PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #157)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Information about “IBM USERS GROUP #2”

File Descriptions:

???????  NL   Data files (24 files).
AUTOEXEC BAT  Batch file to automatically start the program.
CRL      BAS  Basic program to change cursor size.
CRL      COM  Program to change cursor size.
CRS      COM  Program to change cursor size.
???????  PIC  Picture data files (9 files).
MASTHEAD      Information file.
NEWS     EXE  Main program.
PCUGNEWS TOC  Information file.


PC-SIG Disk No. #157, version v1

The following is a list of the file checksums which should be produced by
the CRCK4 program on disk #9 (and others).  If the CRC numbers do not match
you may have a bad file.  To use type:  CRCK4 <filespec>

CRCK4 output for this disk:

CTL-S pauses, CTL-C aborts

--> FILE:  AUTOEXEC.BAT         CRC = 67 E7

--> FILE:  MASTHEAD.            CRC = D7 6C

--> FILE:  CRL     .COM         CRC = 8A 4B

--> FILE:  CRS     .COM         CRC = 9F D8

--> FILE:  NEWS    .EXE         CRC = 0D 7E

--> FILE:  PCUGNEWS.TOC         CRC = 3E 9A

--> FILE:  EDITOR  .PIC         CRC = 49 FD

--> FILE:  UGOS    .PIC         CRC = B7 0C

--> FILE:  NPANN   .PIC         CRC = 86 A0

--> FILE:  VANDR   .PIC         CRC = 23 5D

--> FILE:  TANDT   .PIC         CRC = F4 5F

--> FILE:  FONS    .PIC         CRC = 29 20

--> FILE:  UGASK   .PIC         CRC = B2 09

--> FILE:  CURUGS  .PIC         CRC = 7D 9B

--> FILE:  NEWSLOGO.PIC         CRC = B4 A6

--> FILE:  EDTORIAL.NL          CRC = 15 85

--> FILE:  PASCAL  .NL          CRC = 4D BC

--> FILE:  FORTRAN .NL          CRC = 05 7D

--> FILE:  COBRUN  .NL          CRC = 3E B8

--> FILE:  SORT    .NL          CRC = 84 B4

--> FILE:  BASRUN  .NL          CRC = BF 9C

--> FILE:  SORTREDI.NL          CRC = A1 EF

--> FILE:  PLANNER .NL          CRC = 70 60

--> FILE:  COMM    .NL          CRC = 06 3E

--> FILE:  ROHDE   .NL          CRC = CA EA

--> FILE:  SCHNELL .NL          CRC = 8E C4

--> FILE:  YOUNG   .NL          CRC = E0 51

--> FILE:  ADDRESS .NL          CRC = 71 BF

--> FILE:  WEBER   .NL          CRC = B3 16

--> FILE:  SCHNELL1.NL          CRC = 02 41

--> FILE:  JEWELL  .NL          CRC = 32 C7

--> FILE:  WATKINS .NL          CRC = A1 CD

--> FILE:  METZGER .NL          CRC = 45 F2

--> FILE:  CORTESI .NL          CRC = 6B 1D

--> FILE:  HERZFELD.NL          CRC = 70 D7

--> FILE:  PUPGRADE.NL          CRC = B9 9F

--> FILE:  JORDAN  .NL          CRC = D9 AE

--> FILE:  NIEHOFF .NL          CRC = 17 24

--> FILE:  CRL     .BAS         CRC = 2B ED

--> FILE:  FUPGRADE.NL          CRC = A5 AA

 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 3A 47


These and other Public Domain and user-supported programs from:

PC Software Interest Group
1125 Stewart Ct  Suite G
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291


