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Information about “RECIPE INDEX”

Recipe83(tm) is a database index to 1800 recipes that appeared in the
1983 issues of Women's Day and Family Circle magazines.  If these
magazines are saved in your home, this database will provide the
advantages of computer indexing.  Note: it is necessary that you have
saved the magazines, or have them readily available from a library.
iRecipe83 is an INDEX ONLY, not a repeat of the recipes.

How to Start:  To get a copy of the documentation, with this disk
in the A: drive, enter DOC and press <ENTER>.

Suggested Registration:  $20.00

File Descriptions:

IRECIP83 ???  Header and index data files
*        DTA  Data base files
IR83PCF  DOC  Documentation (55K)
DOC      BAT  Prints documentation (IR83PCF.DOC)
*        RPT  Report formats
NESTMENU DOC  List of menus


Disk No 281   Recipe Index                                           v1.1
RECIPES is a user supported bibliography of 1800 recipes in 1983 Family
Circle and Woman's Day magazines.  This version requires PC-FILE III
Disk No 5.  Versions for LOTUS 1-2-3 and dBASE II are available for $20.

DOC      BAT  Batch file to print IR83PCF.DOC
IR83PCF  DOC  Documentation on how to use the database (55K)
*        DTA  Database files of recipes
*        RPT  Report formats for the data files
NESTMENU DOC  List of menus
NESTMENU BAT  Batch file to print NESTMENU.DOC

1030D E. Duane Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA  94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG


Has your spouse benefitted from your home computer???
Isn't it time the cook benefitted from computer indexing??

     iRecipe83(tm)   is   a  database  index  to   1800   recipes
(1800,count  them,1800) that appeared in  Family Circle magazine,
and Woman's Day magazine in 1983. If these magazines are saved in
your home, this database will provide the advantages of computer
indexing.   Note:  it  is  necessary  that  you  have  saved  the
magazines,    or    have   them   readily   available   from    a
library.  iRecipe83  is  an  INDEX not a repeat of  the  recipes.
iRecipe83  is available on disk for three database programs  that
run on the IBM-PC/XT,  IBM compatible micros,  and the IBM PC Jr.
It is available for LOTUS 1-2-3, dBASEII, and PC-FILEIII (A user-
supported database program).

     This index is also user-supported software.  It may be copied
and shared with others.  If after evaluating this  database,  you
find it is useful, you are trusted to send in a $10. payment to:
  Learning Games, 465 Rock Road, State College, PA 16851

      With this 1800 record database, it will be possible for the
cook in your family to look for  CHICKEN recipes (it happens that
there  are 84),  or ORIENTAL CHICKEN recipes (there happen to  be
2),  or any other combination that he/she might specify. If there
is some ground beef in the refrigerator that has to be used,  you
can  print a list of recipes in which ground beef is listed as an
ingredient.  In all cases,  the computer will yield the magazine,
the  date,  and  the  page number  of  the  recipe  selected.  If
requested,  it  also can list the last step in the preparation of
the dish,  and a more extensive list of ingredients,  so that the
cook can see if he/she has the ingredients needed.  You may enter
ratings of the recipes to guide your choice in the future.

     If you have never mastered a database program,  we recommend
PC-FILEIII  as a good one that is easy to learn.  It  works  very
well  with  only 128K of memory(RAM),  but reaches greater  speed
with more RAM.See reviews in PC MAG.,Oct.83,p.558-9; PC MAG.,June
12,'84,p.177; PC World,V1,#6,p.154-159; & Softalk,June 83,p.123.
If  you  wish to secure a copy of PC-FILEIII,  you  can  probably
obtain it from your local user's group.  If they do not have  it,
you can secure a copy by sending a check or money order for $9 to
Central PA IBM PC User's group,  215B,  Computer Bldg, University
Park, PA 16802.

     This documentation for the PC-FILEIII versions should permit
a  cook  to use the database even if the cook's present  computer
knowledge is limited to how to turn on the micro, and how to load
a disk.  Hopefully,  this documentation can stand alone,  without
having to study the documentation for PC-FILEIII in general.

      The people who order the iRecipe83 database for  LOTUS 1-2-
3  and dBASEII probably are already familiar with these programs.
However,  instructions are included in each order to help a  cook
with   little   computer   knowledge   make  effective   use   of
     The  following  table illustrates various  possible  orders.
Circle  your  order,  and  enclose a check,  or money  order  for
$20. Only  the PCFile version of iRecipe83 is available  as  user-
supported  software.  Orders are mailed directly to users only if
accompanied by a check or money order.
                    PC-FILEIII      LOTUS 1-2-3         dBASEII
   MINIMUM RAM -->   128K RAM        192K RAM           128K RAM
2 DSDD drives or XT l 360K disk     l 360K disk      1 360K disk
  One DSDD drive    1 360K disk@    1 360K disk@     1 360K disk@
     @With only one drive, you need enough RAM for a RAM disk, so
the  programs  may be stored in the RAM disk,  and the  iRecipe83
files  kept on the real disk drive.  Be sure you have enough  RAM
and the software for a RAM disk before you order this package.

     The author will produce other indices, iRecipe84, iRecipe82,
etc.   only if a reasonable income is produced by  iRecipe83.  It
takes  many hours to complete such an index,  and the author does
not intend working for free.  If these are  produced,  registered
owners  will  receive  a  reduced  price  if  they  want  to  buy
iRecipe84(tm),  iRecipe85(tm),  or any other products of Learning
Games, 465 Rock Road, State College PA 16851.



PHONE(___)___ ____  Amount of order $_____ Receipt requested Y or N

DOCUMENTATION  iRecipe83:PC-FILEIII_V3.0  version for IBM  &  IBM
compatibles.  INDEX  for  RECIPES found  in the  1983  issues  of
Family  Circle  magazine  and   Woman's day magazine.

     This  product has no connection with Family Circle Inc.,  or
CBS publications,  the publishers of the above two magazines, but
is a new and copyrighted product of Learning Games, 465 Rock Road,
State College PA, 16851. Copyright 1984.All rights reserved.

      iRecipe83, PC-FILEIII VERSION, is a data base containing an
index  to  recipes found in the above magazines.It uses the  IBM-
PC/XT  or  IBM-PC  compatible  microcomputers,    and  the  user-
supported   program,   PC-FILEIII_V3.0   to  provide   an   easy,
convenient   method   for  locating   recipes.   There  are  1800
recipes  in the index,   all  of which  can be easily located  by
proper use of the IBM-PC computer or an IBM compatible. Note that
file  storage is slightly different between  PC-FILEIII_V3.0  and
prior  versions  of  PC-FILE.  The instructions  here  thus  hold
exactly only for Version 3.0 (or later).

