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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #680)

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Information about “FORGE A FORMS GENERATER”

FORGE is a Turbo Pascal and dBase III programmer's aid. it allows the
programmer to design data input forms or help screens, then generate
Turbo Pascal or dBase III source code for those forms. This source code
can then be compiled and used as is for data entry, or it can be
included as a procedure within a larger more comprehensive
program.  Since this is a utility for Turbo Pascal and dBase III,
a working knowledge of these programming languages is assumed.

The concept of FORGE is somewhat analogous to word processing. with a
word processor you can write, review, change, insert, delete and
otherwise perfect your text before committing it to its final form.
FORGE allows you to do the same thing with a data input form or
information screen. Some of the outstanding features of FORGE are that
you can: fill an area on the screen with color, without affecting the
characters that are already on the screen, insert or delete lines from
the screen, define areas on the form for entering data, define data
entry areas as "string", "integer", or "real" data types, use IBM
graphics characters to "draw" boxes etc., and use blinking characters.

System Requirements:  TURBO Pascal 2.0 or higher.

How to Start:  Type FORGE (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $20.00

File Descriptions:

BUGFIX   TXT  Listing of bugfixes that created this version of FORGE.
CONTENTS TXT  Text file describing the contents of this disk.
DEMO     DTA  Practice form.
DEMO     FMT  dBase III code generated from DEMO.DTA.
DEMO     PAS  Turbo Pascal code generated from DEMO.DTA.
EXTPROC1 PAS  Turbo Pascal include files.
EXTPROC2 PAS  Turbo Pascal include files.
EXTPROC3 PAS  Turbo Pascal include files.
EXTPROC4 PAS  Turbo Pascal include files.
FORGE    COM  Main program for large memory systems.
FORGE    DOC  Documentation file.
FORGE2   000  Overlay files for small memory systems.
FORGE2   COM  Main program for small memory systems.
GRAPHICS DTA  Practice form.
README   TXT  Overview of FORGE & explanation how to print documentation


         This file contains a description of the bugs that were fixed
         in each of the various revision levels of FORGE.

         Corrects a problem that occurred only when trying to edit a
         form that had been developed with either light magenta or
         light green for the text color or background color.  FORGE
         would still produce useable Turbo code that could be compiled
         and used for data entry, but attempting to edit these forms
         would result in a fatal run-time error.



         FORGE.DOC      DOCUMENTATION (to print type "COPY FORGE.DOC >LPT1")


Disk No  #680
Program Title: FORGE Version 2.01
PC-SIG version 2

FORGE is a Turbo Pascal and dBase III programmer's aid. it allows the
programmer to design data input forms or help screens, then generate Turbo
Pascal or dBase III source code for those forms. This source code can then
be compiled and used as is for data entry, or it can be included as a
procedure within a larger more comprehensive program. Since this is a
utility for Turbo Pascal and dBase III, a working knowledge of these
programming languages is assumed.

The concept of FORGE is somewhat analogous to word processing. with a word
processor you can write, review, change, insert, delete and otherwise
perfect your text before committing it to its final form. FORGE allows you
to do the same thing with a data input form or information screen. Some of
the outstanding features of FORGE are that you can: fill an area on the
screen with color, without affecting the characters that are already on the
screen, insert or delete lines from the screen, define areas on the form
for entering data, define data entry areas as "string", "integer", or
"real" data types, use IBM graphics characters to "draw" boxes etc., and
use blinking characters.

Usage: Programing

System Requirements: 128k of memory, one disk drive, and TURBO Pascal
                     2.0 or higher.

How to Start: Type FORGE (press enter)

Suggested Registration: $20.00

File Descriptions:

BUGFIX   TXT  Listing of bugfixes that created this version of FORGE
CONTENTS TXT  Text file describing the contents of this disk
DEMO     DTA  Practice form
DEMO     FMT  dBase III code generated from DEMO.DTA
DEMO     PAS  Turbo Pascal code generated from DEMO.DTA
EXTPROC1 PAS  Turbo Pascal include files
EXTPROC2 PAS  Turbo Pascal include files
EXTPROC3 PAS  Turbo Pascal include files
EXTPROC4 PAS  Turbo Pascal include files
FORGE    COM  Main program for large memory systems
FORGE    DOC  Documentation file
FORGE2   000  Overlay files for small memory systems
FORGE2   COM  Main program for small memory systems
GRAPHICS DTA  Practice form
README   TXT  Overview of FORGE & explanation how to print documentation

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG


   FFF       F   OOO     OOO     RRR      RRR     GGG      GGG   EEE       E
   FFF           OOO     OOO     RRR      RRR     GGG      GGG   EEE
   FFF           OOO     OOO     RRR   RRR        GGG    GGGGG   EEE
   FFF           OOO     OOO     RRR    RRR       GGG      GGG   EEE       E

                                  USER'S MANUAL

                                USER'S MANUAL FOR
                                (FORm GEnerator)
                                    rev. 2.0


                               DEADALIAN Software
                                  P.O. BOX 553
                            Grandville, MI 49418-0553

                                FORGE software
                        (c) Copyright 1986 David Remelts
                               All Rights Reserved

                                 FORGE manual
                        (c) Copyright 1986 David Remelts
                               All Rights Reserved

         TURBO Pascal is a registered trademark of
         Borland International, Inc.

         IBM is a registered trademark of
         International Business Machines Corporation.

         dBASE III is a registered trademark of



                   This software product and manual are being
                   distributed under the USER SUPPORTED SOFT-
                   WARE concept.  The software and manual are
                   copyrighted material; they are NOT in the
                   public domain.  However, you are encouraged
                   to help distribute this product by sharing
                   it with friends and associates, subject to
                   the following rules:
                   1)  You may not SELL copies of the diskette
                       containing the software and manual for
                       more than your cost of reproduction.
                   2)  Copies of the PRINTED manual may not be
                   3)  The software and documentation may not
                       be altered.
                   4)  The entire contents of the distribution
                       diskette must be included on any copies.
                       This includes: FORGE.COM, FORGE2.COM,
                       FORGE2.000, FORGE.DOC, EXTPROC1.PAS thru
                       EXTPROC4.PAS, DEMO.DTA, DEMO.PAS, DEMO.FMT,
                       and README.TXT.

                       If this product is useful to you,
                       please send $20.00 to:

                                DAEDALIAN Software
                                  P.O. Box 553
                           Grandville, MI  49418-0553


         Like so many programs available through the user supported
         concept, FORGE was originally conceived and developed to meet
         the personal needs of the author.  Consequently, the program
         has taken on the characteristics that I felt were important
         for a form generator to have.  As the program began to take
         shape, and I began to realize that this might be something
         others would need, I spent more time on the user interface and
         on error trapping, to make it easier to use.

