Word                                       85
             Select Sentence                                   85
             Select Paragraph                                  85
             Select Line                                       85


             Select All                                        86
         Format Commands                                       86
             Character...                                      86
             Paragraph                                         87
             Start new section...                              89
             Modify current session...                         89
             Document...                                       90
             Footer...                                         91
             Header...                                         91
         Search Commands                                       91
             Find...                                           91
             Repeat last find                                  92
             Replace...                                        92
         Window Commands                                       94
             New                                               94
             Zoom                                              94
             Close                                             94
             Move                                              94
             Size                                              94
             DOS Shell                                         94
         Options Commands                                      95
             Spell check                                       95
             Thesaurus                                         96
             Environment...                                    97
         Help Commands                                         99
             Help Index...                                     99
             Keyboard Commands...                             100
             How to use help...                               100
             About Galaxy...                                  100
     Index                                                    101



     Galaxy is  a unique word processor that is easy to learn and use,
     yet has  all the  powerful features today's user demands.  Galaxy
     gives you:

     1.   A modern  interface similar  to Microsoft  Windows and  OS/2
          Presentation Manager.   Galaxy  uses pulldown  menus, dialog
          boxes, multiple  windows, and  fully supports a mouse (don't
          worry, it works great from the keyboard, too!).

     2.   Powerful editing features like multiple documents on screen,
          cut and  paste between  documents, style  sheets  for  easy,
          consistent formatting, and much more!

     3.   100,000 word  spelling checker and 220,000 word thesaurus by
          Microlytics (Registered  version only).   This  is an  award
          winning combination unsurpassed in any other word processor.

     4.   Headers, and footers.

     Where to begin

     If you are:                                  Start with:

     Ready to set up Galaxy                       Chapter 1.

     New to word processing                       Chapter 2.

     Familiar with word processing                Chapter 3.

     If all  of this, including a modern Windows-style user interface,
     is familiar  to you, jump right in!  After Galaxy is set up, just
     type GALAXY  from the DOS prompt to begin.  If you need help with
     a particular  command or action, just press F1 to access Galaxy's
     context sensitive help system.



     Register as a Galaxy user

     Please be  sure to  become a registered Galaxy user by completing
     the order form at the beginning of this document  and  mailing it
     to   us.  You can also call us toll-free or fax the order form to

     As  a  registered  Galaxy  user, you'll receive the award winning
     Microlytics SpellFinder (tm) and WordFinder (tm) spelling checker
     and thesaurus, a printed 200+ page manual, both  3.5"  and  5.25"
     diskettes, and you'll be eligible for toll-free telephone support.

     Product support

     If you  have a  question about  Galaxy and  you  can't  find  the
     answer in this manual,  you can call us at this number:


     We'll   be  glad to give you start-up support as a non-registered
     user.  Our technical support for you  as  a  non-registered  user
     will  be  limited,  however, to helping you properly evaluate the
     program.  We ask that you help us by doing the  following  before
     you call:

     1.   Have your computer turned on and Galaxy loaded.

     2.   Have this manual handy.

     3.   If possible,  be ready to tell us the make and model of your
          computer, printer,  and major accessories.


                                 Chapter 1

                              Getting Started


     What you need to run Galaxy

     In order to use Galaxy you need the following:

     1.   An IBM PC or compatible.

     2.   512K of system memory.

     3.   One floppy drive (3 1/2" or 5 1/4")

     4.   Any IBM compatible video display.

          Galaxy will  work with  any  text  mode  monitor,  including
          special 132 column and 66 line display modes.  If your video
          adaptor has a special display mode, use the utility provided
          by the manufacturer to set this mode before starting Galaxy.

     5.   DOS 2.0 or later.

     6.   A mouse. (optional)

     7.   A printer. (optional)

     8.   Basic familiarity with DOS.

          You should  know how  to start  your computer, how to format
          and copy a floppy disk,  and how to load and run a program.

     OK, now  it's time  to install  Galaxy.   Start your computer and
     we'll begin.

     Installing Galaxy

     Before you  use Galaxy  for the  first time,  you should  run the
     INSTALL program that's included on the Program Diskette.  INSTALL
     copies the necessary files from the distribution diskettes either
     to your  hard disk  or to  floppies.   If you  run Galaxy  from a
     floppy disk,  you should never use your original Galaxy diskettes
     as your working copy.

     In addition  to copying files, INSTALL also configures Galaxy for
     your system.  The following software is installed:

     1.   Galaxy program.

     2.   Spelling checker and thesaurus.  (Registered version only)

                                     Chapter 1 - Getting Started    13

     3.   Help system.

     4.   Printer information.

     INSTALL guides you through the installation process with a series
     of menus.   Just start INSTALL as explained on the next page, and
     follow the instructions on the screen.  The whole process is easy
     and it only takes a few minutes.

     Before you begin the installation process, make sure you have the

     1.   The Galaxy distribution diskettes.

     2.   The make and model of your printer(s).

     3.   If you  have a  diskette system,  you'll also  need your DOS
          diskette and five blank diskettes.

     Installing Galaxy on a floppy disk system:

     1.   With your  computer turned  off, insert your DOS diskette in
          Drive A.

     2.   Close the door to Drive A: and turn your computer on.

     3.   If DOS  asks you  for the  date and  time, enter the current
          date and time, or just press ENTER to skip this step.

     4.   When the  A> prompt  appears on  the screen,  remove the DOS
          disk from  Drive A: and insert your Galaxy Program Diskette.
          Close the disk drive door.

     5.   Type INSTALL and then press ENTER.

     Installing Galaxy on a hard disk system:

     1.   Turn on your computer with the floppy disk drive empty.

     2.   If DOS  asks you  for the  date and  time, enter the current
          date and time, or just press ENTER to skip this step.

     3.   When the  C> prompt  appears on  your  screen,  insert  your
          Galaxy Program Diskette in Drive A: and close the disk drive

     4.   Type A: and then press ENTER.

                                     Chapter 1 - Getting Started    14

     5.   Type INSTALL and then press ENTER.

     Starting Galaxy

     Before you  start Galaxy  for the  first time, be sure to use the
     INSTALL program as outlined on the previous page.  Galaxy must be
     configured for your system before it can operate properly.

     You start Galaxy from the DOS prompt.  When you start Galaxy, you
     have four choices for what you will first see:

     1.   A new, untitled document.

     2.   A list of documents that you can choose to open.

     3.   An existing  document or  a new  document that  you want  to
          create by name.

     4.   The document  or documents  that you  were working  with the
          last time you used Galaxy.

     To start Galaxy with a floppy diskette system:

     Before you  start Galaxy  for the  first time, be sure to use the
     INSTALL program as outlined on the previous page.  Galaxy must be
     configured for your system before it can operate properly.

     1.   Start your  computer and  make sure you see the A> prompt on
          your screen.   If  you don't  see the A> prompt, you need to
          load DOS.   With  your computer  turned off, insert your DOS
          diskette in Drive A.  If DOS asks you for the date and time,
          enter the current date and time, or just press ENTER to skip
          this step.  When the A> prompt appears on the screen, remove
          the DOS disk from Drive A.

     2.   Insert a copy of your Galaxy Program Diskette in Drive A.

     3.   Type GALAXY and then press ENTER.

     Galaxy will  show you  its copyright  notice and  a new, untitled
     document.   Any keystroke  or  mouse  movement  will  remove  the
     copyright notice from the screen.

                                     Chapter 1 - Getting Started    15

     To start Galaxy with a hard disk system

     Before you  start Galaxy  for the  first time, be sure to use the
     INSTALL program as outlined earlier in this chapter.  Galaxy must
     be configured for your system before it can operate properly.

     1.   Make sure you see the C> prompt on your screen.

     2.   At the  C> prompt,  type cd\  and then  type the name of the
          directory you  copied your  Galaxy files  to  with  INSTALL.
          For example,  if the  directory is  called GALAXY, you would
          type cd\GALAXY.  Then press ENTER.

     3.   Type GALAXY and then press ENTER.

     Galaxy will  show you  its copyright  notice and  a new, untitled
     document.   Any keystroke  or  mouse  movement  will  remove  the
     copyright notice from the screen.

     If you  chose to  have INSTALL  change your  AUTOEXEC.BAT file to
     include Galaxy  on your  path, you can start Galaxy from anywhere
     on your hard disk.  For more information on the DOS Path command,
     consult your DOS manual.

     To start Galaxy and display a list of documents to open

     If you  would like  to see  a list  of documents to open, you can
     start Galaxy  and display  the File  Open... dialog  box.   We'll
     discuss using  dialog boxes  in Chapter  3.  For now, you can try
     this method  and then press ESC to remove the dialog box.  Follow
     the procedures outlined above to start Galaxy, except:

     .    Instead of  typing just  GALAXY at  the prompt,  type GALAXY
          filespec.   The filespec can be any legal DOS file name that
          includes wildcards.     For example,  if filespec  is *.DOC,
          Galaxy will  display the  names of  all the files with names
          with an extension of .DOC.

     To start Galaxy and display a document

     If you  have a  document stored on disk, you can start Galaxy and
     display the  document in  a window,  ready for you to begin.  You
     can also  tell Galaxy  in advance  that you  want to  name a  new
     document when you start.  Follow the procedures outlined above to
     start Galaxy, except:

                                     Chapter 1 - Getting Started    16

     1.   Instead of  typing just  GALAXY at  the prompt,  type GALAXY
          filename.  If  the file is stored on your disk, Galaxy loads
          the file and displays it in a window on screen.  If the name
          you give is the name of a new file, Galaxy will display this
          message: "File is new.  Create the file?".

     2.   Press Y  to create  a new  document with  the name you gave.
          Press N to create a new, untitled document.

     Galaxy can  load up  to ten documents when you first start.  Just
     type GALAXY and then type up to ten file names at the DOS prompt.

     To start Galaxy and display the document(s) you last worked on

     If you  would like  to start  Galaxy with  the same  document  or
     documents  you  were  working  on  last,  follow  the  procedures
     outlined above to start Galaxy, except:

     .    Instead of typing just GALAXY at the prompt, type GALAXY /L.
          The L  stands for  LOAD.    You  can  type  a  lowercase  or
          uppercase L.

     When you quit Galaxy, the names of the documents you had open are
     saved in a file called GALAXY.INI.  If you add the /L option when
     you start,  Galaxy will  load up  to ten  documents so  that  the
     screen will  look just like it did when you last used Galaxy.  In
     Chapter 15 you will learn how to configure Galaxy so that it will
     load your previous documents every time you start.

     Saving a Document

     When you  finish working  with a  document that  you want  to use
     again at  a later  time, you  can save the document on your disk.
     Until you  save the  document, the text that you've typed and the
     changes you've  made to  an existing  document are only stored in
     the computer's memory.

     To save a document

     We'll learn  how to choose commands using Galaxy's pulldown menus
     in Chapter 3.  For now, you can save the document by pressing F2.
     This stores  a copy  of your  document on  your disk.  If you are
     working with  an untitled  document, Galaxy  will ask you for the
     name to give the document.

                                     Chapter 1 - Getting Started    17

     Quitting Galaxy

     When you  choose to  quit, Galaxy  will prompt  you to  save  any
     changes you  may have  made to  your documents.   Quitting Galaxy
     returns you to the DOS prompt.

     To quit Galaxy

     We'll learn  how to choose commands using Galaxy's pulldown menus
     in Chapter  3.  For now, you can quit Galaxy by pressing ALT+X (X
     for exit).     Do this  by pressing the key marked ALT, and while
     the ALT key is still down, pressing the key marked X.

     If you  have already  saved all  your changes, Galaxy will return
     you to  the DOS  prompt.   If any  documents  have  changes  that
     haven't been  saved, Galaxy  will ask you if you want to save the
     document.   Press Y  to save the document, or N if you don't want
     to save the changes you've made.


                                 Chapter 2

                              Basic Training

                                      Chapter 2 - Basic Training    19

     Word processing

     If you've  never used  one before, a word processing program like
     Galaxy may  seem intimidating.   But  basic word processing is no
     more difficult than using a typewriter.

     On a  typewriter, you  press a  key, and immediately, you see the
     character typed on your page.  In a word processing program, when
     you press  a key,  you immediately see the character displayed on
     your computer screen.    The characters you type don't show up on
     paper until you print the document.  You can save the document on
     a disk,  and print  it or  change any part of it as many times as
     you like.

     In this chapter, we'll explain some basic terms and techniques of
     word processing, and then show you how to use the Galaxy tutorial
     program to learn more.


     Your document  may have  more text  than can  be  shown  on  your
     computer screen.  If you want to see a part of your document that
     is not  currently visible,  you need  to  scroll  the  screen  to
     another part of your document.

     The cursor  shows you  where you  are in  your document.  You can
     move the cursor around in your document using the Up, Down, Left,
     or Right  arrow keys on your keyboard, or by using the Home, End,
     Page Up, and Page Down keys.

     Entering Text

     With Galaxy, you enter text into a document much like you do with
     a typewriter,  but with  several important differences.  The main
     difference is you don't need to press the ENTER key at the end of
     a line.

     When the  text you're  typing reaches  the right  margin,  Galaxy
     automatically moves  the next  word down  to the beginning of the
     next line.   This  is called  word wrap.  You don't need to press
     ENTER until you want to start a new paragraph.

                                      Chapter 2 - Basic Training    20

     To erase a mistake

     You can  use the BACKSPACE key to erase a mistake that you typed.
     Every time  you press  the BACKSPACE  key, Galaxy  will erase the
     character to  the left  of the  cursor.   If you  are at the very
     beginning of  a paragraph, using the BACKSPACE key will join that
     paragraph with the one above it.

     Insert and Overtype

     Pressing the  INSERT key  toggles Galaxy  between Insert mode and
     Overtype mode.   With  Insert  mode  on,  whatever  you  type  is
     inserted at  the point  where the  cursor is, pushing text to the
     right of the cursor.

     With Overtype  mode on,  new text that you type replaces existing

     Galaxy shows you which mode you are in by the size of the cursor.
     A large  cursor  signifies  Insert  mode,  and  a  small  cursor,
     Overtype mode.

     To start a new paragraph

     Press the ENTER key to start a new paragraph.


                                 Chapter 3

                               Using Galaxy

                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    22

     Using a Mouse with Galaxy

     If you  have a mouse installed on your computer, and you have run
     MOUSE.COM or  MOUSE.SYS prior  to starting Galaxy, you will see a
     mouse cursor  in the  upper left  corner of  the screen  when you
     start Galaxy.   You  can use  a mouse to move or size windows, to
     choose commands  from the  menus and  dialog boxes, and to select

     Moving the mouse

     Whenever you  move the  mouse across your desk, the mouse pointer
     on screen  moves.  If you run out of room to move the mouse, just
     pick it  up and  move it back to where you have a flat surface to
     move it.   The  mouse cursor  will not  move while  the mouse  is

     Mouse terms

     Point          Move the  mouse until  the mouse  cursor rests  on
                    what you want to point to.

     Click          Press and release the mouse button.

