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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #414)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

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Information about “PROTECT AND UNPROTECT”

Frustrated by copy-protection schemes?  Here's a gold mine of
information about running copy-protected and ``key-disk'' programs from
your hard disk.  Save your original as a backup.  Step-by-step detailed
instructions walk you through a DOS ``debug'' session that lets you
easily use over 30 of the most popular copy-protected software products.
(Check the file listing.)  Get the most out of the software you
File Descriptions:

ALTER    COM  Program to allow user to change file attributes.
COPYPC   COM  A more intelligent alternative to DOS DISKCOPY program.
COPYALL  COM  Disk-saver program : copies most disks.
CHARTMAS UNP  Procedure on how to unprotect CHARTMASTER v6.04.
ALTER    DOC  Documentation for ALTER.COM program.
DB3ZAP   BIN  Overlay file needed by DB3ZAP.BAT.
DB3ZAP   BAT  Provides an executable backup copy of dBASEIII.
DB3V30   DOC  Documentation for all DB3???.* unprotection methods.
DB3V30   BIN  Overlay file needed by DB3V30.BAT.
DB3V30   BAT  Batch file to unprotect dBASEIII v1.0, Edition 2.
DB3V21   BIN  Overlay file needed by DB3V21.BAT.
DB3V21   BAT  Batch file to unprotect dBASEIII v1.0, Edition 1.
COPYPC   DOC  Documentation for COPYPC.COM program.
INFOCOM  DOC  Documentation for use of INFOCOM.COM program.
INFOCOM  COM  Utility programs to operate on INFOCOM games (ZORK).
GRAFWRTR UNP  Procedure to unprotect GRAPHWRITER v4.21.
FRMWK1   UNP  To create executable backup copy of FRAMEWORK v1.0.
FRMWK1   DOC  Documentation for backup of FRAMEWORK v1.0.
FRMWK1   BAT  Creates executable backup copy of FRAMEWORK v1.0.
FOCUSNEW UNP  Eliminates need for ``activator'' disk in A-drive.
FLTSIM   UNP  Procedure to unprotect Microsoft FLIGHT SIMULATOR v1.00.
FLTSIM   CPY  Make backup copies of Microsoft FLIGHT SIMULATOR.
EZWRITR  UNP  Procedure to unprotect EZWRITER 1.1.
EXECUVSN UNP  Procedure to unprotect the EXECUVISION graphics package.
ENABLE   UNP  Procedure to unprotect the ENABLE v1.0 integrated package.
DUPE     EXE  Backup utility.
DSAVER   COM  DISK-SAVER v2.01 - copies disks.
DOUBLDOS UNP  Instructions on how to unprotect the DOUBLEDOS SOFTGUARD.
DB3ZAP   DOC  Documentation for DB3ZAP.BAT.
ZORK3    UNP  Makes backup copies of INFOCOM's ZORK III game.
ZORK12   UNP  Procedure to make backup copies of INFOCOM's ZORK I, II.
WS2000   UNP  Procedure to unprotect WORDSTAR 2000 v1.00.
WORD1_1  UNP  Procedure to unprotect MS WORD v1.1 using Ultra-Utilities.
LAYOUT   UNP  Procedure to unprotect LAYOUT program.
MANY     UNP  Procedure to unprotect dBASEIII v1.1 (bypass SOFTGUARD).
LOADCALC UNP  Procedure to create a backup copy of LOADCALC v4.13.
LOAD-US  DOC  Documentation for use of LOAD-US.COM program.
LOAD-US  COM  Utility program to allow running LOTUS 1-2-3 & SYMPHONY.
NEW123UN V1A  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1A.
NEW123   UNP  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1A.
123STAR  UNP  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1A.
MS2      UNP  How to unprotect MEMORY/SHIFT v2.1.
MOD123   DOC  Directions for use of MOD123.COM program.
MOD123   COM  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3.
MLINK206 UNP  Procedure to unprotect MULTILINK v2.06 and allow direct.
MEMSHIFT UNP  Procedure to unprotect MEMORY/SHIFT program.
WORD     UNP  Procedure to unprotect Microsoft WORD.
VISICALC UNP  Procedure to convert VISICALC to a .COM file.
UNPROT   DOC  Documentation on how to use UNPROT.B.
UNPROT   B    BLOAD file from BASIC, designed to unprotect BASIC file.
UNP123   TXT  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1 & 1A.
ULTIMA   UNP  Procedure to unprotect ULTIMA II, PROKEY 3.0 & others.
TRIVIA   UNP  Procedure to unprotect TRIVIA FEVER (game & demo disks).
TM       UNP  Procedure to unprotect IBM TIME MANAGER (80 col, v1.00).
TIMER    SK   Patch to fix SIDEKICK/DOS PRINT.COM conflict.
SYMPHONY UP2  Same as SYMPHONY.UNP - simpler instructions.
SYMPHONY UNP  Procedure to patch SYMPHONY to allow it to run.
SYMPH    DOC  Documentation for SYMPHONY.COM program.
SYMPH    COM  Program to allow running SYMPHONY from hard disk.
SK11C    UNP  Procedure to unprotect SIDEKICK v1.11C.
SK       UNP  Procedure to unprotect SIDEKICK v1.00A.
SIGNMAST UNP  Procedure to unprotect SIGNMASTER v5.04.
SDKIK    UNP  Procedure to unprotect SIDEKICK v1.10A.
PCDRAW14 UNP  Procedure to unprotect PC-DRAW v1.4.
PCDRAW   UNP  Procedure to unprotect PC-DRAW.
PFSFILE  UNP  Procedure to unprotect PFS-FILE & PFS-REPORT.
PFS      UNP  Procedure to unprotect PFS-FILE, PFS-REPORT, PFS-WRITE.
READWRIT COM  Program to reset read-only files to read/write and more.
READONLY COM  Program to make a file read-only.
RB4000   UNP  Procedure to unprotect RBASE 4000 v1.11.
PROKEY30 UNP  Procedure to unprotect PROKEY v3.0.
PROKEY   COM  Program referred to as part of procedure in PRODWN.TXT.
PRODWN   TXT  Patches to allow PROKEY v3.0 to run with SIDEKICK.