         When first released (Rev. 1.0), the program was somewhat slow
         (to put it kindly) because it used the Turbo Pascal WRITELN
         command to create all of the menu screens and to redraw the
         user's screen after the user selected from the color menu.  It
         also used the WRITELN command when the user inserted or
         deleted characters on the screen.

         The next release, Rev. 2.0, was a major improvement in the
         screen handling routines.  Now, the program has three 4K buf-
         fers; one each for the two main menu screens and one for the
         screen being designed by the user, and the program uses the
         Turbo Pascal MOVE command to instantaneously move the buffers
         into and out of the physical screen memory area.  Inserting
         and deleting characters on the user's screen is also done with
         the MOVE command.  The difference is dramatic.

         I have some ideas for future releases, but the future direct-
         ion of this software will really be determined to a large
         degree by you, the user.  If you have ideas for features you
         would like to see included, or if you have comments on the
         program, its operation, or this manual, or if you find any
         bugs, please send them to me.  I will do all that I can to
         live up to my responsibility as author of the program.

         Let's work together to prove that good software doesn't have to be
         expensive or supported by megabuck advertising campaigns to be

         Thank you for your support,

         David Remelts

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

                 INTRODUCTION                                1

                 GENERAL OVERVIEW                            2

                 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS                         3

                 DISTRIBUTION DISKETTE CONTENTS              3

                 GETTING STARTED                             4

                 CREATE A FORM                               4
                   FUNCTION KEY COMMANDS                     6
                   ALT-KEY COMMANDS                          9
                     COLOR MENU COMMAND <alt>C               9
                     DATA FIELD COMMAND <alt>D              11
                     GRAPHICS CHARACTERS <alt>G             14
                     FILL AREA <alt>F                       15
                     REPEAT AREA FILL <alt>R                18
                     HIGHLIGHT DATA FIELDS <alt>H           19

                 EDIT A FORM                                20

                 SAVE FORM                                  21

                 GENERATE CODE                              22
                   TURBO PASCAL                             22
                   dBASE III                                25

                 COMPILING THE CODE (TURBO)                 27

                 USING YOUR TURBO FORM                      28
                   MOVING AROUND ON THE FORM                28
                   f1=Quit                                  29
                   f2=Prev                                  29
                   f3=Next                                  29
                   f4=Del                                   30
                   f5=Rec#                                  30
                   f8=Backup                                31
                   f0=Accept                                31
                   Record #                                 32

                 USING YOUR dBASE FORM                      32

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator


              FORGE is a TURBO Pascal and dBASE III programmer's aid.

         It allows the programmer to design data input forms or help

         screens, then generate TURBO Pascal or dBASE III source code

         for those forms.  This source code can then be compiled and

         used as is for data entry, or it can be included as a

         procedure within a larger more comprehensive program.  Since

         this is a utility for TURBO Pascal and dBASE III, a working

         knowledge of these programming languages is assumed.  This

         manual will not explain topics that are already covered in the

         TURBO Pascal, dBASE III, or the DOS manuals.

              The concept of FORGE is somewhat analogous to word

         processing.  With a word processor you can write, review,

         change, insert, delete and otherwise perfect your text before

         committing it to its final form.  FORGE allows you to do the

         same thing with a data input form or information screen.  Some

         of the outstanding features of FORGE are that you can: fill

         an area on the screen with color, without affecting the char-

         acters that are already on the screen, insert or delete lines

         from the screen, define areas on the form for entering data,

         define data entry areas as "String", "Integer", or "Real" data

         types, use IBM graphics characters to "draw" boxes etc., and

         use blinking characters.

              Although it is possible to create very colorful and

         "slick" looking screens with FORGE, dBASE III will not be

         able to reproduce a multicolored form.

                                   PAGE 1

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator


              Creating a data entry form for TURBO Pascal is a three-

         step process.  First use FORGE to design a form, or to edit

         an existing form.  Then use FORGE to generate the TURBO

         Pascal source code.  Finally, use TURBO Pascal to compile the

         source code into executable code.

              When FORGE generates the source code for the form it

         creates two files on the disc.  Both files have the same name

         but different extensions.  The name is supplied by you, and

         the extensions are supplied by FORGE.  One file has a ".PAS"

         extension and the other has a ".DTA" extension.  The .PAS file

         is the source code generated by FORGE, and the .DTA file

         contains all the information about the form that you designed.

         This file should not be destroyed because FORGE needs this

         file if you want to edit the form later.

              Creating a data entry form for dBASE III is a two-step

         process.  First use FORGE to design a form, or to edit an

         existing form.  Then use FORGE to generate the dBASE III

         source code.

              When FORGE generates the source code for the form it

         creates two files on the disc.  Both files have the same name

         but different extensions.  The name is supplied by you, and

         the extensions are supplied by FORGE.  One file has a ".FMT"

         extension and the other has a ".DTA" extension.  The .FMT file

         is the source code generated by FORGE, and the .DTA file

         contains all the information about the form that you designed.

         This file should not be destroyed because FORGE needs this

         file if you want to edit the form later.

                                   PAGE 2

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

              The .DTA files for forms created for TURBO Pascal are

         identical to those created for forms for dBASE III.  You can

         use the same .DTA file to generate TURBO Pascal code and dBASE

         III code.


              FORGE requires an IBM PC, PC XT, PCjr, or true compat-

         ible, with 128k of memory, one disk drive, and TURBO Pascal

         2.0 or higher.  A color graphics card and color monitor are

         highly recommended to get the full benefit of the features

         built into FORGE, however color is not required in order to

         use FORGE.  It is possible to use a color system to design

         forms for a monochrome system, and vice versa.  Some of the

         differences between the two systems will be explained in this

         manual as each of the features of FORGE are explained.


              The FORGE distribution diskette contains several files

         when you receive  it.  It is recommended that you make a work-

         ing copy of the distribution diskette and keep the original in

         a safe place; FORGE is not copy protected.  The files supplied

         on the distribution diskette are: FORGE.COM, the main program,

         FORGE2.COM and FORGE2.000, a version of the main program that

         uses overlays, and EXTPROC1.PAS thru EXTPROC4.PAS.  These four

         files are TURBO Pascal Include files, they must be present in

         the default drive when you compile the TURBO source code for

         your form.  There is also a file called DEMO.DTA on the

         diskette.  This file is a form that you can use to practice

                                   PAGE 3

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

         the concepts discussed in this manual.  There are also two

         files, DEMO.PAS and DEMO.FMT, that show what the code

         generated by FORGE will look like for TURBO Pascal and dBASE



              FORGE is a .COM file, and can be started by simply typing

         "FORGE" and pressing <enter>.  If you are using FORGE on a

         PCjr, or if you get an insufficient memory error, try using

         the FORGE2 version by typing "FORGE2" and pressing <enter>.