I.<<Getting  started.>>  This section you only have to do  once.  The
instructions vary slightly with the equipment you have.  We  will
describe how to proceed for standard equipment.
     IA.Standard equipment includes two 360 K drives,  and Random
Access Memory(RAM) of 128K or larger. If you don't have 128K RAM,
go buy & install some chips- RAM is relatively cheap.  Additional
RAM will increase processing speed.
     You   should  have  a  floppy  disk  containing   PC-FILEIII
version 3.0 and another labeled as iRecipe83dt.   The first thing
to do is to make a work copy of each disk,  so the originals will
not  be at risk if anything goes wrong.The originals  should have
a write protect tab, leave it on as further protection.
     Turn on your computer,and after  the ROM BASIC signs  appear
on   the screen,put your DOS2.X or DOS 3.X disk in the left  disk
drive (drive A).   DOS2.X  refers to DOS2.0 or any later  version
of  DOS  such as DOS2.1.    Now press three keys  simultaneously.
Press  <Ctrl>  <Alt> <Del>  simultaneously.   The   <  >  symbols
identify  a key   by  the labels inside them.Thus <A>  identifies
the  A key.  Either <return> or  <enter> identifies the entry key
found  to  the  left of the <7> and <4> keys on  the  right  hand
numeric  key pad.The <enter> key is marked  with a left  pointing
arrow.   This  key  usually  is  pressed when  you  have  entered
something  on the screen and want to send it to  be  processed.If
you  hit  the three keys <Ctrl> <Alt> and  <Del>  simultaneously,
the  left  disk drive light should have come  on,and  the  screen
should   now  show  A>.    (Additional  other  events  may   have
intervened, such as a request for the date and time, depending on
how  your  DOS  disk  is set up.)  To  make a work  copy,   enter
"DISKCOPY  A:  B:" <ENTER>.  The left disk drive light will  come
on,and the screen will say "ENTER THE SOURCE DISK IN DRIVE A: AND
THE TARGET DISK IN DRIVE B: hit any key when ready " (Drive A: is
the  left hand drive,  drive B:  is the right hand drive.) Insert
the  original  IRECIPE83DT disk in the left drive,   and a  blank
disk  in the right drive,   put the levers down,  then press  any
key.  The screen  will tell you when the copying is finished  and
the   drive lights will go out.   Remove both disks,  and put the
original away for safe keeping.   When the screen prompts:  "Copy
another(Y/N)?_  enter  N  <return>.The  A> symbol  should  return
to   the   screen,  indicating  that DOS is waiting,   and the  A
drive  is the  default drive  (where the computer will  look  for
     ID.  Printing  the PC-FILEIII documentation.  If you have  a
printer,it  is  a  good idea to take the time to  print  out  the
documentation  for PC-FILEIII.Put the PC-FILEIII  disk in the  A:
drive.  The screen should show A> meaning that the left drive  is
the default drive.  If it does not show A>,  type <A> <:> <enter>
and it should show A>. When your printer is turned on, and ready,
type DOC <enter>. The printer should now print out about 41 pages
of  documentation telling how PC-FILEIII works in general.You  do
not  need  to  read  this documentation to  use  PC-FILEIII  with
iRecipe83,  since  we  will try to explain this  in  the  present
documentation.  However,  if you wish to use PC-FILEIII for other
purposes,   the   PC-FILEIII  documentation  will  come  in  very
handy.  Printing  will  take  some  time,   you may  wish  to  do
something else for a while,   and come back when the printer  has
stopped. If you have not yet mastered any other database program,
you  should  study  the  PC-FILEIII documentation later,since  it
can  do  many other useful tasks.  Complete printed documentation
for PCFILEIII is available only if you become a registered  owner
by sending $49 to: Jim Button, P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006.
     With the DOS disk in the left(A) drive,  hit 3 keys at once;
the <Ctrl>, <Alt> <Del>. This is known as "rebooting" the system,
and  will cause the screen to clear,  and the left hand  disk  to
start reading.
     The PC-FILEIII disk, as usually received, is not in the most
convenient working form.  Let us prepare a work disk without  all
the  documentation,  but  with all the PC-FILEIII files  actually
needed   for work.To do this,   leave your DOS disk in the   left
drive.Then press <FORMAT B:/S/V> <ENTER>. Put a blank disk in the
right  hand  drive and then press any key.  The right  hand  disk
light  will  come on and eventually the screen will  say  "Format
complete"  "System transferred" "Volume label(11  character,ENTER
for none}?"
     Enter  <PC-FILEIIIW>  and this disk label will now  identify
this  disk as your PC-FILEIII work disk.  However,  so far it has
the  minimal  DOS  system and the label,   but no working  files.
Type <copy  CHKDSK.COM  B:>  Now  remove the DOS disk  from   the
left  drive,   and insert your PC-FILEIII disk and type in  <COPY
PC*.EXE   B:><enter>.   This  should cause the screen to list  11
file  names  as it  copies  them to the disk in  the  B:   drive,
then to state  "11 files  copied".   Now  the PC-FILEIIIW disk is
all ready  for  any needed work, and will have considerable blank
space if you decide to use PC-FILEIII for any other purposes.

