PCjs Machines

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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #367)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

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Information about “FLASH CARDS 1 OF 4 (368, 369, 370)”

A menu-driven 7,500-Word Vocabulary Builder and Spelling Teacher for the
high school and college-level student.  The flash card format has proved
to be an effective teaching mechanism for improving spelling and
vocabulary skills.

The dictionary does not include the 4,000 most basic words but, rather,
the 7,500 next most commonly-used words.  BASIC source code is included.
While you're polishing your spelling, learn the parts of speech and the
definition of each word.


Disk No 367    Flash Cards:  Vocabulary and Spelling            v1    DS

This is the first of the 4-disk set of the Educational Package:  Flash
Cards with 7,500-Word Vocabulary Builder and Spelling Teacher.  This disk
contains the compiled form of the main program, the vocabulary file for
the first part of the alphabet (a-de), and two files of flags to indicate
words missed.  An excellent tool to improve vocabulary and/or spelling at
the high school, college, or higher level, it does not include the 4,000
most basic words but, rather, the 7,500 next most commonly-used words.
Requires 128K, 1 drive.

CARDS          Vocabulary words and definitions (a-de)
FLASH     EXE  Main Flash Cards program, compiled
FLAG           Flags for missed vocabulary words
SFLAG          Flags for missed spelling words

PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG)
1030 E Duane, Suite J
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0367

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CARDS           255104   1-31-84  12:29a
FILES367 TXT      1152   5-23-85   4:06p
FLAG              6016   1-01-80  12:04a
FLASH    EXE     42880   1-31-84  12:15a
SFLAG              128   1-31-84  12:19a
        5 file(s)     305280 bytes
                       14336 bytes free