         This is essentially the same program but parts of it are

         loaded from an overlay file (FORGE2.000) when required.  This

         makes the main program smaller, but requires that the overlay

         file, FORGE2.000, be present on the default drive whenever

         option #3 or #4 are selected from the main menu.

              When FORGE starts you are presented with the main menu.

         There are five items from which to select on this menu:

              1. Create a form,
              2. Edit a form,
              3. Save form,
              4. Generate Code, and
              5. Exit program.
         Select the desired procedure by pressing the number key assoc-

         iated with it.

         CREATE A FORM

              If you select the "Create a Form" option from the main

         menu by pressing "1", FORGE presents the color selection

         menu.  You tell FORGE what color to use for the foreground

         (text) and background colors by selecting from the color menu.

                                   PAGE 4

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

              First you select from the background menu.  The menu con-

         sists of a color bar with 8 colors displayed.  Each color has

         its name written across it in white, except the bottom one

         which is the white background.  This one has its name written

         in black.

              On a monochrome system you do not have the ability to

         display all the different background colors.  You will notice

         that the first seven background colors are all displayed as

         black, the last one is displayed as a reverse video background

         with black characters on it.  Selecting the Lt Gray background

         will not automatically give you a reverse video field though,

         unless you also select the Black or Dk Gray option from the

         foreground color menu.

              There is an arrow on the left side of the color bar that

         looks like this: NoBlink==>>.  The "NoBlink" has no signif-

         icance during selection of the background color, but will come

         into play when you select the text color.  Use the UP and DOWN

         cursor keys to move the arrow so that it points to the color

         that you want for the background, and select it by pressing


              You are then presented with the foreground color selec-

         tion menu.  There are 16 colors available for the text color.

         The menu background is all one color, (the color that you have

         just chosen as your background color) with the name of each

         text color spelled out in its own color.  This gives the user

         a good representation of what the screen will look like when

         text is placed on the form in that color combination (What you

         see is what you get).  Again, move the arrow up and down to

                                   PAGE 5

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

         point to the color combination that looks right to you.

              On a monochrome system your options are again somewhat

         limited.  If you selected the Black background then you have

         the option of having underlined text by selecting the Blue or

         Lt Blue foreground colors.  If you selected the Lt Gray back-

         ground color then you have the option of having text displayed

         in reverse video by selecting the Black or Dk Gray foreground

         colors.  Other than that, text will be displayed in regular

         video (character pixels on, background black) with most other

         combinations, except Black or Dk Gray on Black, which will not

         display any text.

              You also have the option at this point of selecting the

         "Blink" feature.  If you select this option then all the text

         that you place on the form will blink on and off.  To select

         this option use the RIGHT cursor key.  The "NoBlink==>>" arrow

         will disappear and the "<<==Blink" arrow will appear on the

         other side of the menu pointing to the same color combination

         as before.  You can switch back and forth between NoBlink/-

         Blink by pressing the RIGHT and LEFT cursor keys.  Make your

         final selection by pressing <enter>, this will also select the

         blink option in effect at the time the <enter> key is pressed.

              You are now presented with a black screen with a white

         status line across the bottom (reverse video on a monochrome

         system).  Now you can place text on the form in the text/back-

         ground color combination that you selected; the black back-

         ground will be overwritten with your color combination.

                                   PAGE 6

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator


               The white status line across the bottom of the screen

         describes the purpose of the function keys, and also tells

         which funtion key is in effect at any given time.  On a color

         monitor the function key that is in effect will be displayed

         in blue on the white background.  On a monochrome monitor the

         function key that is in effect will switch from a being dis-

         played in reverse video to regular video (character pixels

         will be on).

         f1:  REPEAT DOWN.  This function key causes the autorepeat

         operation to repeat in the DOWN direction.  This is useful for

         making boxes and borders.  When this key is in effect it is

         highlighted in blue on the status line (on a monochrome system

         this key will be highlighted in regular video).  This function

         can be turned off by pressing the f1 key again, or by pressing

         f2 or f3.

         f2:  REPEAT LEFT.  This function key causes the autorepeat

         operation to repeat in the LEFT direction.  Turn it off by

         pressing f2 again, or by pressing f3 or f1.

         f3:  REPEAT UP.  This function key causes the autorepeat

         operation to repeat in the UP direction.  Turn it off by

         pressing f3 again, or by pressing f1 or f2.

         f8:  INSERT LINE.  This function key causes the line that the

         cursor is presently on, and all subsequent lines, to be pushed

                                   PAGE 7

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

         down one line.  The last line of your form will be pushed off

         the screen and cannot be retrieved.  Pressing f8 is a one-time

         operation; it does not need to be turned off after being used.

         f9:  DELETE LINE.  This function key causes the line that the

         cursor is presently on to be deleted.  All subsequent lines

         will move up one line, and there will be a blank line at the

         bottom of the form.  The line that has been deleted cannot be

         retrieved.  Pressing f9 is a one-time operation; it does not

         need to be turned off after being used.

         f10: MAIN MENU.  This function key will bring you back to the

         main menu.

              At the extreme right of the status line is the cursor

         location indicator.  This indicator uses standard TURBO cursor

         location notation, that is: the upper left corner of the

         screen is location 1,1, the X coordinate is given first, and

         the Y coordinate is given second.  This differs from dBASE III

         cursor notation in which the upper left corner of the dBASE

         screen is location 0,0, with the Y coordinate given first,

         and the X coordinate given second.  If you are using FORGE to

         design a screen for dBASE you will have to learn to mentally

         convert these coordinates.  Perhaps a later version will allow

         the coordinates to be displayed in either format at the user's

         discretion.  At any rate, the dBASE  .FMT file produced by

         FORGE will have the @... SAY coordinates correctly converted

         to dBASE syntax.

                                   PAGE 8

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator


              Besides the function key commands FORGE has six <alt>

         key commands:

         <alt>C: Color Menu
         <alt>D: Data Field
         <alt>G: Graphics Characters
         <alt>F: Fill Area
         <alt>R: Repeat Fill
         <alt>H: Highlight Data Fields.

         COLOR MENU COMMAND <alt>C

              This command will allow you to change the text/background

         color combination.  Pressing <Alt>C will invoke the color

         menu.  The form that you were working on will dissappear to

         make way for the color menu screen, but  it will be restored

         after you make your color menu selection.

