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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #580)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “PASCAL TUTOR 2 OF 2 (ALSO 579)”

PASCAL TUTOR is a text-based tutorial on programming with the Pascal
language.  The assumption is that you know nothing about Pascal in
particular and programming in general.

It begins with the most elementary aspects of programming and takes you
through each step from dynamic allocation to the use of linked lists.
The program was specifically written for use with Turbo Pascal versions
3.0, 4.0, and 5.0.  Version 5.5 is also supported through two additional
chapters covering object oriented programming.  The Pascal source code
used for examples throughout the tutorial is included.


Disk No:  580
Disk Title: Pascal Tutor 2 of 2 (579 1st disk)
PC-SIG Version: S2.2

Program Title: Pascal Tutor
Author Version: 2.4
Author Registration: $15.00 to $39.95.
Special Requirements: Printer.

PASCAL TUTOR is a text-based tutorial on programming with the Pascal
language.  The assumption is that you know nothing about Pascal in
particular and programming in general.

It begins with the most elementary aspects of programming and takes
you through each step from dynamic allocation to the use of linked
lists.  The program was specifically written for use with Turbo Pascal
versions 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0.  The Pascal source code used for examples
throughout the tutorial is included.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║           <<<<  Disk #580 PASCAL TUTORIAL (Disk 2 of 2)  >>>>           ║
║ For instructions, insert disk number 579 into drive A: and Type:        ║
║                           COPY READ.ME LPT1: (press return)             ║


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    Filename OT.DOC - Oaktree Documentation   Oct 18, 1988

    The program supplied by IBM and compatible makers named
    TREE.COM is a nearly unuseable program since it really
    doesn't tell you much about your directories. Because of
    that deficiency, OT (OakTree, a more substantial tree)
    was written.  It will give you more information about
    your disk than you will ever need, but it is somewhat
    interesting to see just what is on your disk.

    OT3.PAS was written in TURBO Pascal 3.0 and was debugged
    using PC-DOS 3.1, but should work on any DOS of 2.X or
    greater.  OT4.PAS was rewritten in TURBO Pascal 4.0 and
    uses many of the extensions added to versions 4.0 and 5.0.
    Neither of these wil work with DOS 1.X since DOS 1.X does
    not support directories.

    The generalized command format is;

    C>OT [drive:] [filename.ext] [/n] [/p] [/s]

       If no drive is specified, the default drive will be

       The tree, beginning at the current directory, will be
       listed.  If you are in the root directory, you will get
       a listing of the entire disk.

       The filename.ext can be supplied with wildcards (* and $)
       to get a listing of certain types of files.

       /n - filenames will not be listed, only the directory
            structure of the disk.

       /p - will cause a listing to be sent to the printer with
            page numbers.

       /s - will result in some extra disk statistics being in-
            cluded in the listing following the header line.

    Examples of useage;

    C>OT       The tree, starting at the current directory will
               be displayed on the monitor.

    C>OT *.PAS  All files with extension PAS will be listed in
               the current tree along with an indication of where
               they are.

    C>OT WHERE.WHO  If this filename exists on the disk, it will
               be listed along with what directory it is in.
               This is useful for finding a lost file.

    C>OT /p /s  The current tree will be listed on the monitor,
               and also printed out.  The disk statistics will be
               included in both locations.

    C>OT /n    Lists only the directories in the current tree.

    C>OT A: /p  The information concerning disk drive A will be
                listed and printed.

    C>OT /p /s  If started from the root directory, this will result
               in the maximum amount of information.  The listing is
               very useful in case of a disk crash because it will
               aid you in restoring the disk to its precrash state.