     Drag           Press the  mouse button and don't release it while
                    you move the mouse.

     Double click   Click the  mouse button  twice quickly on the same

     The Galaxy Screen

     When you  first start  Galaxy, you  see the  Galaxy Text  Screen,
     which is divided into three parts:

     1.   The menu  bar, which  displays the  titles of  the  pulldown
          menus you can use to issue commands.

     2.   The text  window, which displays the ruler line and the text
          you are editing.

     3.   The status  line,  which  displays  information  about  your
          position in the document and help information.

     In the  following pages,  we'll discuss  each of  these parts  in

                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    23

     The Menu Bar

     The menu  bar is  a horizontal list of menu names. It will always
     appear at  the very  top of  the screen.   Each  menu name  has a
     highlighted letter,  which you can use to open the menu using the

     Selecting Menus with the keyboard

     There are two ways to use the keyboard to open a menu.

     The first  way to  open a  menu with the keyboard is to press the
     F10 key.   This  activates the first menu, File.  After you press
     the F10  key, you  will see the File menu pull down from the menu
     bar.   To see  any of  the other  menus, press  the LEFT or RIGHT
     arrow keys.  Press the ESC key to clear the menu from the screen.

     The second  way to  open  a  menu  is  to  use  the  ALT  key  in
     combination with  the highlighted  letter in  the menu name.  For
     example, to see the Edit menu, follow these steps:

     1.   Press the ALT key.

     2.   While the ALT key is still being pressed, press the E key.

     You will  see the  Edit menu pull down from the menu bar.  To see
     any of  the other  menus, press  the LEFT  or RIGHT  arrow  keys.
     Press the ESC key to clear the menu from the screen.

     Selecting Menus with the mouse

     With the mouse, there are also two ways to access the menus.

     In the  first method,  you click on the menu bar over the name of
     the menu  you want  to pull  down.  For example, to pull down the
     Edit menu, follow these steps:

     1.   Move the  mouse cursor so it rests anywhere on the word Edit
          in the menu bar.

     2.   Click the  mouse by  pressing and  releasing the  left mouse

     You will  see the  Edit menu pull down from the menu bar.  To see
     any of  the other menus, move the mouse cursor so it rests on the
     name of  the menu  on the  menu bar  and click.   Click the mouse

                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    24

     anywhere outside  the menu  or menubar,  or press the ESC key, to
     clear the menu from the screen.

     The second  way to  use the  mouse to  open a menu is to drag the
     mouse cursor across the menu bar.  As long as the mouse button is
     held down,  each menu  will be  pulled down as you rest the mouse
     cursor on its name.  To clear the menu from the screen, just drag
     the mouse  cursor away  from the  menu or menubar and release the

     Choosing Commands with the keyboard

     To choose  commands from a menu using the keyboard, use the UP or
     DOWN arrow  keys to  highlight the  command you want.  Then press
     ENTER.  For example, to choose Open... from the File menu, follow
     these steps:

     1.   Press the ALT key.

     2.   While the  ALT key  is still being pressed, press the F key.
          This will pull down the File menu.

     3.   Use the DOWN arrow key to highlight Open....

     4.   Press ENTER.

     You can  also choose a command by pressing the highlighted letter
     in the  command name.   For  example, to  choose Open... from the
     File menu, follow these steps:

     1.   Press the ALT key.

     2.   While the  ALT key  is still being pressed, press the F key.
          This will pull down the File menu.

     3.   Press O, the highlighted letter in Open....

     When you're  more familiar  with the  available commands,  you'll
     find the second method to be faster and easier.

     Choosing Commands with the mouse

     With the mouse, there are also two ways to choose commands.

     If you click the mouse to pull down a menu, then you can click on
     the command  you want  to choose.  For example, to choose Open...
     from the File menu, follow these steps:

                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    25

     1.   Move the  mouse cursor so it rests anywhere on the word File
          in the menu bar.

     2.   Click the  mouse by  pressing and  releasing the  left mouse
          button.  This will pull down the File menu.

     3.   Move the  mouse cursor  so it  rests anywhere  on  the  word

     4.   Click the  mouse by  pressing and  releasing the  left mouse

     The other  way to  choose a command from a menu with the mouse is
     to drag  the mouse  to the  command you want and then release the
     mouse button.  for example, to choose Open... from the File menu,
     follow these steps:

     1.   Move the  mouse cursor so it rests anywhere on the word File
          in the menu bar.

     2.   Press the  left mouse button and hold it down while you drag
          the mouse cursor down to the word Open... on the pulled down
          File menu.

     3.   Release the mouse button.

     Disabled Menu Items

     Some menu commands will not be highlighted (color system) or will
     not have  a highlighted  letter (monochrome  system).  This means
     that the  command is  not currently available for your use.  Some
     commands are only available at certain times.

     The Text Window

     The text  window displays your document.  You can have as many as
     ten text  windows open  at once.   Each text window can display a
     different document, or different parts of the same document.  You
     can move  and size each text window, using either the keyboard or
     the mouse, and you can "zoom" any text window up to full size.

                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    26

     Each text window has the following parts:

     1.   The document name, which is displayed on the top line of the
          text window.   If  the document you are working with doesn't
          have a name, the word "UNTITLED" appears instead.

     2.   Icons you  can use  with the  mouse for closing, zooming, or
          sizing the text window.

     3.   The ruler  line, which  shows you  the current  settings for
          margins and tabs.

     4.   The scroll  bars,  which  indicate  where  you  are  in  the
          document.   You can  use the  scroll bars  with the mouse to
          scroll the document.


     At  the  top left corner of the text window is the close icon. If
     you are using a mouse, clicking on  the  close  icon  closes  the
     active  window.  We'll discuss closing windows further in Chapter

     At the top right corner of the text window is the zoom  icon.  If
     you  are  using  a  mouse,  clicking  on the zoom icon when it is
     pointing upwards expands the active window to full  screen.   The
     icon  then changes to point down.  Clicking on the zoom icon when
     it is pointing downwards restores the active window to its former
     size.  We'll discuss zooming windows further in Chapter 7.

     At the bottom right corner of the text window is the  size  icon.
     If  you  are  using  a  mouse,  you  can  drag this icon to a new
     position on the screen, and the window will be sized so that  the
     bottom right hand corner extends to the spot you dragged the size
     icon.  We'll discuss sizing windows further in Chapter 7.


                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    27

     The ruler line


     The ruler  line shows  you your  current  settings  for  margins,
     indents, and tabs.  The ruler line has the following parts:

     .    The [ indicates the left indent.

     .    The ] indicates the right indent.

     .    The | indicates the first line indent.

     .    The numbers indicate inches at ten characters per inch.

     The scroll bars

     When you're using a mouse, you can use the vertical scroll bar to
     go forward  or backward  in your  document.  You can also use the
     horizontal scroll bar to see more of the left or right sides of a
     document that is wider than the current display width.

     There is  a box  on the  scroll bar,  called the  elevator.   The
     elevator shows  you your  relative position in the document.  For
     example, if  you were  on page  25 of  a 50  page  document,  the
     elevator would be midway on the scroll bar.

     There are also arrows on the scroll bar.  Clicking on an arrow on
     a scroll  bar is  like pressing the corresponding arrow key.  For
     example, clicking  on the  up arrow on the vertical scroll bar is
     the same as pressing the UP arrow key.

     Clicking the  mouse in  the area  between the  arrow mark and the
     elevator is  like pressing  the PAGE  UP or  PAGE DOWN  key.  For
     example, clicking the scroll bar below the elevator but above the
     down arrow mark is the same as pressing the PAGE DOWN key.


                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    28

     The Status Line

     Pg 1 Ln 1 Col 1       | 10pt Helvetica          |F10=MENU F1=HELP

     The status  line shows you information about the current state of
     the document  you are  working on.    The  status  line  has  the
     following parts:

     1.   Page, line,  and column numbers.  These numbers indicate the
          position of  the cursor  in the  document.   The page number
          shows which  page the  cursor is  on.  The line number shows
          the number  of the  line the cursor is on, counting from the
          beginning of  the current page.  The column number shows the
          horizontal position  of the  cursor, counting  from the left

     2.   Font information.    The  size  and  typeface  name  of  the
          character at the cursor is shown.

     3.   Key  help.     This  part  of  the  status  line  gives  you
          information about  keystrokes you  can use.   When  you  are
          editing a  document, it  shows the  keys used  to access the
          menus and  to get help.  When you are entering commands in a
          dialog box  (explained later  in this chapter) or in a menu,
          Galaxy will  expand this area of the status line to show you
          more key help.

     Dialog Boxes

     Galaxy uses  dialog boxes  to give you information and to group a
     series of commands together.

     The menu commands that display dialog boxes always end with three
     dots (for example, "Open..." on the File menu).

     Dialog boxes are made up of the following types of controls:

     1.   Edit boxes are used to enter text in the dialog box.

     2.   List boxes are used to present a list of choices.

     3.   Push buttons  are used  to take  action, such as closing the
          dialog box or getting help.

     4.   Check boxes  are used when you can choose more than one of a
          group of related choices.


                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    29

     5.   Radio buttons  are used  when you  can choose  only one of a
          group of related choices.

     You move  around the  dialog box  by pressing  the TAB key.  Each
     time you press the TAB key, you move to the next control.  As you
     tab through  the controls  in a  dialog box,  you  will  see  the
     control change in some way to indicate you have moved to it.

     With the  mouse, you  can move  to a  control by  clicking on the

     ENTER and ESC keys in dialog boxes.

     When you  press the  ENTER key  while in a dialog box, you are in
     effect telling  Galaxy that you have accepted all the settings in
     the dialog  box, and you want Galaxy to carry out whatever action
     the dialog  box is designed to do.  Pressing ENTER is the same as
     "pushing" the OK button (described below).

     When you  press the  ESC key  while in  a dialog  box, you are in
     effect telling  Galaxy that you want to cancel the dialog box and
     return to where you were without taking any action.  Pressing ESC
     is the same as "pushing" the CANCEL button (described below).

     Edit boxes

     When you  need to  type text  in a dialog box, you'll use an edit
     box.   In the Open... dialog box, the edit box is used to type in
     the name  of a  document you  wish to  open.  When you are typing
     text in an edit box, you can use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to
     move the  cursor to  the point  where you  wish to type.  You can
     also use  the DELETE and BACKSPACE keys to delete characters.  To
     leave the  edit box  and move  to the next control, press the TAB
     key or use the mouse.

     List boxes

     When you  need to  choose from a list of items, such as a list of
     document names,  Galaxy will show you the list in a list box.  In
     the Open...  dialog box, there are two list boxes, one for a list
     of document  names, and one for a list of drives and directories.
     You can  scroll through  the list  in a list box using the UP and
     DOWN arrow  keys or  the PAGE  UP and  PAGE DOWN  keys.  With the
     mouse, you can use the scroll bar to scroll through the list.

                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    30

     Galaxy shows  you which  item in  the  list  you  have  currently
     selected by highlighting that item.

     Push buttons

     Every dialog box has one or more push buttons along the bottom of
     the dialog  box window.  Push buttons are used to take an action.
     You "push"  the button by tabbing to that button and pressing the
     space bar.   With  the mouse,  clicking on a push button "pushes"

     In the  Open... dialog  box, there  are three  push buttons.  The
     push buttons  all have  key help you can use to "push" the button
     without tabbing to it or clicking on it.  For example, to use the
     <F1=HELP> push  button to  get help  in the  Open... dialog  box,
     press F1 from anywhere in the dialog box.

     Check boxes

     Check boxes  are used  to  group  a  series  of  related  options
     together for  readability.   For example, here are the checkboxes
     that are used in the Format Character... dialog box:

                    [X] Bold
                    [ ] Underline
                        [ ] Word Only

     Check boxes  are either  on or  off.   In the  example above, the
     check box for Bold is on and all the others are off.

     You turn  a check box on or off by tabbing to it and pressing the
     space bar.   If the check box was on (showing an "X"), it will be
     turned off.   If  it was  off, it  will be  turned on.   With the
     mouse, you can click on the item and it will turn on or off.

     Radio buttons

     Radio buttons  are used  to group  a series  of  related  options
     together where  you can  choose one  and only one of the options.
     For example,  here are  the radio  buttons that  are used  in the
     Format Character... dialog box:

                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    31

                       (.) Normal
                       ( ) Italic
                       ( ) Superscript
                       ( ) Subscript

     In the  example above,  the radio button for Normal is on and all
     the others are off.

     You turn  a radio  button on  or off  by tabbing  to the group of
     radio buttons.   You  use the  UP and  DOWN arrow  keys  to  move
     through the list of radio buttons.  As you move through the radio
     buttons with  the arrow  keys, each button and its description is
     highlighted as you move to it.

     To choose  one of  the radio  buttons, move  to it  and press the
     space bar.  The radio button that was previously selected will be
     turned off,  and the  "." will  move  to  the  highlighted  radio
     button.   With the  mouse, you  can click on the radio button you
     want to choose.

     Getting Help

     You can  ask Galaxy  for help  no matter  where you  are  in  the
     program.   Just press  the F1  key or  choose one of the commands
     from the  Help menu  and Galaxy  will bring  up the  Galaxy  Help
     dialog box.

     The upper left corner of the Galaxy Help dialog box shows you the
     name of  the current topic.  Some topics have more help text than
     can fit  in the  Galaxy Help dialog box.  If that is the case, as
     in the  example above,  the upper right hand corner of the Galaxy
     Help dialog  box will  tell you  how many pages there are for the
     current topic and which page you are currently viewing.

     The help  screens are  organized in  pages,  and  the  pages  are
     organized in  the same order as the menus.  For example, the help
     for File  Save consists  of three pages.  Just as Save As follows
     Save on  the File  menu, the help for File Save As... follows the
     last page  of help  for File Save.  To view the next help screen,
     click on the <Pg Dn=NEXT> button or press PAGE DOWN.  To view the
     previous help  screen, click  on the <Pg Up=PREV> button or press
     PAGE UP.

     Many commands in Galaxy have shortcut keys.  These are keystrokes
     you can  use while  editing that  allow you to choose the command
     without using the menus.  For example, in the help for File Save,
     you can  see that  the shortcut  key is F2.  When you are editing
     and want  to choose  the File  Save command,  you  can  press  F2

                                        Chapter 3 - Using Galaxy    32

     instead of  choosing File Save from the menu.  If a command has a
     shortcut key,  Galaxy always  reminds you  of the shortcut key in
     the menu and on the help screen for that command.

     There is  always a  push button  on  every  help  screen  labeled
     <F1=INDEX>.  Clicking on this button or pressing F1 while viewing
     a help screen brings up the Galaxy Help Index dialog box.

     The Galaxy  Help Index  dialog box shows you the complete list of
     help topics.   The  page just before the current topic will be at
     the top  of the list.  Highlight the topic you want help with and
     press ENTER,  or click  the <Enter=OK> pushbutton.  In the Galaxy
     Help Index  dialog box,  the <F1=HELP>  pushbutton brings  up the
     topic "How  to use  help", which gives basic information on using
     the Galaxy Help system.


