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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #163)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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Information about “FILTERS”

DBSCREEN is a filter package that lets you create dBase II, III,
and III+ screens. Instead of entering row and number designations into
a format file, simply "paint" your fields on your display in a
full-screen edit mode. See exactly what your screen is going to look
like.  DBSCREEN also lets you modify and print dBase II, III, and III+ s
formats. Other programs let you modify character strings, change tabs
into spaces, and encrypt/decrypt your files.


PC-SIG Disk No. #163, version v1

The following is a list of the file checksums which should be produced by
the CRCK4 program on disk #9 (and others).  If the CRC numbers do not match
you may have a bad file.  To use type:  CRCK4 <filespec>

CRCK4 output for this disk:

CTL-S pauses, CTL-C aborts

--> FILE:  CRYPT   .C           CRC = C2 85

--> FILE:  CRYPT   .DOC         CRC = 0F 03

--> FILE:  CRYPT   .EXE         CRC = 2F D5

--> FILE:  DETAB   .C           CRC = 4B 8F

--> FILE:  DETAB   .DOC         CRC = 15 BF

--> FILE:  DETAB   .EXE         CRC = C2 E1

--> FILE:  ERR     .C           CRC = EE 9E

--> FILE:  ERRS    .C           CRC = DB D3

--> FILE:  ESCT    .C           CRC = 1F D7

--> FILE:  FILP    .C           CRC = 29 A5

--> FILE:  FILPS   .C           CRC = C9 5E

--> FILE:  INDE    .C           CRC = E9 86

--> FILE:  INDEX   .C           CRC = 39 93

--> FILE:  LOCAL   .H           CRC = 95 63

--> FILE:  SETS    .C           CRC = 2A 6D

--> FILE:  SPSCN   .C           CRC = DC E8

--> FILE:  SPSCN   .DOC         CRC = 5B 26

--> FILE:  SPSCN   .EXE         CRC = 0E 40

--> FILE:  TRANSLIT.C           CRC = AB DD

--> FILE:  TRANSLIT.DOC         CRC = D0 AB


--> FILE:  VERSION .C           CRC = 99 B7

--> FILE:  WC      .C           CRC = AB E5

--> FILE:  WC      .DOC         CRC = 04 D3

--> FILE:  WC      .EXE         CRC = 05 BF

--> FILE:  XXX     .            CRC = 65 C8

--> FILE:  DBS     .PRT         CRC = 50 DB

--> FILE:  DBS     .EXE         CRC = 62 DF

 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = FD 32


These and other Public Domain and user-supported programs from:

PC Software Interest Group
1125 Stewart Ct  Suite G
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291


     CRYPT (Encryption / Decryption Filter)



     Purpose:  This program will encode the text, read

               from the standard input, and write it to

               the standard output device.

     Format:   CRYPT key

     Type:     Internal  External


     Remarks:  To decode an encrypted message, pass the

               message through this filter again with

               the same key as was used for encryption.

     Example:  A>CRYPT yohoho <crypt.doc >crypt.cod

               Will produce a file containing the text

               of this file, encoded so that it is illegible.

               A>CRYPT yohoho <crypt.cod

               Will then reproduce the text of this document,

               and display it on the screen.

     Note:     1.   The encryption method here is based on

                    the XOR function, and while secure enough

                    to keep someone from freely reading

                    encoded files, it will probably not stop

                    a determined effort to decode the files.

               2.   Care should be taken to remember the key

                    since there is no way of reconstructing it

                    short of decrypting the file.

               Written by Michael Hanson


     DETAB Filter

     Purpose:  This filter reads text from the standard
     		   input device, replaces all tab characters
     		   with the corresponding number of spaces
     		   and then writes it to the standard output

     Format:   DETAB [n1 n2 n3 ... nx][/n]

     Type:     Internal  External

     Remarks:  The default expansion is tab stops every
     		   four characters, this may be overridden
     		   in two ways using the optional parameters.

