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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #388)

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Information about “FORM LETTERS”

Need to remind some of your customers to pay their bill?  Have to turn
someone down for credit?  Would you like to send a thank you letter to
a valued client?

These letters have already been written for you, along with 97 others
in this collection of 100 boiler-plate business letters.  See the file
listing below for specifics.  Tailor each to your individual needs by
modifying with any standard ASCII wordprocessor.

Let FORM LETTERS do the work for you while you get down to business!
File Descriptions:

1LTSCHRA      Overdue account letters.
EMPLMNT       Job inquiry turn down letter.
5LTSCHRA      Overdue account letters.
4SLPYBS       Overdue account letters.
4LTSCHRA      Overdue account letters.
3SLPYBS       Overdue account letters.
3LTSCHRA      Overdue account letters.
2SLPYBS       Overdue account letters.
2LTSCHRA      Overdue account letters.
1SLPYBS       Overdue account letters.
INCOMPL       Letter of sales exchange.
INCMTXCO      Tax consultant sales mailer.
INACTVE       Inactive customer sales inquiry.
INACTVCS      Inactive customer status inquiry.
ILLHLTH       Ill health resignation letter.
ILL           Ill employee response letter.
HSPTYGFT      Hospitality gift thank you letter.
GVNGLTR       Cancel incorrect service charges.
GDCRDTST      Positive response to credit reference inquiry.
FURN          Furniture store grand opening.
FOLLWUP       Follow up to phone call when customer not in.
FNDSLMT       Turn down charity donation request.
FNDRSNG       Decline charity sponsorship request.
FLLWUP        Customer sales visit follow up letter.
FLLUPREP      Mailing list follow up letter.
EXPNSVGT      Return of an expensive gift from a client.
DTHOTHER      Death sympathy.
DLYDCRD       Delayed returned merchandise refund.
DLVRMTH       Delivery method error refund letter.
DCLDN         Dinner invitation turn down letter.
CSTMRTHS      Customer thank you letter.
CRVOUCH       Neutral response to credit reference inquiry.
CRDTSUSP      Response from supplier suspending credit.
CRDTSTND      Response from supplier turning down credit request.
CRDTRQST      Response from supplier granting credit request.
CRDTINFR      Request to supplier for a credit account.
COPLCY        Company policy denial of donation request.
COND          Sympathy letter for co-workers death.
COMPLNT       Incomming product variance notice.
CNCLCNTR      Certified letter canceling the order.
CMPLNTAD      Product defect and replacement request to supplier.
5SLPYBS       Overdue account letters.
CLLCTN        Request for bill due date extension.
CLAIMS        Response to complaint about employee behavior.
CHRGACCT      New charge account acceptance.
BSCLSD        Layoff notice.
BSAPPCTN      Credit account denial.
BNKDPST       Idle bank account inquiry.
BLLNGMST      Billing error.
BDRSK         Bad risk notice.
BDBHVR        Bad behavior notice.
BADCHK        Bad check notice.
APOLOGYC      Apology for incorrect collection letter.
AFTRSLSL      Proposal follow up.
AD            Information about this and other programs.
ACKNORDR      Acknowledge order.
ABSNTRCD      Attendance notice.
6SLPYBS       Overdue account letters.
INTROSLS      Sales introduction.
INJURY        Injury gift.
UNSATCRD      Negative response to credit reference inquiry.
THNKYOU       COD shipment denial, holding product for payment.
STMTER        Corrected statement cover letter.
STATEMNT      Correction for billing error.
SLSVLM        Salesman congratulation for landing a new account.
SLSLLPRD      Negative response to slow selling product return request.
SLSGRMTN      Sales agreement cancellation confirmation.
SLS           Mail inquiry response letter.
SHRTEPMT      Negative credit application response.
SERVCHRG      Service charge increase announcement.
SECYRCM       Positive response to employement reference.
RSMJOB        Resume cover letter.
RJCTREF       Negative response to employement reference.
RETRMNT       Retirement congratulations.
RESIGN        Resignation letter.
RESCHDLO      Request production schedule change.
REFUND        Wrong product refund.
REFRNCE       Positive response to company reference inquiry.
REFPR         Deny price discount request.
RECMMD        Neutral response to company reference inquiry.
QUESTNNR      Sample credit questionnaire.
PRSNLCRD      Credit line denial.
PRQUOTE       Request for quote.
PRPY          Credit denial.
PRINTLET EXE  Program to print all the letters out to a prnter.
PRCRDT        Negative response to credit reference inquiry.
PRCRDIT       Order refusal due to bad credit history.
POSUNSTE      No position available response to job inquiry.
PMPTPMNT      Thank you for prompt credit account payments.
PERSCRE       Credit account offer mailer.
PERSCRDT      Incomplete credit application response.
ORDRCONF      Mail order request.
ORDRCNFR      Mail order request.
OPNACCT       Request for credit account.
NWCSTMR       New customer thank you.
NOINFRMT      Incomplete credit application response.
MSMTNG        Apology for missed meeting.
MNRNIMG       Gift return by civil court judge.
LTDLVY        Late delivery due to engraving.
JBDNWL        Christmas rush employee effort commendation letter.
LFINSRNC      Life insurance policy inquiry.
JBRSM         Job advertisement inquiry.