                                 Chapter 4

                               Editing Text

                                        Chapter 4 - Editing Text    34

     Selecting Text

     Many of  Galaxy's commands,  including Cut,  Copy, Paste,  Format
     Character..., and  Format  Paragraph...,  require  you  to  first
     select the  text you  want to work with.  When you select text to
     work with, Galaxy highlights the text on screen.

     You can select text with the keyboard or with the mouse.  You can
     select a  single  character,  a  word,  a  sentence,  a  line,  a
     paragraph, or the entire document.

     To select text with the keyboard

     1.   Move to  the text  you want  to select  using the  Up, Down,
          Left, or  Right arrow  keys, or by using the Home, End, Page
          Up, and Page Down keys.

     2.   Press the SHIFT key.

     3.   While the  SHIFT key  is still  held down, use the Up, Down,
          Left, Right,  Home, End,  Page Up,  and Page  Down  keys  to
          highlight the text you want to select.

     To select text with the mouse

     1.   Point to the beginning of the text you want to select.

     2.   Drag the mouse to the end of the text you want to select.

     3.   Release the mouse button.

     Either of  these methods  of selecting  text can  be  used  in  a
     forward or backwards direction.

     You can  also use  shortcut keys  for certain  selections.    The
     shortcut keys are listed on the Edit Menu.

     When you  select a word, a sentence, or a line using the shortcut
     keys, Galaxy  automatically selects  any  spaces  or  punctuation
     marks that follow.

                                        Chapter 4 - Editing Text    35

     Cut, Copy, and Paste

     Galaxy maintains  a clipboard to temporarily store text from your
     document.  You can Cut or Copy text to the clipboard, and you can
     Paste text from the clipboard into your document.

     Any text that you send to the clipboard with Cut or Copy replaces
     whatever was previously in the clipboard.  You can paste from the
     clipboard as  many times  as you want:  Paste does not remove the
     text from the clipboard.

     When the clipboard is empty, the Paste command will be disabled.

     Cutting text to the clipboard

     When you  cut text,  you remove  the text  you have selected from
     your document and send it to the clipboard.

     To cut text to the clipboard, follow these steps:

     1.   Select the  text you  wish to  cut using the keyboard or the

     2.   Press SHIFT+DELETE or choose Cut from the Edit menu.

     Copying text to the clipboard

     When you copy text, you send a copy of the text you have selected
     to the clipboard without removing it from your document.

     To copy text to the clipboard, follow these steps:

     1.   Select the  text you  wish to  cut using the keyboard or the

     2.   Press Keypad + or choose Copy from the Edit menu.

     Pasting text from the clipboard

     When you  paste text,  you insert  a copy  of  the  text  in  the
     clipboard into your document at the current cursor position.

                                        Chapter 4 - Editing Text    36

     To paste text from the clipboard, follow these steps:

     1.   Move the  cursor to  where you  want to insert the clipboard
          text into your document.

     2.   Press SHIFT+INSERT or choose Paste from the Edit menu.

     Deleting text

     You can  delete text from your document without sending it to the
     clipboard.   Just use the DELETE key or the BACKSPACE key instead
     of the Cut command.

     If you  have selected  text,  the  DELETE  key  will  delete  the
     selection.   If no  text is  selected, the DELETE key will delete
     the current character (the character the cursor is on).

     The BACKSPACE  key  works  only  on  a  single  character.    The
     BACKSPACE key  deletes the  character immediately  preceding  the

     Joining two paragraphs

     1.   Move the  cursor  to  the  first  character  of  the  second

     2.   Press the BACKSPACE key.

     3.   Press the space bar to put a space between the two sentences
     where the paragraphs were joined.

     If the two paragraphs had different formats, Galaxy will give the
     new joined  paragraph the  same format  as the  second paragraph.
     Paragraph formatting will be discussed further in Chapter 5.

     Splitting two paragraphs

     1.   Move the  cursor to  the character  that you  want to be the
          first character of the new paragraph.

     2.   Press the ENTER key.

     A second  paragraph will  be created that has all the text of the
     first paragraph  from the  cursor forward.   The second paragraph
     will have  the same  format as  the first  paragraph.   Paragraph
     formatting will be discussed further in Chapter 5.


                                 Chapter 5

                              Formatting Text

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    38

     Formatting your text

     Formatting is the process of changing the way your text looks and
     is laid  out on the page.  In Galaxy you apply formatting to your
     text in several ways:

     .    Character formatting  gives your  text  attributes  such  as
          bold, italics,  or underlined characters.  It also refers to
          the font and typeface.

     .    Paragraph  formatting  is  used  to  control  indents,  line
          spacing, and text alignment.

     .    Section formatting includes margin settings, page numbering,
          and headers and footers.

     .    Document formatting is used for paper size, default settings
          for the  other formats,  and other  settings that affect the
          entire document.

     In this  chapter, we'll explain each of these types of formatting
     in detail.

     Character formatting

     You  control  character  formatting  with  the  Format  Character
     command or by using shortcut keys.

     Galaxy shows  you most  character formats on screen by displaying
     them in a different color or intensity.  Galaxy does not show you
     different fonts or font sizes on screen.

     When Galaxy prints your document, the appearance on paper depends
     upon the  capabilities of  your printer.   If your printer cannot
     create a  specific character  format, Galaxy will choose the next
     closest  format   that  your   printer  can  create.    For  more
     information on printing, see Chapter 10.

     Using character formatting

     You can  emphasize certain  words or  phrases in your document by
     formatting them  as bold,  italic, or  underline.   You can  also
     choose a different font or a larger font size for headings or key

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    39

     To change character formatting

     1.   Select  the  characters  you  want  to  format.    For  more
          information on selecting text, see Chapter 3.

     2.   Choose Character... from the Format menu.

     3.   Choose the  character options  you  wish  to  apply  to  the
          selected text.

     4.   Press  ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  apply  the  new
          formatting to the selected text.

     To change character formatting with shortcut keys

     1.   Select  the  characters  you  want  to  format.    For  more
          information on selecting text, see Chapter 3.

     2.   Press the ALT key plus one of the following shortcut keys:

          Format                              Press the ALT key plus
          Bold                                       B
          Underline                                  U
          Normal                                     N
          Italic                                     I

     To use character formatting as you type

     Follow the steps outlined to select character formats either from
     the  Character...  dialog  box  or  with  shortcut  keys  without
     selecting any  text.   Then type the text you want to add to your
     document.   The new  characters  that  you  type  will  have  the
     character formatting you chose.

     For example, to type bold text, choose Bold from the Character...
     dialog box  or press  ALT+B.   This turns  on bold  type.  As you
     type, the  new characters appear with bold formatting.  To return
     to normal text, choose Normal from the Character... dialog box or
     press ALT+N.


     A font is the name of a particular set of characters of a certain
     shape and size.  Different printers use different fonts, and each
     font has a name.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    40

     Galaxy shows  you a list of font names available for your printer
     in the  Font: list  box.   In order  to show you the list of font
     names, Galaxy  must know  what printer  you have.    The  INSTALL
     program, described in Chapter 1, installs one or more printers in
     Galaxy.   You can  change printers  by choosing Change Printer...
     from the File menu.  This command is explained in Chapter 10.

     To change fonts

     Choose the font you wish to change to by highlighting its name in
     the Font:  list box.  For more information on using list boxes in
     Galaxy, see Chapter 3.

     Font Sizes

     Font size  refers to  both the  height and  width of  characters.
     Galaxy shows you the available font sizes by adding a description
     of the height and width to the name shown in the Font: list box.

     Height is  measured in  points (there  are 72 points in an inch),
     and is the height of the tallest character in a particular font.

     For line  spacing, Galaxy  adds 2  additional points  to the font
     size.  For example, if you are using a 10 point font, Galaxy will
     add 2  points for  spacing, giving  a total  of 12 points between
     lines.  12 point spacing gives 6 lines per inch (72 / 12 = 6).

     For width,  Galaxy shows  you four  possible widths  in the Font:
     list box:

     Fixed               Fixed pitch, usually 10 characters per inch.

     Compr               Compressed fixed  pitch,  usually  16  or  17
                         characters per inch.

     Expand              Expanded fixed  pitch, usually  5  characters
                         per inch.

     Prop'l              Proportional font, where each character has a
                         different width.


     Character attributes  refer to  the appearance  of the character.
     You  can   set  character  attributes  for  bold,  or  underline.
     Character attributes  can also  be combined.   For  example,  you
     could format characters to be both bold and italic.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    41

     To apply character attributes

     Each character  attribute is controlled through a check box.  Tab
     to the  check box  you wish to change and press the space bar, or
     click the  check box  with the  mouse.   For more  information on
     using check boxes, see Chapter 3.


     Position for  character formats  refers to the orientation of the
     character on  the line.   A  normal position is upright, with the
     baseline of  the character  on the  bottom of  the line.   Italic
     position gives  a forward  slant to the character, without moving
     its vertical  position.   Superscript and subscript positions are
     raised or lowered with respect to the bottom of the line.

     To apply character positions

     Character positioning  is controlled  through a  group  of  radio
     buttons.   You can  choose only one character position at a time.
     Tab to  the radio  button group and use the UP or DOWN arrow keys
     to move  the highlight  to the position you wish to choose.  Then
     press the space bar.  Or click on the position you wish to choose
     with the mouse.


     A character  style is  a group  of pre-defined  character formats
     with a  descriptive name.   Galaxy comes with several pre-defined
     character styles.   You  can create your own character styles and
     save them  for later  use.   This will  be explained in detail in
     Chapter 6.

     To apply character styles

     Choose the  style you  wish to change to by highlighting its name
     in the Style: list box.  For more information on using list boxes
     in Galaxy, see Chapter 3.

     When you  choose a  character style,  all of  the other character
     formatting options  in the  dialog box  change to the pre-defined
     settings of the style you have chosen.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    42

     Saving a character style

     If you  have designed a combination of character formats that you
     wish to use again in the future, you can save that combination as
     a style.  Press F2 or click the <F2=SAVE> push button to save the
     current character  format settings  as  a  named  style.    We'll
     discuss styles in detail in Chapter 6.

     Deleting a character style

     If you  wish to  delete a style, highlight its name in the Style:
     list box  and choose  <Delete Style>.   The style will be deleted
     from the  current style  sheet.  Any characters in your documents
     with the  deleted style  will be  changed to style number 1.  For
     this reason  you cannot  delete style  number 1.  You can however
     modify style  number 1.  Style sheets will be discussed in detail
     in Chapter 6.

     Paragraph formatting

     You  control  paragraph  formatting  with  the  Format  Paragraph

     In Galaxy,  you start  a new paragraph by pressing the ENTER key.
     Each new paragraph that you start has the format of the preceding
     paragraph unless you change its format.

     To format a single paragraph

     1.   Position the  cursor anywhere  in the  paragraph you wish to

     2.   Choose Paragraph... from the Format menu.

     3.   Choose the  paragraph formats  you  wish  to  apply  to  the

     4.   Press  ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  apply  the  new
          formatting to the paragraph.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    43

     To format more than one paragraph

     1.   Select the paragraphs you wish to format.

     2.   Choose Paragraph... from the Format menu.

     3.   Choose the  paragraph formats  you  wish  to  apply  to  the
          selected paragraphs.

     4.   Press  ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  apply  the  new
          formatting to the selected paragraphs.


     A paragraph  style is  a group  of pre-defined  paragraph formats
     with a  descriptive name.   Galaxy comes with several pre-defined
     paragraph styles.   You  can create your own paragraph styles and
     save them  for later  use.   This will  be explained in detail in
     Chapter 6.

     To apply paragraph styles

     Choose the  style you  wish to change to by highlighting its name
     in the Style: list box.  For more information on using list boxes
     in Galaxy, see Chapter 3.

     When you  choose a  paragraph style,  all of  the other paragraph
     formatting options  in the  dialog box  change to the pre-defined
     settings of the style you have chosen.

     Saving a paragraph style

     If you  have designed a combination of paragraph formats that you
     wish to use again in the future, you can save that combination as
     a style.  Press F2 or click the <F2=SAVE> push button to save the
     current paragraph  format settings  as  a  named  style.    We'll
     discuss styles in detail in Chapter 6.

     Deleting a paragraph style

     If you  wish to  delete a style, highlight its name in the Style:
     list box  and choose  <Delete Style>.   The style will be deleted
     from the  current style  sheet.  Any paragraphs in your documents

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    44

     with the  deleted style  will be  changed to style number 1.  For
     this reason  you cannot  delete style  number 1.  You can however
     modify style  number 1.  Style sheets will be discussed in detail
     in Chapter 6.


     Paragraphs can  be aligned  left, center,  right,  or  justified.
     With left  alignment text  is flush  along the  left  indent  and
     ragged on  the right.    With  center  alignment,  each  line  is
     centered  between  the  left  and  right  indents.    With  right
     alignment text  is flush along the right indent and ragged on the
     left.   Justified alignment  means  that  extra  space  is  added
     between words  if necessary so that both the left and right sides
     of the text are flush along the left and right indents.

     Paragraph alignment  is controlled  by a  group of radio buttons.
     This means  that you can choose one and only one of the alignment
     options for a paragraph.

     To choose a paragraph alignment

     1.   Select the paragraph or paragraphs you wish to align.

     2.   Choose Paragraph... from the Format menu.

     3.   Choose the  paragraph alignment  you wish  to apply  to  the

     4.   Press  ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  apply  the  new
          formatting to the paragraph(s).

     Line spacing

     You can  tell Galaxy  how much  space to  leave between  lines by
     choosing line  spacing options.   Line  spacing  is  adjusted  in
     Galaxy automatically to accommodate the largest font size in each
     line, unless you choose Custom spacing.

     To set line spacing

     1.   Select the paragraph or paragraphs you wish to change.

     2.   Choose Paragraph... from the Format menu.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    45

     3.   Choose  the   line  spacing   you  wish   to  apply  to  the

     4.   Press ENTER  or click  on <Enter=OK>  to apply  the new line
          spacing to the paragraph(s).

     For custom  spacing of  lines, enter  a spacing in points.  There
     are 72  points in  an inch, so on most printers single spacing is
     equivalent to 12 point custom spacing.

     Paragraph Indents

     You can set left, right, and first line indenting for paragraphs.
     You can  use paragraph  indents to  indent the  beginning of each
     paragraph, to  indent the left or right side of the paragraph, or
     to create a "hanging indent" paragraph.

     To set paragraph indents

     To set paragraph indents, tab to one of the Indent edit boxes and
     enter a  measurement in inches.  The indent you specify for First
     Line Indent  is relative  to the  Left Indent.   The  indent  you
     specify for  Left Indent  is relative to the left margin setting.
     The indent  you specify for Right Indent is relative to the right
     margin setting.

     To create a hanging indent

     A hanging  indent is a paragraph where the First Line Indent is a
     negative number.   In  this manual,  we use  hanging indents  for
     bulleted and  numbered lists.   These  paragraphs were  formatted
     with a First Line Indent of -0.5" and a Left Indent of 0.5".

