PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #21)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....

Information about “PCMAN (PAC MAN GAME AND MORE)”

This disk contains a splendid example of what can be done graphically
without the need of a graphics card, either monochrome or color. PCMAN
and PCGIRLA are two different versions of the age-old run-and-eat maze
game that revolutionized the computer and arcade industries. PCGIRLA
uses ASCII characters to draw out the maze, while PCMAN uses the same
character but in a 40-column color mode, to represent the player and
the monsters that live in the maze.

System Requirements:  Some programs require color graphics.

How to Start:  While PCCHEERS requires BASIC, all the other can be
run from DOS by typing their filename and pressing <ENTER>.

File Descriptions:

JOYSTICK DOC  Documentation file for JOYSTICK.EXE
JOYSTICK EXE  Program to test your joystick's positions
PACGIRLA EXE  Monochrome version of PAC-MAN
PCMAN    EXE  Color version of PAC-MAN
PCMANHI  FIL  High score data file for PCMAN


PC-SIG Disk No. #21, version v1

The following is a list of the file checksums which should be produced by
the CRCK4 program on disk #9 (and others).  If the CRC numbers do not match
you may have a bad file.  To use type:  CRCK4 <filespec>

CRCK4 output for this disk:

CTL-S pauses, CTL-C aborts

--> FILE:  PCMAN   .EXE         CRC = 7F 26

--> FILE:  JOYSTICK.EXE         CRC = B2 D3

--> FILE:  PACGIRLA.EXE         CRC = 52 B4

--> FILE:  JOYSTICK.DOC         CRC = DD 8E

--> FILE:  PCHEERS .BAS         CRC = 6C 3C

--> FILE:  PCMANHI .FIL         CRC = 3F ED

 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 0E 64


These and other Public Domain and user-supported programs from:

PC Software Interest Group
1125 Stewart Ct  Suite G
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-9291


If you want to use a joystic with PCMAN, run JOYSTICK first.
JOYSTICK will create a file that PCMAN looks for to decide
whether or not to accept joystick input.