II. General Orientation of iRecipe83 records.
     Before  we consider any more details,  lets take an  overall
look  at  the index records in iRecipe83.For each recipe  indexed
there is a computer file such as the one below:
RCD.            3
MAG          FAMI
DATE & PAGE  Oct. 4,1983,p.168
We   shall  explain  how  you  can  easily  access  these
records.  We  hope  that we have designed them so  that  you  can
readily   obtain   the   information  you  need.To   follow   the
explanation, please get a copy of the "NESTED MENU OF iRecipe83".
There should be three copies of this sheet;  one on a large sheet
with  normal size type,  and two copies on a regular  sheet.  You
will  often  use this menu,  so we suggest that you  either  make
several  Xerox  copies,  or put one sheet inside  of  transparent
plastic so that it will not become illegible.
Note  that  this  main  MENU deals with  the  two  fields
identified  above  as FOOD CLASS (in columns ) and TYPE  OF  DISH
which is printed down the sides of the MENU (Corresponding to the
dishes in the rows beneath the column headings).  The easiest way
to locate the recipes you want is to find a TYPE OF DISH entry in
the  MENU,  and then ask PC-FILEIII to either LISt all entries of
that dish, or ask PC-FILEIII to FINd those entries one at a time.
     Before  we illustrate how to use PC-FILEIII to find  recipes
for you,lets take a brief look at the record above as an  example
of what has been stored for each recipe.
     RCD.  is  the  record number of this recipe in  the  set  of
records.RCD  is known as the Field Name,  while 3 is the entry in
that field.This is indeed the relative position of this record in
the complete set of 1800 records.
     NAME  OF DISH is the field name for the first field. The name
of this particular recipe, APPETIZER,TOMATO MOZZARELLA + , is the
field  data for this particular recipe (#3).  This name is  often
close  to the name of the recipe in the magazine cited.  However,
this  is not always the case,  and in many  examples,  additional
ingredients are listed.  Recipes are like music, there are count-
less ways of adding and combining possible  ingredients.    There
are  also  countless possible names.  Some of these names  convey
little  information.   For  example,   Mother`s  favorite   Merry
Christmas  Wreaths.  This suggests the result will be round,  and
appropriate in the Christmas season, but does not even inform the
reader whether it is a candy,  a cookie, or some imaginative pot-
pie with a green decoration around the outside.  Many other terms
are only status terms of no information value:  delicious, fresh,
etc.  We'll let you judge how delicious a given recipe  is,rather
than repeating such status words. We have also reversed the order
of most names,  so the most useful word comes first.Thus a recipe
in  a  magazine named "OLIVE ARTICHOKE SAUSAGE QUICHE"  has  been
stored as "QUICHE,OLIVE ARTICHOKE SAUSAGE". This is because it is
much  faster for you to produce a list of all 'QUICHE' recipes if
QUICHE is first in a field.  It is a much slower process for  the
computer to search thru the entire name.  However,  we like names
such  as  this one that informs the reader what  ingredients  are
needed  in  a  recipe.  In our initial tryout,  the  first  users
reported  they wanted lists of ingredients to be as  complete  as
possible  so  that  they would know if they had what  was  needed
before  they took the time to pull out that particular  magazine,
and turn to the proper page.
     Unfortunately,  this is a trade-off problem where we can not
make  everyone happy.  Some recipes had  20-25 ingredients if  we
list every spice, etc. Yet others had only 3 or 4. We would waste
lots of disk space (and RAM space) if every recipe had 20  fields
for  ingredients.  We could have far fewer recipes available than
we  do under the present set-up.  Thus we tried to list the  most
important  ingredients.However,  we  hoped to  use  your  general
cooking  knowledge  so  that we did not  waste  disk  space  with
obvious ingredients. Most cooks know that if you are going to bake
a  cake,  you  need flour,sugar,and butter.Thus these are  rarely
listed.  However,  brown sugar is less common, so we would try to
list this ingredient, particularly if the amount called for was in
cup size (a cup, 1/2 a cup, or even 1/4 cup).
     In  general,  we  advise you to  have  flour,  sugar,  eggs,
onions, butter,and a good spice rack. If you do, we hope that the
ingredients  we list will be all else that you need.If  the  list
was  so  long  that  we  were  not  able  to  get  all  important
ingredients  in,  we put a + at the end of the NAME OF DISH entry
to  warn  you  that there might be one or  more  other  important
     We  also used some abbreviations,  or alternate  words.  Many
recipes call for margarine or butter.We listed butter since it is
shorter,  but you can take your choice. Sweet potato is listed as
YAMS, so POTATO always refers to conventional potatoes with white
insides.   CHOC.   is   often   used  for   chocolate,MUSHR   for
mushrooms,VEG for vegetable, BR for brown, STUFD for stuffed, SWT
for SWEET,UNSWT for unsweetened,SEMISWT for semisweet,etc.
     TYPE OF DISH. This is the major field you will use to locate
all  recipes of a given type.The first word should correspond  to
one  of the entries beneath the column headings of  your  "NESTED
MENU  OF  iRecipe83".  Thus  under  column  1  with  the  heading
BEVERAGES  1  you  find  an entry  of  BUTTERMILK.  To  find  all
buttermilk  drinks,   you  will  ask  PC_FILE  to  LIST  or  FIND
BUTTERMILK  in  the  TYPE OF DISH field.  In the  example  record
above,  we find the entry APPETIZER,TOMAT .  The TOMAT tells  you
that  the main ingredient is tomato,  but we ran out of space and
so lost the last O in tomato. We could look at all entries listed
under APPETIZER, or we could look for only those that have tomato
as the major ingredient by listing under APPETIZER,TOM.  More  on
this later.
     ORIGIN  is the next field name.  The data here contains  the
ethnic origin of the recipe,  if one is given.Most recipes do not
give   a  specific ethnic origin so that we have listed  USA   as
the default  field value.   That is,   USA is used if there is no
other  specific ethnic origin given.   Thus you would not want to
search to find recipes with an ORIGIN of USA,   because you might
receive a list of most of the 1800 recipes. We thought this would
be most useful if you wanted to plan a mexican dinner.  You could
then  ask  to  see all recipes classified as  MEXI,   and  choose
those   you liked.Major  categories  used  other than   USA   and
MEXICO,  were  CHINA,ORIENT,SPAIN,&   ITALY,   along with a   few
rarities such as SERBIA,JAVA,RUSSIA,  & JAPAN. If you want, it is
possible to combine requests to LIST only dishes that are CHICKEN
and ORIENT. More on this later.
     MEAL:  this  category  lists dishes  for  BRKFST(breakfast),
LUNCH,DINNER,  or sometimes, LUNdin for a dish deemed appropriate
for  either LUNch or dinner.  Some dishes like bread were  listed
under ANY,  meaning they could be used at any meal.DINNER is  the
default,since  most  recipes involve enough preparation  so  that
they are likely to be used at dinner rather than LUNCH or BRKFST.
All  CANDY was listed as a SNACK.   DINNER was used unless  there
was  an  indication  that  another  meal  was  most  appropriate.
Pancakes would usually be listed under BRKFST,  but CREPES  might
be  found  under  either BRKFST or DINNER.Again,  we  advise  not
searching under DINNER or you may receive a very long list.
     PREPARE: The entry under prepare is usually the last step in
making  this dish.Many recipes have several steps in preparation.
If  you  BAKE and then let cool to an  "eatable  temperature"  we
considered this cooling normal,  and list BAKE as the field under
PREPARE.  However,  if the recipe called for baking, then to chill
in  the refrigerator for over 1 hour,  we would list CHILL as the
last  step  in the preparation.   Instructions to  place  in  the
freezer for 10 minutes,also would be listed as CHILL.However,  in
the freezer for 1 hour or longer would be listed as FREEZE. Major
entries in this area are:BAKE, ROAST, BOIL, SIMMER, FRY, DEEPFRY,
STIRFRY,  CHILL,  FREEZE,  GRILL,etc.  BROIL would be done  under
heat,typically  in an oven.  GRILL would usually be done above  a
charcoal fire.  Sometimes,  ingredients are just placed over heat
until warm, in which case we said HEAT.
     FIRST  INGRED  =  first ingredient.This is the  first  major
ingredient  that  was  not already listed in  the  NAME  OF  DISH
field.Ingredients listed in cup size were first in priority, then
tablespoon  size,then  teaspoon,   if space  was available.   One
exception to this size criteria was an ingredient that the source
of  the  recipe  felt should be included in  the  name.  Thus  if
"GINGER"  was  in the name,  we would try to list it,  unless  we
judged  that  other  ingredients in larger size  were  even  more
important.The  first  ingredient  listed  above,PEPPER,SWT  R  is
supposed  to stand for a red(R) sweet(SWT) pepper.Whether  it  is
red  or green probably is not very important to the taste of  the
     SECOND INGRD =   Essentially   the   same   as   the   first
ingredient.   This  field name may be used to illustrate a tactic
we occasionally use to squeeze in an extra letter in a field.  In
PC-FILEIII field names  are  limited to 12 characters.   Thus  we
could   use  either SECOND  INGRD  or use SECONDingred where  the
change  from all CAPS to all lower case indicates a break between
two words.   Note that all  field names and field entries are  in
capital letters  unless such  a  change has been made to conserve
space.It   is good practice to use all capital letters when  you
are asking  PC-FILEIII to find a recipe index.  Use the CAPS LOCK
key   so  that   all   letters   are   entered  in   CAPS    when
you    are  searching. Usually,  we  will have  used  lower  case
letters only  at the end of a field,   or far enough to the right
so  that  you would not  use them in a search request  (either  a
FIND or a  LIST).   The second ingredient above, LETTUCEleave  is
lettuce leaves.
     MAG. = magazine:  Either WOMA for Woman's Day, or FAMI for
Family Circle.
     DATE  &  PAGE:  Oct.  4,1983,p.152i is where this recipe  is
found.In  most cases,  this  is  straightforward.  However,  both
magazines  sometimes  have special inserts.  This was handled  by
marking   the  page  as  p.160i,   with  the  i  indicating   the
insert.Sometimes,  the insert pages were numbered continuing  the
usual sequence in the magazine,  so that a regular p.159 would be
followed  by  160i.Other times,  the insert was not  numbered  or
would start again with a 1,2,...  In the later case,  we numbered
by hand so that the usual page sequence was continued,160i, 161i,
162i, etc.
     Family  Circle often has a regional section,  that we  assume
varies  in  different  parts of the USA.  This was  indicated  by
p.160r.  Since PA is in the eastern USA,  you may not find  these
recipes if you live in a different section of the country.
     R#:  This field deliberately is left blank.We recommend that
after you use one of the recipes, you enter a rating from 1 to 9,
with 9 being high. If the recipe is an absolute dud, rate it a 0,
and delete it,  so that the computer is no longer even looking at
it during a search. You might use the following scale:
1       2       3      4       5       6       7      8       9
use     poor         average         good          excellent
only if                                                  SUPERB
     Be  sure  to enter the single digit in the R# field after  a
blank,so  that it is entered as a single digit,  6 rather than  a
60.PC-FILEIII  automatically sums values in this field,  and obtains
an average, but it treats blanks as 0 so this average will not be
very meaningful until you fill in most numerical ratings.
     This completes a brief summary of the field names, and field
entries.  Now let's consider how to use PC-FILEIII to obtain recipes
of  interest.