     Setting extra space between paragraphs

     You can  enter a  measurement in points that will be added to the
     line spacing  either before  or after  each paragraph.  You might
     want, for  example, to  add 12 points (the equivalent of one line
     on most printers) after chapter titles.

     It doesn't  matter whether  you add  spacing before  or  after  a
     paragraph.  Just remember that the total space that will be added

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    46

     between two  paragraphs is  the sum of the Points After the first
     paragraph and the Points Before the second paragraph.

     To set extra space between paragraphs

     To set  extra space  between paragraphs, tab to either the Points
     Before or  Points After  edit boxes  and enter  a measurement  in
     points.   The measurement  you specify  for Points Before will be
     added to  the  space  before  the  paragraph  is  printed.    The
     measurement you  specify for  Points After  will be  added to the
     space after the paragraph is printed.

     The Example Window

     The Paragraph  Formatting dialog  box shows  you a sample of your
     paragraph  format.     The   example  window   shows  a   graphic
     representation  of   indents,  indent  type,  line  spacing,  and

     Section formatting

     A section  is a part of your document in which all the pages have
     the same  format.   Section formatting  includes margins,  gutter
     widths, and page and line numbering.

     Most documents  have only  one section.  However, you may wish to
     have different page layouts for different parts of your document.

     All of  these kinds  of formatting  are  controlled  through  the
     Format  Modify  current  section...  and  the  Format  Start  new
     section... commands.

     To modify section formatting

     1.   Choose Modify current section... from the Format menu.

     2.   Choose the  section formats you wish to apply to the current

     3.   Press  ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  apply  the  new
          formatting to the current section.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    47

     To start a new section

     1.   Position the  cursor anywhere  in the first paragraph of the
          new section.

     2.   Choose Start new section... from the Format menu.

     3.   Choose the  section formats  you wish  to apply  to the  new

     4.   Press  ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  apply  the  new
          formatting to the new section.

     The new  section encompasses all of the paragraphs from where the
     cursor was  positioned to  the beginning  of  the  next  existing
     section.   If there  are no  following sections,  the new section
     encompasses all  of the  paragraphs from  where  the  cursor  was
     positioned to the end of the document.


     A section  style is a group of pre-defined section formats with a
     descriptive name.   Galaxy comes with several pre-defined section
     styles.  You can create your own section styles and save them for
     later use.  This will be explained in detail in Chapter 6.

     To apply section styles

     Choose the  style you  wish to change to by highlighting its name
     in the Style: list box.  For more information on using list boxes
     in Galaxy, see Chapter 3.

     When you  choose a  section  style,  all  of  the  other  section
     formatting options  in the  dialog box  change to the pre-defined
     settings of the style you have chosen.

     Saving a section style

     If you  have designed  a combination  of section formats that you
     wish to use again in the future, you can save that combination as
     a style.  Press F2 or click the <F2=SAVE> push button to save the
     current section  format settings as a named style.  We'll discuss
     styles in detail in Chapter 6.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    48

     Deleting a section style

     If you  wish to  delete a style, highlight its name in the Style:
     list box  and choose  <Delete Style>.   The style will be deleted
     from the  current style  sheet.   Any sections  in your documents
     with the  deleted style  will be  changed to style number 1.  For
     this reason  you cannot  delete style  number 1.  You can however
     modify style  number 1.  Style sheets will be discussed in detail
     in Chapter 6.


     A margin  is the  area on  a printed page between the edge of the
     paper and  the printed  text.   Galaxy lets  you set top, bottom,
     left, and right margins for each section in your document.

     To set margins

     To set  margins, tab  to one  of  the  edit  boxes  and  enter  a
     measurement in  inches.   The measurements  you specify  for each
     margin is  relative to the edge of the paper.  Setting paper size
     will be explained in Document formatting later in this chapter.

     Gutter Width

     Galaxy has  a special margin setting called gutter width.  If you
     enter a  gutter width,  the measurement you specify will be added
     to the  left margin measurement on odd-numbered pages, and to the
     right margin measurement on even-numbered pages.  This will allow
     extra space on the inside margin for documents that will be bound

     Controlling page breaks

     Whenever you  begin a section, you can tell Galaxy whether or not
     you also  want to start a new page.  For example, you may wish to
     tell Galaxy  to begin  the section  on the next page, on the next
     odd-numbered page,  or the next even-numbered page.  You can also
     tell Galaxy to not start a new page when it begins the section.

     To choose a page break option

     1.   Tab to the Page Break radio buttons.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    49

     2.   Choose the  page break  option you  wish  to  use  for  this

     3.   Press  ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  apply  the  new
          formatting to the section.

     Document formatting

     Some formatting  options you  choose affect your entire document.
     These include  page  size,  default  formatting  for  characters,
     paragraphs, and sections, and style sheets.

     All of  these kinds  of formatting  are  controlled  through  the
     Format Document...  command.   Additional information  about your
     document that  you can  save with  the document  is also  managed
     through this command.

     To change document formats

     1.   Choose Document... from the Format menu.

     2.   Choose the  document  formats  you  wish  to  apply  to  the

     3.   Press  ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  apply  the  new
          formatting to the document.

     Paper length and width

     The default  paper size  in Galaxy  is 8.5  inches by  11 inches.
     Most printers  use paper  of this  size.   If the  paper you  are
     printing on is not this size, you need to change the measurements
     in the Paper Length and Paper Width edit boxes.

     To change paper length and width

     1.   Tab to the Paper Length or Paper Width edit boxes.

     2.   Enter the  paper length  or paper  width measurement  of the
          paper in your printer.

     3.   Press  ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  apply  the  new
          formatting to the document.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    50

     Default Formats

     You  can   set  a  default  format  for  characters,  paragraphs,
     sections, and  tabs.  The default formats you select will be used
     to format  your document  unless you  have specified  a different
     format.  If you change the default format, all the former default
     formats will change to the new default formats.

     To change default formats

     1.   Tab to  the pushbutton  of the  default format  you wish  to
          change.   Press the space bar or click the mouse to bring up
          the formatting dialog box.

     2.   Choose the  formatting options  you  wish  to  use  for  the
          default format.

     3.   Press ENTER or click on <Enter=OK> to return to the Document
          dialog box.

     Document Information

     You can  enter additional  information to  remind you  of details
     concerning your document.

     Galaxy will let you enter a title, subject, author, operator, and
     a comment.

     To enter document information

     1.   Tab to  the edit  box of  the document  information item you
          wish to enter or change.

     2.   Enter the appropriate information.

     3.   Press ENTER  or click  on <Enter=OK>  to save  the  document
          information with your document.

     Headers and Footers

     A header  is text that appears in the top margin of every page of
     a section.  A footer is text that appears in the bottom margin of
     every page  of a section.  Headers and footers can be one or more
     paragraphs of  text, and  you can  use all  of the  character and
     paragraph formatting commands you would use with any other text.

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    51

     Headers and  footers are  included in  the section  formatting of
     your document.   You  can have  multiple headers and footers in a
     document.  Each time you wish to change the header or footer, you
     need to begin a new section.

     In Galaxy,  you can  define different headers and footers for odd
     and even numbered pages and for the first page of a section.  You
     can also choose to have the same header or footer appear on every

     To create a new header

     1.   Choose Header... from the Format menu.

     2.   Choose which  pages you  wish the  header to  appear  on  by
          checking the appropriate check boxes.

     3.   Tab to  the Edit  Header push button and press the space bar
          or click on <Edit Header> to begin editing the new header.

     To edit a header

     When you  choose <Edit  Header> from  the Header...  dialog  box,
     Galaxy will  open a  text window  for editing the header.  All of
     the normal  editing commands  you would  use in  a  regular  text
     window are available in the header window.

     Some menu commands are not available while you are editing in the
     header window.   If  a menu  item is  grayed out  while  you  are
     editing in  a header window, that command is not available to you
     until you return to a regular text window.

     You can type the text of your header as you would any other text.
     The header  can be one or more paragraphs, and you can format the
     characters or the paragraphs just like you would any other text.

     Galaxy prints the header in the top margin area of your document.
     If the header is too large to fit in this area, Galaxy will print
     as much as will fit.

     Cutting, copying, and pasting text

     You can  cut, copy, or paste text from the clipboard either to or
     from your  header.   If you  wish to  paste text from the current
     document into your header, you must mark the text and cut or copy
     it before you open the header window.

     You can switch to another text window from the header window.  If
     you wish  to cut  or copy text from a different text window, just
     switch to  that text window using the Window... menu, cut or copy
     the text  to the  clipboard, and then return to the header window

                                     Chapter 5 - Formatting Text    52

     by selecting  the original  text window  from the Window... menu.
     Galaxy will return you to the header window.

     Returning to the text window

     When  you  pull  down  the  Format...  menu  while  editing  your
     document, you  see Header...  as a  menu choice.  When you choose
     Header..., Galaxy  changes that  menu choice  to  Edit  document.
     Choose this  command to  return to  the main text window for your
     document.   When you  return to  your main  text  window,  Galaxy
     changes the menu choice back to the Header... command.

     Changing which page headers appear on

     If you  have defined separate headers for the first, odd, or even
     pages of  your document  and then choose to edit more than one of
     these headers,  Galaxy will  not know  which of  the  headers  to
     present to  you for editing.  In that case, you will see a dialog
     box which will ask you which header you would like to use for the
     new, combined header.

     For example,  you may  have defined  one header  to appear on odd
     pages, and  another header to appear on even pages.  Then, if you
     choose Header...  again from  the Format  menu and check both the
     odd and  even pages  check boxes,  Galaxy will assume you want to
     edit one header that will appear on both odd and even pages.  You
     will need to tell Galaxy which of the current headers you wish to
     use for the header that will appear on both odd and even pages.

     Editing footers

     Editing footers  is done  in the  same manner as editing headers.
     Choose Footer... from the Format menu to edit a footer and follow
     the same steps described above for editing headers.

     Galaxy prints  the footer  in the  bottom  margin  area  of  your
     document.  If the footer is too large to fit in this area, Galaxy
     will print as much as will fit.

     Page breaks

     Galaxy automatically  calculates where  each page begins based on
     your settings  for the  page size,  top and  bottom margins, font
     size, and line spacing.


                                 Chapter 6

                               Style Sheets

                                        Chapter 6 - Style Sheets    54

     Style sheets

     A style  is a  group of  formats with a descriptive name.  Galaxy
     uses styles  with  character,  paragraph,  and  section  formats.
     Galaxy comes  with several  pre-defined styles.    You  can  also
     create your own styles and save them for later use.

     You can  use styles  to give  your documents  a consistent  look.
     Styles also make it easier for you to format your document.  Just
     choose the  style you  want to  use and  all of  your  formatting
     options are filled in for you.

     Styles that  you create  are stored  in a  style sheet.   A style
     sheet is stored on your disk as a file with the extension .STY.

     Every document in Galaxy has an attached style sheet.  Unless you
     change the  style sheet,  the document  uses  the  default  style
     sheet, DEFAULT.STY.   This  style sheet is built into Galaxy, and
     doesn't appear  on your disk unless you modify, add to, or delete
     one of the pre-defined styles.

     When you  load a  document, Galaxy  looks  for  the  style  sheet
     attached to that document first in the current directory, then in
     the directories listed in the PATH environment variable. For more
     information on the DOS Path command, consult your DOS manual.  If
     Galaxy can't  find the style sheet for the document, you will see
     an error message on screen, and Galaxy will use its default style
     sheet, DEFAULT.STY.

     You select  a style  to use, modify an existing style, and save a
     new style  using the  formatting  dialog  boxes  for  characters,
     paragraphs, and  sections.  You choose which existing style sheet
     to attach  to a  document using either the Document... dialog box
     or the Use another style sheet... command on the File menu..

     Saving a style

     Each type  of style,  character, paragraph, and section, is saved
     in the  appropriate formatting  dialog box.   To  save  a  style,
     select the formatting options you wish to save in the appropriate
     formatting dialog box and choose <F2=SAVE>.  For example, to save
     a character  style, choose  Character... form  the  Format  menu,
     choose the  character formatting  options you  wish to  save as a
     style, and  then choose  <F2=SAVE>.  Galaxy will prompt you for a
     name and a number for the style.  You can use the name and number
     of an  existing style  or a  new style  you wish  to add  to  the
     current style sheet.

                                        Chapter 6 - Style Sheets    55

     Numbering styles

     Each character,  paragraph, and section style has both a name and
     a number.  You use the style name, such as Body Text or Centered,
     to remind  you of  its purpose.   Galaxy uses the style number to
     apply styles to your document when you change style sheets.

     When you  change style sheets, Galaxy will replace the character,
     paragraph, or  section styles in your document with the styles in
     the new  style sheet  that have the same number.  For example, if
     Galaxy finds  text with  a  character  style  number  1  in  your
     document, the  character formats  of character  style number 1 of
     the new style sheet will be applied to that text.

     If Galaxy  finds a  style number  in your  document that  doesn't
     exist in the new style sheet, the text will be given style number
     1 of the new style sheet.

     It will  be easier  to change formatting by changing style sheets
     if you give a consistent set of numbers to your styles.

     Deleting a style

     An existing  style can be deleted from the current style sheet by
     choosing the <Delete Style> push button in the appropriate dialog
     box.   First choose the style you wish to delete, and then choose
     <Delete Style>.

     Any characters,  paragraphs, or  sections in  your documents with
     the deleted  style will  be changed  to style number 1.  For this
     reason you  can never  delete style  number 1.   You  can however
     modify style number 1.

     Attaching an existing style sheet to a document

     To attach  an existing  style sheet  to a  document, follow these

     1.   Choose Use another style sheet... from the File menu.

     2.   Type in  the name  of the  style sheet you wish to attach to
          the document, or choose the style sheet from the listbox.

     3.   Press ENTER or click on <Enter=OK>.

                                        Chapter 6 - Style Sheets    56

     You can  also attach  an existing  style sheet to a document with
     the Use  another style sheet... command on the File menu.  Choose
     that command and then follow steps 3 and 4.

     Saving a style sheet

     Galaxy always bases a new style sheet on an existing style sheet.
     To save a new style sheet, follow these steps:

     1.   Load the  style  sheet  which  most  closely  resembles  the
          formats you wish to include in your new style sheet.  Follow
          the steps  outlined above  in Attaching  an  existing  style
          sheet to a document.

     2.   Choose Save  style sheet  as... from the File menu.  Type in
          the file  name you  wish to  use for  the new  style  sheet.
          Galaxy will  save all  the current character, paragraph, and
          section formats in the style sheet you name.

     3.   Press ENTER  or  click  on  <Enter=OK>  to  return  to  your

     4.   Modify any  styles you  wish to  change.   Follow the  steps
          outlined above in Saving a style.

     It's important  that you  create the  new style  sheet before you
     make the  changes to  the  individual  styles.    Otherwise,  the
     changes will  be made to the existing styles in the current style


                                 Chapter 7


                                             Chapter 7 - Windows    58


     A window  is the  area of  the screen  where Galaxy displays your
     document.   You can  have as  many as  ten windows  open at once.
     Each window  can display a different document, or different parts
     of the  same document.   You can move and size each window, using
     either the  keyboard or  the mouse, and you can "zoom" any window
     up to full size.

