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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #315)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

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Information about “C UTILITIES NO 5”

A set of C subroutines ranging from an explanation for how C does type
conversion for the beginner to a menu system for application programmers
to a small C for serious hacker.  Includes a C dump program to aid in
debugging C programs also.

System Requirements:  Two disk drives, a C compiler

How to Start: To read DOC files, enter TYPE filename.ext and press
<ENTER>.  To run an EXE program, just type its name and press <ENTER>.
For instructions on Clistings, refer to your C language manual.

File Descriptions:

CONIO    C    Console I/O getchar scanf ect.
ADDLF    C    Filter to add line feeds after carrage returns if needed
CPCN     C    Small C compiler written in C
CPMFILES C    Makes BDS C look more UNIX compatible
DUMP2    C    Debug type core dump
FUNKEY   C    Program to redefine the keyboard
FRAME    C    Builds a nice frame around menus
INKEY    C    Get a char from the keyboard
ISAMC    LBR  OBJ code for ISAM utilites
LAR      C    CP/M LU program to combine files for upload/download
ISCHECK  C    Checks Microsofts issomthing matrix
SNAP     C    Nice snap shot of memory for debugging C programs
RENAME   C    C program to rename a file
PRINT    C    Print text files with page numbers, headers, etc.
LIFE     C    Another life game
UNTAB4   EXE  UNTAB4 ready to run
UNTAB4   C    Convert tabs to spaces
TYPECONV C    Documentation on how C does type conversion
TOWERS   C    Towers of Hanoi
TINKEY   C    Test inkey program
TEXTFORM C    Prints WordStar files even if you don't have WordStar.
STRING   C    Complete set of string functions
SNAP     OBJ  Compiled SNAP
ZAPLOAD  C    Convert Binary file to INTEL hex format
ZAPLOAD  EXE  ZAPLOAD ready to run
ZAPLOAD  DOC  Documentation on ZAPLOAD
_MAIN    C    Shell for main C program that includes command line


Disk No 315  C Source #2                                        v1   DS

A set of C subroutines ranging from an explantion for how C does type
conversion for the beginner to a menu system for application programers
to a small C for serious hacker.Includes C dump program to aid in debuging
C programs also.

ADDLF    C    Filter to add line feeds after carrage returns only if needed
CONIO    C    Console I/O getchar scanf ect.
CPCN     C    Small C compiler written in C
CPMFILES C    Makes BDS C look more UNIX compatible
DUMP2    C    Debug type core dump
FRAME    C    Builds a nice frame around menus
FUNKEY   C    Program to redefine the keyboard
INKEY    C    Get a char from the keyboard
ISAMC    LBR  OBJ code for ISAM utilites
ISCHECK  C    Checks Microsofts issomthing matrix
LAR      C    CP/M LU program to combine files for uploading/downloading
LIFE     C    Another life game
PRINT    C    Print text files with page numbers headers ect.
RENAME   C    C program to rename a file
SNAP     C    Nice snap shot of memory for debuging C programs
SNAP     OBJ  Compiled SNAP
STRING   C    Complete set of string functions
TEXTFORM C    Prints wordstar files even if you dont have wordstar.
TINKEY   C    Test inkey program
TOWERS   C    Towers of Hanoi
TYPECONV C    Documentation on how C does type conversion
UNTAB4   C    Convert tabs to spaces
UNTAB4   EXE  UNTAB4 ready to run
ZAPLOAD  C    Convert Binary file to INTEL hex format
ZAPLOAD  DOC  Documentation on ZAPLOAD
ZAPLOAD  EXE  ZAPLOAD ready to run
_MAIN    C    Shell for main c program that includes command line

PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG)
1030 E Duane, Suite J
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291


.he ZAPLOAD- Binary to Intel Hex (c) T. Jennings 1980, 1981, 1982 Page #

	 ZAPLOAD- MSDOS version

	ZAPLOAD  can  be  used  to convert any  file  (binary  is
assumed)  to  INTEL  hex  format,   and  send  to  one  or   more
destinations:  a  disk file,  the punch device,  or the  printer.
There  are  many options to select various things;  ones or  twos
complement checksums,  where to send the hex, specifying the load
and start addresses, etc. All of the available options are listed
below, followed by a more detailed description of each.

	The  very  last section deals with connecting  a  Sunrise
Electronics ZAP-80 EPROM burner to a computer via ZAPLOAD,  since
that was it's original intent.

