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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #611)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “BLACKBEARD”

Programmers -- here's an editor that can perform just about every task
you'll need to have done.  This is due to its windowing capacity (13!),
work-horse text formatter, macro capabilites, and integral mouse
driver. It works well for source code editing in structured languages
such as Pascal, C, Fortran, etc.

While its primary use is for source code editing, it also has some
wordprocessing features (reformats, centers, cut and paste, etc.) to
ease your housekeeping/documentation chores.
File Descriptions:

READ     ME   Look here first (this file).
README   TOO  Version specific information.
PRESS    TXT  Press release info (good overall feature summary).
FORM     TXT  Order form (edit and mail, we thank you).
BB       EXE  The main program.
BB       HLP  On-line help file accessed by BB (not for humans).
BB       CFG  Data configuration file.
BB       LOG  Log of previous versions, including change info.
BBADA    LNG  Language sensitive editing templates for Ada.
BBC      EXE  Key binding compiler (creates BB.KEY).
BBC      DOC  Key binding compiler documentation.
BBKEYS   TXT  Source for default BB Key Bindings.
BB       KEY  Compiled key bindings (used by BB).
BBMAN    EXE  BLACKBEARD manual generator.
BB       MAN  Defines the BLACKBEARD manual. Customizable.
BBMAN    DOC  Describes how to use BBMAN.
BBF      DOC  BLACKBEARD text formatter Manual.
BBF      EXE  BLACKBEARD text formatter.
BB       FNT  Standard TTY type font (used by BBF formatter).
HPLASER  FNT  HP Laser Jet fonts (bold, underline, etc.).
TP351    FNT  Toshiba P351.
EMX80    FNT  Epson MX-80.
M_BB     MSC  Mouse systems movement definition file..
M_BB     COM  Mouse systems compiled menu file.
M_BB     COM  Mouse systems compiled menu file.
M_BB     COM  Mouse systems compiled menu file.