     Galaxy always  has at  least one  window open.  Choosing Close...
     from the  Window menu  when there  is only one window open is the
     same as  choosing Exit  from the  File menu: you will exit Galaxy
     and return to the DOS prompt.

     The window  you are  currently working  in is  called the  active
     window.  This window has the cursor.

     To open a new window

     You can  open a  new window by choosing New from the Window menu.
     You can have a maximum of ten windows open.  If you try to open a
     new window  when there  are already ten windows open, Galaxy will
     display the message "Maximum of ten windows".

     Galaxy will  open the  new window  with no  document loaded.  The
     title bar  will show  the document  name as  "UNTITLED".  You can
     load a  document into the new window by choosing Open... from the
     File menu.

     To view another part of the same document

     Open a  new window  as outlined  above.   Choose Open... from the
     File menu  and open  the document  that you  want to view in more
     than one window.

     If the  document you  open is  already open  in  another  window,
     Galaxy will show you another view of the same document in the new
     window.    You  can  scroll  the  windows  independently  to  see
     different parts of the document.

     You might  choose to  view a  document in more than one window in
     order to  view a  header or  footer at the same time you view the
     main text  of your document, or to refer to text in one part of a
     document while you edit a different part.

                                             Chapter 7 - Windows    59

     To switch to another window using the keyboard

     The document name of each open window is listed at the end of the
     Window menu.  You can switch to any active window by highlighting
     its name  in the  Window menu, or by choosing its number from the
     Window menu.

     For example,  if the  first window  contained a  document  called
     FIRST.DOC and  the second  window you opened contained a document
     called SECOND.DOC,  the last two choices on the Window menu would
     look like this:

                         | 1. F:FIRST.DOC       |
                         | 2. F:SECOND.DOC      |

     Galaxy shows  you which  window is active by placing a check mark
     next to  that window's  name and  number.   The window  number is
     highlighted, which  means that  it is  the shortcut key to choose
     that window.   In  the example  above, you  could switch  to  the
     second window  by pressing  ALT+W and  then 2.  ALT+W selects the
     Window menu,  and 2  selects the menu choice that switches you to
     the second  window.   For more  information on  choosing commands
     from menus, refer to Chapter 3.

     To switch to another window using the mouse

     With the  mouse, you  can use  the menus to switch windows or you
     can simply  click anywhere  in the  window you wish to switch to.
     Galaxy will make that window the active window and will place the
     cursor at the point where you clicked the mouse.

     To close a window using the keyboard

     To close  the active window, choose Close from the Window menu or
     use the  shortcut key,  CTRL+X.  If the active window is the only
     window open,  this command  is the same as if you chose Exit from
     the File menu.

     If you  want to  close a  window that  is not  the active window,
     first make that window the active window and then close it.  Then
     switch back to the window you wish to make active.

                                             Chapter 7 - Windows    60

     To close a window using the mouse

     Every window  has a  close icon  in the upper left hand corner of
     the border.  To close a window with the mouse, click on the close

     To change the size of a window using the keyboard

     Choose Size from the Window menu to change the size of the active
     window.   The window's  border will change color and you can move
     its borders  using the  LEFT and RIGHT or UP and DOWN arrow keys.
     When the border is the size you would like, press ENTER.

     To change the size of a window using the mouse

     Every window  has a  size icon  in the lower right hand corner of
     the border.   To size a window with the mouse, drag the size icon
     to the position you want for the new lower right hand corner.

     To move a window using the keyboard

     Choose Move  from the  Window menu to move the active window to a
     new location  on screen.   The  window's border will change color
     and you  can move  its borders using the LEFT and RIGHT or UP and
     DOWN arrow  keys.   When the  border is  at the  new location you
     would like, press ENTER.

     To move a window using the mouse

     You can move a window to a new location on screen using the mouse
     by dragging the top border to the new location you would like.

     To zoom a window to full screen using the keyboard

     Choose Zoom  from the  Window menu  to zoom  the active window to
     full screen  size.   The zoom icon in the top right corner of the
     window's border  will change to point up.  To restore a window to
     its former  size, choose  Zoom again.   The  zoom icon in the top
     right corner  of the  window's border  will change to point down,
     and the window will return to its original size.

                                             Chapter 7 - Windows    61

     To zoom a window to full screen using the mouse

     Click on  the zoom  icon in  the top right corner of the window's
     border when it is pointing upwards to expand the active window to
     full screen.   The  icon then changes to point down.  Clicking on
     the zoom  icon when  it is pointing downwards restores the active
     window to its former size.

     DOS Shell

     You can  go to  the DOS  prompt to  run another  program  without
     quitting Galaxy by choosing DOS Shell from the Window menu.

     The DOS  Shell command  runs another  copy of  DOS and  gives you
     access to  the DOS prompt.  To return to Galaxy, type EXIT at the
     DOS prompt and press ENTER.

     If you  are using  Galaxy on  a diskette  system, there must be a
     copy of  COMMAND.COM on  your Galaxy program diskette in order to
     use either of these commands.

     Some programs and DOS commands remain resident in memory when you
     use them.  You should never use these memory resident programs or
     commands with  the DOS  Shell command.  The DOS commands that are
     memory resident  are ASSIGN, GRAPHICS, MODE, and PRINT.  Examples
     of other  memory resident programs are SIDEKICK and SUPERKEY.  If
     you want  to run  any of  these programs  or commands while using
     Galaxy, run the program or command before you start Galaxy.


                                 Chapter 8

                             Find and Replace

                                    Chapter 8 - Find and Replace    63

     Find and Replace

     You can  use Galaxy's Find... command to find a specific piece of
     your text.   For  example, you  can search  for "Galaxy"  in your

     You can use the Replace... command to first search for a piece of
     text and  then replace  it with other text that you specify.  For
     example, you can search for "east" and replace it with "west".

     Both of these commands are located on the Search menu.

     Searching for Text

     You use the Find... command on the Search menu to locate a
     specific item of text.

     Controlling the search area

     If you  have text  selected, Galaxy  will begin its search at the
     start of  the selected  text and  continue until  the end  of the
     selected text.   If  there is no text selected, Galaxy begins the
     search at the current cursor position.

     To search for text

     Choose Find...  from the  Search menu.  Type in the text you wish
     to search  for in the Find what: edit box.  Check the options you
     wish to  use for the search (explained later in this chapter) and
     click on <Enter=OK> or press ENTER.

     If Galaxy  finds the  search text,  the search  text becomes  the
     current selection.

     Replacing Text

     You use  the Replace...  command on  the Search  menu to locate a
     specific item of text and replace it with different text that you

                                    Chapter 8 - Find and Replace    64

     Controlling the search area

     If you  have text  selected, Galaxy  will begin its search at the
     start of  the selected  text and  continue until  the end  of the
     selected text.   If  there is no text selected, Galaxy begins the
     search at the current cursor position.

     To search and replace text

     Choose Replace...  from the  Search menu.   Type  in the text you
     wish to  search for  in the  Find what:  edit box.   Type  in the
     replacement text  in the  Replace with:  edit  box.    Check  the
     options you  wish to  use for the search (explained later in this
     chapter) and click on <Enter=OK> or press ENTER.

     If Galaxy  finds the  search text  in your document, you will see
     the following message box:

              +------------------ Replace ------------------+
              |                                             |
              |          Replace this occurrence?           |
              |                                             |
              |  <Enter=YES>  <NO>  <Esc=CANCEL>  <F1=HELP> |

     Choose  <Enter=YES>   to  replace   the  search   text  with  the
     replacement text.   Choose  <Esc=CANCEL> to cancel the Replace...
     command without making the change.

     If you  choose <NO>,  this occurrence  is not  replaced, but  the
     search will continue.

     Find and Replace Options

     You can  change various  options in  both  the  Find...  and  the
     Replace... commands  to specify how you want Galaxy to search and
     replace text.

     To search for whole words only

     Choose Whole  Word if  you want  to only  find occurrences of the
     search text which are complete words.  Text is considered to be a
     whole word  if it  is surrounded by spaces, punctuation marks, or

                                    Chapter 8 - Find and Replace    65

     For example,  if you  type 'the'  as the  search text  and choose
     Whole Word,  Galaxy would  find the  word 'the',  but not 'them',
     'they', 'their',  or 'there'.   If  you do not choose Whole Word,
     Galaxy would have found the letters t,h, and e in those words.

     To specify capitalization

     Choose Exact  Case to  search only  for text that exactly matches
     the capitalization of the search text you enter in the Find What:
     edit box.

     For example,  if you  type 'The' as the search text, Galaxy would
     find the  next occurrence  of 'The'  in your text, but not 'the',
     'tHe', or 'thE'.

     To search backwards

     Galaxy normally  begins its search at the current cursor location
     and searches  forward towards  the end  of your document.  Choose
     Search Backwards  if you  wish to  search from the current cursor
     location towards the beginning of your document.

     If you  have selected text, the search is limited to the selected
     text and this option has no effect.

     To replace all occurrences

     With the  Replace... command  you can  choose Change  All if  you
     would like Galaxy to search your entire document.

     If you  choose this  option, Galaxy  will begin  searching at the
     beginning of  the document  and will  continue to  the end of the
     document, even  if you  have  chosen  Search  Backwards  or  have
     selected text.

     To confirm each replacement

     Choose Confirm Each Replacement and Galaxy will stop each time it
     finds the  search text  and ask  you before  it  substitutes  the
     replacement text.   Choose  <Enter=YES> to  make the replacement,
     <NO>  to   skip  this  replacement  and  continue  searching,  or
     <Esc=CANCEL> to stop searching.

     If you  turn this  option off,  Galaxy will  make the replacement
     each time it finds the search text without asking you first.


                                 Chapter 9

                            Managing Documents

                                  Chapter 9 - Managing Documents    67

     Managing Documents

     When you  finish working  with a  document that  you want  to use
     again at  a later  time, you  can save the document on your disk.
     When you  want to work with that document again, you can open the
     document and Galaxy will display it in a window for you to edit.

     The commands  used to  work with  documents and  other files  are
     found on the File menu.

     To open a document

     When you  want to  edit an  existing document, you choose Open...
     from the File menu.

     You can  scroll through the list of existing documents that match
     the specification  entered in the Files: edit box and press ENTER
     to open  that document.  Or you can type the name of the document
     you wish to open directly in the edit box.

     If you  would like  to view documents in a different directory or
     on a different disk drive, highlight the name of the directory or
     drive in  the second  list box and press ENTER.  Galaxy will fill
     the Files  in: list  box with the names of all the documents that
     meet the specification.

     If Galaxy  can't find  the document  you ask for, it will display
     the following message box:

                   +------------ OPEN FILE ------------+
                   |                                   |
                   | FILENAME is new. Create the file? |
                   |                                   |
                   |            <YES>  <NO>            |

     Choose <YES>  to create  a new  document with  the name you gave.
     Choose <NO> to begin editing an untitled document.

     To save a document

     Choose Save  from the  File menu  to save a copy of your document
     onto your  disk.   If a  previous copy  of the  document  already
     exists on  your disk,  Galaxy will  give the previous version the
     .BAK extension.   Then  you can choose to open either the current
     version of the document or the previous version.

                                  Chapter 9 - Managing Documents    68

     If the  document you  are working  with  does  not  have  a  name
     (UNTITLED appears  in the  title bar),  Galaxy will  use the Save
     as... command (explained later in this chapter) to ask for a name
     for the document.

     To save a document with a new name

     Choose Save  as... from  the File  menu to  save a  copy of  your
     document with  a new  name.  Note that a document's complete name
     includes the  drive and  directory, so you can use the Save as...
     command to save your document in a different directory or drive.

     When you  choose Save as... Galaxy will bring up a dialog box you
     can use  to select  an existing document name or to type in a new
     name.  The dialog box is similar to the Open... dialog box.

     Type in  the new name you wish to use for the document, or select
     the name from the list box.  Choose <Enter=OK> or press ENTER and
     the document  will be saved with the new name.  The document name
     on the title bar will also change to the new name.

     If the  name you give is the name of an existing document, Galaxy
     will ask you to confirm overwriting the existing file.

     To save a document as an ASCII file, choose ASCII Format.  Saving
     a document  in ASCII format saves only the text of your document,
     not the formatting.  You might want to use this option if you are
     transferring the  document to  another system  or  program  which
     doesn't read Galaxy formatted files.


                                Chapter 10


                                           Chapter 10 - Printing    70


     When you  choose Print... from the File menu, Galaxy displays the
     Print dialog box.

     This dialog  box controls  the options  Galaxy will  use to print
     your document.   Galaxy  prints the document in the active window
     (the window with the cursor).

     The Print...  dialog box shows you the name of the active printer
     and the  device it  is connected to.  Changing the active printer
     is explained later in this chapter.

     To print your document

     Choose the  options you wish to take effect for this printing and
     click on  <Enter=OK> or  press ENTER.   Click  on <Esc=CANCEL> or
     press ESC to return to your document without printing.

     To print multiple copies

     Enter the  number of copies you wish to print in the Copies: edit
     box.  The default setting is 1.

     Changing Printers

     Normally, when  you install  Galaxy you  also install one or more
     printers.   You can change to a different printer after Galaxy is
     installed by choosing Change printer... from the File menu.

     Galaxy will  list all the printers you installed with the INSTALL
     program.   If the  printer you wish to use is not listed, use the
     INSTALL program  to copy  the information  for the new printer to
     your working disk.

     Highlight the  name of  the printer  you wish to use for the next
     printing.   Galaxy will  remember the name of the default printer
     and use  that same  printer until  you change  it with the Change
     printer... command.


                                Chapter 11

                             Checking Spelling

        (The award-winning Microlytics SpellFinder(tm) 100,000 word
       dictionary comes only with the registered version of Galaxy)

                                  Chapter 11 - Checking Spelling    72

     Checking Spelling

     You can  check and correct the spelling of words in your document
     by choosing  Spell check  from the  Options menu.    Galaxy  will
     compare the  spelling of  each word in your document to the words
     in its  dictionaries.   If Galaxy  can't find  the  word  in  its
     dictionaries, it  will present  the word  to you and ask you what
     action to  take.   Your possible  actions are  explained in  this

     To check spelling

     When you  choose the  Spell  check  command,  Galaxy  checks  the
     spelling of  the current  document.   If you  want to  check  the
     spelling of  just part of your document, select the text you want
     to check  before issuing  the Spell check command and Galaxy will
     limit the spell check to the selected text.

     If you  are using Galaxy on a floppy diskette system, Galaxy will
     prompt you  to replace  the Program  diskette with the Dictionary
     diskette before starting the spell check.

