PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #496)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....

Information about “WORLD DIGITIZED 3 OF 3 (ALSO 494, 495)”

The WORLD DIGITIZED is a compilation of more than 100,000 points of
latitude and longitude that form the outlines of the entire world's
coastlands, islands, lakes, and national boundaries in great detail.

The data is organized by continent.  Disk 494 is required to expand the
data to ASCII and also contains Africa, Antarctica, Australia, and South
America.  Disk 495 contains Asia and Europe.  496 contains North
and Greenland.

As distributed it is a pure database and has no programs to display the
data.  The basic display disk is made available to those who register.
It contains two display programs:  a user-modifiable BASIC version and a
more advanced windowing version written in C and requiring a mouse.  It
also contains programs to reduce the number of data points and to
transform the data for Mercator projection.

It really is a small world and now you can have it all.


			     The World Digitized
vs 1.3								April 1987

	If  you  have  obtained  The  World Digitized from a share-ware
	organization or from a friend, you are encouraged  to  register
	it by sending $12 to

			The World Digitized
			Basic Display Disk, Dept PC-SIG
			166 Shady Lane
			Apollo, PA  15613

	You  will  be sent the latest version of The Basic Display Disk

		display program in BASIC

		IEEE double floating format to MS (BASIC) format routine

		program to reduce detail of map files

		program to convert ASCII map  files  (.mp1)  to  binary
		Mercator projection format (.mp2)

	and  will be placed on a list to receive news of updates and of
	any new products.

	Additionally, those who are really  into  C  language  graphics
	programming  can  obtain  the  source  of

		The Simple Display Program (Tutorial I - V)

		an Alaska demo

		program to reduce detail of map files (Tutorial XV)

		program to convert .mp1 files to .mp2 format

	by sending $19 to

			The World Digitized
			C Source Disk, Dept PC-SIG
			166 Shady Lane
			Apollo, PA  15613

	Unfortunately executable versions of the  C  language  graphics
	programs are not included because of sub-licensing restrictions.

	The World Digitized and its derivatives are Copyright  1986  by
	John  B. Allison.  Permission for non-commercial duplication is
	granted provided that the file bearing this copyright notice is
	included  with  each  copy.   Prior  written permission must be
	obtained  for  the  commericial  distribution  of   The   World

	Commericial  license  for  The  World  Digitized  data embedded
	within your own application is reasonably priced.


Disk No  #496
Program Title: The World Digitized version 1.3 (disk 3 of 3)
PC-SIG version 1.4

The World Digitized is a collection of more than 100,000 points of latitude and
longitude. When connected together, these co-ordinates form outlines of the
entire world's coastlands, islands, lakes, and national boundaries in surprising

The World Digitized is a pure data base and as such contains no programs to
display the data. Because many would like a starter display program to customize
with their own ideas, The World Digitized Basic Display Disk is made available
to those who register their copy of The World Digitized. (See the REGSTRTN.LTR

Usage: database

System Requirements: IBM PC or close compatible, 1 floppy drive, 1 hard drive,
                     Dos 2.0 or later.

Suggested Registration: $19.00

File Descriptions:

COPYRITE TXT  Copyright notice
NORTHAME<DIR> Northern hemisphere data directory

1030D E Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0496

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

COPYRITE TXT      1781   4-23-87   8:20p
FILES496 TXT      1066   6-09-24   2:22p
        3 file(s)       2847 bytes

 Directory of A:\NORTHAME

.            <DIR>
..           <DIR>
NA0      MPS     69492   1-16-86   8:56p
NA1      MPS    156264   1-16-86   9:09p
NA2      MPS     27571   1-16-86   9:12p
NA3      MPS      3244   1-16-86   9:12p
USA0     MPS     13594   1-16-86   9:13p
USA1     MPS      2042   1-16-86   9:14p
GR0      MPS     48423   1-16-86   9:18p
GR1      MPS     19060   1-16-86   9:20p
PA1      MPS      9221   1-16-86   9:21p
       11 file(s)     348911 bytes

Total files listed:
       14 file(s)     351758 bytes
                        4096 bytes free