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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #170)

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Information about “SPREADSHEETS”

Spreadsheets is actually FreeCalc version 1.01, which is a reasonably
good Lotus clone.  However, many of the bugs and limitations present
in this program are removed in version 2.0, which is available on Disk
#574.  The Pad (PC-PAD) is an interesting calculator and spreadsheet
that can be used with FreeCalc worksheets.  Both FreeCalc and The Pad
are menu driven and fairly easy to use, but the documentation
(provided) is important to read.  The spreadsheet itself is 100 rows
by 25 columns wide.  Another odd utility program is Minicalc, which is
a small compiled spreadsheet.  Minicalc is interesting to look at, but
not very useful.

System Requirements: Two disk drives, BASIC

How to Start: To read DOC or TXT files, enter TYPE filename.ext and
press <ENTER>.  To run an EXE or COM program, just type its name and
press <ENTER>.  For instructions on running BASIC programs, please
refer to the GETTING STARTED section in this catalog.

Suggested Registration:  $25.00

File Descriptions:

-------- ---  FreeCalc
FC       HLP  FreeCalc Version 1.01 - help files used by FC.EXE
FC       EXE  FreeCalc Version 1.01 - main FREECALC spreadsheet program
-------- ---  PC-PAD
DEMO?    FC   FreeCalc Version 1.01 - sample spreadsheet  (3 files)
READ     ME   FreeCalc Version 1.01 - how to print FC.DOC
FC       DOC  FreeCalc Version 1.01 - documentation for FC.EXE
ROWCOL   BAS  Part of PC-PAD - instruction for row/column totaling
PC-PAD   LST  Part of PC-PAD - commented source & 20 add-on functions
PC-PAD   DOC  Part of PC-PAD - documentation
PC-PAD   BAT  Part of PC-PAD - start PC-PAD spreadsheet
PC-PAD   BAS  PC-PAD Version 1.3 text oriented spreadsheet main program
PC-PAD   ABS  Part of PC-PAD - abstract of PC-PAD
AUTOEXEC BAT  Part of PC-PAD - boot start up file
BASIC    KEY  Part of PC-PAD
-------- ---  MINICALC
EW       KEY  Part of PC-PAD
DEMOPAD       Part of PC-PAD
MINICALC EXE  Small compiled spreadsheet


Disk No 170   Spreadsheets (DOS 2.0 or later required)   v1
DEMO1    FC   FreeCalc V 1.0 - Sample spreadsheet - home budget
DEMO2    FC   FreeCalc V 1.0 - Sample spreadsheet - home budget
DEMO3    FC   FreeCalc V 1.0 - Sample spreadsheet - home budget
FC       DOC  FreeCalc V 1.0 - Documentation for FC.EXE
FC       EXE  FreeCalc V 1.0 - Main FREECALC spreadsheet program
FC       HLP  FreeCalc V 1.0 - Help files used by FC.EXE
READ     ME   FreeCalc V 1.0 - How to print FC.DOC
AUTOEXEC BAT  Part of PC\PAD - Boot start up file
BASIC    KEY  Part of PC\PAD
DEMOPAD       Part of PC\PAD
EW       KEY  Part of PC\PAD
PC-PAD   ABS  Part of PC\PAD - Abstract of PC-PAD
PC-PAD   BAS  PC\PAD Version 1.3 text oriented spreadsheet main program
PC-PAD   BAT  Part of PC\PAD - Start PC-PAD spreadsheet
PC-PAD   DOC  Part of PC\PAD - documentation
PC-PAD   LST  Part of PC\PAD - Commented source & 20 add-on functions
ROWCOL   BAS  Part of PC\PAD - Instruction for row/column totalling
MINICALC EXE  Small compiled spreadsheet



MiniCalc gives the user an 11 by 22 matrix of cells to work with.
The layout of the matrix is similiar to that of the popular
spreadsheet applications with the rows labeled 1-22 and the
columns labeled A-K.  The program will work with one disk drive
and 48K with no problem.  It will also work with either the
monochrome adapter or the color monitor adapter.  It does need an
80 column display.  This program was written for an Epson MX-80
printer, although most printers should work.

When the program is run, it comes up with the matrix on the
screen and the inverse video cursor in the top left corner,
position A01.  The cursor keys at the right of the keyboard move
the inverse video cursor through the matrix.  At the bottom of
the screen are two status indicators.  The bottom left indicator
tells the user whether the Caps Lock key is on or off.  This is
handy as the matrix locations must be entered in Caps.  The
bottom right indicator tells what mode the numeric keypad is
currently in.  If the cursor mode is active, it will display
Cursor.  If the number mode is active it will display Number.
when the program is first run, it initializes the Caps indicator
to Caps On and the Keypad indicator is set to Cursor.

At the top of the screen, the user will see the status line,
indicating the current cursor location and the assignment for
that cursor location.  At any particular cell in the matrix, you
have the option of entering a number, entering a label or
performing a command.  To enter a number, simply type in the
number and press return.  To enter a label, type in the label and
press return.  MiniCalc recognizes anything starting with a
number as a number and anything starting with a letter as a
label.  If you do not press return when entering a label,
MiniCalc will make that label temporary.

