Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.
According to Nerdly Pleasures, the 1987 releases of King’s Quest were incremental improvements on November 1986 release, which added EGA and hard disk support.
The PCjs disk images preserve the Copy-Protection that the game used, and PCx86 successfully passes the game’s
copy-protection test. The IBM PC AT below has diskette King's Quest (1987-05-05 #1)
loaded in drive B:, ready to be installed on drive C:.
本游戏使用“IBM PC AT”模拟,驱动器B中已经加载“King's Quest (1987-05-05 #1)”软盘,游戏将被安装到C:盘。
当屏幕提示“Strike a key when ready ...”时,按任意键继续。
当屏幕提示“Please put disk 2 of ...”时,请在驱动器B中选择“King's Quest (1987-05-05 #2)”软盘,点击“Load”按钮,再按任意键继续。
在DOS提示符后,kq1运行游戏。首先会提示让你在软驱中放入 ORIGINAL disk 1,请在驱动器B中选择“King's Quest (1987-05-05 #1)”软盘,点击“Load”按钮,再按下“B”键,切换到软驱B。最后按下回车键,开始玩游戏吧!
[PCjs Machine "ibm5170-kq1"]
Waiting for machine "ibm5170-kq1" to load....
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
VOL 0 46735 11-13-86 11:10a
VOL 2 90501 11-13-86 11:12a
OBJECT 339 10-09-86 1:45p
3 file(s) 137575 bytes
223232 bytes free
Volume in drive A is KQ1 DISK 1
Directory of A:\
CPC COM* 8048 9-19-85 4:47p
INSTALLH BAT 1247 12-01-87 12:11p
_INSTALL BAT 748 12-01-87 12:11p
SIERRA COM 3121 12-01-87 12:11p
AGI 39424 12-01-87 12:12p
AGIDATA OVL 8192 12-01-87 8:49a
CGA_GRAF OVL 1024 12-01-87 8:48a
JR_GRAF OVL 512 12-01-87 8:48a
EGA_GRAF OVL 1024 12-01-87 8:48a
HGC_GRAF OVL 1536 12-01-87 8:48a
VG_GRAF OVL 512 12-01-87 8:48a
IBM_OBJS OVL 512 12-01-87 8:48a
HGC_OBJS OVL 1024 12-01-87 8:48a
MAKEPATH COM 74 4-22-87 12:05p
HGC_FONT 3072 1-26-87 3:47p
_KQ1 BAT 39 4-07-87 2:04p
OBJECT 331 4-09-87 11:45p
WORDS TOK 3144 3-27-87 11:15a
LOGDIR 315 5-05-87 9:02a
PICDIR 255 5-05-87 9:02a
SNDDIR 144 5-05-87 9:02a
VIEWDIR 432 5-05-87 9:02a
VOL 0 48472 5-05-87 9:01a
VOL 1 200630 5-05-87 9:01a
KQ101078 QA 12 1-01-80 12:50a
25 file(s) 323844 bytes
20480 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
VOL 0 48472 5-05-87 9:01a
VOL 2 90891 5-05-87 9:02a
OBJECT 331 4-09-87 11:45p
KQ101078 QA 12 1-01-80 12:50a
4 file(s) 139706 bytes
220160 bytes free