III. Typical uses of PC-FILEIII and iRecipe83 together.
     Using   with   two   360K disk  drives.   Insert   the   PC-
FILEIIIW   disk in the left(A:) drive and the iRecipe83  disk  in
the right hand(B:) drive. If the computer is already running, and
the   screen  shows  A> just type "PC-FILE   <enter>".This   will
bring  up  the  PC-FILEIII  program with  a  graphic  display  as
discussed below.  If  the computer is not turned on,   turn it on
and  wait  for the  memory  check and  the ROM(read only  memory)
BASIC   display.  Then  insert the DOS disk in the left (A:) disk
drive,   and  the iRecipe83  disk in the right hand drive.  Press
the  <Ctrl>  <Alt> <Del> keys simultaneously.  This is  known  as
"booting  the  system",  and   will  enter the  DOS2.0  into  the
system.Remove  the DOS  disk,  and   place   PC-FILEIIIW  in  the
left   hand   disk.Type   <PC-FILE><enter>.  You will now  see  a
nice  graphic  display,  giving the author  of   the  PC-FILEIII.
     You have  the  IRECIP83.DTA,   IRECIP83.INX,   and the other
pertinent iRecipe83 files on one disk,   and will have PC-FILEIII
and  all  of its pertinent files on a  second  disk.   Note  that
although  we  use the trademark  iRecipe83,   under MS-DOS a file
name can have only 8 characters prior to the period,   and  three
characters  after the period.   PC-FILE requires the DTA and  INX
suffix  to  recognize the type of file as a data file(DTA) or  an
index file(INX).  Also file names are stored in capital  letters.
Thus  we must leave off the e of iRecipe83 and identify the files
by IRECIP83.
     Towards the bottom of the screen,  you will see the  message
"Which  drive(A-H) for the data?"  Reply <B> <return>.  Then  you
will   see the message "Indicate an existing or a  new  database.
Type a name or select w cursor keys.[        ]
     Since  IRECIP83  is  the only database on the disk (it takes
up  most  of the  disk),  move the cursor down to [IRECIP83]  and
press  <F10>.  This  will  produce a  message  "Loading  IRECIP83
Index",  then eventually will produce the master menu screen.This
looks like this: IRECIP83:1800 Records
                    (F1)ADD-add a record
                    (F2)MOD-modify a record
                    (F3)DEL-delete a record
                    (F4)DIS-display a record
                    (F5)FIN-find a record
                    (F6)LIS-list or clone
                    (F7)SOR-sort the index
                    (F8)EXP-export or other utilities
                    (F9)NAM-alter a name field or mask
                    GLO-global update or delete
                    KEY  set up the smart KEYs
                    END or change database
Awaiting your Command[FIN]
     Note  that  FIN is already awaiting in the command space  at
the  bottom of the screen.  Usually,  PC-FILE will have the  most
commonly  used command already there.  If this is what you  want,
just press <enter>.  If you want another command, you may press a
function key (F1 to F9) or enter
     Usually  you  will use F5(FINd) or F6(LISt) to search for  a
given  type of recipe.  You may use F2(MODify) to add your rating
number(#)  to a given recipe record,  and may use  F3(DELete)  to
remove  a recipe that you conclude is not worth saving.  We  will
explain  how to use these functions.   Those plus the END are all
that you normally need. The other functions are useful if you are
creating   your  own database (such as the   addresses   of   all
people  on your Christmas card list).   We shall leave the  other
functions to the PC-FILEIII documentation.
     Note  that each F# stands for one of the 10 function keys on
the  left  of the IBM-PC keyboard.  You can call  a  function  by
pressing one of these 10 keys. Also note that each function above
has three capital letters,  as in F3 (DELete).  You can call this
function  either  by  pressing  the F3 key on  the  left  of  the
keyboard, or by entering <D><E><L><enter>. Any of the other
functions can be called by similar methods.