    1  23.6  145.45   234.8
    2  -0.4  -0.05  0.345
    3 4.0 3456.0    123.0
    4 77
    5 -0.003  0.0006  12.345
    6 1 2 3 4 5
    7   12.12        13.11               14.14
    8 2      3        4

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0580

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ALLVAR   PAS      1141  12-01-89  12:00p
AMORT1   PAS       789  12-01-89  12:00p
AMORT2   PAS      1667  12-01-89  12:00p
AMORT3   PAS      2179  12-01-89  12:00p
AMORT4   PAS      3201  12-01-89  12:00p
AMORT5   PAS      3825  12-01-89  12:00p
AREAS    PAS      1539  12-01-89  12:00p
ARRAYS   PAS      1087  12-01-89  12:00p
ARRAYS2  PAS      2203  12-01-89  12:00p
BIGCASE  PAS      1151  12-01-89  12:00p
BIGREC   PAS      1432  12-01-89  12:00p
BININ    PAS       757  12-01-89  12:00p
BINOUT   PAS       986  12-01-89  12:00p
BOOLMATH PAS      1472  12-01-89  12:00p
CARTRUCK PAS      1685  12-01-89  12:00p
CASEDEMO PAS       924  12-01-89  12:00p
CHARDEMO PAS       455  12-01-89  12:00p
CONSTANT PAS      1019  12-01-89  12:00p
CONVERT  PAS      1030  12-01-89  12:00p
DUMBCONV PAS      1006  12-01-89  12:00p
DYNREC   PAS      1940  12-01-89  12:00p
EMPLOYEE PAS      1396  12-01-89  12:00p
ENCAP1   PAS      1068  12-01-89  12:00p
ENCAP2   PAS      3110  12-01-89  12:00p
ENTYPES  PAS      2394  12-01-89  12:00p
FILE0580 TXT      1777   1-02-90   6:23p
FINDCHRS PAS      1895  12-01-89  12:00p
FORWARD  PAS      1136  12-01-89  12:00p
FUNCTION PAS       487  12-01-89  12:00p
FUNCTYPE PAS      1546  12-01-89  12:00p
GARDEN   PAS      1162  12-01-89  12:00p
GO       BAT        38   2-08-88  11:29a
GO       TXT       463   2-08-88   2:13p
GOODFORM PAS       603  12-01-89  12:00p
IFDEMO   PAS      1247  12-01-89  12:00p
INHERIT1 PAS      3699  12-01-89  12:00p
INHERIT2 PAS      1423  12-01-89  12:00p
INHERIT3 PAS      1767  12-01-89  12:00p
INTDATA  TXT       265  12-01-89  12:00p
INTMATH  PAS       996  12-01-89  12:00p
INTVAR   PAS       437  12-01-89  12:00p
INTVAR2  PAS       477  12-01-89  12:00p
LABELS   PAS       844  12-01-89  12:00p
LINKLIST PAS      2044  12-01-89  12:00p
LIST     EXE      4800  12-01-89  12:00p
LIST3    PAS      3684  12-01-89  12:00p
LIST4    PAS      2961  12-01-89  12:00p
LOOPDEMO PAS      1635  12-01-89  12:00p
LOOPIF   PAS      1128  12-01-89  12:00p
NEWINT4  PAS       752  12-01-89  12:00p
NEWREAL4 PAS      1768  12-01-89  12:00p
OT       DOC      2707  12-01-89  12:00p
OT3      PAS     25903  12-01-89  12:00p
OT4      PAS     22138  12-01-89  12:00p
PASCOMS  PAS       576  12-01-89  12:00p
PERIMS   PAS      1349  12-01-89  12:00p
PERSON   PAS       443  12-01-89  12:00p
POINT    PAS       745  12-01-89  12:00p
POINT4   PAS       739  12-01-89  12:00p
POINTERS PAS       554  12-01-89  12:00p
PRINTALL BAT      2062  12-01-89  12:00p
PRINTOUT PAS      1315  12-01-89  12:00p
PROCED1  PAS       958  12-01-89  12:00p
PROCED2  PAS      1623  12-01-89  12:00p
PROCED3  PAS       669  12-01-89  12:00p
PROCED4  PAS      1241  12-01-89  12:00p
PROCED5  PAS       625  12-01-89  12:00p
PROCTYPE PAS      1565  12-01-89  12:00p
READ     ME       4323  12-01-89  12:00p
READARRY PAS       427  12-01-89  12:00p
READCHAR PAS       404  12-01-89  12:00p
READDATA PAS       856  12-01-89  12:00p
READDISP PAS       891  12-01-89  12:00p
READFILE PAS       473  12-01-89  12:00p
READINT  PAS      1027  12-01-89  12:00p
READINTS PAS      1522  12-01-89  12:00p
READREAL PAS       526  12-01-89  12:00p
READSTOR PAS      1205  12-01-89  12:00p
READSTRG PAS       408  12-01-89  12:00p
REALDATA TXT       214  12-01-89  12:00p
REALMATH PAS       964  12-01-89  12:00p
RECURSON PAS       664  12-01-89  12:00p
REPEATLP PAS       841  12-01-89  12:00p
SETS     PAS      2200  12-01-89  12:00p
SETTIME  PAS       763  12-01-89  12:00p
SHAPES3  PAS      1983  12-01-89  12:00p
SHAPES4  PAS      1739  12-01-89  12:00p
SMALLREC PAS      1517  12-01-89  12:00p
STRARRAY PAS       893  12-01-89  12:00p
STRINGS  PAS       532  12-01-89  12:00p
SUBRANGE PAS      1614  12-01-89  12:00p
SUPERVSR PAS      2329  12-01-89  12:00p
TEMPCONV PAS      1569  12-01-89  12:00p
TIMEDAT4 PAS       458  12-01-89  12:00p
TIMEDATE PAS      1451  12-01-89  12:00p
TRIVIAL  PAS       115  12-01-89  12:00p
TYPES    PAS       895  12-01-89  12:00p
UGLYFORM PAS       468  12-01-89  12:00p
VARREC   PAS      2211  12-01-89  12:00p
VEHICLES PAS       883  12-01-89  12:00p
VIRTUAL1 PAS      2886  12-01-89  12:00p
VIRTUAL2 PAS      2916  12-01-89  12:00p
VIRTUAL3 PAS      3202  12-01-89  12:00p
WHATSTRG PAS       842  12-01-89  12:00p
WHILELP  PAS       919  12-01-89  12:00p
WRITELNX PAS      1445  12-01-89  12:00p
WRITEMR  PAS       186  12-01-89  12:00p
WRITESM  PAS       182  12-01-89  12:00p
      109 file(s)     192645 bytes

