PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #697)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “THE FRONT OFFICE 1 OF 3 (ALSO 698, 2311)”

Open the door to more opportunity with THE FRONT OFFICE (TFO).  TFO is
a marketing and sales productivity system for prospecting and lead
tracking, telemarketing and call reporting, follow-up and sales

TFO is menu-driven and uses a single data-entry system for all data.
Data entered in one area is automatically copied to all other
applicable areas -- cutting down on data-entry costs, time, and
errors.  It comes with its own word processor and works with others, as

Letters, envelopes, labels, and reports are selectively produced by
prospect code, salesperson code, zip code, follow-up date, customer
code, product code, or your own user-defined fields for efficient and
flexible prospect tracking and follow-up.  Call reports include
telephone time, sales forecasts, and potential sales volume for
management analysis and sales support.


║ <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #697  THE FRONT OFFICE 1 OF 3 (also #698,2311)  >>>>  ║
║  To begin the program, insert Disk #698 and type:  GO (Enter)           ║
║  to read the installation instructions.                                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print those instructions, type:  COPY READ.ME PRN (press Enter)     ║
║                                                                         ║
║  Once you have read the file and the config.sys file is setup,          ║
║  to install program (from Disk #698) type:  INSTALL (press Enter)       ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print the manual for THE FRONT OFFICE, insert Disk #2311 and        ║
║  type:  PRINTMAN (press Enter)                                          ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To start program, type:  TFO (press Enter)                             ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1990, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


 MAIN-MENU        PC Version           File: HELP0101.TXT
                 Welcome to the
          Write-Perspective Word Processor

   You can obtain help information from the main editor
   by keying Alt/H, or any invalid character.  At print
   time, if you key any character other than <Esc>,
    <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
   <Space> or <End>, you will obtain the print help
   information.  Simply make a menu selection using
   the F1 thru F9 keys, or the 1 thru 9 keys, or use
   the spacebar to mark the desired selection, then
   press the <Enter> key.

    <Esc> to Exit                           (End)


FUNCTION KEY      PC Version           File: HELP0201.TXT
  USAGE                       KEY   KEY-PAD or ARROW-KEYS
Left Character                Ctrl/S        Left
Right Character               Ctrl/D        Right
Left Word                     F1 or Ctrl/A  Ctrl/Left
Right Word                    F2 or Ctrl/F  Ctrl/Right
Left Line                     F3 or Ctrl/X  ---
Right Line                    F4 or Ctrl/Z  ---
   <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
Previous Line (Up vertically) Ctrl/Z        Up
Next LIne   (Down vertically) Ctrl/X        Down
Reverse Search                F7 or Ctrl/J  ---
Forward Search                F8 or Ctrl/L  ---
Reverse Search & Replace      Shift/F7      ---
Forward Search & Replace      Shift/F8      ---
Delete Character              Del or Ctrl/G ---
Delete Word                   Shift/F1 or Ctrl/T
Delete Entire Line            Alt/D or Ctrl/Y
   <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
Delete to End of Line         Shift/F3      ---
Undo the Last Delete          F10 or Ctrl/U ---
Ending an Edit (Save Option)  Alt/F10, Ctrl/E, or End
Ending an Edit (Save Always)  Alt/X         ---
Quitting an Edit              Alt/Q         ---
Writing Document W/O Ending   Alt/W         ---
Reading in a Document         Alt/R         ---
Toggle Insert/Typeover Mode   Ctrl/V        Ins
Toggle Boldface Attribute     F5, Alt/1 or Ctrl/B
   <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
Toggle Underline Attribute    F6, Alt/2 or Ctrl/_
Toggle Syllable Attribute     Alt/3         ---
Toggle User Defined Attb. #1  Alt/4 (Varies by Printer)
Toggle User Defined Attb. #2  Alt/5 (Varies by Printer)
Toggle User Defined Attb. #3  Alt/6 (Varies by Printer)
Toggle User Defined Attb. #4  Alt/7 (Varies by printer)
Clear all Active Attributes   Alt/8         ---
Enter a Binding Space         Shift/F5 or Ctrl/^
Enter a Format Line or Ruler  F9 or Ctrl/P  ---
   <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
Copying a Block of Text       Alt/C or Ctrl/F9 (twice)
Moving  a Block of Text       Alt/M or Ctrl/F7 (twice)
Inserting a Block of Text     Alt/I or Ctrl/F10
Change the Name of a Document Alt/N or Ctrl/F8
Change the Name of Temp Doc.  Alt/N         ---
Change the Name of Par Doc.   Alt/N         ---
Execute another WP (Clone)    Alt/E or Ctrl/W
Execute the Command Processor Alt/Z or Ctrl/O
Display Help Information      Alt/H or Ctrl/R
   <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
Execute Spelling Program      Shift/F2  (See Manual)
Previous Page (Window)        PgUp
Next Page (Window)            PgDn