     Galaxy will check the spelling of each word in your document.  If
     Galaxy encounters  an unrecognized word, it displays a dialog box
     with the following commands:

     To correct spelling

     When Galaxy  encounters an unrecognized word in your document, it
     will present  you with  a list  of alternative  words.  The first
     word in  the list  box is  highlighted.   If that  is the correct
     word, just  press  ENTER  or  choose  <Replace>  to  replace  the
     unrecognized word with the highlighted alternative word.

     If the  first word  in the  list box is not the correct word, you
     can scroll  through the  list using  the UP  and DOWN arrow keys.
     Highlight the correct word and press ENTER or choose <Replace> to
     replace the  unrecognized word  with the  highlighted alternative

     If the correct word is not listed as an alternative, you can type
     the correct word in the Replace with: edit box and press ENTER or
     choose <Replace>.

                                  Chapter 11 - Checking Spelling    73

     To leave an unrecognized word in your document

     Choose <Skip  Once> to  ignore the unrecognized word and continue
     the spell  check.   If Galaxy  encounters the  same word again in
     your document,  it will stop and present the unrecognized word to
     you again.

     You can  also choose  <Skip All>  to ignore the unrecognized word
     for the rest of the spell check.

     To add a word to the dictionary

     Choose <Add  to Dictionary>  if the  unrecognized word is spelled
     correctly and  you wish  Galaxy to  remember its  spelling in the


                                Chapter 12


        (The award-winning Microlytics WordFinder(tm) 220,000 word
        thesaurus comes only with the registered version of Galaxy)

                                          Chapter 12 - Thesaurus    75

     Using Galaxy's Thesaurus

     You can  use Galaxy's  thesaurus to  find a synonym (another word
     with the  same or  a similar meaning) for almost any word in your

     If you  are using Galaxy on a floppy diskette system, Galaxy will
     prompt you  to replace  the Program  diskette with  the Thesaurus
     diskette before displaying this dialog box.

     Galaxy looks up the word the cursor is on.  If the cursor is on a
     space, Galaxy looks up the word immediately before the space.  If
     you have  selected text,  Galaxy looks  up the  first word in the
     selected text.

     If Galaxy  can't find the selected word in its thesaurus, it will
     show you  a list  of words  that are  alphabetically close to the
     selected word.   You can choose to display synonyms of one of the
     alternate words, or return to your document.

     Many  words  have  meanings  as  different  parts of speech.  For
     example, the word WILL has a meaning as both a noun and  a  verb.
     In this case, Galaxy displays each applicable part of speech in a
     separate list box.

     To replace a word with a synonym

     Tab to  the list  box for  the correct  part of  speech  for  the
     selected word.   Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through
     the list of synonyms.  Press ENTER or choose <Replace> to replace
     the selected word in your document with the highlighted synonym.

     To look up another synonym

     You can choose to see the synonym list for any word listed in the
     list boxes.   Highlight  the word  you wish to look up and choose
     <Look Up>.   Galaxy  will list  the synonyms  for the highlighted

     To display the previous synonym list

     Choose  <Previous  Word>  to  return  to  the  previous  list  of


                                Chapter 13

                              Startup Options

                                    Chapter 13 - Startup Options    77

     Startup Options

     There are  options you  can set for Galaxy that take effect every
     time you  start Galaxy.   These startup options are set using the
     Environment... dialog box from the Options menu.

     The options  you choose  using this  dialog box  remain in effect
     every time you use Galaxy.  Some of the options don't take effect
     until the next time you start Galaxy.

     After selecting the options you wish to use, choose <Enter=OK> or
     press ENTER.   Galaxy  will save the information in a file called
     GALAXY.INI in the current directory.

     The next  time you  start Galaxy,  Galaxy will  look first in the
     current directory,  and then in all the directories listed in the
     DOS path  for the  GALAXY.INI file.   When it finds the file, the
     options shown  in the  dialog box  above will be set according to
     the information in the GALAXY.INI file.  If Galaxy can't find the
     GALAXY.INI file,  it will  use its  default  settings  for  these

     To set the number of screen rows

     If you  have an  EGA or VGA monitor, you can tell Galaxy you want
     to show either 43 (EGA) or 50 (VGA) lines instead of the usual 25
     lines.   Galaxy will use a smaller character size in order to fit
     more lines on the screen.

     Select the  25 lines  radio button  if you want to use the normal
     character size.   Select the 43/50 lines radio button if you want
     to use the smaller character size.

     This option takes effect the next time you start Galaxy.

     To choose Insert or Overtype mode

     You can  choose whether  Galaxy begins in Insert or Overtype mode
     by selecting either the Insert or Overtype radio button.

     This option  controls which  mode Galaxy  starts with.   You  can
     still toggle  between Insert  and Overtype  mode  while  you  are
     editing by pressing the INSERT key.

     With Insert  mode on,  whatever you type is inserted at the point
     where the  cursor is,  pushing text  to the  right of the cursor.

                                    Chapter 13 - Startup Options    78

     With Overtype  mode on,  new text that you type replaces existing

     Galaxy shows  you which  mode you are in while you are editing by
     the size  of the  cursor.   A large cursor signifies Insert mode,
     and a small cursor, Overtype mode.

     To choose backup options

     Galaxy offers  you the  option of  automatically saving a copy of
     your work  at intervals  you specify.   You  can tell  Galaxy  to
     backup your  work after  a number of minutes or after a number of

     To choose  to automatically  backup your  work, select either the
     Every [....] minutes or the Every [....] keystrokes radio button.
     Enter the  number of  minutes or  number of  keystrokes  to  wait
     between backups.

     You can  also choose to disable the automatic backup by selecting
     the No automatic backup radio button.

     If you choose either of the automatic backup options, Galaxy will
     periodically save  a temporary  copy of  your work in a file with
     the same  name as your document, but with the extension .TMP.  If
     you exit Galaxy normally, Galaxy will delete this file.

     If your  system fails for some reason or there is a power outage,
     you may  be able  to recover  any unsaved  changes by opening the
     .TMP document  and using  the Save  as... command  to change  the
     document's extension back to .DOC or whatever it was originally.

     When you  save your  document, Galaxy  always saves a backup copy
     with the  extension .BAK.   The  automatic backup  options are in
     addition to this normal backup.

     To reopen  the document(s)  you last  worked on  when  you  start

     If you  would like  to start  Galaxy with  the same  document  or
     documents you  were working  on last,  select the Reopen previous
     documents check box.

     When you quit Galaxy, the names of the documents you had open are
     saved.   If you  select the  Reopen previous documents check box,
     Galaxy will load up to ten documents so that the screen will look
     just like it did when you last used Galaxy.

                                    Chapter 13 - Startup Options    79

     This option takes effect the next time you start Galaxy.

     To use virtual memory

     Galaxy can  use EMS  memory or  hard  disk  space  as  additional
     (virtual) memory  to allow  you to  edit documents  that are much
     larger than the 640K that DOS gives you.

     If you  need to edit large documents, select the Use EMS and hard
     disk for  virtual memory  check box.   Choosing  this option will
     make Galaxy  run slightly slower, so if you normally edit smaller
     files, you should not choose this option.

     This option takes effect the next time you start Galaxy.

     To select a dictionary and thesaurus (Registered version only)

     Galaxy is  available with dictionaries and thesauruses in several
     languages.  Galaxy will search the current directory and your DOS
     path and  list all  of the  dictionaries and  thesauruses that if
     finds in the Dictionary: and Thesaurus: list boxes.

     Highlight the  name of  the dictionary  and thesaurus you wish to
     use for the next spell check or thesaurus lookup.


                                Chapter 14

                             Command Reference

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    81

     Command Reference

     This chapter  describes each  Galaxy command.   The  commands are
     listed in the same order as they appear on the menus.

     Many commands in Galaxy bring up dialog boxes.  On the menus, any
     command that  will bring  up a dialog box ends with three periods
     (...).   In this  command reference,  each dialog  box option  is
     listed in the section for the corresponding menu command.

     A command's  complete name includes the name of the menu on which
     it appears.   For example, on the File menu are the New, Open...,
     and Save  commands.   In this  chapter, those  commands  will  be
     listed as  File New,  File Open..., and File Save.  Note that the
     File Open...  command ends  with three  periods.  This means that
     choosing that  command will  bring up the File Open... dialog box
     and that in this chapter, the dialog box options for File Open...
     will be listed in that section.

     Within each section, the reference lists the following:

     1.   The complete command name

     2.   The shortcut key (if any)

     3.   A description of the command

     File New

     Used to clear a window.

     If the  document you  are currently  editing has unsaved changes,
     Galaxy will ask if you want to save the document.

     File Open...                               F3

     Used to load a document into the active window.

     Galaxy lists the documents which match the wildcard specification
     in the Files: edit box.  The default specification is *.DOC.

     You can  list documents  in another directory or on another drive
     by selecting  the directory  or  drive  in  the  Other  Drives  &
     Directories: list box.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    82

     Choosing <Enter=OK>  opens the document listed in the Files: edit
     box, or fills the list box with documents which meet the wildcard
     specification listed in the Files: edit box.

     Choosing <Esc=CANCEL>  returns you  to the  active window without
     opening a new document.

     File Save                                  F2

     Used to save a document onto a disk.  The document is saved under
     the name that shows on the title bar.

     If the  document with the same name already exists on the disk or
     directory, Galaxy  will rename  the  existing  version  with  the
     extension .BAK.

     If the  document you are saving is shown as UNTITLED on the title
     bar, Galaxy  will use  the File  Save as... command to prompt you
     for a document name.

     File Save as...                       Ctrl+F2

     Used to save a document onto a disk with a new name.

     Use this dialog box in the same manner as the File Open... dialog
     box.  When the Save Document As: edit box lists the document name
     you wish to use, choose <Enter=OK> to save the document.

     Choose the  ASCII Format  to save  only the text of the document,
     not the formatting.

     File Copy...

     Used to copy a document or other file on disk.

     This command  works just  like the  DOS copy command, except that
     you cannot enter wildcards to copy more than one file at a time.

     Enter the  name of  the file  you wish  to copy in the Copy: edit
     box.  Enter the name you wish to copy it to in the To: edit box.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    83

     File Rename...

     Used to rename a document or other file on disk.

     Enter the  current name  of the  file you  wish to  rename in the
     Rename: edit  box.   Enter the  new name  for the file in the To:
     edit box.

     File Delete...

     Used to delete a document or other file on disk.

     Enter the name of the file you wish to delete in the Delete: edit

     File Use another style sheet...

     Used to change the style sheet for the current document.

     Use this dialog box in the same manner as the File Open... dialog
     box.  When the File: edit box lists the style sheet name you wish
     to use, choose <Enter=OK>.

     Galaxy will  update the character, paragraph, and section formats
     of the  active document  to reflect  the formatting  of  the  new

     Styles are  stored in  the style  sheet in  the same  order  they
     appear  in   the  various  Styles:  list  boxes.    Whatever  the
     formatting is  for the  first style listed in the new style sheet
     will be  applied in  place of  any existing  formatting with  the
     former first style.

     For example,  if the  current style sheet's first character style
     calls for  10 point  Helvetica Bold,  and the  new style  sheet's
     first character  style calls for 12 point Times Roman Italic, any
     characters that  were formatted  with the  first character  style
     will be  changed from  10 point  Helvetica Bold to 12 point Times
     Roman Italic.

     File Save style sheet as...

     Used to  save the  existing  character,  paragraph,  and  section
     styles in a new style sheet.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    84

     Use this  dialog box  in the  same manner  as the File Save as...
     dialog box.   When  the File: edit box lists the style sheet name
     you wish to use, choose <Enter=OK>.

     The newly  saved style  sheet becomes the current style sheet for
     the active document.

     File Change printer...

     Used to change the default printer.

     Highlight the  name of  the printer  you wish to use for the next
     printing.   Galaxy will  remember the name of the default printer
     and use  that same  printer until  you change  it with the Change
     printer... command.

     Galaxy will  list all the printers you installed with the INSTALL
     program.   If the  printer you wish to use is not listed, use the
     INSTALL program  to copy  the information  for the new printer to
     your working disk.

     File Print...                              F9

     Used to print the active document.

     Enter the number of copies to be printed in the Copies: edit box.

     File Exit                               Alt+X

     Used to  exit Galaxy  and return  to DOS.   If you have saved the
     changes in  any open  documents, Galaxy  exits immediately.    If
     there are  unsaved changes,  Galaxy asks  you whether  or not you
     want to  save the  document.   Choose <YES> to save the document,
     choose <NO>  to exit without saving, or choose <CANCEL> to return
     to the active window.

     Edit Cut                            Shift+Del

     Used  to  remove  the  selected  text  from  a  document  to  the
     clipboard.  After text is cut to the clipboard, the Paste command
     can be  used to  place it  in a  new location  either in the same
     document or in another document.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    85

     Edit Copy                            Keypad +

     Used to  copy the selected text from a document to the clipboard.
     After text  is copied  to the clipboard, the Paste command can be
     used to place it in a new location either in the same document or
     in another document.

     Copied  text   replaces  whatever   text  was  in  the  clipboard

     Edit Paste                          Shift+Ins

     Used to  insert  the  text  in  the  clipboard  into  the  active
     document.   The text  is inserted  immediately in  front  of  the

     The clipboard  text does  not change.  You can paste text as many
     times as  you like, and the clipboard will be unchanged until you
     use the Edit Cut or Edit Copy command to replace its contents.

     Edit Select Word;                          F8

     Used to  select the word the cursor is on.  If the cursor is on a
     space, the word immediately before the space is selected.

     Edit Select Sentence                 Shift+F8

     Used to  select the  sentence the cursor is on.  If the cursor is
     on  a  space,  the  sentence  immediately  before  the  space  is

     Edit Select Paragraph                  Alt+F8

     Used to select the paragraph the cursor is on.

     Edit Select Line                      Ctrl+F8

     Used to select the line the cursor is on.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    86

     Edit Select All                      Shift+F9

     Used to select the entire document.

     Format Character...

          Used to  set character formatting.  If text is selected, the
          formatting will  be applied to all the selected text.  If no
          text is  selected, this  command acts  as a  toggle, and all
          characters typed  after the  cursor point  will be given the
          new formatting.


          Used to  select a  predefined set  of character formats.  As
          each style  name is  highlighted in  the list box, the other
          character  formatting   options  change   to   reflect   the
          predefined style.

          Bold                               Alt+B

          Underline                          Alt+U

          Word only

          Select the  check box  to give the characters the designated
          formats.  Remove the check to clear the format.


          Select Normal,  Italic, Superscript, or Subscript to control
          the characters'  positioning on the line.  Italic characters
          have a  forward slant.   Superscript  characters are  placed
          higher on the line, subscript characters lower on the line.


          Used to select a printer-specific font and size.


          Used to  save a set of character formats as a named style in
          the current style sheet.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    87

          Delete Style

          Used to  remove the highlighted style from the current style

     Format Paragraph...

     Used to  set paragraph  formatting.   If text  is  selected,  the
     formatting will be applied to all the selected paragraphs.  If no
     text is  selected, only  the paragraph  the cursor  is in will be
     given the new formatting.


