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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #687)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “IN-CONTROL 1 OF 2 (ALSO 688)”

IN-CONTROL is a well-rounded business prospect/contacts and activity-
tracking system. It provides a Rolodex, activities list, management
reports, expense reports and an appointments tickler.

Everything is on-line with fast search capabilities.  The Rolodex
features names, addresses and notations retrieval and a graphic
``layer-in'' ability which lets you temporarily merge mailing lists. In
addition, it is network-ready.  The system also includes:
appointments tracking, expenses, graphics, free-form data search,
labels management and reports.  A built-in telephone dialing system
uses your modem and frees your phone for incoming calls.  A built-in
proposal and invoice generator is provided.  The program standardizes
your prospecting and follow-up information and converts forgotten
verbal commitments into a focused daily list of appointments and
callbacks that nets you extra business.

IN-CONTROL requires registration after you have placed 50 records in
the Prospect file.  If not registered, this program will lock you out
from access to the program, though the data files are always intact.


Disk No:  687
Disk Title: IN-CONTROL 1 of 2 (also 688)  (Disk 1 of 2)
PC-SIG Version: 3.3

Program Title: IN-CONTROL
Author Version: 3.0
Author Registration: $99.00 (required after 50 prospects entered).
Special Requirements: 512K RAM and two floppy drives.

A well-rounded business prospect/contacts and activity-tracking system.
IN-CONTROL provides a Rolodex, activities list, management reports,
expense reports and an appointments tickler.

Everything is on-line with fast search capabilities.  The Rolodex
features names, addresses and notations retrieval and a graphic
``layer-in'' ability which lets you temporarily merge mailing lists.
In addition, it is network-ready.  The system also includes:
appointments tracking, expenses, graphics, free-form data search,
labels management and reports.  A built-in telephone dialing system
uses your modem and frees your phone for incoming calls.  A built-in
proposal and invoice generator is provided.  The program standardizes
your prospecting and follow-up information and converts forgotten
verbal commitments into a focused daily appointments and callback list
that nets you extra business.

IN-CONTROL requires registration after you have placed 50 records in
the Prospect file.  If not registered, this program will lock you out
from access to the program, though the data files are always intact.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


The  amount  of space remaining on your floppy disk in drive A is critical  to
the  functionality of this program.   All of your data and on-line Help  files
are stored on that disk.

If  you  have  less than 10,000 characters remaining,  remove ALL  Help  files
ending in 'DOC' and place them onto the third disk for this program, SALESDOC.
[The SALESDOC disk is not used interactively with this program]

Later on,  if you select a Help message, the program will display a message to
you that it cannot find that file.  At that point, you could exit the program,
copy  that one single DOC file from SALESDOC to the SALE-A disk,  restart  the
program,  then examine that Help file.   Let's say, for example, that you were
in the Labels Menu and you selected 'H' for Help.   If you had already removed
all  DOC files,  the program would display this message to you:   'Can't  find
that file [LABEL1.DOC]'.  In this case the on-line documentation for the Label
Menu is contained in LABEL1.DOC.  You don't need to memorize what DOC files go
with  what screens,  since the program will tell you the name of  the  missing
Help file.

Also, if you use the Memo function in the program and you appear to be running
out of space fast, go to the Other Options Menu periodically and enter option
9: Repack and Reindex.  That should free up space from the Memo files.


                       Index Error

The program cannot find a record in your file that has 'NEW' in the
name field.  This is probably an indexing problem.  When the  program
exits, erase all files that end in 'NTX'.

After you do this, start the program again and it will re-index itself.

If that does't work, you will have to restore your original empty
data files with this batch command:


                             Proposal or  Invoice

This  module  will create a proposal or an invoice from this current  activity
record.  It uses the name,  address,  and zip code from this record and places
that  information onto the form.   Observe that the form for this proposal  or
invoice  is  predefined and the program does not accumulate totals  from   one
printout  to  the  other.    This option is to be used as  a  convenient  word
processor, not as an accounting package.

Also,  note that the comment you entered into the activity record,  up to  200
characters, will be placed into the lower portion of the proposal/invoice. The
placement  of  your entries on the proposal/invoice will become clear  if  you
experiment a few times with this procedure.

If you want your own comments to appear in the lower portion of the proposal/
invoice, you can enter up to 500 characters of your own choice instead of
the comment that you entered into the activity record.


                           Registration Procedure:

If  you  elect  to  become a registered  user  of  this  commercial  grade
software,  then  you can pay for this over the phone with your credit card.

In the next screen,  the program will ask for a validation number from you.
You  will  receive  this number over the phone from  the  ACS  Credit  Card
Registration Hot Line.

You must pay for this program with a credit card.   If you do not have one,
go to a friend or colleague,  write a personal check to them,  and then use
their  card  for this purchase.   ACS is not set up to process  checks  for
purchases made over the phone.

The  ACS  Credit  Card Registration Hot Line will accept  either  of  these
credit cards in payment for this great program:   MasterCard,  Visa, Diners
Club, Carte Blanche, and American Express.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0687

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

SALE-A30 ZIP    166010   2-12-90   6:36p
SALE-B30 ZIP    149282   2-12-90   6:37p
PKUNZIP  EXE     21440   7-21-89   1:01a
GO       BAT      2688   1-23-90  10:13p
INSTALL  BAT      2944   2-01-90   9:46a
ECOH     COM        96   5-23-88  12:30p
INPUT    COM        49   5-19-88   2:05a
YESNO    COM        54   5-21-88   6:50p
FILE0687 TXT      2517   7-13-90  11:14p
        9 file(s)     345080 bytes
                       12288 bytes free