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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #421)

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Information about “DOS UTILITIES #20”

This entry in our DOS utilities series is a collection of DOS
tools and helpers to keep your housekeeping chores from getting
out of hand.  DOSHELP gives you a helping hand when you can't
quite remember the right command.  PCWINDOW is a desktop utility
and makes a nice organizational tool.  SDIR% is simply one of the
nicest DOS file managers available.  The list goes on.  Once you
try some of these programs, you'll probably make them part of
your regular routine.  Enjoy!

System Requirements:  128K, 1 disk drive, monochrome monitor.

How to Start:  To read DOC or TXT files, enter TYPE filename.ext and
press <ENTER>.  To run an EXE or COM program, just type its name and
press <ENTER>.

Suggested Registration: RAMTEST and SDIR5 both $10.00

File Descriptions:

PEACOCK  DOC  Documentation file
PEACOCK  COM  Dynamic notepad
PCWINDOW DOC  Documentation file
PCWINDOW COM  Notepad, alarm clock, ASCII table - Sidekickish
KBDBUF   DOC  Documentation file
KBDBUF   COM  160 character keyboard buffer
IPLTIME  COM  Easy way to get time and date
GLOBALS  DOC  Documentation file
GLOBALS  LBR  Do path calls with data files
DOSHELP  BAT  DOS syntax reference
DISKPARK EXE  Hard disk head parking
DISKPARK DOC  Documentation file
CLOCK    DOC  Documentation file
CLOCK    COM  Digital clock on upper right of screen
CAPS     DOC  Documentation file
CAPS     COM  Turn caps lock on from a batch file
RAMTEST  COM  Good memory checker
SDIR5    COM  Menu driven DOS helper with file management tool
RAMTEST  DOC  Documentation file
FFM      EXE  Dual menu DOS command helper
SPEEDKEY DOC  Documentation file
SPEEDKEY COM  Double your curser speed
SDIR5    DOC  Documentation file
CDSECRET COM  Goes to secret sub-directory
RDSECRET COM  Removes secret sub-directory
MDSECRET COM  Makes secret sub-directory
SECRET   DOC  Create and control secret directories
LIST2DAY COM  List all files created today
FILES    PAS  Pascal source code
FILES    DOC  Documentation file
FILES    COM  Intellegent DIR command


caps designates if the caps lock is set by arrow up or down in upper
left corner of screen.
also indicates if numlock is on or off.
use in autoexec.bat file or type caps


another clock program for dos 2.x
automatically sets with date command of dos
set built in alarm by typing clock hh:mm:sec
turn clock off by typing clock -
use in autoexec.bat file
displays 24 hour clock in upper right corner of screen


  DiskPark by Simcha Lerner
  Version 1.00, November 1984

  This program is a utility that will  locate all hard disks in the system
  and move  their heads to the  inner-most cylinder.  It will  give status
  messages for  each drive encountered.   This program uses the  hard disk
  ROM BIOS calls  as documented in the  IBM Tech Ref for the  XT. This has
  been tested on a  Compaq Plus without any problems.  It  will work on PC
  compatible  machines and  non-IBM  hard  disks only  if  they are  fully
  compatible at the BIOS level.  All other  I/O is through DOS so that you
  can use this via a re-directed console.

  The ability to exit back to DOS is  to allow you to park the disk if you
  are going to leave the machine for  a while.  EXITING TO DOS CAN UN-PARK
  MACHINE.   In order  to exit  back to  DOS, hit  three carriage  returns
  slowly.  The program  flushes the buffer before each  character to avoid
  accidental activation.

*                                                                          *
* IMPORTANT:                                                               *
*                                                                          *
* This  program does  NOT lock  the  heads.  If  you intend  to move  your *
* system, run the utility that came with it for that purpose.              *
*                                                                          *



  Files -- a flexible file/directory listing tool.


  FILES [pathname] [-F|D] [-S] [-X string]


  FILES with no arguments will list all the files (including directories and
  hidden and system files) in the current directory.  Each file will be listed
  in the following (default) format:

        <filename> <date> <time> <attributes> <size> <volume>

  The "pathname" argument can be a full MSDOS path with a wildcarded file name.
  If no pathname is given the default is "*.*".

  The "-F" or "-D" switches control the types of files found.  With the "-F"
  option only files (no directories) will be listed.  With the "-D" option only
  the files and directories that would be found with the MSDOS DIR command will
  be listed (no system or hidden files).

  The "-S" option specifies that all subdirectories below the given path should
  also be searched for files matching the specified filename.

  The "-X" option is followed by a string that will be expanded for each file
  found.  The string may contain special character combinations that will be
  expanded, similar to the MSDOS PROMPT command.  The special character
  combinations consist of a dollar sign ($) followed by one of the following

        $ - the '$' character
        t - the time the file was last written
        d - the date the file was last written
        p - the path to the directory the file is in
        g - the '>' character
        l - the '<' character
        b - the '|' character
        f - the file name
        a - the file attribute
        0 - the low word of the file size (in hex)
        1 - the high word of the file size (in hex)
        k - the file size (in Kbytes)
        v - the volume label

  The default string is '$f $d $t $a $k $v $p'.

