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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #649)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “WALMYR PROGRAMS 2 OF 2 (ALSO 648)”

This disk has three demonstration programs. The WALMYR DISK PROTECTOR
can prevent unauthorized peolple from gaining access to your computer.
Upon boot-up, the program will ask for the password. After three
incorrect attempts, the program sounds an alarm and prompts the user to
turn off the computer. The program is not fool-proof, but is designed
to keep out casual intruders. This demo of the program lists the
password on the opening screen, but it is removed upon registration.
WALMYR PEN PAL lets you conduct private communications with another
person. It can administer questionnaires and interviews, as well as
handle letters. The full version encrypts all correspondence, but in
this demo any person can read all the text files. WALMYR BOOK
MAKER lets you integrate separate ASCII text files into one formatted
and consistently-paged document. In the full version of the program,
the size of the printed document is unlimited. The demo version of this
program is limited to 25 pages.

The WALMYR TEACHING ASSISTANT is for teachers, designed to automate
test taking and grading, and thus reduce the amount of time it takes to
prepare a course. It can prepare random quizzes from a pool of
questions, administer quizzes, and grade each quiz for each student.
You only need write the quiz once, and after that the program takes
over. You can specify the number of times the students may retake a
quiz. The program can prepare final grade reports, let students check
their grades, and print graphs of test scores. It can also display and
print text files, such as lecture notes, course syllabuses, notices,
etc. The teacher has a master disk from which the course format is
designed, while each student's record is kept on his own individual
disk. Grades are collected by having the students turn in their disk
after a number of exams or quizzes are completed. The master disk takes
all data and updates the teacher's records. All records are password-
protected, so a student's records can only be examined by the
teacher and that student.

The WALMYR INDEX OF TEACHING ABILITY analyzes a group of students'
evaluations of the teacher's performance, based upon a questionnaire
that comes with the program. It produces both an actual and adjusted
report. The adjusted report is produced after the program eliminates
students who scored lower or higher than the class average, both on an
item as well as on a total-score basis. The program provides a report
that shows the mean, range, and standard deviation, a count of students
who graded higher or lower than normal, a count of total students who
rated the course, and an estimate of how consistent the data is.

System Requirements: A modem is required for WALMYR PEN PAL and a
printer is optional for WALMYR BOOK MAKER.

How to Start: Type README (press enter).

Suggested Registration: $25.00 for DISK PROTECTOR, $30.00 for PEN PAL,
and $50.00 for BOOK MAKER.

File Descriptions:
The First Disk Contains:
README   EXE  Program to view README.
README        How to get started.
WDP     <DIR> Directory containing all DISK PROTECTOR files.
PENPAL  <DIR> Directory containing all PEN PAL files.
BM      <DIR> Directory containing all BOOK MAKER files.

The Second Disk Contains:
README   EXE  Program to display README
README        How to get started
WTA     <DIR> Directory containing all files for Teaching Assistant
ITA     <DIR> Directory containing all files for Index of Teaching Abili


Disk No  649
Program Title: WALMYR PROGRAMS (Disk 2 of 2)
PC-SIG version 1.1

The WALMYR TEACHING ASSISTANT is for teachers, designed to automate test
taking and grading, and thus reduce the amount of time it takes to prepare
a course. It can prepare random quizzes from a pool of questions,
administer quizzes, and grade each quiz for each student. You only need
write the quiz once, and after that the program takes over. You can specify
the number of times the students may retake a quiz. The program can prepare
final grade reports, let students check their grades, and print graphs of
test scores. It can also display and print text files, such as lecture
notes, course syllabuses, notices, etc. The teacher has a master disk from
which the course format is designed, while each student's record is kept on
his own individual disk. Grades are collected by having the students turn
in their disk after a number of exams or quizzes are completed. The master
disk takes all data and updates the teacher's records. All records are
password-protected, so a student's records can only be examined by the
teacher and that student.

The WALMYR INDEX OF TEACHING ABILITY analyzes a group of students'
evaluations of the teacher's performance, based upon a questionnaire that
comes with the program. It produces both an actual and adjusted report. The
adjusted report is produced after the program eliminates students who
scored lower or higher than the class average, both on an item as well as
on a total-score basis. The program provides a report that shows the mean,
range, and standard deviation, a count of students who graded higher or
lower than normal, a count of total students who rated the course, and an
estimate of how consistent the data is.

