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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #584)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

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Information about “MISCELLANEOUS 123 WORKSHEETS”

This disk contains a variety of spreadsheets, ranging from printing
utilities to common financial applications (loan amortization,
checkbook manager, etc.).  Included is the demo version of Toolkit and
ACII driver, with mathematical calculators for solving triangles,
creating ASCII tables and more.  Another math spreadsheet performs
polynomial regressions.  Miscellaneous utilities allow default colors
to be changed, the preparation of using chronological dates as column
titles, intructions for using PRTGRAPH.COM to generate special fonts,
etc.  There are also worksheets for time management, mail list database
and vendor database.

System Requirements:  256K, two disk drives, monochrome monitor, LOTUS
1-2-3 v2.0

Features:  LOTUS 1-2-3 spreadsheets, utilities and databases

How to Start:  Access through LOTUS 1-2-3.

File Descriptions:

CHARS2   WKS  File of ASCII characters not directly accessible by LOTUS
ASCIIUSE WKS  How to use CHARS2 worksheet.
NEWCOLOR IN   Redirect output for DEBUG program to change LOTUS 123 colo
MAILLIST WKS  Mailing list database.
LOANTABL WKS  Installment loan analyzer.
LOAN     WKS  Loan analysis worksheet.
CONTENTS WKS  Toolkit Shell and ASCII driver.
CODESAMP WKS  Printer driver for specialized fonts.
CHEKBOOK WKS  Personal checkbook ledger.
TRIANGLE WKS  Solve for triangles given sides.
TITLES   WKS  Prepare chronological dates as titles for columns.
PRTGRAPH WKS  Instructions for using PRTGRAPH.COM for special fonts.
POLREG   WKS  Calculate polynomial regressions.
VENDOC   WKS  Documentation for VENDORS.WKS
WEEKRPT  WKS  Time management/Job logging utility.
VENDORS  WKS  Macro driven data base of suppliers for business.


Disk No  584  MISCELLANEOUS LOTUS 123 WORKSHEETS                    v1 DS2
An immense variety of LOTUS 123 workssheets can be found on this disk, ranging
from printing utilities to financial applications, scientifically oriented
spreadsheets to perform polynomial regressions and triangle problems. There are
also worksheets for time management, mailing lists and many more.

ASCIIUSE WKS  How to use CHARS2 worksheet.
CHARS2   WKS  File of ASCII characters not directly accessible by LOTUS 123.
CHEKBOOK WKS  Personal checkbook ledger.
CODESAMP WKS  Printer driver for specialized fonts.
CONTENTS WKS  Toolkit Shell and ASCII driver.
LOAN     WKS  Loan analysis worksheet.
LOANTABL WKS  Installment loan analyzer.
MAILLIST WKS  Mailing list database.
NEWCOLOR IN   Redirect output for DEBUG program to change LOTUS 123 colors.
POLREG   WKS  Calculate polynomial regressions.
PRTGRAPH WKS  Instructions for using PRTGRAPH.COM for special fonts.
TITLES   WKS  Prepare chronological dates as titles for columns.
TRIANGLE WKS  Solve for triangles given sides.
VENDOC   WKS  Documentation for VENDORS.WKS
VENDORS  WKS  Macro driven data base of suppliers for business.
WEEKRPT  WKS  Time management/Job logging utility.

PC-SIG (Software Interest Group)
1030 East Duane Avenue, Suite D
Sunnyvale, CA  94086
(408) 730-9291




Program Descriptions:

An immense variety of LOTUS 123 workssheets can be found on this disk.  There
are printing utilities to embed ASCII characters, scientific symbols, shading
characters and others in worksheet applications.  Included is a utility to re-
configure the default LOTUS 123 colors to the user's tastes, two loan analysis
worksheets, and two databases: one for mailing lists, and one for vendors.
Scientific applications are represented by one to perform polynomial regress-
ions and one to solve triangle problems. There is also a worksheet to perform
time management, and one to manage a personal checkbook ledger.

System requirements are an IBM or compatible PC with 256K, a monochrome or
Color Board, the LOTUS 123 program disk, and, optionally, an IBM compatible 80
column printer.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0584

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ASCIIUSE WKS     10496  12-19-84  12:40a
CHARS2   WKS      4352   1-01-80  12:38p
CHEKBOOK WKS     55552   1-01-85   8:41p
CODESAMP WKS      7424  12-19-84   1:16a
CONTENTS WKS     14336   1-02-85   1:20a
FILES584 TXT      1547   8-16-86   3:40p
GO       BAT       158   1-03-80   1:15a
LOAN     WKS     12800  12-19-84  12:18a
LOANTABL WKS     29184   1-01-85   8:43p
MAILLIST WKS     17152   1-01-85   8:42p
NEWCOLOR IN        256   1-01-80   1:35p
NEWCOLOR WKS      2816   8-26-85  12:51a
NOTES584 TXT       932   1-03-80   1:13a
POLREG   WKS     18944   1-01-80   1:26p
PRTGRAPH WKS      3200   8-26-85   1:59a
TITLES   WKS      5504  12-19-84  12:24a
TRIANGLE WKS     16256  12-19-84   7:09a
VENDOC   WKS      2688   8-26-85  12:48p
VENDORS  WKS     18304   1-01-80   1:05p
WEEKRPT  WKS     28416   1-03-80   1:33a
       20 file(s)     250317 bytes
                       62464 bytes free