              First you select from the background menu.  The menu con-

         sists of a color bar with 8 colors displayed.  Each color has

         its name written across it in white, except the bottom one

         which is the white background.  This one has its name written

         in black.

              On a monochrome system you do not have the ability to

         display all the different background colors.  You will notice

         that the first seven background colors are all displayed as

         black, the last one is displayed as a reverse video background

         with black characters on it.  Selecting the Lt Gray background

         will not automatically give you a reverse video field though,

         unless you also select the Black or Dk Gray option from the

         foreground color menu.

              There is an arrow on the left side of the color bar that

                                   PAGE 9

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

         looks like this: NoBlink==>>.  The "NoBlink" has no signif-

         icance during selection of the background color, but will come

         into play when you select the text color.  Use the UP and DOWN

         cursor keys to move the arrow so that it points to the color

         that you want for the background, and select it by pressing


              You are then presented with the foreground color selec-

         tion menu.  There are 16 colors available for the text color.

         The menu background is all one color, (the color that you have

         just chosen as your background color) with the name of each

         text color spelled out in its own color.  This gives the user

         a good representation of what the screen will look like when

         text is placed on the form in that color combination (What you

         see is what you get).  Again, move the arrow up and down to

         point to the color combination that looks right to you.

              On a monochrome system your options are again somewhat

         limited.  If you selected the Black background then you have

         the option of having underlined text by selecting the Blue or

         Lt Blue foreground colors.  If you selected the Lt Gray back-

         ground color then you have the option of having text displayed

         in reverse video by selecting the Black or Dk Gray foreground

         colors.  Other than that, text will be displayed in regular

         video (character pixels on, background black) with most other

         combinations, except Black or Dk Gray on Black, which will not

         display any text.

              You also have the option at this point of selecting the

         "Blink" feature.  If you select this option then all the text

         that you place on the form will blink on and off.  To select

                                   PAGE 10

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

         this option use the RIGHT cursor key.  The "NoBlink==>>" arrow

         will disappear and the "<<==Blink" arrow will appear on the

         other side of the menu pointing to the same color combination

         as before.  You can switch back and forth between NoBlink/-

         Blink by pressing the RIGHT and LEFT cursor keys.  Make your

         final selection by pressing <enter>, this will also select the

         blink option in effect at the time the <enter> key is pressed.

              After you have made your selection, the form that you

         were designing will reappear on the screen with the cursor

         positioned where it was before.  You can continue to design

         your form and all the text that you enter now will be in the

         new color combination that you selected.

         DATA FIELD COMMAND <alt>D

              This command allows you to define data input fields on

         your form.

              Data fields are areas on the form that you wish to desig-

         nate as user input fields.  They act as tab stops when the

         user is entering data with your form.  What you are really

         doing is designating a record variable.  The <alt>D command

         acts as a toggle; press it at the beginning of your data input

         field, then press it again at the end of the data input field.

         When the toggle is "on" the word "Data" will be highlighted in

         blue in the status line at the bottom of the screen (on a

         monochrome system the word "Data" will be highlighted in

         regular video on the status line).  This is your first indi-

         cation that the Data Field Command is in effect, the second

         indication is that the text and background colors that were in

                                   PAGE 11

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

         effect will be reversed.  This gives you a very clear indicat-

         ion of how your data input fields are arranged.

              Because most fore/background color combinations display

         in regular video on a monochrome system (regardless if they

         are reversed or not), we strongly suggest that monochrome sys-

         tem users design their forms with the Black background and the

         Lt Gray or White foreground colors.  Then, when you turn the

         Data Field toggle "on", the fore/background colors will be

         reversed (Black on Lt Gray) which will yield a reverse video

         data input field.

              If the data field color combination is not to your liking

         you can change it.  There are several ways to do this.  You

         can invoke the color menu (<alt>C) immediately after the

         <alt>D command, in which case the data field will be created

         with the exact text/background combination that you select,

         but then the text and background colors will be the reverse

         of the data field colors when you toggle the <alt>D command


              Another method is to use the Fill Area command (<alt>F),

         which is discussed in more detail under its own heading.  This

         command can be used in two ways to change the data field

         colors.  It can be used by itself to change the background

         color of the entire form, including data fields, or it can be

         used with the Repeat Area Fill command (<alt>R), also discus-

         sed in more detail under its own heading, to fill just the

         data input fields with a different coLor.

              The best method, though, is to use the <alt>H command.

         This command is specifically designed to highlight just the

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         data input fields.  The command is described in more detail

         under its own heading.

              Do NOT change the data input field background color by

         using the <alt>C command to select a background/text comb-

         ination, and using that color combination to "paint over" the

         data input fields AFTER you have toggled the <alt>D command

         "off".  If you do you will destroy its identity as a data

         input field because the <alt>D command is "off", and FORGE

         will consider the characters you are typing as any other

         normal text on the form.

              When you initialize a data input field with the <alt>D

         command, type the name of the field in the data field.  Remem-

         ber, what you are really doing with the <alt>D command is def-

         ining a record variable for FORGE, and a record variable

         needs a variable name.  Any name will do for now; you will be

         given a chance to rename the field later when FORGE gener-

         ates the TURBO Pascal or dBASE III source code for your form.

         So, if you are defining a data input field for an item called

         CATEGORY, and the field is only three characters, obviously,

         the full name of the field will not fit.  Just type "CAT" in

         the field and later you can rename it if you want to.  You

         don't have to rename it of course; "CAT" is a perfectly

         legitimate variable name, or even just "C" for that matter.

         The name only has to be meaningful to you.

              It's also important to remember that whatever you type in

         the data input field area while you are creating or editing a

         form will NOT appear on the form after the source code is gen-

         erated.  What you type in the data input field while creating

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         or editing a form is only a label used to identify that field,

         and to distiguish that field from the others.  Therefore, each

         field must be identified with a unique label.

              Data input fields cannot be run together.  If you try to

         define two data input fields contiguously, without a non-data-

         input-field character between them, FORGE will interpret

         them as one large data input field when it generates the

         source code for your form.  Therefore, this also means that

         you cannot have one data input field end at the end of a line

         (column 80) and have another data input field begin at the

         beginning of the next line (column 1); this would also be

         interpreted as one large data input field.

              If you want large data input fields then you can have

         your data input field "wrap around" from one line to the next.

         The maximum length that a data input field can be is 255 char-


              When the <alt>D command is toggled "on" typing any char-

         acter or space will increment the size of the data field you

         are creating, as witnessed by the reverse color combination

         appearing on the form.  Using the cursor keys you can move to

         another location on the form, effectively ending the first

         data input field that you were creating, and start another

         data input field at that new location.