   <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
PRINTER FUNCTIONS PC Version           File: HELP0301.TXT
(All Begin with the Format Char F9 and end with a Return)
 CODE                  FUNCTION
  " Comments..."   Allows non-printed comments
  AP               Advances to the Next Page
  C                Center a Line
  CD:LETTER.DOC    Continues Printing with Document
  FS:66            Size of Form (Lines) (0=Use Form Feed)
   <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
  PS:54            Number of lines to print on form
  SN or SN:02      Start Page numbering, # optional
  EN               Ends Page numbering
  SJ               Start Character Justification
  EJ               End Character Justification
  GS:10            Guarantee Space (ties lines together)
  LS:2             Line Spacing
  H1 Text...       Header (One line only)
  PC:27,01,...     Printer Codes sent to Printer
   <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
  -L-P-T----R      Ruler, T=Tab, L=LM, P=Para & R=RM
  PA               Pause after each page (single sheets)
  F1 Text          Footer (One line only)
  SC or SC:01      Start Copy numbering, # optional
  EC               End Copy numbering
  LS:23            Set Line number
  VM:2             Skip 2 lines before printing any text

   <Esc> to Exit                           (End)


 PRINTER FUNCTIONS PC Version           File: HELP0301.TXT
 (All Begin with the Format Char F9 and end with a Return)
  CODE                  FUNCTION
   " Comments..."   Allows non-printed comments
   AP               Advances to the Next Page
   C                Center a Line
   CD:LETTER.DOC    Continues Printing with Document
   FS:66            Size of Form (Lines) (0=Use Form Feed)
    <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
   PS:54            Number of lines to print on form
   SN or SN:02      Start Page numbering, # optional
   EN               Ends Page numbering
   SJ               Start Character Justification
   EJ               End Character Justification
   GS:10            Guarantee Space (ties lines together)
   LS:2             Line Spacing
   H1 Text...       Header (One line only)
   PC:27,01,...     Printer Codes sent to Printer
    <Esc> to Exit   <Enter> to Continue     (More)
    L-P-T----R      Ruler, T=Tab, L=LM, P=Para & R=RM
   PA               Pause after each page (Single sheet)
   F1 Text          Footer (One line only)
   SC or SC:01      Start Copy numbering, # optional
   EC               End Copy numbering
   LS:23            Set Line number
   VM:2             Skip 2 lines before printing any text

    <Esc> to Exit                           (End)

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0697

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DISK1                6   3-25-90  11:50p
SWITCH   EXE      9203  12-21-87
HELP0101 TXT      1199  10-02-88   9:48p
HELP0201 TXT      5310  10-02-88   9:40p
HELP0301 TXT      1800  10-02-88   9:49p
IAMSALES EXE    242624   5-28-90  12:37p
TWP      EXE     68272   4-08-89   2:36p
CONVERT  DBF       833  11-28-88   2:54p
IAMT     DBF       833   6-21-88   8:09p
IAMTNAME DBF       930   6-20-89   8:54p
IAMSNAME DBF       687   2-20-90   3:24p
IAMPERF  DBF       672   2-20-90   3:24p
IAMCTEL  DBF       259   4-19-90   2:06p
IAMNAME  DBF     13768   4-26-90   3:00a
IAMFIELD DBF       973   5-28-90  12:46p
IAMCONT  DBF      1292   4-19-90   2:06p
IAMCONT  DBT      2027   3-16-90   2:39p
IAMCLEAR MEM      1604   5-28-90  12:46p
GO       BAT        37   6-21-90  10:39a
GO       TXT      1387   9-14-90  12:50a
       20 file(s)     353716 bytes
                           0 bytes free