          Used to  select a  predefined set  of paragraph formats.  As
          each style  name is  highlighted in  the list box, the other
          paragraph  formatting   options  change   to   reflect   the
          predefined style.


               Left aligns  the lines  of the paragraph along the left
               indent.  The right ends of the lines are not aligned.

               Centered aligns  each line  between the  left and right

               Justified aligns  the lines  at both the left and right
               indents.   Space is added between each word so that the
               line fits exactly between the left and right indents.

          Line Spacing

               Single is  normally 12 point or six lines per inch, but
               will be  sized to  accommodate the tallest character on
               the line.

               One and One Half is normally 18 point or four lines per
               inch, but  will be  sized to  accommodate  the  tallest
               character on the line.

               Double is  normally 24  point or  three lines per inch,
               but will  be sized to accommodate the tallest character
               on the line.

               Custom: is  used to  enter a  specific line  spacing in
               points.  Galaxy will use this setting regardless of the
               font size being used.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    88

          First Line Indent:

          Used to  set the  measurement in  inches for  the amount  of
          space between  the paragraph's  left  indent  to  the  first
          line's left  indent.  Enter a positive measurement to indent
          the first  line.   A negative  measurement (a - precedes the
          measurement) moves the first line to the left of the rest of
          the paragraph, as in a hanging indent.

          Left Indent:

          Used to  set the  measurement in  inches for  the amount  of
          space between  the left  margin and  the left  edge  of  the
          paragraph.  This measurement must be a positive number.

          Right Indent:

          Used to  set the  measurement in  inches for  the amount  of
          space between  the right  margin and  the right  edge of the
          paragraph.  This measurement must be a positive number.

          Points Before

          Used to  set the  measurement in  points for  the amount  of
          space between  the previous  paragraph and  the start of the
          selected paragraph.  This extra space will be ignored if the
          paragraph is the first paragraph on a page.

          Points After

          Used to  set the  measurement in  points for  the amount  of
          space between  the selected  paragraph and  the start of the
          following paragraph.   This  extra space  will be ignored if
          the paragraph is the last paragraph on a page.


          Used to  save a set of paragraph formats as a named style in
          the current style sheet.

          Delete Style

          Used to  remove the highlighted style from the current style

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    89

     Format Modify current section...
     Format Start new section...

     Both of  these  commands  are  used  to  set  section  formatting
     options.   Format Modify  current  section  applies  the  changed
     section formatting  to the  current section, and Format Start new
     section begins  a new  section starting  with the  paragraph  the
     cursor is in.


          Used to select a predefined set of section formats.  As each
          style name is highlighted in the list box, the other section
          formatting options change to reflect the predefined style.

          Page Break

          Used to  control where  the section starts on the page.  You
          can choose None to begin the section without making any page
          break changes.   Choose any of the other three radio buttons
          to begin  the section on either the next page, the next even
          page, or the next odd page.

          Starting Page Number:

          Used to  set the  number to  start the  page numbering with.
          The default  is for Galaxy to begin a document's page number
          with 1,  and start  each following  section with the current
          page number.  If you want to start a section with a specific
          number,  enter   the  starting   number  in  the  edit  box.
          Otherwise, leave the Starting Page Number edit box blank.

          Top Margin:

          Used to set the measurement in inches between the top of the
          page to the top of the first line of text.

          Bottom Margin:

          Used to  set the measurement in inches between the bottom of
          the last line of text and the bottom of the page.

          Left Margin:

          Used to  set the measurement in inches between the left edge
          of the page to the beginning of the text lines.

          Right Margin:

          Used to set the measurement in inches between the right edge
          of the page to the end of the text lines.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    90

          Gutter Width:

          Used to  set the  measurement in  inches to  add to the left
          margin on  odd numbered  pages and  the right margin on even
          numbered pages.


          Used to  save a  set of  section formats as a named style in
          the current style sheet.

          Delete Style

          Used to  remove the highlighted style from the current style

     Format Document...

     Used to set document formatting.

          Paper Length:

          Used to  set the measurement in inches for the length of the
          paper.   Top and bottom margin measurements set with section
          formatting are offsets from this number.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    91

          Paper Width:

          Used to  set the  measurement in inches for the width of the
          paper.  Left, right, and gutter margin measurements set with
          section formatting are offsets from this number.


          Used to set a default set of formats for the document.  Each
          pushbutton brings  up the  corresponding dialog  box for its
          formatting type.   Choose  the settings  you wish to use for
          the default  and choose <Enter=OK> to return to the Document
          Formatting dialog box.

          Key Words:

          Used to enter document information.

     Format Header...
     Format Footer...

     Used to  create or  edit headers and footers.  Choose which pages
     you wish  the header  or footer  to appear  on  by  checking  the
     appropriate checkboxes.   Enter a measurement for the position in
     inches.  Choose <Edit Header> or <Edit Footer> to edit the header
     or footer text.

     Galaxy  will  substitute  the  current  page  number  for  the  #
     character during  printing.  For example, if you want your header
     to print out as

          Reference Guide                   Page 1

     you would enter the following in the header:

          Reference Guide                   Page #

     Search Find...                             F5

     Used to search the document for text that matches the text
     entered in the Find what: edit box.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    92

     If you  have text  selected, Galaxy  confines the  search to  the
     selected text.   If  there is no text selected, Galaxy begins the
     search at the current cursor position.

          Whole Word

          Confines the  search to occurrences of the search text which
          are whole  words.   Text is considered to be a whole word if
          it is surrounded by spaces, punctuation marks, or tabs.

          Exact Case

          Confines the  search to  occurrences of the search text that
          exactly matches  the capitalization  of the  search text you
          enter in the Find What: edit box.

          Search Backwards

          Galaxy normally  begins its  search at  the  current  cursor
          location and  searches  forward  towards  the  end  of  your
          document.   Choose Search  Backwards if  you wish  to search
          from the  current cursor  location towards  the beginning of
          your document.

          If you  have selected  text, the  search is  limited to  the
          selected text and this option has no effect.

     Search Repeat last find...            Ctrl+F5

     Used to  repeat the  last search  beginning at the current cursor
     location.   The search text and search options remain the same as
     they were in the previous search.

     Search Replace...                          F6

     Used to  search the  document for  text  that  matches  the  text
     entered in  the Find what: edit box and to replace the found text
     with the text in the Replace with: edit box.

     If you  have text  selected, Galaxy  confines the  search to  the
     selected text.   If  there is no text selected, Galaxy begins the
     search at the current cursor position.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    93

          Whole Word

          Confines the  search to occurrences of the search text which
          are whole  words.   Text is considered to be a whole word if
          it is surrounded by spaces, punctuation marks, or tabs.

          Exact Case

          Confines the  search to  occurrences of the search text that
          exactly matches  the capitalization  of the  search text you
          enter in the Find What: edit box.

          Search Backwards

          Galaxy normally  begins its  search at  the  current  cursor
          location and  searches  forward  towards  the  end  of  your
          document.   Choose Search  Backwards if  you wish  to search
          from the  current cursor  location towards  the beginning of
          your document.

          If you  have selected  text, the  search is  limited to  the
          selected text and this option has no effect.

          Change All

          Extends the search and replace to the entire document.

          If you  choose this  option, Galaxy  will begin searching at
          the beginning  of the  document and will continue to the end
          of the document, even if you have chosen Search Backwards or
          have selected text.

          Confirm Each Replacement

          Used  to  ask  for  confirmation  before  each  replacement.
          Galaxy will  stop each time it finds the search text and ask
          you before  it substitutes  the replacement  text.    Choose
          <Enter=OK> to  make  the  replacement,  <NO>  to  skip  this
          replacement and  continue searching, or <Esc=CANCEL> to stop

          If  you   turn  this   option  off,  Galaxy  will  make  the
          replacement each  time it  finds  the  search  text  without
          asking you first.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    94

     Window New

     Used to  open a  new text  window.  You can open a maximum of ten
     text windows.   Galaxy  will open the new window with no document
     loaded.  The title bar will show the document name as "UNTITLED".
     You can  load a  document into the new window by choosing Open...
     from the File menu.

     Window Zoom                            Ctrl+Z

     Used to change the size of a text window to full screen size.  If
     the window is already zoomed, this command restores the window to
     its original size.

     Window Close                           Ctrl+X

     Used to  remove a  text window from the screen.  If the window is
     the only  text window  open, this  command has the same effect as
     choosing Exit from the File menu.

     If you  have made  unsaved changed to the document in the window,
     Galaxy will  prompt you  to save  the document before closing the

     Window Move

     Used to  move the  window to a different location on screen.  Use
     the LEFT, RIGHT, UP, or DOWN arrow keys to move the window to the
     desired new location and press ENTER.

     Window SizeUsed  to change the size of the window.  Use the LEFT,
     RIGHT, UP, or DOWN arrow keys to move the window's borders to the
     desired new location and press ENTER.

     Window Dos Shell                       Ctrl+D

     Used to  run another  copy of  DOS and give you access to the DOS
     prompt.   To return  to Galaxy,  type EXIT  at the DOS prompt and
     press ENTER.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    95

     If you  are using  Galaxy on  a diskette  system, there must be a
     copy of  COMMAND.COM on  your Galaxy program diskette in order to
     use this commands.

     Some programs and DOS commands remain resident in memory when you
     use them.  You should never use these memory resident programs or
     commands with  the DOS  Shell command.  The DOS commands that are
     memory resident  are ASSIGN, GRAPHICS, MODE, and PRINT.  Examples
     of other  memory resident programs are SIDEKICK and SUPERKEY.  If
     you want  to run  any of  these programs  or commands while using
     Galaxy, run the program or command before you start Galaxy.

     Window 1-10

     Used to switch to another text window.  As you open text windows,
     Galaxy gives the window a number and adds both the number and the
     document name to the Window menu.

     Options Spell check                    Ctrl+S

     Used to check your document for correct spelling.

     Galaxy  will  by  default  check  the  spelling  of  the  current
     document.  If you want to check the spelling of just part of your
     document, select  the text  you want  to check before issuing the
     Spell check  command and Galaxy will limit the spell check to the
     selected text.

     If you  are using Galaxy on a floppy diskette system, Galaxy will
     prompt you  to replace  the Program  diskette with the Dictionary
     diskette before starting the spell check.

     Galaxy will check the spelling of each word in your document.  If
     Galaxy encounters  an unrecognized word, it displays a correction
     dialog box with the following commands:



          Lists the  suggested alternative  words for the unrecognized
          word in  your document.   The  first word in the list box is
          highlighted.   If that is the correct word, just press ENTER
          or choose  <Replace> to  replace the  unrecognized word with
          the highlighted alternative word.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    96

          If the  first word  in the list box is not the correct word,
          you can  scroll through the list using the UP and DOWN arrow
          keys.   Highlight the correct word and press ENTER or choose
          <Replace>  to   replace  the   unrecognized  word  with  the
          highlighted alternative word.

          If the correct word is not listed as an alternative, you can
          type the  correct word  in the  Replace with:  edit box  and
          press ENTER or choose <Replace>.

          <Skip Once>
          <Skip All>
          Choose <Skip  Once> to  ignore  the  unrecognized  word  and
          continue the  spell check.   If  Galaxy encounters  the same
          word again  in your  document, it  will stop and present the
          unrecognized word to you again.

          You can  also choose  <Skip All>  to ignore the unrecognized
          word for the rest of the spell check.

          <Add to Dictionary>

          Choose <Add  to Dictionary>  if  the  unrecognized  word  is
          spelled correctly  and  you  wish  Galaxy  to  remember  its
          spelling in the future.

     Options Thesaurus...                   Ctrl+T

     Used to look up synonyms for words.  Galaxy will display a dialog
     box listing the synonyms.

     If you  are using Galaxy on a floppy diskette system, Galaxy will
     prompt you  to replace  the Program  diskette with  the Thesaurus
     diskette before displaying this dialog box.

     Galaxy looks up the word the cursor is on.  If the cursor is on a
     space, Galaxy looks up the word immediately before the space.  If
     you have  selected text,  Galaxy looks  up the  first word in the
     selected text.

     If Galaxy  can't find the selected word in its thesaurus, it will
     show you  a list  of words  that are  alphabetically close to the
     selected word.   You can choose to display synonyms of one of the
     alternate words, or return to your document.

     Many  words  have  meanings  as  different  parts of speech.  For
     example, the word WILL has a meaning as both a noun and  a  verb.
     In this case, Galaxy displays each applicable part of speech in a
     separate list box.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    97


          Used to  replace the selected word in your document with the
          synonym that  is highlighted  in one  of the parts of speech
          list boxes.

          <Look Up>

          Used to look up synonyms for the synonym that is highlighted
          in one of the parts of speech list boxes.

          <Previous Word>

          Used to  view the  previous list  of synonyms after choosing
          <Look Up>.

     Options Environment...

     Used to control options which take effect every time you start

     After selecting the options you wish to use, choose <Enter=OK> or
     press ENTER.   Galaxy  will save the information in a file called
     GALAXY.INI in the current directory.

     The next  time you  start Galaxy,  Galaxy will  look first in the
     current directory,  and then in all the directories listed in the
     DOS path  for the  GALAXY.INI file.   When it finds the file, the
     options shown  in the  dialog box  above will be set according to
     the information in the GALAXY.INI file.  If Galaxy can't find the
     GALAXY.INI file,  it will  use its  default  settings  for  these

          Screen rows

          Used to  choose between  a screen size of 25 lines or either
          43 or  50 lines.  You must have an EGA or VGA monitor to use
          the 43/50 line mode.

          This option takes effect the next time you start Galaxy.


          Used to  choose whether  Galaxy begins in Insert or Overtype

          Automatic backup

          Used to control the automatic backup options.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    98

               Every [....] minutes

               Saves a  backup copy  of your document based on a timed
               interval in  minutes.   Enter the  number of minutes to
               wait between automatic backups in the edit box.

               Every [....] keystrokes

               Saves a  backup copy of your document after a number of
               keystrokes that  you specify.    Enter  the  number  of
               keystrokes to  wait between  automatic backups  in  the
               edit box.

               No automatic backup

               Disables automatic backups.

          If you choose either of the automatic backup options, Galaxy
          will periodically  save a  temporary copy  of your work in a
          file with  the same  name as  your document,  but  with  the
          extension .TMP.   If  you exit  Galaxy normally, Galaxy will
          delete this file.

          If your  system fails  for some  reason or  there is a power
          outage, you  may be  able to  recover any unsaved changes by
          opening the  .TMP document  and then  using the  Save  as...
          command  to  restore  the  document  to  its  original  .DOC

          When you  save your  document, Galaxy  always saves a backup
          copy with  the extension .BAK.  The automatic backup options
          are in addition to this normal backup.

          Reopen previous document

          Opens up to ten documents when you start Galaxy.

          When you  quit Galaxy,  the names  of the  documents you had
          open are saved.  If you select the Reopen previous documents
          check box,  Galaxy will open the documents you had open when
          you last used Galaxy.

