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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #425)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

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Information about “ENGINEERING PASCAL”

Most of these programs come from the book entitled "Pascal Programs for
Scientists and Engineers", published by Sybex.  They include commonly-
used routines for engineering and statistics.  The MATHPACK.PAS is a
collection of mathematical and geometrical functions.  For example,
MEANS.PAS will compute the mean and standard deviation of a set
of numbers and is RANDOM.LIB which is a random generator.

System Requirements:  64K, one disk drive, monochrome display, and
Turbo Pascal.

How to Start:  To read the documentation enter TYPE PAS-ENG.DOC

File Descriptions:

BESY     PAS  Evaluation of the Bessel function of the 2nd kind
CFIT1A   PAS  "  (with a random number generator)
CFIT1    PAS  Linear least-squares curve fit
GAUSSJ   LIB  Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion and solution
GAUSS    PAS  Simultaneous solution by Gaussian elimination
GAUSID   PAS  Simultaneous solution by Gauss-Seidel
FITPOL   PAS  Linear least-squares fit to the ratio of two polynomi als
ERFSIMP  PAS  Gaussian error function by Simpson's rule
ERFD3    PAS  Gaussian error function and its complement
ERFD     PAS  Infinite series expansion for Gaussian error function
ERF4     PAS  An improved Gaussian error function
DIFFUS   PAS  An example of FITPOL: diffusion of Zn in Cu
DETERM   PAS  Calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix
CFIT4    PAS  Linear least-squares fit
CFIT2    PAS  Plotting program using PLOT.LIB
GD-LINF1 LIB  Linear least-squares fit with Gauss-Jordan routine
PAS-ENG  DOC  Description of files on this diskette
NLIN3    PAS  Linear least-squares fit with nonlinearized e-function
NEWTON-L LIB  Newton program with an iteration counter
NEWTON   LIB  Solves equations by Newton's method
NEWDR2   PAS  Solves equations by Newton's method
NEWDR    PAS  Solves equations by Newton's method
MEANS    PAS  Computes mean and standard deviation
MATR1    PAS  Matrix multiplication
LINFIT2  LIB  Fits a straight line through n sets of x,y points
LINFIT1  LIB  Fits a straight line through n sets of x,y points
LEAST6   PAS  Linear least-squares fit with Gauss-Jordan routine
LEAST3   PAS  Linear least-squares fit with Gauss-Jordan routine
LEAST2   PAS  Linear least-squares fit with Gauss-Jordan routine
LEAST1   PAS  Linear least-squares fit using a parabolic curve
JULIAN   LIB  Converts date to Julian
MATHPACK PAS  Mathematical & geometrical function package
TSTSORT  PAS  Test speed of sorting routine
TSTGAM   PAS  Tests the Gamma function
TSTBES   PAS  Tests the Bessel function
TRAPEZ   LIB  "  (with end-correction)
TRAP2    PAS  "
TRAP1    PAS  Integrations by the trapezoidal rule
SQUARE   LIB  Matrix multiplication
SORT-S   LIB  Shell-Metzner sort
SORT-Q-R LIB  Recursive Quick-sort
SORT-Q-N LIB  Nonrecursive Quick-sort
SORT-B   LIB  Bubble sort
SOLVGV   PAS  "  (with multiple constant vectors)
SOLVGJ2  PAS  "  (using more equations than unknowns)
SOLVGJ   PAS  Simul. equations, Gaussian elimination, Gauss-Jordan
SOLVEC   PAS  Performs simultaneous solution for complex coefficients
SIMQ1    PAS  Solves three simultaneous equations by Cramer's rule
SIMPS    LIB  "  (with end-correction)
SIMP1    PAS  Integration by Simpson's rule
ROMB3    PAS  "  (with adjustable panels)
ROMB1    PAS  Integration by the Romberg method
RANDOM   PAS  Source code for random number generator
RANDOM   LIB  Random number generator (0..1)
RANDG    LIB  Random number generator with gaussian distribution
PLOT     LIB  A plotter (printer) subroutine


Disk No 425   Engineering Pascal                                v1 DS2
Most of the programs on this diskette come from the book entitled
"Pascal Programs for Scientists and Engineers", published by Sybex.
They include commonly-used routines for engineering and statistics.
The MATHPACK.PAS is a collection of mathematical and geometrical
functions from the Australian Computer Society, based on a paper "A
Compact Mathematical Function Package" by A. P. Clarke and W. Marwood.