To perform a command, press the "/" key.  Then the status line
will show "Special Command (A,B,C,D,E,G,H,L,N,P,Q,R,S,T,>)?"
indicating the command options available to the user.  Pressing a
carriage return at this point will abort the special command
procedure.  To perform a command, simply enter the appropriate
command letter.  The commands are:

A - Average.  Allows the user to average a series of cells in a
row or column and put the result in another cell.  The format for
entering a cell location is "ann" where "a" is the column
coordinate (in caps) and "nn" is the row coordinate (always two
digits i.e. - A01).  In response to entering "/A" the status line
will be cleared and filled with "AVERAGE. Enter coordinates:".
This is the user's prompt to enter the range of coordinates for
the average, and the cell where the result will be placed.  For
example, say the values 1, 2 and 3 were in locations A01, B01 and
C01, respectively, and that you wanted to put the results in
location A03.  For the above prompt to enter the coordinates, the
user would enter "A01" and the system would acknowledge that with
".." indicating you should enter the next coordinate.  You would
then enter "C01" and the third coordinate you would enter would
be "A03".  After all of this was entered, MiniCalc would write
the equation for this average at location A03, make that
calculation and then move the cursor to that location.  The
status line would read "A03 = 2  A01+B01+C01/3".  Thus the
coordinates asked for are the beginning and ending range of
numbers to be averaged in a row or column followed by the
location where the result should be placed.

B - Blank.  This allows the user to erase whatever is in the
current cursor location.  For example, if the current cursor
location is A01 and has the value 250 in it and the user presses
"/B", then A01 will be erased and the status line will show A01
assigned a value of zero.

C - Compute.  This allows the user to make a computation between
two numbers and store the result at a third location.  In
response to "/C" the system will clear the status line and
display "COMPUTE. Function (+,-,*,/) ?".  This is asking which
operation is to be performed on the two locations.  After
selecting one of the four operations, the system will display
"Enter Coordinates:", asking for the two locations to perform the
operation on and the location to store the result.  For example,
if A01 had 1 in it and B01 had 2 in it and we wanted to add these
two locations together and store the result in A03 then in
response to the "Function" prompt, we would press "+" and then
enter "A01", "B01" and "A03" in response to the MiniCalc prompts
in the same manner the Average command worked.

D - Delete.  Allows the user to delete a series of locations in
either a row or a column.  To use this command, you would enter
"/D" and Minicalc would respond with "DELETE. Enter
Coordinates:".  In this case, you would enter the starting and
ending location in the series to be deleted and MiniCalc would
then erase those locations.

E - Equation.  This command has two options.  The first allows
the user to enter an equation for the current cursor location.
The equation must be simple, allowing only the four operators to
be used in the equation.  The equation will be evaluated from
left to right.  The second option tells MiniCalc to compute all
of the equations in the matrix.  This is the only method used by
MiniCalc to make the calculations based on the equations in the
current matrix.  An example of entering an equation for a
particular location:  The cursor is at location A03 and we want
to put the average of locations A01 and B01 plus whatever is in
C01 at the current cursor location.  In response to the "Equation
or Compute" prompt, we would press "E" and then enter
"A01+B01/2+C01" and press return.  This would enter that equation
for location A03, although it would not automatically compute the
value.  The "Compute" option would perform that function.

G - Graph.  The graphing function allows the user to create a bar
graph for a particular row or column.  This graph can then be
dumped to the printer.  In response to "/G" the system would
clear the screen and ask whether a column or a row was to be
graphed (C or R).  If the user selected "R", for example, then
MiniCalc would ask for the row (1-22) to be plotted.  For the
first row, the user would enter "01".  Then the user would see
the bar graph for row 01 and would be given the option of dumping
the graph on the printer or going to the MiniPlot Menu.  The
MiniPlot Menu gives the user the option of quitting, plotting
another row or column or returning to MiniCalc.

H - Help.  The help function displays a brief one-line
description of the command in question on the status line.  for
example, in response to "/H" MiniCalc would prompt for the
command in question.  If the user selected "A", MiniCalc would
give a one-line description of the Average command.

L - Load.  This function allows the user to load a matrix from
the diskette that has been saved with the Save command.  In
response to "/L" MiniCalc will ask for the filespec of the file
to be loaded.  At this point, pressing return will abort the load
sequence and take the user back to MiniCalc.  If a drive is not
specified, the MiniCalc will look for the file on the current
drive.  For example, to load a file "SALES.DAT" from drive B, the
user would enter "B:SALES.DAT" for the filespec.  Upon entering a
filespec and pressing return, MiniCalc will prompt the user to
ready the drive that is to contain "SALES.DAT" and press return.
At this point MiniCalc will load the file, make the appropriate
calculations and display them on the screen.

N - New.  Allows the user to start MiniCalc over, as in entering
"RUN" in BASIC.  This clears the entire MiniCalc matrix, so any
data worth saving should be saved prior to execution of this

P - Print.  Takes the current MiniCalc Matrix and dumps it to the
printer.  The printer should be readied prior to executing this

Q - Quit.  Exits the MiniCalc program, giving appropriate
credits.  Any data not saved from the MiniCalc matrix will be
lost when this command is executed.

