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Somebody Put a SPELL On Me

Last week, I was sifting through some old email, looking for any interesting references to HIMEM and A20, and I almost overlooked this short note I had written 30+ years ago:

From jeffpar Tue Dec  1 10:26:36 1987
To: scottsc
Cc: jeffpar
Subject: Re: A20.COM
Date: Tue Dec 01 10:32:43 1987

When Nancy and company were doing automated (ie, sgrab) testing of the
OS/2 3xbox, keystrokes were getting dropped and duplicated.  The problem
stems from OS/2's constant mode-switching (from real-mode to protected-mode
and back), and the constant disabling and re-enabling of the A20 line.
Since OS/2 has to talk to the keyboard controller to do that, it was inter-
fering with data coming into the keyboard controller occasionally.  (I still
don't know why this never happens with IBM keyboards;  non-IBM keyboards
and sgrab are the only culprits).

A20.COM just patches the OS/2 kernel so that it stops fiddling with the
keyboard controller to change A20 state, and then enables A20.  Since the
currently loaded image of OS/2 won't be changing A20 anymore, A20 should
remain permanently enabled.  This will cause some compatibility problems
for apps that rely on the 1meg wrap, which includes apps that use the old
"call 5" interface to make DOS calls, but the only one I've run across so far
is Word's SPELL utility.

| >From scottsc Tue Dec  1 10:09:03 1987
| To: jeffpar
| Subject: A20.com
| Date: Tue Dec  1 10:07:07 1987
| Thanks. Just for curiousity's sake, what is it that A20.com is supposed to
| do? Nancys made it sound like it activated some interrupt or another, but she
| didn't really know. Other people have told me it has to do with timing.
| What's the real reason for running this program?

I barely noticed the last sentence:

This will cause some compatibility problems for apps that rely on the 1meg wrap,
which includes apps that use the old "call 5" interface to make DOS calls, but
the only one I've run across so far is Word's SPELL utility.

Recently, a handful of people, like Michal over at the OS/2 Museum, and myself, had been looking for examples of old software that used the CP/M-style “CALL 5” interface to DOS, instead of (or in addition to) the “INT 21h” interface.

Here was a prime example, SPELL.COM, that I had found 30 years ago and completely forgotten about.

And what about that A20 program, you ask? I found a copy of that, too. The PRO386 was probably the cheap 80386-based PC clone I had bought in 1987, which had a few issues running OS/2. Hence this utility, which apparently I later adapted to help resolve an issue with OS/2 compatibility testing.

        title   a20.asm

;       A20.ASM
;       By Jeff Parsons 8/2/87
;       Purpose is to patch standard ROM (actually the copy
;       in the PRO386's shadow RAM) to NOT issue commands to the
;       keyboard controller that change the A20 address-line state.
;       Will also check for OS/2 running (real-mode version >= 10)
;       and search for, and disable through additional patching, the
;       operating system routines that change the A20 state.

cseg    segment public byte 'CODE'

        org     100h

        assume  cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:nothing,ss:cseg

main    proc    far
        mov     ah,30h              ;get-version DOS function
        int     21h
        sub     di,di               ;zero if no OS/2 patch to do
        cmp     al,10               ;OS/2 running?
        jb      m1                  ;no
        mov     si,offset pattern1  ;yes
        mov     ax,90h
        mov     es,ax               ;good segment to start looking in
        mov     cx,offset size1     ;length of pattern1
        call    search              ;look for it and leave address in (DI)
m1:     CLI
        push    es
        mov     ax,0F000h
        mov     es,ax               ;check for CLI (FAh) at location 4392h
        mov     dx,offset alreadymsg
        cmp     byte ptr es:[4392h],0C3h
        je      m6                  ;ROM already patched
        call    empty8042           ;otherwise, enable A20 now
        mov     al,0D1h
        out     64h,al              ;issue "write output port" command
        call    empty8042
        mov     al,0DFh             ;output port value that enables A20
        out     60h,al
        call    empty8042
        sub     bl,bl               ;(BL) = 0 if extended patch required
        mov     dx,offset badrommsg
        cmp     byte ptr es:[00A1h],0Ah
        je      m4                  ;likely 8Mhz AT ROM
        cmp     byte ptr es:[00F4h],073h
        je      m4                  ;specially modified 6Mhz AT ROM
        cmp     word ptr es:[0FFEAh],4F43h
        je      m4                  ;a Compaq ROM
        cmp     word ptr es:[01A6h],0E9FAh
        jne     m6                  ;not mine, unknown ROM
        inc     bl                  ;(BL) = 1 since nominal patch required
        mov     al,3Fh              ;fetch reserved byte from CMOS
        out     70h,al
        jmp     $+2
        in      al,71h              ;got it
        and     al,not 1            ;clear ROM/RAM bit
        mov     dx,270h
        out     dx,al               ;make ROM visible
        jmp     $+2                 ;then write 1st byte of routine with RET
        mov     byte ptr es:[4392h],0C3h
        or      al,1                ;set ROM/RAM bit
        out     dx,al               ;and make RAM visible again
m4:     mov     dx,offset finishedmsg
        or      di,di               ;any OS/2 patch to make?
        jnz     m7                  ;yes
m6:     jmp     exit
m7:     pop     es
        cmp     byte ptr es:[di-50h],0B0h
        jne     m7a                 ;resort to grosser patch
        mov     byte ptr es:[di-4Fh],1
        jmp     short m7b           ;more elegant patch, to DisableA20
m7a:    mov     si,offset patch1
        mov     cx,offset sizepatch1
        rep     movsb               ;apply the A20COMMON patch (easy part!)
m7b:    or      bl,bl               ;full-blown patch required?
        jne     toexit              ;no
        mov     si,offset pattern2  ;now look for code in REALMODE
        mov     cx,offset size2
        mov     dx,offset badpatchmsg
        call    search              ;look for it and leave address in (DI)
        jc      toexit              ;wasn't found
        sub     cx,cx
m8:     cmp     byte ptr es:[di+13h],0BBh
        je      m9
        sub     di,3
        add     cl,3
        cmp     cl,3
        jbe     m8
toexit: jmp     short exit          ;*** SANITY CHECKS ***
m9:     cmp     byte ptr es:[di+48h],0CCh
        jne     exit
        cmp     byte ptr es:[di+61h],00Fh
        jne     exit
        add     di,cx
        mov     ax,es:[di-5]        ;yank DOSCODE value out
        mov     bx,es:[di-2]        ;yank CSOFFSET RESET value out
        mov     dx,es:[di+4]        ;yank DOSGROUP value out
        mov     si,offset patch2
        sub     di,7
        push    cx
        mov     cx,offset sizepatch2
        rep     movsb               ;patch #2 complete
        mov     es:[di-4],ax        ;plug DOSCODE value into patch
        add     di,13               ;skip to next section
        pop     cx
        sub     di,cx
        mov     ax,es:[di+23]       ;yank SAVEAREAPTR value out
        mov     si,offset patch3
        mov     cx,offset sizepatch3
        rep     movsb
        mov     byte ptr es:[di+7],0Ah
        mov     es:[di-22],ax       ;plug SAVEAREAPTR value into patch
        mov     es:[di-27],bx       ;plug CSOFFSET RESET value into patch
        add     di,25               ;skip to final section
        mov     ax,es:[di+1]        ;yank SAVEAREA value out
        mov     bx,es:[di+13]       ;yank INT_MASK value out
        mov     si,offset patch4
        mov     cx,offset sizepatch4
        rep     movsb
        mov     es:[di-16],ax
        mov     es:[di-8],bx
        mov     es:[di-21],dx
        mov     dx,offset completemsg
exit:   STI
        mov     ah,9                ;print-string DOS function
        int     21h
        int     20h                 ;terminate program
main    endp