BESY     PAS  Evaluation of the Bessel function of the 2nd kind
CFIT1    PAS  Linear least-squares curve fit
CFIT1A   PAS  "  (with a random number generator)
CFIT2    PAS  Plotting program using PLOT.LIB
CFIT4    PAS  Linear least-squares fit
DETERM   PAS  Calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix
DIFFUS   PAS  An example of FITPOL: diffusion of Zn in Cu
ERF4     PAS  An improved Gaussian error function
ERFD     PAS  Infinite series expansion for Gaussian error function
ERFD3    PAS  Gaussian error function and its complement
ERFSIMP  PAS  Gaussian error function by Simpson's rule
FITPOL   PAS  Linear least-squares fit to the ratio of two polynomials
GAUSID   PAS  Simultaneous solution by Gauss-Seidel
GAUSS    PAS  Simultaneous solution by Gaussian elimination
GAUSSJ   LIB  Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion and solution
GD-LINF1 LIB  Linear least-squares fit with Gauss-Jordan routine
JULIAN   LIB  Converts date to Julian
LEAST1   PAS  Linear least-squares fit using a parabolic curve
LEAST2   PAS  Linear least-squares fit with Gauss-Jordan routine
LEAST3   PAS  Linear least-squares fit with Gauss-Jordan routine
LEAST6   PAS  Linear least-squares fit with Gauss-Jordan routine
LINFIT1  LIB  Fits a straight line through n sets of x,y points
LINFIT2  LIB  Fits a straight line through n sets of x,y points
MATRI1   PAS  Matrix multiplication
MEANS    PAS  Computes mean and standard deviation
NEWDR    PAS  Solves equations by Newton's method
NEWDR2   PAS  Solves equations by Newton's method
NEWTON   LIB  Solves equations by Newton's method
NEWTON-L LIB  Newton program with an iteration counter
NLIN3    PAS  Linear least-squares fit with nonlinearized e-function
PAS-ENG  DOC  Description of files on this diskette
PLOT     LIB  A plotter (printer) subroutine
RANDG    LIB  Random number generator with gaussian distribution
RANDOM   LIB  Random number generator (0..1)
RANDOM   PAS  Source code for random number generator
ROMB1    PAS  Integration by the Romberg method
ROMB3    PAS  "  (with adjustable panels)
SIMP1    PAS  Integration by Simpson's rule
SIMPS    LIB  "  (with end-correction)
SIMQ1    PAS  Solves three simultaneous equations by Cramer's rule
SOLVEC   PAS  Performs simultaneous solution for complex coefficients
SOLVGJ   PAS  Simul. equations, Gaussian elimination, Gauss-Jordan
SOLVGJ2  PAS  "  (using more equations than unknowns)
SOLVGV   PAS  "  (with multiple constant vectors)
SORT-B   LIB  Bubble sort
SORT-Q-N LIB  Nonrecursive Quick-sort
SORT-Q-R LIB  Recursive Quick-sort
SORT-S   LIB  Shell-Metzner sort
SQUARE   LIB  Matrix multiplication
TRAP1    PAS  Integrations by the trapezoidal rule
TRAP2    PAS  "
TRAPEZ   LIB  "  (with end-correction)
TSTBES   PAS  Tests the Bessel function
TSTGAM   PAS  Tests the Gamma function
TSTSORT  PAS  Test speed of sorting routine
MATHPACK PAS  Mathematical & geometrical function package

PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG)
1030 E Duane, Suite J
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291


****   MTPUG.006   ****   October 15, 1982

Until noted otherwise, the following were written by Allen Miller
and appear in the book entitled "Pascal Programs For Scientists
And Engineers" which is published by Sybex.
They were submitted to this users Group by Juergen Loewner,
D-4400 Muenster, Hoher Heckenweg 3, West Germany

MEANS.PAS:     This  file computes the mean and the standard
               deviation of a set of numbers.

