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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #676)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “THE ENABLE READER 3 OF 3 (674,675,677)”

computer access for the blind and visually-impaired, and is actually two
programs in one.

The ``Full Screen Speech Review System'' is designed to let the
visually-impaired use the wide selection of software written for
MS-DOS compatibles.  Now programs like Lotus 1-2-3 or dBASE are
available to everyone.

The ``Talking Tutorial Programmer's Aid'' gives programmers access to
many of the speech functions of the ENABLE READER to write talking
tutorials for their software.

Several synthesizer language versions are included for the most popular
synthesizers available.  Among these are:

~ Artic Technologies - speech board.

~ Speech Plus - calltext 5050.

~ Digital Equipment Corp. - dectalk.

~ Street electronics - echo qp.

~ Votrax, Inc. - Votalker ib., Votrax pss., Votrax pss/b.


DISK NO  676  Enable Reader Speech System  V3.0  (3 of 4)          V1.0 DS2
The Enable Reader 3.0 Speech System is actually two programs in one. The
FULL SCREEN SPEECH REVIEW SYSTEM is designed for visually impaired and
blind people. With Full Screen Speech Review, a visually impaired person
has access to the wide selection of commercial software available for MSDOS
compatible machines, such as the IBM PC and dozens of other machines.
Whether it is Wordstar, dBase, or Lotus 1-2-3 , a visually impaired person
can now use these programs efficiently.

The second program built into the Enable Reader 3.0 Speech System is the
TALKING TUTORIAL PROGRAMMER'S AID. Professional programmers now have access
to many of the speech functions of the Enable Reader 3.0 Speech System for
writing talking tutorials for their software. This gives blind and visually
impaired people the best of both worlds. One, they have access to the
Review Mode of the Enable Reader 3.0 Speech System for running commercial
software. And two, any program that is written with the Talking Tutorial
Programmer's Aid will run for them.

This system consists of 4 disks.  They are as follows:

Disk No. 674 is the main program disk.
Disk No. 675 contains the manual.
Disk No. 676 contains the Votrax word processing programs.
Disk No. 677 contains the Dectalk word processing programs.

PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG)
1030D E. Duane Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA  94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1986