Disk No 388   Form Letters                                      V1.1 DS2
Extensive samples of commonly used business letters that can be tailored
to your individual needs.

1LTSCHRA      Overdue account letters.
1SLPYBS          "      "       "
2LTSCHRA         "      "       "
2SLPYBS          "      "       "
3LTSCHRA         "      "       "
3SLPYBS          "      "       "
4LTSCHRA         "      "       "
4SLPYBS          "      "       "
5LTSCHRA         "      "       "
5SLPYBS          "      "       "
6SLPYBS          "      "       "
ABSNTRCD      Attendance notice.
ACKNORDR      Acknowledge order.
AD            Information about other programs and what is on this disk.
AFTRSLSL      Proposal follow up.
APOLOGYC      Apology for incorrect collection letter.
BADCHK        Bad check notice.
BDBHVR        Bad behavior notice.
BDRSK         Bad risk notice.
BLLNGMST      Billing error.
BNKDPST       Idle bank account inquiry.
BSAPPCTN      Credit account denial.
BSCLSD        Layoff notice.
CHRGACCT      New charge account acceptance.
CLAIMS        Response to complaint about employee behavior.
CLLCTN        Request for bill due date extension.
CMPLNTAD      Product defect and replacement request to supplier.
CNCLCNTR      Certified letter canceling the order.
COMPLNT       Incomming product variance notice.
COND          Sympathy letter for co-workers death.
COPLCY        Company policy denial of donation request.
CRDTINFR      Request to supplier for a credit account.
CRDTRQST      Response from supplier granting credit request.
CRDTSTND      Response from supplier turning down credit request.
CRDTSUSP      Response from supplier suspending credit.
CRVOUCH       Neutral response to credit reference inquiry.
CSTMRTHS      Customer thank you letter.
DCLDN         Dinner invitation turn down letter.
DLVRMTH       Delivery method error refund letter.
DLYDCRD       Delayed returned merchandise refund.
DTHOTHER      Death sympathy.
EMPLMNT       Job inquiry turn down letter.
EXPNSVGT      Return of an expensive gift from a client.
FLLUPREP      Mailing list follow up letter.
FLLWUP        Customer sales visit follow up letter.
FNDRSNG       Decline charity sponsorship request.
FNDSLMT       Turn down charity donation request.
FOLLWUP       Follow up to phone call when customer not in.
FURN          Furniture store grand opening.
GDCRDTST      Positive response to credit reference inquiry.
GVNGLTR       Cancel incorrect service charges.
HSPTYGFT      Hospitality gift thank you letter.
ILL           Ill employee response letter.
ILLHLTH       Ill health resignation letter.
INACTVCS      Inactive customer status inquiry.
INACTVE       Inactive customer sales inquiry.
INCMTXCO      Tax consultant sales mailer.
INCOMPL       Letter of sales exchange.
INJURY        Injury gift.
INTROSLS      Sales introduction.
JBDNWL        Christmas rush employee effort commendation letter.
JBRSM         Job advertisement inquiry.
LFINSRNC      Life insurance policy inquiry.
LTDLVY        Late delivery due to engraving.
MNRNIMG       Gift return by civil court judge.
MSMTNG        Apology for missed meeting.
NOINFRMT      Incomplete credit application response.
NWCSTMR       New customer thank you.
OPNACCT       Request for credit account.
ORDRCNFR      Mail order request.
ORDRCONF      Mail order request.
PERSCRDT      Incomplete credit application response.
PERSCRE       Credit account offer mailer.
PMPTPMNT      Thank you for prompt credit account payments.
POSUNSTE      No position available response to job inquiry.
PRCRDIT       Order refusal due to bad credit history.
PRCRDT        Negative response to credit reference inquiry.
PRINTLET EXE  Program to print all the letters out to a printer.
PRPY          Credit denial.
PRQUOTE       Request for quote.
PRSNLCRD      Credit line denial.
QUESTNNR      Sample credit questionnaire.
RECMMD        Neutral response to company reference inquiry.
REFPR         Deny price discount request.
REFRNCE       Positive response to company reference inquiry.
REFUND        Wrong product refund.
RESCHDLO      Request production schedule change.
RESIGN        Resignation letter.
RETRMNT       Retirement congratulations.
RJCTREF       Negative response to employement reference.
RSMJOB        Resume cover letter.
SECYRCM       Positive response to employement reference.
SERVCHRG      Service charge increase announcement.
SHRTEPMT      Negative credit application response.
SLS           Mail inquiry response letter.
SLSGRMTN      Sales agreement cancellation confirmation.
SLSLLPRD      Negative response to slow selling product return request.
SLSVLM        Salesman congratulation for landing a new account
STATEMNT      Correction for billing error.
STMTER        Corrected statement cover letter.
THNKYOU       COD shipment denial, holding product for payment.
UNSATCRD      Negative response to credit reference inquiry.

PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG)
1030 E Duane, Suite D
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0388

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

1LTSCHRA          1024   3-07-85   7:18a
1SLPYBS            768   3-07-85   7:26a
2LTSCHRA           768   3-07-85   7:15a
2SLPYBS            640   3-07-85   7:25a
3LTSCHRA           640   3-07-85   7:14a
3SLPYBS            768   3-07-85   7:24a
4LTSCHRA           512   3-07-85   7:13a
4SLPYBS            640   3-07-85   7:22a
5LTSCHRA           512   7-19-84   7:44p
5SLPYBS            640   3-07-85   7:21a
6SLPYBS            640   7-19-84   7:43p
ABSNTRCD           640   3-08-85   5:44p
ACKNORDR           768   7-17-84   2:01p
AD                3443   1-01-80   3:35a
AFTRSLSL           512   7-17-84   2:06p
APOLOGYC           512   7-19-84   6:32p
BADCHK             896   7-17-84   2:11p
BDBHVR             512   3-08-85   5:50p
BDRSK              640   3-07-85   7:06a
BLLNGMST           512   7-17-84   2:02p
BNKDPST           1280   7-19-84   7:13p
BSAPPCTN          1024   7-19-84   6:51p
BSCLSD             640   3-08-85   6:29p
CHRGACCT          1024   7-17-84   4:33p
CLAIMS             896   7-19-84   7:40p
CLLCTN             640   7-17-84   2:07p
CMPLNTAD           896   1-31-84  12:28a
CNCLCNTR           896   7-17-84   2:03p
COMPLNT            512   1-31-84  12:21a
COND               512   7-17-84   2:07p
COPLCY             768   7-19-84   7:31p
CRDTINFR           768   7-19-84   7:33p
CRDTRQST           768   7-17-84   2:14p
CRDTSTND           640   7-17-84   2:03p
CRDTSUSP           640   7-17-84   2:08p
CRVOUCH            768   7-19-84   6:42p
CSTMRTHS           384   3-08-85   5:52p
DCLDN              512   3-08-85   5:46p
DLVRMTH            512   1-31-84  12:25a
DLYDCRD            512   3-08-85   4:23p
DTHOTHER           384   3-08-85   5:56p
EMPLMNT            640   7-19-84   7:09p
EXPNSVGT           512   3-08-85   5:47p
FILES388 TXT      5285   5-05-86  11:55a
FLLUPREP          1280   7-19-84   7:41p
FLLWUP             512   7-17-84   2:15p
FNDRSNG            640   7-19-84   6:38p
FNDSLMT            640   7-19-84   7:26p
FOLLWUP           1408   7-19-84   7:49p
FURN              1792   3-07-85   7:11a
GDCRDTST           640   7-17-84   2:04p