IV. Locating recipes using the F5(FINd) function
     Let us consider a typical F5(FINd) application. If you press
F5, you will see a listing of the field names:
     The screen will ask for "Field to search"? [__________]
The   iRecipe83 data base has been set up so that the easiest way
to find most dishes is to use the "NESTED MENU OF  iRecipe83" and
search   in TYPE OF DISH.   Enter <TYPE><return>  (meaning  enter
all   four  letters T Y P & E).You will see a square appear  next
to the field name TYPE OF FIELD[] .
     Actually,  you can enter just <T> and since TYPE OF DISH  is
the  only  field  name starting with a "T" just  <T>  <enter>  is
sufficient  to  identify this field.Now the screen at  the  lower
left will show:
'>XXX  (scan  full field) ?XXX (soundex)
Look for[____________]
     Assume you want to find a chicken recipe.  Type in <CHICKEN>
<enter>.  Now  PC-FILE   will start searching for a  recipe  with
CHICKEN  as  the  first letters  in  the  TYPE  OF  DISH   field.
There   are   several  such recipes,   84 in fact.  The  F5  FINd
command  will report them one at a  time,   showing  them  on  11
lines,   like  the  appetizer  example given above.  Beneath  the
record  it will say:  "Continue,Stop,Modify,or Delete [C]"  Press
<enter> if you wish to continue, S,M,or D then <enter> otherwise.
     If  the recipe you see is one you would like to  try,  write
down the magazine,  date,  and page.If this one recipe is all you
want,  then  press <S> <enter>.This would return you to the  main
     If  you have a printer,  and want to print this  record,just
press   a  <shift  key>  (upward  arrow)  and  the  <PrtSc>   key
simultaneously.This  will cause whatever is on the screen  to  be
printed.Wait until the printer is stopped before proceeding.
     If  you would like to look at more  chicken  recipes,  press
<enter> without proceeding it with an S.  The next chicken recipe
entry  will  be shown.  After another <enter> ,a third record  is
shown,   etc.  This  can  continue until you run out  of  chicken
entries,  or  until  you press <S> <enter>.  If you  run  out  of
chicken  recipes,  then the bottom left of the screen  will  say:
Press (ESC) to abort.
TYPE OF DISH = CHICKEN not found. Press (ENTER) [ ]
     Then the bottom of the screen will again contain:
Field to search [____________]
     If you want to return to the main menu, just press the enter
key  <enter>.  If  you want to locate a different dish,  you  may
enter  TYPE  OF DISH again,  and specify another  dish  from  the
NESTED  MENU  OF iRecipe83.  In fact,  you may search on  another
field if you want.  We recommend searching on TYPE OF DISH because
we have created the records so that searching is fastest on  that
field,  and  the  entries  are  most consistent  in  that  field.
However,  if you are not in a hurry,  you can search in any other
field. It is legal to specify:
Field to search:<<NAME>>  and then when you see:
Look  for [_____________] enter CHICKEN.
      This too should find most chicken dishes, but it may miss a
few  early  records where we entered something like EASY  CHICKEN
before we decided to always make the major food the first term in
the name.  We always did this in TYPE OF DISH and this is why  it
is  both safer and faster usually to search in this field.  Since
CHICKEN  is not the first 7 letters in the name EASY CHICKEN  the
computer  would  not recognize it as a  match.  You  could  enter
>CHICKEN and then it would recognize EASY CHICKEN as a match, but
this would definitely be much slower than a search under TYPE OF
DISH.  The  use of the >CHICKEN entry would  cause  the  computer
to  go thru all letters in a name to see if any (even at the end)
matched CHICKEN. This is a much slower process.