4  WIDTH 80
5  ON ERROR GOTO 9500 : PLAY "P64"
15 COLOR 7,1 : LOCATE 1,1,0 : CLS
20 B$=CHR$(15)
25 DIM PR$(5)
30 P1E%=114:P2E%=140:P25E%=59:P3E%=65:P4E%=71:P5E%=77:P6E%=83
40 DIM P1$(P1E%),P2$(P2E%),P25$(P25E%),P3$(P3E%),P4$(P4E%),P5$(P5E%),P6$(P6E%)
50 AB%=1:AE%=21:BB%=22:BE%=35:CB%=36:CE%=39:DB%=40:DE%=48:EB%=49:EE%=66
60 E1B%=67:E1E%=88:FB%=89:FE%=102:GB%=103:GE%=108:HB%=109:HE%=113
70 W1%=9:W2%=12:W3%=5:W4%=5:W5%=5:W6%=6:W7%=6:X%=113
80 DIM N$(113),B%(609),W1$(W1%),W2$(W2%),W3$(W3%),W4$(W4%),W5$(W5%),W6$(W6%),W7$(W7%)
81 RESTORE 1041
82 FOR I%=1 TO 5 : READ PR$(I%) : NEXT I%
83 FOR I%=1 TO 5 : PRINT : PRINT PR$(I%) : NEXT I%
90 RESTORE 1050
100 FOR I%=1 TO X%
110 READ N$(I%)
115 NEXT I%
117 RESTORE 1660
120 FOR I%=1 TO W1% : READ W1$(I%) : NEXT I%
130 FOR I%=1 TO W2% : READ W2$(I%) : NEXT I%
140 FOR I%=1 TO W3% : READ W3$(I%) : NEXT I%
150 FOR I%=1 TO W4% : READ W4$(I%) : NEXT I%
160 FOR I%=1 TO W5% : READ W5$(I%) : NEXT I%
170 FOR I%=1 TO W6% : READ W6$(I%) : NEXT I%
180 FOR I%=1 TO W7% : READ W7$(I%) : NEXT I%
185 RESTORE 1180
190 FOR I%=1 TO 609 : READ B%(I%) : NEXT I%
240 REM store notes in play arrays
250 J%=1
260 FOR I%=AB% TO DE% : P1$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
270 REM 3rd verse
280 FOR I%=BB% TO CE% : P1$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
290 FOR I%=CB% TO DE% : P1$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
300 REM 4th verse
310 FOR I%=BB% TO BE% : P1$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
320 FOR L%=1 TO 3
330 FOR I%=CB% TO CE% : P1$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I% : NEXT L%
340 FOR I%=DB% TO DE% : P1$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
350 REM 5th - 7th verses
360 J%=1
370 FOR I%=EB% TO E1E% : P2$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
380 REM 6th verse
390 FOR I%=FB% TO HE% : P2$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
400 FOR I%=E1B% TO E1E% : P2$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
410 REM 7th verse
420 FOR I%=FB% TO GE% : P2$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
430 FOR I%=GB% TO HE% : P2$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
440 FOR I%=E1B% TO E1E% : P2$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
450 REM 8th verse
460 J%=1
470 FOR I%=FB% TO FE% : P25$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
480 FOR L%=1 TO 3
490 FOR I%=GB% TO GE% : P25$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I% : NEXT L%
500 FOR I%=HB% TO HE% : P25$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
510 FOR I%=E1B% TO E1E% : P25$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
520 REM 9th verse
530 J%=1
540 FOR I%=FB% TO FE% : P3$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
550 FOR L%=1 TO 4
560 FOR I%=GB% TO GE% : P3$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I% : NEXT L%
570 FOR I%=HB% TO HE% : P3$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
580 FOR I%=E1B% TO E1E% : P3$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
590 REM 10th verse
600 J%=1
610 FOR I%=FB% TO FE% : P4$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
620 FOR L%=1 TO 5
630 FOR I%=GB% TO GE% : P4$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I% : NEXT L%