	ZAPLOAD  gives  a  quick list  and  description  of  it's
commands when operated improperly. To get this list, type ZAPLOAD
without  any  command line options.  You will also get  the  list
whenever you make any command errors.


	Zapload  is executed from an MSDOS system,  and  converts
MSDOS files from the disk,  to INTEL hex format.  All options are
specified  on the command line when ZAPLOAD is run.  ZAPLOAD  has
the following syntax:

	ZAPLOAD <file to convert> <any legal options ...>

	After  ZAPLOAD has sent the entire file,  it will display
on  the console a 16 bit two's complement checksum of every  data
byte sent.  This checksum is of the data bytes only.  This can be
used  in  conjunction  with the  destination  device  to  provide
another check of data integrity.

	An  INTEL hex file consists of one or more data  records,
followed  by  an  end  of file record.  These  records  have  the
following format:

	DATA RECORDS: : bb llll tt dd dd dd .... cc

	: says this is the start of a record,
	bb is the number of data bytes to follow,
	llll is the address to load the data byte at,
	tt is the record type, 00 for data,
	dd dd ... are the data bytes,
	cc is the checksum of bb llll tt and all dd data

	END OF FILE RECORDS: : bb ssss tt cc

	: is the same as a data record,
	bb is zero, (no data),
	ssss is the program start address,
	tt is 01 to indicate end of file,
	cc is the checksum of bb ssss and tt.

	There are no data bytes.

	After  the cc bytes have been sent,  a CR LF sequence  is
sent  for readability.  Programs that read INTEL hex  ignore  any
characters before the :,  and after the cc checksum.  Or at least
are supposed to.

	If  you specify no options at all,  ZAPLOAD processes the
file but does not send the output anywhere. The following are the
defaults for Intel Hex generation:

	- 32 byte data records (20 hex),
	- 2's complement checksums,
	- Initial load address of 0,
	- Start address of 0.


	There  are  many options;  these fall  roughly  into  two
categories;  those  that  control  the record  format,  for  non-
standard devices (damn them) and those that control where to send
it as it is generated.

	Options are specified on the command line,  following the
filename.  Each option is a single letter,  and may appear in any
order. Some options take an additional argument; like setting the
load  address.  In  these cases the argument follows  the  option
letter, seperated by one or more spaces, like so:

	ZAPLOAD file l 8000

	Option  letters may be optionally preceded by  a  -,  for
UNIX freaks, like so:

	ZAPLOAD file -l 8000


	b <hex number>
	Set  the number of bytes sent per record from the default
20  hex  to <hex number>.  <hex number> must be less  than  1024.
Please do not use 0. (BUG: ZAPLOAD will not catch a byte count of
zero.  It  might  try to produce 65535  byte  records,  and  bomb

	Generate  ones  complement  checksums instead  of  two's.
Obscure option for use with non-standard devices.

	l <hex number>
	Set  the load address to <hex number>.  The default is  0
hex if this option is not used.  The load address for each record
sent will increment by the byte count.

	r <hex number>
	Change the default run address of 0 to <hex number>. This
is used only in the end of file record,  to indicate the starting
address of the file just sent.  Things like EPROM burners do  not
use this; some computers with download facilities might.


	The following options control where the file is sent, and
how it is sent. If none of these are specified, it is merely sent
to  the  console.  Each  record is always typed on  the  console,
character by character,  as it is sent,  unless the 'X' option is
given.  Running ZAPLOAD with only the 'X' option would cause  the
file  to be sent nowhere at all.  (Why?) A control-Z  terminating
character  is  sent to the destination device after the  file  is

	Send to the aux device.  This could also be done via  the
'f' option: f AUX. See below.

	f <file name>
	Create a file <file name>, and send each byte there. This
can be used to generate INTEL hex disk to disk, without using any
external devices.

	w <decimal number>

	Software  delay by <decimal number> after each  character
is sent.  This can be used for those poorly designed devices that
require  but  do not use character by  character  handshake.  The
default here is 0, obviously, and 10 is about 50 milliseconds for
a  4MHz  Z80.  This  was necessary for the ZAP-80,  as is  has  a
software UART, and takes too long to process a byte to keep up.

	Pretty useless with disk files.

	e <decimal number>

	Software  delay after the CR LF sequence at the end of  a
record.  Some loaders require more time at the end of the record,
in order to generate and check the checksum. The delay w <decimal
number> is still done after sending the last cc byte,  but not on
the CR LF sequence.


