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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #764)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


COMPASS is the first integrated program that combines six major
programs and utilities into one program. It has the following

~ Database -- A full-fledged database you can use to add, change
and delete information.

~ Word processing -- A functional word processor with all the abilities
you'd expect to find: automatic word-wrapping, text block editing,
utilities, and more.

~ Spreadsheet -- A complete spreadsheet program, with 315 cells (A-G
columns, 1-45 rows) that should meet any small to medium
calculating needs you have.

~ Accounting -- A built-in, single-entry accounting package that can
track up to 999 different income and expense sources, give you a
month-to-date and year-to-date report, and show balances by account
number. It has three report statements (an account number listing, a
monthly transaction report, and an income statement), and an
easy-to-use, end-of-period processing utility.

~ Calendar -- A module to keep track of all your appointments on
your schedule, displaying them either by day or by month.

~ Names -- A built-in mailing list program

~ Utilities -- A set of five major built-in utilities: list empty disk
space available, show a directory of the disk, copy files from one disk
to another, run other programs without leaving COMPASS, and set up the
parameters of COMPASS.

COMPASS is the perfect program for the lap-top computer user on the go.
It is easy to use, runs from one floppy disk, and is completely self-
contained. Great for beginners!


Disk No  #764
Program Title: Compass
PC-SIG version 1

Compass is the first integrated program that combines six major programs and
utilities into one program file. Compass has the following modules:

Database: A full-fledged database which can be edited and formated by you.
The database is limited to 10 fields of a maximum length of 25 characters.

Wordprocessing: The memo pad is a functional word processor with all the
abilities you would expect to find: word-wraping, text block editing and
utilities, etc.

Spreadsheet: This is a little limited in space (315 cells, A-G columns,
1-45 rows) but it should be able to fit any small to medium calculating
needs you have.

Accounting: Compass has a built-in single-entry accounting package which
can track up to 999 different income and expense sources, give you a
month-to-date and year-to-date report, show balances by account number. It
also has three report statement you can choose from: an account number
listing, a monthly transaction report, and an income statement. It also has
an easy to use End-of-period processing utility.

Calendar: This allows you to keep track of all your appointments on your
schedule and display them either by the day or by the month.

Names: A built-in mailing list program

Utilities: There are 5 major utilities built into the Compass program: List
empty disk space available, show a directory of the disk, copy files from
one disk to another, Execute other programs without leaving Compass, and
set-up the parameter of the Compass.

Usage: Personal and Business

System Requirements: IBM PC or compatible, one disk drive, 320k of memory, color
                     graphics adapter

How to Start: Put the program diskette in drive A Enter COMPASS after the
              A> prompt Select Utility and set your parameters

File Descriptions:

COMPASS  EXE  Main program file
COMPASS  HLP  File holding help messages
COMPASS  SET  Data file needed by COMPASS to store setup functions
READ     ME   Instructions on how to start program

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG


║                  <<<<  Disk #764 COMPASS  >>>>                          ║
║ To Start the program type COMPASS at the prompt.                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║ Refer to the read.me file for further instructions.                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║ All the documentation is in the form of on line help, once in the       ║
║ program select the option help.                                         ║
║                                                                         ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0764

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

COMPASS  EXE    277504   5-16-87   7:35a
COMPASS  HLP     28455   5-18-87   6:03p
COMPASS  SET         4   6-04-87   2:23p
FILES764 TXT      2188   6-02-87  11:23a
GO       BAT        38   6-02-87  11:55a
GO       TXT       848   6-02-87  11:59a
READ     ME        314   5-18-87   6:03p
        7 file(s)     309351 bytes
                        9216 bytes free