640 FOR I%=HB% TO HE% : P4$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
650 FOR I%=E1B% TO E1E% : P4$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
660 REM 11th verse
670 J%=1
680 FOR I%=FB% TO FE% : P5$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
690 FOR L%=1 TO 6
700 FOR I%=GB% TO GE% : P5$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I% : NEXT L%
710 FOR I%=HB% TO HE% : P5$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
720 FOR I%=E1B% TO E1E% : P5$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
730 REM 12th verse
740 J%=1
750 FOR I%=FB% TO FE% : P6$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
760 FOR L%=1 TO 7
770 FOR I%=GB% TO GE% : P6$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I% : NEXT L%
780 FOR I%=HB% TO HE% : P6$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
790 FOR I%=E1B% TO E1E% : P6$(J%)=N$(I%) : J%=J%+1 : NEXT I%
800 REM Play It Again Sam!
810 R%=1 : P%=1
820 GOSUB 2220
830 FOR I%=1 TO P1E% : GOSUB 2140 : PLAY P1$(I%) : LOCATE R%,C% : PRINT " "
840 NEXT I%
850 R%=1 : GOSUB 2240
860 FOR I%=1 TO P2E% : GOSUB 2140 : PLAY P2$(I%) : LOCATE R%,C% : PRINT " "
870 NEXT I%
880 R%=1 : GOSUB 2260
890 FOR I%=1 TO P25E% : GOSUB 2140 : PLAY P25$(I%) : LOCATE R%,C% : PRINT " "
900 NEXT I%
910 R%=1 : GOSUB 2270
920 FOR I%=1 TO P3E% : GOSUB 2140 : PLAY P3$(I%) : LOCATE R%,C% : PRINT " "
930 NEXT I%
940 R%=1 : GOSUB 2280
950 FOR I%=1 TO P4E% : GOSUB 2140 : PLAY P4$(I%) : LOCATE R%,C% : PRINT " "
960 NEXT I%
970 R%=1 : GOSUB 2290
980 FOR I%=1 TO P5E% : GOSUB 2140 : PLAY P5$(I%) : LOCATE R%,C% : PRINT " "
990 NEXT I%
1000 R%=1 : GOSUB 2300
1010 FOR I%=1 TO P6E% : GOSUB 2140 : PLAY P6$(I%) : LOCATE R%,C% : PRINT " "
1020 NEXT I%
1025 LOCATE 21,1
1028 PRINT "Transcription of music from a copy of a copy of `Twelve Days of Christmas'"
1029 PRINT " and program written by Bonnie Lamb"
1030 LOCATE ,,1
1035 END
1041 DATA "A long, long time ago, in the fifteenth century, friends "
1042 DATA "celebrated Christmas by giving 12 gifts of pleasure, "
1043 DATA "entertainment, and worth.  In the twentieth century, the "
1044 DATA "custom still lives on.  The gifts of pleasure, entertainment, "
1045 DATA "and worth are not the same. . . "
1050 DATA MF T120 MN O3 C8,C8,C4,F8,F8,F4,E8,F8,G8,A8,B-8,G8
1060 DATA A4.,B-8,O4 C4,ML D8,O3 B-8 P64 MN,A8,F8,G4,F2.
1070 DATA C8,C8,C8,C8,F8,F8,F4,E8,F8,G8,A8,B-8,G8,A2
1080 DATA O4 C4,O3 ML G8,A8 P64 MN,B-4
1090 DATA A8,B-8 O4,C4 ML,D8 O3,B-8 P64 MN,A8,F8,G4,F2.
1100 DATA C8,C8,C4,F8,F8,F4,E8,F8,G8,A8,B-8,G8,A2
1110 DATA O4 C2,ML D8,O3 B8.,B4 P64 MN,O4 C1
1120 DATA ML O4 C8 O3,B-8 P64 MN,A8,G8,F4,B-4,D4,F4
1130 DATA ML G8,F8 P64 MN,E8,D8,C4,A8,B-8 O4,C4,ML D8 O3
1140 DATA B-8 P64 MN,A8,F8,G4,F2.
1150 DATA C8,C8,C8,C8,F8,F8,F4,E8,F8,G8,A8,B-8,G8,A2
1160 DATA O4 C8,C8 O3,G8,A8,B-8,G8
1170 DATA O4 C2,ML D8,O3 B8.,B4 P64 MN,O4 C1
1180 DATA 1,5,10,15,18,23,29,33,37,42,47,51,55
1190 DATA -1,4,9,14,19,22,24,25
1200 DATA -1,5,9,13,17,20,25,31,35,39,44,49,53,57
1210 DATA -2,6,9,13,20,23,26,31,36,41,44,46,47
1220 DATA -1,5,10,13,16,19,24,30,34,38,43,48,52,56
1230 DATA -3,9,14,19,25,29,32,36,43,46,49,54,59,64,67,69,70
1240 DATA -1,5,10,14,17,20,25,31,35,39,44,49,53,57