 Directory of A:\ANSWERS

.            <DIR>
..           <DIR>
CH02_1   PAS       181  12-01-89  12:00p
CH02_2A  PAS       284  12-01-89  12:00p
CH02_2B  PAS       294  12-01-89  12:00p
CH03_1   PAS       514  12-01-89  12:00p
CH04_1   PAS       477  12-01-89  12:00p
CH04_2   PAS       611  12-01-89  12:00p
CH05_1   PAS       450  12-01-89  12:00p
CH05_2   PAS       959  12-01-89  12:00p
CH05_3   PAS      1690  12-01-89  12:00p
CH06_1   PAS       736  12-01-89  12:00p
CH06_2   PAS       897  12-01-89  12:00p
CH06_3   PAS       719  12-01-89  12:00p
CH07_1   PAS       502  12-01-89  12:00p
CH08_1   PAS      1928  12-01-89  12:00p
CH09_1   PAS      1218  12-01-89  12:00p
CH10_1   PAS       638  12-01-89  12:00p
CH11_1   PAS       636  12-01-89  12:00p
CH11_2   PAS       728  12-01-89  12:00p
CH12_1   PAS       555  12-01-89  12:00p
CH15_1   PAS      3257  12-01-89  12:00p
CH15_2   PAS      1795  12-01-89  12:00p
CH16_1A  PAS      3043  12-01-89  12:00p
CH16_1B  PAS      1775  12-01-89  12:00p
       25 file(s)      23887 bytes

Total files listed:
      134 file(s)     216532 bytes
                       40960 bytes free