V.<<Locating recipes using the F6(LISt) function. >>
     The  list function differs from the find function in that it
will list several different  records at once,  rather than one at
a  time.  It also is more flexible in that it can select on  more
than  one field,  while the F5(FINd) function can select on  only
one field.  Again, you probably will find it fastest to select on
TYPE OF DISH,but you can use any of the 11 fields if you want to.
     Let us illustrate how to find chicken recipes  again.  Press
the F6 function key, or enter LISt [the last t is not necessary].
The  screen  will  say  "Loading  the index." Then  the following
record  formats  will  be  listed  on  the   screen:   [RECSHORT]
     These  are  three  different  formats that may  be  used  to
control the output of LISt.  RECSHORT is the shortest and it  may
be  used  either  when sending records to the screen  or  to  the
printer. RECSHORT will give you the following:
Record #, name of dish, magazine, date & page, and the rating(R#).
     This  format should be used when you don't want to  see  the
two ingredient fields, the prepare field, or the origin field.
     RECIMEDS is a medium length format designed to show you most
ingredients  included in a record,  but will still appear on  the
screen  with  the record taking only one line.This  is  desirable
because PC-FILEIII counts records as if each record took only one
line. Since there are 86 chicken recipes, if you use RECIMEDS PC-
FILE will list 18 of them, then pause while you look at those 18.
When you are finished with those, press any key, and it will show
you the next 18. When  you are finished with those, press any key
again.  Eventually the last ones will be shown.  If you have  two
lines per record on the screen,  the top of the list would scroll
off the top of the screen, usually faster than you can read it.
     Of course,  you may again print the screen using the <shift>
<PrtSc> keys.  Or you may print the list of records from RECIMEDS
by sending it to the printer rather than to the screen.  The S at
the  end  is merely to remind you that this format  was  designed
with  screen  limitations in mind.  If you are going to  print,we
recommend you use the RECLONGP format.
     RECLONGP  is  the  longest  of the  three  formats,  and  is
designed  to  be  used  with a matrix  printer  with  "condensed"
characters. The IBM-PC printer, the Epson MX-80, the Epson FX-80,
and the Epson MX-100 are all examples of such printers. There are
probably  many others the authors are not familiar with.  If  you
use  RECLONGP on these printers you should see the  following  on
one line:
RCD.,  name of dish, mag, date & page,  1st ingred., 2nd.ingred.,
prepare, rating,origin,meal, food class.
     This  format will cause spillover problems if the output  is
sent  to the screen (if the list is long).  Thus,  we recommend it
primarily for use with a printer. If the record goes on two lines
on a printer that does not have condensed character options, this
is no problem, because you have a permanent record.
     To  return  to your actions to obtain a list,  we  have  the
screen showing:
Which report format (blanks if new)
Type a name or select with cursor keys.
     Let us move the cursor to [RECIMEDS] and press <F10>
    Now the screen will ask:
List on Printer, Screen, or Disk(P,S,D) [P]
    Enter  P  if you have a printer and want a  printed  list.The
computer will then ask:
Shall I print an alignment pattern (Y/N) [N] Enter a  Y.  If your
printer is  on,  then you should hear it print one line.Again the
computer will ask:  Shall  I  print  an  alignment  pattern (Y/N)
[N]  The  second  time, answer N.
     Enter S if you want to see the records on the Screen. Do <<not>>
enter D unless you have read the PC-FILEIII documentation,  and want
to  make  a  revision  of iRecipe83  for  some  special  purpose.
Remember,  iRecipe83  is copyrighted,  and making a revision  and
selling such a revision is a violation of copyright law that  may
cost you $10,000 and up to a year in jail.
     The screen will now show:
Field to trigger subtotals, or press [enter} for no subtotals.
     Press <enter>.
     Next the screen asks:
List All records or Selected (A or S) [A]
     If  you reply A you will get a listing of all 1800  records,
which will take quite a while. Thus usually reply <S><enter>
     The screen will now list the field names:
ORIGIN         6
MEAL           6
PREPARE        7
MAG            4
DATE & PAGE   18
R#             2
1. Field to Select on [____________]
     Usually,  enter TYPE or even just T if you want to search on
TYPE OF DISH. <TYPE> The computer will respond:
Compare how? >,<,=,<> [= ]
     These  are  comparison  operators:   greater  than(>),  less
than(<),  equal to (=) and not equal to (<>).  Since the data  in
the IRECIP83 file is not numbers,  the one that is most useful to
us is =. Thus respond <=> <enter>. The computer will respond:
Compared to value:( >XXX permitted ) [_______________]
     Suppose  we want a recipe for an apple pie.  Recalling  that
the  most  important word always goes first in the TYPE  OF  DISH
field, we would respond  <PIE,APPLE> <ENTER>
     The computer will respond:
And, Or, or End(A,O,E): [E]
     Since  you  want  to see apple pies,  and  this  is  already
specified  merely press <enter> for End of the  search  criteria.
Now  the  computer will start listing the apple pie  recipes.  It
will take a while before the computer reaches the right  location
on  the  disk.  Remember   that  there are  1800  recipes  listed
alphabetically  by TYPE,  since  PIE,APPLE is towards the low end
of the alphabet it takes a while to reach it.   However, once you
do,  several recipes should come out rapidly.   Then again,   the
recipes  will cease  as PC-FILEIII goes thru the remainder of the
list.   However,  people are smarter than computers,  so once you
have  concluded that the list is  complete,   you  can  stop  the
search  by   pressing  the  <Esc> key.This  key is in  the  upper
left  hand of the regular portion of the keyboard,  just left  of
the <1> key.
     You will next see:
(L)List (S)Sort (F)pc-File (Q)Quit
Enter L,S,F, or Q [L]
      It  is  a very good habit to use Quit whenever  you  finish
with PC_FILE.  However,   for  now,lets  enter <L> and see how we
can  list only ORIENT(al) CHICKEN dishes.  There are 84 different
chicken  dishes in  iRecipe83,   so  if you know you  want   only
oriental   chicken dishes,   it is easier to let the computer  do
the  searching rather than  having you search thru this set of 84
dishes.   The  computer  again displays:  Which format  or  Press
     Let's use the RECLONGP format. Move the cursor to [RECLONGP]
and press <F10>. List on Printer,Screen,or Disk(P,S,D) [P]
     Enter <P> if you have a printer,  if you don`t enter <S>. In
this  case  the request is so specific,  there are  probably  few
entries, so that you are not likely to see the recipes scroll off
the top of the screen. The computer will respond:
List All records or Selected (A or S) [A]
     Respond <S>, and again you will see the list of field names,
followed by:
Field to Select on [____________]
     Press <TYPE><enter>
Compare how? >,<,=,<> [= ]
     Respond with an  <enter>
Compared to value:( >XXX permitted ) [_______________]
     Type <CHICKEN>
And, Or, or End (A,O,E) [E]
     This  time  we  are only half way thru the  request,  so  we
respond <A>,  meaning we want dishes that are chicken and have an
origin in the ORIENT.We still need to enter the last part of  the
2.Field to select on [____________]
     Enter <ORIG>
Compare how? >,<,=,<> [= ] <Enter>
Compare to value:( >XXX permitted ) [______]
     Enter <ORIENT> or <OR> since that is enough to identify what
is desired.
And, Or, or End (A,O,E) [E]_
     Press  <Enter> since the request is Ended.Now PC-FILEIII will start
searching thru the disk to find a record that has both CHICKEN  and
ORIENT.  You can make a total of 10 such terms in a  combination.
If  you want,  you could ask for a recipe that is CHICKen in TYPE
your requests become this specific, you may find that none of the
1800 recipes match all three conditions,  so you may end up with
an  empty  list.When PC-FILE reads thru the entire list  of  1800
recipes,you will see: 1800:1800
(L)List (S)Sort (F)pc-File (Q)Quit
Enter L,S,F, or Q [L]
     Enter L if you want another list.
     The  only  numeric  field in iRecipe83 is the  Rating  field
identified  by  the name R#.After you have used many  recipes  in
iRecipe83,if  you  have entered rating  numbers  as  proposed,you
could  print  out  a list of you favorite recipes  by  doing  the
     The computer shows:
Which report format (blanks if new)
Type a name or select with cursor keys.
     Suppose we use RECLONGP
List All records or Selected (A or S) [S]
1.Field to select on  [____________]     Enter <R#>
Compare how? >,<,=,<> [= ]
    Now  we can use the greater than operator,>,  since R#  is  a
numeric  field.  Assume we want all recipes you rated as GOOD  or
better(ratings 6 to 9).  We Enter >
Compare to value:( >XXX permitted ) [      Enter <05>
     Now  all recipes rated 6 or higher will be listed since  all
have a rating greater than 5. Thus we can end the specification.
And, Or, or End (A,O,E) [E]      <Enter>
     Now PC-File will list all recipes with a rating of 6,7,8,or
9.It is even possible to use > or < alphabetically.  PC-FILE will
treat M  as > L,  or conversely L is < M.  Thus you could ask for
every recipe starting with a Y or a Z by asking for >X.

