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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #637)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “UNCLE”

UNCLE provides analysis of four different possible tax strategies
simultaneously.  All four alternate form 1040s are on screen at the
same time.  This version even has an on-screen RPN calculator!  UNCLE
was professionally written for annuity and life brokers, and financial
planners; they had no method of properly interpreting and illustrating
certain obscure sections of the tax code, lacked computer savvy, and
who couldn't adequately illustrate the concepts of tax planning and
pension maximization.

The user projects taxes for the current year (to be prepared NEXT
year) using a full 1040 input format and then tries alternative
scenarios using four columns on a single screen (inputs need only be
entered once).  W-4 changes for one or two combined wage earners may
be calculated to correspond to whatever part of the tax is targeted
for prepayment and what has already been prepaid.  Pocket expense of
investment and paycheck changes are shown.

System Requirements: 256K, two disk drives and a monochrome/graphics

How to Start: Documentation is found in files PART1, PART2 and CALCKEY;
as it is written using PC-WRITE, if possible use that program to print
it.  To run: after loading DOS, enter INTRO or UNCLE and press <ENTER>.

Suggested Registration:  $40.00 (includes full manual, update of Tax
Analysis module and telephone support)

File Descriptions:

READ2         Notes on program
???           Various documentation files
INSHARD  BAT  Installation program for hard disks
INSTALL  BAT  Installation batch program
INTRO    EXE  The basic menu and system manager
CALCKEY       Some information about the calculator
PART2         The MANUAL part 2
PART1         The MANUAL part 1
FEDSPRD  EXE  The Fed 1040 analysis module
UNCLE    BAT  Start up batch file
AUTOEXEC BAT  Automatic start up, if you want it
README   BAT  File to automate READ
READ          Some information from the Author.
BRUN20   EXE  BASIC Runtime


Disk No  637  UNCLE                                                  v1.1
UNCLE allows the analysis of four different possible tax strategies at one
time. All four alternate form 1040s are on screen at the same time. This
version has an on screen RPN calculator. This program is for the IBM-PC or
compatible, 256K  RAM is required.

PART1    DOC  The MANUAL part 1
PART2    DOC  The MANUAL part 2
CALCKEY  DOC  Some information about the calculator.
INTRO    EXE  The basic menu and system manager.
FEDSPRD  EXE  The Fed 1040 analysis module.
AUTOEXEC BAT  Automatic start up, if you want it.
UNCLE    BAT  Start up batch file
BRUN20   EXE  BASIC Runtime
SAMPLE   FED  Tax files
AMSTADT  FED  Tax files
ERASEME  FED  Tax files
INSHARD  BAT  Installs UNCLE to your harddrive

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG


This disk contains the program: UNCLE   a tax analysis program

To find out about this program: "PRINT" or "TYPE" these files:

READ            The authors' introduction
PART1.DOC       The user's Manual, part 1
PART2.DOC       The user's Manual, part 2
CALCKEY.DOC     Information about the pop up calculator

to print the Manual type:  PRINT PART1.DOC and press ENTER  or
                    type:  COPY PART1.DOC PRT1 and press ENTER

To print the other documents, use the same commands with the appropriate
file name.

1030D E. Duane Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA  94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG


DISK NO  637  UNCLE 1987 VERSION                                     v1.1


UNCLE was professionally written for annuity and life brokers, and financial
planners, who had no method of properly interpreting and illustrating certain
obscure sections of the tax code, lacked computer savvy, and who had no fully
adequate method of illustrating the concepts of tax planning and pension
maximization. Many brokers have made large sums of money planning tax strategies
and illustrating state retirement systems using UNCLE.

The user projects his taxes for the current year (to be prepared NEXT year)
using a full 1040 input format and then tries alternative scenarios using four
columns on a single screen (inputs need only be entered once). W-4 changes for
one or two combined wage earners may be calculated to correspond to whatever
part of the tax is targeted for prepayment and what has already been prepaid.
Pocket expense of investment and paycheck changes are shown.

Tax data for unlimited cases may be saved to disk and recalled for later edit.
Currrently used intensively in commercial settings, UNCLE is no-nonsense,
extremely fast, powerful, and accurate. Most of the development effort has gone
into making the program user-considerate, with extensive error-trapping and
blooper-recovery provisions.

On-screen reverse polish calculator is provided. 256K RAM required, for IBM-PC
or compatible. Compiled BASICA.

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0637

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

AUTOEXEC BAT       276   1-01-80  12:15a
BRUN20   EXE     68396   6-13-86  10:55a
CALCKEY           2400   1-02-87  12:28p
CONTENTS          2214  11-02-85   9:59a
FEDSPRD  EXE     74953   1-19-87  12:09a
FIGURES           1871  10-31-85   9:47p
FILES637 TXT      1062   1-31-87   4:46p
GO       BAT        28  11-27-86  12:31p
GO       TXT       638   1-31-87   4:52p
INSHARD  BAT      1295  12-19-86  12:54p
INSTALL  BAT      1053  12-19-86  12:38p
INTRO    EXE      8745   1-17-87   6:14p
NOTES637 TXT      1771   1-31-87   4:51p
PART1            43677  10-25-86  12:12a
PART2            46968   3-01-86   3:15p
READ              1088  12-12-86  12:15a
READ2             1783  12-07-86   6:17p
README   BAT        27  10-25-86  12:16a
UNCLE    BAT       276   1-01-80  12:15a
       19 file(s)     258521 bytes
                       52224 bytes free