PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #451)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Information about “CAVEQUEST”

A graphics adventure game, in the same vein as Epyx's Temple of Aphsai.
You start as an immortal, choose your new mortal attributes, and travel
to Earth to seek out fame, fortune, and excitement.

This is a rich and complex adventure with hundreds of hours of
first-class entertainment in store for you. Onward!


         You can test your copy of the distribution diskette, to make
         sure the copy is accurate, by entering the command CHECK *.*
         and the output should look like this:

CTL-S pauses, CTL-C aborts

--> FILE:  QUEST   .COM         CRC = 5A B2

--> FILE:  QUEST   .000         CRC = 65 2F

--> FILE:  MONSTER .DEF         CRC = B1 B7

--> FILE:  PLAYER  .DEF         CRC = 58 58

--> FILE:  LEVEL1  .DEF         CRC = 3A 53

--> FILE:  LEVEL2  .DEF         CRC = 4D 03

--> FILE:  LEVEL3  .DEF         CRC = 16 17

--> FILE:  LEVEL4  .DEF         CRC = D0 92

--> FILE:  LEVEL5  .DEF         CRC = BC 3E

--> FILE:  SCROLL  .USE         CRC = 7E D6

--> FILE:  SCROLL  .OLD         CRC = 28 28

--> FILE:  SCROLL  .HNT         CRC = 06 E6

--> FILE:  READ    .ME          CRC = 55 5D

--> FILE:  SUPPORT .            CRC = 36 C5

--> FILE:  CHECK   .COM         CRC = BD 22

--> FILE:  CHECK   .TXT         CRC = unknown

 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = unknown


         The reason why the check.txt file is unknown is because the
         above information is added to it.  Therefore, the sum will
         also be unknown.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0451

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CHECK    COM      1536  10-21-82   5:50p
CHECK    TXT      1244   9-23-85   1:32a
LEVEL1   DEF      2040   9-07-85  12:33a
LEVEL2   DEF      2040   9-07-85  12:34a
LEVEL3   DEF      2040   9-07-85  12:34a
LEVEL4   DEF      2040   9-07-85  12:34a
LEVEL5   DEF      2040   9-07-85  12:34a
MONSTER  DEF       640   9-20-85   2:53a
PLAYER   DEF       768   9-20-85   4:41a
QUEST    000     31744   9-23-85  12:21a
QUEST    COM     40733   9-23-85  12:22a
READ     ME       1089   9-23-85  12:28a
SCROLL   HNT      3064   9-07-85   1:35a
SCROLL   OLD     13395   9-07-85   1:34a
SCROLL   USE     39294   9-23-85   1:26a
SUPPORT           1747   9-06-85  12:26p
       16 file(s)     145454 bytes
                       12288 bytes free