               The n1 n2 ... nx parameters are a list of x
               integers separated by spaces, that specify
               the columns for the first x tab stops.

               The /n parameter is an integer indicating
               that tabs are to be set every n columns after
               the current one.

	 Example:  A>DETAB <detab.doc

	 		   Will output this document to the screen, with
	 		   each tab expanded to four characters. (It will
	 		   look diferent than if the file is TYPE'd since
	 		   type expands tabs to eight characters).

               A>DETAB 2 4 6 /3 <fname.ext >fname.lst

               Will expand the first three tabs on a line
               to two spaces and the rest to three spaces
               placing the file with expanded tabs in the
               .lst file.

     Notes:    1.   The two methods of specifying tabs can
     				be used independently, or together as in
     				the second example, but the /n parameter
     				must follow any list of numbers (if only
     				a list of numbers is specified, the tabs
     				after the lists end will be every four

     		   2.	There are an almost unlimited number of
     		   		tab stops posible, but any tabs occuring
     		   		beyond the 100'th column will be expanded
     		   		to a single space.

     		   3.	Tab stops may be specified at every column
     		   		if desired, but each tab character will be
     		   		expanded into at least one space.

              Written by Michael Hanson


Disk No 163    Dscreen and Text Filters                           v1.1 DS2
CRYPT    C     Source code for CRYPT.EXE
CRYPT    DOC   CRYPT.EXE documentation
CRYPT    EXE   Encryption/decryption filter.  Uses a key to encode files.
READ     ME    Documentation for DBS.EXE
DBS      EXE   Screen generator for dBASEII
DETAB    C     Source code for DETAB.EXE
DETAB    DOC   Documentation for DETAB.EXE
DETAB    EXE   Replaces tabs with appropriate number of spaces
ERR      C     Source for subroutine used here
ERRS     C      "
ESCT     C      "
FILP     C      "
FILPS    C      "
INDE     C      "
INDEX    C      "
LOCAL    H      "
SETS     C      "
SPSCN    C     Source code for SPSCN.EXE
SPSCN    DOC   Documentation for SPSCN.EXE
SPSCN    EXE   Removes spaces at the ends of lines in a text file
TRANSLIT C     Source code for TRANSLIT.EXE
TRANSLIT EXE   Translates a character string into a different string
VERSION  C     Source for subroutine used here
WC       C     Source code for WC.EXE
WC       DOC   Documentation for WC.EXE
WC       EXE   Counts characters, words and lines in a text file


     SPSCN (Space Scan)



     Purpose:  This filter reads text from the standard

               input and removes any blanks at the end

               of each line, it then writes the text to

               the standard output.

     Format:   SPSCN

     Type:     Internal  External


     Example:  SPSCN <texfile.doc >outfil.doc

               Will remove any extra blanks at the ends

               of the lines in texfile.doc and place the

               result in outfil.doc. Or,

               DEBUG fnam.com | SPSCN >fnam.lst

               ( then press u and q)

               where fnam.com is some executable file

               that you wish to disassemble (see note


     Note:     SPSCN is particularly useful for cleaning

               up files produced by capturing the output

               of another program, such as debug, which

               adds several spaces to the end of a line

               of disassembled code.

              Written by Michael Hanson


     TRANSLIT (Character Translation Filter)



     Purpose:  This is a filter that reads a file from

               the standard input device, translates

               specified characters into others, and

               writes the translated text to the

               standard output device.

     Format:   TRANSLIT from to

     Type:     Internal  External


     Remarks:   The parameters 'from' and 'to' are strings

                of characters, a given character in 'from'

                will be translated into the corresponding

                character in the to string.

                To specify a range of characters

                to be converted you may type char-char

                (see examples and note below).

                To specify non-printing characters such

                as <cr>,<lf> or <tab> one may use the

                following escape sequences (the leading

                \ tells translit that the following is

                to be interpreted as a special character).