10 'CRL.BAS by John R. Herzfeld, P. O. Box 159, Mercer Island, WA 98040
20 '
30 'BASIC program to create CRL.COM to change cursor shape in DOS. (If in
40 '  BASIC, use the LOCATE instruction.)  If you type CRL<enter> or CRL.COM
50 '  <enter>, you get its default shape, a cursor twice as thick as
60 '  the normal shape (start=10, end=13). If you want a different
70 '  shape, type CRL or CRL.COM, then a / or a space, then the decimal start
80 '  value, then any noncontrol alpha character (space ok) as separator,
90 '  then the decimal end value, followed by <enter>. If you omit the end
100 ' value, you'll get the default end value (13). The values to be used
110 ' are the same as for the LOCATE command in BASIC. For example, if you
120 ' have the monochrome display and type CRL 12 1<enter>, you will get a
130 ' two-line cursor at the bottom and another two-line cursor at the top.
140 ' The programmed default values are for the monochrome display; different
150 ' ones are needed with the color adapter. To
160 ' change the default values in the program, change the bytes in line 1020
170 ' AND in line 1040. On each line, the FIRST value is the END value, and
180 ' the SECOND value is the START value. The reversed positions are due
190 ' to the way the IBM PC stores data in memory. If you change a
200 ' default value, you must also recompute the checksum (the total of all
210 ' 102 byte values) and change it in line 1150.
220 'After you have created the CRL.COM file, you need this BASIC program
230 ' only as reference or to create additional files with other default
240 ' values. The program is very tolerant and ignores excess separator
250 ' characters or an excess number of value entries. CRL 12 1 and
260 ' CRL 12TTTgg00001x9y produce the same result.
270 '
300 DEFINT A-Z: FILENAME$= "CRL.COM"  'You may use another name!
320 PRINT "On which drive do you want the COM file? [RETURN = default drive]"
340 Q$=INPUT$(1): IF Q$=CHR$(13) THEN DRIVE$="" ELSE DRIVE$= Q$+":"
420 'Last item in list is the sum of the 102 bytes to be put into the file
460 FIELD 1, 1 AS N$: FOR I= 1 TO 102: READ N: LSET N$ = CHR$(N): PUT 1
1000 DATA &H31,&HC9,&H8A,&H0E,&H80,&H00,&H80,&HF1
1010 DATA &H00,&H75,&H0C,&HB8,&H00,&H01,&HB9
1020 DATA &H0D,&H0A
1030 DATA &HCD,&H10,&HCD,&H20
1040 DATA &H0D,&H0A
1050 DATA &HBF,&H16,&H01,&HBE,&H80,&H00,&HBA,&H0A,&H0A
1060 DATA &H31,&HC0,&H31,&HDB,&H46,&H8A,&H1C,&H80
1070 DATA &HEB,&H30,&H78,&H23,&H80,&HFB,&H0A,&H7D
1080 DATA &H1E,&HF6,&HE2,&H00,&HD8,&H88,&HDE,&HE2
1090 DATA &HE9,&H38,&HD6,&H74,&H03,&HE8,&H18,&H00
1100 DATA &H8A,&H2E,&H16,&H01,&H8A,&H0E,&H15,&H01
1110 DATA &HB8,&H00,&H01,&HCD,&H10,&HCD,&H20,&H38
1120 DATA &HD6,&H74,&HE4,&HE8,&H02,&H00,&HEB,&HDF
1130 DATA &H88,&H05,&H4F,&H81,&HFF,&H14,&H01,&H74
1140 DATA &HDF,&H31,&HC0,&H88,&HD6,&HC3
1150 DATA &H29E5

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0157

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ADDRESS  NL       9216   4-27-84   3:14p
AUTOEXEC BAT       128   4-27-84   3:06p
BASRUN   NL       2048   4-27-84   3:15p
COBRUN   NL       2048   4-27-84   3:15p
COMM     NL       2048   4-27-84   3:14p
CORTESI  NL       3072   4-27-84   3:12p
CRC      TXT      2439  11-14-84  11:30a
CRCK4    COM      1536  10-21-82   7:54p
CRL      BAS      3200   4-27-84   3:11p
CRL      COM       128   4-27-84   3:07p
CRS      COM       128   4-27-84   3:07p
CURUGS   PIC      2944   4-27-84   3:16p
EDITOR   PIC      3200   4-27-84   3:18p
EDTORIAL NL       2048   4-27-84   3:16p
FONS     PIC      2688   4-27-84   3:17p
FORTRAN  NL       4096   4-27-84   3:16p
FUPGRADE NL       2048   4-27-84   3:11p
HERZFELD NL       4096   4-27-84   3:12p
JEWELL   NL       3072   4-27-84   3:13p
JORDAN   NL       8192   4-27-84   3:12p
MASTHEAD          1536   4-27-84   3:07p
METZGER  NL       6144   4-27-84   3:13p
NEWS     EXE     74880   4-27-84   3:18p
NEWSLOGO PIC     16512   4-27-84   3:16p
NIEHOFF  NL       8192   4-27-84   3:12p
NPANN    PIC      4352   4-27-84   3:17p
PASCAL   NL       3072   4-27-84   3:16p
PCUGNEWS TOC      1664   4-27-84   3:18p
PLANNER  NL       3072   4-27-84   3:15p
PUPGRADE NL       2048   4-27-84   3:12p
ROHDE    NL       5120   4-27-84   3:14p
SCHNELL  NL       7168   4-27-84   3:14p
SCHNELL1 NL       6144   4-27-84   3:13p
SORT     NL       2048   4-27-84   3:15p
SORTREDI NL       2048   4-27-84   3:15p
TANDT    PIC      2048   4-27-84   3:17p
UGASK    PIC      2432   4-27-84   3:17p
UGOS     PIC      2816   4-27-84   3:17p
VANDR    PIC      3328   4-27-84   3:17p
WATKINS  NL       3072   4-27-84   3:13p
WEBER    NL       4096   4-27-84   3:13p
YOUNG    NL       3072   4-27-84   3:14p
       42 file(s)     223239 bytes
                       88064 bytes free