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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #731)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “LOCATE”

LOCATE can help you quickly and conveniently locate files by searching
for key words.  It has two programs: INDEX and LOCATE. INDEX scans all
the files on a specified disk and builds an index, while LOCATE uses
that index to make a list of files with the specified keywords.

The program has some limitations -- it won't recognize less than three
characters or more than seven.  It makes no distinction between words
whose first seven characters are identical.  For example,
``complication'' and ``complicity'' would both be regarded as
``complic.'' To solve this problem, more than one word can be specified
for the search criteria.
File Descriptions:


Disk No  731  LOCATE                                                 v1
LOCATE is a system for finding out which files contain which words. It
consists of two programs INDEX and LOCATE. INDEX scans all of the files on
a specified disk and builds an index. In the case of a hard disk INDEX will
scan all directories and sub-directories automatically and LOCATE will
return full path designations to find the files. LOCATE uses that index to
make a list of files containing the specified keywords. The program does
have some limitations. Length of words which it will recognize must be more
3 characters but not more than 7 (in words which are more than 7 characters
long the extra characters are ignored ie; COMPLICATION and COMPLICITY would
be regarded as the same word). To avoid this problem LOCATE allows more
than one word to be specified for the search criteria. To match a file must
have both words.

COMMON         Documentation
DISCLAIM       Documentation
LICENSE        Documentation
WORDS          Documentation
NAMES          Documentation
FILES          Documentation
LOCATEOP       Documentation
LOCATREF       Documentation
DIRECTOR       Documentation
CAFR           Documentation
TESTDRIV       Documentation
INSTALL        Documentation
COPYRIGH       Documentation
INDEXREF       Documentation
TITLE          Documentation
LIMITS         Documentation
LOCATE   HLP   One screen help file
INDEX    HLP   One screen help file
EXTENSIO HLP   One screen help file
WORDS    HLP   One screen help file
PATH     HLP   One screen help file
INDEXOP        Documentation
INDEX    COM   Main index program
KEY      INX   Index created by index.com
EXTENSIO INX   Index created by index.com
WORDS    INX   Index created by index.com
MAP      INX   Index created by index.com
ENTRY    INX   Index created by index.com
LOCATE   COM   Main locate program
FALSEHIT       Documentation
README         Documentation

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG


Program name:  LOCATE

Author name:  James E. Tarvid
              Logical support
              Route 2 Box 73
              Independence, VA  24348
Telephone:    (703)-773-3419

Suggested donation:  $20.00 registration + $20.00 per year for support

Program description:

    LOCATE is a system for finding out which files contain which words.  It
consists of two programs INDEX and LOCATE.  INDEX scans all of the files on a
specified disk and builds an index.  In the case of a hard disk INDEX will
scan all directories and sub-directories automatically and LOCATE will return
full path designations to find the files.  LOCATE uses that index to make a
list of files containing the specified keywords.  The program does have some
limitations.  Length of words which it will recognize must be more 3
characters but not more than 7 (in words which are more than 7 characters long
the extra characters are ignored ie; COMPLICATION and COMPLICITY would be
regarded as the same word).  To avoid this problem LOCATE allows more than one
word to be specified for the search criteria.  To match a file must have both
    There is no manual but The diskette contains numerous text files on
various aspects of the programs.  These files contain plenty of specific
technical information about how the program operates.  An overview of the
technology is contained in "CAFR" and enough instructions to run the program
are contained in "INSTALL", "INDEXOP", and "LOCATEOP".
    These programs will run on any IBM-PC or compatible with at least 128 K of
memory and two disk drives.  The documentation may be somewhat confusing for
the novice user, but program operation is very simple once you find the
instructions you need (hint: try printing the file TESTDRIV, it contains the
best step-by-step instructions)

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0731

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CAFR             11342   2-09-87   3:52p
COMMON            1161   3-31-85  12:45a
COPYRIGH           637   1-11-86   2:32p
DIRECTOR           996   1-11-86   2:33p
DISCLAIM           427   1-11-86   2:34p
ENTRY    INX     16372   2-18-87  11:40a
EXTENSIO HLP       770   4-19-85   9:13a
EXTENSIO INX       104   4-19-85   9:46a
FALSEHIT          1313   1-11-86   2:35p
FILES              793   3-31-85  12:46a
FILES731 TXT      2215   4-08-87  10:48a
INDEX    COM     22245   2-18-87  11:34a
INDEX    HLP       965   4-19-85   7:31a
INDEXOP           2335   4-23-85   6:50a
INDEXREF          6266   2-09-87   3:01p
INSTALL           2121   2-09-87   3:54p
KEY      INX      4096   2-18-87  11:40a
LICENSE           2440   2-09-87   2:46p
LIMITS            1024   4-23-85   6:55a
LOCATE   COM     12680   2-18-87  11:34a
LOCATE   HLP       746   4-19-85   9:06a
LOCATEOP           763   3-31-85  12:48a
LOCATREF           856   3-31-85  12:48a
MAP      INX       360   2-18-87  11:40a
NAMES             1145   3-31-85  12:46a
NOTES731 TXT      1850   4-08-87  10:45a
PATH     HLP      1006   4-19-85   9:40a
README            1319   2-09-87   4:32p
TESTDRIV          1914   3-31-85  12:49a
TITLE              464   2-09-87   3:08p
WORDS             1283   3-31-85  12:46a
WORDS    HLP       692   4-19-85   7:47a
WORDS    INX       487   4-15-85   7:27a
       33 file(s)     103187 bytes
                       50176 bytes free