R - Replicate.  A function that allows the user to generate a
series of numbers based on one of the locations in the MiniCalc
matrix and a constant.  For example, if the user wanted the
numbers 1 through 22 in locations A01 through A22 then the user
would move to location A01, blank out the previous contents and
enter the number 1 there.  Then use the "/R" command to create
the rest of the numbers by adding one to to location A01.  In
response to the "/R" command MiniCalc would respond with
"REPLICATE.  Function (+,-,*,/) ?".  The user would enter the
operation to be performed on each location ("+" in this case) and
MiniCalc would respond with "Value?".  We are adding one, so "1"
and return would be the appropriate response.  MiniCalc would
then prompt with "Enter coordinates:" and the user would respond
with "A01", "A02" and "A22", telling MiniCalc to use location A01
as the source for the operation and to perform the operation on
locations A02 through A22.  MiniCalc would perform the
calculations and move the cursor down to A22, the status line
showing "A22 = 22  A21+1".  In the equation shown on the status
line, the location will always be the previous location, the
operation will be the operation the user entered ("+" in this
case), and the constant will be the value the user entered ("1"
in this case).

S - Save.  This function allows the user to save a MiniCalc
matrix to diskette.  In response to "/S" MiniCalc will ask for
the filespec of the file to be saved.  At this point, pressing
return will abort the save sequence and take the user back to
MiniCalc.  If a drive is not specified, the MiniCalc will put the
file on the current drive.  For example, to save the current
matrix to a file "SALES.DAT" on drive B, the user would enter
"B:SALES.DAT" for the filespec.  Upon entering a filespec and
pressing return, MiniCalc will prompt the user to ready the drive
that is to contain "SALES.DAT" and press return.  At this point
MiniCalc will save the file to the appropriate drive and return
to MiniCalc.  The Load command is used to load a file from

T - Total.  The Total command allows the user to sum a series of
locations in a row or column and store the result in a particular
location.  In response to "/T" MiniCalc will display "TOTAL.
Enter Coordinates:".  MiniCalc is looking for the start of the
range to be summed, to end of the range to be summed and the
location to store the results.  For example, if the user had
sales figures in positions A02 through A11 and wanted to put the
sum of those sales figures in position K03, the user would enter
the locations "A02", "A11" and K03.  MiniCalc would move to
location K03 and display the sum and the equation to create that

> - Goto.  Allows the user to jump to any location on the
MiniCalc matrix.  This command can be executed directly from the
MiniCalc matrix by entering ">" or can be executed with the slash
command by entering "/>".  MiniCalc will respond by prompting for
the location to move to.  The format for the location is "ann"
where "a" is a letter between "A" and "K" and "nn" is a number
between "01" and "22".  This allows the user quick access to any
location on the MiniCalc matrix.

MiniCalc recognizes equations and labels.  When a matrix is saved
to diskette, all the values, equations and labels are stored as
well.  For a label to be a "permanent" label, the carriage return
must be pressed after entering the label.  Otherwise the label is
temporary and will not be stored.

In the listing, the lowercase i with an arrow over the top of it
has a decimal value of 140.  This functions as a form feed for
the Epson MX80 when the program is listed on the printer.


10000   '----------ROWCOL.BAS - sample row-column sum instructions-----------
10010   ON ERROR GOTO 5000 'this prevents disabling of error trapping
10020   NROW0=FNV(2,6):NCOL0=FNV(3,6):NROW=FNV(4,6):NCOL=FNV(5,6)  'read table
10030   GOSUB 9630                                                 'form sums
10040   I=NROW0+NROW: J=NCOL0-1: X$="Column Totals"   : GOSUB 9920 'label row
10050   I=NROW0-2: J=NCOL0+NCOL: X$="Row Totals"      : GOSUB 9920 'label col
10060   GOTO 450           'this exits to the View Function

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0170

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

AUTOEXEC BAT       128   3-11-83  10:33p
BASIC    KEY       162   3-31-83   8:48p
COPYPAD  BAT       256   3-19-83   8:36p
DEMO1    FC       1536   3-09-84  11:23p
DEMO2    FC       7936   3-09-84  11:06p
DEMO3    FC       2560   3-09-84  11:47a
DEMOPAD          15232   4-09-83   5:37a
DISK0170 TXT    148453   3-20-90  12:03a
EW       KEY       245   4-18-83   7:13p
FC       DOC     73600   4-20-84   1:11p
FC       EXE    111360   1-01-80  12:34a
FC       HLP      1280   3-12-84   6:20p
FILES170 TXT      1330   4-06-87   9:09a
MINICALC DOC     12166   7-10-83  11:12p
MINICALC EXE     52864   1-01-80  12:25a
READ     ME        768   4-20-84   1:13p
ROWCOL   BAS       640   3-13-83  11:45a
TEMPLE   KEY       290   4-18-83   7:14p
VOLKSWTR KEY       256   1-01-80  12:12a
       19 file(s)     431062 bytes
                      778752 bytes free