│─ Tab left
αQ Line drawing
αW Write file
αE Expand LNG
αR Repeat replace
αT Change case
αU Undo
αI Insert file
αP Adjust special 
αA Settings
αS Repeat search reverse
αD Delete block
αF Repeat find
αG Switch to file
αH Help
αJ Break & Next Line
αK Join line
αL Last DOS command
αZ Abort
αX Execute named macro
αC Center line
αV Name macro
αB Bullet off
αN Reread file
αM Delete macro
F1 Mark start
F2 Mark end
F3 Grab
F4 Cut
F5 Shift left
F6 Shift right
F7 Copy
F8 Paste
F9 Unmark
F10 Paste window
Home Home
Up Row up
PgUp Page up
Left Col left
Right Col right
End End of screen
Down Row down
PgDn Page down
Ins Insert/Overstrike
Del Delete char
⌂F1 Mark col start
⌂F2 Mark col end
⌂F3 Grab col
⌂F4 Cut col
⌂F5 Remove col
⌂F6 Replace col
⌂F7 Copy col
⌂F8 Paste col
⌂F9 Clear paste
⌂F10 Change case region
^F1 Window 1
^F2 Window 2
^F3 Window 3
^F4 Window 4
^F5 Window 5
^F6 Window 6
^F7 Window 7
^F8 Window 8
^F9 Window 9
^F10 Window 10
αF1 DOS window
αF2 Exit to DOS
αF3 Do command
αF4 Kill window
αF5 Switch to Window
αF6 Select
αF7 Expand
αF8 Frame/Move
αF9 Color/B&W
αF10 Select color
^Left Word left
^Right Word right
^End Right of screen
^PgDn End of file
^Home Left of screen
α1 Backup file
α2 Show bindings
α3 Insert number
α4 Repeat key
α5 Edit screen
α6 Goto start marker
α7 Set Delimeters
α8 Ruler
α0 LNG window
^PgUp Start of file
^A Options
^B Bullet
^C ASCII chart
^D Delete line
^E End of line
^F Find
^G Goto
Backspace Backspace
Tab Tab
^J Return
^K Break line
^L Insert line
Return Return & insert line
^N New file
^O Tab left
^P Adjust paragraph
^Q Insert special char
^R Find & Replace
^S Search reverse
^T Transpose
^U Undelete line
^V Define macro
^W Delete to eol
^X Execute macro
^Y Yank line
^Z Exit
Esc Menus
 Self insert
 Self insert
 Self insert
 Self insert
Space Self insert
! Self insert
" Self insert
# Self insert
$ Self insert
% Self insert
& Self insert
' Self insert
( Self insert
) Self insert
* Self insert
+ Self insert
, Self insert
- Self insert
. Self insert
/ Self insert
0 Self insert
1 Self insert
2 Self insert
3 Self insert
4 Self insert
5 Self insert
6 Self insert
7 Self insert
8 Self insert
9 Self insert
: Self insert
; Self insert
< Self insert
= Self insert
> Self insert
? Self insert
@ Self insert
A Self insert
B Self insert
C Self insert
D Self insert
E Self insert
F Self insert
G Self insert
H Self insert
I Self insert
J Self insert
K Self insert
L Self insert
M Self insert
N Self insert
O Self insert
P Self insert
Q Self insert
R Self insert
S Self insert
T Self insert
U Self insert
V Self insert
W Self insert
X Self insert
Y Self insert
Z Self insert
[ Self insert
\ Self insert
] Self insert
^ Self insert
_ Self insert
` Self insert
a Self insert
b Self insert
c Self insert
d Self insert
e Self insert
f Self insert
g Self insert
h Self insert
i Self insert
j Self insert
k Self insert
l Self insert
m Self insert
n Self insert
o Self insert
p Self insert
q Self insert
r Self insert
s Self insert
t Self insert
u Self insert
v Self insert
w Self insert
x Self insert
y Self insert
z Self insert
{ Self insert
| Self insert
} Self insert
~ Self insert
^Backspace Delete word
Ç Self insert
ü Self insert
é Self insert
â Self insert
ä Self insert
à Self insert
å Self insert
ç Self insert
ê Self insert
ë Self insert
è Self insert
ï Self insert
î Self insert
ì Self insert
Ä Self insert
Å Self insert
É Self insert
æ Self insert
Æ Self insert
ô Self insert
ö Self insert
ò Self insert
û Self insert
ù Self insert
ÿ Self insert
Ö Self insert
Ü Self insert
¢ Self insert
£ Self insert
¥ Self insert
₧ Self insert
ƒ Self insert
á Self insert
í Self insert
ó Self insert
ú Self insert
ñ Self insert
Ñ Self insert
ª Self insert
º Self insert
¿ Self insert
⌐ Self insert
¬ Self insert
½ Self insert
¼ Self insert
¡ Self insert
« Self insert
» Self insert
░ Self insert
▒ Self insert
▓ Self insert
│ Self insert
┤ Self insert
╡ Self insert
╢ Self insert
╖ Self insert
╕ Self insert
╣ Self insert
║ Self insert
╗ Self insert
╝ Self insert
╜ Self insert
╛ Self insert
┐ Self insert
└ Self insert
┴ Self insert
┬ Self insert
├ Self insert
─ Self insert
┼ Self insert
╞ Self insert
╟ Self insert
╚ Self insert
╔ Self insert
╩ Self insert
╦ Self insert
╠ Self insert
═ Self insert
╬ Self insert
╧ Self insert
╨ Self insert
╤ Self insert
╥ Self insert
╙ Self insert
╘ Self insert
╒ Self insert
╓ Self insert
╫ Self insert
╪ Self insert
┘ Self insert
┌ Self insert
█ Self insert
▄ Self insert
▌ Self insert
▐ Self insert
▀ Self insert
α Self insert
ß Self insert
Γ Self insert
π Self insert
Σ Self insert
σ Self insert
µ Self insert
τ Self insert
Φ Self insert
Θ Self insert
Ω Self insert
δ Self insert
∞ Self insert
φ Self insert
ε Self insert
∩ Self insert
≡ Self insert
± Self insert
≥ Self insert
≤ Self insert
⌠ Self insert
⌡ Self insert
÷ Self insert
≈ Self insert
° Self insert
• Self insert
· Self insert
√ Self insert
ⁿ Self insert
² Self insert
■ Self insert
  Self insert


Disk No  611
Program Title: BLACKBEARD version 7.37
PC-SIG version 7.37

    BLACKBEARD is a programmer's editor that performs just about every task
a programmer needs. This is probably due to its windowing capacity
(13!), excellent text formatter, macro capabilites, and integral mouse
driver, to name a few features. Also, it works well for source code
editing in structured languages such as Pascal, C, Fortran, etc.

    While its primary use is for source code editing, it also has some
wordprocessing features (reformats, centers, cut & paste, etc.) to ease up
on your housekeeping/documentation chores.

Usage: Programmer's Editor

System Requirements: 128K memory and one disk drive.

How to Start: Consult the various .DOC and .TXT files for instructions.
Each part of BB can be started from DOS.

Suggested Donation: $20.00 covers: a distinctive "BLACKBEARD"
collectable, a registration sticker, and a copy of the latest version of

File Descriptions:

READ     ME   Look here first (this file).
README   TOO  Version specific information.
PRESS    TXT  Press release info (good overall feature summary).
FORM     TXT  Order form (edit and mail, we thank you).
BB       EXE  The main program..
BB       HLP  On-line help file accessed by BB (not for humans).
BB       CFG  Data configuration file..
BB       LOG  Log of previous versions, including change info.
BBADA    LNG  Language Sensitive Editing templates for Ada.
BBC      EXE  Key Binding Compiler (creates BB.KEY).
BBC      DOC  Key Binding Compiler documentation.
BBKEYS   TXT  Source for default BB Key Bindings.
BB       KEY  Compiled key bindings (used by BB).
BBMAN    EXE  Blackbeard Manual Generator.
BB       MAN  Defines the Blackbeard manual. Customizable.
BBMAN    DOC  Describes how to use BBMAN.
BBF      DOC  Blackbeard Text Formatter Manual.
BBF      EXE  Blackbeard Text Formatter.
BB       FNT  Standard TTY type font (used by BBF formatter).
HPLASER  FNT  HP Laser Jet fonts (bold, underline, etc.).
TP351    FNT  Toshiba P351.
EMX80    FNT  Epson MX-80.
M_BB     MSC  Mouse systems movement definition file..
M_BB     COM  Mouse systems compiled menu file.