search  proc    near
s1:     mov     ax,di               ;see if we've exhausted the segment
        add     ax,cx
        jc      s8                  ;this compare will wrap, so exhausted
        push    cx
        push    si
        push    di
        repe    cmpsb
        pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     cx
        je      s9                  ;exit if match found
        inc     di                  ;else try from next byte in segment
        jmp     s1
s8:     mov     di,0                ;return zero if not found (preserve carry)
s9:     ret
search  endp

empty8042   proc    near
        sub     cx,cx
e1:     in      al,64h              ;wait for 8042 input buffer to empty
        test    al,02h              ;empty yet? (bit 1 must be zero)
        loopnz  e1
        jnz     e9                  ;if still not empty, drop out of program
e9:     mov     dx,offset bad8042msg
        jmp     exit
empty8042   endp

pattern1        db      0B4h,0DDh,00Ah,0C0h,074h,002h,0B4h,0DFh
size1           equ     $-pattern1
patch1          db      028h,0C0h,0C3h
sizepatch1      equ     $-patch1
pattern2        db      060h,06Ah,000h,068h
size2           equ     $-pattern2
patch2          db      0B8h,040h,000h,08Eh,0D8h,0C7h,006h,069h,000h
                db      0FFh,0FFh,090h,090h
sizepatch2      equ     $-patch2
patch3          db      0C7h,006h,067h,000h,0FFh,0FFh,02Eh,0C4h,03Eh,0FFh,0FFh
                db      026h,089h,025h,026h,089h,045h,002h,090h,090h,090h,090h
                db      090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h,090h
sizepatch3      equ     $-patch3
patch4          db      0B8h,0FFh,0FFh,08Eh,0D8h,0BEh,0FFh,0FFh,08Bh,024h,08Eh
                db      054h,002h,0A0h,0FFh,0FFh,0E6h,021h,090h,090h,090h,090h
sizepatch4      equ     $-patch4

alreadymsg      db      'Patch already in place',13,10,'$'
badrommsg       db      'ROM cannot support patch',13,10,'$'
badpatchmsg     db      'WARNING: OS/2 patch failed',13,10,'$'
bad8042msg      db      '8042 time-out error',13,10,'$'
completemsg     db      'OS/2 Patched',13,10
finishedmsg     db      'Patching complete',13,10,'$'

cseg    ends

        end     main

Break The SPELL

So, for your debugging pleasure, I’ve set up an IBM PC (Model 5160) to demonstrate Microsoft’s SPELL.COM use of “CALL 5”. It’s configured as follows:

id: ibm5160
type: pcx86
debugger: true
uncompiled: true
commands: bp &060E:0005 "dh;h"
config: /devices/pcx86/machine/5160/ega/640kb/debugger/machine.xml
    name: PC DOS 2.00 (Disk 1)
    name: MS Word 3.00 (Disk 2)
autoType: $date\r$time\rB:\rSPELL\r

This establishes a breakpoint on the “CALL 5” entry point inside the application’s Program Segment Prefix (PSP); the breakpoint dumps the previous 10 instructions and then halts. The “uncompiled” version of PCx86 is being used so that BackTrack™ information is available to the PCjs Debugger. You can use the command BC * to clear all predefined breakpoints and allow the program to run normally.

To start the machine, click “Run” or use the Debugger’s G command.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

And if all this seems like much ado about nothing, well, then put your feet up for a few and enjoy Nina Simone’s “I Put a Spell on You”, which hit #23 on the U.S. Billboard R&B chart in 1965. That way, your time here won’t be completely wasted.

Jeff Parsons
May 27, 2018