Disk No 414   Copy Protection/Unprotect Utilities               v1 DS
Here's a gold mine of information about running copy-protected and 'key-
disk' programs from your hard disk, or to save your original as backup.
Generally these are step-by-step detailed instructions to walk thru a
DEBUG session that will allow easier use of over 30 of the most popular
copy-protected software products.  Also included are programs to make
your disk files 'read-only' and back to 'read-write' (including BASIC
programs saved with protection).

ALTER    COM  Program to allow user to change file attributes (hidden/
ALTER    DOC  Documentation for ALTER.COM program
CHARTMAS UNP  Procedure on how to unprotect CHARTMASTER v6.04
COPYALL  COM  Disk-Saver program : copies most diskettes
COPYPC   COM  A more intelligent alternative to DOS DISKCOPY program
COPYPC   DOC  Documentation for COPYPC.COM program
DB3V21   BAT  Batch file to unprotect dBaseIII vers. 1.0, Edition 1
DB3V21   BIN  Overlay file needed by DB3V21.BAT
DB3V30   BAT  Batch file to unprotect dBaseIII vers. 1.0, Edition 2
DB3V30   BIN  Overlay file needed by DB3V30.BAT
DB3V30   DOC  Documentation for all DB3???.* unprotection methods
DB3ZAP   BAT  Batch file to provide an executable backup copy of dBaseIII
DB3ZAP   BIN  Overlay file needed by DB3ZAP.BAT
DB3ZAP   DOC  Documentation for DB3ZAP.BAT
DOUBLDOS UNP  Instructions on how to unprotect the DoubleDOS SoftGuard
              copy protection scheme
DSAVER   COM  Disk-Saver vers. R2.01 - copies diskettes
DUPE     EXE  Backup utility
ENABLE   UNP  Procedure to unprotect the ENABLE v1.0 integrated package
EXECUVSN UNP  Procedure to unprotect the EXECUVISION graphics package
EZWRITR  UNP  Procedure to unprotect EZWRITER 1.1
FLTSIM   CPY  Procedure to make backup copies of Microsoft Flight
              Simulator v1.00
FLTSIM   UNP  Procedure to unprotect Microsoft Flight Simulator v1.00
FOCUSNEW UNP  Procedure to eliminate need for 'activator' disk in A-drive
              for PC-FOCUS
FRMWK1   BAT  Batch file to create executable backup copy of FRAMEWORK v1.0
FRMWK1   DOC  Documentation for backup of FRAMEWORK v1.0
FRMWK1   UNP  To create executable backup copy of FRAMEWORK v1.0
GRAFWRTR UNP  Procedure to unprotect GRAPHWRITER v4.21
INFOCOM  COM  Utility programs to operate on INFOCOM games (ZORK) - copy/
              unprotect/vocabulary decoder
INFOCOM  DOC  Documentation for use of INFOCOM.COM program
LAYOUT   UNP  Procedure to unprotect LAYOUT program
LOAD-US  COM  Utility program to allow running Lotus 1-2-3 & Symphony
              directly from hard disk without system disk in A-Drive
LOAD-US  DOC  Documentation for use of LOAD-US.COM program
LOADCALC UNP  Procedure to create a backup copy of LOADCALC v4.13
MANY     UNP  Procedure to unprotect dBaseIII v1.1 (bypass SoftGuard
              protection scheme