1250 DATA -2,6,9,14,21,27,32,37
1260 DATA -2,6,9,13,20,23,26,31,36,41,44,46,47
1270 DATA 1,5,10,15,18,23,29,33,37,42,47,51,55
1280 DATA -2,6,10,12,16
1290 DATA -2,5,7,10,15,22,29,37
1300 DATA -2,4,7,10,14,21,24,27,32,37,42,45,47,48
1310 DATA -1,5,10,13,16,19,24,30,34,38,43,48,52,55
1320 DATA -2,4,8,12,17,21,27,31,35,37,41
1330 DATA -2,5,7,10,15,22,29,37
1340 DATA -2,4,7,10,14,21,24,27,32,37,42,45,47,48
1350 DATA -1,5,9,13,18,21,26,32,36,40,45,50,54,58
1360 DATA -2,5,10,15,20,25,30,32,36,40,45,49,55,59,63,65,69
1370 DATA -2,5,7,10,15,22,29,37
1380 DATA -2,4,7,10,14,21,24,27,32,37,42,45,47,48
1390 DATA 1,5,10,14,17,20,25,31,35,39,44,49,53,57
1400 DATA -3,6,10,14,19,24,29,32,37,42,47,52,57,59,63,67,72,76
1410 DATA -2,6,10,12,16
1420 DATA -2,5,7,10,15,22,29,37
1430 DATA -2,4,7,10,14,21,24,27,32,37,42,45,47,48
1440 DATA 1,5,10,13,16,19,24,30,34,38,43,48,52,56
1450 DATA -2,5,8,12,16,21,27,30,34,38,43,48,53,56,61,66,71,76
1460 DATA -2,4,8,12,17,21,27,31,35,37,41
1470 DATA -2,5,7,10,15,22,29,37
1480 DATA -2,4,7,10,14,21,24,27,32,37,42,45,47,48
1490 DATA 1,5,10,13,16,19,24,30,34,38,43,48,52,56
1500 DATA -2,4,8,13,16,19,24,30,34,38,43,48,52,55,59,63,68,73
1510 DATA -2,5,10,15,20,25,30,32,36,40,45,49,55,59,63,65,69
1520 DATA -2,5,7,10,15,22,29,37
1530 DATA -2,4,7,10,14,21,24,27,32,37,42,45,47,48
1540 DATA 1,5,9,14,19,22,27,33,37,41,46,51,55,59
1550 DATA -2,6,11,16,21,26,31,33,37,41,46,51,56,59,62,66,70,75
1560 DATA -3,6,10,14,19,24,29,32,37,42,47,52,57,59,63,67,72,76
1570 DATA -2,6,10,12,16
1580 DATA -2,5,7,10,15,22,29,37
1590 DATA -2,4,7,10,14,21,24,27,32,37,42,45,47,48
1600 DATA 1,5,9,12,17,20,25,31,35,39,44,49,53,57
1610 DATA -2,5,10,16,22,27,32,36,41,46,51,56
1620 DATA -2,4,8,13,17,22,27,30,33,37,41,46,52,55,59,63,68,73
1630 DATA -2,5,10,15,20,25,30,32,36,40,45,49,55,59,63,65,69
1640 DATA -2,5,7,10,15,22,29,37
1650 DATA -2,4,7,10,14,21,24,27,32,37,42,45,47,48
1660 DATA"On the first day of Christ-mas, my true love gave to me:"
1670 DATA"A tape cas-sette and a PC."
1680 DATA"On the sec-ond day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
1690 DATA"Two disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
1700 DATA"On the third_ day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
1710 DATA"Three paral-lel ports, Two disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
1720 DATA"On the fourth_ day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
1730 DATA"Four me-ga-bytes, Three paral-lel ports,"
1740 DATA"Two disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
1750 DATA"On the fifth day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
1760 DATA"Five EX-TRA_ slots!"
1770 DATA"Four_ me-ga-bytes, Three parallel ports,"
1780 DATA"Two_ disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
1790 DATA"On the sixth_ day of Christ_mas, my true love sent to me:"
1800 DATA"Six_ tunes a - hum-ming, Five EX-TRA_ slots!
1810 DATA"Four_ me-ga-bytes, Three parallel ports,"
1820 DATA"Two_ disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
1830 DATA"On the sev-enth day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
1840 DATA"Sev-en spool-ers spool-ing, Six_ tunes a - hum-ming, Five EX-TRA_ slots!"
1850 DATA"Four_ me-ga-bytes, Three parallel ports,"