RANDOM.LIB:    A random generator (0..1).

RANDG.LIB:     A random generator with gaussian distribution.

MATR1.PAS:     A matrix multiplication program.

DETERM.PAS:    A  program to calculate the determinant of  a  3x3

SIMPQ1.PAS:    A program to solve three simultaneous equations.

GAUSS.PAS:     A  program  to  perform simultaneous  solution  by
               Gaussian elimination.

SOLVGJ.PAS:    same as above but Gauss-Jordan algorithm.

GAUSSJ.LIB:    Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion and solution.

SOLVGV.PAS:    A  program to perform  simultan.  sol.  by  Gauss-
               Jordan elimination with (mult.) const. vect.

SOLVGJ2.PAS:   A  program to perform simult.  solution when using
               more  equations  than  unknowns  (by  Gauss-Jordan

SOLVEC.PAS:    A  program  to perform simultaneous  solution  for
               complex coefficients.

GAUSID.PAS:    A program to perform simult. sol. by Gauss-Seidel.

CFIT1.PAS:     A program to perform a linear least-squares curve-

CFIT1a.PAS:    same as above but with a random generator.

PLOT.LIB:      A (printer-) plotter subroutine.

CFIT2.PAS:     A plotting program using PLOT.LIB.

LINFIT1.LIB:   A  program  which fits a straight line  through  n
               sets of x and y pairs of points.

LINFIT2.LIB:   Another example of the above prog.

CFIT4.PAS:     A linear least-squares fit program.

TSTSORT.PAS:   A Bubble-sort.

SORT-B.LIB:    A variation of the above prog.

SORT-S.LIB:    A Shell-sort procedure.

SORT-Q-S.LIB:  A recursive Quick-sort.

SORT-Q-N.LIB:  A nonrecursive of Quick-sort.

LEAST1.PAS:    A program to perform a linear least-squares fit.

LEAST2.PAS:    As above but now with Gauss-Jordan procedure.

LEAST3.PAS:    A variation of LEAST2.

GD-LINF1.LIB:  and
GD-LINF2.LIB:  and
LEAST6.PAS:    are variationes with different problems.

NEWDR.PAS:     A program to solve equations by Newtons method.

NEWDR2.PAS:    Another version of the program above.

NEWTON.LIB:    The Newton program for a library.

NEWTON-L.LIB:  The Newton program with an iteration counter.

TRAP1.PAS:     A  program  for integrations  by  the  trapezoidal

TRAP2.PAS:     Another better version of the above.

TRAPEZ.LIB:    Another improved version with end-correction.

SIMP1.PAS:     Another integration program now by Simpson's rule.

SIMPS.LIB:     Simp1.pas as a procedure and with end-correction.

ROMB1.PAS:     Last  not least a integration program by the
               Romberg method.

ROMB3.PAS:     As above but now with adjustable panels.

FITPOL.PAS:    A  program to perform linear least-squares fit  to
               the ratio of 2 polynomals.

DIFFUS.PAS:    An example of the above: diffuson of Zn in Cu.
               (A least squares fit to the linearized e-function)

NLIN3.PAS:     Same  as  above  but now with a  nonlinearized

ERFSIMP.PAS:   The Gaussian Error Function by Simpson's rule.

ERFD.PAS:      An  infinite  series expansion  for  the  Gaussian
               error function.

ERFD3.PAS:     The Gaussian error function and its complement.