MEMSHIFT UNP  Procedure to unprotect MEMORY/SHIFT program
MLINK206 UNP  Procedure to unprotect MULTILINK v2.06 and allow direct
              hard-disk boot
MOD123   COM  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3
MOD123   DOC  Directions for use of MOD123.COM program
MS2      UNP  How to unprotect MEMORY/SHIFT v2.1
123STAR  UNP  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1A*
NEW123   UNP  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1A
NEW123UN V1A  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1A
PCDRAW   UNP  Procedure to unprotect PC-DRAW
PCDRAW14 UNP  Procedure to unprotect PC-DRAW v1.4
PCM      UNP  Procedure to unprotect IBM Personal Communications Manager
PFS      UNP  Procedure to unprotect PFS-File, PFS-Report, PFS-Write
PFS-ZAP  UNP  Procedure to ZAP PFS-File & PFS-Report to allow running on
              hard-disk without key disk in A-Drive
PFSFILE  UNP  Procedure to unprotect PFS-File & PFS-Report
PRODWN   TXT  Patches to allow PROKEY v3.0 to run with SIDEKICK
PROKEY   COM  Program referred to as part of procedure in PRODWN.TXT
PROKEY30 UNP  Procedure to unprotect PROKEY v3.0
RB4000   UNP  Procedure to unprotect RBase 4000 v1.11
READONLY COM  Program to make a file read-only to protect from accidental
READWRIT COM  Program to reset read-only files to read/write and allow
SDKIK    UNP  Procedure to unprotect SIDEKICK v1.10A
SIGNMAST UNP  Procedure to unprotect SIGNMASTER v5.04
SK       UNP  Procedure to unprotect SIDEKICK v1.00A
SK11C    UNP  Procedure to unprotect SIDEKICK v1.11C
SYMPH    COM  Program to allow running SYMPHONY from hard disk without
              key floppy in A-Drive
SYMPH    DOC  Documentation for SYMPHONY.COM program
SYMPHONY UNP  Procedure to patch SYMPHONY to allow it to run without
              master disk
SYMPHONY UP2  Same as SYMPHONY.UNP - simpler instructions
TIMER    SK   Patch to fix SIDEKICK/DOS PRINT.COM conflict
TM       UNP  Procedure to unprotect IBM TIME MANAGER (80 col, v1.00)
TRIVIA   UNP  Procedure to unprotect TRIVIA FEVER (game & demo disks)
ULTIMA   UNP  Procedure to unprotect ULTIMA II, PROKEY 3.0 & other .COM
UNP123   TXT  Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1 & 1A
UNPROT   B    BLOAD file from BASIC, designed to unprotect a BASIC
              program which was saved with ',P' extension
UNPROT   DOC  Documentation on how to use UNPROT.B
UNPSYM   COM  ?? <unprotect SYMPHONY ?>
VISICALC UNP  Procedure to convert VISICALC to a .COM file which may be
              loaded on a non-standard disk
WORD     UNP  Procedure to unprotect Microsoft WORD
WORD1_1  UNP  Procedure to unprotect MS WORD v1.1 using Ultra-Utilities
WS2000   UNP  Procedure to unprotect WordStar 2000 v1.00
ZORK12   UNP  Procedure to make backup copies of INFOCOM's ZORK I and
              ZORK II games
ZORK3    UNP  Procedure to make backup copies of INFOCOM's ZORK III game