              This command will allow you to use the extended character

         set of your computer to draw boxes, borders and greek symbols

         on your form.

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              This is another toggle command.  Press it once and it is

         "on", press it again and it is "off".  When it is "on" the

         word "Graphics" will be highlighted in blue in the status line

         (regular video on a monochrome system) to indicate that the

         characters that you put on your form will not be the char-

         acters that you see on your keyboard.

              To make it easier to use the graphics character set you

         should construct a table that will show you what graphic char-

         acter will appear on your form for each of the keys on your

         keyboard.  To do this use the ASCII code table supplied with

         your computer.  For each of the characters from ASCII 32 to

         127 add 127 to the ASCII value and look up the new ASCII value

         to see what character will be generated.

              For example: the letter "d" is ASCII 100.  Add 127 to it

         to get 227.  Look up ASCII 227 and you will see that it is the

         pi symbol.  Therefore, if you have "Graphics" toggled "on" and

         you type a letter "d" the pi symbol will appear on your form.

         FILL AREA <alt>F

              The Fill Area command will allow you to fill an area on

         your form with the background color of your choice.  This is a

         one-time command; it does not have to be toggled off after

         using it.

              Using this command on a monochrome system could have

         unpredictable results.  It won't harm anything, but generally

         the background color selection has no effect on the display;

         it will almost always remain a black background.  The only

         exception to this is if there happens to be text already on

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         the form that was put there in black-text-on-some-color-

         background.  If you now select a fill color of Lt Gray that

         text will be displayed in reverse video.  However, selecting

         Lt Gray as a fill color will not result in reverse video if

         the text is some color other than black, even though it is

         displayed as reverse video on the color selection menu.  It is

         shown as reverse video on the color selection menu to indicate

         that that is the ONLY background color that is able to produce

         reverse video on a monochrome system.

              Filling an area on the form with color will have no

         effect on what has already been put on the form (unless you

         select a color for the background that is the same as the

         color of the letters in the area you are going to fill, in

         which case the letters will become invisible).  If you have

         defined data input fields on your form, or if you have placed

         text on your form (blinking or nonblinking), or if you have

         placed graphics characters on your form, they will still be

         there after you fill that area with color.  However, if you

         fill an area that contains data input fields you will no

         longer be able to tell exactly where your data fields are

         because the foreground and background color of the data field

         will no longer be reversed.  To rehighlight the data input

         fields see the <alt>H command.

              When you press the <alt>F key you will be presented with

         a color menu.  This is the same color menu that you see when

         using the <alt>C command, except that this time you only have

         to select a background color.  The menu consists of a color

         bar with 8 colors displayed.  Each color has its name written

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         across it in white, except the bottom one which is the white

         background.  This one has its name written in black.

              On a monochrome system you will notice that the first

         seven colors are all displayed as black, the last one is

         displayed as a reverse video background with black characters

         on it.

              There is an arrow on the left side of the color bar that

         looks like this: NoBlink==>>.  The "NoBlink" has no signif-

         icance during selection of the background color, but does come

         into effect when this same menu is used to select background

         and text color combinations, as explained in the <alt>C com-

         mand description.  Use the UP and DOWN cursor keys to move the

         arrow so that it points to the color that you want to use for

         filling the area on your form, and select it by pressing


              Your form is then redisplayed on the screen and a message

         appears in the status line at the bottom of the screen telling

         you to move the cursor to the upper left corner of the area

         that you want to fill.  At this point the only keys that are

         active are the cursor keys and the <enter> key.

              Using the cursor keys, move the cursor to the upper left

         corner of the area you want to fill and press <enter>.  FORGE

         will put a marker on the screen at the spot you selected.

         This marker may appear to obliterate a character on your form,

         but the effect is only temporary; the character will reappear

         after the fill operation is completed.  The marker is put

         there so that you have a reference point to use if you are

         trying to visualize your color filled area.

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              Next, the status line at the bottom of your screen will

         tell you to move the cursor to the bottom right corner of the

         area you want to fill.  Use the cursor keys again to position

         the cursor where you want the bottom right corner of your

         filled area, and press <enter>.  The rectangular area that you

         have defined by its upper left and lower right corners will be

         filled with the color that you have chosen from the color

         menu, and the cursor will be positioned where it was before

         the <alt>F command was invoked.

         REPEAT AREA FILL <alt>R

              The <alt>R command is used to repeat the Fill Area

         command with the last color selected from the color menu.

              For instance, suppose you wanted to change the background

         color of all the data entry fields on your form.  You could

         use the <alt>F command (Fill Area) to select a color from the

         menu and then change the first data entry field as described

         above.  Then instead of using the <alt>F command again, which

         would require selecting from the color menu again, you would

         use the <alt>R command.  The <alt>R command skips the color

         menu selection part of the <alt>F command and goes right to

         the prompt in the status line telling you to move the cursor

         to the upper left corner of the area you want to fill.  FORGE

         will use the color that you selected from the color menu in

         the most recent <alt>F command.

              If you use the <alt>R command without first having used

         the <alt>F command, FORGE will default to a BLACK background

         for the fill color.

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              The Highlight command will allow you to select a color

         from the menu and will fill the data input fields on your form

         with the background color that you choose.

              When you press the <alt>H key you will be presented with

         a color menu.  This is the same color menu that you see when

         using the <alt>C command, except that this time you only have

         to select a background color.  The menu consists of a color

         bar with 8 colors displayed.  Each color has its name written

         across it in white, except the bottom one which is the white

         background.  This one has its name written in black.

              On a monochrome system you will notice that the first

         seven colors are all displayed as black, the last one is

         displayed as a reverse video background with black characters

         on it.  However, selecting Lt Gray as a fill color will not

         result in reverse video if the foreground color in the data

         input fields is some color other than black, even though it is

         displayed as reverse video on the color selection menu.  It is

         shown as reverse video on the color selection menu to indicate

         that that is the ONLY background color that is able to produce

         reverse video on a monochrome system.

              There is an arrow on the left side of the color bar that

         looks like this: NoBlink==>>.  The "NoBlink" has no signif-

         icance during selection of the background color, but does come

         into effect when this same menu is used to select background

         and text color combinations, as explained in the <alt>C com-

         mand description.  Use the UP and DOWN cursor keys to move the

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         arrow so that it points to the color that you want to use for

         highlighting the data input fields on your form, and select it

         by pressing <enter>.

