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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #515)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “THE DRAFTSMAN”

The Draftsman is a sophisticated package for producing
presentation-quality charts, graphs, simple illustrations, or
slide shows.  You can input and edit you data with ease; also,
data can be drawn from such programs as Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony,
and Visicalc files that are in DIF (Data Interchange Format), or
user-created data files.

Many graph types are available with The Draftsman; it can
generate pies and exploded pies, stacked or cluster bar charts,
scatter plots, and line graphs.  Each graph may be sized and
moved, and several may be placed on the same screen.  This disk
contains the full documenation for The Draftsman in archived


~ Context-sensitive help screens
~ Comprehensive User's Manual
~ Freehand edit mode with ample options
~ Support for Mouse Systems mouse
~ 24 hour BB support

System Requirements:  192K, one disk drive, graphics adapter
and monitor, Epson MX Printer or HP 7470 Plotter.

How to Start:  Load DOS and type DRAWMAN to enter the main program.
Consult DRAWMAN.DOC (on Disk 516) for program documentation.

Suggested Registration:  $25.00

File Descriptions:

PRINTMAN BAT  Batch to print the manual
INSTALL  BAT  Batch file to unarchive the program and manual
README   BAT  Batch file to read README file
README        Introduction letter from author
WORK     DAT  Data work file used for slide shows and printing
VIO      DAT  Additonal programs segments, this is part of DRAWMAN.EXE
MENU     DAT  Contains the menus used by DRAWMAN.EXE
HELP     DAT  Contains help messages used by DRAWMAN.EXE
FILE     DAT  Contains file pointer information used by DRAWMAN.EXE
ERROR    DAT  Contains error messages used by DRAWMAN.EXE
DRAWMAN  EXE  Main program to edit business graphs
MOUSE    BAT  Batch file to attach a mouse to the system
DRAWMAN  ARC  Contains the following files:
DRAWDOC  ARC  Contains the following files:
BROWSE   COM  Text-file display utility
ARC      EXE  Un-archiving program


Disk No 515   The Draftsman                                     v1.1 DS2
The Draftsman is a program for creating data graphs or slide shows
from Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, and Visicalc files that are in DIF (Data
Interchange Format), or user-created data files. A version of this
program was licensed by Plantronics for their color graphics card.

INSTALL  BAT  Batch file to unarchive the program and manual
PRINTMAN BAT  Batch to print the manual
README        Introduction letter from author
README   BAT  Batch file to read README file
ARC      EXE  Un-archiving program
BROWSE   COM  Text-file display utility

DRAWDOC  ARC  Contains the following files:
              DRAWMAN  DOC  Documentation for DRAWMAN.EXE

DRAWMAN  ARC  Contains the following files:
              MOUSE    BAT  Batch file to attach a mouse to the system
              DRAWMAN  EXE  Main program to edit business graphs
              ERROR    DAT  Contains error messages used by DRAWMAN.EXE
              FILE     DAT  Contains file pointer information used by
              HELP     DAT  Contains help messages used by DRAWMAN.EXE
              MENU     DAT  Contains the menus used by DRAWMAN.EXE
              VIO      DAT  Additonal programs segments, this is part of
              WORK     DAT  Data work file used for slide shows and plotting
                            and printing


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0515

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ARC      EXE     32051   6-20-86  11:50a
BROWSE   COM      3072   6-20-86  11:50a
DRAWDOC  ARC     52652   6-20-86  11:50a
DRAWMAN  ARC    174314   6-20-86  11:51a
FILES515 TXT      2048   1-04-80  12:07a
INSTALL  BAT      2037   6-20-86  11:50a
PRINTMAN BAT       217   6-20-86  11:50a
README            3760   6-20-86  11:50a
README   BAT        15   6-20-86  11:50a
        9 file(s)     270166 bytes
                       48128 bytes free