SOFTWARE PIRATES Inc.						10-17-84

	ZORKTOOLS is a collection of utility programs which provide
capabilities not normally available for INFOCOM games. These programs were
designed to run under any version of DOS (with one exception). ZORKTOOLS
requires two drives and a minimum of 128K bytes of FREE memory to run all the
utilities. ZORKTOOLS can handle any display type.

1.	ICP - Infocom Copy Program

ICP allows you to copy any INFOCOM game disk from drive A to drive B.  The
result is "standard" copy of the game which IS NOT diskcopy-able.  This
program requires a minimum of 11K bytes to run.  (This program does not work
properly under the latest 1.8X versions of DOS.)

If when running ICP you get the error "unknown format encountered" you will
have to run IFP (Infocom Format Program) before ICP will work successfully.

2.	IFP - Infocom Format Program

IFP is program which formats a disk to 40 tracks at 8 sectors of 512 bytes.
Some Target disk you use may not be formatted by DOS. ICP & IUP require that
the Target disk be formatted to 40 x 8 x 512. This program allows you to do
that without having to leave ZORKTOOLS. This programs requires a minimum of 7K
bytes to run.
WARNING!! - This program should not be used in place of DOS' FORMAT program.
IFP does NOT write a Boot Sector, FAT tables, or a Directory to the Target
disk. This program was designed, solely, as a preparation aid for ICP & IUP.

3.	IGL - Infocom Game Loader

IGL will load any INFOCOM game ("stardard" or "unprotected") from disk.  Once
in memory, the game will be modified to allow it to run under DOS.  When the
modification are complete, the game will be started.  Once the game has booted
up it should work just as it does standalone (without DOS).  To return to
ZORKTOOLS simply exit the game as always (use "quit" command).  This program
requires a minimum of 128K bytes of FREE memory to run.

4.	IPP - Infocom Protection Program

IPP will modify the FAT tables of an INFOCOM game disk so that the sectors
which are used by the game will be protected from DOS.	(This means that you
will not be able to "erase" the game or "copy" another program on top of it.
WARNING!!  - This protection scheme does not prevent "diskcopy" or "format"
from working.) Once the game has been protected from DOS you can store files
on portions of the disk not being used by the game.  (Most game disk leave
about 40K bytes FREE.) If you use the CATDISK Catalog Program, you can now put
.LBL files on your disk so they can be cataloged. This program requires 8K
bytes of FREE memory to run.

5.	IUP - Infocom Unprotection Program

IUP allows you to copy a "standard" INFOCOM game disk from drive A to drive B.
Every INFOCOM game disk has tracks 1 - 3 formatted to 4 sectors of 1024 bytes
instead of the normal 8 sectors of 512 bytes.  Diskcopy does not have the
ability to copy an INFOCOM game disk because of the way tracks 1 - 3 have been
formatted.  When IUP writes track 1 - 3 to the Target disk in drive B it does
so at 8 sectors of 512 bytes.  IUP also modifies the boot sector of the Target
disk so that the disk will boot up properly.  The result is an "unprotected"
working copy of an INFOCOM game which IS diskcopy-able.  This program requires
11K bytes of FREE memory to run.