GO       BAT       868   5-05-86  12:11p
GVNGLTR            896   1-31-84  12:24a
HSPTYGFT           512   3-08-85   5:59p
ILL                512   7-19-84   6:49p
ILLHLTH            640   3-08-85   6:27p
INACTVCS           768   7-19-84   7:34p
INACTVE            640   7-17-84   2:08p
INCMTXCO          1290   1-01-80  12:06a
INCOMPL            640   3-08-85   5:53p
INJURY             512   7-19-84   6:37p
INTROSLS           768   7-17-84   2:15p
JBDNWL             512   3-08-85   5:51p
JBRSM              512   3-08-85   5:47p
LFINSRNC           512   3-07-85   8:12a
LTDLVY             768   3-08-85   6:25p
MNRNIMG            512   7-18-84   1:32p
MSMTNG             640   3-08-85   6:08p
NOINFRMT           768   7-19-84   7:46p
NWCSTMR           1280   7-19-84   6:44p
OPNACCT           1152   7-17-84   2:19p
ORDRCNFR           384   7-17-84   2:09p
ORDRCONF           384   7-17-84   2:16p
PERSCRDT           768   3-07-85   7:04a
PERSCRE           1664   7-19-84   7:30p
PMPTPMNT          1024   7-19-84   7:04p
POSUNSTE           640   7-19-84   7:39p
PRCRDIT           1024   7-19-84   7:48p
PRCRDT             768   7-17-84   2:19p
PRINTLET EXE     20096   1-01-80  12:07a
PRPY              1024   1-31-84  12:05a
PRQUOTE            512   7-19-84   7:02p
PRSNLCRD           768   7-19-84   7:42p
QUESTNNR          1408   7-19-84   6:27p
RECMMD             512   7-17-84   2:10p
REFPR              782   1-01-80   3:51a
REFRNCE            896   3-07-85   8:37a
REFUND             768   1-31-84  12:15a
RESCHDLO          1152   7-19-84   7:21p
RESIGN             512   3-07-85   8:21a
RETRMNT            640   7-18-84   1:25p
RJCTREF           1280   7-17-84   2:18p
RSMJOB             512   3-08-85   5:48p
SECYRCM            512   3-08-85   6:22p
SERVCHRG           640   3-08-85   6:05p
SHRTEPMT           768   7-19-84   6:47p
SLS                768   7-17-84   2:10p
SLSGRMTN           768   1-31-84  12:11a
SLSLLPRD          1024   7-19-84   7:38p
SLSVLM             512   3-08-85   6:26p
STATEMNT           512   3-08-85   5:49p
STMTER             512   3-08-85   6:07p
THNKYOU            640   3-07-85   8:35a
UNSATCRD           896   7-19-84   6:34p
      104 file(s)     104084 bytes
                      177152 bytes free