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987,88 PC-SIG, Inc.


				 O R D E R   F O R M

           TO:  BLACKBEARD                              Date____/____/____
		PO Box 638
		San Bernardino, CA 92402

         From:  Name _______________________________________________________

                Address ____________________________________________________

                City __________________________ State ________ Zip _________

                Area Code (______)  Phone __________________________________

		     REGISTRATION FEE------   EACH-------   EXTENDED-

		     "BLACKBEARD"   editor      $   20.00       _______
		      includes free gift and
		      latest version

		     Foreign Postage                 5.00       _______                                          --------

		     Site License (right to copy only)
		       10 Copies                $  100.00
		       100 Copies               $  500.00
		       Unlimited Copies         $  900.00

                                                Total          $_______


                --------------------- User comments ----------------------

                I learned about BLACKBEARD from
                   [ ] - Friend                    [ ] - Software product
                   [ ] - Computer Club             [ ] - Computer Store
		   [ ] - Data Base Service         [ ] - PC-SIG
		   [ ] - Source                    [ ] - IBM/NET
		   [ ] - Site license              [ ] - Other

                Comments or suggestions: ___________________________________



║                     <<<<  Disk #611 BlackBeard  >>>>                    ║
║ To copy the documentation to your printer, Type:                        ║
║                 COPY BBMAN.DOC PRN (press enter)                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To Start BlackBeard, Type: BB (press enter)                             ║



    User supported software, free to use and distribute, $20.00 donation

    DOS, IBM-PC/clone, monochrome or color video adapter( user colors).

    Performs ALL the normal editing operations you would expect including
    cut/paste, block operations, etc.

    Designed for professional programmers to edit programs and documentation

    User configurable; re-define key bindings, set various editing options

    "On the fly" keystroke macros, can be saved and recalled

    Automatic indenting for block structured languages like C and Pascal

    Versatile cut and paste facility including column cut and paste

    Context sensitive help

      windows can be individualy sized.
      can have up to ten windows , each can support the same or different file
      single keystroke moves you from window to window

    Window to DOS that can be edited

    Designed to be easy to use without the assistance of a manual

    High performance
      intelligent screen paging. ( i.e. pressing page down 3 times displays the
      third page without displaying the intervening pages.)

    Ability to edit large files

    Pop-up menus activate functions ( or direct execution )
    Menu selections can be activated by cursor movement, mouse, or first letter
    All menu entries have on-line help ( ALT-H )

    Supports mice using standard mouse menu drivers ( cursor control )

    Simple word processing features like word wrap, paragraph reformat, etc.

    Includes a text formating program simular to RUNOFF or SCRIPT/VS

    Line drawing using the IBM extended graphics character.

    Can be installed as a resident program, allowing you to pop in
    and out with the editor remembering where you were.

    BB can "remember" last files edited, and cursor location
    ( context SAVE/RESTORE )

    Address for ordering Blackbeard is:         Blackbeard
						PO Box 638
						San Bernardino, CA, 92402

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0611

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BB       CFG       318   1-24-88  11:31a
BB       EXE    105624   1-23-88  11:20a
BB       FNT       366   1-30-86  10:01a
BB       HLP     37812   1-24-88  11:22a
BB       KEY       778   1-24-88  11:31a
BB       LOG     13904   1-23-88  11:21a
BB       MAN      7844  11-30-87   5:22a
BBADA    LNG      5849   1-15-87   7:09a
BBC      DOC      3004   5-27-87   9:48a
BBC      EXE     29766   1-24-88  11:19a
BBF      DOC     12446   6-11-87  12:31p
BBF      EXE     41310  11-07-87   9:08a
BBKEYS   TXT      5290   1-24-88  11:24a
BBMAN    DOC      3451  11-30-87   5:31a
BBMAN    EXE     30722   1-22-88   1:58a
EMX80    FNT       356  12-25-84  12:03p
FILES611 TXT      2327   3-03-88   9:17a
FORM     TXT      2171   1-24-88  11:31a
GO       BAT        38   2-22-88   4:04p
GO       TXT       617   2-22-88   4:03p
HPLASER  FNT       525   6-20-86   9:23a
M_BB     COM      1531  10-31-85  12:00p
M_BB     MSC       921  10-31-85  12:00p
PRESS    TXT      2034  10-07-87   7:45p
READ     ME       6758  11-11-87   5:13p
README   TOO      1227  11-11-87   5:15p
TP351    FNT       366  12-16-85  12:31p
       27 file(s)     317355 bytes
                       29696 bytes free