          This option takes effect the next time you start Galaxy.

          Use EMS and hard disk for virtual memory

          Used to enable or disable the use of EMS and hard disk space
          for virtual memory.  Using virtual memory allows you to edit
          documents much larger than the 640K that DOS gives you.

                                  Chapter 14 - Command Reference    99

          Choosing this  option will  make Galaxy run slightly slower,
          so if you normally edit smaller files, you should not choose
          this option.

          This option takes effect the next time you start Galaxy.



          Used to  select the dictionary and thesaurus Galaxy will use
          for the next spell check or thesaurus lookup.

          Galaxy is  available with  dictionaries and  thesauruses  in
          several languages.  Galaxy will search the current directory
          and your  DOS path  and list  all of  the  dictionaries  and
          thesauruses that  if finds in the Dictionary: and Thesaurus:
          list boxes.

          Highlight the  name of the dictionary and thesaurus you wish
          to use for the next spell check or thesaurus lookup.

     Help Index...

     Used to view a list of help topics.

     Highlight the  topic you want help with and press ENTER, or click
     the <Enter=OK>  pushbutton.  In the Galaxy Help Index dialog box,
     the <F1=HELP>  pushbutton brings  up the topic "How to use help",
     which gives basic information on using the Galaxy Help system.

     Each help topic is displayed in the Galaxy Help dialog box.

     The upper left corner of the Galaxy Help dialog box shows you the
     name of  the current topic.  Some topics have more help text than
     can fit  in the  Galaxy Help dialog box.  If that is the case, as
     in the  example above,  the upper right hand corner of the Galaxy
     Help dialog  box will  tell you  how many pages there are for the
     current topic and which page you are currently viewing.

     The help  screens are  organized in  pages,  and  the  pages  are
     organized in  the same order as the menus.  For example, the help
     for File  Save consists  of three pages.  Just as Save As follows
     Save on the File menu, the help for File Save As follows the last
     page of  help for File Save.  To view the next help screen, click
     on the  <Pg Dn=NEXT>  button or  press PAGE  DOWN.   To view  the
     previous help  screen, click  on the <Pg Up=PREV> button or press
     PAGE UP.

                                 Chapter 14 - Command Reference    100

     If a  command has a shortcut key, it is listed on the help screen
     for that command.

     Help Keyboard Commands...

     Used to view the help topic on keyboard commands.

     Help How to use help...

     Used to view the help topic giving basic information on using the
     Galaxy Help system.

     Help About Galaxy...

     Used to  display information  about Omniverse  Software Corp. and

                                                          Index    101

     Alignment  44, 87                 Document  49, 67
     ASCII Format  68                    default formats  50
     Attributes  40                      document information  50
     Automatic backup  97                footers  50
       startup options  78               formatting  49, 90
     Backspace key  20, 36               headers  50
     Backup                              name  26
       automatic  97                     opening  67
       startup options  78, 97           paper length and width  49
     Basic training  19                  printing  70
     Bold  39, 40                        reopening previous  78
     Changing printers  70, 84           saving  67
     Character  38                     Document information  50, 91
       attributes  40                  DOS Shell  61, 94
       fonts  39                       Edit boxes  28, 29
       formatting  38, 86              Edit Copy  85
         shortcut keys  39             Edit Cut  84
       position  41                    Edit Paste  85
       styles  41                      Edit Select All  86
     Check boxes  28, 30               Edit Select Line  85
     Clipboard  35, 51, 85             Edit Select Paragraph  85
     Commands                          Edit Select Sentence  85
       choosing  24                    Edit Select Word  85
       reference  81                   Editing Text  34
     Copy  35, 85                        clipboard  35
     Cursor movement  19                 copying text
     Cut  35, 84                             to the clipboard  35
     Default formats  50, 91             cut, copy and paste  35
     DELETE key  36                      cutting text
     Deleting Text  36                       to the clipboard  35
     Dialog boxes  28                    deleting text  36
       check boxes  28, 30               pasting text from
       edit boxes  28, 29                    the clipboard  35
       ENTER and ESC keys  29          EMS memory  79, 98
       list boxes  28, 29              Entering text  19
       push buttons  28, 30
       radio buttons  29, 30
       TAB key  29

                                                          Index    102

    Environment  77, 97                  Getting started  12
      backup options  78                 Gutter width  48, 90
      dictionary and thesaurus  79       Hanging indents  45
      insert and overtype  77            Headers  50, 91
      reopening previous                   creating  51
         documents  78, 98                 editing  51
      screen rows  77, 97                  page numbers  91
      virtual memory options  79, 98       return from editing  52
    Exiting the program  84              Help  31, 99
    Extra space                            F1 key  31
         between paragraphs  45            help index  32, 99
    File Change printer...  84             organization  31
    File Copy...  82                     Help About Galaxy...  100
    File Delete...  83                   Help How to use help...  100
    File Exit  84                        Help Index...  99
    File New  81                         Help Keyboard Commands...  100
    File Open...  81                     Icons  26
    File Print...  84                    Indents  45, 88
    File Rename...  83                     hanging  45
    File Save  82                        INSERT key  20
    File Save as...  82                  Insert mode  20, 97
    File Save style sheet as...  83        startup options  77
    File Use another style sheet...  83  INSTALL program  12
    Find  63, 91                         Installing Galaxy  12
      options  64, 92                      floppy disk system  13
      repeat last find  92                 hard disk system  13
    Fonts  28, 38, 39, 44, 86            Introduction  9
    Footers  50, 91                      Italics  41
      editing  52                        License Agreement  2
      page numbers  91                   Line spacing  44, 87
    Format Character...  86              List boxes  28, 29
    Format Document...  90               Managing documents  67
    Format Footer...  91                 Margins  48, 89
    Format Header...  91                 Menu
    Format Modify current section...  89   disabled menu items  25
    Format Paragraph...  87                menu bar  22, 23
    Formats                                selecting  23
      default  50, 91                    Mouse  22
    Formatting text  38                    moving  22
      characters  38, 86                   terms  22
      document  49, 90                   Open  67, 81
      headers and footers  50            Options  77
      page breaks  52                    Options Environment...  97
      paragraphs  42, 87                 Options Spell check  95
      sections  46, 89                   Options Thesaurus...  96
      setting defaults  91

                                                          Index    103

    Overtype mode  20, 97                Search  63
      startup options  77                  area searched  63, 64
    Page break  48, 52, 89                 find  63, 91
    Page numbers                           options  64, 92, 93
      in headers and footers  91           repeat last find  92
    Page size  49, 90                      replace  63, 64, 92
    Paper length and width  49, 90       Search Find...  91
    Paragraph  42                        Search Repeat
      alignment  44                             last find...  92
      extra space  45                    Search Replace...  92
      formatting  42, 87                 Section  46
      indents  45                          formatting  46, 89
      joining  36                          gutter width  48
      line spacing  44                     margins  48
      new paragraph  20                    modifying  46
      splitting  36                        page breaks  48
      styles  43                           starting  46, 47
    Paste  35, 85                          styles  47
    Points After  88                     Selecting Text  34
    Points Before  88                      line  85
    Position  41                           paragraph  85
    Print  70, 84                          sentence  85
      changing printers  70, 84            whole document  86
      multiple copies  70                  with keyboard  34
    Product support  10                    with mouse  34
    Push buttons  28, 30                   word  85
    Quitting Galaxy  17, 84              Shortcut keys  31, 34,
    Radio buttons  29, 30                       39, 59, 81, 100
    Registering Galaxy  9                Spell check  72, 95
    Reopening previous                     adding to dictionary  73
           documents  78, 98               choosing dictionary  79, 99
    Repeat last find  92                   correcting  72
    Replace  63, 64, 92                    skip all  73
      options  64, 93                      skip once  73
    Ruler line  26, 27                   Starting Galaxy  14
    Save as  68, 82                        floppy disk system  14
    Saving documents  16,                  hard disk system  15
           67, 68, 82                      startup options  15, 16
    Screen  22                           Startup options  77, 97
      menu bar  22                       Status line  22, 28
      status line  22                    Style sheets  54, 83
      text window  22                      attaching  55
    Screen rows  77, 97                    saving  56
    Scroll bars  26, 27
    Scrolling  19

                                                          Index    104

    Styles  87
      applying  41, 43, 47
      character  41
      deleting  42, 43, 48, 55
      numbering  55
      paragraph  43
      saving  42, 43, 47, 54
      section  47
      style sheets  54
      See Thesaurus  75
    System requirements  12
    TAB key  29
    Technical support  10
    Text window  22
    Thesaurus  75, 96
      choosing thesaurus  79, 99
      looking up
           another synonym  75
      replacing a word  75
    Underline  40
    Using Galaxy  22
    Virtual memory  79, 98
    Warranty  2
    Window  22, 25, 58, 94
      closing  59, 94
      document name  26
      DOS shell  61, 94
      icons  26
      moving  60, 94
      opening  58
      ruler line  26, 27
      scroll bars  26, 27
      sizing  60, 94
      status line  28
      switching windows  59
      viewing document  58
      zooming  60, 94
    Window Close  94
    Window Dos Shell  94
    Window Move  94
    Window New  94
    Window Size  94
    Window Zoom  94
    Word processing  19
    Zoom  60, 94



                          The Word Processor (tm)

             Copyright (c) 1990, Omniverse Software Corp.(tm)
                            All Rights Reserved

                          ____|__     |               (tm)
                       --|       |    |-------------------
                         |   ____|__  |  Association of
                         |  |       |_|  Shareware
                         |__|   o   |    Professionals
                       -----|   |   |---------------------
                            |___|___|    MEMBER

                          Omniverse Software Corp.
                                P.O. Box 1570
                           Port Townsend, Wa 98368

                    Telephone             (206) 385-1133
                    Fax                   (206) 385-5960
                    Compuserve               74000,552

     For  the  purposes  of  the  following  licensing restrictions, a
     "vendor" is defined as any person  or  legal  entity  who  either
     receives a fee for distributing copies of GALAXY, or who includes
     a  copy  of GALAXY with another item offered for sale (typically,
     this means including a copy of GALAXY either on a diskette  or  a
     hard disk of a computer offered for sale).

     Any  vendor  who  wishes to distribute shareware copies of GALAXY
     must meet one of the following requirements:

     1.   The vendor must have been accepted as an associate member of
          the  Association  of  Shareware  Professionals  (ASP).   For
          information on becoming an associate member of ASP, contact:

               Vendor Membership Coordinator
               Association of Shareware Professionals
               PO Box 5786
               Bellevue, WA 98006

     2.   The  vendor  must  obtain  written permission from Omniverse
          Software Corp.  Write to us at PO Box 1570,  Port  Townsend,
          WA    98368,   and   include   your   current   catalog   or

     Vendors who do not meet one of the  above  requirements  are  not
     permitted  to  distribute copies of  GALAXY.  Omniverse  Software
     Corp.   will  use  all  means  at  its  disposal  to  protect its
     copyright, including,  but  not  limited  to,  legal  action  for
     copyright infringement.

     Under  no  circumstances  may  GALAXY  be  distributed without all
     of the following files being included:

                File name             Size          Date
                GALAXY.EXE           162587      06/01/90
                GALAXY.HLP            49384      06/01/90
                INSTALL.EXE           37947      06/01/90
                GALDOC.ZIP            47189      06/01/90
                PKUNZIP.EXE           22540      06/01/90
                ORDER.FRM              2868      06/01/90
                VENDOR.DOC             6627      06/01/90
                README                 8076      06/01/90
                GO.EXE                 4630      06/01/90
                GAL2TO3.EXE            9823      06/01/90
                PRINTERS.PRD         361112      05/31/90

     If GALAXY is distributed on two 360K floppy disks, all the  files
     except  PRINTERS.PRD  should be on one diskette, labeled "PROGRAM
     DISK", and PRINTERS.PRD should be on the second diskette, labeled

     To distribute GALAXY on a single 360K floppy,  all  files  except
     PKUNZIP.EXE  should  be "zipped" and a batch file should be added
     which will extract the files for the user.

     BBS  systems  can  always  obtain a copy of the latest version of
     GALAXY on Compuserve, IBMAPP Forum.

     The following descriptions are suggested for describing GALAXY:

     Full featured, easy to use word processor. Full LaserJet support.

     Full  featured,  easy  to  use  word  processor.   Style  sheets,
     multiple fonts, micro-justification, supports 180 printers.

     If you  have  experienced  using  any  other  full-featured  word
     processing  program,  GALAXY's  friendliness  will  be  a welcome
     change of pace.  Even if you're new to computer word  processing,
     you'll be up and running with GALAXY in minutes.

     Colorful,  well-organized  pull-down  menus  and dialog boxes, an
     extensive help system, and instantaneous response make  GALAXY  a
     breeze to learn and a pleasure to use.

     Full  mouse  support  gives  you  the  option  of working without
     keyboard commands at all, if you prefer.  GALAXY groups series of
     commands  together  in  dialog  boxes  to  make  formatting  text
     effortless.  Choose the options that best suit your document with
     the  mouse  or  arrow  keys,  then simply press Enter.  It's that

     And whether you're using a dialog box, pull-down menu, or working
     in a document window, context-sensitive help  is  always  online,
     ready  to  explain  a  highlighted command to you. Like all other
     GALAXY commands, it's right in front of  you,  just  a  keystroke

     Register  your copy of GALAXY and you will also receive the award
     winning Microlytics SpellFinder and WordFinder spell checker  and

     GALAXY  word  processor  is easy to learn, easy to use, yet still
     delivers the power and  sophistication  you  demand.   Prepare  a
     quick  memo  or  a 15 chapter report - GALAXY has the editing and
     formatting power to do the job.
     *  Work  in  up to ten windows on screen at once.  Size, overlap,
        or  zoom  any  window  to  full  screen  with  the  mouse or a
     *  Format your text with pre-defined style  sheets  -  or  create
        your own formats and use them again easily.
     *  Cut, copy and paste text from one document to another.
     *  Context sensitive help.
     *  Edit  files  as  large as 8 megabytes using EMS memory or hard
     *  Proportional spacing and microjustification.
     *  Headers and footers.
     *  Automatic backup.
     GALAXY handles any command in only a keystroke  or  two,  quickly
     and  effortlessly.  You're free to concentrate on the real job at
     hand... Your writing.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0765

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GALAXY   EXE    154395   7-26-90   1:08p
GALAXY   HLP     49384   6-01-90  11:39a
INSTALL  EXE     37819   6-01-90   1:36p
GALDOC   ZIP     47189   6-01-90  11:39a
PKUNZIP  EXE     22540   6-01-90  11:39a
ORDER    FRM      2868   6-01-90  11:39a
VENDOR   DOC      6627   6-01-90   1:54p
README            8456   7-26-90   1:09p
GO       EXE      4630   6-01-90  11:39a
GAL2TO3  EXE      9823   6-01-90  11:39a
FILE0765 TXT      1293   8-13-90   6:39a
       11 file(s)     345024 bytes
                       11264 bytes free