VI. Entering a rating for a recipe.
     If you want to make a list of favorite recipes of iRecipe83
you must learn how to enter a rating. There happen to be just two
Oriental chicken recipes,  so let`s assume that you try both out
on your family.  #895 generates enthusiasm, and you rate it an 8.
However,  #937 is not as well received,  and you rate it a 4.  In
the future,  if you list ORIENT & CHICKEN  dishes again, you want
to see the ratings, so they will show you which your family liked
better.To  do  this,  we  must go to the  main  menu,  and  press
<F2>(MODify).Again you will see a listing of the field names:
     The screen will show:
KEY or #n,*,+,-,++,--,\ (enter)
[__________________]     Type #895 <enter>
Now the screen will show the field names and entries:
FOOD CLASS   [MEAT & stuffing 6      ]
MEAL         [DINNER]
MAG          [WOMA]
DATE & PAGE  [June 7,1983,p.132 ]
R#           [  ]
     Move the cursor to the [  ] after R# and enter 08 .The 0  is
needed  to  keep  the  8  in the  right  hand  space of  the  two
spaces.   Since   you  have no further  modifications  to  record
#895,  just  hit <enter> and the screen will again show:  KEY  or
#n,*,+,-,++,--,\ (enter)   [______________]
     This is a reasonable time to discuss the other  alternatives
other  than entering #895 as we did above.  If you just press  +,
the  screen  will display record #896,  the next higher  numbered
record.  If you enter ++ you will get 897.  If you enter -,   the
screen  will  display  record  #894,   the  next  lower  numbered
record.  If  you enter \ the screen will display  record   #1800,
the very last record in the IRECIP83 data file.If you  entered *,
the  screen would show the last record displayed.  In  this case,
since we want to go to the next oriental  chicken record,   #937,
none  of  these will do us much good.    The easiest way  to  get
there is to enter #937.
      Enter   04 in the R# field and you will have modified   the
two records to include your rating. Since you don`t want to enter
any  more ratings,  when the screen shows:
KEY or #n,*,+,-,++,--,\ (enter)
     again reply <enter> and you are back at the main menu.If you
have no further business with iRecipe83,  enter END,  then Q, and
you   will  be  returned to the system.  You should now see   the
A>  symbol   on  the  screen,   and can  remove  both   the   PC-
FILEIIIW diskette, and the iRecipe83DT diskette.

VII. Misc. facts you may or may not be interested in.(OPTIONAL)
     We started entering recipes from the Dec.  1983 issues,  and
worked backwards.   This  means  that some of the procedures  we
used  on later  recipes  as  a  result of  suggestions,  were not
used  in Dec.issues.  We are now working on iRecipe84,  and would
appreciate    your   suggestions   for   further    improvements.
Unfortunately  limited time and a limited budget prevent us  from
responding  individually  to  your suggestions,  but we  will  be
reading them.   A  questionnaire form is included.   We  hope  you
will  return  these  after you have used iRecipe83 for  about   a
month or so.  You suggestions are very welcome,  they should help
us make the database more useful in the future.
     We  included recipes from advertisements.  Several times the
same add appeared in both magazines,  and sometimes in more  than
one  issue of a given magazine.  We attempted to include the  add
recipe  once  for each magazine,  figuring that some  people  may
only  collect one of the two magazines.   However,  when the same
add  was in several  issues of the same magazine,   we  tried  to
list  it  only once.
     There  is  a  lower limit of simplicity that  some  recipes
reached that make it dubious if they are worth including. One set
of diet recipes suggested putting lettuce leaves on a plate  with
a few slices of tomato, and using a low-cal. salad dressing. This
did  not  seem  worth including.  A few other similar  ones  were

      You're  encouraged  to copy and share  this  diskette  with
others.  If  after  evaluating  this database you find it  to  be
useful, you're trusted to send a $10 payment to:  Learning Games,
465 Rock Road, State College PA 16851.
        User-supported software is an experiment in distributing computer
        software, based on these beliefs:
        1.  That the value and utility of software is best assessed by
            the user on his/her own system.
        2.  That the creation of personal computer software can and
            should be supported by the computing community.
        3.  That copying of software should be encouraged, rather than
        Anyone  may  legally  obtain an evaluation  copy  of  the
database  from  a friend or computer club.   After you've  had  a
chance  to use and evaluate the program in your own  environment,
you're   trusted either to forward a payment to the  author,   or
to  discontinue  use of the database.
     Free  distribution of software and voluntary payment for its
use   eliminates  costs  for  advertising  and  copy   protection
schemes.  Users   obtain  quality  software at  greatly   reduced
cost.   They can try it out before buying, and do so at their own
pace and in  the comfort  of their own home or office.   The best
software  will  survive,   based  purely  on  their  quality  and
usefulness.  Please join the experiment.  If you believe in these
ideals, your payment is solicited to help make them work.
There  are some solid reasons for sending in your  payment:1.It's
the right thing to do. You'll feel a lot better about yourself!
2. We'll add you to our database of supporters.  Every time a new
version comes out,  eg. iRecipe84, we'll automatically send you a
flyer  giving   you the option of buying the new version   for  a
reduced  charge - usually about $15.  3.  If  you find  iRecipe83
useful,   you probably would  find iRecipe84,  & iRecipe85 useful
also.    In   fact,    if  you  have  saved  the  magazines  only
occasionally,  iRecipe8?  will  be  more useful if you   save   a
complete  set.   There will  be  no  versions  after iRecipe83 if
there is no reasonable income.
        iRecipe83  is  Copyrighted (C)  1984 by Learning   Games.
The   conditions     under    which    you    may    copy     the
iRecipe83   database     and     documentation     are    clearly
outlined   below.  Individuals  are  granted  permission by   the
author   to  freely  copy  the  iRecipe83 diskette for their  own
use   or  for others to evaluate,  so long as no price  or  other
consideration is charged.
        Computer clubs (nonprofit) are granted permission by  the
author  to  copy the iRecipe83 diskette and share it  with  their
members,so long as:1. No price or other consideration is charged.
However,    distribution  cost may be charged for the cost of the
diskette,  shipping and handling,  as long as it's not more  than
$6.  2. The database or documentation are not modified in any way
and  are distributed together.  3.   iRecipe83 may not be sold as
part of some other more inclusive package.  4.   The database may
not be distributed via computerized "bulletin boards" or  through
any other telecommunicationslink.
        Organizations  are  invited to  correspond  with  Learning
Games  concerning a special license agreement which would  enable
you  to copy  and  distribute the diskettes with  impunity  within
your organization.  We also offer quantity purchase discounts.