              Your form is then redisplayed and the data input fields

         are changed to the background color that you chose from the


         EDIT A FORM

              The "Edit a Form" option will allow you to make revisions

         to a form that you have already created.

              If you select the "Edit a Form" option from the main menu

         by pressing "2", FORGE will ask you for the name of the form

         you wish to edit.  Enter the name of a form that you have

         previously created with FORGE.  Do not add an extension to

         the name, FORGE will be looking for the <filename>.DTA file

         that was saved on disk when the form was originally created.

         The .DTA file must be present on the default drive in order

         to edit a form.

              Once the .DTA file is loaded into memory FORGE will

         display the form on the screen.  At this time you should use

         the <alt>C command to select a text/background color combin-


              From this point on the procedure for editing, or mod-

         ifying, a form is just like creating a form; refer to the

         previous discussion about creating a form. All the commands

         that are available for creating a form are also available for

         editing a form.

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         SAVE FORM

              If you select the "Save Form" option from the main menu

         by pressing "3", FORGE will save the form that you were

         working on.  This option allows you to save a form that is not

         yet complete and ready for TURBO Pascal or dBASE III source

         code to be generated from it.

              First FORGE will ask you for the name of the form that

         you are generating.  Enter the name of the form without an

         extension.  FORGE will open the <filename>.DTA file for the

         information about your form: information about where the data

         fields are, what colors you used, whether or not any char-

         acters blink, and what characters are on the form.  This .DTA

         file is necessary for you to be able to edit your form later.

              If the form name that you supply is the name of an

         existing file, FORGE will let you know that the form already

         exists and will ask if you want to overwrite it.  If you

         respond with a "Y" or "y", FORGE will write your new form

         over the old one of the same name, and the old one will be

         lost.  If you respond "N" or "n", FORGE will allow you to

         supply a different name for your form.

              FORGE will also check to make sure that the name you

         supply is a proper DOS file name, and will tell you the

         position of the illegal character if it is not a legal DOS

         file name.  File names may include any of the following char-

         acters: A..Z a..z 0..9 _ . $ & # @ ! % ( ) - { } / \.

              FORGE will now begin to write the <filename>.DTA file.

         You will notice a lot of disk activity for a few moments while

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         this file is created.

              Later, when you wish to continue working on this form

         design, select the "Edit a Form" option from the main menu, by

         pressing "2", and supplying this file name (without an exten-



              If you select the "Generate Code" option by pressing "4",

         FORGE will generate TURBO Pascal or dBASE III source code

         for your form.

              In the case of TURBO Pascal this code can be used as is;

         it is a complete TURBO Pascal program, just compile it and run

         it.  You could also make this code into a subroutine by

         changing the first word to "Procedure" and by changing the

         last period to a semicolon, and then include this subroutine

         in another program.

              In the case of dBASE III this code becomes a .FMT file.

         Somewhere in your main dBASE III program you must put a comm-

         and statement: SET FORMAT TO <filename>.

              When you select this option from the main menu you will

         be presented with a second menu.  From this menu you must sel-

         ect whether you want to generate TURBO Pascal or dBASE III

         source code.  You also have the option of returning to the

         main menu by pressing "Q" if you decide that you do not want

         to generate code at this time.


              First FORGE will ask you for the name of the form that

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         you are generating.  Enter the name of the form without an

         extension.  FORGE will open two files, <filename>.PAS for

         the source code, and <filename>.DTA for the information about

         your form: information about where the data fields are, what

         colors you used, whether or not any characters blink, and what

         characters are on the form.  This .DTA file is necessary for

         you to be able to edit your form later.

              If the form name that you supply is the name of an

         existing file, FORGE will let you know that the form already

         exists and will ask if you want to overwrite it.  If you

         respond with a "Y" or "y" FORGE will write your new form

         over the old one of the same name and the old one will be

         lost.  If you respond "N" or "n" FORGE will allow you to

         supply a different name for your form.

              FORGE will also check to make sure that the name you

         supply is a proper DOS file name, and will tell you the

         position of the illegal character if it is not a legal DOS

         file name.  File names may include any of the following char-

         acters: A..Z a..z 0..9 _ . $ & # @ ! % ( ) - { } / \.

              FORGE will now begin to write the <filename>.DTA file.

         You will notice a lot of disk activity for a few moments while

         this file is created.

              FORGE then begins to construct the <filename>.PAS file.

         One of the first things it does is go through your form to see

         if there are any data input fields.  If there are none then

         your form must be an information or help screen, in which case

         the <filename>.PAS file will not contain much more than a

         series of WRITELN statements to duplicate your form on the

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              However, if your form does contain data input fields then

         the <filename>.PAS file gets considerably more complicated.

         For each data input field FORGE will now ask you if you want

         to rename the data field.  Remember, the data input field name

         is really just a file variable, it really doesn't matter what

         name you use as long as it's a legal TURBO Pascal variable

         name.  FORGE will check the variable name that you give the

         data input field to see if it is a legal variable name.  The

         TURBO Pascal restrictions on variable names are a little more

         stringent than the DOS requirements for file names.  Variable

         names must start with a letter (upper or lower case) or under-

         score, and can be followed by any combination of letters,

         numbers, or underscore.  Standard TURBO Pascal variables can

         be 127 characters long, however, FORGE limits the length of

         variables to 30 characters.

              FORGE will then ask what type of field this is.

         Respond by pressing "I" if it is an integer input field, "R"

         if it is a real input field and "S" if it is a string input

         field.  You may press either the upper or lower case letter.

         If you are defining a real type data input field FORGE will

         then ask how many decimal places you have in the field.  Resp-

         ond with a number from 0 to one less than the length of the

         data input field.

              When you are defining integer data fields remember that

         the maximum integer that TURBO Pascal can handle is 32767.  If

         you have an integer data input field whose length is 5 or

         more, there is a possibility that the user who is using this

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         form to put information into a file could enter an integer

         that is out of range.  For instance, if you were designing a

         form to enter names and addresses, and the five number zip code

         field was defined as an integer field, it is certain that

         someone's zip code would be above 32767.  This will cause a

         fatal run-time error.  The way to get around this is to define

         the field as a real type data input field with zero decimal


              After you have finished defining all of your data input

         fields, FORGE will generate the source code for the form

         that you have designed.  The source code will be written to a

         disk in the the default drive; be sure that there is a format-

         ted disk in the default drive that has at least 30k free space

         left.  FORGE will write two files to the disk, they will

         both have the same name but different extensions.  One file

         will have a .DTA extension.  This file contains all the

         information about the form that you have created, as mentioned


              The other file will be the .PAS file.  This is the source

         code for your form.  This is the file that you will compile

         with your TURBO Pascal compiler to produce an executable .COM


         dBASE III

              First FORGE will ask you for the name of the form that

         you are generating.  Enter the name of the form without an

         extension.  FORGE will open two files, <filename>.FMT for

         the source code, and <filename>.DTA for the information about

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         your form: information about where the data fields are, what

         colors you used, whether or not any characters blink (dBASE

         III generally does not support these features though), and

         what characters are on the form.  This .DTA file is necessary

         for you to be able to edit your form later.

