PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


Populous (1989)

当屏幕提示“What type of disk do you want to install Populous to?”时,选择“1. Hard disk”。
当屏幕提示“Waht is the drive letter of your hard disk? C”时,直接回车。
当屏幕提示“Install Populous to what subdirectory? POPULOUS”时,直接回车。
当屏幕提示“What is your graphics adapter type ?”时,选择“3. EGA”。
当屏幕提示“What sound device do you wish to use?”时,选择“1. PC Speaker”。
当屏幕提示“Are the above details correct?”时,选择“1. Yes”。等待安装过程结束。

切换到C:盘,执行cd POPULOUS和pop命令,开始玩游戏吧!

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170-pop"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170-pop" to load....

Online References

NOTE: Use the Command Summary Card to help with the game’s “Deity Verification Check”.

Populous Manual (1989)

Populous Command Summary Card (1989)

Directory of Populous (1989)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

INSTALL  EXE     18039  12-15-89   5:53p
POPULOUS ARC     75947  11-17-89   1:55p
CGA      ARC     64273  11-14-89  11:39a
EGA      ARC    103509  11-14-89  11:47a
VGA      ARC     92799  11-14-89  12:11p
        5 file(s)     354567 bytes
                        5120 bytes free

Populous (1989)