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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #403)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Information about “COMPUTER TUTORIAL”

Did they laugh when you sat down at the keyboard? No more!  TUTOR.COM
is a collection of self-paced tutorials that cover the basics of a
first course on computer usage and PC-DOS, the disk operating system.

Learn the basics of PC computing from the general information and
historical aspect to the nuts and bolts, so to speak, of running and
organizing a hard disk. Explore the twists and turns of DOS and learn
how to write batch files. Do all of this at your own speed, in the
privacy of your own computer, and without an instructor breathing down
your neck.


Disk No:  403
Disk Title: Computer Tutorial
PC-SIG Version: S4.5

Program Title: TUTOR.COM
Author Version: 4.45
Author Registration: $15.00
Special Requirements: None.

Did they laugh when you sat down at the keyboard?  No more!  TUTOR.COM
is a collection of self-paced tutorials that cover the basics of a first
course on computer usage and PC-DOS, the disk operating system.

Learn the basics of PC computing from the general information and
history aspect to the nuts and bolts, so to speak, of running and
organizing a hard disk.  Explore the twists and turns of DOS and learn
how to write batch files.  Do all of this at your own speed, in the
privacy of your own computer, and without an instructor breathing down
your neck.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


|                                          Price List and Order Form         |
|    Computer Knowledge                                                      |
|    P.O. Box 91176                    We like to know where copies come     |
|    Los Angeles, CA 90009             from.  Please TYPE the file REGISTER  |
|                                      and place the number found on the     |
|                                      first line here:                      |
|    Vendor's tax ID: 554-58-1105                                            |
|                                           __________________________       |
|    Date:                                                                   |
|                                                                            |
| From:                                                                      |
|                                     | Payments by check or money order     |
|  __________________________________ | in US dollars on a US bank.          |
|                                     |                                      |
|  __________________________________ | Credit cards not accepted.           |
|                                     |                                      |
|  __________________________________ | Purchase orders from business,       |
|                                     | school, or government users          |
|  __________________________________ | accepted for orders over $50.        |
|                                     | (No early payment discounts.)        |
| Description - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |   Amount   |
|                                                               |            |
|__ Use license only (no disk)....................... $10.00 ea | $          |
|                                                               |            |
|                                                               |            |
|__ Unlimited-copy version of tutorial disk..........$150.00 ea | $          |
|   For use within a single organization; includes manual.      |            |
|                                                               |            |
|                                                               |------------|
|   Disk size: __ 5.25-inch __ 3.50-inch          Subtotal......| $          |
|                                                               |------------|
|  California state tax (6.5%)..................................|            |
|  Added postage charge outside of U.S. & Canada (add $5.00)....| $          |
|    (only add to site license option)                          |------------|
|                                                               |            |
|                                                 Total.........| $          |
|                                                               +------------|
|  Indicate payment:                                                         |
|  O Check (Outside US please provide payment in US funds drawn on US bank)  |
|  O Purchase Order                                                          |
                                    Thank you


                         VENDOR.DOC file for TUTOR.COM
                               Computer Knowledge

The copying restrictions in this file apply to any individual, organization,
user group, or business that charges ANY fee for the distribution of the
Shareware program TUTOR.COM produced by Computer Knowledge.

TUTOR.COM and its associated tutorial files is NOT a public domain program.
All program and data files are Copyright 1985-1989, Computer Knowledge with
all rights reserved.  Distribution restriction rights are claimed under that
copyright and are outlined below.

- No organization may sell the Shareware version of TUTOR.COM without prior
  written permission from Computer Knowledge.  To apply for such permission
  send a request to:
                       Computer Knowledge
                       PO Box 91176
                       Los Angeles, CA 90009

  Vendor standards expected of distributors are summarized below in this
  file.  Under no condition will permission to distribute be given to
  any organization who does not agree to follow the standards.  The vendor
  standards are based on those established for vendor associate members
  of the Association of Shareware Professionals.  ASP vendor members will
  be granted permission to distribute TUTOR.COM; if you are already a member
  of ASP, please mention that in your request for permission to distribute.
  ASP vendor members are automatically placed on our mailing list.  If you
  are not an ASP vendor member you will be charged a mailing fee of $5 for
  Computer Knowledge to provide you with a disk.

- The TUTOR.COM program or files may not be sold as part of some other more
  inclusive package without permission of Computer Knowledge.