     IBM-PC,XT,  &  PC  Jr.  are  trade  marks  of  International
Business   Machines.   LOTUS  1-2-3  is  a  trademark  of   Lotus
Development  Corp.  dBASEII  is a trademark of  Ashton-Tate.  PC-
FILEIII  is  a trademark of ButtonWare. Learning  Games  has  no
connection  with the publishers of Family Circle,  or Woman's Day
magazine.  iRecipe83(tm) is copyrighted 1984,  by Learning Games.
All rights are reserved.
     We would like to receive your suggestions so that  iRecipe85
and iRecipe84 (that we are working on now) will be even better in
meeting your needs. After you have been using iRecipe83 for about
a month,  please take the time to complete our questionnaire.  For
each question,  circle a,b,c,d,e,  or f below as appropriate, and
mail to Learning Games, 465 Rock Road, State College PA 16851.
l. Which Form of iRecipe83 did you use:
     a. PC-FILE  form  with  all  of  index  on  one  360K  floppy
          diskette(or disk).
     b. Lotus 1-2-3 workspace diskette(360K).
     c. dBASEII form with all of index on one disk.
2. Please   indicate   how   satisfied  you  have   been   with
iRecipe83.Circle a number from 1 to 9 below:
      1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
    very                   average                   very
 dissatisfied                                      satisfied
3. Would  you prefer to have recipe names exactly the same as in
the magazines, even when the title is not very informative?
     a.Yes,prefer exact titles as in magazine.
     b.Somewhat positive.  I like to have the major name first
          to speed up computer searches,  but rest of name should
          match the magazine title.
     c.Neutral- once I have the mag.,Date,  & page, I find what I
          want, regardless of name used in iRecipe83.
     d.Somewhat  negative.   I  want  procedures  that  speed  up
          computer  searches.  The  use  of descriptive  names  &
          ingredients helps me.
     e.No.  I  don't want my disk cluttered up with status words,
          and nonuseful labels.
4. Amount of ingredients.
     a.Would like to see all ingredients for each recipe, and am
          willing to fill up disk and RAM, and slow down searches
          to obtain this.
     b.The listings in the Jan.-April recipes is about the  right
          mix.I don't need every spice, etc.
     c.Would prefer deleting the ingredients fields. Once I see a
          named  dish  I like,  I will look up the  mag.,date,  &
          page, and will take it from there.
5. How to list more ingredients.Mark this only if you choose a or
         b in question 4.
     a.  Would like to have just one big ingredients field, could
          then search thru this one field, even though the search
          would be relatively slow.
     b.  Would  like  two  ingredient fields in addition  to  any
          ingredients listed in the name field (As at present).
     c. Would like three ingredient fields.
     d. Would like four ingredient fields.
6. Would you like an additional field with preparation time?
     a.Yes  b.Maybe  c. No
7. Would you like an additional field to indicate when a recipe is
     low in calories?
     a.Yes  b. Maybe  c. No
      Thank you for helping us improve iRecipe84 and iRecipe82.
We  regret  that  time  and budget limitations  prevent  us  from
answering most correspondence.  However,you may be confident that
we will read your comments. Mail to Learning Games, 465 Rock Road,
State College PA 16851.



PHONE(___)___ ____

     The  following  table illustrates various  possible  orders.
Circle  your  order,  and  enclose a check,  or money  order  for
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.po 1
                                               Nested Menu of iRecipe83
Index to Recipes in 1983 Family Circle and Woman's Day magazines. Copyright 1984 Learning Games,all rights reserved.
Food Class-->    2     !    3      !    4      !    5      !    6      !    7       !     8     !    9     !    10      !    11
Y!          !          !           !           !           !           !            !           !          !            !
 !MILK      !DIPS      !CHOWDER    !CEREAL     !SALAD,Fruit!QUAIL      !CURRY       !BEANS,Chili!BLUEBERRY !COOKIEs     !ICING
S!SODAs     !HORS Douvr!FONDUE     !CRACKERs   !SALAD,Spina!COD        !FETTUCcinie !BEANS,Lima !CHUTNEY   !CRISPs      !MARMALADE
 !          !PATE      !SAUCE      !EGG FOOYUNG!           !MACKERel   !GOULASH     !BRUSSEL spr!GRAPEs    !FONDUE      !
 !BEVERAGES !OLIVEs    !SEASONING  !SOUFFLE    !           !SALMON     !KABOBs      !CORN       !GUAVA     !ICE CREAM   !
T!          !SANDWICH  !SOUPs      !MUFFINs    !           !TROUT      !LASAGNE     !EGGPLANT   !LEMMON    !ICE MILK    !
Y!CORDIAL   !SPREADs   !           !PANCAKEs   !           !TUNA       !MACARoni    !GREENs     !LIMEs     !MACARoon    !
P!ICE       !          !           !PRETZELs   !           !SEA FOOD   !MEAT FILLing!KALE       !ORANGEs   !MERINGues   !
E!LIQEUR,Cre!          !           !WAFFLEs    !           !CRAB       !NACHO       !KOHLRABI   !PEACH     !MOUSSE      !
 !          !          !           !           !           !LOBSTER    !NOODLES     !LEEK       !PLUM      !PARFAIT     !
O!          !          !           !           !           !OYSTERs    !PASTA       !LETTUCE    !PINEAPPLE !PASTRY      !
F!          !          !           !           !           !SCALLOPs   !PIZZA       !ONIONs     !RAISEN    !PETIT FOURs !
 !          !          !           !           !           !SHRIMP     !PEPPER,STFD !PEAs       !RASPBERRY !PUDDING     !
D!          !          !           !           !           !BEEF       !POT PIEs    !PARSNIP    !RHUBARB   !PIE CRUST   !
I!          !          !           !           !           !BEEF,GRound!PUFFs       !PEPPER,SWT !STRAWBERRY!PIE         !
S!          !          !           !           !           !CORNBEEF   !RAVIOLI     !PEPPER,HOT !WATERMELln!ROLLs       !
H!          !          !           !           !           !FRANKFurter!RICE        !PUMPKIN    !          !TARTs       !
 !          !          !           !           !           !LAMB       !STROGANOFF  !RUTABAGO   !          !TORTEs      !
 !          !          !           !           !           !MEATBALL   !TACOs       !SOY BEANs  !          !TRIFFLE     !
 !          !          !           !           !           !MEATLOAF   !TORTILIA    !SPINACH    !          !TRUFFLE     !
 !          !          !           !           !           !MIXED GRILL!TRIANGLEs   !SPROUTs    !          !TURNOVER    !
 !          !          !           !           !           !PORK       !STEW        !SQUASH     !          !SOUFFLE     !
 !          !          !           !           !           !SAUSAGE    !SQUASH,STFD !SWISS CHARD!          !STRUDEL     !
 !          !          !           !           !           !SPARERIB   !YAMs        !TOMATO     !
 !          !          !           !           !           !STUFFING   !
 !          !          !           !           !           !VEAL       !
 !          !          !           !           !           !VENISON    !
     iRecipe83, Copyright 1984, Learning Games,P.O.Box 191, Lemont PA,16851-0191

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