                    \f  form feed

                    \b  back space

                    \n  line-feed

                    \t  tab

                    \s  space

                    \\  back slash character itself

                    \!  exclamation mark

                    \r  carriage return

                    \0  ASCII null

                To specify that all characters not in

                the given set of from characters are to

                be translated to a given character,

                precede the list of characters with an

                exclamation mark (!)( see example below).

     Examples:  A>TRANSLIT a-z A-Z <translit.doc

                Will display this file, with all the

                lower case letters in it converted to

                upper case.Or,

                A>TRANSLIT \s\t\n \n <translit.doc


                will produce a list of all the words in

                this file, listed one per line, in the

                file transl.wrd.

                A>TRANSLIT !\n\r\sA-Za-z0-9 \s <translit.

                    doc >transl.npu

                Will make the file transl.npu containing

                this document with all the punctuation

                marks removed.

     Note:      1.  When specifying ranges of characters

                    both characters must be upper-case

                    letters, lower-case letters or

                    digits. The first character must also

                    be the predecessor of the second, in

                    lexical order. Thus a-s, 2-5 or W-Y are

                    legal, but A-z , 9-1 and x-e are not


                2.  If the to string is shoreter than

                    the from string, then the excess

                    characters in from will all be translated

                    to the last character of to.

               Written by Michael Hanson


     WC (Word Count)



     Purpose:  This filter reads text from the standard

               input device, counting the number of

               characters, words and lines and writes

               the totals to the standard output device.

     Format:   WC [-[L][W][C]]

     Type:     Internal  External


     Remarks:  The -L parameter specifies that the line

               count should be printed.

               The -W parameter specifies that the word

               count should be printed.

               The -C parameter specifies that the

               character count should be printed.

               Specifying no parameter has the same

               effect as specifying all of the

               parameters. i.e. WC -lwc

     Examples: A>WC <wc.doc -wc

               Will output the number of words and

               characters in this file.Or,

               A>DIR C: | WC -l

               Will output the number of files on drive

               C: plus 7.

     Notes:    1.  When counting characters, WC ignores

                   the CR (carriage return) and the LF

                   (line feed) characters, so the count

                   may not agree with the file size in

                   the directory.

               2.  WC regards a word as any string of

                   characters separated from the rest

                   of the text by an end of line, space

                   or tab character.

              Written by Michael Hanson

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0163

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CRC      TXT      1875  11-14-84   2:42p
CRCK4    COM      1536  10-21-82   7:54p
CRYPT    C         640   8-22-83  12:40a
CRYPT    DOC      1536   8-23-83   1:28a
CRYPT    EXE      5632   8-22-83  12:40a
DBS      EXE     39936   7-13-86   2:39p
DETAB    C        2176   8-22-83   2:03a
DETAB    DOC      2304   8-22-83  12:10a
DETAB    EXE      6656   9-15-83  12:48a
ERR      C         256   8-22-83   1:58a
ERRS     C         256   8-22-83  12:35a
ESCT     C         512   8-22-83   2:00a
FILES163 TXT      1334   1-04-80  12:16a
FILP     C         768   8-22-83   2:01a
FILPS    C         512   8-22-83   1:59a
INDE     C         640   6-13-83  12:35a
INDEX    C         384   8-22-83   2:01a
LOCAL    H         384   8-22-83   1:48a
READ     ME       1024   7-13-86   2:43p
SETS     C        1664   6-13-83  12:35a
SPSCN    C        1280   8-22-83   2:06a
SPSCN    DOC      1280   8-22-83  12:06a
SPSCN    EXE      6144   9-15-83  12:44a
TRANSLIT C        1536   8-22-83   2:05a
TRANSLIT DOC      3456   8-22-83  12:19a
TRANSLIT EXE      7168   9-15-83  12:33a
VERSION  C         384   8-22-83   1:57a
WC       C        1664   8-22-83   2:03a
WC       DOC      1920   8-22-83  12:08a
WC       EXE     10240   8-22-83  12:05a
       30 file(s)     105097 bytes
                       50688 bytes free