- Under no condition will the program be "rented" or leased to others.

- Printed copies of the tutorials may not be distributed in any form without
  a license from Computer Knowledge.

- Any distribution of TUTOR.COM over bulletin boards and/or national
  telecommunication services will be limited to distributing a single
  archived file containing the contents of the entire distribution disk
  and NO charge above the standard charge for connect time will be allowed.


The following is a summary of ASP vendor standards.  This summary is just
that, a summary, and is not to be taken as a statement of the entire set
of ASP standards.


  All vendor advertisements and brochures must state that "Shareware programs
  require separate payment to authors if found useful."  This statement must
  immediately follow the price or be tied to the price via an asterisk.


  Vendors will attempt to educate users on the nature of Shareware.  The
  following points must be covered in any catalog of disks:

  -  The fee paid to the vendor is a distribution charge and does not cover
     the cost of the program itself.

  -  If the user finds a Shareware program to be of use, he/she is expected
     to send the registration fee to the author.

  -  Registration entitles the user to various rights and benefits (depending
     on the author).  These range from the legal right to continue using
     the software, to printed documentation and/or higher levels of service.


  Vendors will respect the copyright and all distribution restrictions made
  by individual authors, usually found in the file VENDOR.DOC [this file] on
  the disk.

  Vendors will provide a written notice covering the three concepts above
  with all Shareware programs shipped.  If disks are pre-packaged, the
  notice must be on a visible part of the package.

  Vendors will not change or delete ANY files supplied with the program
  unless authorized by the author.  Small additions designed to assist the
  user may be added if the author does not specifically prohibit such action.

  Vendors agree to stop distributing a program, including earlier versions,
  if requested by the author.

Again, the above is a SUMMARY of the ASP vendor standards.  In order to
distribute TUTOR.COM you must agree to abide by these standards, ASP member
or not.  If you are interested in becoming an ASP-approved vendor, please
             Vendor Membership Coordinator
             Association of Shareware Professionals
             PO Box 5786
             Bellevue, WA 98006


To those organizations given permission to distribute TUTOR.COM, Computer
Knowledge will forward a master disk keyed to that organization (a charge of
$5 will be levied on non-ASP vendors).  Automatic updates will be provided to
organizations when registrations can be traced to that organization. Updates
will be offered to other approved organizations on a fee basis to cover the
costs of distribution.

                     ____|__     |               (tm)
                  --|       |    |-------------------
                    |   ____|__  |  Association of
                    |  |       |_|  Shareware
                    |__|   o   |    Professionals
                  -----|   |   |---------------------
                       |___|___|    MEMBER

  TUTOR.COM is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
  Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the Shareware principle
  works for you.  If you are unable to resolve a Shareware-related problem
  with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
  help.  The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with
  an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products.
  Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at PO Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or
  send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0403

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DESCRIBE          1323   9-09-90   4:45a
GO       BAT       139   9-09-90   4:45a
INVOICE  BAT      1064   9-09-90   4:45a
INVOICE  TXT      3566   9-09-90   4:45a
MENU     TUT       532   9-09-90   4:45a
OLDKEY             545   9-09-90   4:45a
READ     111      1037   9-09-90   4:45a
READ     222      1077   9-09-90   4:45a
READ     333      1008   9-09-90   4:45a
READ     444      1333   9-09-90   4:45a
READ     555       968   9-09-90   4:45a
READ     BAT       139   9-09-90   4:45a
REGISTER            32   9-09-90   4:45a
T1EXPL   TUT     15419   9-09-90   4:45a
T2KEY    TUT     29407   9-09-90   4:45a
T2KEYOLD TUT     26973   9-09-90   4:45a
T3HIST   TUT     21032   9-09-90   4:45a
T4TERM1  TUT     24592   9-09-90   4:45a
T5TERM2  TUT     24953   9-09-90   4:45a
T6DOS1   TUT     28171   9-09-90   4:45a
T7DOS2   TUT     21818   9-09-90   4:45a
T8BATCH  TUT     29073   9-09-90   4:45a
T9PROG   TUT     25504   9-09-90   4:45a
TUTOR    EXE     37968   9-09-90   4:45a
VENDOR   DOC      5977   9-09-90   4:45a
FILES403 TXT      1851  10-10-90   5:50p
       26 file(s)     305501 bytes
                        1024 bytes free