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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #565)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “PC-PAYROLL 1 OF 2 (ALSO 1019)”

PC-PAYROLL is a complete, menu-driven payroll system for moderate-sized

It handles 80 employees on floppy-based systems and 200 employees on
hard disk systems. PC-PAYROLL accepts hourly, salary, and tip wages, as
well as bonuses and commissions. Federal, state and local taxes, FICA,
pension and insurance withholding and user-defined deductions are
automatically computed.

Paychecks and stubs can be printed according to several predefined
formats. A full range of reports are included: monthly, quarterly and
year-to-date summaries, federal tax reports (W2, W3, 941), and a
complete pay period detail. PC-PAYROLL is well organized, and has as
complete a list of facilities as commercial payroll systems.


                    PC-PAYROLL   1990 Edition

Files located on disk 1
PAY.EXE       Program to start PC-PAYROLL. Type PAY to begin.
PCPx.EXE      Program files (8)
BRUN30.EXE    Runtime module
FILES.TXT     List of files on disks (this file)
NOTES.TXT     Information about PC-PAYROLL

Files located on disk 2
FILES.TXT     List of files on disks (this file)
NOTES.TXT     Information about PC-PAYROLL
ORDER.DOC     Subscription Order Form

Files created by PC-PAYROLL
PCPC90.DAT    System Configuration file
PCPB90.Dxx    Program business data files
PCPE.Dxx      Program employee data files
PCPP90.Dxx    Program payroll data files
PCPT90.Dxx    Program tax deposit data files

   x indicates numerous files   xx indicates 01 to 30
To begin, type PAY and press the ENTER key.


Disk No:  565
Disk Title: PC-Payroll 1 of 2 (1019 also)  (Disk 1 of 2)
PC-SIG Version: S3.6

Program Title: PC-Payroll
Author Version: 1990
Author Registration: $95.00 (plus $5 shipping) per year
Special Requirements: 320K RAM and two floppy drives.

PC-PAYROLL is a complete, menu-driven payroll system for moderate-sized

It handles 80 employees on floppy-based systems and 200 employees on
hard disk systems.  PC-PAYROLL accepts hourly, salary, and tip wages, as
well as bonuses and commissions.  Federal, state and local taxes, FICA,
pension and insurance withholding and user-defined deductions are
automatically computed.

Paychecks and stubs can be printed according to several predefined
formats.  A full range of reports are included: monthly, quarterly and
year-to-date summaries, federal tax reports (W2, W3, 941), and a
complete pay period detail.  PC-PAYROLL is well organized, and appears
to have as complete a list of facilities as commercial payroll systems.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║   <<<<  Disk No 565  PC-PAYROLL, 1990 VERSION (disk #1 of 2)  >>>>      ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To print the documentation on this program, insert disk #2 and type:  ║
║                                                                         ║
║             COPY PCPAY.DOC PRN (press enter)                            ║
║                                                                         ║
║   To run the program, type:                                             ║
║                                                                         ║
║             PAY (press enter)                                           ║
║                                                                         ║


Program name:  PC-PAYROLL  1990 Edition

Author name:   Peninsula Software, Inc.
Address:       Department SW1
               P.O. Box 2010
               Newport News, VA  23609-0010

Telephone Number: (804) 874-7877  (Ask for Department SW1)
                  Orders only - (800) 432-5532

Subsciption required: $95.00 annually (plus $5.00 shipping and
                      handling) for all PC-PAYROLL updates for
                      one year and the printed manual.  See
                      the order form on the last page of the
                      manual for ordering information.

Program Description:

PC-PAYROLL is a complete, menu driven payroll system for moderate sized
companies, up to 40 employees for floppy based systems, up to 200 employees
on hard disk systems.  PC-PAYROLL accepts hourly, salary and tips as well as
bonuses and commissions.  A variety of pay period options, overtime, and
after-the-fact conditions can be accommodated.

Federal, state and local taxes, FICA, withholding and user defined
deductions, 401(K) Plans and Cafeteria Plans are internally
computed.  The authors have included necessary tax computations
in the program, and an appendix accommodates taxes of several
states which have special, additional requirements.

Paychecks are printed in several standard formats.

A full range of reports are included; monthly, quarterly and
year-to-date summaries, Federal Tax reports (W2, W3, 941) and a pay
period detail.

PC-PAYROLL is well organized, and appears to have as complete a list of
facilities as commercial, remote batch processing payroll systems which
many small firms commonly use.

PC-PAYROLL requires periodic updates for internal tax tables.  A
subscription to PC-PAYROLL is available, and includes a printed manual
and periodic updates for each year.

NOTE:  A companion program, PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, is available to handle
departments, vacation or sick leave, and personnel management.
Information on the PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT program is available on request.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0565

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BRUN30   EXE     70680   4-07-87  10:48a
FILES    TXT       884   2-06-90   3:05a
FILES565 TXT      2147   3-19-90   5:45p
GO       BAT        38  10-19-87   3:56p
GO       TXT      1002   3-19-90   3:56p
NOTES    TXT      2137   2-06-90   3:05a
PAY      EXE      7873   2-06-90   3:05a
PCPC     EXE     50049   2-06-90   3:05a
PCPO     EXE     35174   2-06-90   3:05a
PCPQ     EXE     27569   2-06-90   3:05a
PCPR     EXE     34593   2-06-90   3:05a
PCPU     EXE     35921   2-06-90   3:05a
PCPW     EXE     17873   2-06-90   3:05a
PCPX     EXE     25377   2-06-90   3:05a
PCPY     EXE     43153   2-06-90   3:05a
       15 file(s)     354470 bytes
                           0 bytes free