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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #710)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “INSTACALC”

INSTACALC is a full-featured spreadsheet program with an interesting
twist: it's memory-resident.  This means that on the first run, nothing
seems to happen.  INSTACALC has simply been loaded into memory and is
now waiting for you to call it up by pressing ``Alt I''. INSTACALC waits
patiently while you type a letter with your wordprocessor, update your
database, or whatever.  Then when you press ``Alt I'', it's on the
screen and ready to serve you.  This has some very useful applications,
such as incorporating part of a spreadsheet table into a wordprocessing
file, or cutting and pasting with other programs.  You can import and
export from Lotus 1-2-3, dBASE, and .DIF files.  PC Magazine made
INSTACALC an Editor's Choice among low cost spreadsheets.


Disk No:  710
Disk Title: Instacalc
PC-SIG Version: S2.4

Program Title: Instacalc
Author Version: 2.52
Author Registration: $49.95
Special Requirements: Two floppy drives.

INSTACALC is a full-featured spreadsheet program with an interesting
twist: it's memory-resident.  This means that on the first run, nothing
seems to happen.  INSTACALC has simply been loaded into memory and is
now waiting for you to call it up by pressing ``Alt I''. INSTACALC waits
patiently while you type a letter with your wordprocessor, update your
database, or whatever.  Then when you press ``Alt I'', it's on the
screen and ready to serve you.  This has some very useful applications,
such as incorporating part of a spreadsheet table into a wordprocessing
file, or cutting and pasting with other programs.  You can import and
export from Lotus 1-2-3, dBASE, and .DIF files.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║                   <<<<  Disk #710 INSTACALC  >>>>                       ║
║ To copy the documentation to your printer type:                         ║
║                    PRINTDOC (press enter)                               ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the program type: INSTA (press enter) Then press ALT-I         ║


          InstaCalc is NOT a public domain  program. It is Shareware, which
          basically  means  that it  is a  commercial  program with  a "try
          before you  buy" option.  InstaCalc is copyrighted by FormalSoft,
          and  FormalSoft  retains  all  rights  pertaining  to  InstaCalc.
          FormalSoft grants a  restricted permission to  users to make  and
          distribute copies of InstaCalc.

          If you continue to  regularly use InstaCalc, you are  expected to
          register with FormalSoft using the form provided below.

          If  InstaCalc is used for business  purposes, or for gain, then a
          copy of InstaCalc must be purchased for each computer it is to be
          used on.

          You  are granted permission to copy  and distribute InstaCalc for
          evaluation by others on the following conditions:

          -  You may  NOT charge  anything for InstaCalc  itself.   You may
          charge a cost  based fee (not to  exceed $10) to cover  disks and

          - You  may NOT copy  the printed documentation  in any  manner or

          - You may NOT bundle InstaCalc with any other product without the
          prior written permission of FormalSoft.

          - You may  NOT distribute versions  of InstaCalc which have  been
          modified in any way.

          - You  must include ALL of  the files which are  distributed with
          InstaCalc. These files  must be  ARCHIVED together  if you  place
          them on an electronic bulletin board.

          FormalSoft  provides  quantity  discounts  for  QubeCalc.     The
          discount schedule is:

                                   QUANTITY       DISCOUNT
                                     1-2            0%
                                     3-5           15%
                                     6-9           20%
                                    10-24          25%
                                    25-49          30%
                                    50-99          35%
                                   100-249         40%
                                   250-499         45%
                                     500+          50%


                             InstaCalc Registration Form
          InstaCalc is distributed as ShareWare and is completely supported
          by user registrations. You may register your copy of InstaCalc by
          filling  out  the form  below and  mailing  it along  with $54.95
          ($49.95 + $5 s/h) to:

                               InstaCalc Registration
                                    P.O. Box 1913
                                Sandy, Ut. 84091-1913

          We can also accept VISA/MC/AMEX at (801) 565-0971.

          You  will  receive the  latest version  of InstaCalc,  along with
          additional  support programs,  the complete  printed manual,  and
          will  be  placed   on  our  update  list  to   receive  automatic
          notification of InstaCalc updates and  new software releases from



          City, State, Zip:______________________________________________

          Number of copies:____________ Amount enclosed * :______________

          * UT residents add 6 1/4% sales tax

          Where did you find out about InstaCalc or get your copy from?



          FormalSoft is currently working on new features to make InstaCalc
          even more powerful.  If there are any features you  would like to
          see added to InstaCalc, please let us know.





          QubeCalc       QubeCalc is a three  dimensional spreadsheet which
                         adds  pages  to the  rows  and columns  of regular
                         spreadsheets.  Consolidation is  automatic because
                         formulas can reference any cell on  any page.  The
                         QubeCalc 3D worksheet can even  be rotated to view
                         data  from  different  perspectives.    QubeCalc's
                         worksheet  size  is 64  rows,  64 columns,  and 64

                         QubeCalc is available  as Shareware  (registration
                         price is $69.95 + $5 s/h).

          ProQube        ProQube is FormalSoft's commercial 3D spreadsheet.
                         ProQube  is  similar to  QubeCalc  in that  it has
                         multiple pages and  the ability  to rotate the  3D
                         worksheet.   In  addition, ProQube has:  512 rows,
                         columns,  and  pages,  presentation  graphics,  an
                         integrated programming  language, macro  recorder,
                         file manager, mouse support, cell protection, file
                         encryption,  the ability  to  directly import  and
                         export 1-2-3, dBase, DIF, and ASCII files (without
                         a translation program), 104  @functions (including
                         lookup  tables),  EGA  43  row  support,  expanded
                         memory support, and much more!

                         "ProQube offers much of the functionality of 1-2-3
                         Release 3.0  while costing only a fifth  as much -
                         and it runs  on a basic  8088, 640K system with  a
                         hard disk." - Personal Computing

                         "ProQube  excels  at  analyzing  three-dimensional
                         data from all possible perspectives" - PC Magazine

                         Requirements: 640K, MSDOS 2.0+, and a hard disk.

                         ProQube is available directly  from FormalSoft for
                         $99, or you can find it at your local dealer.

                         Call or write for a free demo disk.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0710

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CONVERT  COM      8496   1-17-90   2:52a
EXPORT   COM     21814   1-17-90   2:52a
FILES710 TXT      1851   3-10-90   4:10p
GO       BAT        38   6-25-87   9:14a
GO       TXT       617  11-16-87   8:42a
HARDDISK BAT       565   1-17-90   2:52a
IMPORT   COM     16080   1-17-90   2:52a
INSTA    000     16384   1-17-90   2:52a
INSTA    001     23296   1-17-90   2:52a
INSTA    COM     52370   1-17-90   2:52a
INSTA    HLP     70254   1-17-90   2:52a
INSTAMEM COM      7996   1-17-90   2:52a
INSTAOUT COM      6548   1-17-90   2:52a
LHARC    EXE     31256   1-17-90   2:52a
MANUAL   LZH     36763   1-17-90   2:52a
OPTIONS  COM      3500   1-17-90   2:52a
PRINTDOC EXE     11024   1-17-90   2:52a
README            2773   1-17-90   2:52a
REGISTER DOC      7298   1-17-90   2:52a
SETUP    COM      9342   1-17-90   2:52a
       20 file(s)     328265 bytes
                       24576 bytes free