              If the form name that you supply is the name of an

         existing file, FORGE will let you know that the form already

         exists and will ask if you want to overwrite it.  If you

         respond with a "Y" or "y" FORGE will write your new form

         over the old one of the same name and the old one will be

         lost.  If you respond "N" or "n" FORGE will allow you to

         supply a different name for your form.

              FORGE will also check to make sure that the name you

         supply is a proper DOS file name, and will tell you the

         position of the illegal character if it is not a legal DOS

         file name.  File names may include any of the following char-

         acters: A..Z a..z 0..9 _ . $ & # @ ! % ( ) - { } / \.

              FORGE will now begin to write the <filename>.DTA file.

         You will notice a lot of disk activity for a few moments while

         this file is created.

              FORGE then begins to construct the <filename>.FMT file.

         One of the first things it does is go through your form to see

         if there are any data input fields.  If there are none then

         your form must be an information or help screen, in which case

         the <filename>.FMT file will not contain much more than a

         series of @ Y,X SAY... statements to duplicate your form on the


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              However, if your form does contain data input fields then

         the <filename>.FMT file will also contain the GET statements

         with PICTURE and RANGE options.

              For each data input field FORGE will now ask you if you

         want to rename the data field.  The data input field name must

         match exactly the field name as it is defined in your .DBF

         file.  If there was not enough room to put the whole field

         name in the field when you designed the form, now is the time

         to change the name so that it matches the .DBF field name.

         FORGE will check the variable name that you give the data

         input field to see if it is a legal variable name.  The dBASE

         III restrictions on variable names are a little more stringent

         than the DOS requirements for file names.  Variable names must

         start with a letter (upper or lower case) or underscore, and

         can be followed by any combination of letters, numbers, or


              Next, FORGE will give you the opportunity to specify

         function and template symbols for the PICTURE clause, and a

         range for the RANGE clause.  Refer to the dBASE III manual for

         the proper use of these clauses.


              Make sure that your <filename>.PAS file and EXTPROC1.PAS

         through EXTPROC4.PAS are all on the same disk in the default

         drive.  Also, make sure there is at least 30K free space on

         the disk in the default drive.

              Start TURBO Pascal.  Select your <filename>.PAS file as

         the MAIN file.  Select the Com-file option from the Compiler

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         Options menu.  Compile the program as you would any other

         TURBO Pascal source code.

              After compiling, the <filename>.COM file will be on the

         disk in the default drive.


              Start your form program from the DOS prompt by typing the

         name of your compiled source code file (without an extension),

         then press <enter>.

              The screen will go blank, and your form will ask "Data

         File Name".  Respond by entering the name of the file that

         contains, or will contain, the data that is entered through

         this form.  Your form will open the data input file with the

         name that you supplied.  If the file already exists, it will

         be opened for append.  If it does not exist, then it will be

         opened as a new file.  Next, your form will appear on the

         screen, just as you designed it except that the variable names

         will not appear in the data input fields.  There is also a

         status line across the bottom of the screen showing the

         meaning of the function keys.


              While you are using your form to enter data the data

         input fields act as tab stops.  If you press the <tab> key the

         cursor will jump to the beginning of the next data input

         field.  If you are currently on the last data input field, and

         you press the <tab> key, you will jump to the beginning of the

         first data input field on your form.

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              The <enter> key also acts as a tab stop key.  Pressing

         <enter> at any time will simply move the cursor to the next

         data input field.

              While you are using your form the function keys f1

         through f5, f8, and f10 are active, and perform special oper-



              This function key will allow you to exit your form prog-

         ram.  It will close the data file that you were entering data



              This function key will allow you to review records that

         have already been entered into your data file.  You can go all

         the way back to the beginning of the data file this way,

         reviewing the records that you have entered.  When you reach

         the first record of the file and press f2, your form will

         beep at you, and just redisplay the first record again.


              This function key will allow you to review records in a

         foreward direction, toward the end of the data file.  When you

         reach the last record of the file and press f3, your form

         will beep at you, and display a blank form ready for data


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              This function key will delete a record from the data

         file.  Actually, it puts a special marker on that record to

         indicate that it is not to be displayed; the data is still in

         the data file.  When you are reviewing records with f2 or f3,

         and you come to a record that has been deleted, the form will

         be blank, and the status line will inform you that that record

         has been deleted.  You can press f4 again to undelete the



              This function key will allow you to go to any record in

         the data file.  If you know which record you want to review,

         it is more convenient to use f5, and jump directly to that

         record, than to use f2 or f3, and go through the file sequent-

         ially.  When you press f5 the cursor will jump down to the

         status line to allow you to enter the record number that you

         want to review.  When the cursor is on the status line the

         only keys that are active are the numeric keys 0..9.  Enter

         the number of the record that you want to review, then press

         <enter>.  If you enter a zero, or a number that is greater

         than the number of records in your data file, your form will

         simply position you at the last record of your data file.

         This is a convenient way to return from reviewing records; if

         you don't remember the number of the last record in your data

         file, just enter zero or a very large number to get to the

         last record, then press f3 to get a blank form for entering

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         new data.


              This function key will create a backup file of the data

         you have entered.

              When you use this function, your form will first check to

         see if there is already a <filename>.BAK file on the disk.  If

         there is it will be deleted, and the original file will be

         renamed <filename>.BAK.  Then a new file will be created with

         the exact same name as the original file.  The records from

         the <filename>.BAK file will be copied to the new file, with

         the exception of the records that have been deleted.  So, your

         new file may or may not be slightly smaller than the original

         file, depending on whether or not there were any deleted

         records in it.

              After the backup procedure is completed, you will be

         working with the new file, therefore, you will no longer be

         able to undelete any records.

              If for any reason you want to keep the <filename>.BAK

         file, you should rename it with some other name, (at the DOS

         level after you have exited your form) or copy it to another

         disk. Otherwise, the next time you use the backup function,

         the <filename>.BAK file will be deleted and replaced by

         another one.


              This function key is used to accept the information on

         the form, and write it to the data file.

                                   PAGE 31

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

              While you are entering data on the form, or reviewing

         records with f2, f3, or f5, you can change anything on the

         form, and pressing f0 will accept those changes and write it

         to the data file.