If when running IUP you get the error "unknown format encountered" you will
have to run IFP (Infocom Format Program) before IUP will work successfully.

6.	IVD - Infocom Vocabulary Decoder

IVD is a program which locates, reads, decodes, and displays the vocabulary of
any INFOCOM game disk. This program will produce a numbered listing of all the
words that any game will allow the player to type in (plus a few you can't).
This routine will compensate for a 40 column display. You will undoubtedly
notice that some words in the vocabulary will start with a space or have a
space imbedded in them. This is not an error in IVD. The decoding technique
used by INFOCOM leaves 6 "special" character codes which have no display-able
character defined for them. Some of the words contain some the "special"
characters. Too see where the "special" character are you must invoke
ZORKTOOLS with the /S (Special character) option. Since INFOCOM did not define
display-able character for the "special" character, the ascii values of 0 - 5
have been chosen. With the /S option the digits 0 - 5 will be displayed for
the respective "special" character instead of a space. In the vocabulary every
word has a 3 byte suffix which, I believe, tells the game the attributes of
the word (like adjective, verb, noun, etc.). To list the 3 data byte suffix
you must invoke ZORKTOOLS with the /D (Data bytes) option. This program
requires a minimum of 128K bytes of FREE memory to run.

	I have been, from the birth of PC to date, a brave and daring
adventure in realm of the Great Underground Empire, a space traveler who
captures a giant alien space craft, a detective attempting to locate a
murderer, a human computer backup who repaires an underground worldwide
control complex, and a experienced sorcerer who battles evil wizards to save
the world.  Through all these truly enjoyable escapades I could not help the
feeling that something was missing.  I couldn't get over the fact that a game
like these require you to have a pencil and a piece of paper (for maps, secret
words, notes).	Think about it.  A game made for a computer, that forces the
player to use something else to accomplish what could and should be done on
the computer !	That's crazy !  I started thinking about this problem and ways
to get around it.  For a long time I couldn't think of a relatively easy way
to accomplish this.  Then multi-tasking programs hit the scene.  I found that
the multi-tasking programs allow the user to operate several DOS programs
simultaneously.  The catch is that all of these programs must run under DOS in
order to work.	I then had the task of making INFOCOM game run under DOS.
That is how IGL came about.  With a multi-tasking program, it is now possible
to play an INFOCOM game and have an editor online simultaneously.  That means
(depending on the multi-tasking program) that the player can usually use one
key as a toggle and switch back and forth from the game to editor.  The player
now has a convienent place to store any game related data (maps, save image
descriptions, secret words, etc.) all, and this is the key, WITHOUT having
their hands leave the keyboard.  I have tried this and it works great!

						Happy Zorking,
						Softbeard the Pirate

their hands leave the keyboard.  I have tried this and it works great!

						Happy Zorking,
						Softbeard t


The following is from a file found on COMPUSERVE. Tried the portion using
 DEBUG and could not get profix.com to read my prokey files (ex. ws.pro)
 Maybe some one who understand the top part of this message can fill me
 in.  Thanks    John Roswick, Bismarck.

PRODWN         17-July 1984


     Attention Sidekick/Prokey users !  We at Borland were having
trouble getting Sidekick to be compatible with Rosesoft's Prokey and
as many of you Prokey users out there know everything locked up when the
two got together.  The reason Prokey does not work is because it trashes
some of the registers when running and confuses Sidekick as to make your
terminal go down.  Enclosed is the portion of Prokey which does this.