1860 DATA"Two_ disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
1870 DATA"On the eighth_ day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
1880 DATA"Eight_ games a - play-ing, Sev-en spool-ers spool-ing, Six_ tunes a - hum-ming,"
1890 DATA"Five EX-TRA_ slots!"
1900 DATA"Four_ me-ga-bytes, Three parallel ports,"
1910 DATA"Two_ disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
1920 DATA"On the ninth_ day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
1930 DATA"Nine_ Vis-i's Calc-ing, Eight_ games a - play-ing, Sev-en spool-ers spool-ing,"
1940 DATA"Six_ tunes a - hum-ming, Five EX-TRA_ slots!
1950 DATA"Four_ me-ga-bytes, Three parallel ports,"
1960 DATA"Two_ disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
1970 DATA"On the tenth_ day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
1980 DATA"Ten_ graph-ics danc-ing, Nine_ Vis-i's Calc-ing, Eight_ games a - play-ing,"
1990 DATA"Sev-en spool-ers spool-ing, Six_ tunes a - hum-ming, Five EX-TRA_ slots!"
2000 DATA"Four_ me-ga-bytes, Three parallel ports,"
2010 DATA"Two_ disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
2020 DATA"On the 'lev-enth day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
2030 DATA"'Lev-en print-ers print-ing, Ten_ graph-ics danc-ing, Nine_ Vis-i's Calc-ing,"
2040 DATA"Eight_ games a - play-ing, Sev-en spool-ers spool-ing, Six_ tunes a - hum-ming,"
2050 DATA"Five EX-TRA_ slots!"
2060 DATA"Four_ me-ga-bytes, Three parallel ports,"
2070 DATA"Two_ disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
2080 DATA"On the twelfth day of Christ-mas, my true love sent to me:"
2090 DATA"Twelve FORTH's a - FORTH-ing, 'Lev-en print-ers print-ing,"
2100 DATA"Ten_ graph-ics danc-ing, Nine_ Vis-i's Calc-ing, Eight_ games a - play-ing,"
2110 DATA"Sev-en spool-ers spool-ing, Six_ tunes a - hum-ming, Five EX-TRA_ slots!"
2120 DATA"Four_ me-ga-bytes, Three parallel ports,"
2130 DATA"Two_ disk_ drives, and a tape cas-sette and a PC."
2140 C%=B%(P%)
2150 IF C% > 0 THEN GOTO 2180
2160 C%=-C%
2170 R%=R%+2
2180 LOCATE R%,C%
2190 PRINT B$
2200 P%=P%+1
2220 CLS : FOR K%=1 TO W1% : PRINT : PRINT W1$(K%) : NEXT K% : RETURN
2240 CLS : FOR K%=1 TO W2%-1 : PRINT : PRINT W2$(K%) : NEXT K% : PRINT : PRINT W2$(W2%); : RETURN
2260 CLS : FOR K%=1 TO W3% : PRINT : PRINT W3$(K%) : NEXT K% : RETURN
2270 CLS : FOR K%=1 TO W4% : PRINT : PRINT W4$(K%) : NEXT K% : RETURN
2280 CLS : FOR K%=1 TO W5% : PRINT : PRINT W5$(K%) : NEXT K% : RETURN
2290 CLS : FOR K%=1 TO W6% : PRINT : PRINT W6$(K%) : NEXT K% : RETURN
2300 CLS : FOR K%=1 TO W7% : PRINT : PRINT W7$(K%) : NEXT K% : RETURN
9500 CLS
9510 PRINT "This program requires ADVANCED BASIC; please reload using BASICA."
9520 END

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #0021

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CRC      TXT       840  11-09-84   8:27a
CRCK4    COM      1536  10-21-82   7:54p
JOYSTICK DOC       165  12-15-82   8:12a
JOYSTICK EXE     23424  11-04-82   9:24a
PACGIRLA EXE     48896   1-02-83  10:56a
PCHEERS  BAS     11776  12-14-82   7:31a
PCMAN    EXE     48384  11-04-82   8:28a
PCMANHI  FIL       128   1-01-80  12:06a
        8 file(s)     135149 bytes
                       23552 bytes free