         Record #

              The last thing on the status line is the record number

         indicator.  This simply keeps track of which record you are

         currently working on.


              If you look at the <filename>.FMT file that has been

         created by FORGE, you will see that it is nothing more than

         the standard @ Y,X SAY... and @ Y,X GET... statememts.  By

         using FORGE to design your form you avoid the pain and

         hassle of having to calculate all the X and Y values for your

         SAY and GET statements.  Another big advantage of using FORGE

         is that you can use the IBM graphics characters in your form.

         The built in dBASE editor does not support the IBM graphics

         characters.  Therefore, do NOT use the built in editor to edit

         your .FMT file.  If you do, the editor will convert your

         graphics characters to nongraphics characters in the lower 128

         ASCII characters.  If it's necessary for you to edit the .FMT

         file, you will have to use an external editor that does not

         automatically change the graphics characters to nongraphics


              To use this .FMT file in your dBASE application you must

         copy it to your application disk, and somewhere in the main

                                   PAGE 32

                        FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software
                  TURBO PASCAL AND dBASE III FORm GEnerator

         PRG file you need to have a SET FORMAT TO <filename> state-

         ment.  Your dBASE III manual can supply more detailed infor-

         mation on the proper use of .FMT files.

                                   PAGE 33


             Alt-Key commands                         9
            <alt>C: Color Menu                        9
            <alt>D: Data Field                    9, 11
            <alt>F: Fill Area                     9, 15
            <alt>G: Graphics Characters           9, 14
            <alt>H: Highlight Data Fields.        9, 19
            <alt>R: Repeat Fill                   9, 18
             BAK file ext.                           31
             Blinking text                        6, 10
             Color                                    3
             Color menu                               4
             Color menu command <alt>C                9
             Compiling the Code (TURBO)              27
             Creating a new form                      4
             Cursor location indicator                8
             Data Field Command <alt>D               11
             Delete Line (f9)                         8
             Designing a new form                     4
             DTA file name ext.           2, 21, 23, 25
             Edit a Form                             20
             Extensions for file names                2
             EXTPROC files                            3
             f0=Accept                               31
             f1 (Repeat Down)                         7
             f1=Quit                                 29
             f2 (Repeat Left)                         7
             f2=Prev                                 29
             f3 (Repeat Up)                           7
             f3=Next                                 29
             f4=Del                                  30
             f5=Rec#                                 30
             f8 (Insert Line)                         7
             f8=Backup                               31
             f9 (Delete Line)                         8
             f10 (Main Menu)                          8
             Features of FORGE                        1
             Filenames (DOS)                         21
             Fill Area <alt>F                        15
             FMT file name ext.                   2, 25
             Function key commands                    6
             General overview                         2
             Generate Source Code                    22
             Graphics Characters <alt>G              14
             Highlight Data Fields <alt>H            19
             Insert Line (f8)                         7
             Legal DOS filenames                 23, 26
             Legal variable names                24, 27
             Length of variable names                24
             Main menu                                4
             Main Menu (f10)                          8
             Maximum integer                         24
             Monochrome                               3
             Moving around on the form               28


             PAS file name ext.                   2, 23
             Record #                                32
             Repeat Area Fill <alt>R                 18
             Repeat Down (f1)                         7
             Repeat Left (f2)                         7
             Repeat Up (f3)                           7
             Save Form                               21
             System requirements                      3
             Types of data fields                    24
             Using your dBASE form                   32
             Using your TURBO form                   28



║                     <<<<  Disk #680 FORGE  >>>>                         ║
║ To copy the documentation to your printer type the command,             ║
║                   COPY FORGE.DOC PRN(press enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To start the program type FORGE (press enter)                           ║


                             from DAEDALIAN Software
                                  P.O. Box 553
                            Grandville, MI 49418-0553

         FORGE from DAEDALIAN Software is a FORm GEnerator for TURBO
         Pascal and dBASE III data input forms.  The user can paint a
         screen using color, ASCII graphics characters and blinking
         text.  Input fields can be defined as integer, real or string.
         The same screen can be used to generate either a complete
         TURBO Pascal data input program, or a dBASE III .FMT file.
         The .FMT files can even include PICTURE and RANGE options, and
         are compatible with dBASE III PLUS, with the added advantage
         that all of the ASCII graphics characters are available rather
         than just the single or double line box commands built into
         the dBASE III PLUS screen generator.  Also, the .FMT files
         produced by dBASE III PLUS that include the single or double
         line box commands are not compatible with the Wordtech
         Systems, Inc. compiler; the .FMT files produced by FORGE that
         include ASCII graphics characters are.

         FORGE was written entirely in TURBO Pascal, and only the .COM
         file is provided.  TURBO Pascal and dBASE III are not required
         to use FORGE, but are required in order to make use of the
         files produced by FORGE.

         SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS:  IBM PC, PC XT, PCjr or true compatible,
         with 128k of memory, one disk drive, color or mono, and DOS
         2.1 or higher.

         The 30+ page manual is contained on a disk file called
         FORGE.DOC.  This file is preformatted for 66 lines per page,
         and should print out properly by simply typing:

                             "COPY FORGE.DOC >LPT"

         at the DOS prompt.  Make sure the print head is at the very
         top edge of the form before starting.

                                 FORGE software
                        (c) Copyright 1986 David Remelts
                               All Rights Reserved

                                  FORGE manual
                        (c) Copyright 1986 David Remelts
                               All Rights Reserved

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0680

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BUGFIX   TXT       552   4-29-87   1:18p
CONTENTS TXT       996   5-05-87   9:34a
DEMO     DTA      9841   1-01-80   8:48a
DEMO     FMT      1209   1-01-80   8:51a
DEMO     PAS     14240   1-01-80   8:47a
EXTPROC1 PAS      2308   5-20-86  12:25a
EXTPROC2 PAS       855   2-01-86  12:08a
EXTPROC3 PAS      5119   4-21-86  12:56a
EXTPROC4 PAS      3832   5-22-86  12:21a
FILES680 TXT      2313   6-10-87   2:21p
FORGE    COM     55991   5-04-87  11:32a
FORGE    DOC     75938  10-07-86   9:16a
FORGE2   000     24192   5-04-87  11:16a
FORGE2   COM     50298   5-04-87  11:17a
GO       BAT        38   6-10-87   2:22p
GO       TXT       617   6-10-87   2:26p
GRAPHICS DTA      9841   5-04-87   1:38p
README   TXT      2404   7-22-86   2:45p
       18 file(s)     260584 bytes
                       53248 bytes free