Usage: Teaching Aids.

System Requirements: 256K memory.

How to Start: Type README (press enter).

Suggested Registration: $139.95 for TEACHING ASSISTANT, $94.95 for INDEX of

File Descriptions:

README   EXE  Program to display README
README        How to get started
WTA     <DIR> Directory containing all files for Teaching Assistant
ITA     <DIR> Directory containing all files for Index of Teaching Ability

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987,88 PC-SIG, Inc.


║          <<<< Disk No 649  WALMYR PROGRAMS (Disk 2 OF 2) >>>>           ║
║                                                                         ║
║   For instruction on how to start the programs on this disk, type:      ║
║                                                                         ║
║                       README (press enter)                              ║
║                                                                         ║



  In  this  course  you  will  be  working with a computer system
called the "Interactive Computer Examination Manager" or WTA.  It
will prepare and print all your homework assignments and it  will
also  grade  them  for you.  It will do many other things to help
you master the materials in this  course,  so  please  take  good
advantage of all the options that WTA makes available to you.

  You will find that the WTA program is very easy to use, and the
following are the step-by-step instructions that you will need in
order to use the computer system.


  1. Go to the 'lab' and check out a copy of the WTA DISK.

  2. Insert the WTA DISK in Drive A of the computer.

  3. Insert your data disk in Drive B of the computer.

  4. Turn on the computer (if the computer is already on, reboot
     it by holding down the 'Ctrl' and 'Alt' keys and then tap
     the 'Del' key.


  1. Turn on the computer and when it gives you the cursor, issue
     the  command, CD\WTA <cr>.  If the computer is already on,
     issue the command, CD\WTA <cr>.

  2. Insert your data disk in Drive A of the computer.

  3. Issue the command, WTA <cr>.



  In  this  course  you  will  be  working with a computer system
called the "Interactive Computer Examination Manager" or WTA.  It
will prepare and print all your homework assignments and it  will
also  grade  them  for you.  It will do many other things to help
you master the materials in this  course,  so  please  take  good
advantage of all the options that WTA makes available to you.

  You will find that the WTA program is very easy to use, and the
following are the step-by-step instructions that you will need in
order to use the computer system.


  1. Go to the 'lab' and check out a copy of the WTA DISK.

  2. Insert the WTA DISK in Drive A of the computer.

  3. Insert your data disk in Drive B of the computer.

  4. Turn on the computer (if the computer is already on, reboot
     it by holding down the 'Ctrl' and 'Alt' keys and then tap
     the 'Del' key.


  1. Turn on the computer and when it gives you the cursor, issue
     the  command, CD\WTA <cr>.  If the computer is already on,
     issue the command, CD\WTA <cr>.

  2. Insert your data disk in Drive A of the computer.

  3. Issue the command, WTA <cr>.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0649

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

README   EXE     17568   7-31-87   5:04a
README            2358  11-22-87   9:41a
FILES649 TXT      2338   8-03-88   1:59p
GO       TXT       694   6-30-88   9:10a
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
ITA          <DIR>
WTA          <DIR>
        7 file(s)      22996 bytes

 Directory of A:\ITA

.            <DIR>
..           <DIR>
README   1ST       779  11-22-87   9:28a
README   2ND       531  11-22-87   9:27a
README   3RD       593   6-11-86  12:49a
README   BAT        93   6-11-86   1:24a
ARCE     COM      4084   3-11-86  11:38p
ITA      ARC     54878   6-18-06   3:38a
        8 file(s)      60958 bytes

 Directory of A:\WTA

.            <DIR>
..           <DIR>
README   1ST       806   9-02-86   3:04a
README   2ND       703   9-02-86   3:05a
README   3RD       593   6-11-86  12:49a
README   BAT        93   6-11-86   1:24a
ARCE     COM      4084   3-11-86  11:38p
WTA0     ARC      5563   9-02-86   3:05a
WTA1     ARC    133882  11-22-87   9:01a
WTA2     ARC    111200  12-23-55  12:20p
       10 file(s)     256924 bytes

Total files listed:
       25 file(s)     340878 bytes
                       10240 bytes free