	General Controls

	s <dddd>

	Skip  <dddd> decimal bytes at the beginning of  the  file
before processing.  This is useful when generating HEX files from
CP/M .CMD files or the like that have a header at the beginning.


	Process  only  even or odd numbered bytes.  This is  very
useful when generating EPROM code for 16 bit processors like  the
8086,  that  have  even bytes in one PROM,  and the odd  ones  in
another. By using the form:

	zapload file.cmd s 128 e f low.hex
	zapload file.cmd s 128 o f hi.hex

	You  can  make the two EPROM files necessary for an  8086
bootstrap ROM, or whatever.


	List output on the console. All hex records generated are



	Here  are  some examples for loading INTEL  hex  to  some
common devices:

	zapload test.com x
	This  loads  test.com to the console,  and sends 32  byte
records, load address of 0, start address of zero.

	zapload test.com e 10 w 10
	This  loads  a ZAP80 tied to the  punch  port,  with  the
necessary software delays to accomodate the ZAP80.

	zapload test.com f test.hex
	Convert  file  test.com  to  hex,  and make  a  hex  file
test.hex. This "undoes" Digital Research's LOAD utility.

	zapload test.com l 100 r 100 p f test.hex x
	Convert test.com to Intel hex,  send it to the CP/M  PUN:
device,  to the disk file TEST.HEX,  and listing it on
the console. The load address starts at 100h, and the run address
is 100h.

	Connecting the ZAP-80 to FIDO or any other computer

	You  will  not find this data in any Sunrise  Electronics
documentation.  The ZAP80 is filled with bugs,  and the manual is

	- The ZAP80 requires 300 baud,  1 1/2 stop bits.  Idiots.
Use two stop bits.

	- The ZAP 80 cannot be run faster than 300 baud,  and can
not handle even this without software delays.

	- Though  they  claim  that  it  uses  the  RTS  line  or
whatever, it really does not.

	- Even  though each record may be loading  properly,  the
display  will  always say there is a load error after  the  first
record.  Ignore  it,  and once the entire file is  sent,  do  the

	Reset  the ZAP80,  and checksum the entire data ares just
sent.  (CKSM key,  then the lower and upper  addresses).  Compare
this  to  the data checksum typed by ZAPLOAD.  If the  last  four
digits are the same, all is well. (It usually is)


	-Use  a typical 3 wire connection,  swapping pins 2 and 3
until it works. (Necessary on FIDO, and done in it's cable).

	-On the ZAP80, tie pins 4 and 5 together. (Fool RTS)

	Don't forget to set FIDO's punch port,  TUART port B,  to
300 baud 2 stop bits.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0315

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ADDLF    C         640  10-27-83   8:47p
CONIO    C        4096  10-30-83  11:07p
CPCLIB   OBJ      2304   4-23-84   3:31p
CPCN     C       49152   7-29-84   4:25p
CPMFILES C        9600   7-29-84   4:25p
DUMP2    C        5248  10-27-83   8:50p
FILES315 TXT      1920   5-23-85   1:15p
FRAME    C        1920  10-27-83   8:51p
FUNKEY   C        3712  10-27-83   8:47p
INKEY    C        2560   9-25-83  12:28a
ISAMC    LBR     26368  11-28-84   8:43p
ISCHECK  C        1536  10-27-83   8:48p
LAR      C       16384   7-29-84   4:25p
LIFE     C        5504  10-27-83   8:54p
PRINT    C        3072  10-30-83  11:04p
RENAME   C         512  10-27-83   8:59p
SNAP     C        2432  12-19-83   3:26p
SNAP     OBJ      1667  12-21-83   8:25a
STRING   C        1792  10-27-83   9:00p
TEXTFORM C        8832   7-29-84   4:25p
TINKEY   C        1024   9-25-83  12:29a
TOWERS   C        3456  10-27-83   9:01p
TYPECONV C        1536  10-27-83   9:02p
UNTAB4   C        4210   2-25-84   5:43a
UNTAB4   EXE     13312   2-26-84  11:53p
ZAPLOAD  C       12800   7-29-84   4:25p
ZAPLOAD  DOC      8832   7-29-84   4:27p
ZAPLOAD  EXE     17536  12-20-83  11:52a
_MAIN    C        1536  10-29-83  11:34a
       29 file(s)     213493 bytes
                       97280 bytes free