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0676

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CHOICE   BAT       105  12-26-86   1:00p
CHOICE   PMT       212  12-26-86   1:06p
DATE     PMT       107  12-26-86  11:01a
ENABLE   TBL      1293  12-26-86   3:40p
ENABLE_V EXE     35632  12-22-86  12:07a
FILES676 TXT      2048   1-04-80   9:31p
FUNCTION MAC      5071  12-26-86   5:26p
INIT     BAT        12  12-26-86   1:48p
INIT     MAC        90  12-26-86   1:51p
NOCR     EXE      8552  12-26-86  10:53a
RUN      BAT        60  12-26-86  10:22p
SPELCHEK TBL      1293  12-26-86  10:23p
TIME     PMT       128  12-26-86  11:03a
WORDCHEK TBL      1293  12-26-86  10:21p
WORDPERF PMT       151  12-26-86   1:05p
WP       DIC       154  12-26-86   2:22p
WP       SRC       169  12-26-86   2:21p
WPAF1    MAC      2693  12-26-86  10:45p
WPAF10   MAC      2420  12-26-86   5:24p
WPAF2    MAC      2711  12-26-86  10:46p
WPAF3    MAC      2550  12-26-86   5:20p
WPAF4    MAC      2758  12-26-86  10:46p
WPAF5    MAC      2654  12-26-86  10:47p
WPAF6    MAC      2472  12-26-86   5:22p
WPAF7    MAC      2495  12-26-86   5:23p
WPAF8    MAC      2429  12-26-86   5:23p
WPAF9    MAC      2589  12-26-86  10:48p
WPCF1    MAC      2575  12-26-86  10:41p
WPCF10   MAC      2596  12-26-86  10:44p
WPCF2    MAC      2647  12-26-86  10:42p
WPCF3    MAC      2549  12-26-86   5:01p
WPCF4    MAC      2332  12-26-86   5:02p
WPCF5    MAC      2486  12-26-86   5:02p
WPCF6    MAC      2664  12-26-86  10:43p
WPCF7    MAC      2629  12-26-86  10:43p
WPCF8    MAC      2529  12-26-86   5:04p
WPCF9    MAC      2594  12-26-86  10:44p
WPF1     MAC      2425  12-26-86   4:29p
WPF10    MAC      2544  12-26-86   4:48p
WPF2     MAC      2628  12-26-86  10:49p
WPF3     MAC      2925  12-26-86   4:32p
WPF4     MAC      2158  12-26-86  10:33p
WPF5     MAC      2839  12-26-86   4:34p
WPF6     MAC      2550  12-26-86   4:35p
WPF7     MAC      2782  12-26-86   4:46p
WPF8     MAC      2578  12-26-86  10:35p
WPF9     MAC      2577  12-26-86  10:35p
WPKEY    TBL      1293  12-26-86   3:41p
WPMAIN   MAC      6782  12-26-86   2:35p
WPMAIN   TBL      1293  12-26-86   3:40p
WPSF1    MAC      2577  12-26-86  10:37p
WPSF10   MAC      2718  12-26-86  10:40p
WPSF2    MAC      2643  12-26-86   4:50p
WPSF3    MAC      2600  12-26-86  10:38p
WPSF4    MAC      2198  12-26-86  10:38p
WPSF5    MAC      2609  12-26-86   4:54p
WPSF6    MAC      2560  12-26-86   4:54p
WPSF7    MAC      2670  12-26-86  10:40p
WPSF8    MAC      2691  12-26-86  10:27p
WPSF9    MAC      2348  12-26-86   4:56p
WPSTART  MAC       727  12-26-86  12:54p
       62 file(s)     169457 bytes

 Directory of A:\WORDSTAR

.            <DIR>
..           <DIR>
CHOICE   BAT        93  12-15-86  12:07p
CHOICE   PMT       243  12-15-86  12:08p
DATE     PMT       107  12-15-86  11:01a
ENABLE   MAC      1964  12-15-86   7:45p
ENABLE   TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:44p
ENABLE_V EXE     35632  12-22-86  12:07a
HELPRET  MAC      1253  12-15-86   8:00p
INIT     BAT        12  12-15-86   1:47p
INIT     MAC        90  12-15-86   1:50p
NOCR     EXE      8552  12-15-86  10:53a
RUN      BAT        61  12-15-86  12:03p
TESTFILE           896  12-15-86   9:06p
TIME     PMT       128  12-15-86  11:03a
WORDSTAR PMT       293  12-15-86  12:06p
WS       DIC      1185  12-15-86   6:42p
WS       SRC      1250  12-15-86   6:41p
WSBLOCK  MAC      1759  12-15-86   8:03p
WSBLOCK  TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:45p
WSDOT    TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:53p
WSFLAG   TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:52p
WSHELP   MAC      2662  12-15-86   7:58p
WSHELP   TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:49p
WSINDEX  TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:51p
WSLEVEL  TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:51p
WSMAIN   MAC      2192  12-15-86   7:57p
WSMAIN   TBL      1293  12-15-86   9:01p
WSMARGIN TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:55p
WSMARKER TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:55p
WSMOVE   TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:56p
WSOPEN   TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:44p
WSPARA   TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:52p
WSPRINT  MAC      1809  12-15-86   8:08p
WSPRINT  TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:47p
WSQUICK  MAC      1737  12-15-86   8:05p
WSQUICK  TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:46p
WSREAD   TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:43p
WSRULER  TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:54p
WSSCREEN MAC      1662  12-15-86   8:03p
WSSCREEN TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:49p
WSSTATUS TBL      1293  12-15-86   8:54p
       42 file(s)      88147 bytes

Total files listed:
      104 file(s)     257604 bytes
                        1024 bytes free