0730  2EF606D402FF              TEST    CS:BYTE PTR [02D4H],OFFH
0736  7409                      JE      0741H
0738  2EFF2EC602                JMP     CS:DWORD PTR [02C6H]
073D  5B                        POP     BX
073E  1F                        POP     DS
073F  EBF7                      JMP     SHORT 0738H
0741  1E                        PUSH    DS
0742  53                        PUSH    BX
0743  8CCB                      MOV     BX,CS
0745  8EDB                      MOV     DS,BX
0747  FB                        STI
0748  C5053D0100                MOV     BYTE PTR [013DH],00H
074D  803E660400                CMP     BYTE PTR [0466H],00H
0752  7420                      JE      0774H
0754  833E670400                CMP     WORD PTR [0469H],00H
0759  7507                      JNE     0762H
075B  833E670400                CMP     WORD PTR [0467H],00H
0760  740D                      JE      076FH
0762  832E670401                SUB     WORD PTR [0467H],01H
0767  831E690400                SBB     WORD PTR [0469H],00H
076C  EB06                      JMP     SHORT 0774H
076E  90                        NOP
076F  C606660400                MOV     BYTE PTR [0466H],00H
0774  803E530400                CMP     BYTE PTR [0466H],00H
0779  74C2                      JE      037DH
077B  833E662400                CMP     WORD PTR [2466H],00H
0780  7507                      JNE     0789H
0782  833E682400                CMP     WORD PTR [2468H],00H
0787  740C                      JE      0795H
0789  832E682401                SUB     WORD PTR [2468H],01H
078E  831E662400                SBB     WORD PTR [2466H],00H
0793  EBA8                      JMP     SHORT 073DH
0795  E8841D                    CALL    251CH                    ;HMMM !
0798  EBA3                      JMP     SHORT 073DH


251C  50                        PUSH    AX
251D  1E                        PUSH    DS
251E  A05304                    MOV     AL,[0453H]
2521  3C01                      CMP     AL,01H
2523  7407                      JE      252CH
2525  3C02                      CMP     AL,02H
2527  743F                      JE      2568H
2529  1F                        POP     DS
252A  58                        POP     AX
252B  C3                        RET     ?NEAR
252C  BD9D2D                    MOV     BP,2D9DH       BP DESTROYED
252F  E8480E                    CALL    337AH
2532  A16C24                    MOV     AX,[246CH]
2535  A39D2D                    MOV     [2D9DH],AX
2538  BD9D2D                    MOV     BP,2D9DH
253B  E8E30D                    CALL    3321H
253E  BD9D2D                    MOV     BP,2D9DH
2541  BEE023                    MOV     SI,23E0H       SI DESTROYED
2544  B601                      MOV     DH,01H         DX DESTROYED
2546  B201                      MOV     DL,01H         (BUT WILL BE RESTORED
2548  E8230C                    CALL    317FH          BY THE BIOS)
254B  E88407                    CALL    2CD2H
254E  8B366024                  MOV     SI,[2460H]
2552  387D07                    CALL    2CD2H
2555  A16224                    MOV     AX,[2462H]
2558  A36824                    MOV     [2468H],AX
255B  C70666240000              MOV     WORD PTR [2466H],000H
2561  C606530402                MOV     BYTE PTR [0453H],02H
2566  EBC1                      JMP     SHORT 2529H
2568  BD9D2D                    MOV     BP,2D9DH
256B  E80C0E                    CALL    337AH
256E  C606530400                MOV     BYTE PTR [0453H],00H
2573  EBB4                      JMP     SHORT 2529H

Prokey does not save and restore all registers when trapping interrupt
1C.  The reason why this error occurs at a higher frequency when using
Sidekick is beyond this discussion. However, to verify the error try the

1. Start Prokey
2. Define a key recursively
3. Notice prokey now issues an error message
4. terminate definition (fast...)
5. press return 100 times
6. if prokey did not crash repeat step 2-6

Register destroying occurs when Prokey is flashing error message.  You must
terminate and press return as fast as possible, and be logged on a floppy
drive (important: let your prompt show the active directory in order to let
dos read on the disk).

The following program establishes a trap at interrupt 8 (to make sure Prokey
or others does not overwrite it, bios int 8 then activates 1C).

