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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #124)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Extended Batch Language adds additional features to the batch processing
capabilities already supported by DOS. The program will guide you in
the creation of batch files that prompt for responses and keep track of
variables.  Use it to set up printers, keep configuration parameters
up-to-date, initialize programs or create other batch files.  Optional
floating point, enhanced string and arithmetic operations and file I/O
support is provided.  It is well documented and includes example batch



                                                          For more information:
                                                          Ms. Michele Bustamante
                                                          (407) 738-1712

            SEAWARE Corp. Announces new EBL-PLUS

Seaware Corp.  is pleased to announce the introduction of Extended Batch
Language-PLUS.  This represents a major evolutionary enhancement from EBL
Version 3.  EBL-PLUS is a powerful product integration tool and programming
language for the IBM Personal Computer - giving it the best flavors of
EXEC2, REXX and HyperTalk.

Extended Batch Language-Plus adds powerful features to batch files well
beyond what DOS provides.  The EBL-Plus on-line manual will guide you in
the creation of batch files that can have the "look-and-feel" of your
choice.  Colorful windows that use bouncing bar selection, pop-ups, fill in
the blank fields, buttons, and action bars are easily created.  Enhanced
arithmetic, string, system, file I/O, and error recovery functions are
built in.  Use its structured English-like commands to integrate
applications together, set up printers, automate execution of programs, or
even create other batch files.

New EBL-PLUS now has over 100 built-in commands and functions - additional
modules are not required.  It has slimmer and trimmer memory utilization -
requiring little or no resident memory.  Enlarged program areas are now
available - supporting EBL programs twice as large as before.

As a product integrator, it represents a significant advance in providing a
comprehensive, yet easy to learn, facility for controlling tasks you give
your computer.  As a programming language, it provides a powerful
high-level language that can replace PC-DOS batch files or be used
independantly to make stand alone applications.

With EBL-PLUS, you will have the ability to:

 *  Add powerful extensions to your batch files

      - Integrate programs, even dissimilar ones.
      - Automate execution of programs and processes.
      - Error handling and recovery.
      - String and Arithmetic expressions and operations.
      - Batch file processing up to five times faster than  <P10B>COMMAND.COM<P255D>

 * Create Custom Menus Automatically.

 * Add windows to your EBL batch file applications.

 * Design a professional user interface, creating the "Look
   and Feel" of your choice ---

      - bouncing bar menus
      - fill in the blank menus
      - buttons
      - action bars
      - sound

Call 800-634-8188 to try EBL-PLUS now. After the joy of EBL-PLUS,
using batch files will never be the same.

MS-DOS version: $79 + $3 shipping/handling (foreign shipping $12)
Mastercard and Visa accepted.

SEAWARE Corp.   P.O. Box 1656   Delray Beach, Florida  33444   (407) 738-1712


                                                          For more information:
                                                          Ms. Michele Bustamante
                                                          (407) 738-1712

         SEAWARE Corp. Announces new PROFESSIONAL EBL-PLUS

Seaware Corp.  is pleased to announce the introduction of Professional
Extended Batch Language PLUS - providing a professional application level
of EBL PLUS for the product developer.  This is the perfect solution for
program developers to code, package, and deliver their products with EBL
PLUS.  Availability mid-1990.

With PROFESSIONAL EBL PLUS, you will have the ability to:

 * Compile EBL programs - generating a stand-alone executable file.

 * Protection of your program from modification by users.

 * Cost-free, unrestricted distribution of your program.

 * Easy distribution of your software product.

 * Create "EBL ZERO" programs requiring NO resident memory.

 * Customize your own EBL PLUS commands by using C, Pascal, or MASM.

 * Receive source code of all EBL PLUS extended functions.

 * Also includes all EBL PLUS software and manuals.

Seaware Corp is offering a limited time program to developers to secure an
early copy of Professional EBL PLUS upon release.  Until July 31, 1990,
receive the 30% discount price of $135 --- $195 thereafter.

So, don't let the bounds of batch files fence you in.  Unleash your
imagination in the wide-open spaces of Professional EBL PLUS.  To find out
more, give us a call at 800/634-8188.

SEAWARE Corp.   P.O. Box 1656   Delray Beach, Florida  33444   (407) 738-1712


Disk No:  124
Disk Title: Extended Batch Language
PC-SIG Version: S4.0

Program Title: Extended Batch Language - Plus
Author Version: 4.00
Author Registration: $79.00
Special Requirements: None.

Extended Batch Language adds additional features to the batch processing
capabilities already supported by DOS. The program will guide you in
the creation of batch files that prompt for responses and keep track of
variables.  Use it to set up printers, keep configuration parameters
up-to-date, initialize programs or create other batch files.  Optional
floating point, enhanced string and arithmetic operations and file I/O
support is provided.  It is well documented and includes example batch

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║             <<<<  Disk #124 EXTENDED BATCH LANGUAGE >>>>                ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To view the documentation, type:  BATDOC   (press enter)                ║
║                                                                         ║
(c) Copyright 1990, PC-SIG Inc.


	  EXTENDED BATCH LANGUAGE-PLUS Version 4.00	   User Supported
	       S E A W A R E				   Software
 ║ The $79 license fee per system is required for COMMERCIAL USERS if	  ║
 ║ used in a place of business or incorporated into another product.	  ║
 ║									  ║
 ║   SEAWARE CORP. ┌──┐   800/634-8188	 ┌──┐	 Post Office Box 1656	  ║
 ║   407/738-1712  └──┘ Visa/MC accepted └──┘	Delray Beach, FL 33444	  ║
 ║									  ║
 ║ You	are encouraged to  copy and share this program with other users,  ║
 ║ on the  conditions that the	program is not	distributed  in  modified ║
 ║ form, that no fee or consideration is charged, and that this notice is ║
 ║ not bypassed or removed.						  ║
 ║									  ║
 ║ In appreciation of your honesty, you will be provided with a detailed  ║
 ║ users guide and diskette giving you complete descriptions, examples,   ║
 ║ and tips on this program's use. All registered users also receive free ║
 ║ access to the BAT-BBS, a hot-line for assistance, tips, and updates.   ║
 ║									  ║
 ║  PRIVATE USERS, If you are using this program and find it of value,	  ║
 ║	    your contribution ($79 suggested) will be appreciated.	  ║
 (C) Copyright 1990 by SEAWARE CORP. All rights reserved.   By Frank Canova

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0124

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ANNOUNCE TXT      4650   5-31-90   3:00a
BAT      COM     32982   5-31-90   3:07a
BATDEMO  BAT     19482   5-31-90   2:22a
BATDEMO2 BAT      5439   6-05-90   6:02p
BATDEMO3 BAT      3774   6-05-90   7:27p
BATDEMO4 BAT      6381   6-05-90   7:27p
BATDOC   BAT     21795   5-31-90   2:21a
BATDOC2  BAT     30724   5-31-90   2:22a
EHELP    BAT     27088   3-05-90   4:47a
REGISTER TXT      1410   5-31-90   3:02a
GO       BAT        38   6-12-87  12:25p
GO       TXT       576   1-01-80   3:11a
FILE0124 TXT      1703   7-09-90   7:17p
       13 file(s)     156042 bytes
                           0 bytes free