ERF4.PAS:      An improved Gaussian error function.

TSTGAM.PAS:    A program to test the Gamma function

TSTBES.PAS:    A program to test the Bessel function

BESY.PAS:      An  evaluation  of the Bessel function of the  2nd

RANDOM.PAS:    Another random generator.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0425

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BESY     PAS      1792   4-03-85   7:00p
CFIT1    PAS      1408   4-03-85   7:00p
CFIT1A   PAS      1664   4-03-85   7:00p
CFIT2    PAS      1792   4-03-85   7:00p
CFIT4    PAS      2048   4-03-85   7:00p
DETERM   PAS      1280   4-03-85   7:00p
DIFFUS   PAS      3712   4-03-85   7:00p
ERF4     PAS      1664   4-03-85   7:00p
ERFD     PAS       896   4-03-85   7:00p
ERFD3    PAS      1408   4-03-85   7:00p
ERFSIMP  PAS      1664   4-03-85   7:00p
FITPOL   PAS      3840   4-03-85   7:00p
GAUSID   PAS      3456   4-03-85   7:00p
GAUSS    PAS      3200   4-03-85   7:00p
GAUSSJ   LIB      3456   4-03-85   7:01p
GD-LINF1 LIB      2048   4-03-85   7:01p
GD-LINF2 LIB      2176   4-03-85   7:01p
JULIAN   LIB       384   4-03-85   7:01p
LEAST1   PAS      3840   4-03-85   7:01p
LEAST2   PAS      4096   4-03-85   7:01p
LEAST3   PAS      3968   4-03-85   7:01p
LEAST6   PAS      4096   4-03-85   7:01p
LINFIT1  LIB       896   4-03-85   7:01p
LINFIT2  LIB      1024   4-03-85   7:01p
MATR1    PAS      1920   4-03-85   7:01p
MEANS    PAS      1024   4-03-85   7:01p
NEWDR    PAS       768   4-03-85   7:01p
NEWDR2   PAS       768   4-03-85   7:01p
NEWTON   LIB       512   4-03-85   7:01p
NEWTON-L LIB       768   4-03-85   7:01p
NLIN3    PAS      3968   4-03-85   7:01p
PAS-ENG  DOC      4096   4-03-85   7:02p
PLOT     LIB      3200   4-03-85   7:01p
RANDG    LIB       384   4-03-85   7:01p
RANDOM   LIB       384   4-03-85   7:01p
RANDOM   PAS       384   4-03-85   7:01p
ROMB1    PAS      1920   4-03-85   7:01p
ROMB3    PAS      2048   4-03-85   7:01p
SIMP1    PAS      1408   4-03-85   7:01p
SIMPS    LIB      1152   4-03-85   7:01p
SIMQ1    PAS      2560   4-03-85   7:01p
SOLVEC   PAS      3712   4-03-85   7:01p
SOLVGJ   PAS      1792   4-03-85   7:01p
SOLVGJ2  PAS      2048   4-03-85   7:01p
SOLVGV   PAS      5504   4-03-85   7:01p
SORT-B   LIB       640   4-03-85   7:01p
SORT-Q-N LIB      1408   4-03-85   7:02p
SORT-Q-R LIB      1024   4-03-85   7:02p
SORT-S   LIB       640   4-03-85   7:02p
SQUARE   LIB       640   4-03-85   7:02p
TRAP1    PAS      1152   4-03-85   7:02p
TRAP2    PAS      1280   4-03-85   7:02p
TRAPEZ   LIB      1024   4-03-85   7:02p
TSTBES   PAS      1664   4-03-85   7:02p
TSTGAM   PAS       896   4-03-85   7:02p
TSTSORT  PAS      1408   4-03-85   7:02p
MATHPACK PAS     12672   5-31-85   8:58a
FILES425 TXT      3687  11-05-85   2:49p
       58 file(s)     124263 bytes
                       25088 bytes free