CODE                          SEGMENT
                              ASSUME     CS:CODE
                              ORG        100H
START                         PROC
                              JMP        SHORT SETUP
START                         ENDP
INT08SAVE                     DD
INT08TRAP                     PROC       FAR
                              PUSH       AX
                              PUSH       BX
                              PUSH       CX
                              PUSH       DX
                              PUSH       SI
                              PUSH       DI
                              PUSH       BP
                              PUSH       DS
                              PUSH       ES
                              CALL       INT08SAVE
                              POP        ES
                              POP        DS
                              POP        BP
                              POP        DI
                              POP        SI
                              POP        DX
                              POP        CX
                              POP        BX
                              POP        AX
INT08TRAP                     ENDP
SETUP                         PROC

                              MOV        DS,AX
                              MOV        SI,20H
                              LES        AX,DWORD PTR[SI]
                              MOV        WORD PTR INT08SAVE,AX
                              MOV        WORD PT
                              MOV        WORD PTR [SI],OFFSET INT08TRAP
                              MOV        [SI+2],CS
                              MOV        DX,OFFSET EOTRAP+1

SETUP                         ENDP
CODE                          ENDS
                              END        START

It may be faster to enter the following bytes using debug and writing them
to the file profix.com, thus saving your original prokey file:

0100:  EB 1D 00 00 00 00 50 53 51 52 56 57 55 1E 06 9C
0110:  2E FF 1E 02 01 07 1F 5D 5F 5E 5A 59 5B 58 CF 33
0120:  C0 8E D8 BE 20 00 FA C4 04 2E A3 02 01 2E 8C 06
0130:  04 01 C7 04 06 01 8C 4C 02 FB BA 20 01 CD 27




type readonly filename.ext and will set filename to readonly.
You will not be able to delete or erase this file.
Protect from accidental erasure important files.


resets readonly files to read/write and allows erasure
type readwrit filename.ext


                  UNPROTECTING LOTUS 1-2-3

1-2-3 Release 1-A
1. Rename 123.exe 123.xyz
2. DEBUG 123.xyz
3. Type U ABA9
4. You should see INT 13 at this address
5. Type E ABA9 90 90
6. Type W
7. Type Q
8. Rename 123.xyz 123.exe

1-2-3 Release 1
1. Rename 123.exe 123.xyz
2. DEBUG 123.xyz
3. Type S DS:100 FFFF E8 BE 71
   The system will respond with xxxx:3666 where xxxx can vary
4. Type E xxxx:3666 90 90 90  (xxxx is the number from above)
5. Type W
6. Type Q
7. Rename 123.xyz 123.exe

       Compliments of THE BIG APPLE BBS (212) 975-0046


p.s be sure that the unprot.b program is on the disk
in drive A:

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0414

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

123STAR  UNP      1152   3-20-85   6:03p
CHARTMAS UNP      3465   3-18-85   5:49p
COPYALL  COM      4096   1-22-85   6:34a
COPYPC   COM      1792   3-20-85   6:03p
COPYPC   DOC      1920   3-20-85   6:03p
DB3V21   BAT       512   4-19-85   7:12p
DB3V21   BIN      6272   4-19-85   7:12p
DB3V30   BAT       256   4-19-85   7:12p
DB3V30   BIN      6528   4-19-85   7:12p
DB3V30   DOC      6784   4-19-85   7:12p
DB3ZAP   BAT       768   4-04-85   9:15p
DB3ZAP   BIN      5632   4-04-85   9:15p
DB3ZAP   DOC      1024   4-04-85   9:15p
DSAVER   COM      3712   3-20-85   6:03p
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PCM      UNP       512   3-20-85   6:03p
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SYMPHONY UNP      2560   4-04-85   9:16p
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TM       UNP      1536   3-20-85   6:03p
UNP123   TXT       640   3-20-85   6:03p
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ZORK3    UNP      1024   3-20-85   6:04p
TRIVIA   UNP      1280   5-09-85   1:02p
WS2000   UNP      4992   6-01-85   8:38a
MANY     UNP      4472   6-04-85   8:28a
PFS      UNP      3072   6-04-85   8:04a
ULTIMA   UNP      2790   8-22-85   9:11a
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