  The file attribute field consists of six characters, one character for each
  attribute.  If an attribute is reset then it is represented by a dash (-).
  The attributes that are set are represented by:

        r - read only
        h - hidden
        s - system
        v - volume label
        d - directory
        a - archive


        -- will list all entrys in the current directory

  > FILES /bin/src/*.pas
        -- will list all files in the directory "/bin/src" with the extension
        -- ".pas"

  > FILES /bin/*.p -s
        -- will list all files with the ".p" extension in "/bin" or any
        -- directory below "/bin"

  > FILES c:/*.bak -s -x del $p$f >delbaks.bat
        -- will list all files with the ".bak" extension in any directory on
        -- disk "c:" and produce a string of the form "del <path><file>" of
        -- every file found.  The output is redirected into the file
        -- "delbaks.bat".  (The batch file could be used to delete all .BAK
        -- files on the disk).

  > FILES *.def -x .include $f | sort | pp >prn
        -- will produce a list of ".include" commands that is sorted and passed
        -- to a print utility which interprets the commands and writes the
        -- resulting file to the printer.  The net result is a formatted listing
        -- of the contents of all the .DEF files in alphabetical order.


Disk No 421   DOS Utilities                                     v1 DS
A collection of DOS tools and helpers to keep your housekeeping chores
from getting out of hand.

CAPS     COM  Turn caps lock on from a batch file
CAPS     DOC  Documentation file
CLOCK    COM  Digital clock on upper right of screen
CLOCK    DOC  Documentation file
DISKPARK DOC  Documentation file
DISKPARK EXE  Hard disk head parking
DOSHELP  BAT  DOS syntax reference
GLOBALS  LBR  Do path calls with data files
GLOBALS  DOC  Documentation file
IPLTIME  COM  Easy way to get time and date
KBDBUF   COM  160 character keyboard buffer
KBDBUF   DOC  Documentation file
PCWINDOW COM  Notepad, alarm clock, ASCII table - Sidekickish
PCWINDOW DOC  Documentation file
PEACOCK  COM  Dynamic notepad
PEACOCK  DOC  Documentation file
RAMTEST  COM  Good memory checker
RAMTEST  DOC  Documentation file
SDIR5    COM  Menu driven DOS helper with file management tool
SDIR5    DOC  Documentation file
SPEEDKEY COM  Double your curser speed
SPEEDKEY DOC  Documentation file
FFM      EXE  Dual menu DOS command helper
FILES    COM  Intellegent DIR command
FILES    DOC  Documentation file
FILES    PAS  Pascal source code
LIST2DAY COM  List all files created today
SECRET   DOC  Create and control secret directories
MDSECRET COM  Makes secret sub-directory
RDSECRET COM  Removes secret sub-directory
CDSECRET COM  Goes to secret sub-directory

PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG)
1030 E Duane, Suite J
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291


Globals is provided on this disk in a library form in order
to keep the files separate from the others so you can organize
your hard disk better.
In order to use globals you should:
  1) md\globals             create a globals subdirectory
  2) cd\globals
  3) copy a:globals.lbr     move in the globals library
  4) lu a globals.lbr       disperse the files in the globals library
  5) type globals.txt       this file will tell you everything else
                            you need to know.


extends keyboard buffer to 150 characters from default of 16
use in autoexec.bat file


PCWINDOW.COM  combines Notepads, Multiple Timers, ASCII Reference
Code and other features.  The utility, once activated remains in
memory until the computer is re-booted.  Functions are menu
driven and activated by ALT 0-7.
ity, once activated remains


load peacock.com in autoexec.bat file
used with color monitor
alt f1 changes forground color
alt f3 changes background color
alt f5 changes from 80 to 40 columns and back
alt f7 changes from color monitor to monochrome and back
alt f9 fills backgound color

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0421

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CAPS     COM       256   3-18-85   7:28p
CAPS     DOC       256   3-18-85   7:28p
CDSECRET COM       512   5-09-85   9:05a
CLOCK    COM      1024   3-18-85   7:28p
CLOCK    DOC       256   3-18-85   7:28p
DISKPARK DOC      1792   2-27-85   8:25a
DISKPARK EXE      1408   2-27-85   8:25a
DOSHELP  BAT      3987  10-04-84   8:39a
FFM      EXE     31872   1-22-85   3:35p
FILES    COM     17035   5-08-85   5:39p
FILES    DOC      3328   5-08-85   5:26p
FILES    PAS     19957   5-08-85   5:39p
FILES421 TXT      1691  10-23-85   8:45a
GLOBALS  DOC       507   4-03-85   7:22p
GLOBALS  LBR     57984  11-07-84  10:46a
IPLTIME  COM      2176   3-15-85   7:37a
KBDBUF   COM       768   3-18-85   7:28p
KBDBUF   DOC        89   3-18-85   7:33p
LIST2DAY COM       384   5-09-85  11:01a
MDSECRET COM       512   5-09-85   9:05a
PCWINDOW COM     27648   3-12-85   9:57a
PCWINDOW DOC       256   3-18-85   2:52p
PEACOCK  COM       640   3-18-85   7:28p
PEACOCK  DOC       384   3-18-85   7:28p
RAMTEST  COM      2048   2-25-85   9:00a
RAMTEST  DOC      8704   2-25-85   9:02a
RDSECRET COM       512   5-09-85   9:06a
SDIR5    COM      6528   3-20-85   8:57a
SDIR5    DOC      7936   3-20-85   8:59a
SECRET   DOC      1408   5-09-85   9:06a
SPEEDKEY COM       512   2-12-85  12:43p
SPEEDKEY DOC      1920   4-17-85   8:00a
       32 file(s)     204290 bytes
                      102400 bytes free